MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE September 16, 2010 Minutes The Board of Trustees of Houston Community College met as a Committee of the Whole on Thursday, September 16, 2010, at the HCC Administration Building, 2nd Floor, 3100 Main in Seminar Room A, Houston, Texas. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Dr. Michael P. Williams, Board Chair Neeta Sane, Vice Chair Sandie Mullins, Secretary Bruce Austin Yolanda Navarro Flores Eva Loredo Mary Ann Perez Richard Schechter ADMINISTRATION Mary S. Spangler, Chancellor Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor Renee Byas, General Counsel William Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Instruction Daniel Seymour, Vice Chancellor, Planning and Institution Effectiveness Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College Fena Garza, President, Southwest College William Harmon, President, Central College Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest Irene Porcarello, President, Southeast College Betty Young, President, Coleman College Willie Williams, Chief Human Resources Officer OTHERS PRESENT Jarvis Hollingsworth, Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani Alan Ainsworth, President, Faculty Senate Clarence Grier, Financial Advisor, RBC Capital Other administrators, citizens, and representatives of the news media CALL TO ORDER Dr. Williams called the meeting to order at 4:48 p.m. and declared the Committee convened to consider matters pertaining to Houston Community College as listed on the duly posted Meeting Notice. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – September 16, 2010 - Page 2 TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Mrs. Perez seconded to approve the following item as a consent agenda: • Capital Improvement Program Status Report • Construction Services Southeast College Workforce Building (Project #: 10-31) • Television Production Services (Project #: 10-26) • Investment Report for the Month of July 2010 • Monthly Finance Report for August 2010 Vote - The motion passed with a vote of 7-0. PROGRAM AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEARS 2011 AND 2012 SYSTEM-WIDE DEFERRED MAINTENANCE PROJECTS The item was pulled by administration. METHOD OF PROJECT DELIVERY FOR REMAINING INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS Motion - Mrs. Flores moved and Ms. Mullins seconded. Mrs. Flores asked for clarifications on the Blue Light items. Dr. Tyler provided an overview of the items considered as Blue Light items and apprised that administration is proposing that the Board adopt a method of competitive seal bid as the method for construction. Dr. Tyler mentioned that this would finalize the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and noted that additional items will be added on an as-needed basis. He noted that the only remaining CIP item is the Morales Building. (Mrs. Sane arrived at 5:01 p.m. / Mrs. Perez stepped out at 5:01 p.m.) Mrs. Flores inquired about the midtown improvements. Dr. Tyler noted that the college is a part of the midtown TIRZ and that the sidewalk improvements benefit Central College. Mr. Austin asked that a multi-motor transportation plan be developed for all the colleges that are in line with smart growth initiatives. Vote - Motion passed with vote of 7-0. ADULT EDUCATION AGREEMENT FOR INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES Motion – Mr. Schechter moved and Mrs. Sane seconded to approve. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – September 16, 2010 - Page 3 (Mrs. Perez returned at 5:03 p.m.) Dr. David Joost apprised that the grant is in conjunction with The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and provides an opportunity for students to enroll in adult education and job training simultaneously. Mr. Austin asked what relations the college has with Houston Works as it relates to the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) funding especially in the workforce area. Dr. Joost noted that the workforce training is accessed through WIA. Ms. Madeline Burrillo, Associate Vice Chancellor noted that Marshall McGee specifically works with the Work Source Centers and noted that over five hundred individuals were approved to receive AWA. She noted that the workforce financial aid advisors have a close working relationship with the Presidents. Dr. Williams requested a list of all programs that the college is collaborating with for dissemination to the Board. Mr. Schechter asked the term of the grant. Ms. Burrillo informed that the grant is one year for the recipient but the college will continue to receive the grant funds. Mrs. Flores asked how the college is doing in terms of proprietary schools. Ms. Burrillo informed that the college has established a strong working relationship with each of the entities. Vote – Motion passed with a vote of 7-0-1 with Mrs. Flores abstaining. TUITION AND FEES FOR NON-CREDIT CLASSES Motion – Mr. Schechter moved and Ms. Mullins seconded. Mr. Schechter asked about next year’s projections. Dr. Tyler noted that the non-credit classes were discounted conservatively. Vote - The motion passed with a vote of 6-1-1 with Ms. Mullins opposing and Mrs. Flores abstaining. LUMP SUM FUNDING FOR EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Ms. Mullins seconded. Mr. Schechter asked if the compensation would be treated as a one-time increase or will it be added to the base salaries. Dr. Tyler noted that it would be a one-time lump sum increase and will not be added to the base salary. He noted that it would be treated as an adjustment and accounted for in the 2009-2010 fiscal year budget. Ms. Mullins asked for the figure if administrators are pulled from the number. Mr. Willie Williams noted that there are seventy-three administrators and provided the breakdown. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – September 16, 2010 - Page 4 Dr. Williams asked how the lump sum amount is determined for each employee. Dr. Tyler noted that the amount is determined according to the individual’s salary portion of 1% of the entire payroll and noted that the average amount is $800. Mr. Williams noted that there is a prorate amount according to the start date of current full-time employees. Mr. Schechter asked that administration provide the figures based on the factors such as pulling out the administrators. He asked that the information be provided prior to the Regular meeting scheduled for Thursday, September 23, 2010. Ms. Loredo noted that consideration should be given to adjunct faculty. Mr. Austin associated with Ms. Loredo and noted that consideration could be given to adjunct faculty. Dr. Williams noted that administration should review a policy regarding adjunct for future references. Vote – The motion passed with a vote of 5-1-2 with Ms. Mullins opposing; Mrs. Sane and Flores abstained from the vote. INCREASE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 Motion – Mr. Schechter moved and Mrs. Perez seconded. Dr. Tyler provided an overview of developments that caused the budget increases. He noted that the possible solutions were reviewed with Mr. Schechter as appointed by the Board Chair. (Mr. Schechter stepped out at 5:30 p.m. and returned at 5:31 p.m.) The overview with possible recommendations was as follows: Problem • Estimated reduction in local tax revenue of $5.7 million • Received local tax rolls from Harris and Ft. Bend counties and completed 2010 tax calculations on September 6, 2010 • BASE funding year Solutions a. Budget Cuts i. ii. Savings from Maintenance contract which will be signed by November 2010 – $1 million Defer across the board pay increase decision from January 2011 to May 2011 ($2.5 million) b. Revenue Increases i. Growth should provide $3.8 million above original projections ii. $2.5 million from Spring and Summer semesters Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – September 16, 2010 - Page 5 iii. Qatar profits - $200,000 Needed Board Action a. Approve budget increase from $263.3 million to $269.5 million b. Approve increase in General Fee for students by $2.00 c. Defer across the board pay increase decision from January 2011 to May 2011 ($2.5 million) Dr. Williams requested a listing of what area colleges are doing. Ms. Loredo asked if students taking development courses pay the same fees and tuitions. Dr. Tyler apprised that they pay the same as a regular course. Ms. Loredo asked when the athletic fee was implemented. Dr. Tyler apprised that the fee was approved approximately two years ago. Ms. Loredo asked if the athletic fees are being diverted into a separate account. Dr. Tyler reference page 20 of the financial statement and noted that the colleges have utilized some of the funds for athletics purposes. Dr. Pino noted that some of the funds were disbursed based on requests from the colleges. Mr. Schechter asked for the expenditures regarding the athletic fee. Dr. Pino noted that the amount expended for FY’2009-10 was $160,000; however, there has not been an athletic program plan for disbursement of the funds. Dr. Pino noted that there are issues such as the facilities usage and noted that often teams reserve space at external facilities but they are bumped. Mrs. Sane requested a report that shows the revenues, expenses, and usage of funds. Dr. Williams requested that an overview of the plan be presented to the Board for review. Mrs. Sane noted that the athletic fee is set aside and noted that the funds should not be co-mingled. Dr. Tyler reiterated that the students requested that the athletic fee be assessed. Mr. Austin asked if anyone from administration has engaged in a discussion with Mr. Joe Turner with the City of Houston’s Park and Recreation regarding usage of the city facilities. Dr. Tyler noted that insurance coverage has to be considered as well regarding the athletic program. He noted that an athletic report would be provided in October for review by the Board. Ms. Mullins referenced the revenue to be received from Qatar for $200,000 and asked if the amount is accurate. Dr. Tyler noted that the $4.5 million is over a five-year period. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – September 16, 2010 - Page 6 He noted that the operation is still in the initial stages. He noted that lion’s share of the profit should be in 2012. Mrs. Flores requested a copy of the contract and report on the number of students. Dr. Williams noted that the contract is available in the General Counsel office for review; however, the contract will not be provided to the Board. Mrs. Flores noted that she is requesting that a copy be provided to her. Dr. Williams noted that a written request should be made. (Dr. Williams stepped out at 5:57 p.m. and Mrs. Sane presided) Dr. Tyler noted that the reserve is over the required amount by approximately 3% and noted that the amount could be considered for making up the difference. The Board discussed possible options for funding the increase. Mr. Schechter asked for clarification regarding capping growth at the colleges. Dr. Tyler noted that the colleges were asked to remain within the established guidelines and continue their growth efforts. Mr. Schechter reviewed the numbers and noted that $2.7 million is needed to close the budget gap and $2.5 million has been identified if salary increases are deferred from January to May 2011. Mr. Schechter noted that he is reluctant to approve the $2 fee when there is a $6 fee charged per student for athletics. (Mr. Austin stepped out at 6:05 p.m.) Dr. Tyler noted that the recommendation is to approve the budget increase and noted that he is not seeking a method from the Board regarding the means for funding the increase. He noted that there would be a reliability on growth to generate the revenues. Mr. Schechter requested information regarding the percentage of students receiving financial aid. (Mr. Austin returned at 6:12 p.m.) (Mrs. Flores stepped out at 6:12 p.m.) Vote – The motion failed with a vote of 4-1-1 with Ms. Mullins opposing and Ms. Loredo abstaining. Mrs. Sane recessed the meeting at 6:14 p.m. and reconvened at 6:21 p.m. (Present: Trustees Austin, Loredo, Mullins, Perez, Sane, Schechter, and Dr. Williams) Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – September 16, 2010 - Page 7 Motion – Mr. Schechter moved to increase the budget to $269,500.50. Mrs. Perez seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 5-1-1 with Ms. Mullins opposing and Ms. Loredo abstaining. REPORT FROM APPOINTED COMMITTEES The following reports were provided to the appointed committees: External Relations Ms. Mullins apprised that the External Relations Committee approved the contracts for both state and federal government relations services. Dr. Spangler apprised that there was a revision, however, relating to the term. Board Governance Mrs. Perez apprised that the Board Governance Committee reviewed and approved revisions to the Board bylaws and governance policies. ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION Dr. Williams adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 6:28 p.m., notice having previously been given and reiterated in accordance with Sections 551.071, 551.072, and/or 551.074 of the Open Meetings Law. Dr. Williams stated that any final action, vote or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Dr. Williams reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 8:14 p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters. (Present: Trustees Austin, Loredo, Mullins Perez, Sane, and Schechter) ADJOURNMENT With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m. Recorded by: Sharon R. Wright, Manager, Board Services Transcribed and submitted by: Sharon Wright, Manager, Board Services Minutes Approved: