UNIVERSITY OF EXETER Sport and Wellness – Dual Assurance Meeting 14.00 1

Sport and Wellness – Dual Assurance Meeting
14.00 1st October 2014
COO’s Office, Northcote House
Geoff Pringle (Chair)
Phil Attwell
Alison Davidson
Rob Gofton
Andy Higham
Roger Auster
Nicholas Bull
Tom Stevenson
Alison Davidson was welcomed as new Director of Sport, Andy Higham was
welcomed as incoming AU president, Roger Auster was welcomed as FXU
President Student Experience, Phil Attwell was welcomed in his new capacity as
Director of Campus Services.
Notes of Dual Engagement Meeting, 17 June 2014
1.7 Carried Forward: Phil Attwell to liaise with Simon Tyson to develop a
strategy for increasing DARO engagement and donations. This would be
reported at the next meeting [ACTION: AD]
8.2 It was noted that a third party had approached Sport with a link to a local
club and had expressed an interest in building a new swimming pool in the
city. It had been suggested that 10% of the capital for this could be
provided by the University. A meeting had taken place with PA to discuss
this and further information had been requested by the University on the
company who were proposing the offer of finance. Once this information
has been received, due diligence would be carried out, at this stage we are
awaiting this information and therefore the project was not felt to be
8.4 Alcohol abuse would be included on the risk register for Sport.
Report of the Athletic Union President
2.1 Feedback from Freshers’ Week and Fayre had been positive, with several
clubs receiving record numbers of students signing up for membership.
2.2 The group noted changes to the branding and running of International
Sport month.
2.3 Club captains and secretaries had undertaken training over the summer in
a number of areas including alcohol awareness. Despite this the group
noted their concern that this had been ignored in several clubs.
2.4 AH had met with Take That photography to set dates for club photos and
discuss other opportunities for creating photo records of students time at
University. A sports yearbook was being considered. An example from
another institution was tabled and was met with approval.
2.5 It was noted that difficulties had been experienced with the interface
between the AU and the Students’ Guild. However, this was being
2.6 The Football Varsity was planned for the 15th October. Following Dual
Assurance a decision was made to cancel the match.
Report of the Director of Sport
3.1 Business Performance
Cornwall House Swimming Pool income totalled £39,974. The pool opened
on the 3rd May and closed on the 21st September.
The Summer Membership target was 1,000 members, total membership
sales 1,227 (659 students, 132 staff, 436 members of the public). The extra
membership was impressive given that last summer the monthly
membership price was £25 with this year being £35 due to the opening of
the Russell Seal Fitness Centre. Total income generated - £42,945
The Russell Seal Fitness Centre had received a total of 222,595 visits. The
majority of these (180,985) were from students.
The final end-of-year position was good.
2014/15 had begun positively with strong membership sales.
3.2 A Sports Scholarship and Recruitment Officer had been appointed and had
started during August.
3.3 An average of 40 students per year were referred to the Exercise Referral
Programme through the Wellbeing Centre. A breakdown of the causes for
referral was given.
3.4 The University had joined with Active Devon and local running groups to
manage and deliver the Exeter Riverside parkrun. This event would be
open to staff, students and residents of the city. Students and staff would
be actively encouraged to take part during term 1.
3.5 First Impressions/ Initial Findings
AD was two weeks into post. She had found staff to be positive and
engaging. Her priority for the first 3 – 6months was to ensure that sport
was operating as efficiently and effectively as possible. Future areas to
address were:
• Looking at current focus sports, and analysing return on investment
to enable decisions to be made on what sports to focus upon.
• Work around the pathway in all sports from healthy activity into
informal activity and intramural sport and then into our AU clubs and
High performance sport.
4.1 The end-of-year report for 2013/14 had been circulated. The group noted
that the variance between budget and forecast was largely due to the way
capital was counted. Income had exceeded target. The final position was
felt to be very positive.
Alumni Update
5.1 An Alumni and Sponsorship report, produced by Simon Tyson, had been
5.2 Alumni Relations
• A calendar of 16 events was planned for 2014/15, including events
linked to existing activity (e.g. Rugby Varsity fixture), stand-alone
sports alumni events (e.g. Golf Days) and involvement of sport
prospects in established DARO-led events (e.g. House of Lord’s
• In addition, a variety of opportunistic events may arise (e.g. BUCS
5.3 Philanthropic Giving
• The additional resource provided by the Sports Scholarship and
Recruitment Officer has enabled additional resource to be placed on
soliciting philanthropic gifts
• 64 prospects were currently assigned to Sport
• To date, 14 1-2-1 meetings have been held, four proposals had been
submitted and two major gifts (£5k+) received
• A further three gift proposals (totalling c.£30k) were in the pipeline for
submission in October 2014
Philanthropic giving targets would be set in line with Major Gift
Officers and include targets for the number of meetings held,
proposals submitted and gifts received
The Sport product list was kept up-to-date to ensure funding is being
sought for projects of the highest priority. This list formed part of the
‘Tomorrow’s Leaders’ theme in the Campaign
Two mass giving campaigns were scheduled (in conjunction with
DARO) for 2014/15 - Rowing in spring (appeal for a rolling
replacement programme for boats) and Rugby in autumn (to tie in
with the end of our season and Rugby World Cup).
5.4 Sponsorship
• A campaign was currently being planned to target local companies
for sponsorship agreements of 10k or less per annum. This would
predominantly focus upon support of student-facing activity
• Work was ongoing with colleagues in DARO to identify opportunities
to approach alumni in a position within their companies to affect a
sponsorship/ marketing budget
• £6k p/a of additional sponsorship income to date since 1st August
Update from Cornwall
6.1 Record levels of attendance had been achieved at this year’s Freshers’
Fayre and large numbers of students had signed up to clubs.
Following the fayre, two weeks were given for students to attend taster
sessions and try out the clubs and decide for which of those they would
like to become full members. These were popular, with many seeing over
100 students turn out.
A further six sports clubs had been proposed in addition to the 34 existing
6.2 It was noted that club and society office holders were required to
undertake training in a number of areas.
6.3 FXU teams had been recognised by BUCS as an ‘umbrella’ institution.
Both universities were thanked for their support.
RA agreed to explore options around club photographs for FXU clubs.
6.4 Plans were in development for a new sports facility at Penryn, Funding was
still to be agreed. The project board were meeting regularly and a site
survey was taking place.
6.5 CSM Netball had been shortlisted for the Cornwall Sports Partnership
Community Sports Club of the Year award. Members of CSM Rugby and
Netball teams had raised £420 at the Cornish Pirates game for CLIC.
6.6 Work was taking place to begin affiliating Truro sports teams with FXU. It
was expected that this would take some time.
There was none.