Master Gardener Handbook Quiz on Chapter 4: Soils and Fertilizers Questions 1) Soils are dynamic ecosystems composed of solids, liquids, and _________. 2) Soil texture describes the proportion of sand, silt, and ____ - sized particles in soil. 3) Soil management practices cannot improve or degrade a soil’s structure. True______ False____ 4) Organic matter makes up what percent, by weight, of most soils’ solid material? a) 2 to 5 percent b) 5 to 10 percent c) 10 to 20 percent d) 20 to 30 percent 5) Humus is a good nutrient or energy source for soils. True______ False______ 6) Soil air is typically higher in carbon dioxide and lower in oxygen than the atmosphere. True______ False________ 7) The processes that help form soil include (choose the INCORRECT answer): a) b) c) d) Revised for 2012 addition transformation transpiration translocation 8) There are approximately _____different soils in Maryland alone. a) 1,000 b) 3,000 c) 10,000 d) 22,000 9) _____ ______ is the name for a biochemical reaction in which soils store certain kinds of materials and release them at a later date. 10) The movement of nitrogen by water through and beneath the root zone is known as runoff. True_____ False_____ 11) Most soils in the Mid-Atlantic states are ______ in their natural state. 12) A ________ material is one that contains calcium and/or magnesium and raises the pH of a soil when applied to the soil. 13) Soil tests typically do not contain information about: a) a measure of plant-available nutrients b) the amount of nitrogen in the soil c) relative nutrient status d) nutrient recommendations 14) A fertilizer is a material that must contain a mixture of nutrients. True_____ False_______ 15) The guarantee of 16-0-0-22Ca on a fertilizer bag means that this particular bag contains 16 percent nitrogen and 22 percent_______. Answers on next page Revised for 2012 Master Gardener Handbook Quiz on Chapter 4 Answers: Page in Handbook 51 1. gases 2. clay 52 3. False 52 4. a. (2 to 5 percent) 53 5. False 53 6. True 54 7. c. transpiration 56 8. b. (3,000) 57 9. cation exchange 59 10. False (leaching) 61 11. acidic 63 12. liming 64 13. b. (There is no reliable pre-plant soil test for nitrogen) 65 14. False (can contain a single nutrient) 66 15. calcium 67 Revised for 2012