Roberts Elementary programme of inquiry

Roberts Elementary programme of inquiry
An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:
Who we are
Where we are in place and time
How we express ourselves
How the world works
How we organize ourselves
Sharing the planet
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs
and values; personal, physical, mental,
social and spiritual health; human
relationships including families, friends,
communities and cultures; rights and
responsibilities; what it means to be
An inquiry into orientation in place and time;
personal histories; homes and journeys; the
discoveries, explorations and migrations of
humankind; the relationships between and the
interconnectedness of individuals and
civilizations, from local and global
An inquiry into the ways in which we
discover and express ideas, feelings,
nature, culture, beliefs and values; the
ways in which we reflect on, extend and
enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the
An inquiry into the natural world and its
laws; the interaction between the natural
world (physical and biological) and human
societies; how humans use their
understanding of scientific principles; the
impact of scientific and technological
advances on society and on the
An inquiry into the interconnectedness of
human-made systems and communities;
the structure and function of organizations;
societal decision-making; economic
activities and their impact on humankind
and the environment.
An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in
the struggle to share finite resources with
other people and with other living things;
communities and the relationships within
and between them; access to equal
opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
Central idea
People develop imagination and learn
about life through stories and rhymes.
Central idea
Colors are all around us and affect us and
the environment.
Central idea
Patterns help us to make sense of things in
our everyday lives.
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Related concept:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• favorite stories and rhymes
• story telling
• how stories make us feel
Lines of inquiry
• how shades and tones vary
• colors in nature
• how colors change
Lines of inquiry
• patterns in the environment
• patterns in mathematics
Central idea
Leadership impacts the community and how it
Central idea
Art allows people to express themselves
without words.
Central idea
Climate affects our lives.
Central idea
Jobs are essential for the well being of a
Central idea
Humans have an impact on the planet.
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• characteristics of a leader
• contributions of individuals who affect our
• effects of positive and negative
Lines of inquiry
• feelings evoked by artwork
• various artistic techniques
• appreciation of the masterpieces
Lines of inquiry
• relationship between climate and
• how the weather impacts our lives
• different kinds of weather
Central idea
Everyone is unique.
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• who I am
• what I look like
• my likes and dislikes
• what I can do
Central idea
People throughout the world have many
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
self awareness of one’s physical
characteristics and emotions
being a part of a family and a group
people’s uniqueness
September – October
Roberts Elementary 2009-2010
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• types of jobs
• the importance of working
• needs of community
November – December
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• forms of human impact on the planet
• choices and decisions
• earth’s resources
March – April
28 July 2009
An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:
Who we are
Where we are in place and time
How we express ourselves
How the world works
How we organize ourselves
Sharing the planet
Central idea
How we choose to act with the people in
our lives affects all of us.
Central idea
Discoveries in technology affect our lives.
Central idea
Humans have many ways to express their
ideas, imagination, and emotions.
Central idea
There are naturally occurring cycles all
around us.
Central idea
Systems have parts that need to work
together in order to be the most effective.
Central idea
Clean water is an essential resource with
limited availability.
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• how human connections have changed
• the similarities and differences in
Lines of inquiry
• inferring about character traits
• voice
• facial expressions
• body movements
Lines of inquiry
• cycles of living things
• cycles of non-living things
• similarities and differences of natural
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• systems in our lives
• parts of systems
• roles, rules, and responsibilities
Lines of inquiry
• the importance of water to humans and
• conservation, usage, and pollution of
• scarcity of clean water in many parts of
the world
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• words and actions
• positive and negative choices
• character traits
• friendship
August – September
January- February
Central idea
The choices we make affect our health and
well being.
Central idea
Events in individual’s lives shape their
personal histories.
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
structure and function of body
requirements to maintain a healthy
components of nutrition and how it
affects the body.
Lines of inquiry:
personal histories
histories of individuals
attributes of historical figures
Central idea
Illustrators use pictures to convey meaning.
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• artwork in children’s literature
• mediums and techniques of picture
book artists
• connections between story and
Central idea
Weather affects living things and
Central idea
Advertising can influence our choices.
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• components of weather
• causes and effects of weather
• tools for observing, measuring, and
predicting weather
• weather safety
April - May
August – September
Lines of inquiry
how advertisers influence audiences
through words, sounds, and images
to convey a message
the positive and negative effects of
advertising on consumers’ decisions
similarities and differences in global
March - April
Central idea
Cultures form traditions to celebrate their
Central idea
All places on Earth have special features that
distinguish them from other places.
Central idea
People write to express their interests and
passions about factual information.
Central idea
Technology is used to meet the needs of
Central idea
People create structure within a business
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concept:
Lines of inquiry
• the origin and need for traditions
• rites of passage
• personal heritage
Lines of inquiry
• the physical characteristics of Earth
• human effects on the geography
• how geography affects lifestyles
Lines of inquiry
• types of non-fiction
• creating literary non-fiction
• becoming an expert on a topic
• how writers incorporate voice in their
Lines of inquiry
• technologies in use today
• attributes of inventors and their
• impacts of technology on everyday life
Lines of inquiry
• structures and roles created within a
• roles in economic systems
• necessary structures for success
November– December
Roberts Elementary 2009-2010
August – September
January - February
Central idea
Living things impact and are dependent
upon their habitat.
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
October – November
November – December
November – December
October – November
April - May
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• components of habitats
• how habitats are changing
• our responsibility to preserve habitats
January – February
Central idea
Over time, living things need to adapt and
communicate in order to survive.
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• concept of adaptation
• circumstances that lead to adaptation
• how animals, including humans, adapt
and communicate to environmental
March - April
28 July 2009
An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:
An inquiry into:
Who we are
Where we are in place and time
How we express ourselves
How the world works
How we organize ourselves
Sharing the planet
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs
and values; personal, physical, mental,
social and spiritual health; human
relationships including families, friends,
communities and cultures; rights and
responsibilities; what it means to be
An inquiry into orientation in place and time;
personal histories; homes and journeys; the
discoveries, explorations and migrations of
humankind; the relationships between and the
interconnectedness of individuals and
civilizations, from local and global
An inquiry into the ways in which we
discover and express ideas, feelings,
nature, culture, beliefs and values; the
ways in which we reflect on, extend and
enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the
An inquiry into the natural world and its
laws; the interaction between the natural
world (physical and biological) and human
societies; how humans use their
understanding of scientific principles; the
impact of scientific and technological
advances on society and on the
An inquiry into the interconnectedness of
human-made systems and communities;
the structure and function of organizations;
societal decision-making; economic
activities and their impact on humankind
and the environment.
An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in
the struggle to share finite resources with
other people and with other living things;
communities and the relationships within
and between them; access to equal
opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
Central idea
Reflecting on our experiences helps us
understand our values and beliefs.
Central idea
Explorers go where no one has gone before.
Central idea
We express our ideas, feelings and beliefs
through art.
Central idea
Earth experiences changes caused by
geological forces.
Central idea
Government structures impact the way we
Central idea
People effect the environment through the
choices they make.
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• source of values and beliefs
• causes and effects of experiences
• the essence of an experience
Lines of inquiry
• the possible reasons for exploration
• the effects on individuals, groups, and
• forms of exploration – past, present,
Lines of inquiry
• reasons behind expression
• different mediums of art
• the impact of the piece of art on others
Lines of inquiry
• how rocks and minerals are formed
• the causes behind Earth’s physical
• how earth’s physical events impact
Lines of inquiry
• government structure
• the election process
• government symbols
September - November
Central idea
Increasing awareness of our personal
characteristics and abilities, and those of
others, allows us to grow.
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• how beliefs and values influence
• intrapersonal and interpersonal
• multiple intelligences
• how choices affect others
February - March
Roberts Elementary 2009-2010
April - May
November – December
August - September
Central idea
People immigrate to change their lives.
Central idea
People express their beliefs, values, and
feelings through their words.
Central idea
The universe, and our understanding of it,
is ever-changing.
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• why people immigrate
• effects on people and places
• patterns in settlement
Lines of inquiry
• the techniques poets use
• how poets portray feelings through
• the intended and/or perceived meaning
of the piece
• influences impacting the poets’ work
Lines of inquiry
• historical and cultural understanding
• exploration and discovery
• development of theories and laws
April - May
August – September
November – December
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• climate change
• different forms of energy
• impact of energy alternatives
• our environmental impact
March - April
January - February
Central idea
Conflict causes people to seek resolution.
Central idea
Key concepts:
Key concepts:
Related concepts:
Related concepts:
Lines of inquiry
• events that lead to unrest
• consequences of conflict
• results of revolution
December – January
Lines of inquiry
October – December
28 July 2009