Broadcast Standards Who is involved in Broadcast standardization work? ETSI provides standards that allow Broadcast services to be delivered to the Next Genera on of ICT devices. ETSI involves the different contributors to the ecosystem: consumer electronics manufacturers, content providers, network operators & ISPs; and produces standards through various Technical Commi ees. Service Delivery Technology ETSI Technical Committee Mobile TV 3G Radio Network MBMS, DVB-T2 3GPP Mobile Broadcast Service DVB-H, DVB-SH DVB-T (T2), DMB Forward Link Only JTC Broadcast NGN Fixed line service IPTV DAB adaptation TISPAN JTC Broadcast Cable DVB-C (C2) JTC Broadcast DVB-T (T2) DVB-S (S2) DVB-RCS (RCS2) DAB (DAB+) DMB, DRM (DRM+) JTC Broadcast DVB-MHP, DVB-GEM MHEG-5 Broadcast profile Hybrid Broadband Broadcast TV JTC Broadcast Fixed line TV Terrestrial and Satellite TV and Radio Interactive TV Mobile TV • The 3rd Genera on Partnership Project ( defines the MBMS (Mul media Broadcast Mul cast Service) solu on over UMTS networks. The 3rd Genera on mobile standard includes many broadcastrelated features and is compa ble with broadcast specifica ons from partner organiza ons, including the DVB specifica ons for hand-held devices (DVB-S, DVB-SH). • The Broadcast Joint Technical Commi ee (JTC Broadcast) brings ETSI together with the European Broadcas ng Union (EBU) and CENELEC. The commi ee is responsible for broadcast systems (emission-recep on combina on) for television, radio, data and other services via satellite, cable and terrestrial transmi ers. ETSI JTC Broadcast has input from ETSI Members who may be also members of a forum e.g. WorldDMB Forum, DRM Forum, FLO Forum, and, by specific agreement, from the DVB Project. For Mobile TV, ETSI (via JTC Broadcast) has published: • DVB (Digital Video Broadcas ng) system specifica ons such as DVB-H (Digital Terrestrial mobile TV), DVB-SH (Mobile TV over advanced Hybrid Satellite/Terrestrial Networks), DVB-T and DVB–T2 (Terrestrial); • Forward Link Only air interface specifica on; • DMB (Digital Mul media Broadcas ng) standard which includes the DMB Video service. Fixed Line TV • IPTV services over fixed telecommunica ons networks are defined by E2NA/NTECH. • DVB IPTV is defined by JTC Broadcast along with DVB IPDC (IP Datacast) specifica ons. The goal of the DVB IPTV deliverables is to specify technologies on the interface between a managed IP network and retail receivers. • DAB (Digital Audio Broadcas ng) adapta on of IPTV: JTC Broadcast has defined a specifica on on DAB IPDC (IP Datacast) services transport . • Cable delivery: DVB-C and DVB-C2 standards have been issued by JTC Broadcast while TC CABLE delivered a Mul part standard for Third Genera on Transmission Systems for Interac ve Cable Television Services based on Euro DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifica on) 3.0. Interactive TV JTC Broadcast delivers standards on: • DVB-MHP (Mul media Home Pla orm) & DVB-GEM (Globally Executable MHP); • MHEG-5 Broadcast profile; • Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV. Digital radio The inten on is to provide a simpler and broader set of applica ons which will cover DAB, DAB+, DMB, DRM and the internet. JTC Broadcast defines: • DAB and DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcas ng): ETSI has published the basic DAB standard and also specifica ons on MPEG-2 Transport Streaming and Transport of Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) audio; • DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) System Specifica on and DRM+ (DRM extension to higher frequencies); • DMB: based on work ini ated in Korea, ETSI develops standards for DMB, which includes the DMB Video Service. Other Broadcast developments in ETSI • JTC Broadcast standards and specifica ons also cover: • Digital Satellite TV: DVB-S and DVB-S2; DVB-RCS and DVB-RCS2 • DVB CPCM: Content Protec on Content Management; • TV Any me. • E2NA is working on mul -screen and a possible solu on for interoperable CA/DRM. • ETSI is custodian of a range of algorithms, codes and test suites, including the DVB Common Scrambling Algorithm (CSA3) and the MHP tests suites. • Broadcast equipment: TC ERM TG17 is producing standards for broadcast and ancillary communica ons equipment (tuners, domes c aerials and amplifiers). The purpose of TG17 is the prepara on of ETSI Harmonized Standards covering the regulatory requirements for broadcast transmi ers, sound and vision, using analogue and digital modula on. • DVB plano-stereoscopic 3DTV series defined for “frame compa ble” and for HDTV service compa ble. For further details on ETSI TC Broadcast please visit: Q3 2014 ETSI produces globally-applicable standards for Informa on and Communica ons Technologies (ICT), including fixed, mobile, radio, converged, aeronau cal, broadcast and internet technologies and is officially recognized by the European Union as a European Standards Organiza on. ETSI is an independent, not-for-profit associa on whose more than 700 member companies and organiza ons, drawn from 63 countries across five con nents worldwide, determine its work programme and par cipate directly in its work. F o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n , p l e a s e v i s i t : w w w. ets i . org ETSI, 650 Route des Lucioles, 06921 Sophia An polis Cedex, France. Tel: +33 (0)4 92 94 42 00 -