Issue FINAL September 2011 UNIVERSITY SUSTAINABILITY PLAN 2010/11 No. 1 Actions Leader Expected Results Due Date Progress: Red/Amber/Green ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS K Gallagher 1.1 Achieve PHASE 3 BS8555 certification (CAMPUS SERVICES) K Gallagher External verification of systems for managing environmental impact. Established systems for environmental compliance along with objectives and targets. Reduced risk of non compliance and pollution DONE 1.2 Achieve PHASE 4 BS8555 certification (CAMPUS SERVICES & ESTATE DEVELOPMENT SERVICE) K Gallagher As above. System also includes emergency response procedures and formal internal audit programme. Scope extended to include all EDS activities. Jun-11 2010 Audit took place in September therefore the action completion date revised to Sept 11 1.3 Integrate "ENVIRONMENTAL Sustainability" into Health and Safety AUDIT PROGRAMME K Gallagher Formal check of environmental compliance and identification of opportunities for improvement. Reduced risk of pollution and non-compliance Feb-11 This has been deferred unitl October 2011. This action will be moved into the 2011/12 plan COMPLIANCE & POLLUTION PREVENTION K Gallagher Reduced risk of major pollution incidents and system for effective response and review DONE Demonstrate best practice for on site pollution prevention and means of identifying high risk areas i.e. those which discharge to a controlled waterway DONE K Gallagher Raise awareness and understanding of legal and other requirements and action required to comply DONE K Gallagher Process to check delivery of compliance systems. Reassurance to external stakeholders that University is complying with legislation DONE Registration with CRC DONE Submission of footprint data to comply with CRC DONE 2 2.1 Publish procedure for ENVIRONMENTAL INCIDENT REPORTING N Smith 2.2 MARK EXTERNAL DRAINS as foul / surface G Pringle 2.3 Produce suite of COMPLIANCE GUIDANCE NOTES for Colleges 2.4 Develop COMPLIANCE AUDIT programme 2.5 Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) REGISTRATION and COMPLIANCE 2.6 3 G Whitehouse COMMUNICATION & TRAINING K Gallagher 3.1 Full UPDATE of the Sustainability WEBSITE K Gallagher 3.2 PUBLISH online PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Increase number of teams participating in GREEN IMPACT (year 2) Develop GREEN IMPACT DVD Participate in STUDENT SWITCH OFF (Year 2) Develop SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT TRAINING for University staff with Procurement Responsibilities Publish ANNUAL sustainability REPORT K Gallagher 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4 UTILITY MANAGEMENT DONE J Jack J Jack Promotion of Green Impact success Reduced energy consumption in Halls of Residences DONE DONE R Price Improved delivery of the sustainable procurement policy DONE As 3.1 DONE K Gallagher Godfrey Whitehouse G Whitehouse 4.2 Publish WATER ACTION PLAN G Whitehouse 4.3 Delivery of UTILITY DATA MANAGEMENT project 4.5 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 6.1 CARBON MANAGEMENT PLAN Reissue the CARBON MANAGEMENT PLAN Publish annual programme of CARBON REDUCTION PROJECTS CARBON TRUST STANDARD Re-evaluation TRAVEL Publish REVISED Sustainable TRAVEL PLAN including OBJECTIVES and TARGETS 6.2 Launch STUDENT TRAVEL SURVEY 6.3 Deliver SAVVY CYCLING CAMPAIGN LAUNCH Streatham Campus CYCLE PARKING and promote Devon Car Free Day Engage with Devon County Council and Stagecoach to IMPROVE PUBLIC TRANSPORT COMMUNICATE PUBLIC TRANSPORT options to all staff and students Introduce package of incentives to ENCOURAGE CAR SHARING 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7 SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT DONE 25 teams to participate in Green Impact Agree WATER TARGETS Produce UTILITY MANAGEMENT PLANS for 5 largest users Finalise UTILITY (Shadow) BILLING process and introduce on 1 August 2011 DONE J Jack 4.1 4.4 Improved access to environmental information by internal and external stakeholders As above S Eastley Targets will enable the University to assess progress and develop implementation plans Water consumption will be reduced Streamlining of data systems. Automatic meter reading in large buildings. Increased efficiency, reliability and timeliness of utility reporting DONE DONE DONE G Whitehouse Plans to outline how each user will save energy and water. Jul-11 G Whitehouse Ownership of utility costs will promote conservation of resources and energy savings DONE Godfrey Link to Carbon Management Plan Whitehouse G Whitehouse Updated plan with current information DONE G Whitehouse Delivery of the plan will reduce carbon emissions DONE G Whitehouse External verification of carbon reduction DONE J Jack Link to Sustainable Travel Plan K Gallagher J Jack K Gallagher Ability to measure progress and modal shift Ability to measure CO2 emissions arising from student travel and generate a baseline Improved safety of cyclists on site DONE DONE DONE promotion of the new cycle parking and increase in cycling on site DONE Improved public transport services DONE J Jack Increased number of staff / students using public transport DONE J Jack Increased number of staff who car share Jul-11 J Jack K Gallagher Richard Price 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Reduce delivery PACKAGING Deferred to 2011/12 Link to Sustainable procurement policy Reduce amount waste sent to landfill and associated costs 7.1 Not complete. Will be transerred to 11/12 R Price Jun-11 Procurement actions delivered via the flexible framework in 2010/11 rather than specific actions WASTE REDUCTION & RECYCLING Install RECYCLING INFRASTRUCTURE across ACADEMIC buildings Establish OPERATIONAL RESOURCE CENTRE (IT and Furniture) Evaluate opportunity for BALING FACILITIES Publish STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES for centrally managed waste streams UNIVERSITY OF EXETER P O'Callaghan J Court P O'Callaghan K Gallagher Increased recycling, reduced costs and improved performance in external league tables DONE Increased reuse, reduced waste disposal costs and ability to realise financial value of waste DONE Reduced collection costs and number of external bins required on site DONE Improved compliance with environmental legislation 1 DONE Karen Gallagher Issue FINAL September 2011 UNIVERSITY SUSTAINABILITY PLAN 2010/11 No. 8.5 8.6 8.7 Actions Publish STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES for locally managed waste streams Develop CENTRAL IT DISPOSAL system Establish expanded POLYSTYRENE RECYCLING scheme Leader K Gallagher P O'Callaghan Reduced costs and improved data capture P O'Callaghan Produce CONSTRUCTION WASTE strategy P Alker 8.10 Develop mechanism for diverting FOOD WASTE J Court Identification of areas where recycling can be improved and enhanced data provision compliance with HEFCE requirements and improved performance in external league tables Compliance with future legislation BIODIVERSITY Karen Gallagher 9.1 Apply for Bio blitz GRANT H Sjerps-Jones 9.2 Launch 'BIRDS and BEES' Campaign H Sjerps-Jones 9.3 9.4 9.5 Run BIO BLITZ Participate in National WILDLIFE WEEK Set biodiversity OBJECTIVES and TARGETS H Sjerps-Jones as 9.2 A Spreadborough as 9.2 A Spreadborough Improved performance in external league tables 9.6 Publish BIODIVERSITY ENHANCEMENT PLANS A Spreadborough 9.7 Apply for Landfill Tax FUNDING A Spreadborough 10 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 10.1 Increase the OPERATING TEMPERATURE of the DATA CENTRES 10.2 Complete VIRTUALISATION of SERVERS 10.3 Establish CABLE RECYCLING scheme 11 CONSTRUCTION & REFURBISHMENT 11.1 Develop CONSTRUCTION Sustainability FUNDING System 12 CURRICULUM D Barker D Barker P O'Callaghan J Malloch H Sjerps-Jones Pilot INTERDISCIPLINARY sustainability PROJECT Develop 'sustain:ABILITY' PATHWAYS for undergraduate H Sjerps-Jones programmes Develop campuses as 'LIVING LABORATORY' for H Sjerps-Jones sustainability 12.5 13 COMMUNITY 13.1 Instigate end-of-year recycling and refuse clear up campaign DONE N/A Student engagement with the development of biodiversity enhancement plans Delivery of the commitment with the Environmental Sustainability policy and support progression with Green Flag application Enhance delivery of the Biodiversity Enhancement plans DONE Identified contractor has closed business. No local disposal route presently available Informal waste audits have taken place to identify gaps in recycling provision DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE Lower cooling requirements and reduction in energy consumption Fewer physical computer servers drawing power. Achieving a ratio of virtual machines to physical servers in excess of 75% Less waste to landfill DONE DONE DONE Establish a financial mechanism to pump prime energy efficiency initiatives Jan-11 Not complete Harriet Sjerps-Jones 12.2 Identify TWO OPPORTUNITIES for STUDENTS to utilise the campus as a LIVING LABORATORY DONE Hugh McCann Publish EDUCATION for SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY 12.4 Funding to enable student engagement with wildlife surveys Progress: Red/Amber/Green Mike Walton 12.1 12.3 Due Date P O'Callaghan 8.9 9 Improved compliance with environmental legislation Diversion of expanded polystyrene from landfill Conduct WASTE AUDITS 8.8 Expected Results H Sjerps-Jones K Gallagher Provide mechanism for delivering sustainability in the curriculum and enhancement of University reputation in this area DONE To support interdisciplinarity across colleges DONE Provide a mechanism for students to improve their employability with respect to the Green Economy DONE Provide a mechanism for students to learn from our operations and our activities to be shaped from student learning DONE Two student projects to be developed which can inform University Sustainability Strategies, offer practical experience and opportunity to enhance student employability DONE Callum Brown, Sarah Cressey and Emma Fancett are participating in Sustainability Projects Rory Cunningham R Cunningham Increased awareness of City Council regulations on refuse and recycling disposal. Reduced instances of refuse build-up and reduction in negative calls from permanent local residents to the non-emergency 'StreetWise' complaints number. DONE DRAFTING NOTES: 1. This plan reflects the main projects being managed or planned for the next 12 months. 2. Reporting of progress to DVC External Affairs (through SAG when timing allows). 3. Additions to the Plan will be reviewed by SAG, but approved by DVC (External Affairs). * Included in Annual Operating Plan KEY: Risk to project completion or project delay has significant impact Risk to project timeline or potential risk to project implementation identified Project on target Complete Closed. Action not feasible REVISION INFORMATION (by issue number): 1.0.2 Draft issue of plan for discussion 1.1 Approved by Dual Assurance 5 October 1.2 Item 1.3 date revised to Feb 11 to reflect change in H&S audit programme 1.4 Item 2.6 revised completion to Jul11 to reflect nationwide changes 1.7 Item 8.4 ownership changed to K Gallagher Item 10.3 ownership changed to P O'Callaghan Item 10.2 revised from 85% to 75% as identified remaining servers not technically possible UNIVERSITY OF EXETER 2 Karen Gallagher