N # E

Sarah Adams School
Ms. Swanson
Newsletter from Ms. Swanson’s Class
(847) 540-2873
October 2015
This week…
Looking Ahead…
October 12, Columbus Day, No school
We are beginning the year with our Reading
Workshop Launch unit. We had our first
Home Reading Log (turquoise blue folder),
teacher-student conferences. We are
focusing on building our reading stamina to
20 focused minutes.
October 13, Field Trip to Ryerson Woods
Remember to dress for the weather and to
bring a disposable sack lunch and drink.
In our second module, we have been
practicing two digit number relations in
addition and the start of telling time in
various ways.
Word Study
Students are learning word patterns
according to their own levels and
Social Studies
Our first unit is about citizenship
and our community. We started to
make our community project with
Rural. We are now working on the
Suburban community.
Our first unit is all about Pushes and
Pulls. We learned about Force and
Motion. We are also looking at the
weather and making observations
every day.
Social/Emotional lesson, 4R’s
Last week we read a ”HEART” story
together and discussed “put-up”
comments to make us feel good.
We continued the discussions about
saying things to the positive.
October 13-16, SA BOOK FAIR
October 22, Early Release, 12:50
October 26 – 30, Red Ribbon week
October 30, Halloween parade & party
Thank You…..
Thank you to all of our class parents for a
wonderful and supportive start to our
Student Home Reading Logs.
Happy Birthday to…….
October 12th
October 24th