- 1 - Sport and Wellness Dual Assurance Meeting Thursday 14

Sport and Wellness Dual Assurance Meeting
Thursday 14th January 2010-John Usher room, Northcote House, University of
Russell Seal (Chairman of University Council) RS
Neil Armstrong (Deputy Vice Chancellor) NA
Phil Attwell (Director of Sport) PJA
Jeremy Lindley (Director of Corporate Services) JL
Tom Murray (President of Athletic Union) TM
Notes : Harriet Tillson (Sports Performance Administrator) HT
The Minutes from the previous meeting on 9th October 2009 were approved.
Matters arising from previous Minutes:
Academic Profile paper: NA commented that he is happy with progress on
facilitating potential sports scholars and up to 10 applicants could receive offers in
this way.
Honorary Graduates: Confidential but progress being made.
University Council: RS suggested that PJA should prepare a paper for the next
Council meeting (which is being held in April in Cornwall) outlining current issues re
sport, keeping sport on Council’s agenda, outlining pressure on facilities,
internationalisation, new proposals.
Wednesday afternoons: NA keen that Wednesday afternoons should be kept free for
sport. HT to report back to NA if sports scholars/HPP athletes are unable to compete
for BUCS because of clashes with lectures on a Wed pm. NA also mentioned the
possibility of teaching room availability at St Lukes to help ease pressure on teaching
space on campus leading to seminars and lectures being scheduled on Wed pm.
Alumni sports funding: 10 sports have hit trigger point of alumni monthly giving
with the EG sports funding scheme.
Student safety: TM and PJA assured the meeting that sports clubs and others were
doing their utmost to ensure that initiation ceremonies are no longer happening.
Sports Dual Assurance Management Meeting 19th November 2009 (Appendix 1b)
AU Governance: TM reported that AU and Dr Bruce Coleman were in discussion
with PJA. They are drawing up an agreement and meeting with Solicitors and there is
a need for clear boundaries between AU and University. JL commented that there
needs to be legal clarity and clear lines of reporting and responsibility to University
Sports Dual Assurance Management Meeting 11th December 2009 (Appendix
Initiation Ceremonies: TM gave a long and thorough presentation on dealing with
Initiation ceremonies. NA thanked him for his comprehensive report.
Celebrating Success: Date has been decided by NA to host a buffet to celebrate those
students/teams who have won BUCS medals ; 27th May 2010.
Report from the Director of Sport (Appendix 2)
PJA presented his report saying that Sport England had carried out its first audit in 8
years and they had been impressed with the programme/facilities targets. Capital
funding being used to improve Hockey facilities.
Boathouse – PJA reported that there were issues with current proposals for new
boathouse including the proximity to sewers; architects are re-designing and may not
be on target to start building in summer 2010 but plans are underway.
Rifle shooting range: The Major at Wyvern barracks has been slow in replying. TM
has been looking into potential alternatives including Clifton/Pyramids/Exeter
school/Police training facilities. TM thinks OTC is best route to finding alternative. It
was generally agreed that it was best not so store arms on campus and it would be a
good idea to have the Army looking after guns. Campus Rifle range is being
demolished in March 2010.
Cricket Centre: Contractor has ceased activity and as University has not paid final
account the costs of snagging are being taken out of the 5% retention fee.
PJA reported that he and his team are looking at rental capacity/student
priority/sustainable business possibilities.
PJA also taking on Music portfolio; some possible back-fill issues for Phil’s time. DA
music = Mark Overton and Janice Kay. There will be two separate budgets.
RS thanked PJA for his report.
Report on Injuries during 2009/9 (Appendix 3)
New procedure of Accident reporting which includes customer follow-up. The report
includes all accidents which occur at the Sports Park but there is possibly the need to
look at what accident reporting happens after injuries at away matches.
Need to review “At fault” column in view of possible legal implications. JL suggested
Sports Park liaise with Paul Hirst over question of insurance/liability.
NA suggested a review of accidents should be held at Jan DA meeting every year.
Undergraduate to Postgraduate taught conversion rates in HP Sport (Appendix
High number of UG students particularly ESS students convert to PG; RS stressed
need to point this out to Council.
AU BUCS report to date (Appendix 5)
HPP has started putting BUCS results into ratios on a weekly basis; encouraging
statistics from hockey, netball and sailing amongst others. PJA reported that the
University is trying to implement a sustainable programme with success year on year;
Exeter is moving forward whilst other sporting competitors are having major funding
issues. In Sport we are working on an annual cycle of good recruitment particularly in
focus sports.
It was noted that the structure, organisation and facilities are not in place to enable
Cornwall-based students to be able to contribute significantly to BUCS points. More
on this in Appendix 10.
HPP Successes and Sport Scholarship applications (Appendix 6 & 6b)
NA thanked Nick Beasant for his hard work and for the fact that the HPP was going
from strength to strength.
AU Budget 2009-10 (Appendix 7)
TM presented this report and underlined the fact that BUCS championships were the
biggest cost for AU but the meeting all agreed that it was vital to send teams to
compete whenever possible and that although it may be cheaper to send a team on the
day it may be counter-productive in terms of BUCS points and better in the end to
have arrived the day before and stay in a hotel; a higher cost but more chance of
TM reported that the AU hope to purchase new boats for the sailing club and that as
the right swimming coach had not been found the funds allocated for this may be used
for a Lacrosse coach.
JL advised the AU that they would need to forecast annually.
Sports Office Progress against budget (Appendix 8)
PJA reported that he is still working with JL’s team on forecast/budget. £150,000
would be needed for hockey carpet. PJA reported that the Sports Office was working
constantly on improving the fabric of Sports Park and on minor capital projects. He
also reported that there was a degree of safety net in the budget to respond to
unexpected needs. Swimming, tennis and Health and Fitness were growth areas and if
one fails another area would cover. The significant and exciting increase in staff has
meant new staffing costs since September 2009.
Report on Progress against Sports Strategy 2008-12 (Appendix 9)
PJA reported that the loan had been paid off ahead of schedule so the Sports Office
could continue investing. He also reported that the ‘student experience’ was a top
priority, including work with AU, volunteering and employability. Looking also at
Opening hours and developing capacity.
PJA and JL are to discuss possibilities around issue of “swimming pool”.
Student surveys: NA would like to see “sport” being added to the survey but JL does
not think it will be a top priority.
RS observed that it was important that the message about “sport” being at the heart of
the “Exeter” experience was communicated to prospective students and that sport
was sufficiently well represented in the Prospectus, and more importantly, as internet
was often the first port of call for prospective students, on the University website. NA
and PJA to discuss/action.
PJA said that the two main areas for future development are Health and Fitness and a
new Sports Hall. He pointed out that appointing a new Director of Badminton had
given a message to Badminton England and it was possible that they would contribute
to a new development in the future which would include a new badminton hall.
Basketball was another growth area with future capital potential . PJA pointed put that
there were structural issues around developing the present sports hall as it was built on
a reservoir. PJA felt that he could not propose a new Sports Hall before 2011 and it
would be much easier if a body such as Badminton England promised a lump sum
contribution and indeed a new Sports Hall could not be built without external
Improving facilities at Duckes Meadow, Topsham and St Lukes all remain priorities.
Report on University of Exeter in Cornwall (Appendix 10)
PJA reported that the experience of sport in Cornwall was not as good as for those
students in Exeter and that there was less expenditure per capita. The way forward
appeared to be to develop the partnership with nearby Penryn College which has new
facilities. TM pointed out that Cornwall-based students wanted a similar inter-Varsity
experience as Exeter students but that at current levels of funding and with
geographical issues this was not possible at present and it is hoped that a new Sports
Development Officer in Cornwall would encourage local/club/community
It was suggested that a Voucher system could be introduced to encourage Cornwall
students to join local clubs.
RS stated that he was uncomfortable with the discrepancy in funding available for
Cornwall students.
NA summed up by stating that the two main action points to move forward with were:
1) Sports Building programme.
2) Sport/Cornwall experience
Date of next Full Dual Assurance Meeting : Friday 14th May 2010 from 10 am1pm in Ted Wragg room, Northcote House.