Adopted by the State Duma on July 3, 1998
Approved by the Council of Federation on July 9, 1998
The present Federal Law defines legal and organizational fundamentals of the fight against terrorism
in the Russian Federation, procedure of coordinating the activity of the Federal executive authorities,
exercising the fight against terrorism, Federal executive authorities of the constituents of the Russian
Federation, public associations and organizations regardless of property forms, officials and individual
citizens, as well as the rights, obligations and guarantees of citizens in connection with implementation of the
fight against terrorism.
This law represents a detailed effort by the Russian authorities to articulate a coherent approach to the
terrorist threat, especially the one then emanating from Chechnya in the aftermath of the first Chechen war,
horizontally across all Russian governmental institutions and vertically down to the individual citizen.
The law defines terrorists, terrorist action and terrorist activity. The principles of “the fight against terrorism”
are outlined, as are the Russian government’s domestic and international implications and obligations. The
institutions concerned are outlined as are the mechanics of the transfer of responsibility between agencies in
given circumstances. The legal basis for government agencies’ action are established.
Lines of responsibility in terms of the control of operations from the government to the Federal Security
Service or Internal Ministry, by region and local characteristics through to the manager on the ground are
defined, as are the related issues of the operational management of different units, the establishment and
functioning of operational headquarters, and the responsibilities of a leader of an operation.
The legal powers of those conducting an operation vis-à-vis property, citizens, the right to impair freedom of
movement, appropriate property, communications, vehicles, and to restrict media access are outlined.
In that vein the principles underlying negotiation with terrorists and those underlying the selective disclosure
of information to any third parties from citizens to media are also detailed, as are the circumstances in which
executive agencies, local authorities and private citizens are to render assistance as and when necessary.
The law also deals with the rights of the parties involved in counter terrorist activities to compensation and
other benefits.
Chapter I.
General provision (Articles 1-4)
Chapter II.
Fundamentals of fighting against terrorism(Articles 5-9)
Chapter III.
Performance of counter-terrorist operations (Articles 10-16)
Chapter IV.
Reimbursement of damage caused by a terrorist action and social rehabilitation of the
persons, suffered in the result of a terrorist action (Articles 17,18)
Chapter V.
Legal and social security of persons, participating in the fight against terrorism (Articles 1922)
Chapter VI.
Responsibility for participation in the terrorist activity (Articles 23-25)
Chapter VII.
Control and supervision over legitimacy of implementation of the fight against terrorism
(Articles 26,27)
Chapter VIII.
Closing provisions (Articles 28,29)
Article 1.
Legal Fundamentals of the Fight against Terrorism
The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the
present Federal Law, other Federal laws, generally recognized principles and norms of the international law,
international treaties of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian
Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as other legal acts
of the Federal authorities of the State power, adopted in compliance with the listed documents.
Article 2.
Underlying Principles of the Fight against Terrorism
The fight against terrorism in the Russian Federation shall be based on the following principles:
priority of terrorism prevention measures;
inevitability of punishment for implementation of the terrorist activity;
combination of public and secret methods of the fight against terrorism;
complex use of prophylactic legal, political, social-economic and propagandist measures;
priority in protecting the rights of the persons, running risk in the result of a terrorist action;
minimal compromises to a terrorist;
one-man command in the management of the attracted forces and means in the course of
counter-terrorist operations;
minimal publicity of technical methods and tactics in the course of the counter-terrorist
operations, as well as of the membership of the participants of the mentioned operations;
Article 3.
Basic Concepts
The basic concepts, used for the purposes of the present Federal Law, are the following ones:
-violence or a threat of its application regarding physical persons or entities, as well as elimination
(damage) or a threat of destruction (damage) of property and other material objects, creating a risk of human
death, cause of major property damage or occurrence of other socially dangerous consequences, exercised
for the purposes of breaching social security, threatening of population, or exertion of impact on taking
authorities’ decisions, beneficial for terrorists, or satisfaction of their illegal property and (or) other interests;
infringement on the life of a State or public figure, made for the purposes of his/her termination of the State
or other political activity, or as revenge for such activity;
-attack on a representative of a foreign State or a collaborator of an international organization,
enjoying international protection, as well as on the office premises or transport vehicles of the persons,
enjoying international protection, if this action was committed for the purposes of war provocation or
aggravation of international relations;
-the terrorist activity is the activity, which includes the following:
1. organization, planning, preparation and realization of a terrorist action;
2. incendiarism to a terrorist action, violence over physical persons or entities, destruction of material
objects for the terrorist purposes;
3. organization of illegal armed formation, criminal community (criminal organization), organized
group for committing a terrorist action, as well as participation in such action;
4. recruitment, arming, training and use of terrorists;
5. financing of the known terrorist organization or a terrorist group or other assistance to them;
- international terrorist activity, exercised by:
1. terrorist or terrorist organization in the territory of more than one State or causing damage to the
interests of more than one State;
2. citizens of one State in relation to citizens of the other State or in the territory of the other State;
3. in case, when both the terrorist and the victim of terrorism are the citizens of the same State or
different States, but the crime has been committed outside the territories of these States;
-a terrorist action is an immediate commitment of a crime of a terrorist character in the form of an
explosion, arson, use or a threat of use of nuclear explosive devices, radioactive, chemical, biological,
explosive, toxic, poison, and strong substances;
-destruction, damage or capture of transport vehicles or other objects;
-infringement on the life of a State or public figure, representative of national, ethnic, religious or
other groups of population; hostage taking, abduction;
-creation of danger of causing damage to life, health or property of an indefinite circle of people by
creation of conditions for accidents and catastrophes of technogenic character or a real threat of creating
such danger;
-dissemination of threats in any form and with any means;
-other actions, creating danger of human death, infliction of major material damage or occurrence of
other socially dangerous consequences;
-crimes of a terrorist character are the crimes envisaged with Articles 205-208, 277 and 360 of the
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The crimes of a terrorist character may also include other crimes,
envisaged with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if they were committed for the terrorist
objectives. Responsibility for committing such crimes occurs in compliance with the Criminal Code of the
Russian Federation.
-a terrorist is a person, participating in the realization of terrorist activity in any form;
-a terrorist group is a group of persons united for the purposes of realization of terrorist activity;
-a terrorist organization is an organization created for the purposes of implementation of terrorist
activity or admitting an opportunity of using terrorism in its activity. An organization shall be admitted a
terrorist one, if at least one of its structural subdivisions exercises terrorist activity with the consent of at least
one governing body out of the governing bodies of this organization;
-the fight against terrorism shall be the activity on prevention, identification, suppression,
minimization of consequences of terrorist activity;
-a counter-terrorist operation shall represent special measures, targeted at suppression of a terrorist
action, provision of security of physical persons, neutralization of terrorists, as well as at minimization of a
terrorist action consequences;
-the area of a counter-terrorist operation shall represent individual areas of locality or water body, a
transport vehicle, building, construction, structure, premise or their adjacent territory or water bodies, within
which the mentioned operation is performed;
-a hostage is a physical person, captured and (or) detained for the purposes of forcing a State, an
organization or individuals to perform some action as a condition of the detained person release.
Article 4.
International Cooperation of the Russian Federation in the Sphere of the Fight against
1. In compliance with the international treaties the Russian Federation in the sphere of the fight against
terrorism shall cooperate with foreign States, their law machinery and special services, as well as with the
international organizations, exercising the fight against terrorism.
2. Being guided with the interests of providing the security of an individual, society and the State the
Russian Federation shall pursue in its territory the persons, involved in the terrorist activity, including the
cases, when the terrorist actions were planned or committed outside the Russian Federation, but cause
damage to the Russian Federation and in other cases, envisaged with the international treaties of the
Russian Federation.
Article 5.
Targets of the Fight against Terrorism
The fight against terrorism in the Russian Federation shall be exercised for the following purposes:
1) protection of an individual, society and the State against terrorism;
2) prevention, identification, suppression of terrorist activity, and minimization of its consequences;
3)identification and elimination of reasons and conditions, promoting realization of the terrorist
Article 6.
Constituents, Implementing the Fight against Terrorism
1. The Government of the Russian Federation shall be the major constituent of the management of
the fight against terrorism and its support with the required forces, means and resources.
2. The Federal executive authorities shall participate in the fight against terrorism within their
competence, fixed by the Federal laws and other legal acts of the Russian Federation.
3. The constituents, immediately exercising the fight against terrorism within their competence, shall
be the following ones:
Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation;
Ministry of the Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation;
Federal Safe Custody of the Russian Federation;
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
Federal Frontier Service of the Russian Federation.
4. The Federal executive authorities, the list of which shall be defined by the Government of the
Russian Federation, shall represent the constituents, participating in prevention, identification, and
suppression of terrorist activity within their competence.
5. In case of liquidation, reorganization or renaming the Federal executive authorities, listed in the
present Article, their functions in the sphere of the fight against terrorism shall pass to their successors.
6. To coordinate activity of the constituents, implementing the fight against terrorism in compliance
with decisions of the President of the Russian Federation, or decisions of the Government of the Russian
Federation, there may be created Anti-Terrorist Commissions on the Federal and regional level.
The Federal Anti-Terrorist Commission shall accomplish the following major tasks:
development of the fundamentals of the State policy in the sphere of the fight against terrorism in the
Russian Federation and recommendations, targeted at enhancing the effectiveness of the work on
identification and elimination of reasons and conditions, promoting occurrence of terrorism and realization of
terrorist activity;
gathering and analysis of the information on the condition and tendencies of the terrorism in the
territory of the Russian Federation;
coordination of the activity of the Federal executive authorities, implementing the fight against
terrorism, targeted at achieving coordination of their actions on prevention, identification, and suppression of
terrorist actions, as well as on identification and elimination of reasons and conditions, promoting preparation
and realization of terrorist actions;
participation in preparation of the international treaties in the Russian Federation in the sphere of the
fight against terrorism; elaborates proposals on perfection of the Legislation of the Russian Federation in the
sphere of the fight against terrorism.
Article 7.
Competence of the Constituents Implementing the Fight against Terrorism
1. The constituents, implementing the fight against terrorism, shall be guided in their activity with the
present Federal Law, other Federal laws, generally recognized principles and norms of the international law,
international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as with other legal acts (including the interdepartmental ones) published on their basis and governing this activity.
2. The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies in the constituents
of the Russian Federation shall exercise the fight against terrorism by prevention, identification, and
suppression of the crimes of a terrorist character, including the crimes, pursuing political ends, as well as by
prevention, identification, and suppression of the international terrorist activity in compliance with the
Criminal Procedural Legislation they shall carry out preliminary investigation on the criminal cases on such
3. The Ministry of Internal Affairs shall exercise the fight against terrorism by prevention,
identification, and suppression of the crimes of a terrorist character, pursuing selfish ends.
4. The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation shall exercise the fight against
terrorism by providing security of the institutions of the Russian Federation, located outside the territory of
the Russian Federation, their employees and family members of the mentioned employees, as well as
implement gathering of information on the activity of the foreign and international terrorist organizations;
5. The Federal Safe Custody of the Russian Federation shall exercise the fight against terrorism by
providing security of the State safe custody facilities and protection of the guarded facilities;
6. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation shall provide protection of the available
weapons of mass destruction, missile and shooting weapons, ammunitions and explosives, protection of
military facilities, as well as take part in providing security of the National sea navigation, and air space of the
Russian Federation in the course of counter-terrorist operations.
7. The Federal Frontier Service of the Russian Federation shall exercise the fight against terrorism
by prevention, identification, and suppression of attempts of crossing the State border of the Russian
Federation, as well as on unlawful relocation across the State frontier of the Russian Federation of weapons,
explosive, poison, radioactive substances and other things which may be used as the means of committing
crimes of terrorist character, take part in providing security of the National sea navigation within the territorial
waters, exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation and in the course of the counter-terrorist
Article 8.
