Meeting, Beating and Bubbles Paul Fischer Wharton School of Business University of Pennsylvania Jared Jennings Olin School of Business Washington University Mark T. Soliman Marshall School of Business University of Southern California October 2013 This paper is incredibly early, and by most standards, probably does not qualify for the label “paper.” We would like to thank the participants at Stanford University for their upcoming insightful, thoughtful, constructive and heartfelt (Mark’s word) comments. ! Meeting, Beating and Bubbles Abstract The literature in economics and finance document that asset bubbles can emerge and remain sustained for a variety of reasons. In this paper, we start by developing an analytical model to characterize two types of rational bubbles can arise in an equilibrium, drift bubbles and sensitivity bubbles. We conjecture that both types of bubbles, if they do arise, are likely to do so when firms experience streaks of good news. We use our analytical model coupled with our conjecture to generate a number of hypotheses expected to hold if drift and/or sensitivity bubbles arise when firms experience streaks of good news, which we proxy for using lengths of meet or beat streaks. We provide evidence consistent with streaks of favorable performance being associated with both drift and sensitivity bubbles. We find no consistent evidence, however, that bubbles end abruptly when a firm fails to continue a meet or beat streak. Keywords: Earnings Response coefficient; Meet or Beat Analyst Forecasts; Stock market bubbles; earnings string. JEL classification: M4 ! 1. Introduction In traditional equity pricing frameworks, price equals the discounted expectation of future cash flows, or equivalently, equity book value plus discounted expectations of future residual earnings. A significant stream of literature suggests, however, that equity prices may be driven away fundamental values for periods of time, where fundamental value is the equity value consistent with a traditional equity pricing framework. For example, empirical studies initiated by the studies of LeRoy and Porter (1981) and Shiller (1981), suggests that the stock prices exhibit excessive volatility relative to underlying fundamental cash flows and discount rates. In the theoretical realm, a significant literature suggests that asset pricing bubbles can arise that could drive prices away from fundamental values, and lead to more volatile prices than fundamentals would suggest.1 Finally, studies in the experimental domain, such as Smith et al. (1988) or Hirota and Sunder (2006), document bubble like behavior in laboratory settings. While the antecedent literature raises the prospect of equity pricing bubbles, there is somewhat less discussion as to when equity pricing bubbles arise and what events might lead them to collapse. In this study, we conjecture that rational pricing bubbles; bubbles that do not involve trade driven by noise or excessive optimism regarding fundamentals, are likely to arise when firms experience a streak of good news and that bubbles end when that streak ends. Our conjecture, coupled with analytically derived pricing patterns that are expected to emerge during rational pricing bubbles, suggests that equity prices for a firm experiencing a longer good news streak will have a higher equity price, a lower association between price and book value, and a stronger association between price and expectations of future earnings after controlling for fundamental determinants of value (i.e., expectations of future earnings and discount rates). In addition, our analytical model suggests that prices will fall precipitously when the streak ends after controlling for changes in the fundamental determinants of value. Our (very) preliminary empirical evidence, and empirical regularities documented in antecedent literature (Kasznik and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1!! Papers offering asset pricing models exhibiting bubbles include Tirole (1985), Delong, Shleifer, Summers and Waldmann (1990A) and (1990B), Allen and Gale (1994), Bhushan, Brown, and Mello (1997), Spiegel (1998), Abreu and Bunnermeier (2002) and (2003); and Watanabe (2008).! ! 1! McNichols (2002) and Barth, Elliott and Finn (1999)), is consistent with our story of firm specific equity pricing bubbles. We find somewhat weaker evidence that such bubbles collapse when firms fail to sustain a meet or beat string. In the initial part of our study, we present a simple model to illustrate two types of rational bubbles that can arise as an equilibrium phenomenon, which we refer to as drift bubbles and sensitivity bubbles. A drift bubble, which is considered in Tirole (1985), has the property that price drifts upward simply because investors believe it will drift upward. The sensitivity bubble, which is considered in Fischer, Heinle, and Verrecchia (2013), has the property that investor valuations become increasingly more sensitive to beliefs about fundamentals simply because investors believe subsequent valuations will be increasingly more sensitive to beliefs about fundamentals. Both of these types of rational bubbles arise in our setting because, like actual equity markets, there is no terminal date to support backward induction. After documenting how bubbles might arise generally, we conjecture that both types of bubbles are likely to arise when firms experience a streak of good news because the excitement generated by this streak causes the equilibrium pricing path exhibiting bubble-like behavior to become focal. That is, each investor projects that the excitement in the marketplace causes other investors to anticipate continued upward price movements and to respond more aggressively to news about fundamentals. That projection, in turn, leads each investor to anticipate upward price movements and respond more aggressively to fundamentals, which gives rise to the pricing bubble. We further conjecture that a bubble will end when the streak of good news comes to an end. We test a number of hypotheses that stem from our analytical framework coupled with our conjectures that bubbles arise when firms experience positive performance streaks. Our study is directly linked to two literatures, an extensive literature regarding asset pricing bubbles and the literature on performance strings. The Bubble literature in economics and finance defines asset bubbles as occurring when assets are traded at higher prices that their fundamental value for a period of time, after which a price crash ensues. Several reasons have been proposed by this literature for the start of a bubble, but most center around optimistic investors who believe in a bright future due to some 2! positive information, which leads to an increase in both price and volume (Flood and Garber, 1984). Morris and Shin (1998) formulate a game theoretic model in which participants benefit most when taking the same action or not at all. Others have put forth arguments such as sunspots (Cass and Shell, 1983); irrational speculation (Shiller, 1981); herd behavior (DeLong et al, 1990); variation in stock supply (Hong et al., 2006) and coordination (Angeletos and Werning, 2006). In addition, not all bubbles are irrational. Flood and Garber (1980) argue that bubbles can occur in a rational expectation sense. Several papers argue that self-fulfilling effects can cause these bubbles (Culter et al., 1990; Subrahmanyam and Titman, 2001). It is against this backdrop that our current paper contributes to the literature by showing tangible accounting based sources of bubble formation and perpetuation. In the literature regarding performance streaks, the most relevant antecedent studies are Kasznik and McNichols (2002) and Barth, Elliott and Finn (1999). Kasznik and McNichols (2002) examine whether firms that meet or beat expectations receive valuation and/or returns premiums. They argue that firms that meet or beat expectations may be more highly sought after by institutional investors and analysts or possible viewed as having lower risk and, as a consequence, have higher valuations. Most relevant to our study, they find evidence consistent with firms that meet or beat expectations over a three-year period receive a valuation premium after controlling for expectations of future earnings and book value, which is consistent with our notion of a drift bubble. Barth, Elliott and Finn (1999) consider the relation between strings of earnings increases and earnings multiples and find that firms exhibiting such strings have higher a price multiple on earnings than other firms. They also find that the multiple drops dramatically when the string is broken. Although we have considered bubbles linked to meet or beat streaks, both of these findings are consistent with our notion of a sensitivity bubble. Our study complements and, at this early stage, modestly extends these two antecedent studies in that we provided an economic model explaining why the phenomena previously document can be attributed to rational bubbles, we simultaneously 3! consider the possibility of a both types of bubbles, and we provide some limited incremental tests linked to the rational bubble explanation.2 In!the!next!section!we!develop!a!model!and!analytically!derive!and!present!our!hypotheses.!!In! Section! 3! we! describe! our! research! design,! variables,! methodology! and! results.! ! In! Section! 4! we! conclude. 2. Model and Hypotheses 2.1 Model To formally illustrate the ideas motivating our hypotheses, we develop a model to demonstrate how an equity price can rationally deviate from fundamental value, where fundamental value is defined as a steady state pricing function in which price is solely determined by discounted expectations of future cash flows. The model we employ is a simple overlapping generations model in which a continuum of risk neutral investors can invest in shares of an infinitely-lived firm as well as an alternative investment yielding an expected net return of r. The alternative investment and associated r captures an opportunity cost of funds. At the beginning of each period, the firm pays a dividend, information about future earnings is revealed, and returns attained from the alternative investment are paid. After the interest, dividend payments and disclosure, the investment market opens and investors form new portfolios. Investors live for two periods and have wealth w to invest in the first period of life. In the initial period of life investors liquidate their investments and consume their wealth. An investor in the first period of life at time t chooses the quantity of shares, q, to maximize the expectation of q(dt+1 + Pt+1) + (1+r)(w–qPt), (1) where dt+1 is the dividend per share paid in t+1, Pt+1 is the price per share of the firm in t+1, and Pt is the price per share of the firm in t. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2!! Finally, we should also note that Kasznik and McNichols (2002) provide somewhat inconsistent evidence that a return premium is associated with a meet of beat string. We do not consider a return premium in our analysis because our theory of a rational bubble does not predict the presence of a return premium over the duration of a bubble.! 4! The firm’s dividend share in period t equals γet where γ ∈ (0,1) and et is period t earnings per share. Period t earnings per share is determined by the net assets per share at the beginning of period t, bvt-1, as follows: et = re bvt-1 + εt, (2) where re is normal return on equity and εt is residual income (also referred to as “abnormal earnings”). We restrict re < r/(1–γ), which basically states that the average return on equity cannot be too large relative to the firms cost of capital, to induce a finite and positive equilibrium relations between price and book value and price and forecasted residual income. Assume the residual income follows a process of the form: εt = λεt-1 + θt, (3) where λ ∈ (0,1+re) is a persistence (or growth) parameter , θt ~ N(0,s), and the θt’s are independent across time. Finally, assume that, at time t, information about θt+1, xt, is also revealed, where xt ~ N(0,ρs), ρ ∈ (0,1), the covariance between xt and θt+1 is ρs, and the covariance between xt and any θj≠t+1 is 0. 2.2 Steady State Equilibrium It is useful to first establish a simple steady state linear equilibrium pricing function that provides a benchmark as well as a focal pricing path for the subsequent analysis. Denote a conjectured steady state linear pricing function at time t as Pt = α + βbvt + κft, (4) where ft = λεt + xt is the expectation of t+1 residual earnings at time t. Given Pt, the objective of an investor who is in their initial period of life at time t can be written as q[γ(re bvt + ft) + (α + β(bvt +(1–γ)(rebvt + ft))+ κft)] + (1+r)(w–qPt). (5) For the market to clear it must be the case that each investor is indifferent between acquiring and not acquiring a share or, equivalently, that the first derivative of (5) with respect to q is 0: [γ(rebvt + ft) + (α + β(bvt +(1–γ)(rebvt + ft))+ κλft)] – (1+r)Pt = 0. Rearranging yields 5! (6) ! ! ! Pt = !!! α + !!! [γre + β(1+(1–γ)re)]bvt + !!! [γ + β(1–γ) + κλ]ft, (7) which implies that, in any linear equilibrium, α= β= !!! !!! ! !!! +! α (8) !! !!! !! !!! β (9) and κ= ! !!! + !!! !!! β+ ! !!! κ. (10) Solving for the α, β, and κ that satisfy (8) to (10) yields Lemma 1. Lemma 1. There exists a single steady state linear equilibrium of the form Pt = α + βbvt + κft, where ft = λεt + xt is the investors’ expectation of t+1 residual earnings at time t. The coefficients in the pricing equation satisfy: α=0 (11) ! β = !!!!! ! (!!!) (12) κ = (!!!! !!!!!)(!!!!!) . (13) and The steady state pricing function has some standard properties. For example, if there is no excess expected return to dividend reinvestment, re = r, the price each period is simply equal to book value (i.e., ! β = 1) plus a capitalization of expected residual earnings (i.e., κ = !!!!! ), where the capitalization rate is decreasing in the discount rate r and increasing in the persistence of residual earnings, λ. If, on the other hand, there is an excess expected return arising from reinvesting dividends, re > r, the coefficient on the book value is greater than 1, the coefficient on residual income is larger, and both coefficients are decreasing in the dividend payout rate. 6! 2.3 Introducing a Rational Bubble To demonstrate the possibility of a pricing path with a rational bubble, which we define as any path in which price deviates from the steady state price, conjecture an equilibrium pricing path that is initially characterized at t = 0 by a pricing path of the form: Pt = αt + βbvt + κtft, (14) where α0 ≠ 0 or κ0 ≠ κ. We assume that the pricing function reverts to the steady state pricing function Pt in any period t > 0 with probability 1–p and continues with the previous period’s pricing path with probability p. This assumption implies that once the pricing path has reverted from the bubble pricing path initiated at time 0, it stays along the steady state path. The strict probability of reversion to the steady state is introduced to ensure that the bubble almost surely ends as time passes. In the conjectured equilibrium, the objective function of an investor in the initial period of life if the path has reverted to the steady state is given by (5) and the steady state price clears the market. If the path has not reverted to the steady state, the objective function of an investor in the initial period of life is q[γ(re bvt + ft) + p(αt+1 + β(bvt +(1–γ)(rebvt + ft))+ κt+1ft) + (1–p)(β(bvt +(1–γ)(rebvt + ft))+ κft] + (1+r)(w–qPt). (15) For the market to clear it must be the case that each investor is indifferent between acquiring and not acquiring a share or, equivalently, that the first derivative of (15) with respect to q is 0: [γ(re bvt + ft) + p(αt+1 + β(bvt +(1–γ)(rebvt + ft))+ κt+1ft) + (1-p)(β(bvt +(1–γ)(rebvt + ft))+ κft] – (1+r)Pt = 0. (16) Rearranging yields Pt = Because, β = ! !!! ! !!! pαt+1 + ! !!! [γre + β(1+(1–γ)re)]bvt + ! !!! [γ + β(1–γ) + (1–p)κ λ + pκt+1λ]ft. (17) [γre + β(1+(1–γ)re)] by construction, the conjectured equilibrium is an equilibrium if α! = ! !!! and 7! α!!! (18) κ! = ! !!! + !!! !!! β+ (!!!)! !!! κ+ !! κ . !!! !!! (19) Proposition 1 follows from identifying a solution to the difference equations (18) and (19). Proposition 1. There exists an equilibrium in which the price at t = 0 is of the form Pt = αt + βbvt + κtft, and the price at any time j > 0 is Pj with probability p if t – 1 price is Pj-1 and is the steady state price Pj otherwise. The time varying coefficients in the pricing equation Pt satisfy: α! = !!! ! Δ (20) !!! ! ! !! (21) ! and κt = κ + , where Δ > 0 and δ > 0 are constants. The set of equilibria characterized in Proposition 1 is sufficient to highlight two types of rational bubble-like behavior, which we refer to as drift bubbles and sensitivity bubbles. In drift bubbles, which are considered in Tirole (1985), prices drift upwards simply because investors project that subsequent investors will price the security higher. The magnitude of the drift bubble is parameterized by the constant Δ in Proposition 1. In sensitivity bubbles, which are considered in Fischer, Heinle, and Verrecchia (2013), prices exhibit greater sensitivity to news about fundamentals simply because investors project that subsequent investors will price the security in a manner that exhibits greater sensitivity to news about fundamentals. The magnitude of the sensitivity bubble is parameterized by the constant δ. Finally, by forcing the coefficient on β to be equal to its steady state value, we have ruled out the possibility of bubbles tied to book value. We have done so because we anticipate that sensitivity bubbles are more likely to be tied to information about uncertain future flows as opposed to current stocks. 2.4 Hypotheses Because our empirical analysis employees book values and earnings, it is useful to transform the equilibrium pricing function in Proposition 1 to one that is a function of book value and forecasted earnings: 8! Pt = αt + Βtbvt + κtFt, (22) where Βt = β – reκt and Ft = rebvt + ft is the time t forecast of t+1 earnings. If the pricing bubble path characterized in equation (22) is descriptive of actual bubble pricing behavior, that characterization suggests the following feature, which is integral to three of our testable hypotheses. Observation 1. Over the time horizon that a pricing bubble of the form in equation (22) is sustained, the constant term in the linear pricing function is increasing if the bubble is a drift bubble, Δ > 0, the coefficient on expected earnings is increasing if the bubble is an expected residual income sensitivity bubble, δ > 0, and the coefficient on book value is decreasing if the bubble is an expected residual income sensitivity bubble, δ > 0. While Proposition 1 provides a plausibility argument for how bubbles might be sustained as in equilibrium, it does not provide any guidance as to when a bubble might arise or what might trigger a bubble’s end. Hence, assessing whether actual prices exhibit features identified in Observation 1 requires ex ante identification of the events that are expected to trigger the initiation and termination of a bubble. Bubbles are often asserted to arise when investors are optimistic, excited or frenzied, and we conjecture that such behaviors can make a bubble-pricing path focal, thereby inducing bubble pricing as an equilibrium phenomenon. We further conjecture that such behavior arises when firms experience a streak of good news and ends when the streak ends. To provide a sports analogy, fan interest and excitement tends to grow when a team gets on a win streak, and greater fan interest and excitement tends to feed upon itself, with each fan becoming more interested and excited as other fans become more interested and excited. Finally, within the context of the model, we identify a streak of good news as being characterized by a period of time when a firm’s performance repeatedly exceeds prior expectations, which is commonly referred to as the meet or beat phenomenon. To introduce the above story into the formal model, assume a bubble begins at date 0 if the firm experienced a sting of periods prior to date 0 in which the realization of earnings for period t, Ft, exceeds investors’ prior period expectation, Ft-1. Further, assume that the bubble continues as long as those 9! expectations continue to be exceeded, which implies that the bubble can continue in any period t > 0 if Ft > E[Ft|εt-1,xt-1] or, equivalently, θt > E[θt|xt-1]. Because the distribution function for θ conditioned upon xt1 is normal with mean xt-1, the probability that the bubble continues in any period corresponds in the model to p = .5. In summary, then, we have Conjecture 1. Conjecture 1. A pricing bubble can begin when a firm has a streak of meeting or beating residual earnings expectations and, once a bubble begins, it persists as long as the meet or beat streak is sustained. The traditional valuation perspective suggests that prices should be completely characterized by discounted expectations of future cash flows, which in our simple model is determined by the parameters {bvt,Ft,r,re,λ,γ}, and other events or firm characteristics should not be associated with price. Our model coupled with Conjecture 1, however, suggests that prices can also be associated with the length of a meet or beat streak even though that steak provides no incremental information to investors about future cash flows or discount rates. Furthermore, when coupled with Conjecture 1, Observation 1 provides some motivation for three primary hypotheses. Consider first the initiation of a bubble exhibiting drift, Δ > 0. Observation 1, when coupled with Conjecture 1, suggests the following hypothesis: Hypothesis 1: Price at date t is increasing in the length of a meet or beat streak prior to date t. Consider next the initiation of a bubble exhibiting sensitivity to forecasted residual income. Again, Observation 1 coupled with Conjecture 1 suggests the following two hypotheses: Hypothesis 2. The association between price and forecasted earnings at date t is increasing in the length of the meet or beat streak prior to date t. Hypothesis*3.***The association between price and book value at date t is decreasing in the length of the meet or beat streak prior to date t. Given our conjecture that either type of pricing bubble begins when news is favorable and persists as long as expectations are exceeded, we derive some hypotheses concerning the change in price that will 10! occur in conjunction with the bubble ending. Assume a bubble that began at time 0 ends at time t > 1. The change in price between t and t–1 can be represented as: (Pt – Pt-1) = (αt!–!αtG1)!+!Βt!(BVt!–!BVtG1)+!κt!(Ft!–!FtG1)!+!(Βt!–!ΒtG1)BVtG1!+!(κt!–!κtG1)FtG1.! (23)! Because!steady!state!pricing!ensues!at!time!t,!it!follows!that!αt!=!0,!Βt!=!Β!=!β!–!reκ,!and!κt!=!κ.!!After! exploiting!this!observation!and!using!Proposition!1!to!note!that!αtG1!=! +! ! !!! !!! !! ! !!! !!! ! Δ,!βtG1!=!β,!and!κtG1!=!κ! δ,!equation!23!can!be!written!as:! (Pt – Pt-1) = !!! !!! ! Δ!+!Β!(BVt!–!BVtG1)+!κ!(Ft!–!FtG1)!+!re !!! !!! !! δ!BVtG1!–! !!! !!! !! δ!FtG1.! (24)! Equation (24) yields Observation 2. Observation 2: If a drift bubble with magnitude Δ ends at time, the change in price from t–1 to t is decreasing in the length of the bubble. If a residual income sensitivity bubble ends at time t, the association between the period t–1 forecast of period t earnings and the change in price is decreasing in the length of the bubble, and the association between the period t–1 book value and the change in price is increasing in the length of the bubble. Observation 2 coupled with Conjecture 1 yields the following hypotheses. Hypothesis 4. The change in price over the period in which a meet or beat streak ends is decreasing in the length of that meet or beat streak. Hypothesis 5. The association between the change in price over the period in which a meet or beat streak ends and the prior period earnings forecast for that period is decreasing in the length of the meet or beat streak. Hypothesis 6. The association between the change in price over the period in which a meet or beat streak ends and the prior period book value is increasing in the length of the meet or beat streak. * 11! 3. Results 3.1 Sample Our sample consists of 85,187 firm/quarter observations with sufficient information to calculate the variables detailed in Table 1. We note that financial statement data is obtained from Compustat, price data is obtained from CRSP, analyst data is obtained from IBES, and the risk free interest rate data is obtained from the U.S. Department of The Treasury website. Descriptive statistics are presented in Table 2 and correlations are in Table 3. 3.2 Price Level Regressions To test the first three hypotheses, we run the following regression, which is empirically operationalizes the theoretical pricing equation (22): Pricei,t = γ1 CNTMBEi,t + γ2 CNTMBEi,t*BVi,t + γ3 CNTMBEi,t*Fi,t + α0 + α1 BVi,t + α2Fi,t + α3COCi,t + α4 BVi,t *COCi,t + α5 Fi,t *COCi,t + α6EGi,t + α7 BVi,t * EGi,t + α8 Fi,t* EGi,t + Controls, where CNTMBEi,t is the number of consecutive quarters firm i has met or beaten the quarterly earnings up to but not including quarter t, BVi,t is the book value of firm i at the end of quarter t, Fi,t is the consensus analyst forecast for quarter t+1 for analysts revising their forecast within the 21 days after the quarter t earnings announcement, COCi,t is a cost of capital measure for firm i as of the end of quarter t and is computed in a manner consistent with Easton (2004) and Botosan et al. (2011), EGi,t is the consensus analyst three to five year ahead earnings growth rate for analysts revising their firm i period t+1 forecasts within 21 days of the date t earnings release. The CNTMBEi,t variable is our proxy for the presence of a bubble in pricing as well as the length of any bubble that has arisen. Hypothesis 1 implies γ1 > 0, Hypothesis 2 implies γ3 > 0, and Hypothesis 2 implies γ2 < 0. Table 4 includes results for four different model specifications. In Column 1, we cluster the standard errors by firm and calendar quarter correct for serial and cross-sectional correlation in the standard errors. In Column 2, we cluster the standard errors by firm and include indicator variables for each calendar 12! quarter. In Column 3, we cluster the standard errors by calendar quarters and include indicator variables for each firm. In Column 4, we include indicator variables for each firm and each calendar quarter. For each specification presented in Columns 1 through 4, we find a positive and significant coefficient on the CNTMBEi,t variable, which is consistent with Hypothesis 1. The coefficient ranges between 0.076 and 0.125, suggesting that price increases approximately 7 to 13 cents in each consecutive quarter the firm meets or beats expectations. In addition, we find a positive and significant coefficient on the interaction between the CNTMBEi,t and Fi,t variables, which is consistent with Hypothesis 2. We note that the coefficient ranges between 0.253 and 0.3461, suggesting that price is 4% to 6% more sensitive to the future expectations of earnings when the firm meets or beats the average number (3.6) of consecutive quarters in the sample. Finally, the coefficient on the interaction between CNTMBEi,t and BVi,t is negative, which is consistent with Hypothesis 3. In addition to the results above, we have conducted additional analyses to ascertain the robustness of our findings. First, we have run the following regression by CNTMBEi,t terciles: Pricei,t = α0 + α1 BVi,t + α2Fi,t + α3COCi,t + α4 BVi,t *COCi,t + α5 Fi,t *COCi,t + α6EGi,t + α7 BVi,t * EGi,t + α8 Fi,t* EGi,t + Controls. Results are reported in Table 4, and consistent with the results in Table 3, α0 is increasing, α2 is increasing, and α1 is decreasing across the terciles. Second, because analyst forecasts are known to be biased and that bias might exhibits some relation to meet or beat streak length, using the analyst forecasts as a proxy for investor expectations might drive some of the results. Hence, we construct an alternative proxy by first fitting a model of the form: EARNi,t = α0 + α1Fi,t-1 + α3CNTMBEi,t + α4 CNTMBEi,t, where EARNi,t is the realized earnings for quarter t. We employ the fitted model to form new proxies for forecasted earnings and obtain similar results to those in Table 3. Finally, we have considered alternative cost of capital measures and considered a number of different control variables. In general, the results in Table 4 continue to hold under these alternative specifications. 13! 3.3 Price Change Regressions To test hypotheses 4, 5 and 6, we identify all firms who fail to meet or beat expectations in quarter t and run a price change regression of the form: DPricei,t = γ1 CNTMBEi,t-1 + γ2 BVi,t-1 + γ3 CNTMBEi,t-1*BVt-1 + γ4 Fi,t-1 + γ5 CNTMBEi,t-1*Ft-1 + α0 + α1 DBVi,t + α2DFi,t + α3DCOCi,t + α4 D(BVi,t *COCi,t) + α5 D(Fi,t *COCi,t) + α6DEGi,t + α7 D(BVi,t * EGi,t) + α8 D(Fi,t* EGi,t) + Controls, where DPricei,t = Pricet – Pricet-1, DBVi,t = BVi,t – BVt-1, DFit = Fi,t – Fi,t-1, DCOCi,t = COCi,t – COCi,t-1, D(BVi,t *COCi,t) = BVi,t *COCi,t – BVi,t-1 *COCi,t-1, D(Fi,t *COCi,t) = Fi,t *COCi,t – Fi,t-1 *COCi,t-1, DEGi,t = EGi,t – EGi,t-1, D(BVi,t * EGi,t) = BVi,t * EGi,t – BVi,t-1 * EGi,t-1, and D(Fi,t* EGi,t) = Fi,t* EGi,t – Fi,t-1* EGi,t-1. If Hypothesis 4 is true, we expect γ1 < 0, if Hypothesis 5 is true, we expect γ4 < 0 and γ5 < 0, and if Hypothesis 6 is true, we expect γ2 > 0, and γ3 > 0. Results for this regression are in Table 5 and are somewhat consistent with these hypotheses. 4. Conclusion This paper is expected to contribute to the literature on asset pricing bubbles by assessing whether accounting disclosures are linked with asset pricing bubbles. We develop an analytical model in which an asset pricing bubble is linked with accounting constructs and then empirically test for patterns predicted by that model. Our empirical analysis is consistent with both drift and sensitivity bubbles arising when firms experience a string of favorable accounting news, which is proxied for by the number consecutive quarters a firm meets or beats earnings forecasts. We provide less persuasive evidence, however, consistent with a bubble collapsing when a firm fails to meet or beat earnings forecasts. 14! 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CNTMBEi,t The number of consecutive quarters firm i has meet or beat quarterly earnings up to but not including quarter t. A firm is defined as meeting or beating if the realized earnings for period t exceeds the forecast for period t computed IBES actual earnings are greater or equal to the median consensus forecast on the date of the earnings announcement BVt Equity book value for firm i at the end of quarter t. Fit The consensus analyst forecast for quarter t+1 for analysts revising their forecast within the 21 days after the quarter t earnings announcement. COCi,t Firm i’s cost of capital at the end of quarter t. Cost of capital is computed using the price to short horizon earnings growth ratio, following Easton (2004) and Botosan et al. (2011). We difference the annual median forecasted earnings per share for year t+2 and year t+1 immediately prior to the quarter end, divide by the price on the earnings announcement date, and take the square root of the ratio to obtain the cost of capital proxy. EGi,t The consensus analyst three to five year ahead earnings growth rate for analysts revising their firm i period t+1 forecasts within 21 days of the date t earnings release. DPricei,t Pricet – Pricet-1 DBVi,t BVi,t – BVt-1 DFit Fi,t – Fi,t-1 DCOCi,t COCi,t – COCi,t-1 D(BVi,t *COCi,t) BVi,t *COCi,t – BVi,t-1 *COCi,t-1 D(Fi,t *COCi,t) Fi,t *COCi,t – Fi,t-1 *COCi,t-1 DEGi,t EGi,t – EGi,t-1 D(BVi,t * EGi,t) BVi,t * EGi,t – BVi,t-1 * EGi,t-1 D(Fi,t* EGi,t) Fi,t* EGi,t – Fi,t-1* EGi,t-1 16! Table 1 Descriptive statistics. Panel A: Price level sample Variable N Mean Std Dev 1st Pctl 25th Pctl 50th Pctl 75th Pctl 99th Pctl Pricei,t 84,980 31.772 22.623 2.280 15.250 26.830 42.625 120.180 CNT MBEi,t 84,980 4.056 5.640 0.000 0.000 2.000 5.000 29.000 Fi,t 84,980 0.404 0.444 -0.630 0.130 0.330 0.600 2.050 COCi,t 84,980 12.313 6.641 3.074 8.396 10.549 14.069 42.426 EGi,t 84,980 16.007 9.258 1.000 10.000 14.500 20.000 51.000 BVi,t 84,980 13.002 10.480 -1.786 5.719 10.312 17.292 54.938 17# Panel B: Price change sample Variable N Mean Std Dev 1st Pctl 25th Pctl 50th Pctl 75th Pctl 99th Pctl DPricei,t 16,440 -1.539 6.798 -33.440 -3.563 -0.690 1.625 15.813 CNT MBEi,t 16,440 2.381 3.953 0.000 0.000 1.000 3.000 22.000 BVi,t-1 16,440 13.898 11.606 -2.530 5.837 11.014 18.582 62.750 Fi,t-1 16,440 0.416 0.487 -0.710 0.120 0.340 0.630 2.245 DBVi,t 16,440 -0.047 1.394 -7.471 -0.247 0.082 0.398 4.437 DFi,t 16,440 -0.078 0.145 -0.820 -0.100 -0.040 -0.010 0.195 DCOCi,t 16,440 0.661 5.153 -15.392 -1.543 0.307 2.481 21.202 D(BVi,t * COCi,t ) 16,440 0.044 0.737 -2.713 -0.180 0.025 0.253 3.058 D(Fi,t * COCi,t ) 16,440 -0.012 0.037 -0.217 -0.017 -0.005 0.002 0.080 DEGi,t 16,440 -0.424 3.685 -19.000 -0.500 0.000 0.000 13.600 D(BVi,t * EGi,t ) 16,440 -4.636 53.141 -260.953 -12.371 -0.048 7.776 206.920 D(Fi,t * EGi,t ) 16,440 -1.263 2.871 -15.875 -1.751 -0.600 -0.010 6.257 18# Table 2 Correlations. Pricei,t CNT MBE i,t 1.000 BVi,t EGi,t Fi,t COC i,t MBE CNT Price i,t i,t Panel A: Price level sample 0.209 0.696 -0.377 -0.074 0.532 <.0001 1.000 <.0001 0.175 <.0001 -0.175 <.0001 0.026 <.0001 -0.001 <.0001 1.000 <.0001 -0.380 <.0001 -0.289 0.694 0.599 <.0001 1.000 <.0001 0.169 <.0001 -0.157 <.0001 1.000 <.0001 -0.341 Fi,t COCi,t EG i,t <.0001 