February 2, 2012
The Facilities Sub-committee of the Board of Trustees of Houston Community College held
a meeting on Thursday February 2, 2012, at the HCC Administration Building, 3100 Main,
2nd Floor, Seminar Room A, Houston, Texas.
Richard Schechter, Committee Chair
Bruce Austin, Committee Member
Carroll G. Robinson, Committee Member
Mary Ann Perez, Alternate Committee Member
Yolanda Navarro Flores
Sandie Mullins
Mary S. Spangler, Chancellor
Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO
Renee Byas, General Counsel
Shantay Grays, Interim Executive Officer to the Chancellor
Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College
Fena Garza, President, Southwest College
Betty Young, President, Coleman College
Willie Williams, Chief Human Resources Officer
Jarvis Hollingsworth, Board Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani
Clarence Grier, RBC Capital
Lisa Eason, President, COPA
Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media
Mr. Schechter called the meeting to order at 8:55 a.m. and declared the Committee
convened to consider matters pertaining to Houston Community College as listed on the
duly posted Meeting Notice.
Mr. Schechter apprised that the purpose of the discussion is to decide if public input will be
sought regarding the facilities plan and how to get the input if desired.
(Ms. Mullins arrived at 8:57 a.m.)
(Mrs. Flores arrived at 8:57 a.m.)
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Mr. Austin noted that usually a steering committee is established.
Mr. Schechter informed that the meeting is not regarding the bond.
Mr. Robinson recommended broadening the means of the communication to the
community. He recommended KCOH, Majic 102.1, Forward Times, Houston Newspages
and The Defender be added to the normal rotation. He apprised that it appears that four
standard advertising agencies are utilized.
Mr. Robinson noted that a bond election does not necessitate an increase in tax rate. He
noted that this will possibly need to be discussed at some other committee.
Mr. Robinson requested that the opportunity be provided to discuss an additional $20
million for a Coleman facility and noted that there may need to be another discussion for
seeking approximately $750 million to provide for additional funds.
Mr. Schechter reiterated that the purpose of the meeting is not regarding the bond and
noted that the purpose of the proposed meetings in the community is to get the input of the
community. He noted that the results of the meetings will be forwarded to the Bond
Committee to determine the next step.
Dr. Spangler informed that the administration is planning on presenting the strategic plan to
the community and mentioned possibly discussing the facilities and finance plan at the
community forums.
Ms. Mullins requested that the Board be informed of the dates of the town hall meetings.
Ms. Mullins informed that the Neighborhood Examiner needs to be present at the meetings
and management districts, chambers, and super neighborhoods should also be included.
She associated with the point made by Mr. Robinson that a bond election does not
necessarily mean a tax increase.
Mr. Austin noted that his concern is that the community must be properly engaged. He
noted that it does not need to be a dog and pony show and noted that the piece has to be
messaged. He apprised that there should be a strategy and the community should be
engaged to pursue the strategy. Mr. Austin apprised that the public should be informed of
what HCC and community colleges mean to the community as a whole.
Mr. Robinson inquired of legal opinion from counsel regarding if property tax revenues can
be used to pay for the tuition of high school graduates to attend HCC in the form of a grant
or loan through the Foundation. He also asked if the system can require or give preference
to businesses within our service area or who are a joint partner with service area
Mrs. Flores inquired if there was a report on the education needs. Mr. Schechter apprised
that a report was made by Dr. Sreerama based on discussions with the presidents.
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Mrs. Flores inquired if there was a connection with student enrollment at the colleges. Mr.
Schechter apprised that when reviewing the plan, the initial consideration was those
facilities that were overflowing and needed to accommodate the growth. Mrs. Flores
requested a copy of the report. Mr. Schechter noted that a copy of the information could be
Mr. Schechter asked Board Services to arrange a meeting with Dr. Sreerama and Trustees
Flores and Robinson to provide an overview of other discussions.
Ms. Mullins recommended that community leaders are informed of the meetings. Dr.
Spangler informed that the presidents were a part of the discussion to denote those
individuals who should be invited and contacted.
Mr. Austin noted that the participants and the process should be business leaders, senior
citizens, government officials, administrators, teachers, students and community leaders
because of the message. He noted that the best statement made could be resounded from
the speaker at the Foundation gala. He noted that the skill levels need to be advanced in
order to advance the community and that the college must be a team.
Mr. Robinson requested that the video be added to the college’s website. He noted that
the Greater Houston Partnership has a common ground with regional chambers and noted
that they should be included in the planning process.
Mr. Austin recommended contacting Sylvester Turner regarding the ISDs and noted that it
would be imperative regarding the workforce.
Mr. Schechter summarized the discussion as follows:
Hold 10 town hall meetings (each of the nine Districts and separate meeting in Alief )
Develop a quality presentation - emphasizing (1) facilities demand (2) educational
needs of the community and consequence of not providing workforce training and/or
first two years of college education
Use all local meeting outlets available
Meeting location and time to be determine by presidents and administration
Develop website to provide opportunity to obtain input from community
Hold lunch meetings with elected officials and chambers (Chancellor foyer)
Mr. Austin noted that the meetings should be utilized as an opportunity to educate the
community about community colleges.
Mr. Robinson recommended that HCCTV should tape the meetings for airing.
Mr. Austin inquired if a review of the debt service would be discussed. Dr. Tyler informed
that RBC Capital prepared a debt service review and bond election analysis. Mr. Clarence
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Grier, RBC Capital noted that there would continue to be sinking funds and apprised that
the information would be discussed in future committee meetings as recommended.
Motion – Mr. Schechter moved and Mr. Robinson seconded to adopt the priorities
regarding the presentation of the facilities and finance plan to the community as follows:
Hold 10 town hall meetings (each Trustee District and separate meeting in Alief )
Develop quality presentation - emphasizing (1) facilities demand (2) educational
needs of the community and consequence of not providing workforce training and/or
first two years of college education
Use all local meeting outlets available
Meeting location and time to be determine by presidents and administration
Develop website to provide opportunity to obtain input from community
Lunch meetings with elected officials and chambers (Chancellor foyer)
Vote - The motion passed with a vote of 3-0.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m.
Recorded, transcribed and submitted by:
Sharon R. Wright, Manager, Board Services
Minutes Approved:
April 19, 2012