Basic Functions of the Constituents, Involved in the Fight against Terrorism
The Federal executive authorities, listed in Article 6 of the present Federal Law, and their territorial
bodies in the constituents of the Russian Federation participate in the fight against terrorism within their
terms of reference by development and implementation of preventive, regime, organizational, educational
and other measures of prevention, identification and suppression of the terrorist activity; creation and
maintenance of the required availability of the departmental systems of opposition to commitment of terrorist
crimes; rendering of material-technical and financial means, information, vehicles and communication
means, medical equipment and medications, as well as in other forms, proceeding from the needs in the
sphere of the fight against terrorism. The procedure of rendering the material-technical and financial means,
information, vehicles and communication means, medical equipment and medications shall be fixed by the
Government of the Russian Federation.
Article 9.
Assistance to the Bodies, Implementing the Fight against Terrorism
1. The Federal executive authorities of the constituents of the Russian Federation, bodies of the local
self-government, public associations and organization regardless of their forms of property, officials shall
render assistance to the bodies, exercising the fight against terrorism.
2. Informing of the law-enforcement bodies on the terrorist activity and any other circumstances
learnt by citizens, information of which may promote prevention, identification and suppression of the terrorist
activity, as well as minimization of its consequences is the civil obligation of everybody.
Article 10. Counter-Terrorist Operation Control
1. For immediate control of the counter-terrorist operation in compliance with the resolution of the
Government of the Russian Federation Ministry there is created an Operational Headquarters, headed by a
representative of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation or the Ministry of Internal Affairs of
the Russian Federation, subject to predomination of competence of such Federal executive authority during
carrying out of the counter-terrorist operation.
2. In the constituents of the Russian Federation and regions of the Russian Federation there may be
created Operational Headquarters in the quantities and membership pending on the specificity of local
conditions and character of the possible terrorist actions in the territories of the constituents (regions) of the
Russian Federation.
3.The Operational Headquarters on control of the counter-terrorist operations in the constituent
(region) of the Russian Federation shall be headed with a manager of the territorial body (subdivision) of the
department, whose competence will be predominating in the course of the specific counter-terrorist
operation. In case the character of the counter-terrorist operation changes, the head of the counter-terrorist
operation may be replaced in compliance with the resolution of the Chairman of the corresponding interdepartmental Anti-Terrorist Commission.
4.The activity procedure of the Operational Headquarters on control of the counter-terrorist operation
shall be defined by the provision, approved by the Chairman of the corresponding inter-departmental AntiTerrorist Commission. The Provision on the Operational Headquarters on control of the counter-terrorist
operation shall be developed on the basis of the Model Provision, approved by the Federal Anti-Terrorist
Article 11. Forces and Means for Performance of a Counter-Terrorist Operation
For carrying-out a counter-terrorist operation the Operational Headquarters on control of the counterterrorist operation shall be entitled for attracting the required forces and funds of those Federal executive
authorities, which take part in the fight against terrorism in compliance with Article 6 of the present Federal
Law. The Federal executive authorities and the Federal executive authorities of the constituents of the
Russian Federation shall assign the weapons and special means, vehicles and means of communication,
other material-technical means, required for carrying-out the counter-terrorist operation.
Article 12. Counter-Terrorist Operation Management
1.All military personnel, employees and specialists, attracted for performance of a counter-terrorist
operation from the moment of the start of the mentioned operation shall be subordinated to the Head of the
Operational Headquarters on control of the counter-terrorist operation;
2.Pending on the scale and extent of public danger due to the expected negative consequences of a
terrorist action a representative of the Federal Anti-Terrorist Commission can be nominated as a Head of the
counter-terrorist operation. In compliance with the resolution of the President of the Russian Federation a
Federal executive authority manager can be nominated as the Head of the Operational Headquarters on
control of the counter-terrorist operation.
3. The Head of the Operational Headquarters on control of the counter-terrorist operation shall define
the borders of the performance area of the counter-terrorist operation, take decisions on the use of the
forces and means necessary for carrying out the given operation. Interference of any other person
regardless of the position occupied shall not be permitted in the operational management of the counterterrorist operation. [Table of Contents].
Article 13. Legal Regime in the Performance Area of Counter-Terrorist Operation
1. In the counter-terrorist operation performance area the persons carrying-out the mentioned
operation, shall be entitled to:
1) take measures upon requirement on temporary restriction or prohibition of movement of transport
vehicles and pedestrians in the streets and roads, on non-admission of transport vehicles, including the
transport vehicles of diplomatic representations and consular institutions, and citizens to the individual parts
of the locality and facilities, or on removal of citizens from the individual parts of the locality and facilities, as
well as on towing of transport vehicles;
2) check the citizens’ and officials’ identity documents and detaining the mentioned persons in case
of lack of such documents to identify them;
3) detain and deliver to the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation the
persons, committed or committing law violations or other actions, targeted at obstruction to the legal
requirements of the persons, carrying-out a counter-terrorist operation, as well as the actions associated with
unofficial penetration or an attempt to penetrate in the area of the counter-terrorist operation;
4) freely enter (penetrate) in the living premises and other areas, owned by citizens and on the land
plots in their possession, in the territories and into premises of the organizations regardless of the forms of
property, in the transport vehicles at suppression of a counter-terrorist operation, at pursuit of the persons,
suspected in commitment of a terrorist action, if the delay may create a real danger to the life and health of
5) make personal examination of the people, examination of their belongings, available with them,
examination of transport vehicles and the stuff carried in them, including the examinations with application of
technical means during entry (driving-in) in the counter-terrorist operation area and at the exit (driving out) of
the mentioned area;
6) use for the service purposes the means of communication, including the special ones, belonging
to citizens and organizations regardless of the forms of property;
7) using for the service purposes the transport vehicles, belonging to organizations regardless of the
forms of property, excluding the transport vehicles of diplomatic, consular and other representations of
foreign States and international organizations, and in emergency cases also using the transport vehicles in
possession of citizens for prevention of a terrorist action, for pursuit and detainment of the persons,
committed a terrorist action, or to deliver the persons in need for emergency medical assistance to a
treatment institution, as well as for the drive to the place of incident.
2. in the area of the counter-terrorist operation the activity of the mass media shall be governed with
the Head of the Operational Headquarters on control of the counter-terrorist operation, unless otherwise
envisaged with the Federal Law. [Table of Contents].
Article 14. Negotiating with Terrorists
1.Negotiating with terrorists shall be permitted in the course of the counter-terrorist operation for the
purpose of preserving human life and health, material values, as well as for examining the opportunity of
suppressing the terrorist action without the use of force. Only the persons, specially authorized for the
purpose by the Head of the Operational Headquarters on control of the counter-terrorist operation, shall be
permitted to negotiate with the terrorists.
2. No delivery of whatever persons to the terrorists, handing over of weapons or of object of any
means to them, which may create a threat to life and health of people, is permitted; issuing a fulfillment of the
political demands of the terrorists shall be regarded as negotiating with terrorists.
3. Negotiation with terrorists may not serve as the basis or a condition of their release from
responsibility for the actions committed.
Article 15. Informing of Community on a Terrorist Action
1. At performance of a counter-terrorist operation the information of the public on the terrorist action
shall be exercised in the forms and the scope, defined by the Head of the Operational Headquarters on
control of the counter-terrorist operation or by the representative of the mentioned Headquarters, in charge
of public relations.
2. The information, which shall not be subject to circulation, is of the following types:
that which discloses special technical ways and the tactics of performance of the counterterrorist operation;
that which is capable of complicatnig the performance of the counter-terrorist operation and
creating a threat to the life and health of the persons in the area of the counter-terrorist operation or outside
the mentioned area;
the which may serve as propaganda or justification of terrorism and extremism;
on the employees of the special subdivisions, members of the Operational Headquarters on
control of the counter-terrorist operation during its performance, as well as on the persons, assisting in the
performance of the mentioned operation.
Article 16. Conclusion of a Counter-Terrorist Operation
1. The counter-terrorist operation shall be regarded as concluded when the terrorist action has been
suppressed (stopped) and the threat to the life and health of the persons in the area of the counter-terrorist
operation has been liquidated.
2. Decision on declaring the counter-terrorist operation concluded shall be taken by the Head of the
Operational Headquarters on control of the counter-terrorist operation.
Article 17. Reimbursement of Damage Caused by a Terrorist Action
1. Reimbursement of damage caused in the result of a terrorist action shall be made out of the
budgetary funds of the Russian Federation constituent, in the territory of which this terrorist action was
committed with subsequent collection of the sums of this reimbursement from the damage maker under the
procedure, fixed by the Civil Procedural Legislation.
2. Reimbursement of damage caused in the result of a terrorist action, committed in the territories of
several constituents of the Russian Federation, as well as compensation of the damage caused to one
constituent of the Russian Federation and exceeding the opportunities of compensation out of the budget of
this constituent of the Russian Federation, shall be made out of the Federal Budget funds with subsequent
collection of the sums of this reimbursement from the damage maker under the procedure, fixed by the Civil
Procedural Legislation.
3. Reimbursement of damage caused to foreign citizens in the result of a terrorist action, committed
in the territory of the Russian Federation, shall be made out of the Federal Budget funds with subsequent
collection of the sums of this reimbursement from the damage maker.
4. Reimbursement of damage caused to an organization in the result of a terrorist action shall be
made under the procedure fixed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Article 18. Social Rehabilitation of the Persons, Suffered in the Result of a Terrorist Action
1.Social rehabilitation of the persons suffering as the result of a terrorist action, shall be carried out
for the purposes of their returning to normal life, including legal assistance to the mentioned persons, their
psychological, medical and professional rehabilitation, employment up to their reassignment at work,
assignment of accommodation to the persons.
2. Social rehabilitation of the persons, suffered in the result of a terrorist action, as well as of the
persons, listed in Article 19 of the present Federal Law, shall be made out of the Federal Budget funds and
the budgetary funds of the constituent of the Russian Federation, in the territory of which this terrorist action
was committed.
3. The implementation procedure of the social rehabilitation of the persons, suffered in the result of a
terrorist action shall be defined by the Government of the Russian Federation. [Table of Contents]
Article 19. Persons, Participating in the Fight against Terrorism and Subject to Legal and Social
1. The persons, participating in the fight against terrorism shall be protected by the State. The
persons, which shall be subject to legal and social security, shall be the following ones:
military personnel, employees and specialists of the Federal executive authorities and the
Federal executive authorities of the constituents of the Russian Federation, immediately participating (or
having participated) in the fight against terrorism;
The persons, assisting on the temporary or permanent basis to the State bodies, exercising
the fight against criminality, in prevention, identification, suppression of the terrorist activity and minimization
of its consequences;
The family members of the persons, listed in Sub-clauses 1 and 2 of Clause 1 of the given
Article, if the need in providing their security occurred in the result of the participation of the mentioned
persons in the fight against terrorism.
2. The social security of the persons attracted to the fight against terrorism shall be implemented with
account of the legal status of such persons, fixed by the Federal laws and other legal acts in compliance with
the procedure, fixed by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Article 20. Indemnification to the Persons, Participating in the Fight against Terrorism
The damage caused to the health or property of the persons, listed in Article 19 of the
present Federal Law, in connection with their participation in the fight against terrorism, shall be reimbursed
under the procedure, defined by the Legislation of the Russian Federation.
In case of a death of a person, taking part in the fight against terrorism in the course of the
counter-terrorist operation, the family members of the deceased and the persons, which were dependent on
the deceased, shall be paid a lump-sum allowance of one thousand amounts of the minimum labor
remuneration; the family members of the deceased and the persons, which were dependent on the
deceased shall be nominated a pension due to the loss of the provider, as well as they shall enjoy all
benefits regarding receipt of accommodation and payment of municipal services, if the deceased had such
If the person, taken part in the fight against terrorism, received a severe injury in the course
of a counter-terrorist operation, entailing occurrence of the disability, this person shall be paid a lump-sum
allowance of five hundred amounts of the minimum labor remuneration and nominated a pension in
compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation.
If the person, taken part in the fight against terrorism, received a wound in the course of a
counter-terrorist operation, not entailing disability, then this person shall be paid a lump-sum allowance of
one hundred amounts of the minimum labor remuneration.
Article 21. Exemption from Responsibility for the Damage Caused
Enforced trespass to the life, health and property of terrorists, as well as to other legally protected
interests shall be admitted in the course of a counter-terrorist operation on the basis and within the legal
frames. At the same time the military personnel, specialists and other persons, participating in the fight
against terrorism, shall be released from responsibility for the damage caused in the course of the counterterrorist operation, in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 22. Beneficial Computation of the Long Service
For fixing a pension the long service of the military personnel and employees of the Federal
executive authorities, passing (passed) the service in the sub-units, immediately performing (performed) the
fight against terrorism shall be computed as follows: one day of service shall be numbered as one day and a
half, and three days for one day of service in case of participation in the counter-terrorist operation (unless
more beneficial computation of the long service is envisaged with the Legislation of the Russian Federation).
Article 23. Responsibility for Participation in the Terrorist Activity
The persons guilty in the terrorist activity shall bear responsibility, envisaged with the Legislation of
the Russian Federation.
Article 24. Particulars of the Criminal and Civil Legal Proceedings on the Terrorist Activity Cases
The cases on the crimes of a terrorist character, as well as the cases on reimbursement of the
damage caused in the result of a terrorist action by the court judgment may be examined during the closed
court sittings with observance of all rules of the court procedure.
Article 25. Responsibility of an Organization for Terrorist Activity
An organization shall be admitted a terrorist one and shall be subject to liquidation on the
basis of the Court order. At liquidation of the organization admitted as a terrorist one, the property in its
possession shall be confiscated and converted to the income of the State.
In case if the Court of the Russian Federation admits an international organization (its
division, branch, representation), registered outside the Russian Federation, to be a terrorist one, the activity
of this organization in the territory of the Russian Federation, its Russian division (branch, representation) is
liquidated and the property possessed by it and the property of the mentioned international organization,
located in the territory of the Russian Federation, shall be confiscated and converted in the income of the
Application on bringing the organization to responsibility for the terrorist activity shall be
forwarded to the Court by the General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation or by the Prosecutors
subordinated to the General Prosecutor.
Article 26.Control over Implementation of the Fight against Terrorism
Control over implementation of the fight against terrorism of the Russian Federation shall be
exercised by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.
Article 27.
Supervision over Legitimacy of Implementation of the Fight against Terrorism
1. Supervision over execution of laws during implementation of the fight against terrorism shall be
exercised by the General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation and by the Prosecutors subordinated to the
General Prosecutor.
2. The Prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation within its terms of reference shall also exercise
measures on prevention of the terrorist activity in compliance with the Criminal Procedural Legislation of the
Russian Federation, perform a preliminary investigation, exercise supervision over investigation of the
criminal cases, connected with terrorist activity, support the State prosecution on such cases in the courts, as
well as take other measures in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 28. Adjustment of Legal Acts in Compliance with the Present Federal Law
The Federal laws and other legal acts shall be subject to adjustment in compliance with the present
Federal Law within a three-month term from the date of its enforcement.
Article 29. Enforcement of the Present Federal Law
The present Federal Law shall be effective from the date of its official publication.
of the Russian Federation.
City of Moscow, Kremlin
July 25, 1998