It’s A Whale of a Website!

April 22, 2016
Class News
Mrs. Ryan
Spencer Loomis
Ocean of Events
Reading Workshop: Poetry
Students are enjoying our poetry unit! We are monitoring our
understanding as we read poetry so we know when to incorporate
various strategies to help improve our comprehension. The children
also took a closer look at poems focusing on the specific layout and
structural elements the poet uses to convey a particular feeling.
4/29-Variety Show from 7:00-9:00pm
5/2- MAP testing
5/9- MAP testing
Writing: Nonfiction: Gail Gibbons
In our Nonfiction Writing Unit, the children finished
their nonfiction books and were excited to share
them with their biggest fans! Students also wrote an
acrostic poem for Earth Day!
Math: Three Digit Numbers
Students continue to extend their addition strategies to threedigit numbers! Students are using the count on strategy, place
value (in expanded form), and the number line to practice
regrouping as well as adding two-digit with three-digit
numbers and three-digit with three-digit numbers.
Science/Social Studies:
Plants and Animals
The children are learning about plants; the life
cycle of plants, what a plant needs to survive, parts
of plants, & what each part does.
It’s A Whale of a
Mrs. Ryan's Classroom
Our class website can be found at the top of this
page, and can be accessed through the Spencer
Loomis homepage under Mrs. Ryan.
website address goes here
From the Teacher:
Thank you to all of the families who were able to join us for our Open House last night! The children enjoyed
showing off their hard work and accomplishments! The Nonfiction Books and State projects were among the highlights.
If you were unable to attend, please make sure you scan your child’s QR code this weekend to check out their state
projects on the Padlet app. We will send home writing portfolios at the end of the year.
Fishin’ For Weekly Words
Please discuss these important vocabulary words at home this week to help review and
support our learning in the classroom:
Poetry, Visualize, Edit, Revise, Purpose, context clues, count on, compose,
decompose, place value, soil, nutrients, seeds, roots, stems, leaves, flowers
Empathy, Determination, Initiative