DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR GOVERNMENT CHINESE PRIMARY SCHOOL (CASE STUDY: SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat) TEH HUI PHENG A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Information Technology (Management) Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems Universiti Teknologi Malaysia OCTOBER 2009 iii To my beloved parents and family members iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to say my deepest gratitude to my thesis supervisor, PM Wardah bt. Zainal Abidin for her guidance and patient capacity to improve this project. Furthermore, I would like to dedicate thousands of appreciation to all my beloved lecturers and friends who had given me the motivation and inspiration to make this research project a dream come true. I would also like to thank my beloved mother, father and family for giving me all the support since the beginning of the course. Without their continued support and interest, this thesis would not have been the same as presented here. v ABSTRACT The primary language used in Chinese primary school is Mandarin. The language in report used internally will be Mandarin but Malay language will be used in reports for Malaysia government which means the reports needed to be generated twice. Consequently, a computerized management information system needed to be built to reduce their workload. Studies are done on government primary education and government Chinese primary school. A case study is done on SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat. Besides, existing systems which are mainly developed and used by Western countries are explored and the features of the systems are compared to each other. The information systems in Malaysia are discussed as well. Also, the multilingual systems and the existing website and system in different areas are discussed. The methodology used in this project is Rational Unified Process (RUP). In the project, system is designed as module based system. There are in total 3 main modules in the system which consist of assistant principal module, class teacher module and teacher module. Testing is required to be carried out on the system. In unit testing, every small module needed to be tested. In integration testing, the integration between modules is tested in details. In system testing, the full system will be tested to check the functional of the system. Rollout strategy used in the project is pilot strategy which required a group of pilot users. vi ABSTRAK Bahasa utama yang digunakan di sekolah rendah jenis kebangsaan Cina adalah bahasa cina. Bahasa Cina digunakan dalam laporan dalam sekolah, manakala bahasa Malaysia digunakan dalam laporan yang perlu dihantarkan kepada kerajaan. Pendek kata, laporan yang sama kandungan hendaklah dibuat dua kali. Oleh itu, satu sistem pengurusan maklumat berkomputer perlu digunakan untuk mengurangkan beban kerja. Dengan ini, kajian terhadap pendidikan rendah dan sekolah rendah jenis kebangsaan cina telah dijalankan. Sebagai contoh, SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat telah dikaji. Selain itu, sistem yang dibangunkan serta digunakan oleh negara Barat pada masa kini telah dijelajahkan dan ciri-ciri sistem tersebut telah dibandingkan antara satu sama lain. Sistem yang digunakan oleh Malaysia juga dibincangkan. Tambahan pula, sistem pelbagai bahasa yang terdiri daripada tapak Web dan sistem yang wujud pada masa kini di pelbagai daerah telah dibincangkan juga. Kaedah yang digunakan dalam projek ini ialah Rational Unified Process (RUP). Dalam projek ini, sistem diciptakan sebagai sistem berdasar modul. Ia terdiri daripada tiga modul utama, iaitu modul pembantu guru besar, modul guru tingkatan dan modul guru. Di samping itu, ujian atas sistem ini mesti dijalankan. Dalam ujian unit, sagala modul hendaklah diuji. Manakala dalam ujian integrasi, segala integrasi antara modul diujikan secara teliti. Dalam ujian sistem, kesemua sistem akan diujkan untuk menjamin kegunaannya. Roll-out strategik yang digunakan dalam projek ini ialah strategik pilot yang memerlukan sekumpulan pengguna pilot. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGES DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF FIGURES xiv LIST OF APPENDICES xvi PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Background of Problem 2 1.3 Statement of the Problem 3 1.4 Project Objectives 4 1.5 Scopes 4 1.6 Importance of Project 5 1.7 Chapter Summary 5 viii 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 Framework of Literature Review 6 2.3 National Education Philosophy 8 2.4 Malaysian Primary Education System 8 2.4.1 Government Chinese Primary School 9 (SJK (C)) in Malaysia SJK(C) Convent Datuk 11 Keramat 2.5 School Information System 12 2.6 Existing School Information System (Worldwide) 13 2.6.1 School-wide Information System 13 (SWIS) 2.6.2 School Information System (SIS) 14 2.6.3 TIES Student Information System (TIES 15 SIS) 2.6.4 EKHO School Management System 16 Software (EKHO SMS) 2.6.5 The Alpha School System (TASS) 17 2.6.6 Chancery SMS 18 2.6.7 Comparison between Existing Systems 18 2.7 Existing Student Information System (Malaysia) 19 2.7.1 Sistem Maklumat Murid (SMM) 20 2.7.2 System Maklumat Murid Bersepadu: 21 Sistem Penganugerahan Murid (SisPeM) 2.8 Multilingual System/Website 22 2.9 Existing System/Website 24 ix 2.9.1 AirAsia Website 24 2.9.2 Point Of Sale Software (IntelliFlow 25 System) 3 2.9.3 Wikipedia Website 27 2.9.4 Friendster Website 28 2.9.5 eBay Website 30 2.10 Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 31 2.11 Justification of Literature Review 31 2.12 Summary 32 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 33 3.2 Project Methodology 34 3.2.1 RUP Methodology 34 RUP Phases 35 Advantages of RUP 36 Disadvantages of RUP 37 3.3 Phases in System Development 38 3.3.1 Inception Phase 38 Interview 38 Research and Literature 39 Review 3.3.2 Elaboration Phase 39 3.3.3 Construction Phase 40 3.3.4 Transition Phase 40 3.4 Justification of Chosen Methodology 3.4.1 Unified Modeling Language (UML) 41 41 x 4 3.5 Hardware and Software Requirements 42 3.6 Project Schedule 43 3.7 Chapter Summary 43 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 4.1 Introduction 44 4.2 Organizational Analysis 44 4.2.1 SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat 45 (SJK(C) CDK) Structure 4.2.2 Current System in SJK(C) Convent 47 Datuk Keramat 4.3 Proposed System Architecture 49 4.3.1 Functional Modeling 49 Use Case Diagram 50 Use Case Description 50 Activity Diagram 51 4.3.2 Structural Modeling Class-Responsibility- 51 52 Collaboration (CRC) Card Class Diagram 4.3.3 Behavioral Modeling Sequence Diagram 4.3.4 Module Design 52 52 53 53 Assistant Principal Module 55 Class Teacher Module 56 Teacher Module 58 4.3.5 Database Design Relational Schema 59 59 xi Database Table 5 4.4 Input User Interface 61 4.5 Output User Interface 64 4.6 Chapter Summary 69 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING 5.1 Introduction 70 5.2 System Implementation 70 5.2.1 Database Development 71 5.2.2 User Interface Development 73 Coding Approach 5.3 System Testing and Evaluation 6 60 73 76 5.3.1 Unit Testing 77 5.3.2 Integration Testing 77 5.3.3 System Testing 80 5.3.4 User Acceptance Testing 80 5.4 User Manual 80 5.5 Chapter Summary 80 ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY 6.1 Introduction 81 6.2 Roll-out Strategy 81 6.2.1 Pilot Roll-out Strategy 6.3 Expected Organizational Benefits 82 82 xii 6.4 Chapter Summary 7 84 DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION 7.1 Achievements 85 7.2 Constraints & Challenges 87 7.3 Aspirations 88 7.4 Chapter Summary 88 REFERENCES 89 APPENDIX A 93 APPENDIX B 95 APPENDIX C 97 APPENDIX D 99 APPENDIX E 101 APPENDIX F 103 APPENDIX G 105 APPENDIX H 107 APPENDIX I 117 APPENDIX J 123 APPENDIX K 130 APPENDIX L 132 APPENDIX M 141 APPENDIX N 147 xiii LIST OF TABLES TABLES TITLE PAGE 2.1 Comparison between existing systems 18 3.1 Minimum Hardware Requirement 42 4.1 Use Case of the System 50 4.2 Assistant Principal Module 55 4.3 Class Teacher Module 56 4.4 Teacher Module 58 4.5 Rational Schema 59 4.6 Input Data Specification 61 4.7 Output Specification 65 5.1 Integration Testing Example for User Modules 78 6.1 Expected Organizational Benefits 83 7.1 Achievements done based on objectives done 86 xiv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURES TITLE PAGE 2.1 Framework of Literature Review 7 2.2 User Interface SMM 21 2.3 Chinese Version User Interface 25 2.4 English Version User Interface 26 2.5 Chinese Version User Interface 27 2.6 Chinese Version User Interface 28 