February 21, 2008
The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System met as a
Committee of the Whole on Thursday, February 21, 2008, at the System
Administration Building, Second Floor Auditorium, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas.
Yolanda Navarro Flores, Chair
Bruce A. Austin, Vice Chair
Diane Olmos Guzman, Secretary
Abel Davila
Neeta Sane
Richard M. Schechter
Dr. Michael P. Williams
Mary Spangler, Chancellor
Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO
Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor
William Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology
Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor for Instruction
Irene Porcarello, Vice Chancellor, Student Success
Gloria Walker, Vice Chancellor, Finance & Administration
Fena Garza, President, Southeast College
Abe Bryant for Margaret Ford, President, Northeast College
William Harmon, President, Central College
Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College
Marsal Stoll, President, Coleman College
Willie Williams, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Dan Arguijo, Jr., Associate Vice Chancellor, Communications
Dan Seymour, Associate Vice Chancellor, CTCE
Mike Kyme, Executive Director, Procurement
Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani
Linda Koffel, President, Faculty Senate
Randhir Sahni, Architect, Llewelyn-Davies Sahni
Catherine Campbell, Yaffe|Deutser
Other administrators, citizens, and representatives of the news media
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Committee of the Whole – February 21, 2008 – Page 2
Mrs. Yolanda Navarro Flores, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:51 p.m. and
declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston
Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice.
Recommendation - Authorize the Chancellor to explore and identify potential
qualified business entities who shall assist in the fulfillment of the community's
request to build/maintain a multi-athletic/educational joint-use facilities at the
Willie Lee Gay Hall Campus.
Dr. Spangler apprised that the item is provided for information purposes as it
relates to pursuing public/private partnership opportunities at one of the colleges
and she apprised that administration would like to send out a letter of interest to
see the type of responses that may be received from private entities on ideas for
using Willie Lee Gay Hall.
Mrs. Sane asked if there could be letters of interest for the other colleges. She
apprised that she received a plan from Southwest College referencing
approximately 13 acres of land available at the Stafford campus that could be
utilized for football, soccer, etc. She asked why the letter of interest was
restricted to the Willie Lee Gay only.
Dr. Spangler noted that it was not intended to restrict the letter of interest to one
college and apprised that it would be appropriate to list all sites if there are
possibilities. She noted that the partnership should be viewed in respect to how
it advances the college’s mission.
Mrs. Sane asked if the athletics feasibility study completed last year would be
taken into consideration when sending the letters of interest. Dr. Spangler
apprised that the administration would consider the study when sending out the
letters of interest.
Mr. Austin provided a copy of the comparative analysis of what other educational
institutions are doing. He noted that his concern is whether the strategic
parameters would continue to be reviewed. He asked should the strategic plan
be shared with competitors.
Dr. Spangler noted that she understands the ideal of holding information close in
a protective sense; however, the circulation also allows for input that could be
Mr. Schechter requested that there is a review of long-range plans before
releasing properties.
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Mrs. Guzman stated that she asked for the methodology reporting item to be
placed on the agenda because it is an issue that is currently being discussed.
She noted that there should a process for providing the status of projects and
noted that it would be a systematic way for introducing and expanding the
Mrs. Guzman noted a tool must be utilized as a reporting mechanism, and she
requested that the Board discuss the item in the future.
Mrs. Flores recommended streamlining the information and providing a summary
of the input.
Mrs. Guzman recommended the appointment of an Ad Hoc committee to review
the methodology.
Mr. Davila recommended reviewing technology for real time reports from all the
Dr. Tyler provided a spreadsheet on the projects status that included a review of
the original completion date, construction start date, current completion date,
percentage of completion, percentage spending, estimated total cost in 2006,
current projected cost, type of funding and unfunded amount.
Dr. Tyler requested the input from the Board as to what they would like to see
included in the report.
(Mrs. Flores stepped out at 5:21 p.m.)
Dr. Tyler mentioned that it is anticipated to finalize the plan over the next couple
of weeks.
Mrs. Walker noted that there are concerns on the issuance side and noted that
her recommendation would be to go out for the market earlier because it would
be safer to have funds now. She also noted that the insurance rates are not
going to get better and the rates received last week allow for a strong financial
(Mrs. Flores returned at 5:25 p.m.)
Mrs. Sane referenced to the investment report and asked if the $32 million could
be pulled from these funds. Mrs. Walker apprised that those funds are
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Mr. Schechter mentioned that the $32 million is related to projects that are not
included in the current CIP projects. He referred to Mrs. Guzman’s approach to
project management that would allow for planning.
(Dr. Williams stepped out at 5:31 p.m.)
Mr. Austin apprised that there were many projects on the CIP and the review of
the projects was conducted to determine what projects were feasible. Mr. Austin
apprised that if that is the case, Mrs. Guzman is referring to project planning and
not project management.
Mr. Davila mentioned that the experts should be allowed to create a plan for the
Board’s review. Mr. Schechter noted that every project outside the CIP will come
from the bottom line and thereby reducing the investment in the student learning.
Mr. Austin noted that enrollment is the critical factor as previously discussed by
the Board. He noted that there must be a means to determine how to increase
Mrs. Guzman noted that the issue is not just project management but it includes
program management as well.
(Dr. Williams returned at 5:38 p.m.)
Dr. Tyler noted that a future presentation will provide key assumptions. He
stated that administration must know if the information presented provides the
summary of information desired.
Mr. Davila requested to see the information on-line with more details on how the
projects are progressing.
Mrs. Schechter requested that the information be in a larger print. He also
requested that the college be listed at the top of the report. He asked how the
original date was determined. Dr. Tyler informed that the original date was
determined from the information provided by the architect when the process was
initiated. Mr. Schechter mentioned that the finish dates are aligned with the
dates provided in 2006.
Mr. Davila noted that the CIP project would be a learning curve for the Board;
therefore, we should proceed with fixing the problem to avoid the same issues in
future projects.
(Mr. Davila stepped out at 5:49 p.m.)
Mrs. Guzman requested a report that shows deliverables, changes, and reasons
for the changes.
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Dr. Williams asked who is on the in-house team assisting with the CIP. Dr. Tyler
noted that Reynaldo Pradia is the oversight for the CIP.
(Mr. Davila returned at 5:51 p.m.)
Mr. Schechter noted that he is only concerned with when the project was
scheduled to be completed, if there is additional cost associated, and anticipated
date for completion.
Mrs. Flores mentioned that she is concerned for the cost overruns and who is
responsible. She commended Dr. Tyler for apprising that he is monitoring the
projects more closely.
Dr. Williams apprised that there are various reasons for the delay in the projects
including external factors.
The Facilities meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
Mrs. Flores recessed the meeting at 6:01 p.m.
Mrs. Flores reconvened the meeting at 6:16 p.m.
(Present: Trustees Austin, Flores, Guzman, Sane, Schechter, Williams, and
Mrs. Flores requested the Board to review the finance agenda and suggest that
the items be discussed as a consent agenda.
Mr. Austin moved and Dr. Williams seconded to move the items as a consent
agenda. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0. The following items were
approved for the consent agenda:
Extension of General Counsel Consulting Services with Feldman, Rogers,
Morris, & Grover, LLP
Restrictions of Credit Card Marketing on College Campuses
Change in Investment Policy
Investment Report for the Month of December 2007
Donation of Cisco Equipment to the Cisco Academy
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Committee of the Whole – February 21, 2008 – Page 6
Recommendation – Authorize the Chancellor to approve and execute change
orders identified on the attached lists of contracts in order to complete projects.
Additionally, authorize the Chancellor to negotiate and approve future change
orders to guarantee maximum price contracts that are accepted by the
administration from the general contractors. This action will expedite the
completion of construction for the remaining CIP to the extent of available project
Dr. Tyler informed that there was an historical underground issue and noted that
it was not the fault of anyone in particular.
Mrs. Guzman asked if there is documentation of lessons learned for future
(Dr. Williams stepped out at 6:24 p.m.)
Vote – The item passed with a vote of 6-0.
(Dr. Williams returned at 6:27 p.m.)
Mrs. Flores asked if the Board desired to review items 10 and 11.
Mr. Austin requested to that Dr. Cook is allowed to announce information on the
request to submit the names for honorary degree nominations.
The Board concluded that nominations should be submitted by Friday, March 7,
Dr. Tyler provided information relating to the improvement of the financial aid.
He commended the financial aid team on their efforts of doing an excellent job.
With no further actions coming before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 6:32
Minutes recorded, transcribed, & submitted by:
Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services
Minutes Approved as Submitted: