April 20, 2006
The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Meeting of the
Marketing Committee on Thursday, April 20, 2006, at the System Administration
Building, Seminar Room A, Second Floor, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas.
Yolanda Navarro Flores – Committee Chair
Diane Olmos Guzman
Bruce A. Austin
Bruce H. Leslie, Chancellor
Doretha Eason, Deputy to the Chancellor
Irene Porcarello, Vice Chancellor, Student Success
Fena Garza, President, Southeast College
Cheryl Peters for William Harmon, President, Central College
Butch Herod for Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College
Carole Keeney Harrington, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor, Communications
Miles LeBlanc, General Counsel
Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani
Brad Duetser, Yaffe/Deutser
David Wilcox, President, Faculty Senate
Other administrators, citizens, and representatives of the news media
Mrs. Flores called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. and declared the Committee
convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as
listed on the duly posted Meeting Notice.
Irene Porcarello and Carole Keeney presented an overview of the Comprehensive
Marketing Plan for the College. Ms. Porcarello informed that this is the first
comprehensive plan for the college.
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Dr. Leslie informed that two studies are presently underway for the college: (1) Brad
Deutser will present a study on the demographics and (2) John Murray is working on a
study that was requested by the Board in March 2006.
Mrs. Flores noted that the marketing efforts need to communicate a comfort level
between the students and community college so that people can feel the comfort and she
also noted that the stakeholders’ input is vital. Mrs. Guzman stated that the message
should be derived from the response that the customers provided from the surveys.
Ms. Carole Keeney noted that she is working with Institutional Research to incorporate a
website so that students can provide comments. She noted that it has also been
recommended to use the Trustees newsletter database to conduct a survey as well as the
community leaders’ survey.
Mrs. Guzman noted that while attending classes at HCC, the surveys were frowned upon
by the students, but she emphasized to them how important it was to complete the survey.
She noted that it may, therefore, be more beneficial to bring the students and the
community together as a focus group as opposed to sending the survey to the various
campuses. She also recommended having the surveys available at focus group meetings
so they can be completed at the time of the meeting.
Ms. Keeney informed that the media focus will be on radio and some television. Mrs.
Flores asked what is being done to increase the numbers for the summer enrollment. Ms.
Keeney informed that the College is using mail-outs, college newspapers, and HCC/TV
(“What's Hot” and “Si Se Puede”). She also noted that since summer hours count for the
spring, there needs to be an aggressive effort.
Mrs. Flores acknowledged the public relations representatives from Northeast,
Northwest, and Southeast Colleges. Southwest did not have a representative present.
Central College and Coleman College PR positions are vacant.
Brad Deutser presented an overview of the brand campaign.
Mrs. Guzman asked if this survey effort was a part of Yaffe/Deutser's contract. She noted
that her reason for emphasizing the stakeholders was because they are in our
communities and would like to see the marketing efforts capture testimonies from parents
and students that say "thank you" for what HCC has done in their lives.
Brad Deutser noted that the website needs to be the area to capture these types of
comments and postcards as a direct mail outlet where students can tell their story. He
acknowledged that a better job of connecting to the parents of the students with success
stories needs to be implemented.
Mr. Deutser stated that brand samples for the campaign entailed research in community
and working with public relations directors. He noted that the research information is
critical for the brand message. The main message of the campaign is “Student Success”;
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therefore, the brand must convey the same message. The position line for the brand is
"Own Your Tomorrow". He noted that the external message will be a way to visually
connect to the brand and convey the message using media such as: television, print,
outdoor, and bi-lingual translation. Mr. Deutser also informed that the internal
constituency is imperative to the brand campaign and recommends that the Chancellor
send monthly messages to employees using paycheck stuffers, as well as utilizing the
College Presidents to convey the message.
Mrs. Flores mentioned that there is something lacking from the sample presented by
Yaffe/Duetser and noted that the Board asked for several messages to review; however,
Yaffe/Deutser only brought one, which concerns her since the request was made at the
last Marketing Committee meeting. She further noted to Mr. Duetser that when the
Board asks or instructs for something to be done, it is imperative to address the request.
Mr. Duetser mentioned that four campaigns samples were discussed internally. Mrs.
Flores stated that these samples should have been brought to the Board. She also stated
that there is concern as it relates to the timelines and benchmarks set to address retention
and recruiting efforts.
(Mr. Austin arrived at 2:10 p.m.)
Mrs. Flores asked that the samples be provided to the Board. Mr. Duetser presented
drafts of the other samples that were presented internally which included: (1) HCC
Works, (2) HCC, You Can Succeed 3) HCC Gets You There, and (4) Own Your
Tomorrow. Mr. Duetser noted that all four brands were tested with approximately
seventy-five individuals who were randomly selected at the mall and airport between
ages of 20-35 and reside in the city. Overwhelmingly, the “Own Your Tomorrow”
campaign resonated as the one of choice with the people randomly surveyed.
Mr. Austin asked what message we really want the people to receive because if we are
constantly changing the people will precede that we are fickle.
Trustee Flores mentioned that she would like to see success included, and if using “Own
Your Tomorrow”, it must equate to student success. Mr. Duetser agreed to create a
packet to forward to the Board that will depict the executions and how “Success” is
articulated in everything for the campaign.
Mrs. Flores asked whether there are benchmarks for the recruitment and retention student
enrollment efforts. Dr. Leslie informed that he has met with the College Presidents and
there a specific targets relating to the penetration rates. The deadline for providing the
requested information is May 1st.
Mrs. Guzman asked if the values for the messages are being used with the Values/Ethics
project. Mrs. Guzman recommended that a values study is completed separately from the
marketing campaign so that the annexation and brand message in succinct (complete a
Request for Proposal for a values study analysis).
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Mr. Deutser noted that the value study purpose is to understand the drive value and
satisfaction for those persons who will likely attend a community college. Mr. Austin
asked if it would be a stratified random process because communities of interest have
already been identified through the cohort data previously presented. Mrs. Guzman
requested the results of the extrapolated data that was presented. Mr. Austin stated that
the community of interests should be defined and noted that if a GIS system is in place,
this information will be more easily available. Dr. Leslie noted that a zip code data
project is underway that will provide data such as ethnicity, age, and education.
Mrs. Flores noted that she is still waiting on zip code data requested several months ago
as it relates to District I.
Committee discussed the cost for completing the value study analysis. Mrs. Guzman
stated that the median for completing the analysis should be approximately $50,000. Dr.
Leslie agreed that the studies should be completed for $50,000 or $55,000.
Trustee Guzman motioned that a values study analysis is completed as an RFP. Mr.
Austin seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0.
The meeting adjourned at 2:41 p.m.
Minutes Recorded, transcribed, and submitted by:
Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative
Assistant, Board Services
Minutes Approved as Submitted: