MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE April 14, 2011 Minutes The Board of Trustees of Houston Community College met as a Committee of the Whole on Thursday, April 14, 2011, at the HCC Administration Building, 2nd Floor, 3100 Main in Seminar Room A, Houston, Texas. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Richard M. Schechter, Chair Mary Ann Perez, Vice Chair Eva Loredo, Secretary Bruce Austin Yolanda Navarro Flores Sandie Mullins Christopher W. Oliver Neeta Sane ADMINISTRATION Mary Spangler, Chancellor Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor Renee Byas, General Counsel William Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Instruction Diana Pino, Vice Chancellor, Student Services Daniel Seymour, Vice Chancellor, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College Fena Garza, President, Southwest College Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College Irene Porcarello, President, Southeast College Betty Young, President, Coleman College Remmele Young, Executive Director, Government Relations Willie Williams, Chief Human Resources Officer OTHERS PRESENT Kimberly James, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani Karun Sreerama, Master Planner, ESPA Clarence Grier, RBC Alan Ainsworth, President, Faculty Senate Laura Garcia, President, COPA Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – April 14, 2011 - Page 2 CALL TO ORDER Mr. Schechter, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:56 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to Houston Community College as listed on the duly posted Meeting Notice. INCREASE IN STUDENT TUITION AND FEES Motion – Ms. Loredo moved and Mrs. Perez seconded. Dr. Tyler informed that the Board approved a reduced fee for workforce and noted that the recommended tuition and fee increase would equalize the fees across the board. Amended Motion - Mr. Schechter motioned to amend action to include the effective date of April 22, 2011 and include a technology fee increase of $1 per credit hour, tuition and fees increase (in-district - $5, out-of-district - $9, out-of-state - $9) and general fee increase (in-district - $3.50, out-of-district - $6.50). Mr. Austin seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-1 with Trustee Flores abstaining. Mr. Austin recommended that the revised numbers be provided to the Board. (Mr. Austin stepped out at 5:04 p.m.) Dr. Tyler noted that there has not been an increase in tuition and fees for approximately eight years. He provided a comparison with other institutions throughout the State. (Mr. Austin returned at 5:07 p.m.) Dr. Tyler noted that an increase in the general fee for out-of-state is not recommended because there has already been a fee increase for out-of-state and the goal is to remain competitive regarding out-of-state tuition. (Mrs. Flores stepped out at 5:10 p.m.) Mr. Schechter introduced the president of the United Student Council (USC) to address the Board. (Mrs. Flores returned at 5:13 p.m.) Mr. Adam Aguirre informed that the students requested transparency when fee increases are considered. He also asked that the students’ input be considered when fee increases are discussed. He noted the more information provided the more likely students will be acceptable to the increases. Mr. Aguirre apprised that the students were under the impression that a parking fee was going to be implemented to make up for the State shortfall and it appears deceitful to implement a parking fee without informing the students. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – April 14, 2011 - Page 3 (Ms. Mullins stepped out at 5:17 p.m.) Mr. Schechter informed that when meeting with the students, a parking fee was enclosed; however, the parking fee has been removed. He noted that the revised numbers were provided to the USC president. He noted that the suggestions from the students were taken into consideration. (Mrs. Flores returned at 5:19 p.m.) Vote on Motion as Amended – The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-3 with Mrs. Flores, Ms. Loredo and Mrs. Sane abstaining. ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION Mr. Schechter adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 5:22 p.m., notice having previously been given and reiterated in accordance with Sections 551.071, 551.072, and/or 551.074 of the Open Meetings Law. Mr. Schechter stated that any final action, vote or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Mr. Schechter reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 5:51 p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters. (Present: Trustees Austin, Flores, Loredo, Mullins, Perez, Oliver, Sane and Schechter) REAL ESTATE TRANSACTION LOCATED AT OR NEAR HIGHWAY 90 Motion – Mr. Oliver moved and Ms. Loredo seconded. Motion passed with vote of 80. Motion – Ms. Mullins moved to authorize Chancellor to negotiate the purchase of real estate in District VI. Mr. Oliver seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0. REAL ESTATE BROKER SERVICES (PROJECT #11-12) Motion – Mr. Oliver moved and Ms. Loredo seconded. Amended Motion - Mr. Oliver moved to amend to limit contract to one year. Mrs. Perez seconded. The motion to amend passed with a vote of 7-0-1 with Mr. Austin abstaining. Amended Motion - Mrs. Perez moved to choose among the first five rankings on a rotating basis and Mr. Oliver seconded. Mr. Rogelio Anasagasti, Executive Director Purchasing/Procurement Operations, noted that State statute requires that the negations are selected in order of the rankings. Mr. Dahse informed that the recommendation is two firms; however, the Board can expand to as many as desired. Mrs. Byas informed that a review would be Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – April 14, 2011 - Page 4 necessary if this is a best practice issue and noted that it should have been Stated when the RFP went out. Mrs. Perez informed that her amendment is to increase the negotiation to the first five firms on a rotating basis. Mrs. Byas noted that advice from general counsel is to accept the recommendation from administration. Mr. Anasagasti informed that the scores will be lower when you go further down the negation list. Mr. Austin noted that the purpose of the procurement law is completion and noted that if an individual did not qualify based on the evaluation, then that firm would not qualify regardless assuming every response was vetted. Mr. Oliver noted that Mrs. Perez amendment is requesting rotation. Amended Motion Withdrawn - Mrs. Perez withdrew the motion to amend. Mr. Oliver withdrew the seconded. Vote Amended Motion – Motion passed with vote of 8-0. JOB ORDER CONTRACTS (JOC) FOR FACILITIES MODIFICATION OR REPAIR (PROJECT #11-24) Motion – Mr. Oliver moved and Mrs. Perez seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-1 with Mrs. Flores abstaining. (Mr. Oliver and Ms. Mullins left at 6:08 p.m.) METHOD OF PROJECT DELIVERY FOR SAN JACINTO BUILDING RENOVATION CENTRAL COLLEGE Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Ms. Loredo seconded. The motion passed with vote of 6-0. PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS CENTRAL CAMPUS (PROJECT #11-26) Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Mrs. Perez seconded. The motion was withdrawn by Mr. Austin and Mrs. Perez. Mr. Schechter recommended that the item is placed on the agenda for the Regular meeting as a Topic for Discussion and/or Action. INVESTMENT REPORT FOR JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 2011 Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Ms. Perez seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – April 14, 2011 - Page 5 MONTHLY FINANCE REPORT FOR MARCH 2011 Motion – Mrs. Perez moved and Mrs. Sane seconded. Mr. Schechter informed that there was an inquiry regarding the credit rating of the college and informed that the ratings from Standard and Poor’s was provided to the Board. Mr. Schechter asked Dr. Tyler to provide an overview of the fund reserve. Dr. Tyler expounded that the fund balance has increased by 33% since August 31, 2007. He noted that the fund balance reduction was due to the State’s refund requirements. Mr. Austin inquired of the rating agency’s opine regarding the state and federal cuts by legislature. Mr. Clarence Grier informed that Texas is favorably evaluated in comparison to the other union states. (Mrs. Sane left at 6:17 p.m.) Dr. Tyler informed that the college was able to sustain its ratings in lieu of recent State fiscal condition. Dr. Tyler apprised that there has been a decrease in tax collection in comparison to last year’s collections partially due to valuations and the economy. He noted that the expenses are actually under the budgeted amount except for the case of full-time faculty. Mr. Austin inquired if a letter of explanation could be received from the County Tax Assessor’s office regarding the valuation. REPORT FROM APPOINTED COMMITTEES Ms. Loredo provided a report from the Academic Affairs/Student Services Committee meeting. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m. Recorded and Submitted by: Sharon R. Wright, Manager, Board Services Minutes Approved: