Sport and Wellness Dual Engagement Meeting

Sport and Wellness Dual Engagement Meeting
10am, Thursday 19th January 2012
Ted Wragg Meeting Room, Northcote House
Russell Seal, Chairman of University Council (RS)
Neil Armstrong, Deputy Vice Chancellor (NA)
Geoff Pringle, Director of Campus Services
Phil Attwell, Director of Sport and Student Activity (PJA)
Beth Hampson, President of the Athletic Union (BH)
Nick Beasant, Assistant Director of Sport (Performance) - Joined the meeting for item 2
Katherine Salvetti (Notes)
Minutes of Dual Engagement Meeting (11.10.11)
Matters Arising
i). Boat House Project
NA queried whether PJA had spoken to Richard Hughes (University Treasurer). PJA responded that
this had not been necessary as the boat project had moved on and was on track.
PJA assured the meeting that Nicholas Bull was being kept fully updated as the project got underway.
ii) University of Exeter in Cornwall
NA confirmed that he had spoken to Mark Overton concerning the strategy for Cornwall: Mark
Overton had confirmed that Niamh Lamond was currently negotiating the acquisition of facilities. PJA
commented that this matter would be picked up later in the meeting under Agenda Item 6.
iii) Capital Building Project
PJA confirmed that the project would be discussed at ISG next week and long term costings would be
discussed then.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
Academic Flexibility
Nick Beasant joined the meeting for this item.
NB introduced the paper, explaining that it was the product of 18months research looking at putting
procedures in place to work alongside the existing academic mitigation policy that high performance
athletes require.
NB reported that he had met with David Boughey (Associate Dean, Education – Business School) to
discuss the suggestions and that David Boughey had been supportive of the proposal.
NA commented that questions were likely to be raised as to where the line should be drawn – should
academic flexibility only be awarded to HPP students, or would other students participating in other
activities, not necessarily sporting, also hope to seek flexibility?
It was agreed that NB would discuss the paper with the Associate Deans, Education within the
Colleges to keep them informed and to determine when academic flexibility could be sanctioned.
It was agreed that in future years, a list of students on the High Performance Programme would be
circulated to Colleges at the start of the academic year.
NA stated that he was happy to recommend this proposal. NB thanked NA for his support, adding that
endorsement of the proposal by this group was important.
Action: NB to speak to Associate Deans of Colleges and report back to NA
AU Activity Participation Rates
BH reported that numbers for students participating in both AU club and intramural sporting activities
had increased in 2011 and the AU were particularly pleased with the increased numbers of post
graduate students engaged in clubs and intra-mural activities.
BH reported that there had been the usual difficulties extracting club data from club captains. BH
assured the group she was pushing this with all new club captains and that it was being highlighted
during club captains’ training. RS reiterated that obtaining data was crucial and that without the
previous years’ figures, they would have been unlikely to have secured the money for the Capital
programme. RS queried whether the process could be simplified in order to be more efficient. PJA
commented that with changes to the membership process due to take place in 2012, collecting data
from students should be easier.
BH reported that numbers of international students engaging in sporting activities was still lower than
the AU would have liked, but there were a number of plans on the horizon to try and combat this
including holding intra-mural activities for INTO students over the summer months and billing March
as ‘International Month,’ during which the focus would be internationalisation as opposed to
international students.
PJA added that approximately 10% of international students were engaged with AU clubs.
NA commented that he would be keen to support the International Month project and added that he
hoped his funding would be matched by Sean Curtis (International Exeter) and INTO.
Action: BH to draft a business plan for International Month and submit to NA
Report of the Director of Sport
The following points were noted in discussion of PJA’s paper:
1. Minor Capital Programmes
Topsham – PJA reported that Sport would be calling on alumni to support these improvements.
Cornwall House Pool and ‘The Woody’ – PJA commented that these were both currently sub-standard
facilities with the Woody likely to disappear in due course, and a new changing room to be built at the
Cornwall House (outside) pool at a cost of approximately £80k.
PJA reported that all Sport areas would be tidied up by September 2013.
2. Business Development
PJA reported that there had been a significant increase in income at St Lukes over the year, purely due
to the success of the children’s swimming lessons, otherwise visitor numbers to the site would have
been very low owing to the depletion of numbers on the campus.
3. Operations
A cumulative snapshot of figures was circulated showing numbers of users. PJA highlighted that the
great success had been the increased numbers of people attending fitness classes and that overall
business figures were healthy, while capacity remained an issue.
PJA reported that there will be changes made to AU membership fees as of September 2012. A
significant discount will be offered, but Sports Park membership will be included within AU
membership ensuring that the Sports Park receives income from everyone, resolving issues that have
been prevalent over the last couple of years.
PJA reported that the Tennis Office had recently applied to the LTA to become a High Performance
Tennis Centre. The decision would be made in April but the signs were hopeful of a successful
PJA confirmed that Exeter will be hosting the 2012 BUCS Conference (10-13 July) at which will be
expected some 350 guests. The theme of the conference will be ‘Using Sport To Enhance The Student
Experience’. GP commented that this conference will be key to Exeter’s conference season.
GP thanked PJA for Sport’s assistance during the recent exam period.
PJA and BH reported that they are in discussion as to how to communicate the Sports Park’s plans to
The Capital Programme – Update
The following points were noted in discussion of the plans PJA had circulated:
- there will be pressure on the building timeline due to significant building needing to be done before
the start of the academic years.
- the planning officer had liked the double height atrium.
- RS queried ‘spectator comfort’ for the pitches. PJA responded that this had been considered and could
still happen in the future but was not being prioritised at present owing to budget constraints.
- PJA reported that circulating the plans to the Sports Park staff and asking for their comments had
been morale boosting for the various teams.
- PJA reported that discussions were still ongoing concerning the planned spinning studio and café.
- RS queried what would happen to the existing facilities. PJA explained that these would be adapted to
become office space, back of house, storage, lost property, drying room, staff room etc.
- the astro (hockey) pitch carpet will be being replaced over the summer 2012
- PJA noted that there were a number of challenges ahead should the Sports Park need to close for any
periods over the summer 2013, including the inevitable difficulties surrounding summer conferences
and the exams office. In addition, PJA commented that discussion was still ongoing concerning having
heavy weights on the first floor. RS queried whether the floors could be swapped around and PJA
responded that following a recent visit to Edinburgh University, the original concept for these floors
was up in the air.
- GP queried how we were communicating plans to local residents and keeping them on board. PJA
responded that they are to be invited to a small reception at the Sports Park within the next month to
inform them of plans.
- GP commented that it would be advantageous to be able to carry out the capital programme without
closing, in-keeping with the rest of the capital building that has taken place on campus over the last few
years without the need for closure. PJA replied he and the projects team are looking at all possibilities
to avoid closure and to limit any negative impact from closure including using different entrances when
necessary and giving as advance notice as possible as to when areas would be closed.
University of Exeter in Cornwall
PJA reported that he would be attending a meeting the following week to bring the strategy forward
now that it covered the areas Exeter wanted and needed it to. PJA commented that he was now
attending in an advisory capacity as had always been the intention, and that he was very happy with the
way things were progressing: Tony Schorah (Falmouth) was more on-board than ever before while
Steve Trotter (UoE) was driving the Exeter view.
RS commented that more consideration needs to be given to linking up the marketing of both
campuses. PJA agreed that it should be important to publicise what was and was not at both campuses
and that this should be made abundantly clear during the admissions process. RS observed that students
attracted to courses in Cornwall can be quite different to those based on the Exeter campuses: might
Cornwall students thus be interested in different sports as well? PA responded that either way, there
remains the need for a reasonable offer of sporting facility to be available (indoor space for recreational
sport), as it was likely that 25-40% of Cornwall students would want to engage in something
RS raised the possibility of Cornwall students using space within the Dartington building.
Any Other Business
NA commented that a recent event (Science of Sport) had been well attended and thoroughly
enjoyable. PJA agreed, adding that the event had highlighted the scope for a future series of talks like
this one to take place.
Meeting closed at 11.40am