CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE THE CONDITIONED TASTE AVERSION: A MEANS OF PROTECTING l\ AERIAL COH~1UNICATION CABLE FROM DAHAGE BY THE FOX SQUIRREL (,?ciurus niger) A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Biology by David Lava.un Watkins ---- August, 1979 The thesis of David Lavaun \vatkins is approved: ---~-­ Jim VJ Jtoh~ 01 Dole R. S\vanson George F": Fisler, Corruni ttee Chairman California State University, Northridge August, 1979 ii ACKNOWLEDGHENTS T wish to thank all of the fine people at Pacific Telephone Company who provided me with the technical assistance needed to make this study possible, especially Lee Nelson, Clyde Nelson, Leonard Morrow, Charles Weller, Ken Brock, Bob Rollo and Don Trigg. A special debt of gratitude is owed to Dick Speidel and the University Relations Committee for making the field study possible. A special thanks goes to Lincoln \vard, general manager of Pacific Telephone, for providing materials and equipment needed for the field study. In addition, I wish to thank Terry Liggett for the fine photographs of the squirrel damage used in this paper. I wish to thank Professor Andrew Starrett for his help and advice and Hary Jane Teiman for her suggestions on foods used in experiment three. I wish to thank the members of my committee, Dr. George Fisler, Dr. Jim Dole and Dr. John Swanson for their assistance and advice during the course of this study. Finally~ I want to thank my wife Judy, my son Michael, and my daughter Dana for their help in the care and feeding of the fox squirrels. iii TABLE OF CONTENfS ACKNO\vL:CDGMENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF. FIGURES . ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS Field Experiment Site Selection Method Sampling Units Experimental Site Descriptions Data Collection Method Alterations In Study Sites Laboratory Experiments Experimental Procedure Experiment I Experimerrt I I Experiment III Control Animals RESULTS Field Experiment Data Analysis Statistical Analysis Laboratory Experiments Experiment I Experiment II Experiment III DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS LITERATURE CITED iv iii v vii ix 1 6 6 6 11 12 37 lt-3 46 47 50 52 55 57 58 58 53 66 70 70 78 81+ 91 106 TABLES Table 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Page Damage repairs, for each geographic area, during the tenth (and final) rainstorm of December, 1977, and the first, second and third rainstorms of January, 1978. 7 Squirrel damage repairs made by Pacific Telephone Company employees from January, 1976 through May, 1978, in the Cedros and Reseda areas. The squirrel damage is discovered when rainwater or other moisture enters the cable through ·the damaged insulation. Therefore, the damage may not have occurred during the month in which it was repaired . 9 The distribution of damage repairs made over the time period used for site selection. (T)-Test Site; (C)-Control Site. 10 The values computed for a lethal dose of lithium chloride for each fox squirrel, based on individual body weight and a given value for Mus of 1.06 grams per kilogram of body wei~ht when given as an intraperitoneal injection \J.T. Baker Chernical Co.~ 1978). 49 Attacks and damage sustained by sampling units from April 27, 1978 through June 13, 1978. 59 Attacks and damage sustained by sampling units from June JJ+ s 1978 through July 13, 1978. 60 Attacks and damage sustained by sampling units from July 14, 1978 through September 21, 1978. 61 Attacks and damage sustained by sampling units from September22e 1978 through November 21, 1978. 63 A summary of the attacks and damage sustained by sampling units from April 27, 1978 through November 21, 1978. 64 10. A comparison of the number of attacks and the damage sustained by test and control sites. v 65 Table Page 11. Percent LD 50 of LiCl Consumed/Percent of Test Food Consumed for laboratory experiment number one. 72 12. Test food consumption for experiment number three, 86 vi FIGURES Page Figure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A schematic drawing of the Costella-Colbath site (Test Site 1). 16 A schematic drawing of the Murietta-Costello site (Test Site 2). 20 A schematic drawing of the Andasol Avenue site (Test Site 3). 25 A schematic drawing of the Columbus Avenue site (Control Site 1). 28 A schematic drawing of the Nestle Avenue site (Control Sit:e 2). 32 A schematic d:cawing of the Corbin-Redwing site (Control Site 3). 36 A section of lead-coated cable shmving the beginning of a hole in the outer insulation caused by squirrels gnawing on the cable. 38 A hole gnmved in a splice case (an old repair) Here, s orne of ·the t e>oth marks run para lle 1 with the long axis of the cable, due to the rounded nature of the end of the splice case, where the squirrel is able to apply pressure in all directions. 39 A hole gnawed in the center of a length of leadcoated cable. Notice that the tooth marks are primarily across the diameter of the cable. The present opening is being enlarged at the edges of the hole. 40 10. The feeding behavior of six fox squirrels (Sciuru~ niger), at the three different levels of toxicity, l,vhich were tested in experiment number one. The squirrels did not receive any test food on days 7 and 10 and the gaps in the figure are to so indicate. 74 11. The percentage of an LD 50 for lithium chloride consumed by the test squlrrels during the three separate tests of experiment number one. vii 76 Figure Page 12. The feeding behavior of eight fox squirrels (Sciurus niger) at the toxicity level of LiCl tested in experiment pumber three. 88 13. The percentage of an Ln 50 for LiCl consumed by the test squirrels during experiment number three. 90 viii ':">- . ABSTRACT THE CONDITIONED TASTE AVERSION: A HEANS OF PROTECTING AERIAL COHMUNICATION CABLE FROM DAMAGE BY THE FOX SQUIRREL (Sciurus niger) by David Lavaun Watkins Master of Sctence in Biology August, 1979 Laborato:cy experiments demonstrated that lithium chloride is effective in inducing a conditioned taste aversion in the fox squirrel (§,gj,.urus niger). Foods treated with lithium chloride produced illness in fox squirrels ¥Thich resulted in avoidance behavior toward those specific foods. Squirrels ingesting between 0.12 and 0.17 grams of lithium chloride were shown to be conditioned in one lithium trial. In the field, incorporation of lithium chloride into a protective sheath placed around aerial cable is also effective. Three test sites, each consisting of five test sheaths (containing lithium chloride) ten feet in length and five control sheaths (without lithium ix chloride) ten feet in length, were compared to three control sites, each consisting of ten control lengths ten feet in length. The amount of cable damage to the control lengths compared to the amount of damage to the test and control sheaths showed a significant difference in damage sustained by the cable due to squirrel gnawing of cable insulation. X INTRODUCTION Rodents cost utility companies millions of dollars annually due to their habit of gnawing on communication cable. The pocket gopher (genus Thomomys) is responsible for the majority of damage to underground cable. Tree squirrels (genus Sciurus) are responsible for the majority of damage to aerial cable. In southern California, the fox squirrel (Sciurus ni.~er) aerial cable damage. Damage to the cable occurs when is the primary contributor to rainwater or other moisture enters the cable through holes gnmved. in the protective outer insulation (Pacific Telephone Co., pers. comm.). Fox squirrels prevent their evergrmving incisor teeth from overgrmving by chewing on objects which are tough in composition. In discussing paptive squirrels, Crandall (1964:213) stated: "Nest boxes, logs, and branches will usually have to be replaced at intervals because of damage by chewing. This is a necessary evil for not even the hardest nuts \vill always provide the constant attrition required to keep the animals' teeth from overgrowing." In the v;ri ld, gnawing of objects by squirrels :i_s also a 'necessary evil', for overgrown incisors can result in death. Fox squirrels living in urban or suburban areas utilize telephone cable as a relatively safe means of traveling throughout their home range. 1 They can cross 2 busy streets in rush hour t.raffic without the slightest danger. By remaining arboreal, the fox squirre1 avoids domestic cats and dogs, its major predators in heavily populated areas. The use by the squirrels of telephone cable ultimately leads to cable damage as the animals will chew on practically anything which will wear incisor teeth. The telephone companies (under the Bell System) have tried numerous methods of controlling rodent damage to their aerial cable, including poisoning, shoot:ing, electric shock, repellents and various types of protective shields (Pacific Telephone Co. , pers. comm.) • In recent years, due in part to public outcry, all but the repellents and protective shields have been abandoned. Repellents have proven unreliable at best and it is the present feeling of Bell Telephone that physical protection is the most practical solution Ovestern Electric, pers. comm.). However, physical protection ha.s only a limited ability to protect aerial cable as evidenced by the continued damage in protected areas. Gaps in the shielding created by poor fit and weathering allow the rodents plenty of access to cable insulation. Lithium chloride is a chemical capable of causing nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in mammals ingesting it (Goodman and Gilman, 1965). At extreme levels of lithium intoxication, particularly when sodium intake is low, nervous tremor, ataxia, convulsions, coma and even death 3 can occur (Goodman and Gilman, 1965). The emetic nature of lithium chloride will normally prevent the ingestion and retention of a lethal dose in animals capable of vomiting. The toxic effect of the lithium ion is apparently due to its temporary replacement of sodium and other monovalent cations in various biochemical reactions (Goodman and Gilman, 1965). Lithium chloride has been shmvn to be an effective conditioning agent by causing illness in animals ingesting a food substance contaminated with the toxin. Since the chemical is odorless and has only a slightly saline taste (J.T. Baker Chemical Co., 1978), the illness is associated with the taste of the food. The association of illness with a particular food source results in avoidance behavior directed toward that food substance. The use of lithium chloride to initiate avoidance behavior, through aversive conditioning (a type of trial and error learning) toward a. specific food substance, has been demonstrated by several \vo:ckers. Coyotes (Canis latrans) have been successfully conditioned against killing sheep (Gustavson et al., 1974; Ellins et al., 1979; Ellins et al., 197'7); rabbits (Gustavson et al., 1976); and turkeys (Ellins et al., 1979). Wolves (Canis~) have been successfully conditioned against killing sheep (Gustavson et al., 1976); buteo hawks against killing mice (Brett et al., 1976); and laboratory rats agair:si: killing mice (Rusiniak et al.,l976a). 4 Numerous other studies of lithium aversions have been conducted, for example, Galef and Clark, 1971, 1972; Galef and Henderson, 1972; Wilcoxon et al., 1971; and Rusiniak et al., 1976b. The literature contains innumerable studies on natural aversions, but most of this literature comes from studies of ·mimicry, for example, J, Brower, 1958a, 1958b, 1960; J. Brower and L. Brower, 1962; L. Brmver, 1969; L. Brower et al., 1960; Morrell et al., 1970; Cott, 194-0; Linsley et al., 1961. Excellent discussions of these aversions may be found in books by 1-Jickler ( 1968) and Grant ( 1963). None of the literature known to me contains any mencion of conditioning experiments on the sciurids. The attempts made to control rodents, such as fox squirrels, have been related to physical protective devices or repellentsj for example, Tigner, 1966; Jones, 1961; Cogelia et al., 1976; Barrett et al., 1958; Pirk, 1940. Repellents contained within cable construction for the purpose of repelling rodents has been dealt with many times in the past, for example, Charmoy, 1938; Buckle, 1959; Shotten, 1966; Pirk, 1940; Szilard, 1937. For a wealth of information on this subject see Lee (1962) and Godwin (1976). The medical literature is filled with studies on the lithium ion in the body of rats and man, for example, Smith, 1976; Altamura et al., 1975; Edelson et al., 1975; 5 Mukherjee et al., 1976; Dolman and Edmonds, 1976a, l976b. Lithium compounds and their pharmacology have been studied extensively and much information may be found in the following publications, Lewis, 1977; Christensen, 1976; The Merck Hanual, 1977; The Merck Index, 1976; Luckey et al., 1977. In this study, laboratory experiments were conducted to demonstrate that lithium chloride can initiate avoidance behavior in the fox squirrel toward a specific food substance. Tl1ese experiments were designed to show approximate· amoui1ts of lithium chlor-ide required to cause illness in the fox squirrel and the number of exposures necessary for the erection of an effective feeding barrier against a particular food source. In addit.ion, a field experiment was conducted to determine \'-7hether the incorporation of a layer of lithium chloride into the outer insulation of an aerial cable would serve to reduce;e by the fox squirrel to that cable. 6 MATERIALS AND METHODS Field Experiment This experiment was conducted from April 27, 1978 through November 21, 1978, in the cities of Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Reseda and Van Nuys, in the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles County, California. Site Selection t-1ethod- Pacific Telephone Company has approximately 3200 kilometers (2000 miles) of aerial caule in the San Fernando Valley (Pacific Telephone Co., pers. comm.). The company divides the area they control (General Telephone controls one-half of the San Fernando Valley) into six geographic areas (Table 1). A record of darnage to aerial and underground cable is maintained at the:i.r maintenance headquarters in Van Nuys, California. The type of damage, address where the damage occurred, repair made, cause of the damage and the person repairing the damage are recorded onto computer data cards. These cards are filed according to month, year and geographic area in which the damage occurred. In addition, a record was maintained (for this study) of all squirrel damage to aerial cable repaired during the tenth (and final) rainstorm of December, 1977, and the first, second and third rainstorms of January, 1978. From this information (Table 1) the Cedros and Reseda areas were chosen for analysis. The computer data cards from January, 1977 through 7 TABLE 1. Damage repairs, for each geographic area, during the tenth (and final) rainstorm of December, 1977 and the first, second and third rainstorms of January, 1978. 10 1977 STORM NUMBER 1 3 2 Total 1978 1978 1978 8 0 1 1 10 RESEDA 16 4 1 1 2l~ CEDROS 18 2 6 2 28 Y..ESTER 7 2 2 ~~ 15 17 1 2 1 21 2 2 0 0 4 GEOGRAPHIC AREA CANOGA PARK HAGNOLIA LANKERSHIM 8 January, 1978, for the Cedros and Reseda areas were sorted, separating squirrel damage from all other types of repair (Table 2). Addresses where the damage occurred, were mapped to reveal concentrations of damage. These data, coupled with field observations and with the following criteria in mind, were used to select the exact locations for the study. 1. Type of cable (lead or plastic coated). 2. Cable location (street lead or rear yard). 3. Method of cable support (method of attachment to a supporting steel strand). 4. The distribution of squirrel damage over time. 5. Number of damage points per hundred (city) block. 6. Presence of fox squirrels in the area. 7. Cable accessibility (height a.bove the grourJd). 8. Distance or geographic barriers (for squ:h:-rels) between sites. 9. 10. Habitat of the site. Amount of vegetation overhanging the cable. The results of my analysis revealed six sites suitable for my study. Each location was equal to a city (hundred) block in length. Each site had ten, plus or minus one, damage repairs per hundred block (Table 3). The distribution of damage over time was equal for each site during the ·time period selected for analysis. The 9 TABLE 2. Squirrel damage repairs made by Pacific Telephone Company employees from January, 1976 through Hay, 1978, in the Cedros and Reseda areas. The squirrel damage is discovered \vhen rainwater or other moisture enters the cable through the damaged insulation. Therefore, the damage may not have occurred during the month in which it was repaired. 1976 MONTH J F M A M J J A s 0 N D CEDROS 1 91 14 13 3 7 4 1 41 5 7 13 RESEDA 7 66 11 6 18 3 3 31 14 2 2 32 AREA 1977 MONTH J F M A M J J A s 0 N D CEDROS 25 4 8 2 30 5 6 34 23 1 6 46 RESEDA 10 39 3 3 7 4 1 23 16 14 8 25 J A s 0 N D ARKA 1978 MONTH J F M A CEDROS 30 29 2 17 2 RESEDA 25 11 14 2 1 M AREA J TABLE 3. The distribution of damage repairs made over the time period used for site selection. (T) -Test Site; (C) -Control Site. 1977 SITE Jan Feb Mar Apr COSTELLO-COLBATH (T) Hay Jun Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 2 2 2 ANDASOL AVENUE (T) 1 1 1 3 4 5 1 NESTLE AVENUE (C) CORBIN-REDVVING (C) Aug 2 MURIETTA-COSTELLO (T) COLUMBUS AVENUE (C) Jul 2 1 6 4 1 4 1978 Jan Feb COSTELLO-COLBATH (T) 2 2 HURIETTA-COSTELLO (T) -· ANDASOL AVENUE (T) 1 COLUt1BUS AVEI'mE (C) 3 SITE Mar May 2 ;::: 1 NESTLE AVENUE (C) CORBIN -REDIHNG (C) Apr 1 1 1 1-' 0 11 damage repairs were monitored up to the day this experiment began, a period of sixteen months (Table 3). This was done to insure an even distribution of damage from one site to another and to keep damage information for each site current. The locations chosen were divided into three test and three control sites. Each site was geographically isolated from every other site. Animal population sizes were estimates based on visual observations (Giles, 1971). Any squirrel observed within 100 meters (109.4 yards) of the site was considered a part of the population. Differences in population size, cable type, cable location, method of cable support, vegetation overhang and habitat were divided as evenly as possible between test and control sites, Sampling Units- \.Vithin each site, ten sampling units were selected. These sampling units consisted of 3.05 meter (10 foot) sections of cable. The sampling units were selected near old damage repair sites. The control lengths were unprotected and open to rodent attack. All existing squirrel damage in each control length ,.vas marked and taped up to avoid confusion with new attacks. The test lengths were covered with a plastic (polyvinyl chloride) sheath manufactured by the Zippertubing Company of Los Angeles, California. This plastic is designed to zip together to form a tubular 12 protective cover and has various uses in industry. Sampling units in the test areas were of two types. One type was modified internally. Packets of lithium chloride contained in vinyl electricians tape were applied to the inside of the sheath. The packets of lithium chloride were designed to protect the top and sides of the cable around which the sheath was placed. A second t.ype of sheath was constructed in the same manner$ but without the lithium chloride. Since the cable was altered from its original appearance in the test area, a control was deemed necessary to test whether conditioned animals would avoid objects with the same visual cues (Brmver, 1969). In an effort to protect their aerial cable, Pacific Telephone has installed protective coverings on many cables. This cover consists of an ABS (Acronitrile- Butydiene-Styrene) plastic, Polyvinyl Chloride or Polyethylene shield as squirrel molding. Thi.s molding is an inverted V-shaped plastic shield which overlaps the cable and its supporting steel strand. \vherever squirrel molding '\vas present, sufficient lengths were removed to allow exposure of control lengths or installation of test and control sheaths as appropriate for the situation. Experimental Site Descriptions- Costello-Colbath (Test Site 1) is a residential area, located in Van Nuys, 13 California. This site was a housing tract built in an old walnut (Juglans regia) orchard. found in this- site. Many large trees were In addition to walnut, there were orange (Citrus sinensis), avocado (Persea americana), allepo pine (Pinus halepensis), apple (Malus §QQ.), western sycamore (Platanus~.), ash (Fraxinus £QQ.), white alder (Alnus rhombifolia), maple (Acer §_pQ.), olive (Olea europaea) and silk oak (Grevillea robusta) trees. The walnut, orange and pine trees provide a year round food supply. Seasonal foods include apples and avocados. Garbage cans also provided occasional opportunities for food gathering (Lenchner, 1976). The squirrel population 'tvas approximately ten adult animals 1vith seasonal increases when the young were born. Several of ·the large:c trees contained leaf nests (Stoddard, 1920). These nests were easily seen after the trees had shed their leaves in the fall. Eight leaf nests were obse:l:'ved in the 6500 block of Costello alone. Two of these nests ut.ilized the telephone cable as part of the supporting structure, where the telephone cable passed among the limbs of a walnut tree. Since the fox squirrel may build and maintain several leaf nests (Lenchner, 1976; Moore, 1957; Hall and Kelson, 1959), this is not an indicator of population numbers, but only provides an indication of animal residence (Stoddard, 1920). The Castello-Colbath site comprised portions of the 14 6600 blocks of Costello, Colbath and Murietta Avenues and the 13900 and 14000 blocks of Kittridge Street. Five test and five control sheaths were installed in this and every other test site. Locations of the sampling units in site 1 (Figure 1). Cable A was located in the rear yard of 6602 Colbath Avenue. This was a north-south running cable with a lead exterior and was completely ·Covered with squirrel molding. One test and one control sheath were installed in the open on the north side of the yard. The control sheath (2) was installed south of and continuous with the ·test sheath (1). Cable B was located in the rear yard of 6602 Costello Avenue. This was a north-south running cable \vith a plastic (polyethylene) exterior and was completely covered with squirrel molding. One test sheath (9) was installed just north of pole number 157465M. Cable C crosses Kittridge Street midway bet\<Jeen Costello and Murietta Avenues. It was a north-south running cable with a lead exterior and covered with squirrel molding. ~Jas completely One control sheath (10) was installed just south of pole number 157Lr.61M. This sheath overhung Kittridge Street. Cable D is a street lead (a cable which parallels a street, avenue, etc.), which ran in an east-west direction. This street lead has a plastic exterior and was completely covered with squirrel molding. One test sheath (6) was 15 FIGURE 1. A schematic drawing of the Costella-Colbath site (Test Site 1). 16 L£/lEND lobO.Z =f/OliSE #- ----->- :::. OL l:Ji)A/'111 G[ REPAtR.. J ] -::: C..ONIROL .S\-lEATt-1 ::; St\EATH NLli'I\~ER ;VOrE: MAP IS NDI' TO ANy .5C.IIt.6 17 inotalled on the western side of pole number 157465M near the sheath on cable B. A second test sheath (7) was installed on the eastern side of pole number corner of Costello and Kittridge. 157!~64-H at the A control sheath (8) was added to the 'vestern side of that same pole. Cable E was a street lead located parallel to, and 15 to 30 centimeters (6 to 12 inches) above cable D. This is a lead coated cable t uhich w•as covered with squirrel molding. One test sheath (3) was added to the cable on the western side of pole number 157469M, adjacent to 6602 Colbath Avenue. A control sheath (4) was installed just west of the test sheath. A second control sheath (5) was installed on the eastern side of pole number 157465M, perpendicular to the test sheath on cable B. Murietta-Costello (test site 2) is a residential area, located in Van Nuys, California. similar to test site 1. an old walnut orchard. This site is very It is a housing tract build in The large trees in this area include walnut, orange, lemon (Citrus limonia), grapefruit (Citrus par~), apricot (Prunus armeniaca), red elm (Ulmus fulva), ash, sycamore (Platanus £QQ.), avocado, carob (Ceratoniq siliqua) and sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua). The walnut and citrus trees provide a year round food supply. carob. Seasonal foods include avocado and Garbage cans also provide some opportunity for food gathering. 18 The squirrel population was approximately six adult animals with seasonal increases when the young '\vere born. Leaf nests in the larger trees indicated animals were in residence. Test site 2 was located 482.8 meters (528 yards) 1. south of test site It was separated from test site by a small business district and a major boulevard. 1 The fox squirrel uses telephone cable as a means of crossing busy streets in relative safety. However, no telephone cable crosses this boulevard between sites 1 and 2. The boulevard, then, represents a formidable barrier between the two sites. I never observed any squirrel enter this site from test site 1, but the close proximity of the two sites does not eliminate that possibility. The Murietta-Costellc site comprised portions of the 6300 blocks of Costello and Colbath Avenues and a portion of the 6200 block of Hurietta Avenue. Location of the sampling units in site 2 (Figure 2). Cable F was located in the rear yard of 6303 Colbath Avenue. This was a north-south running cable "\vith a plastic exterior. This cable is what Pacific Telephone calls a slack span, that is, a cable without a supporting steel cable lashed to it. One control sheath (3) was installed in the southern side of the yard where a large walnut tree overhung the cable. One test sheath (4) was installed on the north side of the yard just outside the 19 FIGURE 2. A schematic drawing of the Murietta-Costello site (Test Site 2). 20 --14000 VIC.TOR.Y 80ULE"VARD L. R. '···::·•' ..;:;. LEGEND 6500 -:::House NUMBE:R.. _____,..:::OLD DAMAGE REPAIR. [ :: TE.51 5/leATfl [ -:.. S#EATH NUtvJJ3ER. ~ C.L;8LE H - PLASTIC i NOT£: fV/,4P IS NOT /0 AN'! SCALe 21 overhanging limbs of the walnut tree. Cable G was an east-west running cable with a lead exterior. This cable was suspended from its supporting steel cable by a series of \vire loops designed to prevent squirrels from walking on the cable. is known as inverted trapeze. This type of cable Cable G was primarily a rear yard cable, but the cable passed near the cul-de-sacs of Costello and Colbath Avenues and here may be considered a street lead. One control sheath (2) was installed on cable G, 10 meters (10.9 yards) east of a small utility pole (no number), adjacent to 6303 Colbath Avenue. A large walnut tree overhung the cable at this point. A test sheath (1) Has installed 2 meters (2.2 yards) east of the control sheath. This test sheath was overhung by a large bottle brush plant (~..?llistemon villlinalis). One test sheath (5) was installed adjacent to 6302 Costello Avenue at the western edge of the cul-de-sac. A control sheath (6) was i.nst.alled vlest.:. of a small pole (no number) located at the eastern edge of the cul-de-sac. Cable H was an east-west running cable with a plastic exterior. This cable crossed Murietta Avenue in the 6200 block and passed between 6212 and 6216 Murietta. Thls cable was covered with 12.9 meters (40 feet) of --s-B.ea-t-h-i-n-a-e·ont-i-nuous-stretch-,-wrrere-t:tn s c c. 5Te eros sed Murietta Avenue. One test sheath (10) was installed to the \vest of pole number 146 707M. One control sheath ( 9) 22 was placed to the east of that same pole. A test sheath (8) was installed east of and continuous with sheath number 9. A second control sheath (7) was installed to the east of and continuous with sheath number 8. Sheaths 7 and 8 were overhung by a large ash. Andasol Avenue (test site 3) is located in a residential area of Resedag California. The m.ajority of the vegetation consisted of large (6.1 to 12.2 meter or 20 to 40 feet) coast live oaks (Que~ line both sides of Andasol Avenue. agrifolia), which The canopy of these trees completely covered the avenue in many places. Several other species of trees \vere also found here including olive, eucalyptus (EucalyQtus .§_QQ.), red elm, camphox- tree (Qinnamomum camphorC!), allepo pine, Canary Island pine (Pinus canariensi.s), orange, grapefruit, apricot and coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens). The diversity of the species in this site virtually assures Sciurus niger a year round food supply. cans are utilized l-O Again, garbage some extent. The squirrel pop11lation was approximately ten adult animals, with seasonal increases when the young are born. Leaf nests were seen in some of the large trees on the stt~.----------------~--------------------- The Andasol site was located 6.6 kilometers (4.1 miles) due west of test site 1 and consisted of portions of the 6500 and 6600 blocks of Andasol Avenue. 23 Locations of the sampling units in site 3 (Figure 3). Cable I '\vas a north-south running street lead with a lead exterior supported in the inverted trapeze manner. This street lead ran the entire length of the 6500 and 6600 blocks, on the western side of Andasol Avenue. One test sheath (1) was installed at 6549 Andasol, just north of a large coast live oak. This sheath '\vas overhung for fifty percent of its length by that oak tree. A control sheath (2) was installed at 6551 Andasol just south of pole number 1371+27M. One test sheath (3) was placed at 6603 Andasol just north of pole 'number 323908H. A control sheath (4) was ins·talled on the northern side of a pole (no number) at 6603 Andasol. A test sheath (5) was installed at 6615 Andasol just south of pole number 137425M. A second teat (6) was installed on the north side of that same pole. large camphor tree. Sheath 5 was overhung by a A control sheath ( 7) \vas placed at 6623 Andasol just south of pole number 137424M. A second control sheath (8) was installed to the north of that same pole. A test sheath (9) was installed at 6643 Andasol just south of pole number 137423M. A control sheath (10) was placed to the north of that same pole. Sheath number 10 was overhung for fifty percent of its length by a large - - - -eea-s-t-1-i-ve--ea-k-.-----------------Columbus Avenue (Control Site 1) is located in a residential area of Van Nuys, California. This site was 24 FIGURE 3. A schematic drawing of the Andasol Avenue site (Test Site 3). 25 ,.. ..:;:•a ..........:• ...•:•.. .. ..... ~:. ::: ... !• !i b\ij :.:t ~ ·~·. ::: ;!:~ ... ~ :.\' .·:·.""' ~~· '.J ~ *?1 :~= C) --~~~~Pole ,H.~,, ~I ~ -.....:z:o.;.-::. OLD 3Z3q OZM V• "'\ -:·~ DAMAGE F\EPAI R f:~ 1.1) ~ 66/JS LEGEND 65.1Jq =A HOUSE# [ =CoNTROL ·:: ( = TEST ~:: *"1 ~.-~ :::.;z. ~ .. ....... ...!::...· ·:·· •''; ...,•;...... ............. ~:.: ·~t Q ~:t ::· ...~:~.. 0 \() \l) ·~· NOT£: MAP IS NCJr TO A/Vt,l SeALE- ~11EATH "' .$HEATI-l S\-\EAIH #- 26 quite diverse in its habitat. The majority of the large trees at this site were coast live oak and English walnut. Other species found here include orange, western sycamore, olive, carob tree, silk oak, red elm, pecan (Carya illinoensis), grapefruit and California pepper tree (Schinus §_QQ.). The squirrel population was approximately four adult animals with seasonal increases when the young were born. In addition, there is an influx of animals from surrounding areas, when fruit is present on a large pecan tree at 6432 Columbus Avenue. Leaf nests 1tJere found primarily on the side streets, which run perpendicular to Columbus Avenue, as the trees on Columbus had been heavily trimmed and most were not suitable as nesting trees (Moore, 1957). The Columbus site was located 2.2 kilometers (1.4 miles) due west of test site 1. This site consisted of portions of the 6400 and 6500 blocks of Columbus Avenue. Locations of the sampling units in con-trol site 1 (Ftgure 4) Cable J was a north-south running lead, with a plastic exterior. This street lead ran the entire length of the 6400 and 6500 blocks on the eastern side of Columbus Avenue. One control length (1) was selected just south of pole number 762509H at 6432 Columbus Avenue. length was overhung by a large carob tree. This control A second control sheath (2) was selected on the northern side of 27 FIGURE 4. A schematic drawing of the Columbus Avenue site (Control Site 1). 28 Lt:6f.ND 0400; l-lousE-# ----.:;.- = OLD "'DAMAGE REPAIR. [ :. CoNTRoL LENGTH Pole..# 1fo25o9H ~1._/S/00 GtLMOR£ • ""l' ...... 9'' .......... ••• ••• • • • •• • • • ... • .•;..:,..•·. :r·:~:!······ ..-.::;.·.·~·.·: ·.:·:· . ...·.·. '-I ~ ~ .. ~- ·:..·: ;·.:·.:~ ·::y ~-=· ~:-. ,. \. :.· Nor£: MAP IS No-r -ro ANY S~Lf" :STREET 29 that same pole. One control length (3) was placed at 6450 Columbus Avenue. silk oak tree. Control number three was overhung by a A control length (4) was selected on the northern side of that same tree and was overhung in a similar manner. One control length (5) 'vas chosen inside the limbs of a silk oak at 6454 Columbus. Control 6 was located inside limbs of that same silk oak, but on the more northern side of the tree canopy near pole number 87515M. Control 7 was located at 6510 Columbus, just north of pole number 762508H •. Control 7 was overhung for fifty percent of its length by a sparsely foliated elm tree. Control 8 was selected at 6516 Columbus and was overhung for fifty percent of its length by a second sparsely foliated elm. Control 9 was totally overhung by a small elm tree at 6522 Cohunbus just north of pole number 179895M. Control 10 was located at 6552 Columbus just north of pole number 1290151-1 and just south of a large Chinese elm (Ulmu~ £arvifolia). Nestle Avenue (control site 2) is located in a residential area of Tarzana, California. This site was very diverse in and had many different species of trees and shrubs. The overall height of most of the trees was under 6.1 meters (20 feet). The tree species included orange, grapefruit, alder, Canary Island pine, palm (\vashington §_QQ.), western sycamore, olive, English walnut, lemon, ash, jacaranda (Jacaranda acutifolia), Italian -------------------~~-~~~~-~--- 30 cypress (Cupressus (Eucalyptus §QQ.). 22Q.), apricot, maple and eucalyptus The diversity of the tree species provided an ideal habitat with a year round food supply for the resident fox squirrels. The squirrel population \vas approximately six adult animals with seasonal increases when the young were born. The only leaf nests observed were confined to the tall eucalyptus trees near the edge of the site. Hmvever, the palm trees may have contained some nests which could not be seen due to their dense foliage. Squirrels were observed using these trees to some extent. The Nestle site was located 2.9 kilometers (1.8 miles) south by southwest of the Andasol site. This site consisted of portions of the 5300 and 5400 blocks of Nestle Avenue. Locations of the sampling units in control site 2 (Figure 5). Cable K was a nort:h-south running rear yard cable with a lead exterior. A control length (1) \vas selected just north of a drop 1vire (a wire from the cable, which connects to a residence) at 5326 Nestle Avenue. A control length (2) was selected at 5400 Nestle Avenue in the south side of the yard. Two control lengths (3 and 4) were placed at 5406 Nestle. Control number 3 was located in the south side of the yard and was overhung by a large palm tree. Control number 4 was placed just north of control ~--~-- 31 FIGURE 5. A schematic drawing of the Nestle Avenue site (Control Site 2). 32 t :: (J ::'. ~ ::: '0 •• If)::.. ...·.· .."'.......·: ....:i.. ~/0 5422- ',h .....·:·· ...!,..·.. ... ......,. .... 5ll18_ \...!=:G-El'{ D 5?2.6" /-lOUSE·# ----7'-=0LD DAI'"\A&I:" REPAIR. #i-: CoNTRoL LtNGIH 54oo==: -#= 'l :·:. <:) • : \'I):.· .. .. ~ .I ··.: ' :... .. ...·. -~-5331 53:Z.b- ·: ... ·~ NOT'£: MAP IS Ncrr ID /ti'N St!.Al-1: 33 number 3 and was overhung by a second palm tree. T\vO control lengths (5 and 6) were selected at 5412 Nestle Avenue. wire. Control number 5 was located just south of a drop Control number 6 was located to the north of that same drop wire. Two control lengths (7 and 8) were chosen at 5418 Nestle Avenue. Control number 7 was placed in the southern side of the yard on either side of pole number 225949. Control number 8 was placed in the northern side of the yard. T\vo control lengths (9 and 10) were selected at 5422 Nestle Avenue. Control number 9 was placed in the south side of the yard and \vas overhung by an Italian cypress. Control number 10 was placed just north of control 9 and was also overhung by an Italian cypress. CorbL1.-Red\ving (control site 3) \vas located in a residential area of \\Toodland Hills, California. was an ideal squirrel habitat:. This site The houses in this area had extremely large yards which contained many frutt trees. The area formally was composed of large citrus groves and when houses were built, many of the trees were left untouched by the construction. In addition, many of the residents have planted trees for landscaping purposes. Tree species in this site include orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime (Citrus aurantifolia), western sycamore, palm silk oaki apple, apricot, sweet gum, Italian cypress, Canary Island pine, Japanese black pine (Pinus .!Jt\lnbergjJ, eucalyptus, olive a·nct maple. This site contains a large 34 (30+ acre) orange and grapefruit orchard, located at the end of the cul-de-sac of Corbin Avenue. The squirrel population was approximately ten adult animals, with seasonal increases when the young were born. Leaf nests were confined to the orchard and a few large trees on Corbin Avenue. The Corbin-Redwing site was located 3.2 kilometers (2.0 miles) due \vest of the Nestle Avenue site. This site consisted of portions of the 5400 block of Corbin Avenue and a portion of the 19600 block of Redwing Drive. Location of the sampling unitb in control site 3 (Figure 6). Cable N was a north-south running rear yard cable with a l•~ad exterior, which was completely covered \vith squirrel molding. Cable N \vas located approximately 50 meters (54.7 yards) east of Corbin Avenue. This cable ran in a northerly direction away from Drive, toward the 5500 block of Corbin Avenue. w~s One control length (10) chosen just north of pole number 235511M, at 19637 Redwing Drive. Cable M was an east-west running street lead with a lead exterior, which was completely covered with squirrel molding. This cable was located on the northern side of Redwing Drive in the 19600 block. west portion of cable L. This cable was an east- One control leng·th ( 9) was chosen on the western side of pole number 235511M perpendicular to control number 10. 35 FIGURE 6. A schematic drawing of the Corbin-Redwing site (Control Site 3). --------------------------~- --------'-------- 36 ..... ,,='.. ·:.. .. ... .. ·: .~. -:~ .. ~. "·"""•!-,..:.. ~, .... :::;, ':s;.. \ ~ ·~ "S ::· ~ ::: ..:: ~ '.;.: ...., 'V .. ... ~ () -~· ~ ..~: .-: (;) ...•,•,.~:.. ....... ..:· .. ·.·.... ........ ....... L.EG-END 5430= HOU.SE# ~ ~ [ r.. :.· 1it" ·: '"I • • •:. .. :-.• 0 11 I ! fi.ND oFc.A8LE P£VA\R... ::. CoNTROL lfNG:rH it-1 ORAN6E- &~M'E:FRu.rr CR<.\·\M< OLtl UAMA6E 'D r:: (.oNTR6L LENG-iH I{UIY\'BER.. ~-~-----~~- 37 Cable L was a north-south running rear yard cable with a lead exterior, which was completely covered with squirrel molding. This cable ran the entire length of the 5400 block of Corbin Avenue, parallel to the rear property lines. Three control lengths (1, 2 and 3) were selected in the rear yard of 5450 Corbin Avenue. Control number 1 was located in the south end of the yard and w·as overhung for seventy-five percent of its length by two Italian cypress trees. Control number two was located in the central part of the yard. Control number 3 was selected in the northern end of the yard. Three controls (4, 5 and 6) were selected in the rear yard at 5460 Corbin Avenue. Control number 4 was located in the south end of the yard. Controls number 5 and 6 were located in the northern side of the yard, with number five the more southerly of the two. One control length (7) was selected at 5472 Corbin Avenue just south of pole number 235512H. One control length (8) was selected on the northern side of that same pole. Control number eight overhung Redwing Drive. Data Collection Method - In my experience, the damage inflicted on aerial cable by the fox squirrel is a series of cutting motions which gradually wears away the outer insulation, rather than puncture marks. This is accomplished as the animal bites across the diameter of the cable. Rarely are the bites parallel with the long axis of the cable (Figures 7, 8 and 9). This same gna\ving motion 38 \FIGURE 7. I : A section of lead-coated cable showing the beginning of a hole in the outer insulation caused by squirrels gnawing on the cable. Photograph by Terry Liggett 39 ' FIGURE 8. A hole gnawed in a splice case (an old repair). Here, some of the tooth marks run parallel with the long axis of the cable9 due to the rounded nature of the end of the splice case, where the squirrel is able to apply pressure in all directions. Photograph by Terry Liggett 40 FIGURE 9. A hole gnawed in the center of a length of lead-coated cable. Notice that the tooth marks are primarily across the diameter of the cable. · The present opening is being enlarged at the edges of the hole. Photograph by Terry Liggett 41 is used by the squirrels to open walnut shells and other hard coverings of foods. Fox squirrels will return to an area which has been damaged on a previous occasion, and proceed to lengthen the damage point by gnawing at the edges of an existing opening in the insulation. After repairs have been made, the animal may attack the repair. Indeed, many stretches of cable are notorious for their squirrel damage repair records (Pacific Telephone Co., pers. comm.). The width of a damage point (across the cable diameter) changes very little from one attack to another, because the size of the cable itself is a limiting factor. Cables are generally damaged in the upper one third of the total circumference. Thereafter the animal generally has some difficulty in applying bite pressure with sufficient effec·t to damage the cable. This is not to say that a cable is never damaged on its underside if the animal can maintain a position of leverage enabling it to gnaw on the cable. For purposes of this study variations in the width of a damage point were not considered as a pertinent variable. The depth of·a damage point is directly dependent on the internal structure of the cable attacked. A cable with a steel liner is not penetrated as deeply as a cable without such a liner. Therefore, I chose to record only the number of attacks, the length of the damage at the point of attack (the damage point), and increases in length of a 42 previously damaged spot. In addition, records were kept of penetrations of the outer insulation. Tooth marks were recorded as attacks and were recorded as 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) bites. The cable was considered damaged if the outermost insulation had been gnawed through. Any squirrel damage 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) or longer was generally through the outermost insulation. Tooth punctures of the test and control sheaths were counted as 1/8 inch bites. The cable was considered damaged (in test sites) if both layers of the sheath and the outermost insulation of the cable '\vere penetrated. The squirrels could penetrate the soft material of the sheath with relative ease; however, it was hypothesized that the quick action of lithium chloride would prevent the penetration of the outer insulation, as the squirrel \vould become ill before this \vas accomplished. The length of a bite in the outer insulation of the control lengths was considered equal to the length of a bite in the softer material of the test and control sheaths. No allmvance was made for differences in material density. The installation of the test and control sheaths~ and the marking and covering of old squirrel damage in the control lengths, required several days to complete. The process began on April 27, 1978 and was completed on May 13, 1978. The sheaths and control lengths "ivere monitored for any signs of squirrel damage on dates: th·"~ follm·;ing June 13, 1978; July 13, 1978; September ?lf 1978; 43 November 21, 1978. The process of monitoring the sampling units required approximately ten hours to complete and all of the sampling units were checked on the same day. Data were gathered with the help of one telephone company employee. Ladders, climbing belts and a hydraulic lift truck (provided by Pacific Telephone Co.) equipped with a '\vork platform \vere used. The work pla-tform could be raised, by means of the hydraulic lift up to the height of the cable being monitored. This type of truck is commonly known as a "cherry picker". The truck was used to gather the data on street lead cables. The climbing belts and ladders were used in rear yard locations. Damage points were measured and recorded for each test sheath, control sheath and control length in the appropriate site and the data for each site recorded separately. A Iterations In Study Sites- Several chang;es took place in the study sites during the course of my study and the data may have been affected as a result of these changes. In early May, 1978, a new cable \vas installed in ·the Andasol Avenue test site by Pacific Telephone's construction department. The study was being carried out through the maintenance department and apparently ·the construction department was unaware of the study. The new caL l.e was a large diameter (3.8 em. or 1.5 in.), plastic coa· which \vas not covered with squirrel molding. Th cable cable 44 was installed parallel to cable I and was separated from . cable I by a distance of 30.5 to 50.8 em. (12 to 20 in.). Cable I was a small diameter (2.2 em. or 7/8 in.) cable of the inverted trapeze type and was, therefore, difficult for the squirrels to walk on. The new cable was easy for the squirrels to walk on and the squirrels were observed to prefer it over the old cable. During the month of May and the first half of the month of June construction crews were busy installing the new cable and connecting residences to it. The disturbance of these crews, coupled with a new ro{lte of transportation for the squirrels, may have been the reason for bite records for the Andasol site. The new cable was attacked in several places, '< 1.vere parallel to the test and control sheaths on cable I, but the old disconnected cable, which was left in place a-i: m.y request, incurred no damage vJhatsoever. In May, 1978, the majority of the orange and grapefruit orchard within the Corbin-Red\ving site wa.s destroyed to make way for a tract of nmv homes. Construction on these homes went on throughout the length of my study with the result that the number of squirrels observed within this site dropped to one. The number of fox squirrels observed in the Nestle Avenue control site dropped drastically in the month of June, 1978; thereafter, only t"\vo squirrels were observed in this site. In conversing with the residents of the area, 45 I learned that a particular male house cat (Felis domesticus) had become quite efficient at capturing and killing fox squirrels and had reportedly killed three such animals in recent days. The Nestle site is extremely isolated from other squirrel producing areas by several large business districts to the south, east and \vest and by the Ventura free-tvay to the north. Immigration into such an isolated area is either very low or nonexistant; therefore, the loss of any individual from the population is significant. During the month of August, 1978, an outside contractor to Pacific Telephone installed squirrel molding in the Murietta-Costello test sitA and the Columbus Avenue control site. The squirrel molding "ivas placed over the of the test and control sheaths in the t~op Hurietta.~Costello site; control lengths were covered in the Columbus Avenue control site. The squirrel molding \vas removed by myself and one telephone company employee on September 219 1978. Since the length of time each site ·\vas covered (about 3 weeks) was approximately equal, the effects \ve:r.e considered offsetting and were not taken into account in the data analysis. 46 Laboratory Experiments These experiments \vere conducted from May, 1978, through April, 1979. The subjects were three sub-adult and nine adult fox squirrels (Sciurus niger). The squirrels were sexed by examination of the external genitalia and aged by means of the tail characteristics and the external genitalia (Giles, 1971) • Six of these animals were female (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Mu) and six were male (Zeta, Eta, Theta, Kappa, Lambda, Iota). Three squirrels (Epsilon, Lambda, Nu) were sub-adults when they were captured. All of the squirrels were captured on or near the campus of California State University, Northridge, California. Six animals were captured in the Historic Orange Grove located on the campus and six were captured in the surrounding residential area. The squirrels were trapped by placing live traps baited with whole walnuts at the bases of trees which squirrels were known to frequent. The squirrels were maintained in a variety of cage types and sizes , Alpha~ Beta., Lambda and Mu were kept in wire mesh cages rneasuring 76 em. x 45 em. x 40 em. (29.9 in. x 17.7 in x 15.7 in.). Gamma, Epsilon and Kappa were kept in sheet steel and wire mesh cages measuring 60 em. x 45 ern. x 28 em. (23.6 in. x 17.7 in. x 11.0 in.). Del~a, Zeta, Eta, Theta and Iota were kept in wire mesh cages measuring 60 em. x 40 em. x 35 em. (23.6 in. x 15.7 in. x 47 13.7 in.). Each cage contained a water bottle, several food containers and a 3.78 liter (1 gal.) glass jar for use as a substitute nest. The variation in cage size was due to a shortage of uniform caging at our research facility. Experimental Procedure - In order to acertain the effect of lithium chloride on fox squirrels, foods which would be used to test them were determined by establishing a food preference list. The food preference was established by offering various foods and observing both the amount of each which was consumed and the order in which these foods were eaten. A va.riety of foods were offered and eliminated until a clear order of preference was established for each group of squirrels tested. The types of foods offered were based primarily on suggestions in Crandall (1964) and observations of the the wild by myself and descriptions in Lenchner (1976). Foods were selected as test foods which vtere h:tgh on the preference list and were preferred over foods selected as safe or control foods. Test foods \vere selected on the basis of ease of incorporation of the lithiurrl chloride and a low availability of these foods in the natural environment. Since the squirrels were to be released at the conclusion of my study, I wanted to avoid the possibility of conditioning them against any food which was required for their survival. In addition, I computed an estimated 48 lethal dose-50 (an w 50 is the amount of any substance required to kill 50 percent of the animals being tested) of lithium chloride for each squirrel based on its individual body weight and a previously established value for Mus of 1.06 grams per kilogram of body weight when given as an intraperitoneal injection (Baker, 1978; see Table 4). The value computed was considered low as the chemical was to be administered orally and oral values tend to run higher than these given by injection (Christensen, 1976). Once the estimated lethal dose of lithium chloride was computed and the food preference was established, one of the more preferred foods was chosen as a poison bait and a much less preferred food was chosen as a control. The preferred food \vas then treated with crystaline or powdered analytical grade (99% pure) lithium chloride and fed to the test animals. The control animals received the same amount and type of food, but without the lithium chloride. The preferred food would then be re-offered at a later time in an untreated condition along with a less preferred food. If the test animals refused to eat the more preferred food on which they had been poisoned, but instead ate the less preferred food and if the control animals continued to eat these foods in their original order of preference, it should be safe to assume that a feeding barrier exists which is specific for the food on 49 TABLE 4. The values computed for a lethal dose of lithium chloride for each fox squirrel, based on individual body weight and a given value for Mus of 1.06 grams per kilogram of body weieht when given as an intraperitoneal injection (J.T. Baker Chemical Co., 1978). COMPUTED LD 50 ANIMAL WEIGHI Alpha 0.540 kg. (1.19 lb.) 0.57 g. Beta 0.660 kg. (1.46 lb.) 0.70 g. Gamma 0.555 kg. (1.22 lb.) 0.59 g. Delta 0.533 kg. (1.18 lb.) 0.56 g. Epsilon 0.466 kg. (1 .03 lb.) 0 .1}9 g. Zeta 0.548 kg. ( 1 .21 lb.) 0.58 g. Eta 0.535 kg. ( 1 .18 lb.) 0.57 g. Theta 0.566 kg. (1.25 lb.) 0.60 g. Iota 0.653 kg. (1.44 lb.) 0.69 g. Kappa 0.587 kg. (1.29 lb.) 0.62 g. Lambda 0.474 kg. ( 1. 04 lb.) Mu 0.469 kg. ( 1. 03 lb.) 0.50 g. g. 50 which the animals had been poisoned. My experiments are not wholly original, as many of the techniques are modified from the works of Gustavson (1974) and Galef and Clark ( 1971). Experiment I- The subjects in this experiment were six fox squirrels; Alpha, Beta, Ga~~a, Delta, Epsilon and Zeta. Alpha and Beta were the control animals and, Delta, Epsilon and Zeta were the test animals, The food preference established for those animals was as follows: More preferred- walnuts apples filberts (hazelnuts) oranges peanuts almonds whole corn (dried) Less preferred- rolled oats Filberts v1ere chosen as the poison bait and a mixture of whole corn and rolled oats served as the control or safe food. A twenty-four hour period \vas chosen as the time length for each test. The amount of lithium chloride and its concentration (amount per individual nut) was varied in order to establish an estimated threshold amount of the chemical required to initiate conditioning. On day 0 all food was removed for twenty-four hours. 51 On days 1-4 each squirrel received 8.3 grams of filberts, 30 grams of whole corn and 10 grams of rolled oats. On day 5 the test animals received 8.2 grams of filberts treated \vith 0.1 gram of crystaline lithium chloride. The hollow center of the filberts contained the lithium chloride. A section was removed from each nut to allmv the lithium salt to be added to the hollow center. The center was then plugged with a piece of filbert to keep moisture mvay from the lithium chloride. The plug \vas also used to adjust the weight of these nuts to equal amom1ts for each animal. The control animals received 8.3 grams of untreated filberts which had been altered in the same manner. No other food was offered to avoid the possibility of ·the animals becoming confused as to Fhich food had made them ill. On day 6 the results of feeding on the poison bait "t>Jere recorded. Any remaining treated filberts \vere removed and each animal was given 8.3 grams of untreated filberts, 30 grams of \vhole corn and 10 grams of rolled oats. On day 7 the results of the retest were recorded and the animals were given a normal ration of food. On day 8 each test animal received 8.0 grams of filberts treated \vith 0.3 gram of crystaline lithium chloride. The control animals received 8.3 grams of untreated filberts. The poison bait was prepared in the same manner as before. On day 9 the results of feeding on the poison bait ·were recorded. The remaining treated nuts 52 were removed and each animal received 8.3 grams of untreated filberts, 30 grams of whole corn and 10 grams of rolled oats. recorded. On day 10 the results of the retest were Each animal received a normal ration of food (walnuts, apple, orange, peanuts, whole corn and rolled oats). On day 11, each of the test animals were given 7.2 grams of filberts treated ·N·ith 0.3 gram of crystaline lithium chloride. The control animals received 7.5 grams of untreated filberts. On day 12, the results of feeding on the poison bait -..-vere recorded. The remaining treated nuts were removed and. each animal received 7.5 grams of filberts (untreated), 30 grams of whole corn and 10 grams of rolled oats. On day 13, the results of the retest were recorded and the animals returned to normal rations. Experiment II- Experiment number two was an attempt to establish the number of lithium chloride treatments necessary to initiate avoidance behavior tmvard a specific food. Evaluation of the da;ta from experiment one led to the conclusion that two consecutive treatments, at a slightly higher toxicity level than the final level tested in experiment one, might condition the squirrels v~ry rapidly. I also nmv attempted to avoid concentrating the lithium chloride in a small area of the food. In addition, I hoped to slmv dovm the reaction time of the chemical within the body of the animals and thereby allmv more of the toxin to be ingested, through s lmv digestion 53 of the lithium-food mixture. In order to accomplish the above, I mixed the lithium chloride with Skippy brand, smooth peanut butter. The peanut butter was spread between halved filbert nuts. The nut halves were then pressed back together to give the appearance of whole nuts. The subjects in this experiment were six fox squirrels. Lambda and Iota were the control animals and Beta, Eta, Theta and Kappa were the test animals. Beta was specially selected for this experiment, as she was the only animal which would move freely about and feed in my presence. I wished to closely observe the behavior of this animal and to record her reaction to the toxin both durir~ and after feeding on the poison bait. The food preference was the same as in experiment one (see page SO). I computed the Ln 50 for each animal, using the same criteria as in experiment one (Table 4). The time period selected for each test was again twentyfour hours. chosen as th~ Filbert nuts containing peanut butter ·were test food. A mixture of whole corn and rolled oats "\vas chosen as the control or safe food. On day 0 all food was removed for twenty-four hours. On days 1-3 each squirrel received 6.0 grams of filberts containing 1.0 gram of peanut butter, 30 grams of whole corn and 10 grams of rolled oats. On day 4 each test animal received 6.0 grams of filberts containing 0.7 gram of peanut butter mixed \vith 0.3 gram of lithium chloride. 54 The control animals received 6.0 grams of filberts containing 1.0 gram of peanut butter. On day 5 the results of feeding on the poison bait were recorded. The animals were then given normal rations of walnuts, apple, orange, peanuts, whole corn and rolled oats. On days 6 through 9 the squirrels were also given normal rations of food. On day 10 the test animals received 6.0 grams of filberts containing 0.7 grams of peanut butter mixed with 0.3 grams of lithium chloride. The control animals received 6.0 grams of filberts containing 1.0 grams of peanut butter. On day J.l the results of feeding on the poison bait were recorded and the squirrels given normal rations of food. On day 12 the squirrels received normal rations of food. On day 13 each animal was offered 6.0 grams of filberts containing 1.0 grams of peanut butter, 30 grams of whole corn and 10 grams of rolled oats. On day 14, the results of the retest were recorded and the animals were provided with normal rations of food. given a normal ration of food. On day 15 each squirrel was On day 16 the test animals were offered 6.0 grams of filberts containing 0.7 grams of peanut butter mixed with 0.3 grams of lithium chloride. The control animals received 6.0 grams of filberts containing 1.0 grams of peanut butter. On day 17 the results of feeding on the poison bait were recorded and the squirrels were given normal rations of food. each animal was given a normal ration of food. On day 18, On day 19 55 each animal received 6.0 grams of filberts containing 1.0 grams of peanut butter, 30 grams of whole corn and 10 grams of rolled oats. On day 20 the results of the retest were recorded and the squirrels were returned to normal daily rations. Experiment III - Utilizing the knowledge gained in experiments one and twos experiment three was designed to rapidly condition the test animals showing a clear aversion to a specific food. The lithium chloride was combined with the test food in such a '\vay as to insure an even distribution of the toxin and prevent any possibility of separation of the toxin from the food. The control or safe food was offered along with the test food during both the test and retest portions of the experiment. The subjects in this experiment \vere eight fox squirrels Gamma, Epsilon, Eta and Kappa served as the control animals while Delta, Zeta, Theta and Lambda were the test animals. The food preference established for these squirrels was as follows: More preferred - walnuts prunes (sun dried) oranges dates (sun dried) apples grapes (all types) 56 whole corn Less preferred- celery Dates were chosen as the test food and a combination of apple, whole corn and celery served as the control The Ln food~ 50 of lithium chloride previously computed for each animal (Table 4) was used in this experiment as it had been in experiments one and two. On day 0 all food was removed for twenty-f. 1r hours. On days 1-3 each animal received 18.0 grams of dates, 30 grams of whole corn, 30 grams of celery and 20 grams of apple. On day Lt. each of t:he test animals was given 17.6 grams of dates treated with chloride. 0.4 gram of powdered lithium The test (poison) dates were prepared by first halving them and removing the seed. The contents of the dates were then scraped from the outer epidermal layer and thoroughly mixed with powdered lithium chloride (0.2 gram per date; t'i10 dates minus their seeds equaled 17.6 grams). The mixture of date meat and toxin \vas pressed back into the outer epideDnal layer and the date halves \vere pressed back together, giving the appearance of whole dates. The control animals received 18.0 grams of untreated dates, which had been altered in a similar manner. In addition to the dates each animal received 30 grams of whole corn, 30 grams of celery and 20 grams of apple. On day 5 the results of feeding on the poison bait were recorded. The remaining treated dates were removed and each animal was 57 re-offered 18.0 grams of untreated dates, 30 grams of whole corn, 30 grams of celery and 20 grams of apple. On day 6, the results of the retest were recorded and each animal was re-supplied with the same retest ration as on day 5. On days 7 through 10, each squirrel received the same retest ration as on day 5 and the results of feeding were recorded on the following day. returned to normal rations on day 11. The squirrels were On day 14, each animal was again offered a retest ration of dates, corn, celery and apple. On day 15, the results of the retest were recorded and the animals were reterned to normal rations. Control Animals- Alpha and Iota were not used as test animals in any experiment. These animals served as controls on the after effects of lithium chloride on the test animals throughout their captivity. Mu served as a control on the effects of the laboratory environment on the experimental squirrels (both test and control) and was not used in any experiment. 58 RESULTS Field Experiment Data Analysis- The data collected during this field experiment have been assembled into tables 5 through 10. Specific information regarding the length of damage in a particular sampling unit and the specific sampling unit attacked in any given site is contained in these tables. The majority of the attacks sustained by the sampling units consisted of tooth marks which cut across the diameter of the cable. Each of these tooth marked areas was considered an attack, but unless the gnawing had penetrated the outer insulation the tooth marks \vere not considered damage. During the period of April 27. 1978, through June 13, 1978, none of the sampling units in the tes·t areas \vere attacked. The Columbus control site suffered a total of 14 attacks in three separate control lengths. The Nestle control site suffered a total of 9 attacks in three separate lengths. The Corbin-Redwing control site incurred 2 attacks in one length (Table 5). During the period of June 14, 1978 through July 13, 1978, the test and control sheaths began to show attacks in the Murietta-Costello test site. This site suffered a total of 10 attacks in three different, but adiacent, sheaths. The Columbus site continued to be attacked, sustaining 8 attacks in five of its control lengths. No 59 TABLE 5. Attacks and damage sustained by sampling units from April 27, 1978 through June 13, 1978. Costella-Colbath - No data Murietta-Costello - No data Andasol Avenue - No data Columbus Avenue Sample Type Sample No. No. of Attacks Length of Damage Control 3 7 2 in. Control 4 6 3 1/8 in. Control 5 1 1 in. Nestle Avenue Sample Type Sample No. No. of Attacks Control 5 4 Control 6 4 Control 9 1 Length of Damage 1 !· 3 I.,. in. 1 ine li8 in. Corbin-Redwing Sample Type Control Sample No. 4 No. of Attacks 2 Length of Damage 1/4 in. ' ' 60 TABLE 6. Attacks and damage sustained by sampling units from June 14, 1978 through July 13, 1978. Costello-Colbath - No data Andasol Avenue - No data Nestle Avenue - No data Corbin-Redwing - No data Murietta-Costello Sample Type Test Test-Control Test Sample No. No. of Attacks Length of Damage 8 1 3/4 i.n. 9 1 1/8 tn. 10 8 3 1/8 in. Columbus Avenue Sample Type Sample No. No. of Attacks Length of Damage Control 1 1 1/8 in. Control 3 2 2 1/8 in. Control 4 2 1 1/2 in. Control 5 1 1 1/2 in. Control 8 2 1/4 in. 61 TABLE 7. Attacks and damage sustained by sampling units from July 14, 1978 through September 21, 1978. Andasol Avenue No data Castello-Colbath Sample Type Test-Control Sample No. 2 No. of Attacks 2 Length of Damage 5/8 i.n. Murietta~Costello Sample Type Sample No. No. of Attacks Length of Damage Test 4 2 1/4 in. Test 5 1 3/4 in. Test-Control 6 1 1/2 in. Test-Control 7 2 1/4 in. Test 8 8 1 1/2 in. Test 10 3 1 1/2 in. Columbus Avenue Sample Type Sample No. No. of Attacks Length of Damage Control 1 3 3/8 in. Control 2 1 1/8 in. Control 4 2 5/8 in. Control .J .... 2 1/2 in. Control 6 6 2 1/4 in. Control 7 5 5/8 in. Control 9 6 7/8 in. 62 TABLE 7. Continued Nestle Avenue Sample Type Sample No. No. of Attacks Length of Damage Control 7 1 1/8 in. Control 8 1 1/8 in. Corbin-Redwing Sample Type Sample No. No. of Attacks Length of Damage Control 3 1 1/8 in. Control 5 1 1/8 in. Control 6 2 3/8 in. 63 TABLE 8. Attacks arid damage sustained by units from September 22, 1978 through November 21, 1978. Costello-Colbath - No data Andaso 1 Avenue No data .· Nestle Avenue - No data - Corbin-Redwing - No data Murietta-Costello Sample Type Sample No. No. of Attacks Length of Damage 1 3 1 3/8 in. Test-Control 2 2 5/8 in. Test-Control 7 1 1/2 in. 8 2 2 9 2 1 1/4 in. Test Test Test-Control l/4 in. Columbus Avenue Sample Type Sample No. No. of Attacks Length of Damage Control 1 1 1/8 in. Control 3 2 7/8 in. Control 4 10 1 7/8 in. Control 5 2 Control 6 3 Control 7 4 1 in. 3/4 in. 1 in. 64 TABLE 9. A summary of the attacks and damage sustained by sampling units from April 27, 1978 through November 21, 1978. TEST AREAS Castello-Colbath Total Attacks 2 Length of Damage Penetrations of Outer Cable Insulation 5/8 in. 0 Murtetta-Costello Tota 1 Attacks 37 Length of Damage Penetrations of Outer Ca1>le Insulation 12 1/2 in. 0 Andasol Avenue Total Attacks Length of Damage Penetrations of Outer Cable Insulation 0 0 0 CONTROL AREAS Columbus Avenue Total Attacks 69 Length of Damage Penetrations of Outer Cable Insulation 21 7/8 in. 34 Nestle Avenue Total Attacks 11 LeP~th of Damage Penetrations of Outer Cable Insulation 2 1/8 in. 6 Corbin-Redwing Total Attacks 6 Length of Damage 7/8 in. Penetrations of Outer Cable Insulation 0 65 TABLE 10. A comparison of the number of attacks and damage sustained by test and control sites. TEST SITES ATTACKS Control Sheaths DAMAGE Test Sheaths 11 Total Times Cable Damaged 39 0 28 CONTROL SITES ATTACKS DAMAGE Control Lengths Total Times Cable Damaged 86 86 40 DAMAGE TO CABLE Damage per Attack Control Areas Test Areas Percent Damaged 40/86 46.5 % 0/39 0.0 % 66 other damage was recorded in any other site (Table 6). The period of July 14, 1978 through September 21, 1978, was the most productive time period for the generation of data with all of the sites suffering attacks except Andasol. The Castello-Colbath site incurred 2 attacks in one sheath. The Hurietta-Costello site was attacked 17 times in six different sheaths. The Columbus site suffered a total of 25 attacks in eight of its lengths. The Nestle site incurred 1 attack in each of two control lengths. The Corbin-Redwing site sustained a total of 4 attacks in three separate control lengths (Table 7). During the period of September 22, 1978, through November 21, 1978, only the Nurietta-Costello and Columbus sites incurred any damage. The Murietta-Costello site suffered a total of 10 attacks in five separate sheaths. The Columbus site suffered a total of 22 attacks in six of its control lengths. Statistical Analysis - The field data were analyzed using various statistical techniques to determine the significance of the observed differences between the test and control sites. The Andasol Avenue test site was not included in this analysis to avoid prejudicing the data in favor of the test sites. These data were analyzed using the Poisson distribution (Sokal and Rohlf, 1969), based on the 67 assumption that a bite is a rare event, given the total number of cable lengths available in the test and control sites. The data were analyzed in several lvays to determine if there lvere differences between the protected and unprotected cables in distributions of bites (attacks). The combined total of attacks in test and control sites were first lumped together and the following descriptive statistics were obtained: standard deviation = 4.0419, mean= 2.5000, coefficient of variation= 161.6748, coefficient of dispersion= 6.5347. The Poisson distribution revealed that the attacks were clumped, which is supported by the value obtained for the coefficient of dispersion of 6.5347. Separate frequency tables were then established for the test and control sites. Poisson distributions were then used to determine if the bites were clumped in both test and control sites. The following descriptive sta·tis·tics were obtained for the control sites' mean = 2.8333, standard deviation = 4.5035, coefficient of variation= 158.9661, coefficient of dispersion= 7.1591. The Poisson distribution for the control sites was clumped, which is supported by the coefficient of dispersion of 7.1591. The following descriptive statistics were obtained for the test sites= mean= 1.9500, standard deviation= 4.5035, coefficient of variation = 169.2462, coefficient of dispersion = 5.5856. The Poisson distribution again revealed that the bites were 68 clumped, which was supported by to coefficient of dispersion of 5.5856. A two by two test for independence (using the Gstatistic) using the Yates correction (Sokal and Rohlf, 1969), with no cell less than five, was employed to test whether the number of sampling units attacked was indeper.dent of the type of site (test or control) in which it was located. for Gadj of 0.03 indicated that the number of sampling units attacked \vas A value obt~ined independent of the site in which it was loca-ted. This test was also used to determine whether the sampling units which were overhung by vegetation were attacked more often than those which were in the open. A value for Gadj of 2.102 indicated that the number of sampling units attacked was independent of overhanging vegetation. The large difference in the number of attacks sustained by sampling units which were overhung by vegetation (n = 88) and those which were in the open (n = 37), was analyzed with the aid of at-test. The value obtained forts of 3.4677 was significant at: the 0.01 level (Rohlf and Sokal, 1969). A arcsine test for equality of two percentages (Sokal and Rohlf, 1969) was used to determine the significance of the observed differences between the percent of damage by test and control sites. 69 Site n Damage Attacks Percent Damaged Control 30 40 86 46.5 20 0 39 o.o Test The test (ts = 7.4456, p < 0.001) indicated that the difference in damage at the two sites was highly significant. 70 Laboratory Experiments Experiment I- On days 1-4, the squirrels consumed all of the filberts within the first thirty minutes of the test period. Only after consuming all of the filberts, did any animal consume any of the whole corn or rolled oats. The rolled oats were left untouched until day 3, when Alpha and Epsilon ate approximately one half of the quanity offered. On day 4, all of the animals were feeding to some extent on the rolled oats. The fox squirrels consumed only a portion of the corn seed, the embryo and cotyledon, while leaving the endosperm untouched. The remaining endosperm was, on occasion, discarded onto the floor of the laboratory. The squi.rrels sometimes spilled portions of the corn and oats onto the lab floor. The spillage and discards from several cages became mixed to the extent that only a visual estimate of the amount of these foods consumed was possible. The filberts were either eaten in1mediately or were left in such large pieces that they would not fit through the wire mesh and so were seldom lost due to spillage or discarding. The amount of filberts consumed on day 5, at the first toxicity level tested (0.1 gram LiCl/ 8.2 grams of filberts), differed. The control animals continued to feed as on days 1 through 4, consuming 8.3 grams or 100% of the 71 test food offered. The test animals have reduced their consumption somewhat; Gamma, 6.2 grams or 75%; Delta, 6.4 grams or 77%; Epsilon, 7.8 grams or 94%; Zeta, 7.0 grams or 84% of the test food offered (Table 11 and Figure 10). The amount of lithium chloride ingested as a result of feeding on the poison bait was as follows: Gamma, 0.08 grams or 14% of an LD 50 ; Delta, 0.08 grams or 14% of an Ln 50 ; Zeta, 0.08 grams or 14% of an LD 50 ; Epsilon, 0.09 grams or 18% of an Ln 50 (Table 11 and Figure 11). The amount of li<chium chloride ingested is only approximate, as it was calculated from the amount of food consumed and assumes an even distribution of the toxin throughout the test food, i.e., Zeta consumed 7.0 grams/8.3 grams or 84% of the filberts offered; 84% of 0.10 grams of LiCl equals 0.08 grams and dividing by 0.58 grams (an LD 50 for Zeta) equals a 14% LD 50 of LiCl ingested by Zeta. The results of the r~test on day 6 were as follows: Epsilon consumed 7.8 grams or 94% of the filberts offered. The remaining animals (test and control) consumed 8.3 grams or 100% of the filberts offered. The amount of filberts consumed on day 8, at the second toxicity level tested (0.3 gram LiCl/8.0 grams of filberts), were as follows: Gamma, 1.0 gram or 12%; Delta, 2.9 grams or 35%; Epsilon, 2.6 grams or 31%; Zeta, 2.8 grams or 34%; Alpha, 6.8 grams or 82%; Beta, 8.3 grams or 100% of the test food offered (Table 11 and Figure 10). - - - - --·- - - 72 --- TABLE 11. - -- ---- - Percent LD 50 of LiCl Consumed/ Percent of Tes~ Food Consumed for laboratory experiment number one. ANIMAL Day No. Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta 1 0/100 0/100 0/1oo· 0/100 0/100 0/100 2 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 3 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 4 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 5 0/100 0/100 14/75 14/77 18/94 14/84 6 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/94 0/100 7 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 8 0/82 0/100 7/12 18/35 18/31 17/34 9 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 10 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 11 0/100 0/100 5/11 18/33 0/0 9/17 12 0/100 0/100 0/53 0/47 0/20 0/32 13 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 73 FIGURE 10. The feeding behavior of six fox squirrels (Sciurus niger), at the three different levels of toxicity, which were tested in experiment number one. The squirrels did not receive any test food on days 7 and 10 and the gaps in the graph are to so indicate. . _ ... .• 100 90 80 -..., c ALPHA 70 ...u 60 I ::!E EPSILON- • zETA Q w rET A GAMMA •••••• I DELTA CD a. .5 I ••••••• 50 ::;, (/) z 0 0 40 Q 0 0 u. 30 1- (/) w 1- 20 ... ' .... .. ... .. .. ..... .... . .. I . .. -: ,.:.· :./. , ' ..... . 10 . ..•. •••• .• .... ...... :. ~.v- • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 TIME 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 in 24 hour periods ) " ~ 75 FIGURE 11. The percentage of an LD 50 for lithium chloride consumed by the test squ~rrels during the three separate tests of experiment number one. ----- -.:y---- 0 76 VWWV9 V.L130 I l -- N N01lSd3 0 V.L3Z w I a: w u.. u.. 0 0 \1WWV!:> 0 0 I u.. NO:~~~: : -~-;-~----sj {~l 0 V.L'3Z c-----·----1 . . _ __=~----- V.L130 N011Sd3 C.__ ___________--li V.L3Z L L---------------~ ... It) 0 C') 03WOSNO:> 1:>!1 L~------tj JO 0Sa1 .LN3:>H3d ... 0 0 77 The amount of lithium chloride ingested as a result of feeding on the poison bait was as follows: Gamma, 0.04 grams or 7% of an Ln 50 ; Delta, 0.10 grams or 18% of an Ln 50 ; Epsilon, 0.09 grams or 18% of an Ln 50 ; Zeta, 0.10 grams or 17% of an Ln 50 (Table 11 and Figure 11). The results of the retest on day 9 did not indicate any aversion to filberts, as both the test and control squirrels consumed 8.3 grams or 100% of the filberts . offered. The test animals, however, did show some reluctance to begin feeding, with none of the test animals feeding on the filberts during the fir8t hour of the retest and some quantity of filberts remaining i.n all of th(~ test cages during the eighth hour of the retest. The amount of filberts consumed on day 11, at the third toxicity level tested (0.3 gram LiCl/7.2 grams of filberts), was as follows: Gamma, 0.8 grams or 1.1%, Delta, 2.5 grams or 33%; Epsilon, 0.0 gram or 0%; Zeta, 1.3 grams or 17%; Alpha, 7.5 grams or 100%; (Table 11 and Figure 10). Beta~ 7.5 grams or 100% The amount of lithium chloride ingested as a result of feeding on the poison bait was as Gamma, 0.03 grams or 5% of an LD 50 ; Delta, 0.10 grams or 18% of an Ln 50 ; Epsilon, 0.00 grams or 0% of an follows: Ln 50 ; Zeta 0.05 gram or 9% of an Ln 50 Figure 11). (Table 11 and The results of the retest on day 12 were as follows: Alpha, 7.5 grams or 100%; Beta, 7.5 grams or 100%; Zeta, 78 2.4 grams or 32%; Epsilon, 1.5 grams or 20%; Gamma, 4.0 grams or 53%; Delta, 3.5 grams or 47% of the test food offered (Table 11 and Figure 10). Since these results indicated some avoidance behavior, I chose to end the experiment at this point. Experiment II- At the last toxicity level tested in experiment one, I observed that the animals stopped feeding after penetrating the core of one or two filbert nuts. Apparently the animals were either reacting to the concentration of the lithium chloride in the center of the nuts or the toxin was reacting very rapidly within the body of these animals. I, therefore, sought a new method of presenting the toxin. Mixing of the lithium chloride with the peanut butter was twofold in purpose. One, it would allow the toxin to spread over a larger area of the food; two, it might allow more of the toxin to be iP~ested, by slowing the absorption time of the lithium ion as a result of slow digestion of the peanut butter. I felt that if a larger percent of an Ln 50 of lithium chloride were ingested a more rapid conditioning would occur. On days 1 through 3, all of the test animals consumed the filberts and peanut butter before feeding on any of the other foods. My notes on day 1 show: .,Beta picked up a filbert nut, smelled it, licked the peanut butter, split the nut in half and ate the peanut butter first. After consuming the peanut butter, 79 Beta proceeded to eat the filbert nut. a second nut and repeated the behavior. She then picked up After eating all of the filberts, Beta drank some water and began to feed on the whole corn." The results of feeding on day 4 (first poisoning of experiment two) varied cosiderably between individual animals. The control animals, Lambda and Iota, continued to feed as on days 1 through 3, consuming 7.0 grams or 100% of the filberts and peanut butter offered. The test animals consumed the following amounts: Beta, 7.0 grams or 100%; Eta, 7.0 grams or 100%; Theta, 2.6 grams or 37%; Kappa, 2.7 grams or 39% of the test food offered. The amount of lithium chloride consumed as a result of feeding on the poison bait was as follows: Beta, 0.3 grams or fJ-3% of an Ln 50 ; Eta, 0.3 grams or 53% of an Ln 50 ; Theta, 0.1 grams or 17% of an Ln 50 ; Kappa, 0.1 grams or 16% of an LD 50 • The amount of lithium chloride ingested was calculated in the same manner as in experiment one. My notes on day 4 show: "Beta began feeding on the filberts immediately. ---she split open one of the filbert nuts and proceeded to eat the peanut butter first. the filbert nut. She then consumed·most of Suddenly she began to rub the sides of her mouth on the cage floor. She rubbed both sides of her mouth repeatedly on the cage floor. Beta then entered her nest (glass jar) and laid down, remaining quiet for the 80 remainder of my stay in the lab (about 30 minutes)." On days 6 through 9, the squirrels received normal rations of food, which included apple, peanuts, walnuts, oranges, whole corn and rolled oats. The squirrels received these rations to eliminate any possibility that feeding on the poison bait was due to the semi-starved conditions of experiment one. Observations of the feeding on the normal diet revealed that the animals were refusing to eat peanuts. The apparent association of the flavor of peanut butter i.vith the peanuts was not suprising in itself, but was however, unexpected. Th.e amount of filberts consumed on day 10 (second poisoning of experiment two) was as follows: Beta, 7.0 grams or 100%; Eta, 4.7 grams or 67%; Theta, 2.7 grams or 39%; Kappa, 4.0 grams or 57%; Lambda, 7.0 grams or 100%; Iota, 7.0 grams or 100%. The amount of lithium chloride consumed could not be determined and the above figures for the ·test food consumed are somewhat in error. as some of the peanut butter was smeared on the cage wire and bits of pearrut butter were found in the sub-floor of the test cages. Hy notes on day 10 show: '!Beta began to feed on the filberts almost as soon as they were offered. She picked up one of the filberts and began to devour the outside of the nut and did not eat the peanut butter first as she did during the first 81 poison test. After consuming a portion of one nut, she began rubbing her mouth on the floor of the cage. After a few minutes passed, she returned to her nest and laid down. Beta did not attempt to feed again during the remainder of my stay in the lab." All of the test animals refused to eat peanuts on days 11 and 12. The control animals consumed a normal ration of food, including peanuts. The results of the retest on day 13 were as follows: Iota, 7.0 grams or 100%; Lambda, 7.0 grams or 100%; Beta, 1.0 grams or 100%; Eta, 7.0 grams or 100%; Theta, 6.2 grams or 89%; Kappa, 2.9 grams or 41% of the test food offered. Again, these numbers contain some inaccuracy as some of the peanut butter was again found on the cage wire and bits of· peanut butter were lost into the sub-floor of the cages of the test animals. My notes on day 13 show: "Beta smelled the dish containing the filberts, smelled the filberts, drank some water, picked up and ate half of one nut, rubbed her mouth on the cage floor again and again and then laid down in her nest." The squirrels were offered peanuts as part of the normal ration of food on days 14 and 15. They were refused by the test animals, but were eaten by the control animals. The amount of filberts consumed on day 16 (third poison test of experiment two) was as follows: Beta, 7.0 82 grams or 100%; Eta, 6.0 grams or 86%; Theta, 5.9 grams or 84%; Kappa, 5.0 grams or 71%; Iota, 7.0 grams or 100%; Lambda, 7.0 grams or 100%. Beta made no attempt to feed during my stay in the lab (about 60 minutes). All of the test animals refused to eat peanuts on days 17 and 18, when they were provided with normal rations. The control animal Lambda consumed a normal ration of all foods, including peanuts. Iota did not feed on day 17 and died on day 18 after chewing the wire in the floor of her cage. The amount of filberts consumed during the retest on day 19 was as follows: Beta, 5.9 grams or 84%; Eta, 7.0 grams or 100%; Theta, 7.0 grams or 100%; Kappa, 4.3 grams or 61%; Lambda, 7.0 grams or 100%. When I examined the data from experiment two, I .realized that most of it did not make any sense. Had the test squirrels consumed the dosage of lithium chloride indicated by the calculations, all of them should have been conditioned. However, only Kappa showed any reasonable response to the poisonings and that '\vas an unclear conditioning at best. was toward peanuts. The only clear conditioning Why hadn't the animals avoided the filberts, when they were the original source of any ill effects, which the animals had experienced? In an attempt to solve this problem, I decided to try feeding Beta a more toxic dose and to observe her reaction to the toxin 83 at very high levels. A special dose of lithium chloride was prepared for A concentration of 0.7 grams (an Ln 50 for Beta) of lithium chloride contained in 2.0 grams of peanut butter Beta. was placed between the halves of eight filbert nuts, weighing 12.0 grams, for a total of 14.7 grams of test food. Beta was presented with the lethal dose of lithium chloride and closely observed while she fed. Hy notes show: "Beta picked up one of the filbert nuts and through careful manipulation, began to chew the filbert in such a manner as to totally remove all of the peanut butter from the filbert nut. The chewing was parallel to the broken edge of the nut, on which the peanut butter was spread, similar to an orange being peeled. Some of the filbert nut was left attached to the peanut butter. As Beta gnawed the filbert, some of the peanut butter became stuck to her 'vhiskers and forearms. After consuming the nut, Beta carefully wiped the peanut butter from her ·whiskers and forearms on the wire of the cage. Only after all of the peanut butter was removed did she groom her fur. After feeding on the first nut, Beta drank some water and laid down in her nest for 38 minutes. After this rest period, she resumed feeding on the remaining nuts, followir~ the previous behavior pattern, but without the rest period. 84 The test squirrels were watched carefully over the remaining seven months of their captivity for extinction of the aversion to peanuts. of ~igns As peanuts were a part of the daily diet of all of the squirrels, the animals were retested on a daily basis for their response toward the peanuts. Ten days after the final poisoning of experiment two, Kappa began to feed to some extent on the peanuts. By the twenty-third day the final poisoning, Kappa had returned to a full daily ration of peanuts (about 10 grams). Eta and Beta refused to eat peanuts, even when deprived of food for twenty·,four hours. Theta would consume peanuts when deprived of food for twenty-four hours and given no other food source. however, would not eat peanuts if provi~ed Theta~ with an alternative food source. Experiment III - On days 1 through 3, the squirrels were offered 18.0 grams of dates, 30 grams of whole corn, 30 grams of celery and 2.0 grams of apple. Each of the animals con.3umed 18.0 grams of dates each day, as well as, portions of the other foods offered, with the following exceptions: Kappa, on day 4, consumed 15.7 grams of dates or 87%; Theta, on days 2 and 3, consumed 16.6 grams of dates or 92% and 16.4 grams of dates or 91%, respectively. On day 5, the results of feeding on the treated dates were as follows: Eta,. 18.0 grams or 100%; Gamma, 18.0 grams or 100%; Kappa, 18.0 grams or 100%; Epsilon, 13.5 85 grams or 75%; Lambda, 13.0 grams or 72%; Theta, 10.8 grams or 60%; Zeta, 11.3 grams or 63%; Delta, 13.5 grams or 75% (Table 12 and Figure 12). The amount of lithium chloride ingested as a result of feeding on the poison bait was as follows: Lambda, 0.17 gram or 58% of an LD 50 ; Theta, 0.12 gram or 40% of an LD 50 ; Zeta, 0.13 gram or 43% of an LD 50 ; Delta, 0.16 gram or 53% of an LD 50 (Figure 13). On days 5 through 9, the squirrels were provided with 18.0 grams of untreated dates, 30 grams of corn, 30 grams of celery and 20 grams of apple. The test animals all refused to feed on the dates on days 5 through 9, with the following exception that on day 5 Delta consumed 7.9 grams or 44% of the dates ot'fered. The control animals continued to consume 18.0 grams of dates on days 5 through 9, with the follmving exceptions; Gamma consumed 12.1 grams or 67% of the dates offered on day 5 and Kappa \._ consumed 16.0 grams or 89% of the dates offered on day 8 and 13.3 grams or 74% of the dates offered on day 9. The squirrels were returned to normal rations on days 10 through 13. On day 14, the squirrels were again retested as on days 5 through 9. The results of the retest showed that the test animals refused to feed on the dates, but did consume normal rations of the other foods provided. The control animals, however, continued to feed as on day 1, consuming 18.0 grams or 100% of the dates provided, in addition to portions of the other foods offered. 86 TABLE 12.. 'l'·est food consumption in experiment number three. TEST FOOD CONSUMED (IN PERCENT) ... .. , . Test Day Animal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ETA 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 GAMMA 100 100 100 100 67 100 100 100 100 KAPPA 100 100 87 100 100 100 100 89 74 EPSILON 100 100 100 75 100 100 100 100 100 LAMBDA 100 100 100 72 0 0 0 0 0 THETA 100 92 91 60 0 0 0 0 0 ZETA 100 100 100 63 0 0 0 0 0 DELTA 100 100 100 75 44 0 0 0 0 87 FIGURE 12. The feeding behavior of eight fox squirrels (Sciurus niger) at the toxicity level of LiCl tested in experiment number three. 100 -=r ;: ' ········$··~~·····~···~ ••••••••••••••••••....!.!.!..!..•~o•:.. • ;::g ==+ ·=~'E;•;;;;;;;;;;;;~~::.0.~ 0 0 0. 0 0 ~\·· •..v• \ 90 •••••••o~ •• Ql. ' • f) ·~000 ·. •• ·. • •• • \ . • 00 • a: w 0.. c :IS 50 GAMMA •• •• ·0• I I II ·...... ..• \'vII •• • ·.•·.,..·.. .. ..• . .·. • 0 • • 0 :~·· • .•. 0 ....•. .•. I EPSILON~- •• •• 0 .•..•. •• 0 40 I 0 0 ••••• DELTA •••• 30 • .•. •• •• •• •• • :~·. THETA ZETA 1.1. \ ·- \ ·~~·. 0 1- \ LAMBDA z 0 I ETA KAPPA ::) Cl) 0 \ -- . 60 0 w / 0 • 0 ; .0 • • 70 \ • • w I 0 • ....z ; , \ / ·. .... . ··.:· • 80 I \\ 00 ••• ·----I I I ....... .... ..... ....... ...... ...... ...,........ ......0. • •0 • •0 CI) w 1- 20 0 2 3 4 5 TIME •• ·0.:·.· •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 6 7 •o 10 • 8 9 10 (in 24 HOUR PERIODS) 00 00 89 FIGURE 13. The percentage of an Ln 50 for LiCl consumed by the test squirrels during experiment number three. 90 ... ·.: . _.- ,.______ 0 w a: w u. u. 0 \U130 , 0 0 0 u. :fl) r-.: ~ ... a: I " VBZ """"""fl) cn_ 'Ot 0 0 ::; ,------ ~ ~ - ' I 0 co CJ V!3Hl. V08WV1 0 II) 0 'Ot 0 t? 0 N 03WnSNO:> 1:>!1 JO OS01 l.N3:ll::l3d ,.. 0 0 91 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Avoidance behavior can result when an animal has learned, through trial and error, to respond in a negative manner to some external stimulus. Many times, this behavior is the direct result of an animal having been punished by one of the many protective devices employed by plant and animal species as an anti-predator strategy, e.g., poisons, thorns, teeth; claws, chemical irritants, stings, venom, etc. Some species of plants and animals advertise their ability to protect themselves through the use of various warning devices, e.g., rattling or buzzing sounds, bright coloration, distinctive co1.or patterns, chemical odors, body posture, etc. Predators perceive these warning devices ·through their sensory organs as something to be avoided, usually as a result of previous contact with that species (Brower~ 1969, Cott, 1940~ Grant, 1963). Wilcoxon et al* (1971) in experimenting vlith illness induced aversions in laboratory rats and bobwhU:e quai 1 (Colinus virginianus) found that a visual cue alone could avert quail, but not rats, from drinking colored water which had been paired with illness. Both the quail and rat could associate gustatory cues with illness and would avoid flavored water which had been paired with illness. When both cues were present, however, the quail relied on ------ 92 the visual cue alone and would not, later, avoid water with the flavor'a.s the only warning device, These workers suggested that a diurnal bird with a highly developed visual system such as the quail would probably have to evolve such an ability due to the high reliance placed on vision in their daily foraging. Toads {Bufo terrestris) use their visual sense to avoid honeybees (Apis mellifera) and any insect with a similar appearance (mimics) after an initial contact with that insect (J. Brower and L. Brower, 1962). These toads will also avoid bumblebees (Bombus americanorum) and their mimics (L. Brovler et al., 1960) after an initial contact with that species. Birds will avoid insects which they have found unpalatable and \vi 11 also avoid mimics of such insects {J, Brower, 1958a, 1958b, 1960; L. Brower, 1969; Morrell and Turner, of mimicry 1970~ Linsley et al., 1961). contc:~ins The literature many such examples which serve to point out that an ;\D.imal learns which things in its surroundings to accept or reject as a food source. Those individuals within a population which have neither the genetic programming nor the capacity to learn to avoid poisonous or dangerous species are quickly removed, by natural selection from the gene pool. Nan has long used poison for plant and animal control. Extremely lethal poisons are generally not 93 effective over long periods of time as they usually remove ' all of the-affected individuals from the gene pool. Selecti.on by man has resulted in plants and animals which are virtually immune to certain types of poison. The classic example of the housefly's (Musca domestica) resistance to DDT is well known. Selection of this type has occ11rred in coyotes (Canis latrans) which have developed an ability to smell various poisonous substances such as strychnine and to detect the odor of a buried steel trap. An alternative approach, as suggested by Gust:.avson et al. (1974), would be to use an animal's evolved behavior for its control. Avoidance behavior thrnugh aversive conditioning is a principle which has been sbc•.m to be an effective means of animal control. The advantage to this type of control is that affected individuals are not removed from the g-ene poo 1 and, thus, the character remains in the population. Therefore, selection against certain individuals is not occurring and the control should operate over a long period of time. Gustavson et a1~ (1974) used lithium chloride mixed with mutton, followed by an intraperitoneal injection of lithium chloride, to condition coyotes against killing sheep. The lithium illness induced apparent nausea, vomiting and lethargy in the coyote, with the result that these animals would not attack live sheep, but did attack 94 an alternative prey (rabbits), showing that the animals were hungry and that the aversion was specific for sheep. In a later study, Gustavson et al. (1976) found the same results could be attained with lithium treated baits alone. In laboratory experiments, these workers were able to condition coyotes against preying on rabbits, wolves (Canis lupus) against preying on sheep and a cougar (Felis concolor) against feeding on venison. In the field experiment conducted on a sheep ranch in southwestern Washington, a significant reduction of coyote predation on sheep was achieved when the area surrounding the flocks was baited with lithium treated sheep carcasses and sheep flavored baits. Ellins et al. (1977) used a similar technique to reduce coyote predation on sheep in the Antelope Valley of California. These workers injected lithium chloride solutions both intramuscularly and intraperitoneally into sheep carcasses which were then left as bait in areas used ''for sheep pasture. The baiting was carried out prior to " and during occupancy of these areas by sheep flocks • 0 This ·baiting technique resulted in a ·significant reduction in coyote predation on these sheep flocks. During the second year of this study (Ellins and Catalano, 1979) the number of sheep taken by coyotes was reduced below the previous year. The technique was then expanded to include turkey farms in the same area. Turkey carcasses treated with 95 lithium chloride were placed near two turkey farms, with the result. that coyote predation on turkeys was reduced to less than half of the previous year's kill. Brett et al. (1976) were sucessful in conditioning buteo hawks against killing and eating mice. Red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) and one rough-legged hawk (Buteo lagopus) which received intraperitoneal injections of lithium chloride after feeding on mice were showr1 to avoid mice with the same sensory cues (black coat color and a bitter taste), but would kill and eat mice with an alternative set of sensory cues (white coat color and a natural taste). When these hawks were given both visual and gustatory cues during the conditioning process! the aversion to mouse killing required only one treatment. The visual cue alone required several lithium injecttons to establish an aversion sufficient for attack suppression. As a result of these multiple treatments, the hawks became somewhat averted to the taste of mouse flesh in general. The reasons for this are apparent in view of the results obtained in the coyote studies. The taste cue alone was sufficient to prevent consumption of the preys but di..d not supress attack behavior unless a visual difference was evident. Rusiniak et al. (1976) were able to condition laboratory rats against killing and eating mice when lithium illness immediately followed such behavior. In - - - -' 96 the same study, laboratory ferrets (Mustela putorius) were conditioned against eating mice but could not be averted from killing them. The ferrets used their feet to kill the mice, in lieu of the usual bite to the neck, after being subjected to lithium illness immediately following mouse predation. This is probably a result of a behavior pattern which does not allow blockage of attack behavior in the ferret. Gustavson et al. (1974) proposed a two-phase conditioning process in mammals for the acquisition of a taste aversion. Gustavson et al. (1974:583) stated: "In phase one, the flavor of food becomes aversive after one illness, after which the sights and sounds of the prey may still elicit attack but the aver.sive flavor inhibits feeding. Phase two occurs when the auditory, visual, and olfactory cues from the prey become associated with the now aversive flavor. thus subsequent attacks are inhibited and perhaps a second treatment is unnecessary. In some cases emesis may forge an association between vomited gustatory cues and odors of the vomitus which is sufficient for the second phase of conditioning." I found this statement to be similar to the "gourmand-gourmet hypothesis" put forth by L. Brower (1969:26): "To a na''ive bird flavor conveys no particular information, so that the bird will eat any food it finds and is a gourmand. When a bird is made ill by an insect, it associates the flavor of the insect with the illness and therafter can reject a similar insect by tasting it, so that the bird becomes something of a gourmet. At that level, however, the bird must still take time to ca·tch the insect. Hence birds usually learn to reject such insects on sight, which is the most efficient level of rejection." 97 The above studies tend to support the results obtained with the fox squirrel which exhibits the same ability to learn to avoid poisonous subtances within its environment after an initial contact with that substance. The fox squirrel responds primarily to gustatory and olfactory cues from the poisonous substance which subsequently is translated into visual discrimination between safe and poison foods. This is consistent wit:h Brower's hypothesis and the two-phase conditioning proposed by Gustavson and his coworkers. In the fox squirrel, the strength of the conditioning seems directly dependent on the amount of lithium chloride ingested and the severity of the resulting illness. In experiment one, consumption of low levels (less than or equal to 0.10 gram) of lithium chloride required mul·tiple ·treatments to initiate any observed conditioning. Consumption of as little as 0.08 gram was sufficient to cause illness in all of the animals tested. This amount, therefore, may be thought of as a sick dose-100 (sn 100 ) or the amount of the toxin required to cause illness in 100% of the animals tested. It was, however, insufficient for one trial conditioning in these animals. The illness was expressed in the form of loss of appetite, lethargy and diarrhea. I did not observe the fox squirrel to vomit; however, what appeared to be vomitus was occasionally observed in the bottem of the cages of the 98 test animals. The doses used in these experiments may have been below the amount required to produce vomiting, or perhaps this animal is incapable of such an action. In experiment two, the squirrels were shown to form lang-lasting aversions to a food which had the same gustatory cue (peanuts) as the food used in the test (peanut butter). Although the observation of Beta comprises a single observation of a single animal, the bits of peanut butter found in the sub-floors and on the wire in the cages of the other test squirrels suggest to me that the other test animals had learned the same technique (or a similar one) for the removal of the poisonous peanut butter. Thus, 1 beli.eve t~hat: the test animals had ingested a sufficient amount of lithium chloride during the first poison test of experintent: peanuts and peanut butter. t\•70 to induce an aversion to Thereafter the squirrels simply chewed the peanut butter away from the filbert nuts and ate them. The peanuts ''Tere in effect flavor mimics of the peanut butter and thus an aversion to one should protect the other. Perhaps the behavior described is an instinctive one, which is used in the wild, e.g., to separate poisonous fruit from and edible seeds or vice versa. This, however, is merely conjecture. Experiment three has shown that the fox squirrel can be conditioned in one lithium trial and that the aversion is specific for the food tested or, as in experiment two, 99 one with similar sensory cues. When the squirrels ingested between 0.12 and 0.17 gram of lithium chloride as a result of feeding on the poison bait, they were found to be conditioned in one lithium trial. The amount of toxin ingested was calculated to be between 40 and 58 percent of an LD 50 for lithium chloride for the individual squirrel tested. The amount ingested in experiment one was never over 18 percent of an LD 50 a~d was ineffective as a one trial dose of lithium chloride. \.Vhen I examined the amount of lithium chloride administered ·to hawks (Brett et al., 1976), I found that the amount given to all but one of these birds was equal to 20 percent of an LD 50 when calculated in the same manner as for the squirrels. It is interesting to note that a rapid extinction of the birds' conditioning occurred at this level. On~ of the ha\Jks received 30 percent of an LD 50 in the black~bitter test and the conditioning of this bird seemed 1::o me to be more thorough than the others tested. The rats used in fhe Rusiniak et al. (1976a) study received approximately 15 to 18 percent of an LD 50 of lithium chloride when calculated in the same manner as for the squirrels. These rats required multiple treatments to show an effective aversion to mouse killing. In experiment two, the fox squirrels which ingested large doses of lithium chloride (Beta, 43%; Eta 53%) showed no extinction of the aversion even after seven 100 months of testing. The squirrels which had ingested lesser amounts (Theta, 17%; Kappa, 16%) showed marked differences in their extinction of the aversion to peanuts. Kappa had begun to feed on the peanuts after ten days and had returned to baseline levels within twenty-three days after the final poisoning. Theta refused to eat peanuts unless she had been deprived of food for twenty-four hours. Kappa's reaction was similar to the results reported by Gustavson et al. (1974) in which coyotes were shown to recondition themselves to the taste of rabbit flesh by eating small amounts of the prey and waiting to see if they became ill as a result. This occurred when these animals were given no alternative source of prey. Coyotes kept under tnore natural conditions and given an alternative of prey (Gustavson et al., 1976) went for several weeks without showing any signs of aversion extinction. One of the most remarkable abilities displayed by ·the fox squirrel was to be able to differentiate between the peanut butter and the filbert nuts as to the illness causing agent. Brett et al. (1976) reported that the hawks inspected their vomitus in which the black coat color was apparent and thereafter avoided the black prey even though both black and white coated prey had been consumed. The mechanism through which the fox squirrels discriminated between the two foods was apparently gustatory. The fox squirrel gnaws on objects in it's environment 101 which results in wear of the incisor teeth. The squirrels use telephone cable as one of the objects to accomplish this wear. Since the animals do not feed on the cable, but merely chew on it, one might ask how the conditioned taste aversion could operate to prevent cable damage7 Lithium chloride is a deliquescent substance, that is, by absorbing water vapor from the atmosphere, it will go into solution when left stand in air at room temperature. It is very soluble in water (1.3 g dissolves in 1.0 ml of cold water; J.T. Baker Chemical Co., 1978) and is, therefore, also soluble in saliva. The method of gnawing utilized by the fox squirrel results in the interior of the mouth coming into contact with the cable being gnawed. The chemical would be brought into contact with the interior of the ntouth and become soluble in a squirrels saliva, resulting in a small dose of lithium chloride being administered at each gr1awing session. Repeated small doses of this chemical of approximately 0.08 gram could ultimately lead to conditioning against the taste cues of the cable. If a larger amount were absorbed (0.12 to 0.17 g) the conditioning could occur at the first gnawing session. The conditioning would result in avoidance behavior directed toward any cable with the same sensory cues. The results of the field experiment show a significant difference between protected and unprotected cable in the amount of damage sustained. I cannot prove 102 that conditioning or aversion have taken place in the field study; however, the experiments conducted in the laboratory suggest that this is possible. If the animals reduce damage in one area over another, some factor must be affecting the result. I submit that the difference is the lithium chloride and that aversive conditioning is the probable mechanism for the observed result. Galef and Clark (1971) conditioned Norway rats . (Rattus norvegicus) to avoid a favored food by associating that food with poison (lithium chloride). The rats were then offered a less favored food as an alternative food source. Rat pups born to members of this rat colony were shown to avoid the food which was being avoided by tlie adult rats. These rat pups continued to avoid that food -even when they were removed to a new enc~~osure and given the same choice without the presence of the adults to guide them. In a later study (Galef and Clark, 1972) rat pups were shown to avoid food which thelr parents avoided based ····-,-on cues contained in the mother's milk.· These rat pups .. ~-avoided the diet their parents were avoiding even though --~:they-never-.observed their parents The rat pups ·were fed in a separate enclosure to avoid any possible cues left by the parents' scent at the food dish. Gustavson et al. (1974) suggested that the training of coyote pups by parents which had been averted from preying on a specific animal could pass an aversion on ·to another 10.3 generation of coyotes which had never been conditioned. The possibility exists that a fox squirrel which chews on te1ephone cable could be passing the tendency along to her young through her milk because of flavor changes induced by ingestion of materials from the cable. However, a young squirrel which ts raised by a mother conditioned against cable chewing would have no such tendency as her milk would be a "normal" flavor. In addition, a young squirrel which never observed the adult squirrels gnawing on a cable could not learn the habit through observational learni!lf. Many such environmental factors may contribute to the reasons why fox squirrels gnaw· on telephone cable. Some of these, as discussed ab:ove! could be eliminated as possibilities through the tech:nique of induced avoidance behavior. I have no way of knowing which squirrel or squirrels were responsible for the attacks in any particular site. The distribution of the data collected at the beginning of this study had indicated that the concentrations of damage shift from year to year. The observations in the field indicated to me that particular individuals might be responsible for the majority of cable damage in a particular area. If specific individuals are responsible for cable damage, the loss of a single squirrel from a given area would be significant. The death of a cable chewing individual and the dispersion of its young which 104 have learned to gnaw on cable through observation could \ explain the observed shifts in damage concentrations. The Andasol and Costello-Colbath sites had the highest density of squirrels and the least damage sustained during the course of this study. The majority of the damage occurred · in the Murietta-Costello and Columbus sites which had relatively small populations of squirrels. However, these two sites were also the most undisturbed of all the sites except Costello-Colbath. Also, a cable span located in one area of many squirrel nests had damage points nearby, whereas another span near a nest concentration had no damage. The limited nature of the data here does not prove the above statements. Further work is needed for verification. I have shown some evidence that lithium chloride can condition the fox squirrel to avoid a specific food substance and that the chemical affects the animalcs physiology in the manner necessary to induce a taste aversion. I believe that I have demonstrated that the incorporation into cable construction of a chemical agent capable of initiating avoidance behavior through aversive conditioning could serve to protect an aerial cable from rodent attack. If the chemical agent is capable of causing illness in rodents and if that chemical has no appreciable taste or smell the illness should be associated with the object being chewed. The avoidance behavior -------- ------ 105 would then be directed toward the object which caused the illness. If the rodent perceives the same sensory cues in another object, that object would also be avoided. The long-lived fox squirrel (Fouch, 1958; Hall and Kelson, 1959; Ingles, 1965) could do a great amount of damage to telephone cable in the six to seven years it has been known to survive. If fox squirrels were conditioned against cable gnawing early in life, the amount of cable damaged by this species would be reduced by a significant margin over the lifetime of a chronic cable chewer. The illness and visual cues associated thereby should be enough to prevent further attack. In addition, the possibility exists that this aversion passed to succeeding generations of squirrels, \Jhich could serve to eventually eliminate the pt·oblem altogether. 106 LITERATURE CITED '• > Altamura, A.C., and A. Morganti. 1975. Plasma renin activity in depressed patients treated with increasing doses of lithium carbonate. Psychopharmacology, 45: 171-175. Barrett, J.P., and E.W. Segebrecht. 1958. Rodent repellent cordage impregnated with dodecyl alcohol. U.S. Pat. 2,822,295. Brett, L.P •• W.G. 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