ON DEFENCE V. V. Serebryannikov The military structures of all countries tend to secrecy and segregation, which is why the presence of national legislation norms and procedures opposing such a permanent tendency is the visiting card of a democratic society. Every civilized society has thoroughly detailed legislation related to matters of state military defence. The federal law ‘On Defence’ reflects the nature of the transition Russia is experiencing. This aspect is revealed in the title of the law, which can be interpreted ambiguously. The law does not consider defence or offence as major types of military activity. It endorses armed defence of the state against military aggression and is titled according to the Soviet tradition of political appropriateness to underline the allegedly peaceful character of the military organization of its society. Nevertheless, the armed forces structure, goals and tasks of the military organization of society have not changed considerably since ‘Cold War’ times. Therein, a certain openness of military structures emerged with the introduction of the law. The general public now has the possibility of receiving reliable information about the composition of Russia’s armed defence, about its forces and the means engaged in defence, about the authorities of various state bodies, organizations and citizens in the sphere of defence, as well as about the main administrative bodies of the military organization of society. There is a complete list of military structures engaged in defence. The abovementioned has stopped the uncontrolled expansion of military structures, which occurred when various ministries and departments which had a minimal, if any, relationship to the military sphere attempted to form their own ‘pocket armies.’ At the same time, however, omissions and vagueness of particular provisions in the law allow for an inappropriate use of the state’s military structures. For example, the engaging of military forces in operations of police organs or for settlement of internal social and political conflicts, and so on. The law establishes elements of parliamentary control through the passing of federal laws regulating the military sphere, the approval of Edicts of the President of the RF with respect to the introduction of martial law and a state of emergency, the control of allocation of federal budget means for defence. However, efforts to blur and conceal actual military expenses of the state can still be traced in other legislative acts of the Russian Federation. At the time of the passing of the law, civil society institutions were undeveloped in Russia and the legislative act reflects elements of the weak social control over military structures of the state. The public organizations engaged in work with military matters are forced to ‘attack’ various organs to obtain any possibility of directing the military structures of society. The main remedies of such public organizations are noisy campaigns in mass media and court precedent cases. The effort to legally divide authorities of the Ministry of Defence of the RF as a political organ for control of the military organization of the society and of the General Headquarters responsible for operative management of the Armed Forces of the RF has not been completed. The General Headquarters still remains subordinate to the Ministry of Defence. This results in the duplication of their activities and complicated cooperation of all military structures. The law restricts the activity of political parties in the Armed Forces of the RF. However, this provision is frequently violated in the course of legislative activities. An example of this is election campaigns and the participation of political organizations, parties and Russian military personnel. The same is related to open participation of higher military authorities in various political parties and organizations. The law denies the capacity for serious institutions within civil society to effectively influence military policy. This stems from the fact that the functioning and reforming of Russia’s military have became the domain of military experts themselves.