April 21, 2011
The Board of Trustees of Houston Community College held a Regular Meeting on
Thursday, April 21, 2011 at the HCC Administration Building, Second Floor Auditorium,
3100 Main, Houston, Texas.
Richard Schechter, Chair
Mary Ann Perez, Vice Chair
Eva Loredo, Secretary
Bruce A. Austin
Yolanda Navarro Flores
Sandie Mullins
Christopher Oliver
Neeta Sane
Dr. Michael P. Williams
Mary Spangler, Chancellor
Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO
Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor
Renee Byas, General Counsel
William Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology
Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Instruction
Diana Pino, Vice Chancellor, Student Services
Daniel Seymour, Vice Chancellor, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College
Fena Garza, President, Southwest College
William Harmon, President, Central College
Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College
Irene Porcarello, President, Southeast College
Betty Young, President, Coleman College
Willie Williams, Chief Human Resources Officer
Remmele Young, Executive Director, Government Relations
Kelly Zuniga, Executive Director, HCC Foundation
Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani
Alan Ainsworth, President, Faculty Senate
Laura Garcia, President, COPA
Clarence Grier, Financial Advisor, RBC Capital
Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media
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Mr. Schechter, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. and declared the Board
convened to consider matters pertaining to Houston Community College as listed on the
duly posted Meeting Notice.
Ms. Eva Loredo led the prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Approval of Minutes from Academic Affairs/Student Services Committee Meeting of
February 10, 2011, Board Governance Committee Meeting of February 10, 2011,
Budget Committee Meeting of February 10, 2011, Committee of the Whole Meeting of
February 10, 2011, External Relations Committee Meeting of February 17, 2011,
Regular Meeting of February 17, 2011, and Special Meeting of March 21, 2011
Motion – Mrs. Sane moved and Mrs. Perez seconded to approve the minutes. The
motion passed with a vote of 8-0.
The following citizens requested to speak before the Board:
Adam Aguirre
John Carrasquero
Patricia Martin (Closed Session)
(Mrs. Flores arrived at 4:21 p.m.)
(Mr. Oliver stepped out at 4:23 p.m.)
The following awards and presentations were made:
March of Dimes Award for 2010
2011 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Parade Chairman’s Award
(Mr. Oliver returned at 4:26 p.m.)
Check Presentation by Consul General of Mexico
Trophy Presentation for Faculty and Staff Campaign
Dr. Spangler provided the following information and recognitions:
The Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Initiative will bring $5 million dollars
to HCC to help local small businesses grow in revenue and personnel through a
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training program developed by Babson College. HCC will provide business
training and support services at the Southeast College and Northwest College.
Local Strategic Partners include: Greater Houston Partnership, Houston Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce, UH’s Small Business Development Center and Houston
Minority Supplier Development Council. The initiative emerged from the New
Spring Business Competition that earned an Innovation Fund Award and
expanded and matured to attract the national initiative.
HCC Northwest under Zach Hodges’ leadership developed the first BizConnect
Center for Entrepreneurship with their Newspring Business Plan Competition.
Sandra Louvier, the Director, has also partnered with the Director of our
Corporate College, Joe Little, to develop and offer seminars and workshops to
small businesses at two other locations—Northline and Southeast.
HCC signed a MOU with University Houston Small Business Development
Center, a strategic partner with both BizConnect and Goldman Sachs to
formalize that relationship and better serve the needs of Houston.
The Coordinating Board has released the results of a study conducted by agency
staff and researchers on best practices in improving student success. The study
entitled: Institutional Strategies for Increasing Postsecondary Student Success
identifies the core components of programmatic policies and practices that
promote student success. HCC was selected to be included in this inaugural
report because of policies, practices and programs that have led to an increase
in undergraduate student retention and completion rates, and its commitment to
incorporate a student success culture through data-driven decision making and
research-based practices. The project included in this report is the Transfer and
Reverse Transfer of Credit.
Student nominee, Minh Nguyen, has been selected as a 2011 Coca-Cola
Community College Academic Team Gold Scholar. Selection was based on
scores earned in the All-USA Community College Academic Team competition,
for which more than 1,600 applications were received this year. The Coca-Cola
Community College Academic Team program is sponsored by the Coca-Cola
Scholars Foundation and is administered by Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.
HCC students recently received several major Phi Theta Kappa awards to
include to Honors in Action Scholarship award; the Issues award, the
Distinguished Chapter award and ranked #6 out of 1200
chapters. Congratulations to them and also to Dr. Bennie Ables, the Phi Theta
Kappa advisor.
