CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE THE EFFECTS OF INVASIVE PLANTS ON THE ENDANGERED SUNFLOWER, PENTACHAETA LYONII GRAY A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Biology By Jolene R. Pucci JANUARY 2007 The Thesis of Jolene R. Pucci is approved: ___________________________________ Christy Brigham, Ph.D. ________________ Date ___________________________________ Paul Wilson, Ph.D. ________________ Date ___________________________________ Paula Schiffman, Ph.D., Chair ________________ Date CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank my advisor, Paula Schiffman, for her guidance and support during this thesis project. Her input on experimental design, procedural logistics, and the writing process were invaluable to me. I also thank Paul Wilson, my committee member, for his generous assistance with data analysis and for broadening my view. Thank you to Christy Brigham, my committee member, for designing a large part of this project, and for her thoughtful supervision of my work at the National Park Service. Thanks to John Tiszler for his input and guidance at the National Park Service. Thanks to Tarja Sagar for inspiring me to be a better botanist. My friends and lab mates were indispensable with their assistance in the field: Joey Algiers, Kammy Algiers, Taya Cummins, Matthew Danielczyk, Andrew Ellis, Michael Flores, Camille Franklin, Ray Hernandez, Peter Holmquist, Alex Li, Robert Pucci, and Rosalyn Son. I am so thankful for the friendship and moral support of Joanne Moriarty, Ray Hernandez, Kammy Algiers, and Michael Flores throughout the project. Thank you to Brian Houck and Brenda Kanno for helping to raise my potted plants. I am grateful to Bobby Espinoza for his encouragement to enter the Master’s program, to Jennifer Matos for doing field biology with style, and to Fritz Hertel for sharing his insights on the research process. Special thanks goes to Hedy Carpenter for her inspiration and encouragement. Funding for this research was provided by the National Park Service, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, and Western National Parks Association. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Signature………………………………………………………………………….ii Acknowledgements……………………………………………………….............iii List of Figures…………………………………………………………………….v List of Tables…………………………………………………………………… Abstract…………………………………………………………………………...vii Introduction………………………………………………………………………...1 Methods…………………………………………………………………………….7 Results……………………………………………………………………………..16 Discussion…………………………………………………………………………21 Literature Cited……………………………………………………………………48 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1……………………………………………………………………..34 Figure 2……………………………………………………………………..35 Figure 3……………………………………………………………………..36 Figure 4……………………………………………………………………..37 Figure 5……………………………………………………………………..38 Figure 6……………………………………………………………………..39 Figure 7……………………………………………………………………..40 Figure 8……………………………………………………………………..41 v LIST OF TABLES Table 1…………………………………………………………………………42 Table 2…………………………………………………………………………43 Table 3…………………………………………………………………………44 Table 4…………………………………………………………………………45 Table 5…………………………………………………………………………46 Table 6…………………………………………………………………………47 vi ABSTRACT THE EFFECTS OF INVASIVE PLANTS ON AN ENDANGERED SUNFLOWER, PENTACHAETA LYONII GRAY by Jolene R. Pucci Master of Science in Biology Invasive plants threaten native biodiversity and ecosystem function. Non-native plants can out-compete native plants for resources, reducing population sizes. For rare species, this can increase the chances of extinction. Pentachaeta lyonii is an endangered, endemic sunflower, currently ranging entirely within the urbanized Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills. Its former range and number of populations have been reduced in recent decades due to pressures from urbanization, and the remaining populations are in decline. This study examined the effects of competition from invasive plants as a possible cause of declines by evaluating both effects from competition and effects from community alteration. Three invasive plant groups (annual grasses, Erodium spp., and Centaurea melitensis) were studied in (1) direct competition experiments in the field and in pots, (2) observational studies comparing sites where P. lyonii is extant and extirpated, and (3) manipulative community-level experiments. In the field and pot competition experiments, all three invasive groups competitively reduced the reproductive capacity of P. lyonii, and had differing effects on P. lyonii height. Observational studies showed that the presence of annual grasses and its associated litter were correlated with extirpation, and retention of bare ground was correlated with P. lyonii persistence. Restoring P. lyonii habitat to pre-invasion conditions by removing non-native plants, scraping the soil surface, and adding cryptobiotic crust increased native species richness and reduced the cover of annual grasses. Seeding P. lyonii increased its density in existing sites, and was successful in establishing plants in new sites. Removal of invasive plants and their associated litter in P. lyonii habitat, and seeding existing and new populations are recommended for restoration and recovery of the species. vii INTRODUCTION The global spread of invasive species threatens native ecosystem processes, interactions, and biodiversity (Elton 1958, Gordon 1998, Mack and D'Antonio 1998, Mack et al. 2000, Wilcove et al. 1998). This results in major environmental damages and economic losses (Pimentel et al. 2005). The probability and magnitude of an invasion in an ecosystem depends on biotic and abiotic features, as well as attributes of the invaders (Blair and Wolfe 2004, Rejmánek 1996, Sans et al. 2004). These features determine an ecosystem’s invasibility (Dukes 2001, Dukes 2002, Sanz-Elorza et al. 2006). Frequently cited factors contributing to invasibility are disturbance and the disruption of natural disturbance regimes (Hobbs and Huenneke 1992). Areas that are heavily populated by humans are likely to possess both of these features. California is home to more than 36 million people. Its mediterranean climate is not only attractive to humans, but also led to the development of a diverse assemblage of native plants. The high degree of endemism, along with threats posed by human population pressure, have placed the California Floristic Province on the list of ecosystems that are considered global biodiversity hotspots (Myers et al. 2000). There are approximately 6,300 native plants in California (Hobbs and Mooney 1998), and more than 1,400 of them are endemic (Hickman 1993). Many, by virtue of their limited ranges, are rare. European occupation initiated the introduction of numerous species of non-native plants to the region, and today there are more than 1,000 species of introduced plants that have naturalized in California (Hickman 1993, Hobbs and Mooney 1998, Rejmánek and Randall 1994). Some of these non-natives have become invasive, threatening local native plant populations with effects from altered ecosystem processes 1 to altered disturbance regimes and increased competition. These effects can be especially detrimental to species with small population sizes and/or limited ranges. These two factors render species more prone to extinction due to stochastic events and can lead to low genetic variation due to processes such as inbreeding depression that also increase the probability of extinction. These phenomena might be exacerbated in species that experience isolation due to habitat fragmentation (Brigham 2003). The Los Angeles area, including the Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills, is a highly fragmented, urbanized patchwork of developed land and open space. Much of the open space is privately owned and in danger of being developed, but there are substantial units of open public land that are managed by various government agencies and nonprofit groups including the National Park Service, California Department of Parks and Recreation, the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, and Mountains Restoration Trust. Many native communities of plants, some containing rare and endemic species, persist despite the pressures of urbanization. Chaparral and coastal sage scrub can still be found in the mountains in significant swaths, but the prairie that once dominated the area’s flatlands was historically degraded by livestock grazing and agricultural cultivation, and was subsequently converted to urban sprawl (Schiffman 2005). The remaining patches of grasslands are heavily invaded by non-native species. The native dominants are annual wildflowers (Schiffman 2000) associated with perennial bunchgrasses including Nassella and Poa species. Non-native annual grasses, including Bromus spp., Avena spp., and Vulpia spp. are naturalized in every southern California grassland site (Heady 1988). These grasses have direct and indirect competitive effects on native species (Brooks 2000, Dyer and Rice 1997, Dyer and Rice 1999, Suding and Goldberg 1999). Some non- 2 native forbs, including Centaurea spp. and Erodium spp. are also dominant invaders that can suppress the diversity and abundance of native species (Schutzenhofer and Valone 2006). Pentachaeta lyonii Gray is a state and federally listed endangered annual in the family Asteraceae. Its size is variable depending on environmental conditions, and can range in height from 3 – 48 cm, producing 1 – 36 inflorescences per plant (Hickman 1993, NPS unpublished data). Each inflorescence produces 20 – 40 seeds with 8 – 12 deciduous pappus bristles, indicating dispersal limitations (Fotheringham and Keeley 1998). Flowers are self-incompatible (Fotheringham and Keeley 1998), and pollinated by generalist insects (Braker and Verhoeven 1998). Extant populations are found on volcanic clay soils, but garden studies have indicated that it is not edaphically restricted (NPS unpublished data). It occurs in grasslands on open ridges or hillslopes or in openings in chaparral and coastal sage scrub. These areas are heavily invaded by nonnative annual species, but native associates include small herbaceous annuals and cryptobiotic soil crust. Following the extirpation of sites in the southern part of its range, P. lyonii is now restricted to the Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills, living entirely within the heavily populated and developed area of northern Los Angeles and southern Ventura counties. Its distribution is comprised of 21 populations on both public and private lands. Populations have been designated subjectively based on the patchy distribution. No genetic studies for metapopulation analysis have been done. Historically, P. lyonii was known to have had a wider distribution in the Los Angeles basin, Santa Catalina Island, and San Diego (Hickman 1993, Munz and Keck 1959), but as many as 15 populations have been extirpated within recent decades, and many of the 3 remaining populations appear to be in decline (NPS unpublished data). Although nine populations are located on public lands with varying degrees of protection, a large proportion of occurrences are on private property, much of it with great appeal to developers. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery plan for P. lyonii (1999) identifies possible causes of the species’ decline as habitat destruction, alteration of habitat structure, and competition from invasive non-native plants. Habitat destruction and alteration of habitat structure are undeniable, as a number of population sites have been built upon or converted to agriculture (NPS unpublished data). Surveys of both P. lyonii numbers and the presence of invasive species indicated a possible relationship between invasion and declines, but no competition studies have been done previous to the present work. Plant species coexist in assemblages despite their close proximity and similar resource requirements. Because plants are essentially immobile, they can experience considerable niche overlap, competing for the same resources: light, nutrients, water, and space. Although the competitive abilities of two coexisting species can be asymmetrical, when competition is considered in the larger context of population or community dynamics the outcome is not always predictable (Silander and Pacala 1990). Spatial (Reynolds et al. 1997) and temporal (Levine and Rees 2004) variability can facilitate coexistence, as can variation in plant characteristics such as phenology (Dukes 2002), root placement and depth (Poot and Lambers 2003), and dispersal ability (Levine and Rees 2002). Furthermore, disturbance can also contribute to long-term species coexistence, with various species being favored by different kinds and timings of disturbance (Crawley 2004). Selection in long-term co-occurring plant species can lead 4 to the evolution of increased competitive ability in response to interspecific competitive pressures (Aarssen 1983). When non-native invasive plants establish in a new environment, resident species encounter a competitor that they have not evolved with. Along with the often inferior competitive response of natives, certain non-native species have aggressive competitive effects. The result is that these species are invasive. Invasive plant species are non-native species that produce reproductive offspring without human intervention at numbers and dispersal distances sufficient to spread over large areas (Richardson et al. 2000). Hypotheses for why invasive species gain competitive advantage over natives include the enemy release hypothesis (ERH), which suggests a plastic increase in the size of invasive individuals due to release from enemies that are present in the native range. Another hypothesis, the evolution of increased competitive ability hypothesis (EICA), states that in the absence of native herbivores selection has favored genotypes that allocate resources more to growth and reproduction and less to herbivore defense (Blossey and Nötzold 1995). The successful biological control of weeds, along with some experimental evidence support the ERH (Keane and Crawley 2002). The EICA hypothesis continues to be tested in common garden experiments with mixed results (Leger and Forister 2005, Leger and Rice 2003, Vilà et al. 2003). Attempts have been made to generalize life history traits that make invasive species competitively superior, but results have not been consistent and have varied among species (Gurevitch et al. 2002). Dominance of invasive species in a system is not always due to competitive superiority (Seabloom et al. 2003b), but evidence to date suggests that competitive interactions between invasive plants and resident species in a community are asymmetrical in favor of the invasive species (Vilà and Weiner 2004). 5 Non-native plant presence not only affects the individual performance of native plants, but can also change ecosystem properties such as hydrology (Sala et al. 1996, Vanlill et al. 1980), nutrient cycling (Evans et al. 2001, Sperry et al. 2006), natural disturbance regimes (Hobbs and Huenneke 1992), and biodiversity (Lodge 1993). Ecosystem level alterations from non-native plants occur through mechanisms such as allelopathy (Bais et al. 2003), changes in the fire regime (D’Antonio and Vitousek 1992, Hobbs and Huenneke 1992, Vilà et al. 2001), and alteration of available mycorrhizal fungi (Hawkes et al. 2006), as well as competition (Brooks 2000). In order to assess a range of possible impacts from some of the important invasive, non-native plants that are present within P. lyonii’s range, this study evaluated both effects from competition and effects of community alteration. Direct competitive effects were examined in terms of P. lyonii success when grown with and without non-native competitors both in the field and in pots. Additive effects from invasive plants on P. lyonii habitat were evaluated in terms of their impacts on both P. lyonii and its associated native community. Finally, to try to characterize differences in habitats where P. lyonii has been extirpated and those where it persists, comparisons were made between environmental features of both kinds of sites. The specific goals of this study were (1) to examine the impact of competition from non-native species on P. lyonii success in the field and in pots, (2) to determine which nonnative species have the greatest competitive effect on P. lyonii, (3) to examine impacts from non-native species on P. lyonii in the context of its native community, and (4) to evaluate the environmental conditions that contribute to the displacement of P. lyonii by non-native 6 plants. These goals were formulated to address the request to study competition from invasive plants in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery plan for P. lyonii (1999). With an understanding of how non-native plants impact P. lyonii, managers will be better prepared to address the recovery plan goal of achieving stable or increasing populations (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1999). METHODS Non-native competitors The non-native plants investigated here were (1) annual grasses, including Bromus madritensis, Bromus hordeaceus, and Vulpia myuros, (2) Erodium spp., namely E. cicutarium and E. botrys, and (3) Centaurea melitensis. Although other non-native species were present at the study sites, these three “target” groups were chosen because of their pervasiveness in P. lyonii habitat and their potential roles as competitors (DeFalco et al. 2003, Kimball and Schiffman 2003, Schutzenhofer and Valone 2006). Competitor Removal Experiment In February 2004 experimental plots were established at two sites: (1) the Pentachaeta preserve off Tierra Rejada Road in Moorpark, California (“Tierra Rejada,” 34° 15' 54" N, 118° 51' 19" W), and (2) the Westlake Vista/Decker Canyon open space on Triunfo Canyon Road in Westlake Village, California (“Triunfo,” 34° 07' 09" N, 118° 48' 03" W). Both properties are managed by the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority. Twenty replicate pairs of 13 x 13-cm plots - competitor removal plots and control plots - were established for each non-native plant group. Plots with Centaurea and plots 7 with Erodium were established at both Tierra Rejada and Triunfo (10 pairs at each site), but all 20 annual grass plot pairs were installed at Triunfo because of time constraints resulting from earlier germination at Tierra Rejada. The locations of plots within sites were determined by identifying areas dominated by the target non-native (at least 50% cover) that also contained P. lyonii seedlings. A no-competition treatment was produced by clipping at the soil surface, all plants (potential competitors) other than those of P. lyonii in a 26 x 26 cm area centered over each experimental plot. The treatment areas extended 13 cm outside the plots to minimize edge effects (Berendse 1983). Clipping was done over a two-week period in March. At the end of the growing season, P. lyonii heights were measured and inflorescences were counted. The number of inflorescences was intended as a measure of how much seed was to be added to the seed bank, whereas height was intended as a measure of the plastic response to growing among competitors. Height and number of seeds are not necessarily correlated. This experiment was replicated in 2004-05 in different plots. The rainy season in 2003-04 was later with much less rainfall (24 cm, Los Angeles Civic Center) than the 2004-05 rainy season (95 cm, Los Angeles Civic Center), consequently the following adjustments in the methods were made for the second field season. Due to early germination, plots were established in November, 2004, and competitors were removed in December. A second removal was done in February, 2005, due to vigorous regrowth of competitors. All annual grass plots were established at Tierra Rejada instead of Triunfo because of difficulty in locating appropriate conditions at Triunfo (at least 50% cover of annual grass with P. lyonii present). 8 To decide whether to evaluate sites separately or pooled, the mean difference in magnitude of competitive effects from each invasive plant group was compared between sites using two-sample t-tests. Plots with annual grass as the competitor were not separated by site within years, and are therefore excluded from the analysis. Dependent variables were difference in number of inflorescences on P. lyonii plants between competitor removal plots and control plots [log(competitor removal) – log(control)] and difference in height of P. lyonii plants between competitor removal plots and control plots [competitor removal – control]. The data were log transformed to increase normalcy. Each variable was analyzed separately for each season. Because there were no significant differences in the numbers of inflorescences or height of P. lyonii between sites for invasive groups in either year, except for in 2005 in Centaurea plots (Table 1), sites were pooled in further analyses. The mean height of P. lyonii plants in each plot and the mean number of inflorescences per P. lyonii plant in each plot were calculated and then log transformed to increase normalcy. Paired t-tests were done to test for differences between competitor removal and control plots. In addition, ANOVA with differences as the dependent variable was used to compare the size of the competitive effects of annual grasses to those of Erodium to those of Centaurea. Pot Competition Experiment A garden experiment in pots was done to further clarify the field study and test specific levels of competition. In the winter of 2004-05, P. lyonii seedlings were planted with seedlings of the invasive non-native groups in 10.16 cm diameter PVC tubes outside in the garden at California State University, Northridge. Bromus madritensis was used to 9 represent the annual grass group, Erodium cicutarium represented the Erodium group, and Centaurea melitensis was the Centaurea group. For each invasive group, twenty replicates of three treatments were attempted: (1) one P. lyonii plant growing alone (control), (2) one P. lyonii plant growing with 5 non-native plants (low density), and (3) one P. lyonii plant growing with 20 non-native plants (high density). Low and high density levels were intended to simulate conditions in sites that are moderately and heavily infested with non-native plants. Seeds were germinated on filter paper and the seedlings were transplanted into the pots over three days in December. Dead seedlings were replaced for up to four weeks. Due to continued seedling mortality after that, final densities were recategorized at the end of the experiment. Low density pots contained between one and five non-native plants, and high density pots included more than five non-native plants. The final numbers of replicates were n = 20 for low density annual grass, n = 20 for high density annual grass, n = 22 for low density Erodium, n = 18 for high density Erodium, n = 20 for low density Centaurea, n = 19 for high density Centaurea, n = 20 for control. As in the field study, the number of inflorescences and heights of focal P. lyonii plants were measured at the end of the growing season in June. Number of inflorescences was log transformed (+1) to increase normalcy, and ANOVAs were conducted to compare the seven treatments. ANOVAs were followed by Tukey multiple comparisons. Comparison of Extant Versus Extirpated Sites An observational study was done to compare the environmental features of the sites with existing P. lyonii populations to the features of sites where P. lyonii historically 10 occurred but is now seemingly extirpated. Twelve extant sites and four extirpated sites were sampled. Ten locations were haphazardly established throughout each site and sampling points were placed within them. Sampling was done in a 20 x 20 cm plot at each location. The environmental factors assessed were soil parent material, topography, soil depth, soil water content, mid-day photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) levels, percent bare ground, and percents cover of litter, grass, Erodium, Centaurea, other nonnative species, P. lyonii, and other native species. Percent cover was scored by visual estimation within a 20 x 20 cm plot where a species was present. At the sites where P. lyonii was extant, numbers of P. lyonii were estimated. In December 2004, soil depth, soil volumetric water content, PAR, litter depth, and percent cover of bare ground, litter, and plant cover were scored. In April 2005, measurements were repeated after the plant community had fully established. Insolation values and fire history for each site were obtained from the National Park Service (NPS unpublished data). A series of logistic regressions was done in order to identify which variables were good predictors of the extirpation of P. lyonii. A nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination was done using NTSYS 2.2 to place sites in 2-dimensional space in relation to the environmental factors that characterized those sites. After standardizing the data by subtracting the minimum and dividing by the range, Bray-Curtis distances were calculated, and then nonmetric multidimensional scaling was done. The data were rotated using PC-ORD (MJM Software Design, Gleneden, OR) to maximally correlate with whether the site was extant or extirpated. Correlations were overlaid if r2 > 0.2. Those variables with r2 < 2 were not shown on the graph. Community Effects Experiment 11 Study sites In the spring of 2003, experimental plots were established at three study sites (“Pond,” “Lower,” and “Paramount”) in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area on lands managed by the National Park Service. One site supported an extant population of P. lyonii (Pond), in another site P. lyonii was presumed extirpated (Lower), and the third site had never had P. lyonii present, but conditions suggested that it was suitable habitat. The “Pond” site was located in the Rocky Oaks section of the National Recreation Area (34° 05' 57" N, 118° 48' 43" W). A small population of P. lyonii persisted, but it may have been in decline, with only an estimated 450 individuals present in 2003, down from about 5,500 individuals in 1982. It was heavily infested with non-native invasive plants. In 2003 before any manipulations, there was approximately 49% cover of nonnative annual grasses and 15% of the ground was bare. The site was disturbed in the winter of 1996-97 when a drainage ditch was dug through its center. The “Lower” site was also located in the Rocky Oaks section of the National Recreation Area, approximately 150 m southwest of the Pond site. By 1995, P. lyonii was presumed extirpated from the site (NPS unpublished data). The initial non-native annual grass cover was approximately 4% within the experimental plots in 2003. In addition, 76% of the ground was bare and a dense stand of Phalaris aquatica (Harding grass) was encroaching from areas immediately adjacent to the plots. There was evidence of soil dumping on the site, possibly from the modification of an adjacent earthen dam in the winter of 1996-97. 12 The “Paramount” site was located in the Paramount Ranch section of the National Recreation Area (34° 07' 18" N, 118° 45' 38" W). It was considered suitable habitat for P. lyonii based on soil type, a high pre-treatment percentage of bare ground (53%), a low initial level of non-native grass invasion (14%), and the presence of species commonly associated with P. lyonii (Table 2). Experimental treatments At each site 20 blocks of four 1 m2 experimental plots were established in the spring of 2003. Plots with the most similar starting appearance and adjacency were assigned to the same block. One plot per block received each of four randomly assigned treatments (1) control, (2) invasive plants (annual grasses, Erodium spp., and Centaurea melitensis) cut at the soil surface, (3) invasive plants cut and the soil surface scraped, and (4) invasive plants cut, the soil surface scraped, and fragments of cryptobiotic crust added. The treatments were intended to address the multiple impacts of invasive plants on P. lyonii and its associated community. Cutting invasive plants eliminated their above-ground impacts, such as reduction of available light. Cutting and scraping was meant to negate the stabilizing effects of the fibrous root systems of annual grasses, and to remove undecomposed litter. Crust was added to restore a potentially important component of the native ecosystem (Belnap 2006, Belnap and Harper 1995, Belnap et al. 2001, Bowker et al. 2004, Harper and Belnap 2001). Cryptobiotic crust cover and diversity is lost or reduced in sites invaded by non-native annual plants (Belnap et al. 2001). Plots were surveyed in the spring of 2003 (before the treatments) by visual estimation of percent of bare ground and covers of annual grasses, forbs, Nassella, and 13 shrubs. The cutting treatments were applied in the spring and summer of 2003. The scraping treatment was done in fall 2003 by abrading the surface 1-2 cm of bare ground with a trowel. In February of 2004 cryptobiotic crust fragments (approximately 5 cm in diameter) were collected from local areas, and transferred into the plots to produce approximately 20% cover. This experimental protocol was repeated in 2004-05, with the exception of crust addition, since crust fragments were already established within treatment plots. In the spring of 2004 percents cover of annual grasses, Erodium, Centaurea, native annuals, native perennials, native shrubs, and litter were visually estimated. The amount of bare ground was also determined. Native species densities were determined by counting individual plants within each plot. In spring 2005, percent cover surveys were repeated, and individual native plant densities were estimated by subsampling within 10 x 100 cm quadrats placed through the center of each plot. All P. lyonii individuals in the plots were counted. Results presented are from final surveys in 2005 because the crust treatment was applied after the 2003-04 growing season was already underway. The data were analyzed as a split-plot involving site, blocks within sites, treatments, and their interactions. Dependent variables were native species richness (square root transformed to increase normalcy), native species diversity, native species evenness, density of P. lyonii (square root transformed to increase normalcy), percent cover of non-native annual grasses (log transformed to increase normalcy), percent cover of bare ground, and percent cover of native annual forbs. To follow up on site × treatment interactions, separate ANOVAs were done for each site with Tukey multiple 14 comparisons. An additional two-way ANOVA was done to analyze site and treatment effects on P. lyonii density using only plots that contained P. lyonii. This simplification eliminated the possible confounding factors of initial presence/absence of P. lyonii seed within plots and of seed addition (see below). Tests of independence were conducted (replicated by site) to see if the treatments affected the presence of P. lyonii (and to see if sites were heterogeneous in any such relationship). Finally, multiple logistic regressions were done to model how the initial percent cover (pre-treatment, 2003) of annual grass (square root transformed) and/or amount of bare ground predicted the presence or absence of P. lyonii (after seeding and treatments, 2005) at each of the sites. Seed Additions Because of the potential reduction in native species presence in the seed bank due to long-term effects of invasive plant presence, a seed mix of species associated with P. lyonii was added to all blocks at all sites in February 2004 (Table 3). In March 2004, 125 P. lyonii seeds were added to each plot in five randomly selected blocks at the Paramount site only (not included in Table 3). In October 2004, another mix of associated species, along with P. lyonii seeds were added to five randomly chosen blocks at all three sites (Table 3). Locally collected seeds of associated species were obtained from the National Park Service seed collection maintained at the Rancho Sierra Vista native plant nursery. P. lyonii seeds were collected from two of the larger populations. Effects of seeding frequency differences (fifteen blocks at each site seeded only in February, five blocks at each site seeded in both February and October) were analyzed 15 prior to the above analysis of the main treatment effects. ANOVAs (General Linear Models) were conducted separately for each treatment (control, cut only, cut and scrape, cut and add crust), with seeding manipulation (seeded once, seeded twice), site, initial cover of annual grass, initial percent bare ground, and interactions between seed treatment and site, seed treatment and annual grass cover, and seed treatment and percent bare ground as independent variables. Non-significant terms (P > 0.05) were dropped one at a time to simplify the model. This procedure was carried out for six dependent variables to seek seeding frequency effects on (1) native species richness (square root transformed), (2) native species evenness, (3) native species diversity, (4) density of P. lyonii (square root transformed), (5) percent cover of non-native annual grasses (log transformed), and (6) percent cover of native annual forbs. Separate two-sample t-tests were done grouping blocks at each site to compare density of P. lyonii (square root transformed) in blocks (all treatments) that were seeded once with associated species and not with P. lyonii to those that were seeded twice with associated species and also with P. lyonii. RESULTS Competitor Removal Experiment In both the 2004 and 2005 field seasons, competition from all three groups of invasive species had significant negative impacts on P. lyonii inflorescence number (paired t-test, P < 0.01 in all cases, Fig. 1). Comparisons of the magnitude of competitive effects, as indicated by differences in numbers of P. lyonii inflorescences in control (competition) versus cut (no-competition) plots, showed that Centaurea had a 16 significantly greater effect than did the grasses (Tukey HSD, P < 0.05). The greater measured effect of Centaurea when compared to Erodium was not significant (P=0.5688). Grasses and Erodium did not differ significantly in their competitive effects on P. lyonii (P = 0.1426). Effects from competition on height of P. lyonii differed among the non-native groups and between years (Fig. 2). In three of the six cases, there were no significant differences in height for plants growing in plots with competition from non-native plants versus those where it was growing in plots without competition. Significant differences were found in 2004, where plants, released from competition with Erodium spp., grew taller than those in control plots (paired t-test, P = 0.01, Fig. 2). In 2004, P. lyonii plants growing without competition from Centaurea were marginally taller than those in control plots (paired t-test, P = 0.064, Fig. 2). In contrast, in 2005, plants competing with annual grasses grew taller than those in plots with competitors removed (paired t-test, P < 0.01, Fig. 2). Comparisons of the magnitude of impacts (differences in heights of P. lyonii plants in plots with and without competition) showed that annual grasses had a greater effect on P. lyonii height than Centaurea or Erodium (Tukey HSD, P < 0.05). Pot Competition Experiment Under the more controlled research conditions of the pot experiment, competition from all non-native species had a negative effect on P. lyonii reproductive potential. Pentachaeta lyonii plants produced significantly fewer inflorescences when grown in pots with non-native species (annual grasses, Erodium spp., and Centaurea melitensis) at both low and high densities compared with control plants grown without competition (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.0001). There were no significant differences between the 17 effects of the three non-native species groups on P. lyonii, or between density levels (Fig. 3). Similarly, P. lyonii plants growing without competition (control) were significantly taller than plants growing in competition with all three non-native species groups, both at high and low densities (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.0001, Fig. 3). In all three cases (annual grasses, Erodium spp., and Centaurea), P. lyonii plants competing in low density pots were taller than those in high density pots; however, these differences were not significant within each of the non-native species groups (Fig. 3). Comparison of Extant versus Extirpated Sites The logistic regressions suggested that high cover of litter, annual grasses, and other non-native plants other than annual grasses, Erodium and Centaurea, as well as low cover of Erodium and bare ground are good predictors of P. lyonii extirpation (P < 0.05 in all cases, Table 4, Fig. 4). Nonmeteric multidimensional scaling yielded a final stress2 of 0.33747. All of the environmental variables correlated with whether the site was extant or extirpated had r2 > 0.2 except for volumetric water content and percent cover of Centaurea (Fig. 5). There was a clear separation of extant from extirpated sites (along the horizontal axis). The factors that were most positively correlated with a site being extant were percent cover of Erodium, PAR and percent bare ground. Amount of litter and annual grasses were the most negatively correlated with a site being extant. Community Effects Experiment Treatment effects on native species richness differed among sites (there was a significant site × treatment interaction; Table 5). Overall, the Paramount site generally had more native species, the Lower site was intermediate, and the Pond site had the fewest native species. At the Pond all three treatments had significantly higher richness 18 than the controls (Tukey HSD, P < 0.05), but did not differ significantly among treatments (Tukey HSD, P > 0.05). At Paramount adding crust was associated with an increase in the number of native species. The cut-scrape-and-add-crust treatment resulted in significantly higher native species richness than both the control and the cut-only plots (Tukey HSD, P < 0.05). At Lower the cut-and-scrape treatment had the largest effect, but was not significantly different from the cut-only or the cut-and-add-crust treatment (Tukey HSD, P < 0.05; Fig. 6). The sites also differed in native species evenness and exhibited a pattern that was largely an inverse of the pattern of native species richness. Pond had the greatest evenness, Lower had a moderate level of evenness, and Paramount the lowest evenness (Fig. 6). There was no effect of treatment or significant site × treatment interaction on native species evenness (Table 5). Native species diversity was not affected by site, treatment, or site × treatment interaction (Table 5). The percent cover of non-native annual grasses was significantly affected by a site × treatment interaction (P = 0.0378, Table 5, Fig. 7). At the Pond and Lower sites, all three treatments produced significantly lower percents non-native annual grass cover than the controls (Tukey HSD). At Paramount, the cut only plots and cut with crust addition plots had significantly lower cover of non-native annual grasses than did the cut and scraped plots and control plots (Tukey HSD). The percent cover of native annual species had a significant site × treatment interaction (P = 0.0008, Table 5, Fig. 7a). At the Pond site, the percent cover of native annuals in control plots was significantly lower than in the treatment plots (P < 0.05). However, there was no difference between the effects of the three treatments at that site (Tukey HSD). At the Lower site, there was significantly greater native annual cover in 19 the cut and crust-addition plots than in the control plots (P < 0.05), but there was no difference between controls and the other two treatments (Tukey HSD). At Paramount, none of the treatments had a significant effect (P > 0.05) on the cover of native annuals. There was no significant effect of treatment on density of P. lyonii at any of the sites, but the Pond had more P. lyonii individuals than either Lower or Paramount (P = 0.0383, Table 5). The results of the two-way ANOVA that was restricted to plots containing P. lyonii were consistent with the results of the ANOVA of all plots. The interaction was not significant, and was dropped. There was no significant effect of treatment after accounting for site (P = 0.65651). Site had a significant effect on density of P. lyonii (P = 0.00030), with more individuals per plot at the Pond site than at the Lower and Paramount sites. Tests of independence for each of three sites, separately and pooled, showed no effects of the treatments on the presence of P. lyonii and sites were homogeneous in lacking any effect (P > 0.05 in all cases, Table 6). The multiple logistic regressions showed that at the Pond, the initial amount of bare ground was not a significant predictor of P. lyonii presence at the end of the study (Wald test, P = 0.21430). Therefore, bare ground was dropped from the model. Initial annual grass cover was a significant predictor of P. lyonii presence at the Pond (Deviance test, P = 0.00038; ρ2 = 0.136). The Lower site results were similar for bare ground (Wald test, P = 0.20936) and annual grass (Deviance test, P = 0.01291; ρ2 = 0.06421). At both the Pond and Lower sites P. lyonii was more likely to be present when there had been low initial annual grass cover. At Paramount, neither initial annual grass cover (Wald test, P = 0.59745) nor initial amount of bare ground (Wald test, P = 0.21187) were significant predictors of P. lyonii presence. 20 Seeding Frequency Effects The seeding manipulation had no consistent effect on the six dependent variables. At the Pond site, the number of P. lyonii plants was greatest in all of the treatment plots that were seeded twice (P < 0.05). In addition, there was a significant interaction between seed manipulation × log initial bare ground (P < 0.05). There was no significant effect of the seeding treatment on the native species richness in control plots or in cut and scrape plots at any of the three sites. However, the cut and crust-addition plots at the Pond site that had been seeded once had surprisingly higher native species richness than the plots that had been seeded twice (P = 0.035). In contrast, the cut-only plots at the Lower site had marginally higher native species richness in plots seeded twice (P = 0.05). There was no significant effect of seeding manipulation for any of the main treatment plots on native species evenness, native species diversity, or the percent cover of nonnative annual grasses (P > 0.05 all cases). Because seeding frequency seemed of little importance, all of the seeding treatments were pooled for the analyses of the main treatment effects. When grouped by block, blocks that were seeded twice with associated species and once with P. lyonii seeds had more P. lyonii plants than blocks that were seeded once with associated species and no P. lyonii seeds. These differences were significant at both the Lower site (two-sample t-test, df = 18, P < 0.0001), and also at Paramount (twosample t-test, df = 14, P = 0.0093; Fig. 8). The difference was not significant at the Pond site (two-sample t-test, df = 18, P = 0.7636). At Paramount, four blocks were eliminated from the analysis due to inconsistent seeding. 21 DISCUSSION This study used an integrative approach to understanding the effects of non-native plants on P. lyonii. Effects at the individual plant level and the multi-species community level were examined. Four questions were addressed experimentally, and the results indicated that invasive plants had a negative impact on P. lyonii and its associated native plant community. There was evidence that non-native plants competitively reduced the reproductive potential of P. lyonii, and that both direct and indirect effects from nonnative plants may have been significant factors in P. lyonii’s decline. In particular, the presence of annual grasses not only resulted in direct competitive interactions, but also impacted the community through the mechanism of the exclusion or reduction of cryptobiotic crust by filling in the bare spaces that would have been covered by crust in the pre-invasion conditions. Does competition from non-native species affect P. lyonii success when grown in pots and in the field? The competitor removal experiment took place over two field seasons with very different environmental conditions (2003-04 and 2004-05), and examined two possible indicators of competitive effects on P. lyonii: number of inflorescences produced and plant height. Results of competition on the number of inflorescences remained consistent over both field seasons for all three invasive plant groups, despite the large difference between years in available soil moisture. 2004-05 was an exceptionally wet year (56 cm above average), with four times more rainfall than in 2003-04. Even with an excess of a potentially limiting resource, competitive interference from non-native plants significantly reduced the reproductive output of P. lyonii. This indicated that invasive 22 plants have a superior ability to capture other important limiting resources (perhaps nutrients, space, and/or light). These results were corroborated in the pot competition study, where growing conditions were more controlled, and water was generously provided. Since the number of inflorescences a plant produces is an indicator of its total reproductive capacity, this experiment clearly indicated that at least three non-native plant groups (Erodium spp., grasses, and Centaurea melitensis) that commonly occur in P. lyonii habitat negatively impact population inputs. This effect has the potential to reduce time to extinction (Brook et al. 2002). The impacts of competition on plant height were less clear. In both seasons P. lyonii plants growing in the field in competition both with Centaurea and Erodium were shorter than those in plots where competitors were removed. The opposite was true for P. lyonii plants growing in competition with grasses. These differing results may reflect differences in root morphology between grasses and forbs. The forbs, Pentachaeta, Centaurea and Erodium, possess taproots, whereas the grasses have fibrous root systems. These rooting differences may cause interspecific variation in the ability of plants to access below-ground resources and thereby affect aboveground growth and competitive dynamics. They may also account for the difference in the significances of effects between wet and dry years. Height differences were greater in the forb groups in 200304, when soil moisture was more limited, than in 2004-05, when it was more abundant. Additionally, phenology may contribute to differences in height response between P. lyonii competing with forbs and P. lyonii competing with grasses. Both Centaurea and non-native grasses typically grow taller than P. lyonii (Centaurea melitensis, up to 1m tall; Bromus madritensis, up to 50 cm tall; Avena fatua, over 1 m tall; Vulpia myuros, 23 around 70 cm tall, versus P. lyonii, up to 48 cm tall; Hickman 1993), and can potentially reduce available light. However, the grasses grow taller faster than Centaurea, which matures later in the season. Erodium also grows rapidly, but it is generally of shorter stature than P. lyonii (10 to 90 cm, but often with prostrate or decumbent stems; Hickman 1993; and generally near the smaller extreme in P. lyonii habitat; personal observation), and likely does not significantly reduce the light available to P. lyonii plants. The large height difference (P < 0.001) between taller P. lyonii plants in control plots and shorter ones in plots from which grass competitors had been removed in 2004-05 may have been due to the abundance of rainfall that year. Greater moisture availability likely resulted in exceptionally fast growth rates of grasses, causing P. lyonii plants to elongate to compensate for early reduction in available light (Gurevitch et al. 2002). Growing tall is a plastic response that can provide advantages to P. lyonii plants that are competing with grasses, but this response does not necessarily indicate superior performance. Shorter P. lyonii plants that were growing without competition from grasses produced more inflorescences than tall plants growing with competition, indicating a trade-off in resource allocation (Gurevitch et al. 2002). Which non-native taxon has the greatest competitive effect on P. lyonii? In the pot competition experiment, none of the invasive species had a greater effect on P. lyonii reproduction or height than any of the others. However, there were differences in impacts in the competitor removal experiment. In the field, although all three invasive taxa were associated with significantly reduced P. lyonii reproduction, competition from Centaurea suppressed inflorescence production more than Erodium and significantly more than annual grasses did. Phenology and morphology may explain this. 24 Centaurea melitensis and P. lyonii are both early-summer-flowering annuals with basal leaf rosettes and taproots. The bulk of their reproductive efforts occur as, or even after, annual grasses and Erodium are completing theirs. Two co-occurring plant species with similar phenologies and morphologies would be expected to compete for, rather than partition resources (Dukes 2002). The ability of one species to deplete resources more efficiently than others results in its competitive superiority (Tilman 1990). In semi-arid southern California, water is a limiting resource after the end of the winter-spring rains. In addition, another species of Centaurea (C. solstitialis) has been shown to increase lateseason evapotranspiration in the communities it has invaded (Dukes 2001). If Centaurea melitensis behaves similarly, it may deplete water more efficiently than P. lyonii, resulting in reduced late-season resource availability and ultimately reduced reproductive capacity. Annual grasses had a significantly greater impact on P. lyonii growth in height than either Erodium or Centaurea in the field. As discussed above, the shorter stature of Erodium probably meant that it did not compete with P. lyonii for light, and, therefore, did not induce P. lyonii to allocate resources to increased stem elongation. Although annual grasses and Centaurea can both grow taller than P. lyonii, the grasses reach their maximum height much earlier than Centaurea. This means that the grasses can reduce the light available to growing P. lyonii plants and force stem elongation. Although elongation increases P. lyonii access to light the costs of this growth is apparently reflected in reduced resource availability for inflorescences (Gurevitch et al. 2002). The reduction of inflorescence number combined with increased height in plants competing 25 with annual grasses indicated that increased height did not provide a competitive advantage to P. lyonii. Depending on the species composition of the immediate neighborhood of a P. lyonii plant, competitive pressure could affect an individual plant throughout the entire above-ground portion of its life cycle. Differences in the phenologies of annual grasses, Erodium, and Centaurea could potentially submit a P. lyonii individual to competition early in development (competition with annual grasses and Erodium) through flowering (competition with Centaurea). What are the environmental conditions that contribute to the displacement of P. lyonii by non-native plants? In the absence of outright destruction of habitat, it is difficult to be certain of the cause of the local extinction of a species. Comparisons of sites with extant populations and sites with extirpated populations can be used to identify environmental factors correlated with extirpation. Logistic regressions indicated that high cover of litter, annual grasses, non-native plants, low cover of Erodium, and minimal bare ground are good predictors of P. lyonii extirpation. This can be seen in the ordination of environmental variables in which extirpated sites had high cover of litter and annual grasses. High litter cover was the best predictor of extirpation, followed closely by scarcity of bare ground and high cover of annual grasses. These three variables are related. Scarcity of bare ground and presence of litter are both effects of annual grass presence. High percent cover of Erodium in extant sites suggests that it, like Pentachaeta, favors sites without extensive annual grass presence. The percent cover of Centaurea was not correlated with either extant or extirpated sites. Considering the magnitude of its effect on P. lyonii 26 reproduction, this result might indicate that its immediate co-occurrence with P. lyonii may not be as common or may be a much newer phenomenon than the co-occurrence of P. lyonii with annual grass. Anecdotally, the invasion of Centaurea melitensis seems to be a recent process, with observed increases in population sizes within the last thirty years (R. Burgess, personal communication). It is surprising that extirpation and domination from annual grasses were not correlated with frequent fires. The invasion of annual grasses can increase the chance of fire, leading to grass-fire feedbacks (Mack and D'Antonio 1998), which can have negative direct and indirect effects on the local community and ultimately result in typeconversion to alien-dominated grassland (Keeley 1995a). Within P. lyonii habitat, this kind of type conversion is a common occurrence. That extirpated sites were characterized by dominance of annual grass does not necessarily mean that competition from these annual grasses was the mechanism of P. lyonii extirpation. What are the impacts from non-native species on P. lyonii in the context of its native community? Habitat manipulations (cutting non-native plants, cutting and scraping the soil surface, and cutting, scraping, and adding cryptobiotic crust) did not affect the presence of P. lyonii or its density. This result is surprising given the results of the direct competition experiments showing that non-native plants significantly reduce the number of inflorescences by competition. This may indicate that reductions in P. lyonii density due to reduced seed production were not detectable in the two-year period of this study. The results further indicate that two aspects of life history of P. lyonii, germination and early-season survival, are not affected by non-native plant impacts such as competition 27 for resources, deposition of litter, alteration of soil stability, and displacement of cryptobiotic crust. If impacts during early life stages are contributing to population reductions, then factors other than non-native plant presence such as herbivory, granivory and/or the availability of safe sites for germination may be important. In addition or alternatively, below-ground effects of non-native plant presence such as alterations in the diversity of mycorrhizal fungi available to colonize native plant roots (Hawkes et al. 2006) may have adverse effects on P. lyonii survival. Manipulations had a positive effect on native species richness at all three sites, reduced percent cover of annual grasses, and increased the amount of bare ground. However, these results differed among sites. At the Pond site, neither the cut and scrape nor the cut and add crust treatment had a greater effect than only cutting non-native plants. However, at the Lower site, the cut and scrape treatment had a greater effect than the other two treatments. At Paramount, the cut and add crust treatment was most effective. Similarly, treatment effects on the percent cover of native annuals differed among sites. Again, at the Pond site, scraping and adding crust did not increase the percent cover of native annuals more than simply cutting non-native plants. At the Lower site, only the cut and add crust treatment had a significant effect. At Paramount, none of the treatments increased the percent cover of native annual plants. Therefore, efficient management for native species richness and percent cover is site-specific, and to reduce costs, potential restoration sites should be tested prior to management plan preparation. The increase in native species richness resulting from habitat manipulations is important because native species diversity is thought to be negatively associated with 28 community invasibility (Dukes 2002, Elton 1958, Naeem et al. 2000), although extrinsic factors may change this relationship (Levine and D'Antonio 1999). Species-rich communities tend to use available resources thoroughly, reducing available niche space for invading species (Tilman 1997). In this study, the treatments increased the number of native species present in most cases. There is a significant positive correlation between P. lyonii density and native species richness (NPS unpublished data), which might suggest that increased native species richness could indirectly benefit P. lyonii by reducing future invasibility or the impacts from invaders already present (Dukes 2001). The interaction of effects from competitors and litter has been shown to be more negative for seedling establishment than the effects of either competition or litter presence alone (Suding and Goldberg 1999). Although the different treatments had varying effects on native species richness at the three sites, at least one treatment involving both cutting (the removal of grass) and scraping (the removal of litter) increased native species richness compared to control plots at each site. It is not clear whether the interaction of annual grasses and litter had as great an impact on P. lyonii as it did for other members of the community because none of the treatments had an effect on recruitment of P. lyonii. The reduction in annual grasses is important because competition from annual grasses significantly reduced reproduction of P. lyonii. Annual grasses were more abundant at extirpated sites than Centaurea or Erodium and, along with sparse bare ground, high percent cover of annual grasses was a good predictor of P. lyonii extirpation. Therefore, significant reduction of annual grass cover and increase in bare ground should have positive effects on P. lyonii persistence over the longer term. 29 Because neither the additional manipulations of scraping nor adding crust decreased annual grass cover more than simply cutting non-native plants at any of the three sites, minimal management of annual grasses would only require their removal. In California grasslands, the abundance of native annual forbs and perennial grasses increases with seed addition even in the presence of non-native competitors, indicating dispersal limitations (Seabloom et al. 2003a, Seabloom et al. 2003b). Plots seeded with P. lyonii had greater densities of P. lyonii, regardless of treatment. Treatments did not increase recruitment from the seed bank as did addition of seed, indicating that P. lyonii is dispersal limited. Although only one site (Pond) had plots containing P. lyonii before seeding, P. lyonii germinated and survived in seeded plots at all three field sites. The fact that one of the sites had never supported a population of P. lyonii is particularly indicative of dispersal limitation, and suggests that conservation strategies should include establishment of new populations on appropriate protected land, along with the restoration of existing populations. Interannual variation in environmental conditions may contribute to the persistence of small native plant populations when they are competing with non-native plants, particularly if the natives possess a persistent seed bank and the invasives do not (Levine and Rees 2004). In southern California, alien annual grasses do not have a persistent seed bank, but many native annuals do (Pavlik et al. 1993, Rice 1985). The region’s widely fluctuating interannual rainfall affects population dynamics of species differently depending on seed dormancy characteristics. In environments dominated by grasses, a dry year reduces seed production in all species. Neither annual grasses nor native annuals will produce a large number of seeds. However, due to persistent seed 30 banks, native plant populations are not affected by periodic reductions in seed production associated with dry years. Therefore, a wet year following a dry year will favor a species with persistent seed banks, thus interrupting the competitive exclusion process (Levine and Rees 2004). Although P. lyonii has been thought to lack a persistent seed bank (Keeley 1995b), extreme interannual population fluctuations and germination studies (NPS unpublished data) indicate that sites with P. lyonii actually support large dormant seed pools. Conclusions and Management Implications Competition from invasive plants has not been a documented cause of extinction of any North American native plant species (Davis 2003). However, numerous studies have shown that competition from invasive plants can have negative effects on rare native plants (Huenneke and Thomson 1995, Kingston et al. 2004, Miller and Duncan 2003, Thomson 2005, Walck et al. 1999). These effects can reduce population sizes, increasing the possibility of local extinction (Brook et al. 2002). Hobbs and Mooney (1998, p. 276) suggest that “the process of species extinction is often simply the endpoint of a process of population extinctions throughout the former range of a species.” In the case of a rare endemic such as P. lyonii, which has already lost at least 45% of its populations in recent decades, and with the remaining patches geographically isolated by fragmentation, competitive pressures should be expected to contribute to local declines, and possibly its ultimate extinction. To forestall extinction, efforts should be made to establish (or reestablish) new populations. The data indicate that P. lyonii is dispersal limited, and it is a good candidate for introductions into sites with minimal presence of invasive species, large 31 amounts of bare ground, and presence of associated native species. The continuing destruction of P. lyonii habitat on private property means that conservation efforts must be concentrated on protected public lands. A goal stated in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s recovery plan is to establish new self-sustaining populations and restore existing populations to viable numbers (10 populations of 10,000 individuals). Therefore, suitable sites and sites with extant populations on protected lands should be seeded and maintained by regular removal of invasive competitors. By placing restoration sites on managed parklands, existing or developing weed management plans for the park can be incorporated into a long-term P. lyonii management plan. Wellplanned, holistic approaches to weed management can help to avoid re-invasion, or subsequent invasion of different non-native species. Hand-removal of weeds will be necessary because of their co-occurrence with P. lyonii. This can be labor intensive and therefore expensive. Alternative methods should be investigated to facilitate the feasibility of large scale, long term restoration efforts. The use of monocot-specific herbicides early in the season to eliminate competition from annual grasses should be considered as a possible option, but its effect on the associated community should be studied before implementation. The use of prescribed burning may be an alternative. However, little is known about P. lyonii’s response to fire, and experiments to evaluate the effects of fire frequency, intensity, and seasonality on both P. lyonii and its associated community should be carried out prior to consideration as a restoration tool. Little is known about the metapopulation dynamics of P. lyonii. If seeding new and existing populations is to be implemented as a restoration tool, pollination and 32 genetic studies should be done to determine population structure throughout the range, and to uncover potential pollination limitation in population fragments. The remaining populations are highly fragmented, separated by large urbanized areas, and may be genetically distinct. Genetic information will better inform decisions about source seed for restoration projects, and pollination studies will investigate a critical life stage in this self-incompatible species. Conservation biology is a crisis discipline (Primack 2002). Because of the unprecedented rate of species extinctions, often managers are forced to take actions to attempt to preserve species without thorough investigations. This study provides a basis to design sound conservation strategies, and serves as a starting point for further examination of the biological and ecological requirements of an endangered species. More broadly, the information gained here can be applied to similar conservation questions in mediterranean grassland ecosystems, which are under increasing pressure from non-native invaders. 33 Annual grasses 2005 Annual grasses 2004 1 1 0.9 Inflorescences (log) 0.8 0.7 0.6 D=-0.2712 SE=0.0384 N=19 P<0.0001 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 Competition No Competition Competition Erodium 2004 Inflorescences (log) 0.8 0.7 0.6 1 D=-0.2938 SE=0.0417 N=18 P<0.0001 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 Competition Competition No Competition Centaurea 2004 Inflorescences (log) 0.7 No Competition Centaurea 2005 1 0.8 D=-0.4253 SE=0.0688 N=15 P=<0.0001 0.9 0.5 0.9 No Competition Erodium 2005 1 0.9 D=-0.2107 SE=0.0537 N=17 P=0.0012 0.9 1 D=-0.3541 SE=0.0547 N=15 P=<0.0001 D=-0.4639 SE=0.0822 N=18 P<0.0001 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 Competition No Competition Competition No Competition Figure 1. Mean number (+ SE) of inflorescences (log transformed) on P. lyonii plants in competition and no-competition plots. D = the mean difference of the logs of the averages of number of inflorescences in competition and no-competition plots, SE and P values are from paired t-tests. 34 Annual grasses 2005 Annual grasses 2004 250 250 D=4.1774 SE=6.8213 N=19 P=0.5480 Mean height (mm) 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 Competition Competition No Competition Erodium 2004 250 D=-8.2730 SE=2.9726 N=18 P=0.0128 200 Mean height (mm) No Competition Erodium 2005 250 150 D=-90207 SE=12.4442 N=15 P=0.4805 200 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 Competition No Competition Competition Centaurea 2004 No Competition Centaurea 2005 250 250 D=-13.2260 SE=6.5770 N=15 P=0.0640 200 Mean height (mm) D=29.7856 SE=5.6971 N=17 P=0.0001 200 150 D=-4.6194 SE=20.1133 N=18 P=0.8211 200 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 Competition No Competition Competition No Competition Figure 2. Mean height (+ SE) of P. lyonii plants in competition and no-competition plots. D = the mean difference of the average heights in competition and no-competition plots, SE and P values are from paired t-tests. 35 Figure 3. Mean (+ SE) number of inflorescences (log transformed) and mean heights of P. lyonii plants (+SE) grown in pots with high and low levels of competition (densities) from nonnative species. Similar letters above two bars indicated a non-significant difference between treatments (Tukey HSD). 36 80 70 % Cover 60 50 Extant 40 Extirpated 30 20 10 O t h l gra er ss no es nna tiv es Er o di O um th er na tiv C en es ta ur ea P. lyo ni i un d gr o nu a An Ba re Li t te r 0 Figure 4. Differences in composition of sites where P. lyonii is extant and sites where it is extirpated. 37 Stunt fires since ‘58 Kirsten Lee %other non-natives soil depth Tierra near Triunfo near Malibu Cr Axis 2 Wildwood Cr 7th Day Mulholland %litter %annual grasses %other natives Rocky Oaks Sidlee far insolation %P. lyonii Triunfo far %Erodium Tierra far Wildwood Rd PAR %bare ground Wildwood Stage Sidlee near Cal Lutheran Axis 1 Figure 5. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling of environmental variables. Ordination rotated so Axis 1 correlates maximally with extant (unfilled triangles) versus extirpated (filled triangles) sites. The lengths and directions of the vectors indicate the strengths and directions of the correlations with the axes. 38 Native species richness (sqrt) 3.9 Pond 3.7 Lower 3.5 Paramount 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 Control Cut only Cut and scrape Cut and add crust Native species evenness 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 Control Cut only Cut and scrape Cut and add crust Figure 6. Native species richness and native species evenness within sites (mean + SE, n =20 plots per treatment per site). 39 Percent cover annual grass (log) 1.8 Pond 1.6 Lower 1.4 Paramount 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Control Cut only Cut and scrape Cut and add crust 50 Native annuals 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Control Cut only Cut and scrape Cut and add crust Figure 7. Means (+ SE) of the log of percent cover of nonnative annual grasses (n=20) and percent cover of native annuals within sites. 40 Number of P. lyonii (sqrt) 7 6 5 * 4 * 3 2 1 0 Pond Lower Paramount Figure 8. Effects of seed addition on number of P. lyonii within blocks. Hatched bars are blocks seeded once with associated species, and no P. lyonii. Gray bars are blocks seeded twice with associated species, and once with P. lyonii. * Indicates P < 0.01 (two-sample t-tests). 41 Table 1. Mean difference in magnitude of competitive effects of Erodium spp. and Centaurea melitensis on P. lyonii between the sites, Tierra Rejada (Tierra) and Triunfo and P-values from two-sample t-tests. Plots with annual grass as the competitor were established at only one site each year and were, therefore excluded from this analysis. Each variable was analyzed separately in 2004 and 2005. Non-native Site n Log(cut)-log(control) SE P 2004 inflorescences Erodium Tierra 10 0.34396 0.06524 0.18707 Erodium Triunfo 8 0.23116 0.04080 Centaurea Centaurea Tierra Triunfo 9 6 0.36426 0.33874 0.07772 0.07987 0.82879 Erodium Erodium Tierra Triunfo 10 8 0.13049 0.08262 0.04789 0.05319 0.51349 Centaurea Centaurea Tierra Triunfo 9 6 0.07341 0.12152 0.05905 0.07633 0.62244 Tierra Triunfo 8 7 0.49001 0.35137 0.11372 0.06880 0.33311 Centaurea Centaurea Tierra Triunfo 9 9 0.44685 0.48114 0.12964 0.10873 0.84192 Erodium Erodium Tierra Triunfo 8 7 0.06618 0.03638 0.05773 0.05831 0.23514 Centaurea Centaurea Tierra Triunfo 9 9 0.13767 0.08071 0.02701 0.09143 0.03591 2004 height 2005 inflorescences Erodium Erodium 2005 height 42 Table 2. Some of the native plants associated with Pentachaeta lyonii (NPS unpublished data). Allium haematochiton Amsinckia menziesii Asclepias fascicularis Bloomeria crocea Calandrinia ciliata Calochortus spp. Camissonia spp. Castilleja exserta Chlorogalum pomeridianum Chorizanthe polygonoides Chorizanthe staticoides Clarkia spp. Crassula connata Cryptantha spp. Dichelostemma capitatum Dodecatheon clevelandii Dudleya spp. Eremocarpus setigerus Erigeron foliosis ssp. foliosis Fritillaria biflora Gilia angelensis Gnaphalium spp. Hemizonia fasciculata Lasthenia californica Lepidium nitidum Lessingia filaginifolia Lewisia rediviva Lomatium dasycarpum Lomatium lucidum Lotus purshianus Lotus salsuginosus Lotus scoparius Lotus strigosus Lupinus bicolor Navarretia pubescens Nassella lepida Nassella pulchra Pectocarya linearis ssp. ferocula Phacelia cicutaria var. hispida Plagiobothrys spp. Plantago erecta Pterostegia drymarioides Salvia columbariae Psilocarphus tenellus Selaginella bigelovii Silene antirrhina Sisyrinchium bellum Stylocline gnaphaloides Thalictrum fendleri ssp. polycarpum Thysanocarpus spp. Trichostema lanceolatum Trifolium willdenovii 43 Table 3. Seed mix applied to plots. In February, 2004, all plots at each site were seeded. In October, 2004, five randomly selected blocks in each site seeded. *Additional seeds added to one block in each site. Species Asclepias fascicularis Bloomeria crocea Calochortus catalinae Calochortus clavatus Castilleja exserta Chlorogalum pomeridianum Chorizanthe staticoides Clarkia cylindrica Crassula connata Cryptantha micromeres Cryptantha muricata Dichelostema capitata Dodecatheon clevelandii Eremocarpus setigerus Erigeron foliosis Fritillaria biflora Gnapthalium californicum Hemizonia fasciculata Lasthenia californica Lomatium dasycarpum Lotus salsuginosus Micropus californicus Nassella lepida Nassella pulchra Pentachaeta lyonii Phacelia cicutaria Plantago erecta Plagiobothrys nothofulvus Salvia columbariae Sisyrinchium bellum Stylocline gnaphalioides Thalictrum fendleri Thysanocarpus sp. Trichostema lanceolatum #seeds/plot February 04 October 04 5 6 72* 2 62 3 100 83 5 80 100* 64 84 83* 4 7 6 100 100* 50* 7 7 17 100 100 45 100 16 10 100* 50 100 50 100 680 40 100* 9 25 1 83* 22 56 16 37 60 3 53* 44 Table 4. Comparison of conditions at extant and extirpated sites. Numbers in body of table are means (with standard deviations in parentheses). P-values are results of deviance tests from separate logistic regressions. Predictor variable % Litter % Bare ground % Annual grasses % Non-natives % Erodium % Other natives % Centaurea PAR Volumetric water content Soil depth Extant sites (n = 12) 31 (11.7) 21 (7.9) 19 (13.0) 37 (14.7) 4 (2.6) 24 (16.3) 8 (9.6) 969 (152.1) 44 (13.5) 21 (5.2) Extirpated sites (n = 4) 73 (14.7) 3 (4.2) 58 (16.9) 72 (16.7) 1 (1.0) 9 (15.8) 2 (3.5) 590 (370.2) 34 (18.6) 24 (7.0) 45 P 0.00002 0.00022 0.00032 0.00116 0.00777 0.06286 0.16733 0.01579 0.22449 0.33519 Table 5. The effects of treatments (cutting, cutting and scraping, and cutting, scraping and adding crust) for the dependent variables native species richness (sqrt), native species diversity, native species evenness, number of P. lyonii (sqrt), percent cover of non-native annual grasses (log), percent cover of bare ground (log), and number of native annual forb species. Source Site Treatment Site × Treatment Block(Site) Treatment × Block(Site) df 2 3 6 57 171 MS 6.549 0.796 0.199 0.308 0.083 F 21.23326 4.01073 2.39894 P < 0.0001 0.06975 0.02986 Native species diversity Site Treatment Site × Treatment Block(Site) Treatment × Block(Site) 2 3 6 57 171 0.103 0.292 0.126 0.232 0.09 0.44421 2.31162 1.3952 0.6435 0.1759 0.2191 Native species evenness Site Treatment Site × Treatment Block(Site) Treatment × Block(Site) 2 3 6 57 171 0.346 0.003 0.009 0.044 0.013 7.82575 0.317647 7.15926 0.000993 0.812737 0.637251 P. lyonii (sqrt) (all plots) Site Treatment Site × Treatment Block(Site) Treatment × Block(Site) 2 3 6 57 171 63.95558 0.58207 1.08939 18.50768 2.62579 3.455624 0.534308 0.414881 0.038325 0.675559 0.868457 Percent cover non-native annual grasses (log) Site Treatment Site × Treatment Block(Site) Treatment × Block(Site) 2 3 6 57 171 3.8475 4.39809 0.24065 0.40964 0.10522 9.392393 18.27588 2.287113 0.000298 0.00202 0.037765 Percent cover bare ground Site Treatment Site × Treatment Block(Site) Treatment × Block(Site) 2 3 6 57 171 436.1625 1187.8111 34.0070 282.3206 82.7633 1.544919 34.92849 0.410894 0.222128 0.00034 0.871117 Percent cover native annual forbs Site Treatment Site × Treatment Block(Site) Treatment × Block(Site) 2 3 6 57 171 600.1625 1586.894 488.2903 481.0408 120.5297 1.247633 3.2499 4.051204 0.294907 0.102085 0.0008 Native species richness (sqrt) 46 Table 6. 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