CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE ASSESSING WORKLOAD AND EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY FOR CLINICAL LABORATORY CONSIDERATIONS A project submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Health Science by Nicholas D. Lombardo June, 1976 The Thesis of Nicholas D. Lombardo is approved: Anthony M. Ale-beer, Committee Chairperson California State University, Northridge 1i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to acknowledge his appreciation for the guidance and advisement given by Dr. Anthony Alcocer and Dr. Donald Hufhines in the production and completion of this study. Most of all, grateful acknowledgement must certainly be expressed to Ms. Sally Peterson Lombardo and Ms. Susan Peterson for their thoughtful support, patience, encouragement and clerical assistance in reporting this study. Without their cooperation, this study would not have been possible. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APPROVAL PAGE ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii LIST OF FIGURES vi LIST OF TABLES vii ABSTRACT viii CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION . I. II. 1 The Problem and is Significance 3 A. Statement of the Problem . 4 B. Significance of the Problem 4 Limitations of the Study 5 Organization of the Paper 5 BACKGROUND AND SETTING OF THE PROJECT 7 III. 2. . .. I. Review of the Literature 7 A. The Work Study Field 8 1. Historical Development 9 2. Applications to Health Care 12 3. Applications to Clinical Laboratory. 15 B. Workloads 19 Summary of Literature Reviewed 25 Setting of the Project . . . . . . 27 C. II. Studies Related to Assessing Laboratory Page CHAPTER ') 32 METHODOLOGY I-.----Furpose-e-f--t-h e P-r-oj-ec-t--.- -.----.---.c-.-----.-.-.-----.-.-.------.----.----.------}2- II. A. The Project Objectives 32 B. Definition of Terms 33 Sources of Data and Their Measurement. 37 A. Method Study . . . . . 37 1. Working Conditions 38 2. Operations Analyses 39 B. Work Measurement . 41 1. Work Sampling 45 a. Frequency of Observations 46 b. Selection of Observation Times 4 7- c. The Observational Worksheet . . 48 2. 5. 51 a. Expected Time Allocations 52 b. Performance and Productivity Indices 54 Relative Value Assignments 55 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS 63 I. Data Related to Process 63 II. Data Related to Effort 66 III. Data Related to Effect 71 C. 4. Compilation of Performance Standards SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS. 78 :r. Summary 78 Conclusions 81 Recommendations 82 II. III. BIBLIOGRAPHY 84 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 42 1. Flow Process Analysis Summary 2. Specimen Collection, Processing, Reporting and Billing Procedures . . . . 43 3. Processing of Typical Patient Specimen 44 4. Activity Observation Worksheet 49 5. Hourly Activity Graph 69 vi LIST OF TABLES Page Table ... . 1. Expected Time Allocation Data . 53 2. Relative Value Assignments for Hematology 58 3. Relative Value Assignments for Biochemistry 4. Relative Value Assignments for Microbiology 5. Relative Value Assignments for Serology/Urinalysis 62 6. Distribution of Work Sampling 67 7. Laboratory 8. Individual Monthly Performance Summary 9. Performance and Activity Data . . ~..Jorkload . . . vii . . . . 60 61 72 . . 73 . 75 AtlSTRACT ASS~SSlNG WORKLOAD AND EMPLOYE~ PRODUCTIVITY FOK CLiNICAL LABORATORY CONSIDERATIONS by Nicholas D. Lombardo Master of Science in Health Science • June, 1976 The central aim of this project was to demonstrate the general applicability of industrial work study methods to a clinical laboratory work setting. Also, this project considered the question of choice of output measures and their use in assessing laboratory workloads and in evaluating technologist performance. A review of available literature revealed that a work measurement technique known as work sampling could be useful in establishing reliable performance criteria against which to evaluate technologist performance. Also, it was shown that a "weighted" work unit measure was more accurate for reporting and analyzing laboratory production than a simple enumeration of the tests performed. Consequently, a work sampling analysis was conducted at the clinical laboratory that served as the setting of this project, and a schedule of relative value assignments was developed based on the following factors: (1) the total technologist time required, (2) the skill qualifications needed, and ~3) the frequency of performance . . viii Standard laboratory performance was defined by profiling the effective utilization of technologist time and skill according to prearranged work and delay activity categories, and expected time allocations were calculated to reflect the amount of technologist time (input) that should be spent per relative value unit (output). Consequently, by employing this mediated work unit measure, the interfacing of work loads with manpower capabilities was enhanced since there was no longer a lack of adequate definition of these two variables. Therefore, it is concluded that the total evaluative scheme outlined in this investigation can, in fact, be used to effectively measure and control the accomplishments of labor in a clinical laboratory work setting. ix Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION The field of medical laboratory technology, and the subindustry supported by it, has experienced much change and innovation over the years. Only a few decades ago, in fact, the number of pro- cedures performed in a typical clinical laboratory could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Yet, today, hundreds of analyses are carried out routinely, employing assembly-line methods and sophisticated "space-age" technology. Indeed, what was orre regarded as the "last of the cottage industries" within the American health services "system" can now be described as a highly technological "big business". (3:269) A combination of social, economic and scientific developments have contributed to the rising importance of laboratory testing in the provision of health care in the United States today. For example, the passage of Medicare and Medicaid legislation alone created a dramatic increase in the demand for all kinds of medical services during the last decade. In particular, the aged, disabled and the indigent, previously without virtual access to medical care, were thus provided with the ability to seek and pay for it. At the same time, there began a growing emphasis within the medical community on the potential value of early detection of patient health problems, thereby causing a movement toward more extensive application of preventive measures with respect to ambulatory patients and eve n "h ea 1 t h Y" populations, as a possible means of offsetting 1 2 future needs for inpatient curative care. The need for a more scientific approach to the medical diagnosis of disease and disorder was further encouraged by a growing threat of malpractice litigation involving physicians in their practice of medicine. In this case, the ordinary process of confirming a suspected clinical diagnosis with a few discretionary laboratory tests was now being augmented by a growing number of requests from physicians for almost any associated or symptom-related testing procedure which the physician might eventually use to substantiate his diagnoses, if need be, in a court of law. Consequently, it can be said that such attitudes themselves were significant factors contributing to the overall demand for greater laboratory testing, so much that in the last five years, this demand has gone up some fifty percent. At the same time, the cost of laboratory services continues to grow, both in terms of total laboratory dollars spent and as a percentage of the total national healthcare bill. Annually, we now spend well over 115 billion dollars for health care, and of that, more than 8 billion dollars goes for laboratory services. (26:37) This sudden growth in the laboratory field, however, has not occurred without aggravating an already-existing shortage of qualified technologist personnel needed to work in the many laboratories located throughout the United States. Indeed, optimal utilization of the technological manpower in these laboratories has long been an economic necessity, as evidenced by the fact that health manpower alone has been absorbing at least one half of the average "health care dollar" 3 spent in this country over the past few years. (7:21) Growing pressures to rationalize this use of scarce, skilled, medical and technical manpower and to contain the costs of American health care in general, are thus forcing administrators of healthrelated operations to rely increasingly upon certain analytical and quantitative managerial techniques which have been used by those involved in the management of other industries, in some instances, for many years. Some of the applications of these techniques to the health field are still subject to pilot testing and further refinement; but others, whose usefulness has been demonstrated, can and should be adopted by health services administrators in the interest of better quality, more cost-effective patient care. I. The Problem and its Significance One of management's major preoccupations in any enterprise is concerned with the deployment of its resources, the most important of which is people. In order to attain optimal utilization of the skills of these people, however, management must be able to fit the job to the worker, and conversely, allow the worker to fit himself to the job. It follows, therefore, that the amount of work contained in a job antt, likewise within entire workloads, must be clearly defined and at the same time work guidelines and standards for acceptable performance should be established against which to objectively evaluate labor's efforts. 4 A. Statement of the Problem With these ends in mind, the central aim of this project was to investigate the general applicability of industrial work study methods to a clinical laboratory work setting. Specifically, this project dealt with the problem of determining to what extent, if any, such methods could be used to: 1. standardize the basic work content contained within the methods and the process of laboratory operations; 2. profile the effective utilization of time and skill as displayed by a staff of clinical laboratory technologists in the performance of normal diagnostic workloads; and 3. establish reliable performance criteria against which to evaluate the productivity and effectivity of technologists' work efforts. Also, this project considered the question of choice of output measures and their use in assessing laboratory workloads and in the calculation of laboratory productivity. B. Significance of the Problem The dynamic nature of medical technology requires an evalu- ative process which is not static but which is progressive. Unlike a manufacturing ope~ation in which practiced work methods are easily standardized and, where the unit of output is most often in terms of the tangible products produced, the schemes used to audit and control work effort in a clinical laboratory are considerably more challenging to design. This is due primarily to: (1) the fundamentally non- repetitive and heterogeneous nature of much of the work acitivity 5 required of laboratory operatives today; and (2) the multiple compositions which make up most normal diagnostic workloads imposed upon present-day clinical laboratories. Nevertheless, despite the fact that certain facets of a laboratory operation do not lend themselves to measurement, the need to establish and make use of control measures still exists. II. Limitations of the Study Today's truly professional manager concerns himself with various administrative functions and activities that include planning, organizing, staffing, supervising and controlling the work of others. While it is important to view each of these and their relationships with each other on an equal basis, nevertheless, it is not the intent of this study to explore each of these in detail, but rather to concentrate attention on the controlling functions and responsibilities of the laboratory manager, and on his systems of gathering and reporting needed performance data. Finally, no matter how adaptable the general scheme proposed in this study may be for use in other laboratories, it should be noted that the findings of this study themselves were determined according to the individual work conditions and operational circumstances which prevailed in the specific laboratory setting that was studied during the actual time period of this investigation. III. Organization of the Paper Chapter 2 presents background information pertinent to the subject of work study, as well as to the specific setting of the pro- 6 ject. A review of available literature is provided which highlights studies dealing with the development of the work study field, its application to general health care, and its application to the clinical laboratory work setting in particular. A separate section is included which reviews studies related to the assessment of laboratory workloads and documents various output measures that have been previously utilized. Chapter 3 outlines the method of procedure that was followed in the course of this project. The project's purpose and objectives are specified, along with various definitions of terms used in the text of this paper. Also included is discussion regarding the sources of data and their measurement in this project. Chapter 4 reports the findings and results of this project, as the data relates to the process, effort or effect of studied laboratory work activity. Chapter 5 presents a summary of this report, conclusions derived from the findings of the project, and final recommendations. Chapter 2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION I. Review of the Literature Unfortunately, little has been published in recent years concerning the problem of assessing laboratory workloads and evaluating manpower performance for a clinical laboratory operation. A preliminary survey of available literature revealed that the most useful research related to this subject has been directed to the industrial engineer. Thus, many laboratory managers have had little exposure to the possibilities of applying work study methods to laboratory operations. With this in mind, the following review was undertaken. Past studies were analyzed with regard to the above areas of concern and were organized under two general topics for the sake of convenience. The first section deals with the field of work study, and includes: (1) a description of the concepts and techniques of work study; (2) an historical perspective of the development of work study; (3) an overview of application of work study techniques to health care activities; and (4) a detailed review of work study applications to the clinical laboratory work setting. A separate section highlights studies related to assessing laboratory workloads and documents various output measures as well as their utility 1n · mon1tor1ng · · 1 a b oratory pro d uct1v1ty. · · 7 8 A. The Work Study Field Work study has been defined in various ways, yet its meaning is congruent with other such terms as methods engineering, work design and the well-established motion and time study. (4:1) In the broadest sense, work study can be thought of as the systematic study of work systems whose mother function embraces the twin tech- (31: 2) niques of method study and work measurement. Method study is concerned with how work is done and how it can be done better. The purpose of method study is to make the most effective use of an enterprise's available resources (such as people, space, material, plant and capital) through a critical analysis of a work situation, possibly leading to a better workplace layout, or a better work method design. The subject of work measurement, on the other hand, time: the duration of work and its frequency. ~s Specifically, work measurement techniques are designed to establish the standard time requirements for a g~ven item of work as carried out by a qualified worker at a defined level of performance. derived in this way can be used: (13:2) Work standards (1) as a guide to labor requirements; (2) to assist in work scheduling (3) as a basis for allocating labor and machines in a new or revised work process; payment of personnel; (4) as a basis for (5) as a basis for work control by comparing expected performance with actual achievement. (13:33-34) Nevertheless, despite the diversity of techniques used in work study, they all share a common objective, i.e., the purposive management of men and their artifacts. (18:4) 9 1. Historical Development Generally, these ideas which serve as the basis for work study methods are themselves as old as the common sense upon which they were founded. In most cases, however, these.primitive ideas and ways of doing work have over the years developed gradually into more sophisticated methods which have finally been grouped and given comprehensive titles. Certainly, one could go back in history to events such as the building of Pyramids and trace definite origins of present-day work study techniques. These were the beginnings of a scientific approach to the management of work systems. Yet, it is generally agreed that the detailed enunciation of the principles of work study and their widespread application in the modern world carne at the end of the nineteenth century in that remarkable period of industrial development following the end of the American Civil War in 1865. (31:3) Indeed, this period had seen the birth of a host of future work study pioneers, most notably of which included Frederick W. Taylor (1865-1915) and Frank B. Gilbreth (1869-1924). Known as the "father of scientific management", Taylor is generally attributed with discovering the time study technique of splitting a job into individual work elements which, when timed as such, could be used as the basis for estimating the ~otal job time. Taylor's real contribution, though, was his introduction of science to the practice and management of human work. By applying systematic methods to work study investigations, he encouraged the substitution of fact f. d. - ln 1ng for rule-of-thumb procedure. because of his efforts ' (4:27-29) Moreover, the concepts of human work came to be recog- 10 nized as a proper subject of study, a study which has since continued unabated. (13:106) Gilbreth, on the other hand, concerned himself with the method of work and its improvement. By applying his laws of motion economy, Gilbreth sought to identify the "one best method" of carrying out a task and then proceeded to put this to the test. (4:31) Through such analytical methods, he succeeded in showing that all manual work could be broken down into a few recurring elements, and that by analyzing work in this way, an understanding of the work methods could be gained which could facilitate improvements. (13:106) The fundamental quality of Gilbreth's work is indicated. by the fact that principles and techniques which he developed so many years ago are still being used by industry today. (4:34) Further, the work of Taylor and Gilbreth inspired the emergence of new specializations and techniques in work study, even during their life times. Indeed, men such as H. L. Grantt and A. B. Segur, who had worked together with Taylor and Gilbreth, were introducing new developments in both disciplines of work study which had now become known as work measurement and method study respectively. (31:5-6) Others, including Quick, Benner, Shea and Kowhler were creating systems of Predetermined Motion Time (P.M.T.) to be used for analyzing work motions, as well as for establishing time standards. Later on, in the 1930's and the 1940's, a number of other systems were produced independently such as the Methods-Time Measurement (M.T.M.) from Maynard, Stegemerten and Schwab. (31:6) trPWW'teM% 'W T? . r!l· ,·· T m rcrr • I t ,. 1 7 · w•wrrrr 'W frt:'F 11 Across the Atlantic, the work of Taylor, Gilbreth and their colleagues who followed them, had likewise affected investigations by men of equal brilliance - British, French and German - as their countries subsequently reached industrail maturity. L. H. C. Tippett, an Englishman, made the most significant contribution to work study by devising a technique based on statistical theory with which to solve the managerial problem of measuring work of a variable nature. Today, this technique is commonly referred to as work sampling, because it employs sampling procedures and, in its simplest form, consists of taking observations at random intervals or workers or machines and noting the work state at that instant. With work sampling it is possible to: (13:113) (1) determine the percentage of a work day that a man or machine is working and likewise the percentage of time that he or it is idle; time standard for an operation; (2) establish a (3) measure effective and ineffective time spent; and (4) establish a performance index relative to observed and expected results. (17:36) Also, in the field of variable work measurement, another technique recently developed by the Wofac Corporation, called the Variable Factor or VeFAC Programming, is being used to measure group, ou.tput or group capacity in a work situation. (31:6-7) The use of statistical methods, computerization, photographic and tape-recording techniques is increasingly finding favor in the work study field, and as new situations arise each day, new techniques will inevitably be in demand ' s1nce · . . a emp 1 oyment of modern concepts and techn1ques 1s Vital necessity. (4:7) 12 2. Applications to Health Care The genesis of the work study movement in h~alth care, as in any other industry, is to be found in the teachings of Taylor and Gilbreth. In fact, it is believed that Gilbreth was the first person to apply industrial work study techniques in a medical care situation when, shortly after the turn of the century, he applied his motion study methods to a study of the interrelated activities of a team of doctors and nurses engaged in a surgical operation. However, until the mid-1950's, application of work study analyses to the health field was practically nil. (25:59) The nursing profession was the true pioneer in promoting the use of work study methods in health care. Although relevant contributions were made by other health care professions, the initiative for the adaptation of industrial engineering concepts to analyze health care activities came in a large measure from nurses during the post-war years. Indeed, more studies have been promoted by members of the nursing profession than any other. (25:63) In particular, the two areas of nursing where work study methods have been successfully applied are: (1) direct patient care procedures,-and (2) nurse-patient relations. (25:63-65) For example, an early study by Abdellah and Levine (1) demonstrated the utility of a work measurement technique known as "work sampling" and applied it to the problem of collecting performance data concerning the functions and activities of nursing staff. Work meas Four alternative . . . urement techn1ques were rev1ewed and compared accord1ng to their suit b"l· a l 1ty and practicality for use in this kind of work 13 setting. It should be noted that three of these four techniques involved variations of continuous time study methods, while the fourth involved only intermittent observation, as in the context of the work sampling methodology. In reporting their conclusions, the authors suggested that "for purposes of nurse utilization studies, the intermittent method be used by virtue of the simplicity and economy which this method possesses". (1:16) However, contrary to accepted industrial engineering practice, the authors also concluded that sampled observations, in this setting, did not need to be randomly selected, but instead suggested that observations be regularly spaced. The authors further reported that observer bias was negligi- ble after the first few observations were taken and that "the workers did not deviate from their usual work patterns, even with the appearance of an observer". (1:15) Similarly, Burke and others (6) conducted a time study of nursing activities in a psychiatric hospital with the intent of determining what proportion of attendant nurses' time was being spent with patients doing prof~ssional and related tasks. In making this determination, the authors contrasted the usefulness of the work sampling data collection method with that of the continuous "stopwatch" method, as applied to this kind of investigation. Again, it was determined that the work sampling method was preferred over the continuous method of observation, primarily because the former method required fewer observers and created less disturbance to those observed. I n d eed, work sampling was shown to be reliably effective in finding out the amounts o f t1me . . . . f or spent on specl. f.lC act1v1t1es 14 various categories of nursing personnel. On the other hand, the authors pointed out that continuous time study methods should not be completely ignored for such utilization studies, since such methods can be helpful in uncovering related facts which might not be brought out by the work sampling method. (6:52) Applications of industrial engineering principles to pharmacies as practiced primarily within the hospital, has received a modicum of attention in the past. Such applications included pre- packaging of drugs; improvements in systems, equipment and facilities; forms design and control; and standardization of methods. (25:176) Dentistry has also utilized work study methods applications. As early as 1942, Barnes and Speidel (27) collaborated to explore the used of motion and time study in dental education. Also, in the mid-1950's, Mundel (20) produced a memomotion film of the dental operatory based upon a work sampling experiment which received much attention. The late 1950's were years which saw the leadership for the use of industrial engineering practices in health care shift from nurses to hospital administrators and the scope of organized methods improvement programs assume hospital-wide proportions, often involving research, education and professional practice. During this period, hospitals established a decided trend toward the staff specialist approach to work study application. In fact, the number of hospitals known to have used full-time industrial engineers more than tripled. In add· · ltlon to being more numerous, these staff specialist programs of the 1960's grew in scope and in size. Thus, the concept of the 15 hospital industrial engineering department emerged as a permanent characteristic of modern hospital organization, even though in recent years, some hospitals have tended to use consulting firms to either supplement or take the place of on-going staff specialist programs in (25:75-76) this area. 3. Applications to Clinical Laboratory One of the first researchers to apply work measurement techniques to examine performance within a clinical laboratory was Allen. (2) In 1957, Allen investigated the time requirements for each major group of testing procedures that were being performed in eight different hospital laboratories. Essentially, the time needed per examination was arrived at by dividing the total technician time spent by the work load performed. The resulting standard times were then adjusted for time loss and for time spent on non-laboratory activities. It should be noted that these standard time data were compiled using the industrial "stopwatch" technique and therefore carried out in accordance with the continuous time study method. In addition, Allen reported that the time required to perform each test group was subject to a number of variables, the most important of which were: (1) the division of responsibilities; mechanization; (3) the size of the workload; (2) the extent of (4) the type of workload; and (5) the work flow process and physical layout of the laboratory. (2:123) Owens and Finch (21) also emphasized the importance of establ' h' ls lng performance standards for managerial control purposes in th · elr report of a laboratory operations study which they conducted 16 the same year. In this study the authors attempted to calculate "norms" for test outputs based on a· performance measure which the authors called T.M.H. (test output per man-hour) value. Also pre- sented was an overall performance index known as S.L.M.H. (standard laboratory man-hour) which was devised to represent proportionately how the average technician utilized the minutes that comprised an average. laboratory man-hour. The S.L.M.H., therefore, was the sum of a number of individual standard time requirements projected for various technologist work activities thought to be typical in each of such departments as biochemistry, bacteriology, hematology and serology. The following activities were included: time spent for specimen processing and testing; (1) benchwork- (2) collection activities- time spent drawing blood and/or preparing the patient and specimen for testing; (3) reagent preparation- time spent for solu- tion preparation and restoring; (4) work place maintenance- time spent for set-up and clean-up of work area; and (5) non-technical laboratory assignments- time spent writing reports, telephoning, conferring, etc. (21:102) Showalter (24) was one of the first to deal with the posibility of enhancing laboratory performance by improving operational efficiency. This approach, as outlined by the author, involved the application of industrial engineering principles of methods analysis and work simplification, as part of a total methods improvement pro&ram that had been effected at the Memorial Hospital of Charleston, Wes·t Virginl· a 1"n 1962. And def lClencies · · Work methods were analyzed for inefficiencies ' simplified and ultimately standardized. Also, 17 staffing requirements were correlated with the distribution of workload and were based on information provided by a series of work samples. In fact, according to Showalter, "work sampling gave a great deal of insight into the cost of duplicated effort, as well as the cost of needless activitiy in the laboratory". (24:76) Un- fortunately, not much information was made available concerning the work sampling study or the analysis of laboratory methods and procedures. Ozan (22) detailed an evaluation methodology that was used, not only to audit technicians' work activity, but also provide an outline of operational inefficiencies which, together, formed·the greater part of a total laboratory performance improvement program. Since the concept of performance measurement was now becoming more understood and likewise a topic of great concern in the field of laboratory management, Ozan attempted to develop a procedure that would identify facts pertinent to the productivity and effectiveness of laboratory technicians. With the use of work sampling, inefficien- cies were revealed and improvements hypothesized. were subsequently established Performance goals and progress achieved toward attaining these goals was reflected in a Laboratory Performance Index (LPI). The LPI measure was calculated by dividing the expected total time projected for the workload experienced over a certain time period by the actual time spent for this particular workload during this specified work period. In the context of proper interpretation, it is important to note that the numerator_- of this index was intended to tefl h ect t e effects of implemented method improvements, whereas 10 the denominator indicated the actual performance time under all possible shortcomings of the laboratory operations. (22:74) Bonin and others (5) presented a work index called a performance factor (PF) which expressed workload in terms of the average number of relative value units produced per man-hour during a selected time period. Relative value units were "weighted" work unit measures of laboratory output which were used in lieu of the quantitative "number of tests" unit_ and which were arrived at by multiplying the proper weighted relative value assigned to each particular test times their frequency of performance. Lawton and others (19) also used an index of productivity based on a ratio of the total relative value units (output) pro- duced during a specified time period to the available man-hours (input) consumed during the same time period. This index (or Pro- ductivity Indicator) seemed to offer useful evidence of personnel productivity measurement by representing productivity as the amoung of output (total relative value units) per unit of input (labor time). Elwell (11) discussed such laboratory productivity measures in his study of seventy-five public health laboratory work groups in an effort to reveal the factors which caused differences in productivity from one functional group to another. Firstt of all, Elwell considered the notion that possibly these measures themselves were inadequate. The author warned that relative value units may be adequate for one laboratory but inappropriate for another, since Weighted values are often average measures. should b Also, man-hour figures . e measured ln terms of the net hours available rather than 19 the gross hours, since it was found that only eighty-four percent of the total .amount of time available each day in the laboratory was used for laboratory work. (11:24) In the final analysis, productivity was clearly related to the amount of monthly fluctuation in incoming workload. The author concluded that laboratory super- visors might increase productivity by taking advantage of peaks and valleys in diagnostic workload by allowing the technologist employees time away from the bench to pursue other interests during slack hours. Therefore, forcasting of day-of-week and hour-of-day peaks and valleys in workload was stressed by the author. Still, though, the author hastens to point out that there is much misunderstanding and confusion surrounding the concept of productivity measurement among (11:24-25) laboratory managers today which must be eliminated. B. Studies Related to Assessing Laboratory Horkloads Currently, it is said that the methods of ~valuating laboratory workloads are as variable as the testing procedures which compose such workloads. Therefore, both the methods of calculating workloads and the testing methods themselves need to be standardized if there is to be any uniform approach to the analysis of laboratory performance. (28:36) Most laboratory administrators have been in agreement for a number of"years that a composite record of the work done, based on the numbers of specimens processed,does not of itself give suffi- cient information for judging the total work activity. or; especially, the char Obviousl acter of the work performed in a laboratory. (29:74) Y, a raw count of the total tests performed cannot reflect the 20 intricate nature and variability of some laboratory procedures, since no element of discrimination is used to differentiate the procedures. (28:36) Therefore, because of the variety of conditions and circumstances which may affect this kind of work output, it is indeed misleading and inaccurate to measure laboratory activity solely on a quantitative basis. Moreover, quantity, by itself is too non-descript a measure for the determination and management of laboratory performance and in the computation of laboratory workloads. (14:665) Based on this general premise, several studies were conducted in an attempt to derive a more realistic measure of labor accomplishment for use in reporting clinical laboratory workloads. For example, an early study conducted by Starkey (29) suggested that workload be assessed in terms of work units evaluated according to a measure of time. Comparative ratings in terms of technicians' time per test were developed for each type of test being performed in laboratories at that time and were arrived at by taking observations of technicians of varying experience, working in several different laboratories and recording their test outputs according to prear- ranged type categories. Resulting work unit "scores" were then assigned to each test relative to the estimated average amount of technicians' time demanded to perform each test individually. According to the author, this "point scoring system" was generally accepted at that time to be the only practical method available for eomparat· - lVe assessment of labortory workloads. (29:77) However, at about the same time, the Canadian Association 21 of Pathologists (8) published its version of "unit values", similarly based on the amount of time needed to accomplish each procedure. By averaging the reconunended figures of its divisional members and pathologists across the country, the Association collectively compiled a schedule of unit value designations in which each unit represented ten minutes of time, with approximately seven minutes of each unit arbitrarily assigned to the technical aspects of a test, while the remaining three minutes signified average time consumed for clerical activities, preparatory and clean-up duties and other non-technical (8:62) jobs. Six months laster, Warren (30) reported a schedule of laboratory units which was accepted by the College of American Pathologists and published members. for the first time in a bulletin to its Based on a system that was in use at a Boston Hospital laboratory, the unit values were calculated to reflect the amount of effort expended by the technical, clerical and aide personnel in performing various laboratory procedures. As in the Canadian study, unit values were designed to be numerical equivalents to the amount of time needed for such functions as specimen processing, calculation, logging and recording of results, as well as actual test analysis. Supportive activities included such things as solution Preparation, glassware washing, quality control and clean-up. Although both the Canadian and American systems were subsequently modified in keeping with changes in laboratory practice, nevertheless, both st d" . . u les 1ns1nuate professional acceptance of the belief that Simple . enumeratlon of procedures was inadequate for the measurement 2L of \·mrkload and that "weighted" units were more suitable and reliable for assessing levels of activity of laboratory personnel. (22:70) With the advent of automation into the methods of laboratory operation, the frequency with which each testing procedure was performed had itself become a factor which needed to be imposed in any calculations of weighted work units. The major reason for this is that rarely-requested and esoteric procedures tend to interrupt normal laboratory work schedules since they are necessarily done on an individual and/or manual basis. (14: 666) \.Jith this in mind, Hainline (14) proposed a system for reporting laboratory workload which went beyond previously proposed systems which weighted only for the factor of time. In so doing, the length of time necessary for an average technologist to perform a particular test determination was additionally modified to account for the following related factors: tions; (1) the length of time necessary to do duplicate determina- (2) the skill involved; and (3) the usual frequency with which each test was performed. It should be noted that the total time estimates included not only the basic analysis time (measured by using industrially-accepted stopwatch techniques), but also included arbitrary estimates for the average preparation time and the average calculation time necessary for each general test type. In the end, time-skill-frequency (TSF) units were calculated, and subsequently used to detail laboratory activity. (14:666-668) Besides this new work unit, another noteworthy contribution of the Hainline study was an analysis of work done over a five-year period in which the author compared the weighted TSF unit system of 23 recording workload with the usual quantitative method, based solely on the number of tests performed. Whereas comparisons showed the total number of determinations carried out over this period rose thirty-eight percent, this same increase in workload, expressed in TSF units, exceeded sixty-five percent. The main reason for this difference in productivity determination was revealed by an examination of the actual distribution of tests requests. Since more sophisticated testing techniques and equipment had been installed during this time period, a greater number of high unit-valued tests which were relatively new at the beginning of the study, were requested in lieu of the usual low unit-valued procedures. Consequently, this different mix of test requests, when combined with the obvious quantitative increase in test volume, was responsible for the resultant difference in productivity gains, because this influence could not normally be accounted for using only the raw count method. (14:670) Most recently, Bonin and others (5) developed a weighting systems of "relative values" for reporting laboratory workloads with applications specifically for public health laboratories. As in the past studies, relative values were numerical equivalents calculated for each test and, in theory, established each test's relationship to a chosen unit, in this case, a relative value equal to one (1). Furthermore, relative values were weighted work unit measures and as such, were dependent on the following predetermined factors: tim · e required to perform the test procedure; (1) the (2) the qualifications of the technologist; and (3) the complexity of the technique and 24 decisions involved. Logically, a test with a low relative value typically designated a diagnostic procedure that a person or a machine could perform quickly and easily. Conversely, a high relative valued test indicated a difficult, time-consuming determination that probably required a great deal of expertise. (5:112-113) In reporting this investigation, the authors concluded that an informational system based on relative values offered a more objective and reliable basis for decision-making, when judged in perspective with other workload reporting systems. In addition, the authors demonstrated how relative values could be used in the accounting of costs per funcional area in the laboratory, in monitoring performance, and in determining staffing requirements. (5:117) An associated study discussed in a paper by Lawton and Elwell (19) portrays a relative value structure which considers: (1) the time required to perform the examination; (2) the complexity of decisions and qualifications of the technologist; and (3) the frequency of performance of a particular procedure. Unfortunately, very little detail was offered regarding the data collection and factor development aspects of the investigation. However, the authors indicated that subjective judgement was a necessary ingredient in establishing the measures of complexity and frequency, and that the validity for each factor and the corresponding weights were tested on a Pilot basis by a number Values were intended. of laboratories for which the relative The most significant contribution of this study Was the array of applications of relative values that was related · ln terms of actual experience, rather than hypothesized. 25 ~)pcci fically, (J) the authors illustrated the use of relative values: (or measuring workload over-time; (2) as an indicator of pro- ductivity; and (3) for estimating the cost of laboratory testing. (J 9: 207-208) C. Summary of the Literature Reviewed The preceding review of literature presented select studies which relate to assessing workload and/or evaluating operational performance with regard to clinical laboratory considerations. From this, a number of preceptive generalizations were apparent. For example, it was generally agreed by laboratory managers that no consistent relationship ever existed between the most traditional and customary laboratory workload measure, expressed in terms of the work unit known as "the number of tests performed", and the actual quality or character of work activity experienced. Furthermore, most gradually recognized over the years that any evaluation of work activity utilizing this measure was valueless except possibly in making comparisons of the same for a single laboratory under identical work conditions and circumstances. Unfortunately, this ideal situa- tion is not totally practical in most instances. Consequently, as a challenge to the the custom of portraying workloads on the basis of quantity alone, a number of admininstrative authorities attempted to develop other more realistic methods of record-keeping. A study of the history of laboratory reporting systems revealed that, in fact, many different schemes have been hypothesized, employed and eventually discarded. In any event, most researchers expressed the view that "weighted" factors themselves might best be 26 computed for each laboratory according to unique setting, methods and/or personnel characteristics peculiar to each laboratory. Signif- cantly, the single most fundamental factor taken into account in every "invented" work unit scheme dealt with the resource of time in some way. Generally, it was shown that comparative time estimators need to reflect not only the basic analysis time for each testing procedure, but should make provisions for the amount of time consumed in the conduct of essential non-technical activities as well. The best reporting systems differentiated the esoteric procedures from the simple, routine procedures by weighting certain associated factors for such things as the amount of training and background skill required of the technologist in order to perform each specific test, and the particular sophistication demanded in the way of equipment and instrumentation for each determination. Also, the complexity of test methodology and the importance of technical decisions involved for each procedure was given consideration. Finally, the frequency with which each test was performed was also an important factor which itself was incorporated into the best of the weighted work unit schemes reviewed. Admittedly, there are other operational factors which might also have been integrated into past or future schemes. However, the expected added specificity as a result of further factorization does not appear to be significant enough to matter. it is the opiriicin· of Therefore, this writer that, in general, any workable method for determining the relationship of various testing procedures to overall laboratory workload must have, as its basis, a system of 27 weighted unit values, computed from formulae which depict the variables of time, skill and frequency. One should not assume this to be the "perfect" unit of measurement for comparative assessment of laboratory workload, but rather one should recognize and take advantage of the many practical advantages this weighted unit system offers over other work units whose quantitations which may be either inadequate or cumbersome. With regards to the application of work study methods for workload and performance evaluations, there is strong evidence that the work measurement technique of work sampling can be quite useful in ascertaining data related to weighting factors, and for use in determining laboratory work standards and productivity expectations. Secondly, the industrial engineering principles of methods anlysis and work simplification were shown to be readily adaptable to a clinical laboratory work setting. As part of a total operations improvement program, they can help create a more efficient, effective and uniform operation. Finally, it was shown that an index of pro- ductivity based on a ratio which compares output (total relative value units produced) to input (net technologists' man-hours consumed) is the most suitable performance measure with which to monitor the effective performance of both management and technologist work staff in the laboratory. II. Setting of the Project This study was conducted at a proprietary, non-hospital, clinical laboratory which serves various medical providers within the greater Los Angeles medical community. The basic function of the 28 laboratory is to perform various diagnostic testing procedures or assays on certain biological specimens submitted to the laboratory, and to report the results of these tests to the requestor as soon as possible. Generally, the laboratory services physicians--either in their private practice offices, at extended care facilities, or through skilled nursing homes--by providing an extensive courier arrangement for pick-up and delivery of specimens and tests' results. At the time of this study, the laboratory was owned and operated by two bioanalysts and employed an average of fifteen fulltime and ten part-time employees. In addition to the co-directors, the composition of the full-time work force also included five licensed laboratory technologists, one supervisory technologist, two technologist assistants, five clerical personnel and two office managerial staff members. Within the part-time employee group were four couriers, one glasswasher, two office assistants and three mobile phloebotomists. In all, the total combined work force consisted of twenty-five persons. The laboratory technologists, all females with an average age of 37 years, were the primary subjects of the work sampling analysis. All had previous experience in either hospital or other commer- cial laboratories prior to their employment at the laboratory under study. Educational backgrounds differed in that three out of five held bachelor's degrees, while the others had only associated technical degrees. However, all were fully licensed clinical laboratory technologists with a minimum of four years prior laboratory experience. Sixty percent of the technologist staff had less than one year's 29 seniority at this laboratory, a fact which reflected an existing highturnover rate of technologist personnel, and which served as a major motivation for this study. During the first month of 1975, therefore, the management of the subject laboratory decided to undertake a critical examination of the laboratory and its operation. Formal preparations and planning were begun immediately despite the commonly held beliefs that: (l) the laboratory was performing with at least average efficiency; (2) the testing methods being utilized were both professionally accredited and technologically current; and (3) the general services and actual test results were of acceptable quality. Following managements rejection of the suggestion to enlist the services of an outside consulting firm, it was decided that planning and direction of the program were to be a joint effort between the in-house managerial and technical staffs. An uncounted number of meetings followed and many hours were spent discussing, questioning and researching in an effort to "thinkthrough" the project. For the most part, economic considerations de- termined the degree of training that could be received or made available to the members of the study group regarding work study methods. Finally, details were outlined pertaining to the method of procedure that was to be followed towards the resolution of the project. It was decided that the project was to proceed according to Planned "phases". These phases were outlined as follows: RPase 1 - Preparation and Planning a. Determine the usefulness and expected return 30 b. c. d. of such a project. Decide whether or not to proceed (if justified). Choose the correct course of action. Announce and explain the conduct of the project to entire staff.· Phase 2 - Operations Analyses a. b. c. d. e. Evaluate work methods and testing procedures in the laboratory. Analyze space requirements and equipment placement. Examine working conditions and employee morale. Appraise job content according to personnel requirements. Schedule implementation and completion improvements before entering next phase. Phase 3 - Work Sampling Activity Analysis a. b. c. d. e. f. Conduct preliminary analysis to preview study design. Classify work elements into general activity categories for study. Design data tally sheet needed to record observations. Estimate required number of randomized observations. Determine data collection time span and observation time. Make observations and compile data for analysis. Phase 4 - Establish Group Performance Standards a. b. c. d. Determine total output of relative value units from production data. Determine total man-hours from time cards for study time period. Calculate normal time spent per relative value output for each work and delay activity based on percentaged derived from work sampling. Apply allowance factor for personal, fatigue and delay allowances to normal time calculations to give performance standards. Phase 5 - Calculate Relative Value Assignments a. b. c. d. Compile a list of all diagnostic procedures performed. Measure average basic analysis times for certain key tests performed. Estimate the factors of test complexity and frequency. Complete the calculations of weighted relative value for each test. 31 Once objectives and general plans had been agreed upon, a meeting of laboratory personnel was called to explain the intended project objectives, what was to be expected. done~ and what benefits could be The laboratory technicians in particular were fully ap- prised of the techniques to be used, since they were to be the center of attention for the work sampling analysis. At the same time, their individual and collective importance to the success of the study was emphasized and all were assured that no one would lose his/her job as a result of study evidence for a cutback in manpower. Normal employee attrition would gradually fulfill this need if proved necessary. In as much as there already existed a positive understanding between those conducting the study and those being studied, no real difficulty was experienced in gaining total acceptance of the study and complete cooperation. Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY This chapter will review the purpose of the project, the project objectives, and definition of terms used in reporting the project. In addition, the data collection process is described according to the sources of data and the method of analysis. I. Purpose of the Project This project was undertaken to study the general applic- ability of industrial work study methods to a clinical laboratory work setting. Specifically, the purpose of the project was to employ techniques of method study .and work measurement to: A. 1. standardize the basic work content contained within the methods and the process of laboratory operations; 2. profile the effective utilization of time and skill as displayed by a staff of clinical laboratory technologists in the performance of normal diagnostic workloads; and 3. establish reliable performance criteria against which to evaluate the productivity and effectivity of technologists' work efforts. The Project Objectives An essential step in any managerial planning activity is the definition and ordering of objectives. At the very least, the objectives of this project were to include the following: 1. To reduce the amount of non-productive activity, both voluntary and inherent, which may have been expressed in the performance behavior of the technologists themselves and/or through their work methods. 32 33 B. 2. To examine the utilization of time by the technologist staff of the laboratory and to determine why non-productive time may be occurring and to what extent during the average accepted workday. 3. To establish standard time data for each testing procedure performed by the laboratory, particularly for those tests which are repetitive and which comprise the greater part of normal workloads. 4. To define standard performance in terms of expected time allocations for various selected work and delay categories of technologist activity while performing normal workloads. 5. To evaluate the cyclic variations and activity patterns associated with the distribution of workload and general technologist performance, and as depicted in the average composite workday. Definition of Terms l. Industrial Work Study Methods: A generic name for those management techniques (particularly method study and work measurement) which are used in the examination of human work in all its contexts and which lead systemanticlly to the investigation of all the factors that affect t·he efficiency and productivity of a particular work situation. 2. Clinical Laboratory Work Setting: A place equipped and staffed to perform testing and analyses of various biological specimens for purpose of diagnosis and treatment of disease and disorder, and/or to engage in research essential to medical advancement. 3. Method Study: The systematic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed ways of doing work, as a means of developing and applying easier and more effective methods or procedures of doing work (preferred work methods). 34 4. Work Measurement: The systematic determination, through the use of various techniques, of the amount of physical and mental work, in terms of work units, in a specific task. Generally, the amount of time needed for a qualified worker to carry out a specified job or series of work activities at a defined level of performance. 5. Basic Work Content: The amount of work "contained" in a given product or service and usually measured in terms of manhours or machine-hours. 6. Clinical Laboratory Technologist: A person employed in a clinical laboratory to perform various chemical, microscopic and bacteriologic tests in order to obtain data for use in diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Job knowledge includes an understanding of the use and limitations of laboratory equipment and apparatus, familiarity with standard laboratory methods and techniques and basic knowledge in the fields of bacteriology, hematology, serology, and other biochemistry curricula. 7. Work Load: The amount of work expected from or per- formed by a work force during a specified period of time. Workload is usually expressed in terms of the tangible products produced, or services rendered, and almost always of the basis of quantity. 8. Performance Criteria: Standards which provide a means of determining what performance behavior and productivity expectations should be, and upon which a judgement or decision concerning the same may be based. ~- Productivity: The ratio of the sum of the total output produced by an operation compared to the sum of the total input. 35 10. Effectivity: The degree of accomplishment towards achieving maximum outcome with minimum effort. Also, relative success in producing standard performance for normal workloads. 11. Management: The organization and control of human activity directed towards achieving specific ends. 12. Operative: The workers of an operation; for example, laboratory technologists are the operatives performing analysis functions in a clinical laboratory. 13. Man-Hour: A measurement unit ot time taken to carry out an operation or to produce a given quantity of product or service, vis-a-vis, the labor of one man for one hour. 14. Relative Values: Numerical equivalents assigned to each diagnostic procedure performed by the laboratory technologists and weighted in this study with regard to: quired to perform each procedure; technologist skill invloved; and test is performed. (2) (3) (1) the total time re- the technique complexity and the frequency with which each A diagnostic test with a low relative value would indicate that a person with a low skill level could probably perform this test quickly and easily. On the other hand, a high rel~ ative value would indicate a difficult, time-consuming test requiring a great deal of skill. 15. Relative Value Units: Weighted work units portraying the "character" of the work done, as well as the quantity of work done. Relative value units are determined by multiplying the number of times a certain diagnostic test is performed by the respective Value rating assigned to the test. 36 16. Expected Time Allocation: Theoretical potentials re- fleeting acceptable use of time by the operatives of an operation as determined by the managerial staff, and to be used in judging expected time requirements in performing expected work loads. 17. Performance Indicator: A ratio of the expected total time, expressed in terms of man-hours to the actual total time spent in performing a given work load over a specified time period. This percentage measure is a reflection of the effectiveness of the work effort under controlled working conditions. Performance Indicator 18. Actual Total Time (Man-hours) Expected Total Time (Man-hours) X 100 Productivity Quotient: An index expressing the sums of the output produced divided by the sum of the total input. There- fore, a comparative assessment of the total relative value units performed during a specified time period divided by the total available man-hours consumed during the same period of time. Productivity Quotient 19. Work Sampling: Total Relative Value Units Total Available Man-hours A technique in which a large number of instantaneous observations are made over a period of time of a group of machines, processes or workers. Each observation records what is happening at that instant and the percentage of observations recorded for a particular activity or delay is a measure of the percentage of time during which that activity or delay occurs. (Activity sampling is also known as ratio-delay study; observation ratio study; snapreading method; random observation method and work sampling.) 20. Flow Diagram: A diagram which shows the location of specific activities carried out and the routes followed by workers, 37 materials or equipment in their execution. 21. Work Process Chart: Charts in which a sequence of events is portrayed diagrammatically by means of a set of process chart symbols to help a .person to visualize a process as a means of examining and improving it. 22. Basic or Also known as a Flow-Process Chart. Normal Time: The actual time required to carry out an element of work by a qualified worker at a normal pace and defined level of quality. Determined by observation using a stopwatch. 23. Standard Elemental Time: The total calculated time in which a job should be completed at standard performance; basic or normal times adjusted by allowances for unintentional delay, personal, and fatigue considerations. II. Sources of Data and Their Measurement A. Methods Study The future success of any operation is said to be dependent, to a large degree, upon the continual improvement of its methods and the constant up-grading of its resources. With this in mind, a methods study was performed to verify the quality of the working conditions that prevailed and to examine the efficiencies of work methods as they existed. Specifically, analyses of operational circum- stances were designed to determine whether: (1) the most effective equipment and instrumentation were being used; (2) the best work flow process and physical laboratory layout prevailed; (3) preferred work procedures and contemporary testing methodologies were installed; and (4) personnel supervision was satisfactory. 38 The writer felt that this approach would help to provide not only more uniform circumstances and conditions for doing work in the laboratory,but also the necessary basis for appointing standards of acceptable performance that could be used to compare past, present and future levels of laboratory work activity. 1. Work Conditions Within a given set of working conditions, it has been shown that the amount of work done in a day is dependent upon the ability of the worker to perform prescribed tasks, and the speed at which he works. Obviously, the speed at which a worker will work is related directly to that person's inclination or "will-to-work", which itself is affected by many things. One of the most important influences is the physical environment in which a worker may be required to perform. According to Barnes (4), the essence of performance is normally a direct function of the quality of operational working conditions. Moreover, by eliminating as many undesireable conditions as pos.sible, worker morale can theoretically be heightened, and productivity likewise improved. Consequently, to initiate this project a thorough inspection of such things as lighting, ventilation, temperature, noise, sanitation and general safety considerations was performed with the thought of enhancing the personal comfort and mental·attitude of the laboratory workers and reducing the extent of physical and psychological fatique from doing this kind of work. The following list of questions reflects some of these concerns: (a) Are provisions made for the technologists to 39 work in either a sitting or standing position when applicable? (b) Is good housekeeping maintained throughout the laboratory? (c) Are the length of the normal working day and allowed rest periods realistic? (d) Are there any health or safety hazards associated with the methods in force? (e) Is there suitable temperature control so as to maintain a comfortable, ambient temperature in the workplace at all times? (f) Is the ventilation in the work areas adequate so that fumes and odors are not evident? 2. Operations Analyses Ideally, a method suitable for routine use should be specifie, accurate, precise, rapid, inexpensive and should require small quantities of specimen and minimal working space. Based on this definition, the various diagnostic procedures provided by the study laboratory were examined and judged. Data included a complete meth- ods description of the key and most commonly requested tests performed by the technologists, as well as the current procedural manual which outlined the non-analytimlwork methods employed by the laboratory personnel in conducting essential day-to-day functions. The objective of this review was to determine if, in fact, the most practical and accredited methods were being utilized. Furthermore, by examining the specific work content in this manner, it was hoped that this investigation would lead to the development of more simplified or improved methods and eliminate inherent inefficiencies that might have been heretofore unnoticeably present. 40 However, because of financial limitaiions, the application of work simplification techniques and principles of motion economy were restricted for the most part to a rather fundamental level of analysis. Yet, it should be pointed out that a number of select tests were examined in great detail. These tests included those analytical procedures which make up the greater part of normal laboratory workloads, and were identified by a review of past test request information. The review is summarized as follows: (1) in the Biochemistry Department, where some fifty different tests are performed, three tests account for about one-half of the workload; (2) in Hematology, where over twenty different tests are carried out, two-thirds of the typical work volume consists of just three tests; \3) in Serology, where about a dozen tests are conducted by technologists, only one test accounts for almost two-thirds of the usual test requests; and (4) in the Urinalysis Department, where about a dozen tests are also performed, only four tests make up almost 95% of the average daily workload for this department. Obviously, since these most frequently requested tests comprise such a large portion of the normal workload, it was felt that a good indication of the laboratory's basic work content could be obtained by analyzing the process of the methodologies for these specific tests. Therefore, continu<Dus observations were made of the subject technologists as they each performed the above tests. The essential job elements and their proper sequence of performance were identified by eliminating wasteful activity and by combining or changing steps in each operation. At the same time, the required 41 individual and aggregate times for each step in the particular methodology were noted and depicted using a flow-process or work-process chart. example Such procedural summations were recorded as shown by the chart presented in Figure 1 (See Page 42) which describes the various activities involved in performing an individual routine white cell count using manual methods. The overall laboratory operation itself, including specimen collection, processing, reporting, and bill procedures, was studied and diagrammatically represented as shown in Figure 2 (See Page 43). From this, one can readily trace the different ways a test request might have been generated and subsequently handled from the time the specimen was taken from the patient through the final billing process. In Figure 3 (See Page 44), a more specific work flow diagram is presented to show the sequence of events involved in the actu'al processing of a typical patient specimen in the laboratory. ln so doing, the paths of movement associated with the work and data flow procedures could be reviewed in order to gain a better insight into what could be considered as optimal organization and arrangement of manpower and equipment with respect to laboratory layout. B. Work Measurement Work measurement has been defined as the application of techniques designed to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a specific task at a defined level of performance. The first two factors, "qualified worker" and "specific task", are concerned with the way the job is organized and operated. Setting the best conditions as standard practice automatically generates the 42 Figure 1 Flow Process Analysis Summary SUBJECT PROCEDURE: EQUIPMENT: Routine White Blood Cell Count Pipette, WBC Solution, Pipette Shaker, Counting Chamber, Microscope. NO. DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY ----- TlMt. (MIN.) l Obtain blood specimen tubes from storage area 00~0\7 0. 15 2 Arrange blood tubes and result tickets in numerical order orJoo-v 0.09 3 Pick up specimen tube 4 Shake specimen tube 5 Remove rubber stopper from specimen tube and pipette blood 0.20 6 Place stopper in specimen tube and return tube to work 0.11 7 Draw WBC solution into pipette 00~ 0.08 8 Place pipette on shaker c&o-v 0.05 9 Remove pipette from shaker 000~ 0.06 10 Place contents from pipette into counting chamber 0~\7 0.09 11 Place pipette in soiled storage -~00\7 0.02 12 Place counting chamber in microscope ooo9;7 0.06 13 Count white blood cells 0~\l 0.64 14 Record results or count on corresponding result ticket 15 Remove counting chamber from microscope a 16 Clean counting chamber :~ bOO'V 17 Seperate completed result ticket r~~00\7 0.02 18 Transport result tickets to storage area ~O'V 19 Deposit original tesult ticket in box for delivery to i~OO'V ~OOO'V 0~0\7 1'o6D'v area ~OOV' proper nursing station and the duplicat copy for filing 21 Clean pipettes 22 Return clean pipettes to work area 23 Store clean pipettes at work area -- IJOO'V 0.06 - Transport soiled pipettes to sink ''ooov O~D'V oo~_'V Q !NSPECI!ONS 0 MOVES 0.08 0.12 0.15 0.08 0.35 rooor:\'V 0. 14 0000~ 0.06 2.76 TOTAL OPHATIONS 0.05 •(ooo'V 0.07 r-- 20 0.03 0 DElAYS 0 PHM. STORAGE \J 43 Figure 2 Specimen Collection, Processing, Reporting, and Billing Procedures. Drawing station collects specimen Physician collects specimen Laboratory collects specimen I I I Mail to laboratory Laboratory pickup Receptionistclerical I I Deliver to main laboratory via courier, or mail Deliver to laboratory via courier or mail I Receptionistclerical I I I ·I I Clerical! Clerical! I l Sample preparation! I Performance! I Report I Bill results I physician! I I IBi.Ll third party/ I I Bill patient! CLIENT DISTRIBUTION ENTRY ROOM ( ~ ·_____,____.,~,~·;_ 0u~ 0~ TRA.,SMIT RESULTS BIOCHEMISTRY MICROBIOLOGY ~ SPEC. STORAGE I l...r-r--t- . REPORT I SORT BY CLIENT AND ROUTE ·~ ~6 DELIVER TO CLIE.'IT Y~IT • ; ..... l HEMATOLOGY ~~ I LOCAL _e ~ORJ< IN PROCESS DISPLAY STE SEROLOGY/URI HALYS IS Y--1 CLIENT SERVICES . lfi' . I 1.. ---1----.., SPEC. STORAGE lrro- \1' WASTE SPEC. STORACE ~ ~~ ~ASTt Figure 3 Processing of Typical Patient Specimen ~ ..,_ 45 degree of uniformity and environmental stability that makes measurement feasible, and the resulting time standards useful as tools in planning and controlling operational performance. (18:102) With this in mind, the work measurement aspect of this work study investigation was preceeded by a method study of the laboratory to confirm that conditions and work methods were, in fact, right for the creation of performance standards. Since much work activity in the laboratory does not easily lend itself to direct measurement, the decision as to which work measurement technique to use was considered carefully. Indeed, certain laboratory work assignments are often varied and long in duration, and laboratory workloads can be quite irregular at times, or difficult to quantify. Instead of the continuous time study method, therefore, a somewhat lesser known technique was employed which, in some cases, has shown to be even more accurate and economical for gathering facts about performance behavior. (3:546) This technique is called activity sampling, or in the context of most work situations, simply referred to as "work sampling". 1. Work Sampling The principal work measurement technique selected for the collection of data in this aspect of the study was work sampling. Basically, work sampling is a catchword for a measuring device in which a statistically competent number of instantaneous and random observations are taken, over a period of time, of a group of machines, processes or workers. cords what was seen to have happened Each individual observation reat that instant, and the 46 summation of these observations enables one to depict the general or (18:209) instantaneous activity state of those being observed. The theoretical basis of work sampling is devised from the statistical sampling facility provided by the mean and standard deviation of a binomial distribution that closely approximates a normal curve. An appropriate and randomly chosen sample will thus tend to have the same distribution pattern as the population of infinite observations from which it has been drawn. (17:52) Provided that the conditions and time period studied can properly represent the actual situation, the percentages of time that a subject is observed to be working, idle or engaged in some other activity, can reasonably be relied upon as a basis for drawing conclusions and taking action. Although the uses of work sampling are quite extensive, its applications include mostly those work situations where knowledge of the percentage of time spent on a set of activities can: itate factual assessment of existing conditions, (1) facil- (2) indicate worth- while areas for improvement, or (3) assist in the computation of time standards for manning, planning and control. a. (18:215) Frequency of Observations The total number of observations to be made is dependent upon the confidence level and desired degree of accuracy of the data, since sampling always introduces a degree of error in estimation. Fortunately, the accuracy of the results can be controlled within tolerable limits with any required level of confidence if no bias in sampling exists. 47 For purposes of this study, the writer assumed that the precision of the sampling would be more than satisfactory if the final results could be kept within an error of ±2.5 percent in 95 cases out of 100 (95% confidence level). Subsequently, a preliminary sampling was completed in order to extract information relative to the work and delay categories of activities to be observed; estimates for expected percentages of time spent on each activity were obtained. The number of readings required, measured at the 95% confidence level, was then calculated by using the following formula: Where: N s p number of observations required precision interval (accuracy) activity percentage estimate 4 ( 1 s2 P N p ) From this, it was determined that approximately sixteen hundred observations had to be made to achieve the desired accuracy and to avoid overlooking significant findings. Consequently, an intensive, four-week data collection period was necessarily appointed to commence on February 2, 1976. b. Selection of Observation Times In selecting clock times for this number of observations, a stratified sampling was structured in a way so as to provide a representative depiction of the typical work activity experienced in the laboratory on an average workday, yet still satisfy the requirement of randomness in making these observations. Based on the total number of observations, it was determined that sixteen sampling rounds per day had to be made. Therefore, 48 one observation of each of the five technologists was made once each half-hour of each hour, between 8:00A.M and 5:00P.M., Monday through Friday. In advance, howeve~ a table of random numbers was used to appoint the specific minute in which a particular observation was to be taken for each half-hour time block. (17:108-111) It should be noted that in an effort to avoid bias and to maintain validity in sampling, "dummy" runs were made frequently throughout the four weeks of observations so that the technologists being observed would not alter their behavior each time the observer presented himself. For such runs, the observer simply walked through the work area, pretending to take and record observations, but not actually making use of these in the final analysis. c. The Activity Observation Worksheet The design of the activity observation worksheet that was used in this work sampling is presented in Figure 4 (See page 49). Both the nature and number of work and delay categories to be observed, as well as the number of subjects to be observed, were factors governing the degree of detail that was incorporated. Generally, the productive or non-productive status of the technologist's observed activity served as the point of reference that was used in the breakdown of the fundamental work and delay categories. At the same time, the various subsidiary tasks were categorized and arranged as technical, non-technical and ineffective along a time-of-day axis. As such, the observation worksheet was used to portray overall proportions of time spent in the sixteen work and delay categories selected. These work and delay categories were selected based Activity Observation Work Sheet I PRODUCTIVE WORK 1 1 u NON-PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITIES Date 00 Observer ~0 "y'{)- .o ~-q, -.v'Y ~0-<, TIME INTERVALS 8:00-8:30 s: Tr=--9-:-oo 9:01--9:30 -9 :3 1--10 : 00 lO:UI-10:30 10:31-11: ou ~% .j,'{)- ~~4,-<,0<$:- 'Y ~:> -<..,.;;; I .()-'V 0 'Q00 '?" 'o- 0-<, ~0 ::<::;0 .o C) -.v'Y v-''? 0-'Y <~.,_o'V ,..,_v c? ~0 0--<, «;-0~ t-::1 f-J· 00 c 'i (1) ~ Tr: or=-rr:3o n :Jr.:..-12: ou 12 : 0 1-12:30 T2 :Jl..: 1:00 -1:Ul=--E30 1:31--2:00 -2:01- 2:30 2T:rl- -JTOO --:r:Gl- T:30 J:Jf:...- 4!00 4:01=- 4:30 4 :~r=-s:o-o DAlLY TOTALS ~ 1.!: ~0 on the findings of the preliminary sampling that was conducted and in consultation with the laboratory supervisor, director and the technologists themselves. The gross work and delay activity categories were appointed and defined as follows: (1) Operation of Automated Equipment - actual task performance of automated testing procedures on automated equipment; (2) Manual Testing (Routine and Esoteric) - nonautomated, manual activities necessary in the conduct of manual methodologies; (3) Calculation and/or Recording Results - essential clinical activity associated with the professional determination and logging of test results; (4) Equipment Calibration/Maintenance - preventive maintenance and start-up calibration or instrumentation activities using standards, controls and other precision measuring devices done on either scheduled or non-scheduled basis; (5) Telephone (Technical Consultation) - time spent on the telephone interpreting tests results and explaining methodologies; (6) Instructional Communication (Staff) - communication within and between technical staff members of both an instructive and constructive nature; (7) Preparation of Work Area - every type of activity connected with setting up and organizing work place; (8) Reagent Preparation - all tasks included in the chemical preparation, stocking and handling of useable reagents; (9) Transporting Materials - any activity associated with the selection and transfer of materials such as glassware and instruments from storage to the work area or otherwise; (10) Clean-Up - all activities involving cleaning and janatorial jobs necessary for maintaining sanitary and neat working conditions; ~•mrmemmemrrrmarrrrtWT1fflr1ft"!W¥W:ZrtNtiiterttr~mr~r-~··~~!&~~~~~~~~·~~~~~miWO;J,;~'{~~~~~A~~--,. :. ;_.-:-~""'~ .•. ~·~~-~.,,,_. __ ,.,~-'<·--~·~·- 51 (11) Walking - walking in the laboratory without a load or discernable purpose other than the performance of work activity; (12) Talking - verbal communication which is social, non-job related and not in the general line of duty; and (13) Absent from Workplace - absence of any worker from the laboratory work area, except for illness or excused leave, including personal time. By analyzing the utilization of time in this fashion, it was possible to determine why non-productive activity was occurring and to what extent it was occurring during the average "accepted" workday. Also, this examination provided a data base with which to better define standard performance according to these work and delay categories. 2. Compilation of Performance Standards Competence, in the industrial sense, is measured by the time it should take to perform a job of known work content to a standard level of quality using defined methods. Known as "should- take" times, these theoretical potentials can be used to designate expected time allocations and ultimately to indicate how well actual results compare with performance expectations. The development and accurate specification of these standards, however, require first that certain issues be resolved. For example, in this study, capacity estimates had to be defined in accordance with the present technical resources, and had to be adjusted for the improvements inaugurated during the methods study portion of this investigation. Also, the patterns and distribution of test request habits of client physicians had to be reviewed to ~ 52 establish normal expected work loads. Once resolved, however, study was begun in order to define standard performance according to the utilization and delay knowledge from the prior work sampling analysis. a. Expected Time Allocations Expected time allocations were designed to portray how the laboratory's technologist staff was expected to spend its time satisfactorily performing average diagnostic workloads. Specifically, these data reflect a ratio between the expected input of technologist time for each unit of laboratory output, and are based upon the observed percentages of time spent on the various work and delay activities delineated by the prior work sampling analysis. Furthermore, since laboratory output was being measured in terms of relative value units, these standard time data were thus expressed as "minutes per relative value unit" and calculated using the following formula: (Min 1 ) R.V.U (%of time spent/ category) X (total man--hours) X (60 m:in/hr) Total Relative Value Units Performed In Table 1 (See page 53), expected time allocations were tabulated according to the particular work and delay categories and shown in Column Ill. Normalized allocation data, (i.e., observed time adjusted to refle~t true normal pace) are displayed in Column #2 and were arrived at by applying an effort rating factor of 85 percent to the observed time data in Column #1. It should be pointed out that the effort rating was based upon impressions and opinion of the observer Table 1 Expected Time Allocation Data fI' I WORK AND DELAY CATEGORIES i I ....:l <::: ::_) H z::r:: u w ~ MIN/R.V.U. OBSERVED (l) u w ~ I I I z MIN / R . V. U . STANUARD*i< ( 3) Operation of Automated Equipment 0.31 0.264 0.295 Manual Testing (Routine & Esoteric) Calculation &/or Recording Results Equipment Calibration/Maintenance Telephone (Technical Consultation) Instructional Communication (Staff) Pre2aration of Work Area 0.36 0.11 0. 12 0.06 0.03 o.o2 0.306 0.094 0.102 0.051 0.026 0. 01/ 0.343 o. 105 0.114 0.057 0 .029 0.019 1. 01 0.860 0.963 0.09 0.05 O.Ot) 0.071 0.043 0.068 0.086 0.048 0 .076 0.22 0.188 0.210 0.10 0.12 0.16 0.07 0.0t)5 0.136 0.136 0.059 0.095 0.114 0.152 0.066 0.45 0.3(j2 0.427 1. 68 1.428 1.600 TOTAL TECHNICAL :::r:: MIN/R.V.U. NORMAL* (2) ReaRent Preparation Transporting Materials Clean-Up 0 z w :> H ~ I u >::::1 f;L. f;L. w z H TOTAL NON-TECHNICAL Walking Talking Idle Absent from Workplace TOTAL INEFFECTIVE GRAND TOTALS ~- *Normal times calculated by applying an effort rating of t)5% to the observed times; **Standard times calculated by applying a 12% total allowance for personal, fatigue and delay factors; l I I I I l V1 w 54 in conducting the work sampling analysis, and also the democratic admissions of the technologists themselves. Finally, in order to make these performance data more realistic and complete, standard expected time estimates for each category werercalculated by applying a 12 percent total allowance for personal, fatigue and unintentional delay considerations, and shown in Column #3. Together, these expected time allocations were thus a depiction of standard performance or performance as it should be. As such, therefore, it was felt that these data could be used as a means of determining the reasonableness of present and future staffing, while also providing obvious criteria against which to evaluate technologist performance. b. Performance and Productivity Indices Knowledge of the state and level of performance of the laboratory technologists can be effectively monitored by utilizing certain performance and productivity evaluation indices. For example, one indicator that was used in this project compared the expected total time associated with a given workload to the actual total time spent for the performance of that particular workload over a specified period of time. This in index, or Performance Indicator, (P.I.) was derived by the following equation: (P.I.) Actual total time (Man-hours) Expected total time (Man-hours) X 100 Theoretically, realization of 100 percent should be considered standard performance, while anything less represents substan- ::>5 dard performance. Certainly, it would be desireable to achieve stan- dard performance levels on a continuous basis in the laboratory, however, in reality, this is not always possible in such work situations with variable workloads. Likewise, another work index that was used to evaluate perfprmance in terms of productivity is called the Productivity Quotient (P.Q.). This index relates the average number of relative value units (output) per unit of technologist time (input), and is expressed by the following formula: (P .Q.) Total Relative Value Units Total Number of Man-hours It should be noted that proper interpretation of the values obtained from these indices may be useful to indicate the possible. presence of a problem with staffing, or to find fault within the operation itself. In any event, fluctuations should have an assigna- ble reason or cause. Therefore, the effectiveness of these devices is dependent upon proficient translation on the part of management. C. Relative Value Assignments A review of the available literature concerning the question of choice of output measure as it relates to the needs of the clinical laboratory revealed that a more descriptive measure for work load sholid be devised, beyond that which was based on quantity alone. (14: ·665) Furthermore, it was shown that a system consisting of weighted unit scores or relative values is much more appropriate and accurate for the reporting and analysis of laboratory production, and that these purposes are best served when unit values are calculated for Sb the particular conditions as they exist for each specific laboratory. (28:36) With this in mind, the writer undertook the development of a more s.ophisticated data gathering and reporting system which could differentiate test loads in consideration of the following predetermined factors: (1.) the total technologist time required, (2) the skill qualifications needed, and (3) the frequency of performance for each procedure. In the calculation of unit values, however, the most important of these factors was the amount of technologist time that was required to perform a specific testing determination. Based on the standard time data compiled in the methods study aspect of this investigation, basic analysis times were established for selected procedures which comprised the greater part of the average daily diagnostic workload for the laboratory under study. Also, for those pro- cedures which could not be easily standardized, pVerage basic analysis times were estimated from a number of individual timings of each of the laboratory's technologists according to how many tests could be performed per man-hour. If a measurable amount of time could be saved by performing multiple determinations at one time, a second time estimate was measured to reflect the effects of this "hatching" factor. In weighting the factors of skill and frequency, arbitrary arithmetical equival€nts were assigned to each procedure with respect to prescribed formulae. For example, simple tests that required very little skill and which could be learned with a minimum of instruction were given a value of between 0.3 and 0.6 equivalents. Tests demand- 57 ing intermediate skill were assigned values between 0.7 and 1.0; the higher the value assigned, the greater the skill required. The frequency factors were weighted in accordance with the following: (1) For less than 1 test per day, a factor of 1.0 was assigned. (2) For 1-2 tests per day, a factor of 0.9 was assigned. (3) For 3-10 tests per day, a factor of 0.8 was assigned. (4) For 11-12 tests per day, a factor of 0.7 was assigned. (5) For greater than 25 tests per day, a factor of 6.0 was assigned. Thus the relative value assignments for each test were calculated by the following: Where: tl t2 T T and, s F basic analysis time for one determination basic analysis time for multiple determination time factor tl + t2 2 skill factor frequency factor Relative Value Assignment = (T) (S) (F) In presenting a list of the diagnostic procedures with their realtive value assignments, the tests were categorized according to thedepartmentwhere they are performed. Table 2 (See page 58) is a compilation of the various tests performed by the Hematology department of the laboratory. Unit values range from 1.25, for a hemoglobin determination, to 10.00 for a sickle cell electrophoresis. 58 Table 2 Relative Value Assignments for Hematology· TEST COD.!'.: NO. RELATIVE VALUES COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT 85010 3.25 DIFFERENTIAL COUNT 85040 l. 25 HEMOGLOBIN 85050 l. L.S HEMATOCRIT 85055 l. L.5 EOSINOPHIL COUNT 85330 3.L.5 ERYTHROCYTE COUNT ~50L.O 2.50 RETICULOCYTE COUNT 85640 2./5 PLATELET COUNT 85580 3.00 SEDIMENTATION RATE (E.S.R.) 85650 L..5o PROTHROMBIN TIME 85610 J.OO SICKL.l'.: CELL (SCREEN) <;5660 3.50 SICKLE CELL (ELECTROPHORESIS) 99200 10.00 RH ANTIBODY TITER 8602') 7.00 RH FACTOR 86100 J.OO BLOOD TYPING: A, B, 0 ~601)0 3.00 TYPING AND RH FACTOR 8601)5 5.50 L. E. CELL EXAMINATION 863~0 7.00 LEUKOCYTE COUNT, TOTAL (WBC) ~;50JO l. 25 RED CELL INDIC.!'.:S 85020 2.00 MALARIA SMEAR 87000 6.00 PROTHROMBIN TIME 8.':>610 3.00 FIBRINOGEN ~5375 5.50 59 Tests performed in the biochemistry department are displayed in Table 3 (See page 60). Relative values range from 2.00 for a serum glucose determination, to 15.00 for a test used to detect antinuclear antibodies. Table 4 (See page 61) lists the tests carried out by the microbiology department. One can readily notice that unit values for these tests are generally higher than unit value assignments in most other departments. In fact, the average relative value assignment in microbiology was almost 7.25 for the entire list of tests performed. Finally, tests performed in both the serology and urinalysis areas of the laboratory are listed in Table 5 (See page 62). Here, a basic urinalysis is rated a 2.00 value, while a serological test called a flourescent treponema! antibody (FTA) is assigned a 15.00 value. Development of these relative value assignments made it possible to thus express workload in terms of total numbers of relative value units, instead of just a simple tally of.numbers of procedures, arrived at by taking the raw count of each test type multiplied by the unit value assignment. bO Table 3 Relative Value Assignments for Biochemistry TEST ACID PHOSPHATASE ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ALBUMIN (SERUM) AMYLASE ANTI-NUCLEAR ANTIBODIES (ANA) AUSTRALIAN ANTIGEN (HAA) BILIRUBIN (TOTAL) BILIRUBIN (TOTAL AND DIKECT) BLOOD UREA NITROGEN (BUN) CALCIMU (SERUM) CALCIUM (URINE) CHLORIDES (SERUM) CHLOKIDES (URINE) CHOLESTEROL (TOTAL) CHOLESTEROL (TOTAL AND ESTEKS) CREATINE PHOSPHOKINASE (CPK) CKEATININE CLEARANCE CREATININE (SERUM) CREATININE (URINE) FKEE THYROXINE GLOBULIN GLUCOSE (SERUM) GLUCOSE (URINE) CLUTAMIC OXALACETIC TRANSAMINASE GLUTAMIC PYRUVIC TKANSAMINASE HYDROXYBUTYRIC DEHYDROGENASE IRON (TOTAL SERUM) IRON AND IKON-BINDING CAPACITY LACTIC DEHYDROGENASE (LDH) LIPASE LIPIDS (TOTAL) LIPOPROTEINS (ELECTROPHORESIS) LITHIUM (SERUM) LITHIUM (URINE) MAGNESIUM (SERUM) MAGNESIUM (URINE) PHOSPHORUS (SERUM) PHOSPHORUS (URINE) PROTEIN BOUND IODINE (PBI) PROTEIN (ELECTROPHORESIS) POTASSIUM (SERUM) POTASSIUM (URINE) SODIUM (SERUM) POTASSIUM (URINE) THYROID AUTO-ANTIBODIES TRIGLYCERIDES URIC ACID (SERUM) URIC ACID (UKINE) CODE NO. 84060 84075 82040 82150 86050 99200 ~22.)0 8L255 84520 82310 82340 82435 82445 ~2465 82470 82.':>50 ~2515 8'2565 82570 ~3460 9Y200 84330 84365 844.':>0 84460 82110 ~3540 84550 83625 (13690 83700 83715 83725 83728 83735 (14100 84105 83420 ~4165 84140 84145 (142~5 84300 86370 8447.':> 84550 85560 85565 RELATIVE VALUES 4.25 2.50 2.00 3.00 15.00 8.25 3.50 4.00 2.25 2.50 3.0U 2.25 3.00 '2.7.':> 6.00 5.25 10.00 3.00 3.50 11.00 '2.00 2.00 3.00 2.50 2 • .)0 6.25 .).50 11.00 4.75 5.50 6.00 13.25 .).50 6.00 5.50 b.Ou 2.'25 3.00 3.25 11.00 '2.50 3.25 2.50 3.25 15. oo 5.50 2.00 3.uo 61 Table 4 Relative Value Assignments for Microbiology TEST CODE NO. RELATIVE VALUES CULTURE WITH IDENTIFICATION: 87050 10.50 ~70YO 8.25 FUNGUS ~70b0 6.75 GONOCOCCUS 87190 .).50 SPUTUM 87085 10.50 ~70~0 4.25 URINE 8/180 8.00 OVA AND PARASITES (FECES) ~7013 8.00 ROUTINE CULTURE AND SESITIV. 87095 10.50 GRAM STAIN 8700U 3.:L5 OCCULT BLOOD 82:.00 3.50 PINWORM (SLIDE) ~7025 3.25 TRICHOMONADS, WET MOUNT 87010 2.50 MONILIA (CANDIDA ALBlCANS) 87015 8.00 SEMEN ANALYSIS ~9320 1.).00 ACID - FAST (TH CULTURE) ~7100 lU.OU ACID - FAST (TB SMEAR) 87020 3.25 BLOOD BACTERIOLOGIC ~CREEN THROAT (BETA STREP. ~CREEN) b2 Table 5 Relative value Assignments for Serology and Urinalysis TEST CODE NO. RELATIVE VALUES ADDIS COUNT 81030 4.25 C - REACTIVE PROTEIN ~6140 3.l5 COOMBS TEST DIRECT ~6250 3.00 COOMBS TEST, INDIRECT 86l60 4.00 ANTISTREPTOLYSIN "0" TITER ~6060 6.00 HETEROPHILE AGGLUTINATiONS 86300 4.50 RUBELLA ANTIBODY 86394 ~.ou RHEUMATOID FACTOR (RA) 86360 3.50 VDRL (QUALITATIVE) ~6410 2.50 VDRL (QUANTITATIVE) ~64l0 5.00 URINALYSIS (COMPLETE) 81000 2.00 PREGNANCY TEST (URINE IMMUNO) ~3160 5.00 PORPHYRINS, 84120 5.L5 ~4580 5.25 FEBRILE AGGUTINATIONS GROUP o6010 15.00 FLUORESCENT TREPONEMAL ANTIBODY 86650 15.00 RM~DOM UROBILI~OGENS, (RANDOM) Chapter 4 KESULTS ANU DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS For purposes of analysis and discussion of findings, study data were organized according to the following areas of concern: 1. Uata Related to Process: Refers to data collected in the method study aspect of this investigation which was associated with the examination and standardization of the basic work content contained within the methods and process of laboratory operations. 2. Data Related to Effort: Refer~ to data resulting from the work sampling analysis which was used to profile the effective utilization of the resources of time and skill as displayed by the technologist staff in the performance of normal diagnostic workloads. J. Data Kelated to ~ffect: Refers to data used in the establishment of performance criteria and its application in evaluating the productivity and effectivity of the technologists' work efforts. Most important, in reviewing these data, one should keep in mind that the central aim of this project was to demonstrate the application of work study methods to a clinical laboratory work setting. Consequently, emphasis was placed on the methodology of this investigation rather than on its findings. I. Data Related to Process The writer felt from the onset of the project that·it would be of no use whatsoever to improve the work methods of the 63 64 technologists and/or the layout of their workplace (possibly saving a minute here and a minute there) while hours were lost due to improper working conditions. Therefore, the first task of the method study phase was to investigate any faults that existed in the prevailing work conditions. From this inspection it was determined, for example, that the lighting was insufficient in certain areas of the laboratory, causing unnecessary eye strain to the technologists, especially in the conduct of precision work. Conversely, in other areas, the brightness of the incadescent lighting was too intense, thereby producing undesireable glare and shadows. Therefore, flourescent light- ing was installed in these areas, and windows were added or modified to permit the entrance of a suitable amount of natural light. Similarly, a problem was discovered concerning the ventilation of air and the elmination of fumes and odors in the workplace. Although the effective temperature of the ambient air was itself usually at a comfortable level, circulation and filtration of the air was inconsistent. Moreover, fumes and odors permeated the laboratory bench areas at times rather than being properly expelled. As a re- sult, it became necessary to purchase a larger and moreeffective air conditioning system and to install an additional vent over the reagent-preparation work area. A third major area in need of improvement with respect to laboratory conditions concerned the house-keeping practices of the I technologist. Both the obvious lack of tidiness, particularly in the bench areas, and the cluttered aisles within the workplace caused 65 saftey hazards and a significant reduction in operatfugefficiency. Consequently, a considerable amount of remodeling of the physical plant was ordered along with the reorganization and relocation of equipment. Also, additional storage space was arranged permitting the removal of certain supplies, reagents, glassware and specimen collection nutrients that previously had been stored in and around the bench areas. A number of other changes and improvements were made as a result of the method study investigation, some of which produced measureable results, while others were intangible. Careful study of the testing methods that were being used at the time indicated the need for introducing more automation into the work system. Also, it was found that a number of operations could be eliminated entirely or that one operation could frequently be combined with another. For instance, in constructing the work process chart with which to analyze the method used in the performance of a white blood cell count, several steps were modified in this manner, resulting in greater technologist efficiency. As shown in Figure 1 (see page 42), the individual elements of the method and their sequence of performance were identified along with the required time for each. However, it should be pointed out that because of the large number of different tests performed by the laboratory, work process analyses were completed only on those tests most commonly requested, not the entire. complement of tests provided. Still, a great deal of data was ac- cumulated, although only the above-mentioned example is included in this report. 66 Once the repetitive work procedures had been standardized as much as possible and the most preferred and efficient procedures installed, the design of the overall operation itself was analyzed for maximum utility of space, ease of operation and safety. Figure 2 (see page 43) presents a flow diagram of the basic functions involved in the total operation. Included are the functions of specimen collection, processing, reporting and billing. Figure 3 (see page 44) presents a more detailed portrayal of the events which take place during the processing of a typical patient specimen within the laboratory. Such graphical representation of work and data flow made it possible to review the paths of movement and specific routes taken in the transmission of specimens and test results. ling of patient specimens Insodoing, hand- was minimized as much as possible, and the amount of paperwork required was also reduced. This was due primarily to a new test request form which was designed to allow easier entry of test requests, and which eventually led to a better flow of specimens, and fewer clerical errors. II. Data Related to ~ffort ln order to quantitatively audit the performance behavior of the technologist staff, a work sampling study was conducted to provide basic information regarding how the technologist staff normally spent its time in the conduct of work activity. Once the sam- pling observations had been made and recorded, percentages of time spent in various activity and delay categories were calculated. A summary of these results is presented in Table 6 (see page 67). Subsequent analysis of these results demonstrated that of Table 6 Distribution of Work Sampling Observation Data r;-· WORK AND DELAY CATEGORIES II OF OBSERVATIONS % OF TIME SPENT AVE. LAB. MAN/HOUR *' MIN/R. V. P. 2:19 340 101 113 60 28 15 1?:J. 7?:l 21.36 6.34 I .10 1. 76 0.94 0.94 11.2 7 12.82 3.80 4.:2.6 1. 06 0.56 0.56 0.31 0.36 0.11 0.12 0.06 0.03 0.02 TOTAL TECHNICAL Y56 60.05 36.03 1. 01 ::c Reagent Preparation 86 ~ ·~rans . . . orting ~-faterials so Clean-Up 76 5.40 j .14 4. 77 3.:2.4 1. 88 :2..86 0.09 0.05 u.08 :2.12 13.31 7.98 O.L2 Walking Talking _Mle Absent From Workplace 96 112 149 67 6.03 /.04 9.36 4.21 3.62 4.22 .':>.6:2. 2.53 0.10 0.12 0.16 0.07 TOTAL INEFFECTIVE 424 :2.6.64 15.99 0.45 1592 100.0U 60.00 1. 68 .....< <t1 u H §§ u ~ ~ Operation of Automated Equipment Manual Testing (Routine & Esoteric) Calculation &/or Recording Results Equipment Calibration/Maintenance Telephone (Technical Consultation) Instructional Communication (Staff) Preparation of Work Area f--· I f-- u H I z0 z; ~ ::> H H u ::t:l fJ:.< fJ:.< ::t:l zH TOTAL NUN-TECHNICAL GRAND TOTALS *Average time spent on a work and delay category per relative value unit calculated by: (%of time Spent/Category) X ~Total ManHours) X (60 Min/Hr) I Total Number Relative Value Units Performed I I I 0\ -....J 68 1600 observations made: (1) three-fifths (60.50%) were associated with technical activities; (2) one-seventh (13.31%) were classified as non-technical in nature: and (3) more than one-iourth (26.64%) of the observations were attributed to ineffective activity or idleness. When these gross "work and delay" results were used to depict a composite average laboratory man-hour, it was shown that sixteen minutes per hour were ineffectively spent, while almost eight minutes per hour were devoted to non-technical functions. Together, one can conclude that 24 minutes (40%) of the average laboratory manhour were lost to activities which might have been more suitably performed by para-technical personnel or which ideally should not have occurred at all. In addition, the average amount of observed time applied to the average unit of output (expressed as "Minutes/Relative Value Unit') was calculated for each of the work and delay categories. From this, it was estimated that over one and two-thirds total minutes were needed in performing a single relative value unit. Cyclic variations and work patterns associated with the distribution of workload and technological performance were revealed by an hourly activity graph which is presented in Figure 5 (see page b9). Several important facts were brought out by this analysis. For example, a wide range of variations in total workload seemed to have created peak periods of activity to occur during the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 1L:00 P.M., and between l:OO P.M. and 4:00P.M. in the afternoon. Conversely, light losds were observed especially be- tween noon and 2:00P.M. and also between 4:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. at Figure 5 Hourly Activity Graph 100 -1--------~------~--~---.-------,-------,------,-------:r------~------ I I I - I 75 - I /'\... I /' I I I I A I E w ;:E: H H IZ< 0 H z::.J 50 - u ~ ::.J ~ :zs 0 - I 8:00 P R pD U C T f V ~ I ~ 12:00 1:00 I P R0 9U C T I f E \ ~:OU 10:00 11:00 L:OO 3:00 4:00 j:OO AFTEKNOON MORNING TIME OF DAY o\0 70 the end of the workday. Subsequently, it ~as determined that this rather unbalanced work schedule was due directly or indirectly to: (1) the improper scheduling of personnel, load, (2) the assignment of work- (3) lax controls and supervision, and (4) sporatic and irregular receipt of patient specimens. The latter was the factor most respon- sible for the fluctuations in workload; as a result, a more continuous arrangement of courrier pick-up times was established to allow specimens to be brought in more frequently and at appointed times. Another important situational factor that contributed to the high incidence of observations related to ineffective activity was the "feast-or-famine" character associated with the availability of manpower in the laboratory. to render Consequently, a coordinate plan was designed a more balanced use of the technical staff, and to provide measures needed to control the excessive and unnecessary technologist coverage that existed at certain times during the workday. Previous- ly these objectives had been hampered by the lack of adequate definition of laboratory workloads and capacity estimates. However, it was now possible to quite accurately plan for and assign workloads, and to schedule the required personnel. Furthermore, rotation of job assignments as well as work hours was attempted in an effort to make the delegation of work tasks more equitable and the scheduling of workloads more compatible with the abilities and composition of the available work force for the particular time of day. Job descriptions were reviewed and revised as necessary,and additional training was made available to those who needed it. In as much as this action resulted in broader technical 71 abilities for the individual technologists, greater depth and total flexibility in the use of these personnel was also afforded. III. Data Related to Effect Prior to the initiation of this study, productivity data had been maintained by the laboratory's supervisor based on historical information and quantity alone. Variations in total work load and in the mix of tests requested thus affected the reliability of any subsequent performance evaluations. Therefore, a weighted system of assigned relative values was developed so that total laboratory workload could be more accurate depicted. fn Table 7 (See page 72), the total laboratory workload for a three-month period (February - April, 1976 is compiled by functional area. Totals are given for both the number of tests as well as the number of relative value units performed during this period of time. Notably, a comparison of percentages of totals for each functional area show a considerable number of differences, particularly in the microbiology and serology/urinalysis laboratory areas. These probab- ly resulted from the different weighting factors that were applied to indicate the greater or lesser degree of skill and complexity involved in tests associated with these departments respectively. Relative value units were,also used to evaluate individual technologist performance. As an example, Table 8 (See page 72) shows a performance summary for the month of February, 1976, in which the five-man technologist staff performed a total of 28,015.65 relative value units based on an input of 783 man-hours. The average time spent per relative value unit in toto amounted to 1.68 minutes. .......-- Table 7 Laboratory Workload (By Functional Area) February - April, 1976 L A B0 RAT 0 HEMATOLOGY Y F UNC BIOCHt:MISTRY ~ I 0 NAL A R E A MICROBIOLOGY SEROLOGY/URINALYS IITES~S R. V.U. IITESTS 11,396.25 1245 7,119.25 1460 2933 11,204.05 1190 7,044.80 5,:L48.60 3216 10,741.45 1148 16,3:!5.65 9188 33,341.75 3583 20% 42% //TESTS R.V.U. //TESTS WEBKUARY 1772 5,688.15 3039 MAtzCH 156SI 5,3~8.SIO ~PRIL 1610 rroTALS 4951 % OF rroTALS 2L% MONTH K R.V.U. 41% 16% //TESTS R.V.U. 3,212.00 7516 28,015.6.J 1302 3,38.J.2U 6SJ94 2l,OL2.95 6,38:::.85 1581 4,347.75 75.J5 :!6,120.65 21,146.90 4343 10,944.Y5 22,065 81,7.J9.L5 U% 100% 26% 20% R.V.U. TOTALS 100% I "'-l N Table 8 Individual Monthly Performance Summary (February, 1976) TECHNOLOGIST MANHOURS WORKED It OF TESTS A 156 152tl 56U3. 10 l. 67 B 151 l2i:l3 487tl.8~ l. tl6 c 160 b96 5940.00 1. 62 D 155 1549 53.J8.LO l. 7 4 E 161 1560 6235.50 l. 55 TOTAL 783 7516 L8,U15.65 1.68 It OF R. V. U. MIN/R.v.U. * I -- * Average time. spent per relative value unit per technologist calculated by: (Total ManHours Worked) X (60 Min/Hour) Total 1f Relative Value Units Performed "'-J w 74 Average individual time spent per relative value unit per technologist ranged from 1.86 minutes per relative value unit to 1.55 minutes per relative value unit. In interpreting these data, however, it should be kept in mind that it may not be entirely accurate to infer that one worker was more productive than another in light of the dissimilarities in the mix of physician test requests and the resulting workload assignments. Moreover, even though relative value units can be helpful in overcorning these differences, nevertheless, the limitations of such comparisons at this level must be acknowledged. This should not detract from their usefulness as a simPle running check on technologist productivity, provided that these comparative data are collaborated with other such indicators. On the other hand, this same kind of analysis applied on a mass basis can yield a very reliable indication of the general performance of a total operation. Table 9 (See page 75) presents per- formance and productivity data that were compiled during the period of the work sampling analysis and the following two months of March and April. Typically, recovery of data was done on a weekly basis, and included the input of man-hours, and output expressed in terms of numbers of test and numbers of relative value units performed. Of particular interest is the amount of time which was spent per unit of output, as well as the Performance Indicator (P.I.), and Productivity Quotient (P.Q.). Figures for the average minutes per relative value unit showed a gradual decreasing trend during the time period, while the Table 9 Performance and Productivity Data February - April, 1976 WEEK MAN-HOURS NUMBER OF TESTS NUMBER OF R. V. U. MIN./R. V. U. p. I. P.Q. 1 198 2029 6702.85 1.77 75.04 33.85 2 196 1886 7081.35 1. 66 80.08 36.13 3 193 1791 6770.95 1.71 77.77 35.08 4 197 1810 7460.50 1.58 83.95 37.87 5 190 1822 7256.00 1. 57 84.65 38.19 6 183 1690 7175.25 1.53 86.91 39.21 7 186 1738 7489.90 1. 49 89.26 40.27 8 178 1634 7265.30 1. 4 7 90.48 40.82 9 175 1733 6939.00 1.51 94.73 39.65 10 177 2082 7478.90 1.42 93.66 42.25 11 181 1973 7337.90 1.42 89.87 40.54 12 173 1767 7200. so 1.44 92.26 41.62 13 168 1915 7411.75 1.36 97.79 44.12 I ! --- - ----- ~----- ------------ '-J li1 76 Performance lndicator \P. I.) and the Productivity Quotient (P. Q.) showed a gradual increasing trend. Specifically, minutes per relative value unit were reduced by almost one-fourth, as nearly a half a minute per relative value unit appeared to have been recaptured and hopefully redirected towards productive use. lt was thought that a better interfacing of staff capabilities with the demands of betterdefined workloads was most responsible for this increase in work effectiveness. In comparing the expected total man-hours to the actual total man-hours consumed for the specified workloads, the Performance Indicator (P.I.) increased from approximately 75 percent for the first week of this time period to almost 98 percent for the final week of this time period. It must be pointed out that the expected man-hour calculations were based on an expected input of 1.33 minutes per relative value unit which was thought to be a reasonable performance goal for the technologists to strive for under the circumstances and conditions that had prevailed during this period of time. Table 1 (.see page 53) depicts standard technologist performance in terms of expected time allocations, and shows that only approximately one minute per relative value unit as being associated with tasks of a technical nature. Therefore, the writer estimated that one-third of a minute, of the total one and two-third minutes depicted for each relative value unit, might realistically be converted to effective and hence more productive use. Finally, one of the most important results of this work study investigation was expressed in the form of a gain in laboratory 77 productivity for this three month period. As shown in Table 9 (see page 73 ), productivity, measured in terms of the Productivity Quotient (P.Q.), showed an increase amounting to 3U percent. Obviously, there was a great deal of satisfaction felt as a result of this achievement. Chapter 5 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS A summary of this report, conclusions derived from the findings of the project and final recommendations are presented in this chapter. I. Summary The central aim of this project was to investigate the gen- eral applicability of industrial work study methods to a clinical laboratory work setting. Specifically, this project dealt with the problem of determining to what extent, if any, such methods could be used to: 1. standardize the basic work content contained within the methods and the process of laboratory operations; 2. profile the effective utilization of time and skill as displayed by a staff of clinical laboratory technologists in the performance of normal diagnostic workloads; and 3. establish reliable performance criteria against which to evaluate the productivity and effectivity of technologists' work efforts. Also, this project considered the question of choice of output measures and their use in assessing the laboratory workloads and in the calculation of laboratory productivity. Based upon a review of available literature pertaining to this general subject, a number of preceptive generalizations were revealed. For example, concerning the question of choice of output measure, researchers generally agreed that a more descriptive measure 78 79 needed to be devised, beyond that which is based on quantity alone. (28:36) It was shown that a system of weighted unit scores was more appropriate and accurate for use in the reporting and analysis of laboratory production, and that these purposes are best served when unit values were calculated for the specific conditions and circumstances that exist in each particular laboratory. (5:117) Regarding the application of work study methods to workload and performance evaluations, there was strong evidence that the work measurement technique of work sampling could be quite useful in determining laborator~ work standards and productivity expectations. Also, the industrial engineering principles of methods analysis and work simplification were shown to be readily adaptable to a clinical laboratory work setting. (2:123) With this in mind, therefore,a proprietary, non-hospital, clinical laboratory was chosen as the setting of this project in order to de~onstrate the applicability of work study methods to the clinical laboratory, and to focus on their utility in evaluating technologist productivity. To provide information regarding how a technologist staff should normally spend its time in the conduct of work activity, a work sampling study was conducted. Some sixteen-hundred random observations were made of the five-man technologist work force and percentages of time spent on various pre-defined work and delay activity categories were determined. Analysis of these results demonstrated that: (1) 60 percent of the observations were associated with technical activities; (2) one out of seven observations was classified as non-technical in 80 nature; and (3) more than one-fourth of the observations were attributed to ineffective activity or idleness. When these results were used to depict a composite average laboratory man-hour, 24 minutes were shown to have been lost to activities which might have been more suitably performed by para-technical personnel, or which ideally should not have occurred at all. Guided by this information, the writer was able to determine why non-productive activity was occurring and to what extent it was occurring. The work measurement aspect of the study, however, was preceeded by a method study of the laboratory to confirm that conditions and work methods were, in fact, right for the creation of technologist performance standards. Specifically, this method study was performed to verify the quality of the work conditions that prevailed and to examine the efficiencies of the work methods as they existed. Setting the best conditions and preferred work methods as standard practice automatically generated the degree of uniformity of environmental stability that was needed to make work measurement feasible. It also helped to specify definitive sources of inefficiency that were cause for concern and in need of improvement. Subsequently, performance expectations were outlined according to expected time allocations for each unit of output. In order to more accurately express output, however, a schedule of relative value assignments for each test performed by the laboratory was necessarily developed. As such, these relative values were calculated in consider- ation of the following predetermined factors: gist time required, (1) the total technolo- (2) the skill qualifications needed, and (3) the 81 frequency of performance for each procedure. Therefore, using rela~ tive value units as the measure of laboratory output, standard time data were expressed as "minutes per relative value unit" and were arrived at by "normalizing" observed allocation data to reflect true pace and effort. These normalized allocation data, in turn, were adjusted for personal, fatigue and unintentional delay considerations. Thus, standard performance (i.e., performance as it should be) was statistically defined and provided criteria against which to evaluate technologist performance. Finally, knowledge of the state and level of technologist performance was afforded by utilizing certain performance and productivity indices. A Performance Indicator (P.I.) was used to relate the expected total time associated with a given workload to the actual total time spent for the performance of that particular workload. Likewise, a Productivity Quotient (P.Q.) was used to evaluate performance as an expression of productivity, and as such related the average number of relative value units (output) per unit of technologist time (input). Notably, a gain in productivity measured over a three- month period amounted to approximately 30 percent. II. Conclusions It can be said that the methodological and scientific ap- proach conceptualized in the theme of work study offers a significant control mechanism to clinical laboratory administrators which heretofore has not been adopted to any great extent. Indeed, the process of laboratory work activities are, for the most part, identifiable and standardizable and therefore subject to analysis using work study methods. Furthermore, work study methods and their application to a clinical laboratory work setting,as demonstrated in this investigation, proved to be of a workable nature and generated a significant amount of reliable data useful in the assessment of laboratory workloads and employee activity. Benefits from the findings of this investigation included possibilities for improving the distribution of professional capabilities in the laboratory, focusing on a more expeditious use of the limited resource of technologist time. Also, it appeared that a sense of proportion was added in the distribution of workload requirements by employing a mediated work unit measure for output. Consequently, the interfacing of workloads with manpower capabilities was enhanced, since there was no longer a lack of adequate definition of these two laboratory variables. Therefore, it is concluded that the total evaluative scheme outlined in this investigation can, in fact, be used to effectively measure and control the accomplishments of labor in a clinical laboratory work setting. In proper perspective, one must recognize that this is not meant to imply that this scheme is complete or absolute. On the contrary, continued verification and revision may prove to be necessary. III. Recommendations Since manpower utilization constitutes a critical element in the administration of health services, there must be a continued determination and recovery of information pertaining to ways in which to produce the same output of benefit and results with less expendi- 83 ures of time and money. To facilitate this objective, it is hoped that the communication gap that exists between health services administrators and industrial engineers be bridged so that modern theories associated with working administrative systems can be converted to practice. 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