REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM December 9, 2004 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on Thursday, December 9, 2004, at the System Administration Building, Second Floor Auditorium, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Herman Litt, Chair Michael P. Williams, D.Min., Vice Chairman Yolanda Navarro Flores, Secretary Diane Olmos Guzman, Deputy Secretary Jay K. Aiyer Bruce A. Austin Abel Davila James R. Murphy Christopher W. Oliver ADMINISTRATION Bruce H. Leslie, Chancellor Doretha Eason, Interim Deputy to the Chancellor Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Educational Development Irene Porcarello, Interim Vice Chancellor, Institutional Development Jose Villarreal, Vice Chancellor, Economic Development Gloria Walker, Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration Sue Cox, President, Southwest College Margaret Ford, President, Northeast College Fena Garza, President, Southeast College Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College Patricia Williamson, Interim President, Central College Rosie Barrera, Associate Vice Chancellor, Communications & Marketing Willie Williams, Interim Executive Director, Human Resources Miles LeBlanc, General Counsel OTHERS PRESENT Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Patterson Mike Edwards, President, Faculty Association Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media Houston Community College System Regular Board Meeting – December 9, 2004 – Page 2 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Litt called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice. PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. Oliver led the prayer and pledge of allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion – Dr. Williams moved approval of the minutes of the Special Meeting of October 11, 2004; meeting of the Committee of the Whole of October 21, 2004; Special Meeting of October 28, 2004; Regular Meeting of October 28, 2004; Special Meeting of October 29-30, 2004; and the meeting of the Committee of the Whole of November 18, 2004. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0. (Trustee Aiyer had not yet arrived) ITEMS APPROVED BY COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE The following items were approved by the Committee of the Whole on November 18, 2004: • Restructure and Extension of Lease of Pros Revenue Management at 3100 Main • Engineering Service Agreement for Stafford METV • Adult Education TANF Funded Subcontracts for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 • Policy Revision on Naming HCCS Facilities • Establishment of Heritage Rooms at HCCS • Library Automation System Upgrade • Extension of State and Local Government Relations Contract with Locke Liddell & Sapp, LLP • Appointment of William W. Harmon, Ph.D. as President of Central College and Orfelina G. Garza, Ph.D. as President of Southeast College • Separation of HCC-Coleman College for Health Sciences from HCC-Southeast College and Appointment of President and Chief Operating Officer STATE LEGISLATIVE REPORT Robert Miller and Paul Colbert reported on the status of the state legislative agenda. The Chancellor reported that Trustee Aiyer, chairman of the Legal/Legislative Committee, recommended that the Committee be utilized during the course of the 79th legislative session as a vehicle to examine legislation of interest to the Board and bring bills to the Trustees for discussion. Houston Community College System Regular Board Meeting – December 9, 2004 – Page 3 House Bill 113, filed by Rep. Martha Wong, would require personal financial disclosures to be filed by Boards of Trustees and would require registration by persons seeking to influence administration action of the board and activities reports to be filed by those so registered. Representative Callegari plans to introduce legislation to remove the ability of the college to annex by a district-wide vote. Mr. Colbert stated there were a number of concerns he would address with the Senator. Three pieces of legislation, which were introduced in the last session, would be resubmitted. This would include bills to enable HCCS to annex the Houston portion of Ft. Bend County, to amend the statute that created HCCS to allow board elections to occur in their normal pattern following annexation and to define Missouri City as part of the Board’s service area. The consultants recommended amending the appropriations request so that if territory were annexed over the next two years and new campuses developed as a result of that process, HCCS would receive a contingency appropriation. (Mr. Aiyer arrived at 4:58 p.m.) Other issues included tuition flexibility, appropriations for the Public Safety Institute, health insurance for trustees, continuing education for trustees and legislation requiring all areas of the state to be designated as part of a taxing district of community colleges. There was consensus to move forward with legislation requiring continuing education for Trustees. The consultants sought direction from the Trustees on how they wished to receive legislative reports and provide feedback. The Trustees directed the consultants to make the acquisition of the Drennan property a high priority in the coming year. PROGRAMMING AND COMBINING OF BUILDINGS REAFFIRMED FOR NORTHEAST AND SOUTHEAST COLLEGES Motion – Ms. Navarro Flores made a motion to combine the following CIP projects in order to ensure efficient design, programming and construction in order to maximize utilization of the facilities: ÿ Southwest College – Stafford – Learning Hub (90,000 sq. ft.) and Classroom Building (30,000 sq. ft.) ÿ Central College – Learning Hub (90,000 sq. ft.) and Science Building (30,000 sq. ft) Affirm the following: ÿ Northeast College – Learning Hub (90,000 sq. ft) will be programmed for the Northeast Campus as originally planned. ÿ Southeast College – Technology Building (65,000 sq. ft.) will be programmed and combined with the Early College and will be located on the Drennan property. Houston Community College System Regular Board Meeting – December 9, 2004 – Page 4 Additional recommendations included: ÿ Discipline the initial building programs to the square foot size originally planned ÿ Develop preliminary construction and cost estimates ÿ Develop individual cost/benefit strategies after the first two items are completed and preliminary scope and cost data obtained. Ms. Olmos Guzman seconded the motion. Terry Phillips with the facilities space programming team explained that combining multiple buildings into one building would be more cost effective from an operational standpoint and would enhance the functionality of the building. Several trustees expressed the need for more precise projections as to the amount of money and time that would be saved by combining buildings. The team responded to questions from the Board Members and concerns about making changes to the approved capital improvement plan. Mr. Mesta explained that the only change would be combining two buildings into one at the Southwest and Central Colleges with the same programming as originally planned. Administration will seek an opinion from bond counsel on the Ms. Navarro Flores withdrew her original motion and Ms. Olmos Guzman withdrew the second. Motion - Mr. Davila made a motion to reaffirm the Board’s commitment to the Northeast College as stated in the agenda item and to Southeast College with the modification of the Multi-Purpose Center added to the Early College. Ms. Navarro Flores seconded the motion. Motion carried 9-0. Administration was directed to seek an opinion from bond counsel on whether the recommendations were in compliance with the bond covenant. Motion – Dr. Williams made a motion to table discussion. Mr. Oliver seconded the motion. Motion carried 9-0. Mr. Litt announced that a special meeting would be called for further discussion of the matter. AWARDS, PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS Dual Credit Presentation – Dr. Anne McClellan, principal of the Challenge Early High School at the West Loop Campus, reported on the success of the dual credit program. She introduced students Richard Peavey, Daisy Lagunas, and Justin Fuentes who relayed their personal success stories with the Early College program. Resolution for Juan Diaz – The Chancellor read a Resolution recognizing Juan Diaz, world lightweight boxing champion and HCC student. Trustee Oliver, who spearheaded adoption of the resolution, joined the Chancellor in presenting the resolution to Mr. Diaz. At age 19, he became the youngest world champion in boxing and the youngest world lightweight champion in over 30 years. Mr. Diaz is preparing for a career as a builder Houston Community College System Regular Board Meeting – December 9, 2004 – Page 5 and contractor through HCCS' construction trades program and is majoring in pre-law at the University of Houston. CHANCELLOR’S REPORT Monthly Financial Report – Ms. Walker distributed the financial report for the month ending October 31, 2004. Revenue through October totaled $41,988,508, 2.82% above last year, and expenses were $33,922,694, 2.23% lower than the same time last year. Projections indicate that the fiscal year will end on plan. Mr. Murphy asked that Ms. Walker add a comparison of budget performance for current and prior year to the monthly report. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED OR EXECUTIVE SESSION Chairman Litt adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 5:57 p.m., notice having previously been given and reiterated by him in accordance with Sections 551.071 of the Open Meetings Law. He stated that any final action, vote or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. He reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 7:15 p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters. Present were Trustees Oliver, Davila, Litt, Williams Murphy, Austin and Guzman AUDITED ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT APPROVED Motion – Mr. Murphy moved approval of the audited Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2004, as prepared by the auditing firm of McConnell Jones Lanier & Murphy, LLP. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. (Mr. Oliver left the meeting at 7:18 p.m.) Wayne McConnell, Managing Partner, reported no significant difficulties in the firm’s engagement. He advised that basic financial statements as a whole and audits relating to internal controls over financial reporting and compliance with major programs received clean reports. Motion carried 6-0 (Trustees Aiyer, Navarro Flores and Davila had left the meeting). TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION Motion – Mr. Austin made a motion to approve Items A.10, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16 by consent. Dr. Williams seconded the motion. The following items were approved: • Approved the purchase of instructional materials and supplies from the International Pipe Trades Joint Training Committee for the Plumbers Apprenticeship Program, in an amount not to exceed $35,901.60; Houston Community College System Regular Board Meeting – December 9, 2004 – Page 6 • Authorized the Chancellor to negotiate a contract with Verizon to provide maintenance and system support of the Nortel meridian Option 81C Telecommunications System and ancillary switch equipment for the period December 1, 20004 through August 31, 2005, at a cost not to exceed $131,060.08; • Approved payment to Bracewell & Patterson for professional services rendered for the period through October 31, 2004 and the period November 1, 2004 through November 30, 2004, in the amount of $73,740.64; • Approved the Investment Report for the month of October 2004; • Approved the purchase of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) initial and continuing education equipment of two SimMan Patient Simulators and Mega Code Kelly VitaSim Advanced from Laerdal Medical Corporation for a total of $59,281.79; and • Authorized the Chancellor to negotiate and execute revenue-generating contracts with Canteen Vending to provide full vending services (excluding coffee) and Jay’s Beverages for coffee services to HCCS. DISCUSSION OF PARKING MANAGEMENT AND GENERATION OF ADDITIONAL REVENUE TABLED FOR JANUARY MEETING Mr. Murphy requested that the item be considered in a future meeting pending the Board’s receipt of information he previously requested regarding revenue from the bond to come from parking and a survey of midtown parking rates. He stated he would forward additional questions to the Chancellor. REVIEW OF PROPOSED HUMAN RESOURCES POLICIES The Chancellor sought direction from the Board on whether they wished to review the human resources policies as a Committee of the Whole or in the Board Operations Committee. There was consensus to review the policies in the Board Operations Committee. AMENDED ETHICS RESOLUTION ADOPTED Motion – Dr. Williams made a motion to adopt the HCCS Ethics Resolution, amending the resolution adopted by the Board on October 28, 2004. Mr. Austin explained the clause clarifying prohibited communications regarding invitations for bids, RFPs, RFQs, employment applications or other solicitations. The Trustees expressed appreciation to Mr. Austin for drafting the ethics resolution. Mr. Austin seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. PAYMENT TO FELDMAN & ROGERS FOR POLICY CONSULTANT SERVICES APPROVED Motion – Dr. Williams made a motion authorizing the Chancellor to expend up to $125,000 for payment to Carolyn Hanahan, Attorney at Law, Feldman & Rogers, LLP, Houston Community College System Regular Board Meeting – December 9, 2004 – Page 7 for professional policy consultant services to be rendered at a reduced attorney fee rate of $205.00/hour. Mr. Austin seconded the motion. Mr. Murphy expressed concern over the cost of the policy revision project. Dr. Leslie explained that the initial phase of the project was headed by another consultant. That relationship was terminated when the project became too costly. Ms. Hanahan was then brought on and the project has moved forward in a timely manner. The final phase of the project will be the Board’s review of the policies and the length of that phase will depend upon how much time the Board needs to complete the review. Ms. Hanahan will advise the Trustees during this phase. Mr. LeBlanc reported that the previous consultant was paid $171,000 and Feldman & Rogers has received $4,274 so far. Motion carried 6-0. PERSONNEL AGENDA APPROVED AS SUBMITTED Motion – Mr. Murphy moved approval of the Personnel Agenda as submitted. Dr. Williams seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. Mr. Murphy congratulated the two newly-appointed presidents, Dr. Fena Garza, Southeast College, and Dr. William Harmon, Central College. Mr. Litt expressed appreciation to Bob Barringer, search consultant, and to members of the search committee for their efforts in the selection process. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:49 p.m. DINNER Following adjournment, the Board of Trustees met for dinner in the Chancellor’s Conference Room on the 12th floor, where they may discuss System business but will not take action on such business. Minutes Prepared by: Linda Gray, Board Services Reviewed and Submitted by: Yolanda Navarro Flores, Secretary Board of Trustees Minutes Approved as Submitted: February 24, 2005