ABSTRACT: Text summarization is the task of rewriting text in short...

Text summarization is the task of rewriting text in short compressed form representing the original text.
This task is accomplished by humans after deep reading and well understanding the document content,
selecting the most important points and paraphrasing them to concise version. In daily life, we deal with
different kinds of summaries; news headlines, abstract of scientific publication, search results retrieved
by a search engine, reviews of movies and overview of books, and so on (Mani, 2001). Newspaper
headlines are a natural example of human summarization. Automatic text summarization is the creation
of the summary by a machine. The aim of automatic text summarization is to condense the source text
by extracting its most important content that meets a user’s or application’s needs (Mani, 2001).
Summarization is a challenging problem because the characteristics of informativeness, readability,
robustness, and length reduction. Those factors must be taken into account when dealing with this
problem (Melander, 1993).