3rd Grade Rubrics! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Content Area: Reading - Literature and Informational Texts Report Card Language: The student can read and comprehend third grade level texts CCSS: Rl.3.10 and RL.3.10 By the end of the grade, read and comprehend literature and information text at the high end of the 2-3 complexity band independently and proficiently. Performance Levels for Reported Standards Evidence/ Assessments Limited progress toward standard Progressing toward Meets the standard Exceeds the (proficient) standard the standard Classroom Formative and Summative Assessments • Rarely or never reads grade level texts. •Sometimes reads end of grade level texts. Consistently reads end of grade level texts. • Reads above grade level texts. Independent work on end of grade level literature and informational texts. • Rarely or never rereads a text to find more information or clarify ideas. • Sometimes rereads a text to find more information or clarify ideas. • Consistently rereads a text to find more information or clarify ideas. • Rereads a text to find more information or clarify ideas in above grade level text. • Sometimes uses reading strategies to understand the text. • Consistently uses reading strategies to understand the text. • The student’s ORF is 55 -99 words correct per minute. • The student’s ORF is 100-114 words correct per minute. Assessment Resources: •Treasures placement test •DIBELS Next Oral Reading Fluency •Treasures reading inventories •Treasures weekly tests •Treasures benchmark assessments • Rarely or never uses reading strategies to understand the text. • The student’s ORF is less than 55 words correct per minute North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! • Uses reading strategies to understand above grade level text. ! • The student’s ORF is greater than 115 words correct per minute. ! ! 11/1/13 3rd Grade Rubrics! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Content Area: Reading - Foundational Skills Report Card Language: The student applies third grade level phonics and word analysis skills when reading words with two or more syllables. CCSS: RF.3.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. Performance Levels for Reported Standards Evidence/ Assessments Limited progress toward standard Classroom Formative and Summative Assessments Possible Assessments DRA Treasures Fluency Assessment Treasures Placement Test The student rarely or never applies grade level phonics and analysis skills when reading grade level text such as; prefixes, suffixes, multisyllable words and irregularly spelled words. North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! ! Progressing toward Meets the standard Exceeds the (proficient) standard • The student sometimes applies grade level phonics and analysis skills when reading grade level text such as; prefixes, suffixes, multisyllable words and irregularly spelled words. • The student consistently applies grade level phonics and analysis skills when reading 3rd grade level text such as; prefixes, suffixes, multisyllable words and irregularly spelled words. • The student needs adult support to apply this and may pause to sound out unfamiliar words with multiple syllables. •T he student may only pause briefly (fewer than 3 seconds) when sounding out unfamiliar words with multiple syllables. The student always applies grade level phonics and analysis skills when reading grade level text such as; prefixes, suffixes, multisyllable words and irregularly spelled words. The student is able to apply the skills to reading texts that are above 3rd grade reading level. the standard ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 11/1/13 3rd Grade Rubrics! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Content Area: Reading - Foundational Skills Report Card Language: The student can read third grade texts orally with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. CCSS: RF.3.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. Performance Levels for Reported Standards Evidence/ Assessments Limited progress toward standard Classroom Formative and Summative Assessments Possible Assessments: DIBELS Next Oral Reading Fluency DRA The student’s ORF is less than 55 words correct per minute. The student reads with less than 89% accuracy on ORF. Expression and Volume Reads in a quiet voice as if to get words out. The reading does not sound natural like talking to a friend. Phrasing Reads word-by-word in a monotone voice. Smoothness Frequently hesitates while reading, sounds out words, and repeats words or phrases. The reader makes multiple attempts to read the same passage. Pace Reads slowly and laboriously. North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! ! Progressing toward Meets the standard Exceeds the (proficient) standard the standard The student’s ORF is 55-99 words correct per minute. The student reads with 89-96% accuracy. The student’s ORF is 100-114 words correct per minute. The student reads with 97% accuracy. Expression and Volume Reads in a quiet voice. The reading sounds natural in part of the text, but the reader does not always sound like they are talking to a friend. Phrasing Reads in two or three word phrases, not adhering to punctuation, stress and intonation. Smoothness Reads with extended pauses or hesitations. The reader has many “rough spots.” Pace Reads moderately slowly. Expression and Volume Reads with volume and expression. Sometimes the reader slips into expressionless reading and does not sound like they are talking to a friend. Phrasing Reads with a mixture of run-ons, mid sentence pauses for breath, and some choppiness. There is reasonable stress and intonation. Smoothness Reads with occasional breaks in rhythm. The reader has difficulty with specific words and/or sentence structures. Pace Reads fast and slow throughout reading. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! The student’s ORF is greater than 114 words correct per minute. The student reads with 98-100% accuracy. Expression and Volume Reads with varied volume and expression. The reader sounds like they are talking to a friend with their voice matching the interpretation of the passage. Phrasing Reads with good phrasing; adhering to punctuation, stress and intonation. Smoothness Reads smoothly with some breaks, but selfcorrects with difficult words and/ or sentence structures. Pace Reads at a conversational pace throughout the reading. ! ! 11/1/13 3rd Grade Rubrics! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Content Area: Reading - Literature Report Card Language: The student can determine the meaning of unknown words, multiple meaning words, figurative language, and content area vocabulary. CCSS: RL.3.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral language. Performance Levels for Reported Standards Evidence/ Assessments Limited progress toward standard Classroom Formative and Summative Assessments Independent work on end of grade level texts. Possible Assessments: Treasures Weekly Tests Questions 1-4 Rarely able to determine meaning of unknown words, multiple meaning words, figurative language, and content area vocabulary based on the context. Progressing toward Meets the standard Exceeds the (proficient) standard the standard Sometimes able to determine meaning of unknown words, multiple meaning words, figurative language, and content area vocabulary based on the context. • The student is Consistently able to determine meaning of unknown words, multiple meaning words, figurative language, and content area vocabulary based on the context. consistently able to determine the meaning of unknown words, multiple meaning words, figurative language, and content area vocabulary, and apply them in multiple contexts. • Student determines meaning of words that are found in above grade level passages. North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 11/1/13 3rd Grade Rubrics! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Content Area: Reading - Literature Report Card Language: The student can retell a story and determine the theme. CCSS: RL.3.2.Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text. Performance Levels for Reported Standards Evidence/ Assessments Limited progress toward standard Classroom Formative and Summative Assessments Independent work on end of grade level texts. • The student gives an incomplete description of the theme (eg moral, lesson or author’s purpose). • The student incorrectly describes the setting. • The student incorrectly describes the characters. •The student gives an incomplete retelling that contains no major points or events. Sequencing of events does not exist. The student is unable to identify the problem or solution. North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! ! Progressing toward Meets the standard Exceeds the (proficient) standard • The student identifies the theme and gives sufficient (3-4) evidence. • The students identifies more than one theme and can elaborate on each theme, with: • Detailed description of the setting including when and where the story took place with evidence from the text to justify answer •Detailed description of all characters; able to make connections and inferences regarding character actions and emotions. •Provides detail of the major points and/or events in the story and show an exceptional understanding of sequencing. Correctly identifies problem and solution with evidence from the text to justify their answer. the standard • The student identifies the theme and gives limited (1-2) evidence from the text. • A correct description of the setting including when and where the story took place is included. • A correct description of the setting is included, but is lacking either the when or where. • A correct description of all of the characters is included. • A correct description of some of the characters is included. • The student correctly identifies all of the major points and/or events with correct sequencing. The student is able to correctly identify the main problem and how it was solved. • The student correctly identifies one major point or events in the story. Student’s response does not show an understanding of sequence. The student is able to correctly identify either the problem or the solution, but not both. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 11/1/13 3rd Grade Rubrics! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Content Area: Reading - Literature Report Card Language: The student can compare and contrast theme, setting, and plot in stories written by the same author. CCSS: RL.3.9 Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters (e.g., in books from a series) Performance Levels for Reported Standards Evidence/ Assessments Limited progress toward standard Classroom Formative and Summative assessments Independent work on end of grade level texts. • The student compares or contrasts, but does not include both. There is no supporting information or support is incomplete. • Many details are not in a logical or expected order. There is little sense of organization • The transitions between ideas are unclear or nonexistent. North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! ! Progressing toward Meets the standard Exceeds the (proficient) standard • The student compares and contrasts themes, settings and/or plots clearly, but the supporting information is incomplete. May include information that is not relevant to the comparison. •The student compares and contrasts themes, settings and/or plots clearly, but the supporting information is general and includes only the information relevant to the comparison. • The student breaks the information into whole-towhole, similarities-todifferences, or point-bypoint structure, but some information is out of order. Some details are not in a logical or expected order. •The student breaks the information into whole-towhole, similarities- todifferences, or point-bypoint structure but does not follow a consistent order when discussing the comparison. • The student compares and contrasts themes, settings and/or plots clearly, points to specific examples to illustrate the comparison; includes only the information relevant to the comparison and makes connections beyond both texts. • Some transitions work well; but connections between other ideas are unclear. •The student moves from one idea to the next, but there is little variety. The student uses comparison and contrast transition words to show relationships between ideas. the standard ! ! ! ! ! ! ! •The student breaks the information into whole-towhole, similarities- todifferences, or point-bypoint structure. Follows a consistent order when discussing the comparison. • The student moves smoothly from one idea to the next, uses comparison and contrast transition words, and a variety of sentence structures and transitions. ! ! 11/1/13 3rd Grade Rubrics! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Content Area: Reading - Informational Text Report Card Language: The student can identify key details in a text and explain how they support the main idea. CCSS: RI.3.2 Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea. Performance Levels for Reported Standards Evidence/ Assessments Limited progress toward standard Classroom Formative and Summative Assessments Independent work on end of grade level informational texts. • Rarely or never determines the main idea of a text. • Rarely or never identifies key details in a text and how they support the main idea. • Rarely or never writes a summary of the key points of a text. North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! ! Progressing toward Meets the standard Exceeds the (proficient) standard the standard •Sometimes determines the main idea of a text. •Consistently determines the main idea of a text. • Sometimes identifies key details (1-2 details) in a text and how they support the main idea. • Consistently identifies key details (3-4 details) in a text and how they support the main idea. • Sometimes writes a • Consistently writes a summary of the key points of a text. summary of the key points of a text. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! •Determines the main idea for above grade level text. • Identifies key details and how they support the main idea for above grade level text. • Writes a summary of the key points of above grade level text. ! ! 11/1/13 3rd Grade Rubrics! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Content Area: Reading - Informational Text Report Card Language: The student can use text features (e.g. captions, headings and glossary) to identify key information in a text. CCSS: RI.3.5 Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently. Performance Levels for Reported Standards Evidence/ Assessments Limited progress toward standard Classroom Formative and Summative Assessments The student rarely or never uses the following to identify key information in a text: title, heading, pictures & captions, table of contents, charts & diagrams, glossary Progressing toward Exceeds the (proficient) standard • The student uses 3-4 of the following text features to identify key information and locate information in a text: title, heading, pictures & captions, table of contents, charts & diagrams, glossary • The student uses all text features all of the time to fully understand and locate information in text. the standard • The student uses 1-2 of the following text features to identify key information in a text: title, heading, pictures & captions, table of contents, charts & diagrams, glossary • The student needs adult support to effectively use search tools to locate information on the computer. North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! ! Meets the standard ! ! ! • The student can independently use search tools to locate information. (title, heading, pictures & captions, table of contents, charts & diagrams, glossary) • The student can use search tools (with some adult prompting) to find information on the computer. ! ! ! ! ! ! 11/1/13 3rd Grade Rubrics! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Content Area: Reading - Informational Text Report Card Language: The student can compare and contrast the most important key details from two texts on the same informational topic. CCSS: RI.3.9 The student can compare and contrast the most important key details from two texts on the same informational topic. Performance Levels for Reported Standards Evidence/ Assessments Limited progress toward standard Classroom Formative and Summative Assessments Independent work on end of grade level informational texts. The student rarely or never compares and contrasts key details from two texts on the same informational topic. North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! ! Progressing toward Meets the standard Exceeds the (proficient) standard the standard The student compares and contrasts 1-2 key details from two texts on the same informational topic. ! ! ! The student compares and contrasts 3-4 key detail from two texts on the same informational topic. ! ! ! ! The student compares and contrasts 3-4 key detail from two texts on the same informational topic orally and in written form. ! ! 11/1/13