Document 14914622

The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 26, 1998, at the HCC-Southeast Ca
MARCH 26,1998
The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 26,
1998, at the HCC-Southeast Carlos Garcia Fine Arts Center, 2525 Garland Street, Houston, Texas.
M. James Henderson, Chairman
John Fonteno, Jr., Secretary
Carol H. Smith, Deputy Secretary
Bruce A. Austin
Abel Davila
Herlinda Garcia
James R. Murphy
W. F. Russell
Christopher W. Oliver, Vice-Chairman
Ruth Burgos-Sasscer, Chancellor
Elaine Adams, Vice-Chancellor, Educational Development
Sue Cox, President, HCC-Southwest
Jack Daniels, President, HCC-Central
Patricia Fairchild, Vice-Chancellor,
Workforce Development
Margaret Forde, President-HCC Northeast
Zachary Hodges, President, HCC-Northwest
Sylvia Ramos, President, HCC-Southeast
Diana Morales Taylor, Chief Operations Officer
Pat Williamson, Vice-Chancellor, Institutional Development
Tom Kennedy, Executive Director,
Public Information
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 26, 1998, at the HCC-Southeast Ca
Arturo Michel, Bracewell and Patterson
Other administrators, staff, representatives of the news media and interested citizens
called the Meeting to order at 4:20 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining
to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly-posted meeting notice.
Diana Morales Taylor introduced several guests in the audience including Richard Lewis, Director of
Finance, City of Houston; Jordy Tollett, Director of Convention and Entertainment Services, City of
Houston; David Kantorczyk, Executive Vice President, Duddlesten Group; Bob Eure, Central Houston;
Gerry Desrochers, Baker and Botts; and representatives from the architectural firms of Farrell/Sundin;
Hellmuth, Obata & Kassebaum; and Page Southerland Page. Mr. Henderson noted that State
Representative Diana Davila was also present, along with other distinguished guests who would be
introduced later in the meeting.
Motion No. 770 - Mr. Murphy moved to approve the minutes as submitted from the Special Meeting of
February 10 and Special Workshop Meeting of February 13-14; and the minutes from the Regular
Meeting of February 26, 1998, as corrected to indicate that the meeting was called to order by Mr.
Henderson. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0. (Mr. Austin had not yet arrived)
Dr. Burgos-Sasscer introduced Dr. Carol Surles, President of Texas Woman's University and Dr.
Kathryn Stream, Vice-President of the Houston Center, who were present for the signing of an
articulation agreement between HCCS and Texas Woman's University. The Chancellor explained that
HCCS offers two associate degrees that enable students to enter the workforce or transfer to a senior
institution. This agreement will allow HCCS nursing students to transfer to Texas Woman's University
at the junior level to work toward a bachelor of science or a bachelor of arts degree in nursing. This
agreement is significant since TWU has a Houston center, under the direction of Dr. Stream, at the
Texas Medical Center, where HCCS will soon have a health careers facility.
Dr. Surles commended Dr. Stream , Dr. Carolyn Gunney, Dean of Nursing; Dr. Elaine Adams; Dr.
Zachary Hodges; Dr. Jane Perez; and Mark Tengler for the work they have invested in this undertaking.
This partnership will contribute to the academic field of nursing and health care and benefit the patients
who will receive high quality nursing care.
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 26, 1998, at the HCC-Southeast Ca
Motion No. 771 - Mrs. Garcia moved approval of the consent agenda, with the exception of the certain
items set aside for discussion or consideration following executive session. Mr. Russell seconded the
motion. Motion carried 7-0. The following items were approved:
Approved affiliation agreements for the clinical education of students in Health Careers Programs
at Southeast College, including Warm Springs Rehab Hospital,Spring Branch ISD and El Campo
Memorial Hospital;
Approved expenditures to the Convoy Corporation for data conversion software, training and
Approved the use of AW Consulting to provide HCCS with project management services for
Information Technology's Year 2000 project;
Approved expenditures to Connectivity System, Inc., for TCP/IP for VSE software;
Approved expenditures to PeopleSoft, Inc., for training credits;
Accepted the Investment Report for the months of January and February 1998;
Approved adjustments to the 1997-98 Unrestricted Funds Budget;
Approved Barnes & Noble College Bookstores for the operation of bookstore facilities for HCCS
and authorized the Chancellor to execute the proposed contract, subject to final review and
revision by outside counsel; and
Approved and ratified expenditures for the purchase of equipment for use by Board Members in
carrying out activities of the System.
Mr. Russell moved approval of the application for tax rebates and abatement presented by Crescent
Duddlesten Hotel Partnership, L.P. Mrs. Garcia seconded the motion.
Mrs. Garcia stated that the Board previously denied a request for tax abatement from this organization
on April 24, 1997, and asked why the item was again placed on the agenda. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer
explained that administration was requested to reconsider the issue for various reasons, chiefly that the
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 26, 1998, at the HCC-Southeast Ca
City was very interested in a convention center hotel and had asked the Board for reconsideration. She
also added there were some new issues that had arisen.
Mrs. Garcia remarked that the issue was of great concern to her and felt it was incumbent upon her to
ask questions on behalf of her constituency. She wanted to know why this organization was being
granted the privilege of having this item placed on the agenda once again, when she did not recall the
Board ever reconsidering a recommendation. She also expressed concern that the Board Members
should have been given more time for discussion of the issues. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer responded that she
was unaware the Board had never reconsidered an issue, since this is a fairly common practice among
boards, especially if new information becomes available.
Diana Morales Taylor explained that administration was asked by the City to reconsider this issue
because it represents a valuable partnership and they are looking at a new piece of property. It was
decided to present the item for reconsideration because there is now a permanent president at Central
College and the project is expected to have a beneficial impact on HCCS, including training of students
in the culinary arts program, hiring opportunities, and redevelopment initiatives. It was felt these
initiatives would more than offset the abatement. Ms Taylor added she was very sensitive to the Board's
fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers, but felt strongly that the convention center is not getting
adequate usage because of the lack of a city-wide master plan.
Mrs. Garcia noted that the abatement which will amount of some $700,000 over ten years, is not a great
deal of money and she shared the enthusiasm about an initiative to rejuvenate the inner city; however,
she was concerned about the issue of process. She added this is a very political issue and felt that the
Board Members should have been given greater opportunity for dialogue. She also noted the sensitivity
of the issue, especially for her community, because of unexpected circumstances which have placed
lives and reputations at stake.
As the representative of a primarily Hispanic community, she felt the timing was a bit insensitive. She
drew attention to several issues: (1) Chief Operations Officer - did as she was directed; (2) the issue of
process -- the Board should have been informed sooner and been given more of an opportunity for
discussion; (3) the timing issue - appears insensitive and politically motivated and (4) the legality issue as confirmed by legal counsel, the project can move forward without HCCS. Her recommendations were
to continue to study the process by which important issues are presented to the Board and to postpone
consideration of the item for a later meeting or amend the motion.
Mr. Murphy commented that the Crescent group, which had not been part of the prior partnership, would
strengthen the initiative. He also wanted to know if all other taxing entities had previously approved
abatement and Ms. Taylor indicated all had, with the exception of the Harris County Hospital District.
He also asked if the Board was previously given information on the number of jobs that would be
created in construction and in running the hotel. Ms. Taylor indicated they had this information;
however at the time we did not have a Vice Chancellor of Workforce or a permanent president at Central
College, and the issue was purely financial.
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 26, 1998, at the HCC-Southeast Ca
Mr. Murphy continued by stating he did not feel the Board was being insensitive, because they did not
select the timing. He acknowledged there were certain individuals whose lives were in flux at this time,
but we do not know the facts or what the outcome will be. He felt if malfeasance is proven, HCCS
would have grounds for reconsideration. Mr. Austin agreed that matters of policy require that the Board
be well informed and that negotiations should involve the Board Members. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer
remarked that she was sensitive to the Board's concerns and took them very seriously. Further
consideration was delayed until executive session.
The Chancellor introduced Richard Hall, Director of Business Services, Texas Workforce Commission.
She explained that several months ago Northeast College received a grant of approximately $500,000
from the Skills Development Fund for the Truck Driver Program. Subsequently, another proposal was
submitted and the Texas Workforce Commission has funded the grant in the amount of $556,000, to
train 250 individuals in six construction trades where there is a shortage of workers.
Mr. Hall explained that the Skills Development Fund, adopted during the 74th Legislative Session, has
been in operation about 18 months. The Legislature recognized the need for utilizing community
colleges as providers of training. This grant will generate 250 new jobs, with the Association of General
Contractors as partners with HCCS.
He then presented a mock check and announced that Houston, Dallas and Alamo Community College
Systems are moving toward integrating and coordinating their programs among various campuses. He
commended Dr. Burgos-Sasscer for hiring a Vice Chancellor for Workforce Development to bring the
initiatives to the front. Since the program began, over 33,000 people have become involved in training
with community colleges in Texas. The Legislature has allocated $25 million for the biennium for these
Dr. Burgos-Sasscer presented the faculty recognition award to Dr. Osborne B. Nye, Jr., Interim
Chairman of Geographic Information Science (GIS) and Geology, Southwest College. Dr. Nye has
provided the leadership for the development of the first Geographic Information Science (GIS) program
in the state. His efforts on behalf of this program began with a relationship with industry and local
government to identify the need for trained GIS technicians. He then established a faculty team to create
a program and write curricula to meet industry needs. Dr. Nye also led the effort to obtain Coordinating
Board certification and is presently working with the business community to build the program and with
area schools and universities to promote recruitment and articulation.
Dr. Nye announced that HCCS has been awarded a $400,000 grant from the National Science
Foundation grant to produce laboratories to compile work place data sets. These funds will help to build
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 26, 1998, at the HCC-Southeast Ca
the program over the next three years. Mr. Austin commended Dr. Nye's efforts and suggested
expanding the program by establishing linkages with regional and city planning programs at various
universities. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer acknowledged his suggestion.
Dr. Burgos-Sasscer announced that the Black History Committee at Southeast College recently received
congressional recognition from Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee for planning and organizing the
"1998 Contemporary Black History Maker Banquet," commemorating Black History Month. This year's
banquet honored Dr. Judith Craven, President of the United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast. The
resolution characterized the Committee as "a valued and recognized leader in the nation's educational
Dr. Sylvia Ramos, President of Southeast College, introduced the members of the committee which
included Tom Reynolds, Chair; Joyce Reynolds, Co-chair; Don Faught; Janice Foster; Sheryl Holland;
Rene Hyder; Turner Jackson; Lucelia Jones (retired); Erma Lockhart; Vivian O'Bryant; Ernest
Reynolds; and Linder Sneed. Mr. Reynolds expressed appreciation to the Board and for the visionary
leadership of Southeast College.
The Chancellor recognized faculty and students of the HCCS Agricultural Sciences Program for their
involvement each year with the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Among other activities they
provide plants for the many facets of the show including interior areas and outside landscaping; design,
coordinate and implement the horticultural demonstration site; coordinate the longhorn cattle auction
which generates $1000 in scholarships, and coordinate the annual" HCCS Night at the Rodeo event. Dr.
Burgos-Sasscer recognized David Kercheval, Department Chairman, who coordinates this entire effort
each year.
Mr. Kercheval introduced horticulture students Dennis and Tammy Bell, who happen to be father and
daughter, and Alex Warren, full-time horticulture instructor at the Harris County Rehab Center and
adjunct instructor of interiorscape. He noted they all had put in many volunteer hours to make the show
a success.
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 26, 1998, at the HCC-Southeast Ca
Mr. Charles Stamps, Chairman and CEO of the Martin Luther King Parade Foundation, presented a
trophy to HCCS for best in category at the 1998 Martin Luther King parade. HCCS was recognized for
promoting the principals and goals of diversity through the theme of it's float, "Celebrating Diversity."
Dr. Burgos-Sasscer and Abby Bowman accepted the trophy on behalf of HCCS.
Mr. Henderson adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 5:12 p.m., notice having been previously
given, and reiterated by him in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. He stated any final action,
vote, or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a
subsequent Public Meeting. Mr. Henderson reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 5:21 p.m., and
entertained motions on matters pending.
Mr. Russell withdrew his previous motion for approval of tax rebates and abatement for Crescent
Substitute Motion No. 772 - Mr. Murphy made a substitute motion that the Board resolve with respect to
the Crescent Duddlesten Hotel Partnership L.P. to :
(1) approve the application for tax abatement;
(2)adopt the System's criteria and guidelines for tax abatement and variances requested under the
application and elects to become eligible to participate in tax abatement; and
(3) approve the tax rebate and abatement agreement which meets the guidelines and criteria as varied,
subject to final review by legal counsel.
Mr. Fonteno seconded the motion.
Mrs. Garcia acknowledged that her questions had been answered to her satisfaction. However, she
wanted to know how the Duddlesten team and HCCS will work in partnership to benefit the institution.
David Kantorczyk, Executive Vice President of the Duddlesten Group, answered that discussions have
already begun with Dr. Daniels at Central College to utilize students in the HCCS Culinary Arts
Program. He indicated this should be a win-win situation; however, he was unable to give the specifics
on any agreement until a hotel operator was chosen.
Jordy Tollett, Director of Convention and Entertainment Facilities, City of Houston, and Interim
President of the Convention Bureau, stated he has met with the International Convention Manager's;
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 26, 1998, at the HCC-Southeast Ca
Association about implementing a program using HCCS students, and has also met with Ms. Taylor and
Dr. Daniels. Mr. Tollett remarked that the meetings industry has historically been white male dominated
and he pledged his commitment to work with HCCS to implement a program that includes meeting
planning, which is not taught in any other university in Houston, as well as working in the convention
center and the new hotel. The Convention Manager's Association has already committed a curriculum if
HCCS is interested.
Mrs. Garcia stated she appreciated Mr. Tollett's comments and was encouraged that the City is
committed to working with HCCS, adding that she had some projects in mind for expanding the culinary
program. She affirmed that many of her concerns had been put to rest by the information she had
received. Mr. Tollett also pointed out that the Convention Center and the Theater District have the most
diverse management of any civic center complex in North America.
Mr. Austin asked if the City of Houston would be willing to support the financing of future facilities.
Richard Lewis, Finance Director, answered that Mayor Brown has committed his administration to the
children of the city and has focused on after-school services as a priority. Those children are potential
college students and the City is already working closely with HCCS on workforce development issues.
He felt that Mayor Brown would be receptive to such support. He added that although the new hotel will
cost $150 million to build, it will be worth only $90 million in the marketplace after it opens, thus
requiring government incentives to build. That is why the State of Texas agreed to put 40% of the
incentives into this project. The hotel cannot be built without the incentives that this motion relates to. In
addition to the rebates, the collateral development will be beneficial to a building program. The System
will rebate $70,000 per year, but will receive $185,000 a year in the collateral development that will not
occur without this hotel. He acknowledged that he felt the Mayor would want to support the College
System in it's overall mission, especially in workforce development.
Mr. Fonteno wanted to know who besides Dr. Daniels would be responsible for getting rid of the
parking meters the City has placed around Central College. Mr. Lewis indicated he would look into the
matter. Mrs. Garcia thanked the group for their appearance, adding that this arrangement represents a
great future. She noted that she had received a letter from the Mayor asking for her support and hoped
the City would reciprocate. Mr. Henderson stated that in the future the Board must be given full
information regarding major issues in a timely fashion and encouraged administration to redouble its
efforts in this area. With no further discussion, the substitute motion carried 8-0.
Motion No. 773 - Mr. Russell moved approval of a request from Mr. Fonteno for payment of expenses
in the amount of $50.00 for attending the Houston World Affairs Council Luncheon on "International
Business and Foreign Policy," on March 26, 1998; and a request from Mr. Oliver for payment of
expenses in the amount of $100.00, to attend the Red Rose and Red Brick Ball on March 28, 1998,
benefiting the University of Houston - Downtown scholarship fund. Mr. Davila seconded the motion.
Motion carried 8-0.
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 26, 1998, at the HCC-Southeast Ca
Mr. Austin asked the Chief Operations Officer to work with the Board Chairman to redefine the Board's
travel policy regarding attendance at events where reimbursement is requested. Mr. Henderson
acknowledged the request.
a.Financial Activity Report - Mr. Austin asked if the report included updates on existing construction
items. Ms. Taylor replied that all financial information is reflected in the financial report and detailed in
the sections relating to the operating fund. He then asked if there were any notes the Board could refer to
regarding the progress of construction with the Northeast and Southeast campuses. Ms. Taylor stated
that would be addressed in the next agenda item.
b.Architectural Presentations - Ms. Taylor announced that the architects would present plans for the
Medical Center facility, the Southeast College expansion and the remodeling of Administrative
Buildings -- the sites that represent the $50 million revenue bonds sold last year. There would not be an
update on the Northeast College project. Mr. Austin noted there was an unresolved issue concerning
footage and asked if that would be addressed. Ms. Taylor replied that would be discussed in executive
Mrs. Garcia noted she had invited members of the Morales family to view the presentation on the
Southeast facility which will be named in honor of the late Mrs. Angela Morales. She introduced
Christina Krasnick, Mrs.Morales'granddaughter.
Architectural plans for the new Allied Health Professional Building in the Medical Center were
presented by representatives from the HOK Architects group and the Southeast expansion project was
presented by the Farrell FPK Group. Concept drawings for short-term and long-range plans for better
utilization of space at the administrative buildings and the Information Technology Building were
presented by Page Southerland Page.
These plans included ideas on renovation of existing space for the short-term as well as the construction
of a new facility adjacent to the present Student Service Center as a possible long-range solution. Diana
Taylor Morales added that an acquisition of land around Jackson Hill may be an option. She introduced
Mr. Ken Leach, consultant, who was hired to help develop a facilities and risk management department.
c.Institutes for Excellence - The Chancellor discussed a model workforce development program
developed by the Workforce Development team and consultants as a basis for competing for a grant
from the Department of Labor. This model was designed to address the needs of welfare recipients and
underprepared people in our community. It will serve as the basis for an Institute for Excellence to be
established at each college in order to meet workforce needs and the needs of welfare recipients.
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 26, 1998, at the HCC-Southeast Ca
Dr. Burgos-Sasscer explained the process from student assessment to job training and placement. This
model meets the guidelines of the Welfare Reform legislation by immediately linking a person with a
job. We have obtained commitments for job placement from ten industries, with the potential of 50-60
more ready to commit if the structure is in place to move students through quickly.
A more detailed report will be presented to the Board in April. The Chancellor stated that seed money is
needed, but the program would eventually become self-supporting. She added that the Institutes will
attract grants by making it easier for funding agencies to observe our ability to produce.
Because this model will likely be emulated nation-wide, Dr. Burgos-Sasscer plans to host a symposium
for representatives from around the country. Mr. Austin asked if the symposium would be held before or
after the institutes are implemented. The Chancellor replied that the need exists to disseminate
information on models that are theoretically sound, such as this one. Mr. Austin noted there are many
different variables in clients in the various areas of the city and program data would be helpful. Dr.
Burgos-Sasscer replied that the team is aware of variables and will be flexible.
Mr. Fonteno noted that a critical component of any model or program is day care services and
transportation and the lack of these services can kill a program. He asked if this had been taken into
consideration. The Chancellor assured him this was considered as part of a holistic approach. Mr. Austin
indicated the Headstart grant is up for grabs and it's possible we could work out a collaborative venture
with the Harris County Department of Education and other entities. The Chancellor acknowledged this
Mrs. Garcia agreed such a collaboration should be pursued, especially since the workforce of the future
will be largely female. Mr. Austin commented that female heads of households have critical child care
needs, and the mayor is concerned with these issues, so now is the time to bring those components into
the model. Mr. Murphy added that there are federal funds available for transportation as part of welfareto-work. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer acknowledged that information on Headstart, day care and transportation
services would be included in the April report and encouraged the Trustees to contact her with any
additional comments or suggestions.
d.Update on Southern Association Recommendations - Dr. Burgos-Sasscer reported on efforts to comply
with Southern Association recommendations made in 1992. One critical area of concern is library
facilities and resources and that is being given priority, along with other areas in which we are not yet in
full compliance.
Mr. Murphy asked if funds would be identified in the 1998-99 budget for this purpose . The Chancellor
replied that library funds are requested by the presidents and will be carefully reviewed. She reported we
have made great progress in electronic access and are moving toward state-of-the-art libraries Mr.
Henderson requested that a proposal for the proper allocation of funds for libraries be considered in this
budget cycle. The Chancellor advised that the next accreditation visit will take place in 2002; however,
the self-study must begin in 2000.
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 26, 1998, at the HCC-Southeast Ca
Mr. Murphy asked when policy manuals would be available. The Chancellor advised that it is presently
under revision; however, the existing policy manual can be provided immediately. Mrs. Garcia wanted
to know the deadline for the revised manuals. The Chancellor replied there is no projected deadline;
however, the work is in progress.
Mr. Austin reminded the Board of it's earlier decision to hold a retreat on the educational vision for
Houston and the System. Mr. Henderson asked that such a retreat be planned in the near future.
e.Recognition from the International Chair Academy - The Chancellor reported that as part of
reorganization, a training program for department chairs was developed by Dr. Elaine Adams and a team
representing the colleges. The training program was submitted to the International Chair Academy and
HCCS received an outstanding leadership award. Dr. Adams introduced members of the planning
committee which included Dr. Margaret Forde, Gary Wannamaker, Cheryl Peters, Dr. Jane Perez, Rose
Pena, Sheila Moran, Dennis Klappersack, Beverly Hixon, Scott Baynum , and David Alstadt.
a.Naming of Buildings Subcommittee - Northeast - Mr. Davila reported that the subcommittee met and
voted to request approval for funds for a mailout to constituents for suggestions for naming the
Commercial Truck Driver Training facility to be built at the new Northeast site. The Board reached
consensus that this expenditure could come from administrative funds and the subcommittee could
Mr. Murphy suggested that the media could run a press release. Mr. Davila noted that Mrs. Smith had
recommended that the HCCS Public Information Office be involved in the publicity effort. The
members of this subcommittee are Abel Davila, chairman; Carol H. Smith; Bruce Austin; Candy Perez;
Dottie Watthuber; Yolanda Navarro Flores; Manuel Barrera; J. S. Gray ; Mary S. Almendarez; John
Poore; and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Padilla.
b.Appointment of Committees
Mr. Henderson appointed Mr. Murphy as chairman of an ad hoc committee on the Naming of Buildings/
Southwest. This committee will recommend the naming of the new Stafford Science and Technology
Building scheduled to open in April.
Mr. Henderson gave preface to the Hearing of Citizens and asked if anyone were present to speak.
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 26, 1998, at the HCC-Southeast Ca
a.Arielle Luna - Ms. Luna indicated that as a result of her previous appearance before the Board, she was
given the opportunity to attend the meetings of the Bookstore Advisory Committee. Although she was
able to attend only one meeting, she did review the bookstore proposal. She also contacted several
bookstores about their failure to bid.
Ms. Luna expressed concerns about students receiving financial aid not being able to purchase books
elsewhere or present vouchers. She added she contacted the Department of Education and was told
students receiving financial aid have the right to buy books at other stores; yet, according to Ms. Luna,
other stores will not honor vouchers from HCCS. She asked the Board to postpone the vote on the
bookstore so these issues could be investigated.
Mr. Henderson assured Ms. Luna her concerns would be investigated and clarified and she would
receive a response. Mr. Davila asked that Ms. Luna receive a legal opinion in a timely manner. Mrs.
Garcia stated the Board must adhere to the policy for hearing of citizens and felt the issue should be
addressed in executive session.
Mr. Henderson adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 7:12 p.m., notice having been previously
given, and reiterated by him in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. He stated any final action,
vote, or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a
subsequent Public Meeting. Mr. Fonteno reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 8:45 p.m., and
entertained motions on matters pending.
Motion No. 774 - Mrs. Garcia moved approval of the Personnel Agenda as submitted. Mr. Davila
seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. (Trustees Austin, Henderson and Russell had already left the
Motion No. 775 - Mr. Murphy moved to authorize the Chancellor or her designee to enter into
agreements to purchase the Incredible Universe property for a Southwest College campus in accordance
with the terms discussed in executive session. Mrs. Garcia seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion No. 776 - Mrs. Smith moved to authorize the Chancellor or her designee to enter into
agreements to purchase property adjacent to the Central Administration Building in accordance with the
terms discussed in executive session. Mrs. Garcia seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 26, 1998, at the HCC-Southeast Ca
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Minutes Prepared by:
Linda Gray, Administrative Assistant
Board Services
Reviewed, Finalized and Submitted by:
John Fonteno, Jr. Secretary
HCCS Board of Trustees
Minutes approved as submitted:
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