June 21, 2011
The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Houston Community College held a
meeting on Tuesday, June 21, 2011, at the HCC Administration Building, 3100 Main, 2nd
Floor, Seminar Room A, Houston, Texas.
Dr. Michael P. Williams, Committee Chair
Sandie Mullins, Committee Member
Eva Loredo, Committee Member
Mary Ann Perez, Alternate Committee Member
Bruce A. Austin
Christopher W. Oliver
Neeta Sane
Richard Schechter
Mary S. Spangler, Chancellor
Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO
Renee Byas, General Counsel
Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor
William Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology
Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Instruction
Diana Pino, Vice Chancellor, Student Services
Daniel Seymour, Vice Chancellor, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Fena Garza, President, Southwest College
Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College
William Harmon, President, Central College
Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College
Irene Porcarello, President, Southeast College
Betty Young, President, Coleman College
Remmele Young, Executive Director Government Relations
Willie Williams, Chief Human Resource Officer
Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani
Clarence Grier, RBC International
Karun Sreerema, ESPA Corp
Alan Ainsworth, President, Faculty Senate
Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media
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Facilities Committee – June 21, 2011 - Page 2
Dr. Williams called the meeting to order at 10:14 a.m. and declared the Committee
convened to consider matters pertaining to Houston Community College as listed on the
duly posted Meeting Notice.
(Ms. Perez arrived at 10:15 a.m.)
(Mr. Austin arrived at 10:15 a.m.)
Dr. Tyler informed that the presentation would include an update of the Capital
Improvement Program (CIP) and apprised that a recommendation to close out the CIP
would be presented to the Board for approval.
Dr. Tyler apprised that the original projects designated under the CIP have been completed
and the uncompleted items are those associated with the Maintenance Tax Notes (MTN).
He noted that the only real funds remaining are associated with the MTN; therefore, the
funds must be used on existing buildings.
(Mr. Schechter arrived at 10:17 a.m.)
Dr. Tyler informed that a majority of the MTN funds are being utilized for projects at Central
College for enhancement of the campus.
Dr. Spangler inquired if the remaining funds from MTN could be used for the $21 million to
reduce amount for the current tax notes. Dr. Tyler informed that the funds could be used to
reduce the balance owed towards the $38 million.
Dr. Tyler informed that three projects are remaining under the CIP. He noted that although
the San Jacinto Renovation is part of the CIP, a different funding is being utilized for
completion of the project. He apprised that the Felix Morales building is at ninety-nine
percent complete and the Southeast Workforce Building is twenty-five percent complete.
He apprised that there is also a need for parking facilities at Southeast College.
Mr. Austin asked if the space utilization report is being used for consideration of the
projects at Southeast College. Dr. Tyler informed that he is not aware of a space utilization
Dr. Tyler informed that the other issue is that funding for the third floor of the Southeast
Workforce building and noted that the build-out could be completed with MTN funds.
(Dr. Williams stepped out at 10:27 a.m.)
Mr. Schechter noted that the building was designed as a two-story project; however, it
would have been more feasible to add the third floor.
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Dr. Tyler noted that the Felix Fraga building is complete and apprised that there are some
future opportunities at this site.
Dr. Tyler provided an overview of the fund balance of the CIP. He noted that there is
approximately $2 million remaining in the CIP and $7 million in Maintenance Tax Notes for
a total of $9 million.
Mr. Austin inquired the cost of the build-out for the Fraga Building and asked if a interim
proposal is possible where another entity would provide build-out for the facility use. Dr.
Tyler informed that administration is reviewing possible companies that have considered
using the facility.
Ms. Loredo informed that she discussed with Dr. Irene Porcarello possible usage of the
building by external entities. She noted that once the building is completed, the facility will
be utilized and informed that Neighborhood Centers as well as the Maritime Academy with
the Port of Houston have inquired about using the facility.
Ms. Loredo informed that there has been discussion of hosting lectures at the site. She
noted that Trustee Perez has also been in discussion with UH-Downtown about possibly
using the facility.
(Mr. Austin stepped out at 10:37 a.m.)
Dr. Tyler informed that that University of Houston-Downtown usage of the building could
also be a consideration.
(Dr. Williams returned at 10:39 a.m.)
(Mr. Austin returned at 10:40 a.m.)
Dr. Karun Sreerama informed that the building would probably not be sufficient for the
Maritime Academy. Dr. Tyler informed that the Maritime space need is a combination of
classroom and heavy equipment space.
Dr. Tyler recommended that the Board entertain an action declaring the CIP complete,
which will allow for next steps and a report to the community.
Mr. Hollingsworth requested that the Board consider moving the item to the next Committee
of the Whole meeting to make certain that the projects are completed in conjunction with
the bond measure and that Bond Counsel is given the opportunity to opinion finalization of
the projects. He noted that Bond Counsel was not present to advise to that matter.
Mr. Austin informed that there should be a disclosure of what is lacking, if anything. Dr.
Spangler recommended considering a statement that the project is virtually completed.
Mr. Hollingsworth recommends a discussion with the Board at a later meeting to review and
accept the report from Dr. Tyler regarding the status of the CIP.
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Dr. Williams informed that in essence, the community should be apprised if there were any
projects not completed.
Dr. Tyler provided an overview of the Maintenance Tax Note (MTN) and informed that $22
million remains of which $8 million was set allocated to provide options for the Board.
Mrs. Sane requested an update of the projects included in the MTN Project Plan. Dr. Tyler
informed that an update report would be provided.
Mr. Schechter recommended providing a report covering a decade time-frame that would
cover everything that has been accomplished by the college showing prudent stewardship
of the funds.
Mrs. Sane also recommended including what the needs were and are.
Dr. Williams informed that rather than providing a snapshot of the investments, there
should be a portrait of the accomplishments. He noted that Junior and Senior Lien bonds
should be included. He also apprised that it should be noted that the projects were
completed without raising taxes.
Mr. Austin noted that there should be a portrait of what is in the future.
Mr. Schechter informed that the presentation would be good to rollout during the State of
the College with a focus on technology as well.
Mr. Austin recommended administration review Kay McKinney view on strategic planning.
Ms. Loredo informed that she is concerned with the fact that there is $26 million remaining
and the Felix Fraga building is only $4 million.
Mr. Schechter informed that although there is a fund balance of $26 million, only $8 million
is not allocated for projects.
Dr. Tyler informed that administration will proceed with writing the decade report of what
has been done.
Dr. Tyler informed that Dr. Karun Sreerama with ESPA Corp was present to provide an
overview of the master plan.
(Dr. Williams recessed the meeting at 11:10 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 11:23
Dr. Sreerama provided an overview of the needs for the college and provided a summary of
the immediate priorities. He provided a map of HCC Facilities Master Plan 2035: Phase IImplementation.
(Mrs. Sane stepped out at 11:25 a.m.)
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Mr. Austin asked if the information was a concept paper. Dr. Sreerama informed that it is
concept paper.
(Mrs. Sane returned at 11:26 a.m.)
Dr. Sreerama provided an overview of Phase I priorities.
Dr. Williams inquired if a survey has been completed to see how students travel to the
various campuses. Dr. Sreerama informed that the survey results were a part of the master
plan assessment.
(Ms. Mullins stepped out at 11:38 a.m.)
Mrs. Sane inquired if factors such as accessibility, population growth, employment growth
and academic/workforce needs of students were taken into consideration:
Dr. Sreerama informed that the areas were taken into considered during the master plan
assessment. He noted that Phase I consists of immediate needs based on discussion with
the Board, administration, and the community. He noted the place marks on the map
represented proximity and not an exact location.
Dr. Sreerama informed that the major concern is the location and the amount of the
projects; he noted that the Board would need to agree to a budget for the projects in
(Mr. Schechter stepped out at 11:42 a.m.)
(Mr. Oliver arrived at 11:44 a.m.)
Mrs. Sane inquired what the funding requirements were based on. Dr. Sreerama informed
that the numbers were estimation and not exact figures.
(Mr. Oliver stepped out at 11:45 a.m.)
Dr. Williams recommended a discussion with Houston Independent School District (HISD)
regarding the Early College programs. Mr. Austin informed that there is a direct need for
the discussion with K-12. Dr. Williams noted that there needs to be a substantive
discussion with HISD.
(Ms. Perez stepped out at 11:51 a.m.)
Dr. Tyler presented the Phase I Funding Program and noted the top seven priorities as
Retiring Debt ($130 million)
Deferred Maintenance – 3 years ($63 million)
Southeast College Parking & Development ($30 million)
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North Forest & Acres Home Development ($35 million)
Northline Parking and Development ($20 million)
South Campus Development ($25 million)
Felix Fraga Development ($4 million)
West Loop - Phase III Replace Gulfton Campus ($20 million)
Westside Development ($70 million)
Missouri City Development - Phase II ($20 million)
Coleman ($60 million)
Mr. Austin asked the Financial Advisor of possible alternative bond savings. Mr. Clarence
Grier informed that options are available.
(Ms. Perez returned at 11:54 a.m.)
(Mr. Oliver returned at 11:54 a.m. / stepped out at 11:55 a.m.)
Dr. Tyler informed that he asked staff to review the proposal to identify opportunity for
reducing the overall debt service by as much as $8 to $9 million.
Mrs. Sane inquired if there has been consideration of having satellite centers throughout
the system. Dr. Tyler informed that Dr. Young has been working with each of the presidents
to implement the Science Alliance centers at each campus. Dr. Tyler noted that the college
completed the first year of diffusion study and noted that the next step is to conduct a
Dr. Sreerama recommended that the Board consider adopting the Priorities as presented.
Dr. Tyler informed that the fixed projects are the parking structures.
Dr. Tyler asked if there need to be a formal motion to move the item to the Bond
Committee. Dr. Williams informed that the Board Chair has the authority to move the item
to the Bond Committee if deemed necessary.
Dr. Williams adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 12:05 p.m., notice having
previously been given and reiterated in accordance with Sections 551.071, 551.072, and/or
551.074 of the Open Meetings Law. Mr. Schechter stated that any final action, vote or
decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session
or in a subsequent Public Meeting.
Dr. Williams reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 12:48 p.m. and entertained
motions on pending matters.
(Present: Trustees Austin, Loredo, Perez, and Williams)
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:49 p.m.
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Recorded, transcribed and submitted by:
Sharon R. Wright, Manager, Board Services
Minutes Approved: _________________________________