
Present: Mark Overton (Management Lead), Bettina Rigg (Lay Lead), Dorcas Cowan
(Equality & Diversity Manager) and Helen Booker (Equality & Diversity Administrator)
Actions arising from last meeting (27 July 2012) not covered elsewhere on agenda:Exeter Respect: MO has spoken to Stuart Franklin about raising the University’s profile at
the next Respect Festival and will raise this again nearer the time.
Action: MO to speak to Stuart Franklin again.
Harassment: MO has submitted his report on harassment to the Vice-Chancellor who is
waiting on the findings from the Britten Task & Finish group. The issue of harassment has
risen up the University’s agenda and MO has met with the Vice-Chancellor, the Registrar
and the new interim HR Director, Suzanne Middleton, to discuss.
Review Terms of Reference
It was felt that the current terms of reference are too reactionary and should be more
aspirational. Linking them to our responsibilities under the public sector equality duty was
also suggested.
Action: DC to draft an amended version.
New E&D Action Plan ‘12/’13
- (1) Athena SWAN: MO confirmed that Nick Talbot will be taking over as chair of the
University Athena SWAN working group with immediate effect. It was acknowledged,
however, that it is important the E&D Dual Assurance partnership still receive regular
Athena SWAN updates.
Action: DC to invite Ailsa McGregor to future Dual Assurance meetings to provide
verbal updates in addition to the written updates already received.
(7) Harassment and Bullying Review: The University is introducing an Employee
Assistance Programme (EAP) which staff will be able to contact for support and advice
on a wide range of issues and it is hoped that this will also provide an additional
source of support for anyone experiencing harassment.
(12) Stonewall: DC confirmed that the University’s Workplace Equality Index
submission was made in September and results are due in January.
Action: DC to draft paper for VCEG outlining benefits of becoming a Stonewall
Diversity Champion.
E&D Audit Report
The E&D audit report was discussed and it was felt to have been a very positive and
encouraging audit.
Athena SWAN Update
The Athena SWAN update paper was considered. BR requested an action plan including
timeframes indicating the current status of CLES Cornwall’s application for silver status
due in April 2013.
Action: DC to discuss with Ailsa McGregor for next meeting.
CSM Update
BR met with Janice Kay to express her concern about CSM and receive an update on the
investigation. Janice Kay confirmed that she is working with the CSU President about
CSM affiliating with the FXU.
Equal Pay Audit
The latest Equal Pay Audit report (carried out in March 2012) was considered.
Revised “Speak Out” literature
The Speak Out promotional literature has been reviewed and redesigned to be more eyecatching, accessible and user-friendly.
It was noted that there are currently very few male and no academic Harassment
Advisors. This issue will be considered within the broader Harassment & Bullying review
currently being carried out.
Any other business
BR will be attending the upcoming ECU conference, and is currently working with ECU on
a report regarding mental health.
MO to speak to Stuart Franklin again about raising the University’s profile at Respect.
DC to draft an amended version of terms of reference for the next meeting.
DC to invite Ailsa McGregor to future Dual Assurance meetings to provide an Athena
SWAN update.
DC to draft paper for VCEG outlining benefits of the University becoming a Stonewall
Diversity Champion.
DC to discuss providing an action plan for CLES Cornwall’s silver Athena application to
the next Dual Assurance meeting with Ailsa McGregor.
Helen Booker
Equality and Diversity Administrator