Document 14939737

A meeting of the Infrastructure and Environmental Sustainability Dual Assurance Group was held on
Monday 20 October 2015 at 1.00pm in the Ted Wragg Room, Northcote House.
Andrew Connolly - Chief Financial Officer (in the Chair)
Phil Attwell - Director of Campus Services
Karen Gallagher - Environment and Sustainability Adviser
Kate Lindsell - Assistant Director of HR (Safety, Health and Wellbeing)
Paul Mucklow – Director of Engineering & Direct Works
Peter Lacey - Lay Lead
Hugh McCann - Director of Estate Development Service
Lianne Moore - Co-ordinator
Janice Kay – Provost and Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Jacqui Marshall – Chief Operating Officer (Interim)
The minutes from the meeting held on 19 May 2015 were AGREED.
Matters/Actions Arising (not elsewhere on the agenda)
To consider Actions Arising from the March 2015 meeting of the Group:
Minute Action
K Gallagher to produce a University Strategic Plan Environment K Gallagher
Management document for discussion at the June meeting.
Provided in Appendix 1 Environmental Sustainability Strategy (for information)
K Gallagher will aim to present possible alternatives to Green
Impact at the June meeting.
K Gallagher
KG advised that a Working Group of current co-ordinators has been established and a concept
will be in place in December.
Matters/Actions Arising from the April 2015 meeting of the Group:
Minute Action
PA to arrange for the Campus Services Utilities Group report on
Procurement of low carbon energy sources to be brought to the
September meeting.
Provided in Appendix 2 Procurement of Low Carbon Energy Sources
Noted that 55% of energy is from nuclear sources (HEFCE methodology). PM noted that in the
current year carbon reduction is down 10-15%. 70% of the energy used by Exeter is sourced
from low carbon.
PM advised that the return in investment outweighs the benefit of investing in our own
photovoltaics, however, it is believed that significant investment is available from third parties
although this is less attractive without a feed-in tariff. KG added that stakeholders have a
continued interest in renewables.
AGREED that an annual statement on carbon reduction and renewable energy sources is
produced, with a paper to VCEG and Council, to protect Exeter’s reputation. This paper
should also include a statement on how we procure energy presently.
Noted that the Energy Management Group and Procurement currently decide where energy is
purchased from and the next opportunity for energy procurement will be September 2016.
AC advised that from an investment perspective the cheapest option should be pursued,
unless Council steer otherwise. Noted that if Exeter wish to increase from 70% low
carbon/renewables to 100% a decision would be needed by Sept 2016. PL noted the need to
limit reputational damage linked to Global 50 ambitions.
ACTION KG to include
procurement of energy (cost vs carbon) in the Annual Council report in December.
Delivering the Environmental Sustainability Strategy for 2015 and Beyond – Presentation K
The Strategy explains progress over last 6 months and prioritises activities going forward.
Guiding principles include ISO14001 Environmental Management System (2015 revised
guidelines), Exeter Global 2050 Vision, internal staff/student demands, objectivity and
AUDE Balance Scorecard (self-measuring system) will replace Green League, this process will
not be as onerous and will enable benchmarking with peers.
The Sustainability Steering Group have produced the Sustainability Strategy 2015-2020
(Appendix 1) with working group. Includes 7 objectives and action plans will be linked back to
strategic objectives. AGREED that Sustainability Strategy 2015-2020 be circulated to VCEG
and December Council Meeting for information and to ensure there is no cross over with
other strategies.
KG has considered the remit of Dual Assurance Group and suggested two groups going
forward, being the Campus Environment Group (utilities, transport, ISO14001) and
Sustainability, Vision & Change Agent Group (how to make people make a difference, bringing
in research links, curriculum etc). Aim to have a consultative Risk Register process, featuring
as agenda item on Infrastructure & Environmental Dual Assurance.
ACTION: KG to provide action plan, revised risk register and approve quantative
environmental performance targets at March meeting.
ACTION: KG to work with Procurement to obtain a revised Sustainable Procurement
Strategy (inc value chain requirements ISO14001) for the June meeting.
Sustainability Vision & Change Agent Group (identification of Chair)– Appendix 3 Terms of
Reference – K Gallagher
Noted that the creation of two groups (SVCA & Campus Environment Management Group) has
benefits and will provide a formal route for queries and reports from/to I&E Dual Assurance.
T Quinne is no longer able to Chair WHICH group and consideration was given to a
replacement Chair to scrutinise the group, assure and inform Council via the Dual Assurance
Group. Action: AC to assist in identifying a suitable Chair for Sustainability Vision & Change
Agent Group via Dual Assurance.
Transport Management Group, Sustainability Core Group and the Energy, Carbon, Utilities
Management Group will be stood down. ACTION: Report to be provided to VCEG on the
change to Groups, request for a SVCA Chair and the standing down of other groups.
Campus Environment Management Group –Appendix 4 Terms of Reference - P Attwell
Terms of Reference AGREED.
Cornwall Infrastructure – H McCann
FX+ have completed their Vision 2020 Plan, includes shared projects and separate Falmouth
and Exeter projects. Noted that the Plan will open questions around capacity and funding.
Current projects include ARC, Heart Project and contract with Midas around construction of
Sports Centre and Childcare facility.
Discussions took place around Penryn infrastructure. HM reported that he had been informed
that the supply of water and gas is satisfactory and there is capacity to grow telephony and
data. Car parking and research land will be displaced, the purchase of nearby land for
research is being looked in to.
PA noted that a meeting will take place regarding infrastructure costs, demand and how this
will be paid.
AC noted that the FX+ Vision 2020 Plan has been through Falmouth, but has not yet been
through any Exeter processes or committees.
Capital Strategy – H McCann
Tranche 3 has several years to run with £18.44m of projects identified presently, including the
energy supply to Penryn. Some funding available for projects in relation to growth strategy,
however, no projects known. PRG process will inform projects.
Discussions took place regarding future space requirements and decant space. HM noted that
the need for portacabins or off campus space has been identified. PL suggested a wider
conversation around developing agreed space sooner to use as decant space in the interim.
Noted that the viability of offsite decant space is reducing.
Noted that the Estate Strategy will identify current issues and ‘pressured’ areas, i.e, teaching
space, will ask questions as to where new activity will be placed and also information on
backlog maintenance etc., to inform recommendations and map 5-6 year development
AC noted that the Master Plan is required to feed into the Capital Strategy. Suggested that
the Capital Strategy requires information on timeline, who involved and what work needs to
be commissioned with aim to delivery Strategy and Capital programme for December Council.
ACTION: PA, HM, AC to meet to discuss followed by a briefing to JK/JM and then Capital
Residence Strategy Update – P Attwell
The Residence Strategy Working Group (including Council representation) has now met twice.
The option to build our own accommodation has been ruled out. PA is now working up
options around EBITDA and Capital implications. The timeline to purchase more beds from
the market is becoming more difficult and from 2017/18 the accommodation available will be
a constraint on recruiting numbers.
Project Updates – H McCann
LSI on target for delivery in summer 2016. Need to look at Aquatic Resource Centre, initial
options suggest capacity for 2600 tanks from existing system, however, 4000 tanks are
required. Timeline, costs and requirements are yet to be determined.
STEM teaching projects progressing well.
Heart Project Reception to be delivered in December.
Test study taken place on the Holman Test Mine and whether this is purchased or an
alternative site found. Nine recommendations made, the first two suggest buying Holman or
obtaining a longer lease for Holman. Noted that Holman site is likely to require additional
permissions regarding chancel rights and that the area of land is currently unregistered.
Waites claim is now in formal adjudication claim. Advice has been procured from Burgess
Cladding works on the Penryn building are progressing well.
Any Other Business
PL queried whether getting contractors for short term projects was difficult and whether there was
value in getting a consortia for these projects to resolve supply chain issues. HM advised that
the supply chain for M&E was a pressure point and some materials also require a long lead in.
A consortia would assist if assurance of funds available for 3-4 year period was possible.
KG noted that A Partridge has been shortlisted for the David Allen Hero PSRA.
Date of Next Meeting
17 November 1pm John Usher