Student's Name: School: Principal: School Year: 2015-2016 ID#: Grade: 03 Teacher: The purpose of this report card is to describe the student's current learning progress toward end of year standards to their parents/guardians and others. Standards listed below will be addressed by the end of the year. 1 ATTENDANCE 2 3 Fall Comments: Days Absent 0.00 Days Tardy 0.00 EVALUATION SYSTEM FOR CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUCCESSFUL LEARNER 4 = Independently and consistently without reminders 3 = Frequently, with few reminders 2 = Occasionally demonstrates the behavior, requires repeated reminders 1 = Rarely demonstrates the behavior without adult intervention and assistance CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUCCESSFUL LEARNER 1 2 Personal Management 3 Winter Comments: Works neatly, carefully and strives for personal best. Makes appropriate choices within the classroom and outside the classroom. Manages self and belongings; is prepared to work. Accepts responsibility for own actions and behaviors. Recognizes and resolves problems, seeks help appropriately. Active Participation Voluntarily contributes to class and small-group discussions. Perseveres even when presented with a challenging task. Listens and follows directions. Self-assesses work based on criteria and feedback. Spring Comments: Social Responsibility Works and interacts well with others; sensitive to others’ feelings. Demonstrates respect for self, others, and property. Follows school expectations and solves problems appropriately. School Message: If a student is on an IEP or is receiving ELD services, please see attached specialist notes. Page 1 of 3 Student's Name: School: Principal: School Year: 2015-2016 ID#: Grade: 03 Teacher: PROFICIENCY SYSTEM FOR CONTENT AREAS: E - EXCEEDING GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The student exceeds end of year grade level expectations by independently applying and utilizing concepts and skills. M - MEETING GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The student consistently meets end of year grade level expectations for concepts and skills. PROGRESSING TOWARD GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The student is making expected progress toward end of year grade level expectations or demonstrates basic but inconsistent P - application of essential concepts and skills. NOT MAKING EXPECTED PROGRESS TOWARD GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The student demonstrates limited understanding of end of year standards and needs more support to N - develop concepts and skills. NA - NOT ADDRESSED: Indicates that standards were not addressed this grading period. LANGUAGE AND LITERACY STANDARDS Reading 1 2 3 The student can read and comprehend third grade level texts. Foundational Skills Writing: Text Types and Purposes 1 2 3 The student can use supporting evidence, facts, definitions, reasons and details (actions, thoughts, feelings, and dialogue) to support their topic. The student can read third grade level texts orally with accuracy and fluency. The student chooses precise words and phrases for effect, appropriate for the audience and purpose. Conventions and Grammar The student can determine the meaning of unknown words, multiple meaning words, figurative language, and content area vocabulary. 1 2 3 The student can compare and contrast theme, setting, and plot in stories written by the same author. The student can identify key details in a text and explain how they support the main idea. 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 The student’s writing demonstrates appropriate use of grade level conventions including: subject/verb agreement, plurals, capitalization, quotations, and possessives. The student can retell a story and determine the theme. Informational Text 2 The student's writing has an introduction, naturally sequenced events/examples, linking words, and a conclusion. The student applies third grade level phonics and word analysis skills when reading words with two or more syllables. Literature 1 The student can write about a focused topic. The student can use conventional spelling patterns and consult reference materials as needed to check and correct spelling. The student can use a variety of simple, compound, and complex sentences appropriate to audience and purpose. Technology 1 2 3 The student can use digital tools to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others. Speaking and Listening: Comprehension, Collaboration, and Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas The student can use text features (e.g., captions, headings, and glossary) to identify key information in a text. The student can engage in structured discussions; paraphrase and identify evidence from a text or information presented. The student can compare and contrast the most important key details from two texts on the same informational topic. The student can report orally on a topic, using relevant details, in a manner that is suitable to the audience, adding additional media as appropriate. Page 2 of 3 Student's Name: ID#: Grade: 03 Teacher: School: Principal: School Year: 2015-2016 MATHEMATICS STANDARDS Math Problem Solving SCIENCE 1 2 3 MAKING SENSE OF THE TASK: The student understands a word problem and can identify one or more mathematical strategies that will lead to a solution. SOCIAL SCIENCE HEALTH 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 The student shows an understanding of healthy living and prevention of disease, alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. REFLECTING AND EVALUATING: The student can evaluate the answer and determine if it makes sense. ART 1 2 3 The student can fluently multiply and divide within 100. The student demonstrates skills taught in class. MUSIC The student can understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. Active Participation (Characteristics of a Successful Learner) The student can use models to represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division within 100. The student actively participates in musical activities. The student can solve problems involving the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. Knowledge and Skills (Proficiency System) 1 2 3 The student demonstrates musical knowledge of written rhythmic notation and melodic direction. The student can use the concept of place value to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100. The student demonstrates musical skills through a variety of musical activities. The student can multiply one digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 (e.g., 5 x 10, 5 x 300). PHYSICAL EDUCATION The student can fluently add and subtract within 1000. 1 2 3 The student can understand and represent fractions as part of a whole. The student can use models to order and compare fractions. Measurement and Data 1 The student shows an understanding of civics and government, economics, geography, and history. ACCURACY: The student finds the correct solution and shows work that supports the answer. Number and Operations: Fractions 3 The student can explore the natural world by collecting and explaining observations and data. COMMUNICATING REASONING: The student can clearly communicate mathematical thinking using appropriate mathematical vocabulary. Number and Operations in Base Ten 2 The student can plan and conduct an investigation to answer a question. REPRESENTING AND SOLVING THE TASK: The student selects and uses models, pictures, diagrams, and/or symbols to represent and solve the task. Operations and Algebraic Thinking 1 1 2 3 Self Management and Social Responsibility (Characteristics of a Successful Learner) The student actively participates in physical education activities. The student demonstrates responsible behavior and respect for differences among people during physical activities. Movement/Motor Skills (Proficiency System) The student can represent and interpret data using bar, line, and picture graphs. The student demonstrates motor skills in a variety of physical activities. The student can find perimeters of rectangular arrays. PE Skills Taught Fall: The student can understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and addition. Geometry The student can divide shapes into parts with equal areas and describe the equal parts represented as a fraction of the whole. 1 2 3 PE Skills Taught Winter: PE Skills Taught Spring: Page 3 of 3