0.643 BV i,t 19# DPricei,t CNT MBE i,t BV i,t-1 Fi,t-1 DBV i,t DF i,t 1.000 D(Fi, t * EG i,t i,t * EG i,t D(BV i,t DEG t D(Fi, ) ) Ci,t ) * CO * CO i,t D(BV Ci,t DFi,t DCO i,t DBV Fi,t-1 BVi,t1 MBE CNT BVi,t DPri cei,t i,t Ci,t ) Panel B: Price change sample -0.079 -0.063 -0.135 0.100 0.327 -0.181 -0.154 0.094 0.029 0.086 0.290 <.0001 1.000 <.0001 0.002 <.0001 0.158 <.0001 0.070 <.0001 0.026 <.0001 -0.015 <.0001 0.018 <.0001 0.066 0.000 0.005 <.0001 0.028 <.0001 -0.001 0.810 1.000 <.0001 0.587 <.0001 -0.011 0.001 -0.240 0.055 -0.020 0.018 0.047 <.0001 -0.116 0.543 0.034 0.000 -0.045 0.902 -0.114 <.0001 1.000 0.155 0.164 <.0001 -0.183 0.011 -0.052 <.0001 0.067 <.0001 0.035 <.0001 0.031 <.0001 0.031 <.0001 -0.129 <.0001 1.000 <.0001 0.199 <.0001 -0.066 <.0001 0.258 <.0001 0.198 <.0001 0.021 <.0001 0.417 <.0001 0.116 <.0001 1.000 <.0001 -0.169 <.0001 -0.111 <.0001 0.642 0.006 0.039 <.0001 0.138 <.0001 0.697 <.0001 1.000 <.0001 0.682 <.0001 -0.082 <.0001 -0.002 <.0001 -0.019 <.0001 -0.138 <.0001 1.000 <.0001 0.181 0.833 0.013 0.017 0.123 <.0001 -0.089 <.0001 1.000 0.093 0.036 <.0001 0.122 <.0001 0.451 <.0001 1.000 <.0001 0.700 <.0001 0.288 <.0001 <.0001 DCOCi,t D(BV i,t * COCi,t ) D(F i,t * COCi,t ) DEGi,t D(BV i,t * EGi,t ) 1.000 0.381 <.0001 1.000 D(F i,t * EGi,t ) 20# Table 3 Price level regression results [1] [2] [3] [4] Pricei,t Pricei,t Pricei,t Pricei,t 0.2630*** 0.2706*** 0.1484*** 0.1500*** 5.8930 6.6739 7.7473 10.5880 -0.0258*** -0.0262*** -0.0070*** -0.0087*** -6.2893 -6.5353 -4.2924 -8.9714 0.6479*** 0.6726*** 0.2934*** 0.3392*** 6.3567 6.7519 6.4598 16.8686 0.3035*** 0.3280*** 0.8334*** 0.8944*** 4.4016 4.8726 22.8859 53.0232 35.1526*** 34.0351*** 17.1554*** 16.5210*** 20.0392 21.5365 21.8207 50.0728 -0.6245*** -0.5638*** -0.3788*** -0.2493*** -11.8530 -20.4702 -8.8617 -22.6757 0.0151*** 0.0134*** -0.0024 -0.0028*** 4.3083 4.6923 -1.0985 -3.6121 -1.2494*** -1.2260*** -0.6390*** -0.6008*** -19.1987 -21.4215 -14.6439 -37.3530 0.3410*** 0.2704*** 0.3863*** 0.2867*** 7.4883 9.8305 9.5184 30.9942 0.0115*** 0.0118*** -0.0006 0.0002 4.1021 4.2514 -0.3245 0.2950 0.3119*** 0.3595*** 0.5360*** 0.5400*** 3.6911 5.3656 18.2425 35.9469 13.6968*** 14.0156*** 11.7225*** 8.4312*** 17.6065 20.1694 20.9235 10.4547 Observations 84,980 84,980 84,980 84,980 R-squared 0.5950 0.6120 0.7940 0.8110 Firm Dummies N N Y Y Year/Quarter Dummies N Y N Y Cluster Firm Y Y N N Cluster Year/Quarter Y N Y N CNT MBEi,t CNT MBEi,t*BVi,t CNT MBEi,t*Fi,t BVi,t Fi,t COCi,t BVi,t*COCi,t Fi,t*COCi,t EGi,t BVi,t*EGi,t Fi,t*EGi,t Constant 21# Table 4 Price level regression results by CNT MBEi,q-1 terciles [1] [2] [3] Tercile 1 - CNT MBEi,q-1 Tercile 2 - CNT MBEi,q-1 Tercile 3 - CNT MBEi,q-1 Pricei,t Pricei,t Pricei,t 0.3857*** 0.2393*** -0.2189* 6.0212 3.2456 -1.7346 32.0969*** 36.9454*** 48.7499*** 18.6543 19.9813 17.4282 -0.4970*** -0.5926*** -0.9567*** -11.8797 -11.2181 -11.1617 0.0062** 0.0156*** 0.0429*** 2.1089 3.9926 6.2472 -0.9665*** -1.1743*** -1.9098*** -15.3253 -14.8807 -13.5341 0.2425*** 0.2990*** 0.4760*** 6.6842 7.0807 6.5110 0.0159*** 0.0116*** 0.0088* 5.4029 3.5212 1.7319 0.1329 0.2082** 0.4657*** 1.4744 2.0424 3.5343 13.8327*** 14.5480*** 16.6571*** 17.2921 17.7324 14.0928 24,292 30,603 30,085 0.59 0.58 0.59 Firm Dummies N N N Year/Quarter Dummies N N N Cluster Firm Y Y Y Cluster Year/Quarter Y Y Y BVi,t Fi,t COCi,q BVi,t*COCi,t Fi,t*COCi,t EGi,t BVi,t*EGi,t Fi,t*EGi,t Constant Observations R-squared 22# Table 5 Price change regression results CNT MBEi,t BVi,t-1 CNT MBEi,t * BVi,t-1 Fi,t-1 CNT MBEi,t * Fi,t-1 DBVi,t DFi,t DCOCi,t D(BVi,t * COCi,t ) D(Fi,t * COCi,t ) DEGi,t D(BVi,t * EGi,t ) D(Fi,t * EGi,t ) Constant Observations R-squared Firm Dummies Year/Quarter Dummies Cluster Firm Cluster Year/Quarter [1] DPricei,t -0.1166*** -3.4600 0.0372*** 2.8608 0.0011 0.4662 -1.3702*** -4.4470 -0.0226 -0.4899 0.3456*** 3.1528 14.8731*** 9.2846 -0.1534*** -8.0542 -0.1185 -0.7417 -30.8931*** -6.4690 -0.0329 -1.0958 0.0012 0.4780 0.2742*** 4.6016 0.0354 0.1984 16,440 0.1670 [2] DPricei,t -0.1144*** -4.3604 0.0306*** 4.2379 0.0015 0.7746 -1.2011*** -6.6974 -0.0373 -0.8655 0.3169*** 4.3790 13.9015*** 15.3036 -0.0830*** -5.3477 -0.1469 -1.0049 -27.6565*** -10.9153 -0.0328 -1.1128 0.0022 0.8377 0.2533*** 6.2909 -0.0503 -0.5210 16,440 0.2880 [3] DPricei,t -0.1119*** -2.7128 0.0334 1.2116 0.0022 0.7663 -2.1189*** -4.3904 -0.0324 -0.5154 0.3769*** 2.9720 16.2064*** 7.7344 -0.1403*** -6.4503 -0.1230 -0.6582 -29.8642*** -5.6713 -0.0418 -1.2335 0.0014 0.4859 0.2548*** 4.1141 0.4468 1.2310 16,440 0.3370 [4] DPricei,t -0.1098*** -4.3645 0.0163 1.3400 0.0024 1.4912 -1.7719*** -8.4664 -0.0535 -1.4278 0.3593*** 7.0499 14.7782*** 21.9968 -0.0699*** -4.4047 -0.1693 -1.4562 -25.7216*** -12.1011 -0.0299 -1.3573 0.0019 1.0843 0.2389*** 8.0177 1.7253 1.4215 16,440 0.4430 N N Y Y N Y Y N Y N N Y Y Y N N 23#