Brandeis University Program in Health Science Society and Policy HSSP 107b: Health care technology and its assessment Tuesday & Friday, 12:30-1:50, Room Schneider G1 SYLLABUS **PROVISIONAL SCHEDULE PENDING GUEST LECTURE CONFIRMATION** SPRING 2016 Professor: Cindy Parks Thomas, Office hours: By appointment. Course Overview Medical technology is defined as the drugs, devices, procedures and services that are a foundation of medical practice. While advances in medical technology have transformed the potential to diagnose and manage disease and disability, there are critical issues that arise as they are incorporated, such as escalating costs, risks, and equitable access to expensive new therapies. This course will provide an overview of the role of new medical technology in the U.S. health care system, with a focus on technology assessment, prescription drugs and the industry in which they are developed and marketed, with a focus on learning through case studies. Students learn to evaluate the impact of new pharmaceutical and other technological advances on the health care system, their promise for the future, and the inherent costs and risks. Guest lecturers will present perspectives from industry, clinical experience, and research, on new health care technologies, assessment and use. This course will be divided into several segments. The first section of the course (weeks 1-3) will be devoted to developing an understanding of medical technology and its role in health care practice, how it is disseminated, and why innovation is an important driver of the health care system. This segment will address health policy issues that are relevant to evaluating, monitoring, and managing medical technologies in the U.S. and other health care systems. The next segment (weeks 4 -6) will include sessions on methods of evaluating new technologies, such as cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis, comparative effectiveness, pharmacoepidemiology, economic models, and examples of the application of these methods. The second half of the course (weeks 8-12) will focus on issues specific to prescription drug policy, building upon the tools and ideas developed in the first half of the course, and will include a series of guest speakers. Sessions will be held on the complex market for prescription drugs and the many stakeholders; clinical and non-clinical factors motivating prescribing decisions (such as advertising); issues regarding research, development and drug pricing; the value of prescription drugs in offsetting the cost of other medical care services and improving health outcomes; risks of new medications; the role of managed care and other organizational types including management innovations such as e-prescribing; special issues regarding seniors and the Medicare prescription drug benefit; the promise of biotechnology and the issue of rationing. The final sessions will be devoted to looking forward to what a future health system may look like and may require in terms of regulation, financing, and organization. Case studies 1 of particular medical technologies and other special issues will be interspersed with other readings. Course objectives Students shall develop an understanding of the critical role that new technologies play in the medical care system, both in the U.S. and elsewhere. The class will learn how new technologies, particularly prescription drug innovations, are incorporated into practice, and techniques used to evaluate these innovations in terms of value to clinical practice and to society. Students will become familiar with the issues related to the prescription drug market and industry, and why medications are valued and priced as they are. Also, students will learn the importance of public and private policies designed to manage and monitor new prescription drugs and other medical technologies as they are incorporated into medical practice. Course requirements and grading: Specific instructions for paper and class requirements are provided separately 1. Class attendance and participation: 25% Class participation includes active participation in discussion, and/or posting on the class forum regularly. 2. Homework: 20% Twice during the semester, once prior to February vacation and once after, you will be required to submit a one-page problem set, related to the readings of that day. These are due prior to the class in which they are due. 3. In-class mid-semester exam: 25% Short essay, to assess learning of foundational material. 4. Technology assessment paper: 30% 10-12 page paper assessing your choice of new technology. Guidelines will be provided on separate page. If you are a student with a documented disability on record at Brandeis University and wish to have reasonable accommodations made for you in class, please see the instructor immediately. Required Textbook: Robinson, James C. Purchasing Medical Innovation. Oakland: University of California Press, 2015. Course readings will be made available to students through Latte, and reference copies of texts will be made available. 2 Course outline: 1/15/16 Section 1: Introduction to health care technology / overview of course Introduction to the course. Defining technology/innovation, and its role in the health care system; Course overview, goals and requirements. Background: Fuchs VR. How and why US health care differs from that in other OECD countries. JAMA. 2013;309(1):33-4. 1/19/16 Session 2: Value: Adopting new medical technology and its role in the health care system Required readings: Text Introduction, pages 1-18. Blue Cross Blue Shield, A Study of Cost Variations for Knee and Hip Replacement Surgeries in the U.S., January 2015. Rosenthal, E. The Odd Math of Medical Tests: Two tests, both high. The New York Times, December 16, 2014. Backgrounders/ Reference/ Supplemental: Kaiser Family Foundation. How changes in medical technology affect health care costs. March 2007. Available at: Congressional Budget Office. Technological change and the growth of health care spending. January 2008. Available at: 1/22/16 Session 3: Development and regulation of innovations Required readings: Text, Chapter 1, pages 19-40 FDA case study: Bringing coronary stents to market: FDA, June 2014 3 1/26/16 Session 4: FDA and drug development Required readings: FDA case study: Lowagliflozin, a new diabetes drug applying for FDA approval. FDA Center for Drug Evaluation Research, September 2015. Reference/ Resources / Supplemental : Kesselheim A. Drug development and approval infographic, New England Journal of Medicine 2014;370(39). 02114 Borchers AT et al. The history and contemporary challenges of the Food and Drug Administration. Clinical Therapeutics, 2007. 1/29/15 Session 5: Insurance coverage and reimbursement for new technology Required readings: Text, Chapter 2,pages 41-58. Medicare Payment Cuts For Osteoporosis Testing Reduced Use Despite Tests’ Benefit In Reducing Fractures ( 2/2/16 Session 6: Paying for new technologies Required readings: Text, Chapter 3, pages 59-78. Shih and Berliner, Diffusion of new technology and payment policies: Coronary Stents. Health Affairs 2008:27(6):1566-1576. 2/5/16: Session 7: Technology adoption in organizations: the hospital Required readings: Text, Chapter 5, pages 100-119. Bring laptops for case study of hospital technology adoption. 4 2/9/16 Session 8: Guest speaker: Dr. Jon Chilingerian: Case study of technology adoption Required readings: Dr. Baggins and the cardiac cath lab 2/12/16 Session 9: International - management of technology in other health systems Required readings: Case study: Exubera® and NICE Steinbrook R. Saying No Isn’t NICE — The Travails of Britain’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. The New England Journal of Medicine 2008;359(19):2577. Background/ Reference / Supplemental: The Commonwealth Fund. International Profiles of Health Care Systems, 2013. ****Vacation: February 13-February 21**** 2/23/16: Session 10: Policies regarding public health innovations: The case of HPV vaccine Required reading: Case study: To vaccinate or not to vaccinate: The story of Hamilton, Columbia [a hypothetical US State]. 2/26/16: Session 11: Disparities and healthcare technology Required reading: Understanding the Impact of Health IT in Underserved Communities and those with Health Disparities. Briefing paper for the US Department of Health and Human Services, October 29, 2010. Case Study Report: Howard University Hospital Diabetes Treatment Center – using multimodal health IT tools to improve quality and delivery of care in an urban setting, June 2012. 5 Section 2: Methods of technology assessment and pharmacoeconomics: cost benefit and cost effectiveness analysis 3/1/16 Session 12: Intro to technology assessment, cost effectiveness, cost benefit analysis: techniques; measuring costs Required readings: Neuman P. Costing and Perspective in Published Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Medical Care Volume 47, Number 7 Suppl 1, July 2009: S28-S32. Pharmacoeconomics, Chapters 3-4 (on Latte) Background: 3/4/16 Session 13: Guest lecture: Sarah Emond, COO Institute for Clinical and Effectiveness Research Required readings: To be added. 3/8/16 Session 14: Measuring cost effectiveness of drugs – outcomes and case study Required readings: Pharmacoeconomics, Chapter 5. CEA Case study: Cost effectiveness of thrombolytic therapy with tissue plasminogen activator as compared with streptokinase for acute myocardial infarction. New England Journal of Medicine 1995; 332:1418-24. 3/11/16: Session 15: CEA case study of value of two innovations Required readings: CEA case study: Quality-Adjusted Cost Of Care: A Meaningful Way To Measure Growth In Innovation Cost Versus The Value Of Health Gains. Health Affairs 34, NO. 4 (2015): 555–561. 3/15/16: Session 16: Review of materials to date for exam 3/18/16: Session 17: Midterm exam 6 Section 3: Prescription drugs: Industry, innovation, and special issues 3/22/16: Session 18: Pharmaceuticals as health technology - intro to the prescription drug industry Required readings: Kaiser Family Foundation. Drug Trends 2010 Factsheet. Available at: 3/29/16 Session 19: Drug pricing: the case of Solvadi for Hepatitis C Required readings: Case study: Gildead: Hepatitis C Access Strategy – Solvadi Chambers JD et al. Despite High Costs, Specialty Drugs May Offer Value For Money Comparable To That Of Traditional Drugs. Health Affairs 2014 (October); 33(10):1751-1760. 4/1/16 Session 20: The pharmaceutical industry. Required readings: Getz K, Kaitin K. Open innovation: the new face of pharmaceutical research and development. Expert Rev. Clin. Pharmacol. 5(5), 481–483 (2012). Kaitin K, DiMasi J. Pharmaceutical Innovation in the 21st Century: New Drug Approvals in the First Decade, 2000–2009. Clinical pharmacology & Therapeutics 89(2), Feb 2011:183-187. 4/5/16 Session 21: Direct to consumer advertising: Promotion or public service? Class assignment to bring in drug advertisements (or post link). Will analyze selected ones in class. Required readings: Donohue J. A history of drug advertising: The evolving roles of consumers and consumer protection. The Milbank Quarterly 2006;84(4):659-663; 673-683; 685-691. 7 Greene JA and Kesselheim AS. Pharmaceutical marketing and the new social media. New England Journal of Medicine. 2010 Nov 25;363(22):2087-9. 4/8/16: Session 22: Managing the cost of drugs: Overview of demand and supply side approaches and their impact on drug utilization. Case study: Medicare Part D (bring laptops to class) Required readings: J Blum, Kaiser Family Foundation Issue Brief, Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit. 4/12/16: Session 23: Medicalizing disease, and cognitive enhancement: The case of mental health medications and boundaries of well-being; case study of Adderal. Required readings: New York Times, The Selling of Attention Deficit Disorder. December 14, 2013. Greeley, H. Toward responsible use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by the healthy. Nature. December 7, 2008. O’Brien PM, Thomas CP et al. The diminished pipeline for drugs to treat mental health and substance use disorders. Psychiatric Services 2014; 65(12):14331438. Supplemental: New York Times. Attention Disorder or Not, Pills to Help in School. October 2012. Available at: 4/15/16: Session 24: Prescribing and pain management: use and abuse of medications: public health problems and solutions. Controlled medications: pain relief, misuse, and abuse Required readings: To be added. 4/19/16 Session 25: Social media and health. 8 Required readings: Case study: American Well: The doctor will E-see you now. Hawn C. Take two aspirin and tweet me in the morning: how Twitter, Facebook, and other social media are reshaping health care. Health Affairs. 2009;28(2):361-8. 4/22/16: Session 26: Genomics and testing: The case of 23 and me Required readings: Case study: 23 and Me: Genetic testing for consumers. 9