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UT Health) and
Houston Community College (HCC) Coleman College for Health Sciences was
awarded a $500,000 grant by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to
establish the Biosafety Training Center, a collaborative workforce educational
program, to train, graduate and place biosafety technicians in jobs within one
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HCC received a Coordinating Board grant of $260 thousand, renewable for five
years, for a potential $1.3 million for academic student success. The
Comprehensive Student Success Program is part of the College Access
Challenge Grant funded by the U.S. Dept of Education. Its purpose is to improve
student success in postsecondary institutions by providing a comprehensive
program of interventions that increase completion of either a diploma or
certification program. The target student populations are first-generation college
students, with an emphasis on under-represented groups.
Houston Community College has been named a Laureate in the 2011
Computerworld Honors Program. The program, founded in 1988, recognizes
organizations and individuals who have used information technology to promote
and advance public welfare, benefit society and change the world for the better.
All 2011 Laureates are invited to join the black tie awards ceremony and gala
Monday, June 20, 2011 at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, DC.
Laureates’ achievements are recognized publicly at this ceremony, and
recipients will be presented with a medallion inscribed with the program’s
mission, “A Search for New Heroes.” In addition, at the ceremony, five
Laureates in each of the 11 categories will be named as finalists for a 21st
Century Achievement Award, based on judging by an exclusive panel of peers.
One finalist in each category will then be named a 21st Century Achievement
Award winner.
Southeast College has student and faculty visitors from Hanover, Germany. The
group will be here through April 29, 2011. In addition to visiting the various HCC
colleges, the students will be receiving classroom instruction in Beginners ESL
and Intro to Computer Applications.
Doug Foshee, Chairman, President and CEO, El Paso Corporation, and his wife
Sarah have accepted the invitation to serve as the honorees of HCC’s
Opportunity Ball on January 6, 2012. The Foshees will receive the Crystal Eagle
Award at the gala, to be presented by Andrea and Bill White, previous recipients
of the award, and confirmed attendees. Penny Butler and Shawn Taylor are our
2012 gala chairs. The theme is inspired by Dr. Seuss—“Oh, The Places You Will
Go!” will showcase our students and the amazing opportunities and
achievements made possible through their education at HCC.
Dr. Spangler welcomed members of the HCC Alumni Association’s new advisory
council who were present. The newly-elected council members are alumni
ambassadors for the College and have begun working diligently to increase and
support alumni programming for all HCC alumni.
Faculty Senate – Dr. Alan Ainsworth acknowledged the Board and
Administration’s efforts to resolve the budget issues. He noted that the faculty
encourages the Board to vote in favor of the tuition increase.
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Motion – Mr. Oliver moved and Ms. Loredo seconded to approve the following consent
agenda items with the exception of items A.3 and C.8. The motion passed with a vote of
8-0-1with Mrs. Flores abstaining. The following items were approved:
Mandatory Insurance for F-1 International Students
HCC Honorary Degrees for 2011
Community College Association of Texas Trustees Membership for 2011
Job Order Contracts (JOC) for Facilities Modification or Repair (Project #11-24)
Method of Project Delivery for San Jacinto Building Renovation Central College
Real Estate Broker Services (Project #11-12)
Real Estate Transaction Located at or Near Highway 90
Real Estate Transaction Located in District VI
Investment Report for January
Investment Report for February 2011
Monthly Finance Report for March 2011
Resolution Adopting Priorities and Principles for HCCS Redistricting Following
2010 Census
Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Ms. Loredo seconded to approve. The motion passed
with a vote of 9-0.
Mr. Austin noted that he pulled the item to allow Dr. Ford Fisher to elaborate on the
contributions of Shell to the Energy Institute Program. Dr. Ford Fisher provided an
overview of the opportunities for student afforded through the partnership with Shell Oil
Dr. Williams requested a personal privilege and noted that the financial and investment
reports were included as a part of the consent agenda. He recommended that these
items be separate from the consent agenda for discussion. Dr. Williams apprised that
the items could be approved as a part of the consent agenda; however, the opportunity
for administration to elaborate on the items should be allotted.
Mr. Schechter acknowledged Dr. Williams’ recommendation and noted that these items
would be discussed separately.
Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Dr. Williams seconded.
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Mr. Schechter asked Dr. Spangler to provide an overview of the fiscal state yielding the
recommendation of a tuition increase. Mr. Schechter noted that the alternative would be
downsizing staff by 315 people or raising taxes by 20%.
Mr. Oliver apprised that all measures have been reviewed regarding the budget shortfall
and informed that the tuition increase recommendation is indeed modest.
Dr. Williams noted that there was no particular reason to expect any push back
regarding the recommendation and noted that he along with Trustees Austin and Oliver
were on the Board when the previous increase was approved over eight years ago. He
noted that the last thing he desires to see is individuals losing their jobs and apprised
that he intended to vote for the item.
Mrs. Sane noted that she also applauds everyone in their efforts; however, she needed
to share her thoughts that there is a need and a shortfall that must be addressed. She
noted that she did meet with Dr. Spangler and Dr. Tyler regarding the options and noted
that her proposal was to make certain that the burden to the students is as less as
possible. She apprised that she requested that the increase is adjusted to a percentage
that would allow for the shortfall to be addressed and avoid layoffs. She recommended
taking a step-by-step approach to allow for the State to finalize their budget before a
final decision is made. She noted that she is not able to support the recommendation as
currently presented.
Mr. Schechter clarified that the assumption was under a $32 million budget deficit and
noted that the final shortfall for HCC cannot be determined until the State budget has
been approved. He noted that the recommendation was vetted at the Committee of the
Whole meeting and the recommendation is to approve the increase, which could be
revisited once the State budget has been finalized.
Mr. Schechter asked Dr. Tyler if he had an opportunity to discuss the recommendation
posed by Mrs. Sane. Dr. Tyler informed that the entire team is digging deep and that
the financials indicate that all but two categories in expenses are negative. Dr. Tyler
does not see where additional cuts can be done.
Mr. Grier informed that if no action is taken, there is a possibility that the college will
receive a downgrade in its bond rating.
Dr. Williams informed that the bond rating issue was acknowledged during the
discussion with the financial advisors.
Ms. Loredo informed that she also reviewed the numbers and apprised that her last
resolve would be an increase in tuition. She inquired if there is a possibility of drawing
funds from the savings and apprised that the increase is based on the estimated budget
proposed by the State. She noted that cuts from the campus cannot be afforded
especially in areas directly affecting the students. Ms. Loredo apprised if the tuition
increase is the only way to meet the needs, she will support the item.
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Motion Calling Question - Mr. Austin moved and Mr. Oliver seconded calling the
question. The motion passed with a vote of 6-3 with Mrs. Flores, Ms. Mullins, and Mrs.
Sane opposing.
Vote – The motion passed with a vote of 7-2 with Mrs. Flores and Mrs. Sane opposing.
Mr. Schechter requested Dr. Tyler to provide an overview of the Investment Reports for
January and February 2011 and the Financial Report for March 2011.
Dr. Tyler apprised that approximately $230,000 was generated in interest and other
dividends on the portfolio. Dr. Tyler expressed appreciation to the team managing and
advising on investments.
Dr. Tyler informed that the bond rating agency inquired about the possibility of a tuition
increase. He mentioned that the College ability to maintain the bond rating was due to
the healthy balance sheet.
Dr. Williams noted that it is extremely imperative to actively receive support funding to
assist students in gaining an education. He noted that there is credit worthiness of the
institution and apprised that the tuition increase was reviewed cautiously.
Motion – Dr. Williams and Mrs. Perez seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 9-0.
Mr. Schechter acknowledged the following individuals were approved as part of the
consent agenda to receive an honorary degree at the 2011 Commencement scheduled
for Saturday, May 14, 2011 at 10:00 a.m.:
Rogene Gee Calvert
Olga Ramirez Gallegos
Pat Rosenberg
Mr. Schechter apprised that the item was pulled and no action will be taken.
Mr. Schechter adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 5:42 p.m., notice having
previously been given and reiterated in accordance with Sections 551.071, 551.072,
and/or 551.074 of the Open Meetings Law. Mr. Schechter stated that any final action,
vote or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open
Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting.
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Mr. Schechter reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 6:27 p.m. and entertained
motions on pending matters.
(Present: Trustees Austin, Flores, Loredo, Mullins, Oliver, Perez, Sane, Schechter, and
In recognition of poetry appreciation month, Mr. Austin recited a poem.
(Mrs. Flores left at 6:30 p.m.)
Motion – Dr. Williams moved and Mrs. Perez seconded. The motion passed with a vote
of 8-0.
With no further business coming before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 6:31 p.m.
Minutes recorded, transcribed & submitted by:
Sharon Wright, Manager, Board Services
Minutes Approved as Submitted: