Access to Internships Terms and Conditions

Access to Internships Terms and Conditions
Placement Provision
 Provide the Internship Placement described in the Internship Agreement, including where
applicable, job description; working hours; remuneration; holiday allowance; benefits;
absence pay; flexible working arrangements; and pension scheme if applicable.
 Provide a Contract of Employment, and in doing so, must ensure Interns are directly
employed by the Company and are not responsible for their own on costs to HRMC - tax
and/or National Insurance Contributions (i.e. Interns are not regarded as self-employed.)
 Before undertaking the role the Intern will be notified of all policies, rules and procedures
operated by the Company and shall (if required by the Intern and/or University) undertake
such training with the Intern as is required to ensure that the Intern is able to comply with
such policies, rules and procedures.
 SMART objectives will be set, reviewed and evaluated through the course of the Internship
 Provide the facilities and equipment needed to enable the Intern to undertake the job.
 Comply with anti-discrimination law and promote equal opportunities within the Company;
including interviewing all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for the job
vacancy and consider them on their abilities.
Health and Safety
 Accepts responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of the Intern and will provide the
Intern with a health and safety briefing and any necessary training, a copy of any health and
safety policy or guidance, and any necessary protective clothing or equipment at the
commencement of the Internship Placement.
 Completes, with assistance from the Intern, where necessary and requested by the
University, a Risk Assessment detailing any potential hazards to the Intern, and make all
efforts to minimise and/or eliminate such hazards.
 Undertake, with the Intern, within two weeks of commencement, an Internship Induction
Checklist detailing basic Health and Safety Procedures; and will return this document to the
University Employment Services.
 Notify University of any issues of a disciplinary, health and safety, or other nature arising in
respect to the Intern and/or the Internship Placement.
Training and Support
 Recognises this Internship Placement is providing a fundamental part of the Intern’s career
development; and will use its best endeavours to provide a valuable, constructive, Internship
 Ensure that the Line Manager is generally available to support the Intern during the
Internship Placement to deal with any concerns and/or enquiries that the Intern may have in
respect to the Internship Placement.
 Take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Intern has adequate guidance and supervision
during the Placement.
Insurance and Liability
 That it holds adequate Employer’s Liability and Public Liability and, where necessary,
Professional Indemnity insurance to cover the Intern and any potential loss or liability, and
will provide a copy of the insurance policy on request to the University.
 Will not require the Intern to partake in any activity that will not be covered by Employer’s
Liability, Public Liability and /or Public Liability insurance.
 The Company will be entirely responsible for the use to which it puts the Intern’s
contributions, any information or material created by the Intern, during the Internship
 The Company shall (during and after termination of the Internship Placement) indemnify all
its contractual partners against all losses, claims, damages, costs, and expenses and any
other liabilities arising directly or indirectly as a result of or in connection with any act or
omission of the Intern or the Company whilst participating in this Internship Placement, and
against all damages, losses, costs and expenses for which the University may be liable as a
result of death/bodily injury to the Intern or any other person and/or damage to property
arising out of any negligent act or omission of the Company, its servants and agents.
Confidentiality and Data Protection
 Keep any personal data on the Intern disclosed to it secure, and only use such data for the
purposes of administering the Internship Placement.
 Define to the Intern the information it considers to be confidential upon the disclosure of that
information (“Confidential Information”)
 Shall notify the Intern of the ongoing duty of confidentiality at the end of Internship Placement
 Shall pay the agreed wage in full, on an agreed regular payday i.e. monthly or weekly.
 Will pay the on-costs to HMRC.
 If the Intern is working for the Company over a year, the Company will agree to review the
Intern’s pay, taking into account any rise in the cost of living.
 The Company will pay for the Intern’s travel, subsistence and expenses wholly, exclusive
and necessarily incurred in the course of the Company’s business.
 The Company will invoice the University for the agreed Access to Internship Subsidy once
the Internship Placement has commenced, and the signed Internship Agreement has been
received by Employment Services.
 Provide University with an evaluation report or case study form, providing a general overview
of the work undertaken by the Intern during the Internship Placement and any concerns
and/or praise as to the Intern and their standard of work and/or knowledge, at the end of the
Internship Placement.
 See All Partners’ Obligations below
Placement Provision
 Use his/her best endeavours to achieve the Internship Placement objectives, take
responsibility for his/her work.
 Follow the policies, rules and procedures operated by the Company.
 Not do anything, which may bring the University and/or the Company into disrepute.
 Keep the University contact (Employer Liaison Officer) informed of any changes or issues
with the Internship Placement.
 Only use facilities and equipment (including computer equipment) that are provided
specifically for carrying out the Internship Placement by the Company.
Health and Safety
 Abide by all rules regarding Health and Safety requirements, and other policies and
procedures of the Company.
 Complete a Risk Assessment of the Internship Placement if requested by the University.
 Notify the University and the Company in advance of any matter, which is likely to affect
him/her and the undertaking of the Internship Placement including any special health or
medical requirements.
 Take care of his/her own health and safety and that of his colleagues during the Internship
Training and Support
 The Intern is to read the “How to Get the Most Out of Your Placement” Pack provided by
Employment Services.
Insurance and Liability
 The Intern has or will arrange adequate motor insurance for travel, should it be required,
during work hours.
Confidentiality and Data Protection
 Agrees that the Company and University are authorised to disclose to each other any
information, including sensitive personal data, for the purposes of the Data Protection Act
1998, relating to his/her participation in the Internship Placement.
 Where the University or the Intern receives information from the Company, which the
Company specifically designates to be confidential prior to the disclosure, whether in tangible
or visible form, or whether communicated orally, such information shall be treated by the
Intern and the University as Confidential Information.
 Maintain the Confidential Information in strict confidence and, as provided herein, will not
disclose Confidential Information to any third party.
 Will not use, except for the purpose for which it was intended, any Confidential Information
which comes into their possession, custody or control, concerning the Company.
 Acknowledges and accepts that s/he will duly pay the tax and National Insurance
contributions, which are due, whether in the United Kingdom in relation to the payments to
be made to him/her by the University.
 Complete the either the Evaluation Form or Case Study Form at the end of the Internship
 See All Partners obligations below.
Health and Safety
 Provide information to the Intern on general Health and Safety issues prior to their Internship
 Request, if deemed necessary, a Risk Assessment for the Internship Placement; and assess
the nature of the Internship Placement in accordance with the outcome, detailing any
improvements to minimise or eliminate potential risks to the Intern during the Internship
 Provide the Company with the Internship Induction Checklist, detailing basic Health and
Placement Provision
 If requested or deemed necessary, University’s Employer Liaison Officer, will visit the
Company during the Internship Placement (at times and dates to be agreed between the
Parties) to monitor and evaluate the Internship Placement (particularly in terms of the Intern’s
health, safety and welfare) and the Intern’s progress. The University will, upon request,
provide a copy of any subsequent report to the Company and/or the Intern.
 Deal with all concerns, problems and complaints raised by the Company and/or the Intern in
respect of the Internship Placement in a prompt manner.
Training and Support
 Provide the Intern with “Get the Most Out of your Placement” pack.
 The Employer Liaison Officer is available to provide support to the Intern, on request, to
support the success of the Internship Placement.
 The Employer Liaison Officer is available, and will, provide additional support needs if
requested by the Intern regarding difficulties during the Internship Placement as posed by
pre-existing disabilities and/or special requirements.
 The Employer Liaison Officer is available to provide support to the Company, on request, to
support the success of the Internship Placement.
The University agrees to pay the approved Access to Internships Subsidy once the
Internship Placement has commenced and within 30 days of invoice by the Company,
dependent on the signed Internship Agreement being received by Employment Services.
Insurance and Liability
 The University shall not be liable to the Company, Intern or any third party for any damage or
loss, costs, expenses or other claims for compensation which arise out of the Intern’s or
Company’s participation in this Internship Placement scheme, including, without limitation,
any liability for the provision of adequate health and safety instruction, equipment and
 No warranty condition or representation of any kind is made, given or to be implied as to the
sufficiency, accuracy, or fitness for purpose of any information or materials that the University
contributes to the Internship Placement or to any information or material created by the Intern
during the Internship Placement. The Company will be entirely responsible for the use to
which it puts such information and materials.
 If the Intern or Company should terminate the Internship Placement before the agreed
termination date as outlined in the Internship Agreement, Employment Services shall provide
reasonable assistance, but are not obligated, to provide a replacement Intern, and if
applicable, are not obligated to reimburse management fees.
Confidentiality and Data Protection
 Employment Services will keep any personal data on the Intern disclosed to it secure, and
only use it for the purposes of administering the Internship Placement.
 The University shall not be liable for any breach of confidentiality by the Intern arising from
the Internship Placement.
 See All Partners Obligations below
 Where the University or the Intern receives information from the Company, which the
Company specifically designates to be confidential prior to the disclosure, whether in tangible
or visible form, or whether communicated orally, such information shall be treated by the
Intern and the University as Confidential Information.
 All Parties shall use all reasonable endeavours to procure that the Confidential Information
be kept confidential, and will not disclose the same to any other person who is not a Party to
this Internship Agreement without prior written consent from the relevant Party in each case
except to the extent that it is reasonably necessary in or for the purposes of the exercise of
the rights and licences granted to it pursuant to this Internship Agreement.
 Will not use, except for the purpose for which it was intended, any Confidential Information
which comes into their possession, custody or control, concerning the Company.
Intellectual Property:
 If the Intern feels that he/she has in the course of the Internship Placement created or
designed anything that is truly novel or original that is being or may be put to use by the
Company, or that he/she has made any other outstanding contribution or achievement,
he/she shall point this out to the Company and the University as soon as possible.
 If the Intern has not been rewarded (or feels insufficiently rewarded) by the Company, he/she
may involve the University who may, upon their decision, contact the Company on his/her
behalf to further the negotiations.
 The University will assist, where necessary, in the furtherance of negotiating a suitable
reward for the Intern.
 In the course of the Internship Placement, the Intern shall use his/her best endeavours not to
do any act, or omit to do any act, (including, but not limited to, infringements of registered
and/or unregistered trademarks; copyright; patents; registered designs; unregistered design
rights), which would: infringe any such intellectual property rights owned by a third party; or
jeopardise the validity of any intellectual property rights, or applications for registration of
such rights, owned by the Company; or expose the Company to any claims of infringement
by a third party.
Termination, Notice Period or Extension
 Should the Company or the Intern wish to terminate the Internship Placement for any reason,
the notice period required is 1 week in first month; 2 weeks in months 2-5; 4 weeks in months
6-12. The University must be notified of this.
 The Company shall be entitled to terminate this Internship Agreement at anytime on giving
notice in writing to the Intern and University, if the Intern and/or the University are in material
breach of any of its obligations under this Internship Agreement and such breach is (if
capable) not remedied within the notice period (1 week, within the first month; 2 weeks
between 1-5 months; 1 month between 6-12 months). Any notice of termination pursuant to
this clause must set out the reasons for such termination.
 The University shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement forthwith if the Intern and/or the
Company are in material breach of their obligations hereunder and such breach is (if
capable) not remedied within the notice period of the party in breach receiving notice from
The University to remedy the same.
 The Intern shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement forthwith if the Company and/or The
University is in material breach of its obligations hereunder and such breach is (if capable)
not remedied within the notice period of the Party in breach receiving notice from the Intern
to remedy the same.
 In the event of termination for any reason, any outstanding payments for work already carried
out, non-refundable expenses or charges already incurred shall remain payable.
 If the Company wishes to extend the Internship Placement, this will be a matter for
negotiation between the Intern and the Company. The terms should be detailed in an offer
letter and a copy of this should be sent to the University.
 The Agreement shall terminate automatically:
- At the end of the Internship Placement Period;
- If the Company should enter into liquidation, administration, and/or administrative
 In the event that the Internship Placement is terminated early by either the Company or by
the Intern, the University shall provide reasonable assistance to the Intern to locate an
alternative Internship Placement but is under no obligation to provide an Internship for the
 In the event that the Internship Placement is terminated early by either the Company or by
the Intern, The University shall provide reasonable assistance to the Company to recruit
another Intern for the remainder of the Agreement, but The University is under no obligation
to provide another Intern for the Company to complete the agreed Internship Placement.
 In the event that the Internship Placement is terminated early by either the Company or by
the Intern, the University reserves the right to recover a proportional amount of Access to
Internships Funding in proportion to the outstanding duration of the Internship Placement.
Limitation of Liability
 Nothing in this clause or otherwise contained in this Agreement shall exclude, restrict or limit
the liability of any party for death or personal injury caused by that party’s negligence or for
 No party shall be deemed to be in default under this Agreement if it is unable to perform all or
any of its obligations under this Agreement by reason of force majeure, Act of God or the
death, illness or incapacity of any employee of the party in question.
 Failure of either Party to enforce or exercise, at any time or for any period, any term in this
Internship Agreement does not constitute, and shall not be construed as, a waiver of such
term and shall not affect the right later to enforce such term or any other term contained in
this Internship Agreement.
This Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the parties
submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the Parties with
respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior agreement, understanding or
arrangement between the Parties, whether oral or in writing.
By signing this Agreement, respective parties abide to undertake these requirements.