Student's Name: School: Principal: School Year: 2015-2016 ID#: Grade: KF Teacher: The purpose of this report card is to describe the student's current learning progress toward end of year standards to their parents/guardians and others. Standards listed below will be addressed by the end of the year. 1 ATTENDANCE 2 3 Fall Comments: Days Absent Days Tardy EVALUATION SYSTEM FOR CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUCCESSFUL LEARNER 4 = Independently and consistently without reminders 3 = Frequently, with few reminders 2 = Occasionally demonstrates the behavior, requires repeated reminders 1 = Rarely demonstrates the behavior without adult intervention and assistance CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUCCESSFUL LEARNER 1 2 Personal Management 3 Winter Comments: Works neatly, carefully, and demonstrates good work habits. Takes responsibility for completing work. Manages self and belongings. Uses materials with respect and purpose. Active Participation Actively participates and shows interest in classroom activities. Listens and follows directions. Works and plays cooperatively. Social Responsibility Demonstrates respect for self, peers, adults and property. Makes responsible choices for behavior. Spring Comments: Follows school expectations and solves problems appropriately. School Message: If a student is on an IEP or is receiving ELD services, please see attached specialist notes. Page 1 of 3 Student's Name: School: Principal: School Year: 2015-2016 ID#: Grade: KF Teacher: PROFICIENCY SYSTEM FOR CONTENT AREAS: E - EXCEEDING GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The student exceeds end of year grade level expectations by independently applying and utilizing concepts and skills. M - MEETING GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The student consistently meets end of year grade level expectations for concepts and skills. KINDERGARTEN READINESS: (Once these skills are mastered they will no longer be assessed.) 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 The student can hold a book correctly, follow the text from left to right, and turn pages from the front of the book to the back. The student can name and identify upper case letters. The student can name and identify lower case letters. P - PROGRESSING TOWARD GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The student is making expected progress toward end of year grade level expectations or demonstrates basic but inconsistent application of essential concepts and skills. The student uses one capital letter and the rest lowercase when writing their own name. N - NOT MAKING EXPECTED PROGRESS TOWARD GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The student demonstrates limited understanding of end of year standards and needs more support to develop concepts and skills. The student uses scissors correctly with thumb up and elbow down. The student holds writing tools with fingers instead of fist; tripod (three finger) pencil grip. NA - NOT ASSESSED: Indicates that standards were not assessed this grading period. The student can name and identify numbers 0-20. LANGUAGE AND LITERACY STANDARDS Reading Foundational Skills Writing: Text Types and Purposes 1 2 3 The student can print many upper and lowercase letters correctly. The student can put together and take apart sound in words. The student can use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose a written piece. The student knows the letter sounds. The student can use phonetic spelling for words. The student reads high frequency words from the curriculum. The student can write simple sentences. Literature and Informational Text 1 2 3 The student can write multiple sentences using proper conventions (punctuation, capitalization, spacing). The student can read kindergarten level text orally with purpose and understanding. The student can organize and compose a written piece sequencing first, next, and last. The student, with prompting and support, can identify characters and settings from stories they have heard or read. Speaking and Listening: Comprehension, Collaboration, and Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas The student, with prompting and support, can retell details from stories they have heard or read. The student can, with prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. The student can speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. The student can ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood. The student can participate in group discussions through listening, questioning, and sharing ideas. The student can acquire and use new vocabulary words. Page 2 of 3 Student's Name: School: Principal: School Year: 2015-2016 ID#: Grade: KF Teacher: MATHEMATICS STANDARDS Counting SCIENCE 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 The student participates in activities and discussions. The student can count to 100 by ones. The student can count to 100 by tens. SOCIAL SCIENCE The student can write numerals 0 - 20. The student participates in activities and discussions. The student can understand the relationship between numerals and quantities of objects up to 20. The student can compare written numerals 0-10 (using greater than, less than, and equal to). Operations and Algebraic Thinking HEALTH The student participates in activities and discussions. 1 2 3 The student can show addition as putting together or "adding to". ART The student can show subtraction as taking apart or "taking from". The student participates in activities and discussions. The student can solve word problems using numerals 0 - 10 with pictures and equations. The student can fluently add and subtract using numerals 0-5. Number and Operations in Base Ten 1 2 Active Participation (Characteristics of a Successful Learner) The student can compose (put together) and decompose (take apart) numerals 11-19 using ten and ones. Measurement and Data The student actively participates in musical activities. 1 2 3 The student can compare length and weight of objects. PHYSICAL EDUCATION The student can classify, sort and compare objects, and count the number of objects in categories. Geometry The student can identify, describe, and compare two dimensional shapes. The student can identify, describe, and compare three dimensional shapes. MUSIC 3 Self Management and Social Responsibility (Characteristics of a Successful Learner) 1 2 3 The student actively participates in physical education activities. PE Skills Taught Fall: PE Skills Taught Winter: PE Skills Taught Spring: Page 3 of 3