2.7 Chinese Version User Interface 29 2.8 Chinese Version User Interface 30 3.1 Phases of life cycle on develop software and work flow of RUP (Ambler, 2002) 36 4.1 Example Organizational Chart of Penang government Chinese Primary School (SJK(C) CDK) 46 4.2 Hierarchical of Proposed System - DynaSMS 54 4.3 Input User Interface 64 4.4 Output User Interface 68 5.1 Tables in Database Used 72 5.2 SQL code of Table sturecord 72 5.3 Example of JavaScript in validation 74 xv 5.4 Example of JSP code in System 75 5.5 Example of Java Servlet 76 xvi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A PROJECT 1 GANTT CHART 93 B PROJECT 2 GANTT CHART 95 C INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR TEACHERS, CLASS TEACHER AND ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL 97 D FLOW CHART OF CLASS TEACHER GENERATE STUDENT GRADE BOOK 99 E PROTOTYPE USER INTERFACE 101 F CONCEPTUAL IT ARCHITECTURE FOR PROPOSE SYSTEM 103 G USE CASE DIAGRAM OF PROPOSE SYSTEM 105 H USE CASE DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSE SYSTEM 107 I ACTIVITY DIAGRAMS OF PROPOSE SYSTEM 117 J CRC CARDS OF PROPOSE SYSTEM 123 K CLASS DIAGRAM OF PROPOSE SYSTEM 130 L SEQUENCE DIAGRAM OF PROPOSE SYSTEM 132 M DATABASE TABLES 141 N DYNASMS USER MANUAL 147 CHAPTER 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Introduction Recent developments of information systems have been impacting the education sector. The reason why information systems will be used to manage school administrative flow is it can help to improve the efficiency of school administrative flow. Information system is a must in this information age where almost every organization in all sectors tries to develop information system to upgrade the efficiency of their works in order to survive. In order to upgrade government school, Malaysian Ministry of Education introduced a plan called Smart School Implementation Plan. The Malaysian Smart Schools Initiative is an innovative national educational effort that exposes students and teachers, as well as administrators, to every aspect of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at both the administrative and classroom levels (Muhammad Z. M. Zain et al, 2004). To become the government Chinese smart school, information technology is needed to upgrade the school system. Upgrading school administrative to become computerize school information system will be the fundamental. So, development of school information system for government Chinese primary school will be the main aim of this project. 2 1.2 Background of Problem As a new generation, information technology is a must to our life. It applies to all people and all sectors. Also, it applies to government primary school. In most of primary school today, there are mostly manual in workflow. In order to same step with the information technology era, primary school’s administration workflow must change to paperless environment. Government schools are provided with system that helps in managing students’ records. The system is mainly used for data storage. But, there is still no system that can be used to manage school daily duties. In order for Chinese primary school work in paperless environment, they need to seek school information system from the market. Nowadays, there are lots of school information systems available in the market but they are mostly stand alone systems. Most of the systems today are changed to webbased system because it is easy to access. The user can access it at anywhere and anytime. Beside, most of the school information systems available in market are in English language which is not so suitable for our government Chinese school because the main language used by government sector is Bahasa Malaysia. The language used internally for government Chinese primary school will be Mandarin. For example, yearly report of the school activities will be done in Mandarin for internal used. But, reports pass to Education Department, Malay language will be used. Therefore, the work in same report needs to be done redundantly. Therefore, a school information system with minimum of 2 languages (Malay and Chinese) is needed for government Chinese primary school. Furthermore, all students’ information will be wrote in record book which provided by school when registered. Therefore, school is required to provide a lot of places to keep those record books. The probabilities to lose students information are 3 higher because no backup is made. The information will be lost if got any natural disaster such as flood. Moreover, it is hard to search for a particular student information because there are lots of files and not systematic. To develop a web-based school information system with 3 languages is hoping to help government Chinese primary school’s administration workflow become smoothly and systematic in paperless environment. 1.3 Statement of the Problem Based on the problem background discussed in section 1.2, the main problem query required to pay attention is: “How information system helps SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat staff such as teachers, class teachers and assistant principals manage school daily duties and student information?” Besides, there are few problem queries have to investigate in order to support the main query. i. Will the information system that will be developed help the school management become more systematic and easy? ii. How information system make the school daily process become smoother through Internet? iii. What type of reports is required in order to make the school staff easier in management process and summary of the processes? iv. How to communicate with school staff when making decision based on prototype interface? v. How to design and develop an information system which can support Chinese characters by using Unicode? 4 1.4 Project Objectives In order to reach the aim of this project, several objectives need to be achieved. Below are the objectives of project: i. To study on government education system and existing school information systems available in the market. ii. To design IT architecture for a system to be used in SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat. iii. To use Microsoft Office InfoPath as a prototype interface. iv. To develop a web-based school information system with 3 languages (English, Malay and Chinese). 1.5 Scopes There are several scopes of project stated in this section. The scopes of project are stated as below: i. This project is focus on development of a web-based school information system with 3 languages (English, Malay and Chinese) for SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat. ii. The platform used to develop the school information system is NetBean 5.0 with database MySQL. iii. This system can be used to manage student attendance, subjects taken, student grade book, subject grade book, analysis and reports. iv. Those reports can be printed in 3 types of languages which are English, Malay and Chinese. v. The main target of the system is primary school’s teacher, class teacher and assistant principal. 5 vi. Survey on the administration workflow will be done based on SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat in Penang by using interview technique. 1.6 Importance of Project The project will be focused on developing a school information system for government Chinese primary school since there is not yet had a school information system with 3 languages (English, Malay, Mandarin) available. Beside, this system will be a web-based system because of the easy access and efficiency. As a case study, this project will be focus on SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat in Penang. Therefore, the survey of this project will be done with SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat in Penang. With the survey, it is hoping to gather more accurate data about the flow of the school management. Furthermore, this project is hoping to develop a multilingual system that can fully support school management and provide a paperless environment to school. 1.7 Chapter Summary The main subjects of this work have been introduced including the problem background, problem statement, objectives, scopes and justification of this project. The literature review of problem background, education system in Malaysia, available school information system and comparison for available system will be discussed in details in next chapter. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction Literature review provides some basic concepts for better understanding of this project. First of all, it is important to identify or understand them aim of this project follow by the objectives of the project. Related studies on school information system, available school information system education system in Malaysia and government Chinese primary school are described in this chapter. 2.2 Framework of Literature Review In this chapter, several reviews had been done and discussed. This chapter begins with the discussion of philosophy of national education and primary education in Malaysia. In continuation with that, school information system and existing worldwide school information system will be discussed. The comparisons among the systems will be shown in Table 2.1. Moreover, existing system in Malaysia will be discussed. Next, case studies on IS implementation in primary educational management will be clarified and discussed. Figure 2.1 is the framework of the literature review. 7 Framework of Literature Review 2.3 National Education Philosophy 2.4 Malaysian Primary Education System 2.4.1 Malaysian Government Chinese Primary School SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat 2.5 School Information System 2.6 Existing System (worldwide) 2.7 Existing System (Malaysia) 2.6.1 School-wide IS 2.7.1 SMM 2.6.2 SIS 2.7.2 SisPeM 2.6.3 TIES SIS 2.6.4 EKHO SMS Software 2.6.5 The Alpha School System 2.6.6 Chancery SMS 2.6.7 Comparison Existing System 2.8 Multilingual System/Website 2.9 Existing System 2.9.1 AirAsia Website 2.9.2 POS Software 2.9.3 Wikipedia Website 2.9.4 Friendster Website 2.9.5 eBay Website 2.10 Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 Figure 2.1 Framework of Literature Review 8 2.3 National Education Philosophy National Education Philosophy (NEP) was created based on the inspiration of the development process of Malaysia since Malaysia independent from other country. NEP was stated in Akta Pendidikan 1996 and the philosophy is defined as follow. “Education in Malaysia is on-going efforts towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonic, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving high level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the harmony and betterment of the family, the society and the nation at large.” - (Government MoE Web Team, 2008) Based on NEP, the important of the philosophy is related to the development of the country and the well-being citizens. Therefore, this philosophy needs to be begun from primary education. To follow as NEP, Malaysia had done some improvement on the education field such as implement Smart School project in primary and secondary education. 2.4 Malaysian Primary Education System Primary school develops a solid foundation for life-long learning in children. A standardized curriculum has been established in order to confirm that the important and fundamental subjects are well covered (Education in Malaysia, Wikipedia). A public examinations known as UPSR (Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah, or Primary Schooling 9 Achievement Tests) is conducted at all public schools to evaluate the progress of a child at the primary education level (Government MoE Web Team, 2008). Primary education requires six years in duration and starts at the age of seven but may be completed in five to seven years (Government MoE Web Team, 2007). To make sure there is a place had been reserved for those children at this age, parents are required to register for their children before the age is reached at a local school. There are three type of government primary school which is Malay, Chinese and Tamil (Government MoE Web Team, 2007). Malay language will be used to conduct classes in Malay primary school whereas the mother tongue language will be used to conduct classes in Chinese and Tamil primary schools. Besides, the mother tongue language will be used for internal reports and meeting. 2.4.1 Government Chinese Primary School (SJK(C)) in Malaysia Generally, Malaysian Chinese communities can choose to send their children to either Chinese schools or Malay schools. However, Malay language must be taught as a compulsory subject no matter the language of instruction is in what languages (Government MoE Web Team, 2008). According to Educationist Goh Kean Seng, there are about 90 per cent of Chinese children in Malaysia study in government Chinese primary schools by year 2008. Based on the percentage pointed out by Mr. Goh Kean Seng, parents nowadays feel that mother tongue education is important. It is not only represents our cultural roots but the Chinese language has become almost certainly the second most important language for commerce in the world. For the best academia and the business man in 10 China, English is not a must to them and they only have limited knowledge about it. Hence if interested doing business in China, competence in Mandarin will be essential. In Chinese primary schools, they may need to fund their own schools with the local businessmen donating cash and building materials to build or renew their own schools (Education in Malaysia, Wikipedia). Those funding support are organized and conducted by both Board of Governors and Parents and Teachers Association (PIBG) (Malaysian Chinese, Wikipedia). PIBG acts as an important role in Chinese primary school. Those activities which related to the extra school fund need to be discussed in PIBG meeting and approved by the committees of PIBG. In Chinese primary school, mandarin will be the main language used for both conduct class and communicate between teachers and principal. All classes except Malay class were conducted in mandarin in Chinese primary school until year 2002 where the Ministry of Education (MoE) announced that all the science and math classes need to be conduct in English language (Education in Malaysia, Wikipedia). Besides, reports that used in school will be written in Chinese and all the meeting held will be conducted in mandarin as well. The primary different between government Malay primary schools and government Chinese primary school is the language used in school for both class instruction and communication (Education in Malaysia, Wikipedia). Besides, Malay primary schools are fully supported by government in every aspect. Also, reports generated for school or MoE are basically in Malay language. 11 SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat (SJK(C) CDK) SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat (SJK(C) CDK ) is a Chinese primary school located in Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia. The school is a girl Chinese primary school. The school was founded by Rev. Mother Tarcisius on 14 January 1935. Rev. Mother Tarcisius (Convent Datuk Keramat, Wikipedia). She believed that education should not be restricted to English only but should be offered according to the needs of the society (Convent Datuk Keramat, Wikipedia). Therefore, Convent Chinese School was opened on 1935. In year 1938, the founder bought a building located at No. 421, Jalan Datuk Keramat and alter school name to Convent Datuk Keramat which is the school today. The amount of students increased to 300 students at year 1940. Therefore, the school is expanded to 14 more classrooms to accommodate the increasing number of students. But, the school is forced to close when the World War II. It was reopened again after the World War II but only accept girl students (Convent Datuk Keramat, Wikipedia). The compound of the school and facilities of the school were added and built in order to support the increased amount of students. The motto of CDK is “Simple in Virtue, Steadfast in Duty” (Convent Datuk Keramat, Wikipedia). In this motto, simple in virtue means that being open and honest with others so that we can live in a spirit of family togetherness. This simplicity describes for an acknowledgement of our faults and an effort to overcome the basic selfishness. To be steadfast in duty means an awareness of our duty to service to others. This duty of giving is self demands energy because it presents itself daily and hourly. (Convent Datuk Keramat, Wikipedia) 12 2.5 School Information System School Information System (SIS) also knows as Student Information System (SIS), Student Records System (SRS), Student Management System (SMS) or School Management System (SMS). It is a large database system to manage school administrative flow (Student Iinformation System, Wikipedia). School Information System allows users to store almost all their school’s information electronically. Besides, the information of the system can be accessed and shared with authorized users. Reports can be easily generated from the system. (Student Information System, Wikipedia) School Information System is configurable to meet most schools’ individual needs. It is a multi user system which may be used by multi users simultaneously (Student Iinformation System, Wikipedia). School Information System can make life easier for school staff. With School Information System, student information can be found in a few seconds and student statements and reports can be printed easily (Student Information System, Wikipedia). In western countries, most school information systems in use today are serverbased (Student Information System, Wikipedia). The application is residing on a central computer server and being accessed by client applications at various places within and even outside the school. But school information systems have been moving to the web since the late 1990s and that trend is accelerating as institutions replace older systems (Student Information System, Wikipedia). In Malaysia, there is still not much schools had their own student information system that supports school daily duties. But, government had given a system which called Sistem Maklumat Murid (SMM) to store student data. 13 2.6 Existing School Information System (Worldwide) Nowadays, there is a lot of existing school information systems. Most of the school information system are developed and be used by schools in more well developed countries. Next section will be discussed about the existing school information systems used in Western countries. 2.6.1 School-wide Information System (SWIS) ( The School-Wide Information System (SWIS) is a web-based software system for collecting and summarizing students’ data entry and report generation in schools. The system was designed and developed by staff and research faculty in University of Oregon. The purpose of SWIS is to provide schools with accurate, efficient, practical information for decision-making about school-wide discipline. SWIS was developed to be an efficient, reliable and confidential strategy for managing students’ information. SWIS database is housed on a secure and dedicated server at the University of Oregon. The server is managed by system administrators employed by the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Technical Assistant Center projects at the University. The school administrative staff can enter students’ information into a protected, web-space once a SWIS account is set up. The data will be summarized to provide information about individual students, groups of students, or the entire student body over any specified time period. Both numerical printouts and graphs (histograms) are created for use in decision-making. 14 The system uses a menu-based data entry process that makes data entry and report generation easy and efficient. The data entered into SWIS are protected to ensure that only approved individuals from the school may access the database. SWIS system is a web-based information system that supports schools in many aspects. The features include easy control over staff and student information, student and staff information is entered one time and available for future use, simple data entry, report options that include graphs and tables for a specified period of time and many more. With these features, this system can fully support school daily works. Although this system is a web-based system, it only supports western countries schools. This system is using English language which is not suitable for Malaysia but the features of this system can be as guidelines to develop Malaysian version of school information system. 2.6.2 School Information System (SIS) ( School Information Systems (SIS) is the first provider of K-12 educationalmanagement software in the Midwest. This system is integrated and systematic. The SIS K-12 Enterprise Solutions for student management and achievement, financial management and parent or community-relations tools offer a quarter-century of realworld development and proven performance. The SIS K-12 Web-based solution for student data management aggregates up to date information from every school site throughout a district to generate immediate, customized reports. This is one of the industry's most comprehensive solutions. A custom SIS K-12 Student Data Management Solution lets schools’ staffs to access specific student data rapidly, making reporting and applying for funding much easier and less time-consuming; maintain standardized student data for the entire district in a centralized system with the industry's highest data security and many more. 15 Based on the features on this system, it is a very stable system and it can fully support whole school daily works. With all the benefits, this system had a few shortcomings. This system is only be used by schools in Midwest countries. Although the features are good enough, the language used is only English language. It cannot be used by countries which use other language as the communication tool. 2.6.3 TIES Student Information System (TIES SIS) ( TIES Student Information System also is one of the school information systems which provide extensive, school-based administration and data-driven decision-making. This system is fully integrated school information system. TIES is a advanced school management software which integrates all essential functions, including grading, attendance, scheduling and reporting in an easy-to-use yet powerful application with a single-entry, relational database and absolute security. With TIES SIS, teachers can take attendance, maintain a grade book, create report cards, manage student attainment of standards (including viewing test data), access detailed student information online in real time. TIES SIS classifies the system functions into student system modules that let the users easy to access to the module they wish. Also, this system is an English version system which is not support information in other language. Besides, this system is only support schools in United State. 16 2.6.4 EKHO School Management System Software (EKHO SMS) ( Echo School Management System Software (EKHO SMS) is developed by The EKHO Institute which is situated in Ontario, Canada. This software is intended to use for small model private and public schools. Also, this system can be used in training schools with one or more instructor-led classrooms that need to be managed efficiently and cost effectively. This software has been in use at The EKHO Institute for many years. Thus, this software has become a very mature, stable product which rolled all of the institute administrative and management experience into one software package. This system is developed based on a data base package which is Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0. It can be operating on Windows 95/98/Me or Windows NT4/2000 operating system. This system can be either used in stand-alone or networked. EKHO SMS had a few benefits that can be used as future guidelines which are the database of this system is no limitations, quick scheduling of new classes and automatically scheduling for all the classes. Besides, this software is designed to consolidate and minimize all the tedious administrative, scheduling and marketing tasks required in a typical training school. With these features, the administrative staff can make the marketing analysis and take actions according the analysis to increase the number of students. There are some weaknesses of this software. As this technology generation, webbased system is a trend in information technology. Also, the system can only support Windows 95/98/Me or Windows NT4/2000 which is quite out-of-date. Again, the language used is only English language and not suitable for countries which is not English based. 17 2.6.5 The Alpha School System (TASS) ( The Alpha School System (TASS) was developed by The Alpha Business System which is located in Sydney, Australia. TASS was the best among all other school information systems in Australia. (Mohd Hazli bin Mohamed Zabil, 2001) As a trend in information technology, The Alpha Business System developed a new web-based school information system which called TASS.web. TASS.web is a web-based administration and portal software for K-12 schools which is developed and supported by The Alpha School System. TASS.web was created when the innovative company decided to develop a web-based platform to offer more flexibility to users and focus on software as a service (SaaS). TASS.web provides student and financial administration system to its users. Modules in TASS.web include enrollment, student, parent, and teacher records and timetables, fundraising information and financial accounts. It also offers online community portals for students, parents and teachers as well as web-based student grading tools. With TASS.web, schools can access the software in a hosted environment with all of the associated cost benefits (Ken Reid, 2008). It frees users from ongoing server upgrades, maintenance, virus protection, security, and downloading any server patches. The only requirement of users is a fast connection to the Internet (Ken Reid, 2008). The move from client-server to a web-based architecture has been well received by all the schools (Ken Reid, 2008). In Australia, there are a growing number of private schools that no longer wish to physically manage the administration of servers and software in-house. Therefore, by offering TASS.web as a SaaS service will be able to service these schools (Ken Reid, 2008). 18 2.6.6 Chancery SMS ( Chancery SMS is the leading web-based student information system designed to meet the unique needs of larger, urban K-12 districts. Chancery SMS provides districts with the tools and capabilities they need to create a powerful framework for student achievement. Chancery SMS is the web-based solution for large school districts. It is more scalable, reliable and was developed with an open, integrated approach that supports other applications. As a SIF-compliant (Schools Interoperability Framework) application, Chancery SMS is based on open standards that support secure, easier and more seamless integration of data with other applications. This allows districts to improve efficiencies, enhance data accuracy and extend data-driven decision-making capabilities. Chancery SMS provides access to accurate, real-time student information anytime, anywhere enabling you to identify issues in advance and take immediate corrective action before they escalate. With Chancery SMS, educators and administrators are able to drill down into student data to analyze trends and the most relevant factors affecting student performance. 2.6.7 Comparison between Existing Systems Table 2.1 Comparison between existing systems Systems SWIS SIS Features TIES SIS Web-based √ √ √ Enrollment √ √ √ Student records √ √ √ EKHO TASS.web SMS Chancery SMS √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 19 Parent records Teacher records √ Scheduling √ Student Grading Tool √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Fundraising √ √ √ √ √ √ Information Financial Accounts √ Marketing Task √ Take Attendance √ √ Reporting √ √ √ Collecting & √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ summarizing students’ data entry Decision-making on √ school-wide discipline Lunch Account Management Grade Record √ Instant e-mails √ √ √ √ √ notifications On-line payment English Language 2.7 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Existing Student Information System (Malaysia) SMM, a system provided by Government Education Department to all government schools. This system is used to maintain student data. Also, one of the UTM students which are supervised by Dr. Azizah had proposed a system called SisPeM. This 20 system is customized based on SK Sri Skudai in Johor. The details of these systems will be discussed in the following sections. 2.7.1 Sistem Maklumat Murid (SMM) SMM is a system that stores all the data includes student personal information, guardian’s information, academic information, co-curriculum information and etc. This system is provided by Government Education Ministry (Kementerian Pelajaran Negara (KPN)). This system is given to all government schools in order to manage and maintain all students’ information in school. SMM is provided by KPN to universalize the information in all government schools in Malaysia. On behalf of schools, SMM needed to be downloaded from the Education Department website in order to use it. The manual of the system is provided freely on the website as well. Moreover, school will send a teacher to attend training course conducted by KPN. After the training course, this teacher had to teach all his/her school’s teachers. In addition, all the student data in the system needed to send back to Education Department at the school area in every 3 months time. Figure 2.2 shows SMM user interface for student information. 21 Figure 2.2 User Interface SMM 2.7.2 System Maklumat Murid Bersepadu: Sistem Penganugerahan Murid (SisPeM) System Maklumat Murid Bersepadu is combined by 4 main systems. SisPeM is one of these 4 systems which is the main concern of the student management system. There are 5 main modules in SisPeM which are Student Marking Module, Student Award Generator Module, Exam Module, Registration Module and Search Module. The main users of SisPeM are basically divided into 2 categories which are admin and system users. SisPeM is a system that can be accessed by students as well as students’ parents. As subject teachers, they can insert their students’ marks into the system and check for the student grade obtained. Also, subject teacher can check whether which students are qualified to become excellent student among all students. 22 Besides, this system can generate an excellent student based on the students who are qualified. The top student of every subject can be generated by this system as well. This system is a very well-designed system that really helps to improve the school marking procedure becomes more efficiency. Nevertheless, there are some shortages in SisPeM. Attendance of the student is not included in SisPeM. Therefore, the class teacher still needed to take student attendance in manually. Furthermore, this system is implemented based on Malay language. Thus, it can only be used in Malay school because most of the daily duties done in Chinese school are based on Chinese language. 2.8 Multilingual System/Website Multilingual software or website is the user interface language in the software or system which can be switched (Multilingualism, Wikipedia). User interface translation is regularly part of the software localization process which includes other editions such as units and date conversion. Many software applications are available in several languages. Software development almost all the time uses English due to the status of English in computing. Also, almost all commercial software versions are offered in English (Multilingualism, Wikipedia). To let the multilingual website to work properly, there are some tips provided by Mahmood Bashaash (owner of SGNetway) (Mahmood Bashaash, 2004). i. Unicode is the best code page that should be chosen for web pages. It is a two bytes numeric presentation of characters and contain up to 65535 characters. There are no human languages in the world have more than these characters. 23 To build an Unicode page, the line below required to add in the head part of the page: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> ii. For creating web pages in Unicode format, a tool is needed to be able to type in those languages. One of the tools that are widely used by web developers is Microsoft Front Page. Netbean is another tool that is support Unicode format. iii. If those languages are Right-To-Left such as Arabic, Persian and Hebrew, the operating system should tune to be able to switch from Left-To-Right to Right-To-Left typing method. As a Microsoft Windows user, the system can be configuring for multiple languages and keyboards. iv. Also, some languages force to apply some changes in the design and navigation of the website. For example, vertical menu bar may put in the left of the pages for English pages and in the right for Arabic pages because Arabic is a RTL language. Although this is not a rule, it is better to consider in designing pages. Besides, an entrance page that makes client choose the navigation language of the website will be added. If one language is considered as the base and eliminate entrance page, most of the visitors are assumed to use a language that is dominant. They will be entered automatically the web pages of the web site. However, visitors would see a small icon in web pages that lets them switch to the other language. v. Limitation in font faces will be faced when the web pages created are in a language rather than English. There are a few font faces in windows that are installed automatically and can show multilingual characters. Those minor numbers of multilingual fonts have to be used to prevent any installation requirements to visitors. One of the best font faces is Tahoma which is easy to read and contains all Unicode characters. vi. If the web site is a database driven and there are forms that clients required to fill and post to database, there would be lots of very technical issues should be consider in order to collect and retrieve data in different languages. 24 2.9 Existing System/Website Besides English, there are other languages started to be used in website and software products. Multilingual is become a basic for international website or systems because the users on the website or system are from everywhere. In order to identify with multilingual system and website, some of the multilingual system and website in different field will be discussed in the following sections. 2.9.1 AirAsia Website AirAsia is a low-cost airline which started in Malaysia. It operates scheduled domestic and international flights. Besides, it is Asia's largest low fare and no add-ons airline. AirAsia recognized low cost travelling in Asia. Also, it is the first airline in the region to implement fully ticketless travel. AirAsia website was previously only available in English, but Mandarin and other languages are now added by the budget carrier. The website is mainly used for booking air flight tickets and viewing the booking details. For the reason of increase number of the flight destination, more languages had to be added in this website in order for users from other countries to access it. In AirAsia website, the details of all the flight details can be displayed in either one of those languages. The flight details are shown in Figure 2.3. 25 Figure 2.3 Chinese Language User Interface 2.9.2 Point Of Sale Software (VRMS) ( IntelliFlow Systems is a restaurant software company located in the heart of the Silicon Valley. Since 1993, Visual Restaurant Management System (VRMS) (English/Chinese POS + BackOffice Software) is developed and sold. The VRMS is one of the first Windows based restaurant POS and management software with more than 1 language. It won Microsoft RAD award in year 1996. The system is Windows based restaurant software which has rich features. VRMS is a complete restaurant system that includes English/Chinese dual language restaurant POS, BackOffice, inventory control, customer information management and more modules. The flexible language exchange options of the VRMS 26 make it a very unique restaurant system that can be used by users with English, Chinese and other different language backgrounds. VRMS packages can be used by many restaurants including those cannot use regular restaurant systems. The extremely flexible multiple language support makes the VRMS a very special and powerful system. The installation may only use one computer up to using dozens of POS stations, half dozen cashier stations and two servers with the restaurant area of more than 100,000 square feet. The English user interface of this system is shown in Figure 2.4 and the Chinese user interface will be shown in Figure 2.5. Figure 2.4 English versions of VRMS 27 Figure 2.5 Chinese versions of VRMS 2.9.3 Wikipedia Website ( Wikipedia is collaborative, multilingual encyclopedia project which is a free web-based supported by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Wikipedia owns around 13 million articles where 3million articles from these articles are written in English. These articles have been written collaboratively by volunteers around the world and almost all of its articles can be edited by anyone who can access Wikipedia website. Wikipedia provide more than 240 languages articles in their repository. All of these articles are written by anyone around the world. In addition, everyone can make alterations to these articles by using any language they would like. Multilingual really makes Wikipedia become the largest and famous encyclopedia in today’s world because users can accesses it by using any language they wish to. Figure 2.6 shows the Chinese version user interface. 28 Figure 2.6 Chinese versions of User Interface 2.9.4 Friendster Website ( Friendster is a privately owned social networking website where the headquarters are in Sydney, Australia. The service provided by Friendster allows users to contact other members, maintain those contacts and share online content and media with their contacts. In addition, it is used for meeting and discovering news, events, bands and hobbies. Users can share any legal videos, photos, messages and comments with other members via their profile and their network. At first, the language used in Friendster is only in English. But as time goes by, many other languages are added to this website. Languages used include Tagalog, Thai, Malay, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Chinese (both Traditional and Simplified), Japanese, 29 Korean, and Spanish. Furthermore, users can also enter the content in any language on Friendster. Friendster launched all language support on a single domain only ( Friendster is the first global online social network that is support Asian languages and other languages on a single domain. It designed as it is so that users from around the world can talk to each other. Based on the survey and researches done by Friendster, over 70% of the world's Internet users can now use Friendster. Figure 2.7 shows the Chinese version of user interface. Figure 2.7 Chinese version of User Interface 30 2.9.5 eBay Website ( eBay website is an online auction and shopping website for people and businesses buy and sell a wide variety of goods and services worldwide. A majority of the sales take place through a set-time auction format. Moreover, there are methods consist of an important segment of listings in the "Buy It Now" category. Initially, eBay was a website only accessed by American citizen. Since the popularity of the site is increased, it is available in many other countries which support multi languages. From the point of view from users, they can access the website with the languages they want especially Asian people. Not all of the Asian people familiar with English language. If the website only displayed in English, some of the users might not understand the meaning of the website and would not continue to access the website. If the languages provided are more than one language (English), users can choose to display language that he/she needed. It actually can increase the popularity of the website as well. The Chinese version of user interface will be shown in Figure 2.8. Figure 2.8 Chinese version of User Interface 31 2.10 Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 is an application that users can create and deploy electronic forms resolutions to collect information efficiently and reliably (Microsoft Office InfoPath, Wikipedia). In InfoPath, the user can create and complete a form while off-line. Besides, InfoPath will helps to check some fields on the form for validity and users can attach a digital signature in the form. With InfoPath, users can create data input forms to collecting any types of information. Also, InfoPath provides electronic checklists that can guide the user step by step through predefined work. InfoPath forms can be used to coordinate work between multiple persons (Microsoft Corporation, 2007). For example, one worker begins with filling in some customer details fields and passes the form to the next worker to add other details and so on. Actually, this is quite similar to those paper forms that are used in many businesses to get work done. Microsoft Office InfoPath is a useful application for those users that are not familiar to program coding. InfoPath can easily convert Microsoft Office Word documents and Excel spreadsheets to InfoPath forms. Besides, it makes complex form design easier (Microsoft Corporation, 2007). 2.11 Justification of Literature Review Based on the research done, the available systems are mostly web-based system. But, those systems were developed and used for schools in western countries. Although the government had provided system to manage student data but it did not solved teacher’s daily duties workload. After the research had been done on available system 32 and SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat, the concept about the features and criteria of the information system for Chinese primary schools is clearer. Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 is a very useful application that can be used as the prototype interface of the system for Chinese primary school. With this application, I can show the prototype to school teachers easier. Although IT is very important to everyone nowadays, most of the teachers do not have IT background. Therefore, they can understand the workflow of the system easier with this application. 2.12 Summary In this chapter, the philosophy of Malaysia education is explained. The primary education in Malaysia and Chinese primary school are discussed as well. Next, the existing school information system and the comparisons among them are clarified. The existing multilingual systems are discussed in order to have a better concept about the multilingual system. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction Methodology plays vital roles in the software development. It is important in proposed to bring order to the chaos of software development and engineering works. Appropriate methodology provides reasonable guidance to software team. Methodology can be defined as a codified set of practical ideas and recommended practices in order to gather user requirements analyze them and design an application that meets the identified requirements in every ways. The methodologies vary from structured methodology to data-driven and object oriented methodology based on the unique concepts it holds. This chapter explains the methodology applied in the major activities of the system development. The project methodology begins with defining the project goals until the closure of the project. This chapter will also illustrate each phase in the methodology used and describes the importance in deploying this methodology. A methodology is a formalized approach to implementing the SDLC (i.e., it is a list of steps and deliverables) (Alan Dennis, et al., 2005). 34 3.2 Project Methodology Methodology used in the project is Rational Unified Process (RUP). RUP is an iterative software engineering process which provides a disciplined approach to assigning tasks and responsibilities within a development organization. Its goals are to make sure the production of high quality software that meets the needs of its end users within a predictable schedule and budget. 3.2.1 RUP Methodology RUP is an example of use-case driven, architecture-centric, iterative and incremental modern process model that has been derived from work on the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and the associated Unified Software Development Process (Rumbaugh, et al., 1999b). RUP is an evolutionary software development process which is prescriptive, well-defined system development process, regularly used to develop system based on object-oriented based and/or component-based technologies. There are six fundamental best practices are recommended (Ambler, 2002): i. Develop software iteratively • Focus on development iteratively to ensure the highest priority system features. ii. Manage requirement • Make sure the requirement user achieve aspect aims, objective and scope. iii. Use component-based architecture • Structure the system architecture into components 35 iv. Visually model software • Use graphic UML models to represent static and dynamic views of the software. v. Verify software quality • vi. Ensure product and progress meet the organizational quality standard. Control changes to software • Manages changes in the system development RUP Phases The RUP is a phased model that indentifies four discrete phases in the software process (Ambler, 2002). These phases represent a certain emphasis to the activities within iteration. There are: i. Inception phase – to establish the business case for the system and delimit the project scope. ii. Elaboration phase - to analyze the problem domain, establish a sound architectural foundation, develop the project plan, and eliminate the highest risk elements of the project. iii. Construction phase - all remaining components and application features are developed and integrated into the product, and all features are thoroughly tested. iv. Transition phase - to transition the software product to the user community 36 The following figure showed the work flow of RUP. The process can be described in two dimensions. The horizontal dimension represented the time and phases in RUP whereas the vertical dimension represented content of logical activities of software engineering. Figure 3.1: Phases of life cycle on develop software and work flow of RUP (Ambler, 2002) Advantages of RUP There are the advantages of using RUP: i. Well-document and complete methodology – RUP is a complete methodology with all its documentation easily available ii. Open and public –RUP is openly published, distributed and supported. 37 iii. Training readily available – The on-line version of RUP walks users through the process in a step-by-step tutorial; manner. A lot of institutes also offer training course. iv. Changing Requirement – Proactive resolve of client’s changing requirement and related risks. v. Reduced integration time and effort – As the development model followed is iterative n nature, so we integrate the code in phases resulting in lesser time and effort spent on integration. vi. Higher level of reuse – The reuse of the code is easy and faster. Disadvantages of RUP There are the disadvantages of using RUP: i. The process is too complex - The process is too complex, too difficult to earn and too difficult to apply correctly. ii. Sociological Aspects –The Unified Process does not capture the sociological aspects of software development and the details of hoe to truly develop incrementally. iii. Disorganized and development – It may lead to a totally undisciplined form of software development. 38 3.3 Phases in System Development Inception phase, elaboration phase, construction phase and transition phase are those phases in RUP. The planning of the development software according to the phases of RUP is clarified in the following sections. 3.3.1 Inception Phase In this phase, investigations on the information system for school administrative are carried out. The analysis of existence information system for school administrative used and the comparison among features for existing system are clarified. The primary education system in Malaysia will be studied and the government Chinese primary schools, SJK(C) and case study (SJK(C) CDK) will be clarified as well. Also, discussions are done on the existing multilingual system in different fields. The objective, scope and aim of the project are identified. The flow of school administrative flow is explored and will be implemented in the information system in this project. To identify and understand the user requirements, interview, research and literature review are done. Duration of development software will be structured as a guideline to ensure that the project can be completed on time. Schema of duration for the activities is structured in the Grant Chart to show the flow of development project. Interview Interview is an efficient way to get information of the requirements from users. The interview will be made for SJK(C) CDK in Penang. Open-ended and close-ended questions will be made in this interview. Questions asked will be on the flow of the 39 administrator entering student data, generating reports and etc. The interview questions will be shown in APPENDIX C. Research and Literature Review Research and literature review on the resources found is very important to a project. In this project, the research is done through Internet and books in order to obtain information of the technical material, primary education background and current trends in information system. 3.3.2 Elaboration Phase In elaboration phase, problem domain of the project is understood and analyzed. The logical model used for this project is designed. The architecture framework for the system includes its scope, major functionality and non-functionality requirements are established in details. The project plan is developed as well. Besides, use cases and actors have been identified and also its description. The description of the use case is explicated. The activity diagram, sequence diagram, class diagram and CRC Card are illustrated. UML models which represent the overall function and phases of development software will be clarified in Chapter 4. 40 3.3.3 Construction Phase In construction phase, the remaining components and application features such as system design and coding are developed and integrated. The testing of the project is concerned as well. The coding part of the system will be done by using Java language which consists of JavaScript, JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Java Servlets. The database used for this project will be developed under this phase. The inputs, outputs and the processes of the user interface will be designed as the requirements of schools. The documentation of the system will be generated as well. The details of this phase will be clarified in Chapter 5. 3.3.4 Transition Phase This phase represent as the last phase in the project which moving the system from the development community to the user community and making it works in a real environment. On the end of this phase, the system documentation will function correctly in its operational environment. This phase represent as estimation of the development system by users. This process ensures the system manageable operation as the planning in the early stage of development. The testing of the system, training and maintenance will be done as well. The validation will be done on the system input data. The details of the testing and validation will be discussed in Chapter 5. 41 3.4 Justification of Chosen Methodology With RUP methodology, the project can be done in systematic with a well and complete document. The users’ requirements can be updated at every phase in order to produce a system which is fulfilled users requirements. Besides, the time used on integration will be reduced since this model is iterative model. This model is an objectoriented based model which means the code can be reuse. 3.4.1 Unified Modeling Language (UML) By definition, UML is a modeling language. It attempts to standardize graphical language elements for modeling software-intensive systems. UML provide a standard set of terms as well as a diagram which used can be used to visualize, specialize, develop and document software artifacts. Its can used from the beginning stage till the final stage of development software of cycle. UML consists of thirteen different types of diagrams used for structural, behavioral, and interaction modeling. There are activity, class communication, component, composite structure, deployment, interaction overview, object, package, sequence, state machine, timing, and use case. By using UML, relationship between class and object in the development stage can be clarified and exhibited obviously through the use case diagram. The foundation concept of UML as shown as following: i. Spread out boundary between use case and actors. ii. Illustrate use case by using the Collaborations diagram iii. Represent the dynamic model by using sequence diagram iv. Act as a static system structure by using class diagram v. Modeling operation by using activity diagram 42 3.5 Hardware and Software Requirements Generally, hardware and software are involved in developing the system. The hardware involves in this study refers to the minimum hardware requirements of developing, designing and implementation of the proposed system. Software requirements can be further divided into the software technology and the software application. Software technology is the technology or knowledge required to design and develops the software whilst the software applications are used as case-tool for the analysis, design, documentation and implementation for developing the system. The hardware and software requirement are discuss below: i. Hardware Requirement This project requires at least one personal computer and support Chinese characters. The following are the minimum requirements hardware: Table 3.1: Minimum Hardware Requirement Processor Pentium III and above Memory 128 MB Hard Disk 10 MB Operation System Window/GNU Linux support Chinese characters ii. Network Card Network Card Modern 56k Software Requirement The project involve vary kind of software. The following are the software requirement in the project: 43 i) Software Technology • NetBean 5.0 • Unified Modeling Language • MySQL • Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 ii) Documentation and design tools: 3.6 • Rational Rose 2005 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Office Word 2007 • Microsoft Office Project 2007 Project Schedule Schema of duration for the activities is structured in the Grant Chart to show the flow of development project. The mile stones, activities and date are clearly mentioned in the Gantt chart project. Both the Gantt Chart for Project 1 and Project 2 are done by using Microsoft Project 2003. The Gantt Chart of the project will be shown in Appendix A (Project 1) and Appendix B (Project 2). 3.7 Chapter Summary The methodology applied for the development project and phases involved are clarified in this chapter. The RUP methodology and UML development model appropriate implement in build up the project. RUP convenient in estimation process phases in the early stage. UML model is independent with any programming languages. The design of the system will be discussed in details in next chapter. CHAPTER 4 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 4.1 Introduction In this chapter, the system analysis and system design will be described in details. The government Chinese primary school structure and the problem statement will be analyzed in details. The functions of the system will be shown in details by using use case diagram and descriptions, sequence diagram and activity diagram. Beside, the Class-Responsibility-Collaboration (CRC) card will be done before create class diagram of the system. . 4.2 Organizational Analysis Basically Malaysia has three big races which are Malay, Chinese and Tamil. Therefore, the primary schools in Malaysia had separated to three main types of schools. In this section, the government Chinese primary school in Penang will be explained in terms of structure, current system and their workflow. All the findings are based on the researcher’s interview with the teachers, clerks, assistant principal and principal of SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat which is situated in Penang Island. 45 4.2.1 SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat (SJK(C) CDK) Structure In SJK(C) CDK, the top management of the school is the principal and supported by two assistant principal (PK1 and PK2). If the primary school had two session (morning and afternoon session), there is an afternoon session assistant principal to lead the afternoon teachers. Besides school academic staffs, there are two associations that held to support the school extra funding. The PIBG is an association that held to support school extra funding for academic purposes. Also, Board of Governor is typically held to raise funds to build or renovate the school building and facilities. The school teachers are basically classified according to the subjects that they taught. Besides subjects they teach, they will be assisted as a class teacher. As a class teacher, the teacher wishes to hold responsibility on those students in the class such as take attendance and manage student details. Besides teaching, teachers have to done administration works such as reporting the syllabus taught and comment on subjects taught. Co-curriculum teacher is direct under principal in SJK(C) CDK since him /her in charge all co-curriculum activities and may need to inform the principal directly. There are some student prefects that help discipline teacher to preserve the school sequence. The example organization chart that show the actual hierarchical of SJK(C) CDK in Penang is shown in Figure 4.1. 46 Principal Chairman of Board of Governor President of PIBG Assistant Principal 1 Curriculum Administration Finance Subjects Syllabus & Examinations Staff Teacher In charge Class Teacher Assistant Principal 2 Student General Affair Student Discipline Discipline Teacher Counseling Group of Counseling Teachers Co-curriculum Teacher Club Sport Uniform Society Figure 4.1 Organizational Chart of Penang government Chinese Primary School (SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat) : potential user 47 4.2.2 Current System in SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat In Malaysia, Government Education Department had provided all the government schools 2 systems free of charge. Text Book Rental Scheme (Skim Pinjaman Buku Teks (SPBT)) system, a system that help to manage the text book rental data. It is provided by government to update the text books details and report those details to PPDP. Student Information System (Sistem Maklumat Murid (SMM)), a system that used to store student information and send back to PPDP every 3 months. However, the daily duties such as take student attendance and marking students’ grade were done in manually. Class teacher takes student attendance every day in manually. Class teacher takes attendance when he/she had class with class students. Class monitor will informed class teacher about absent students. After informed by monitor, class teacher will tick on students who are attended. Besides, class teachers needed to generate grade book for all students. All the subjects’ grades are generated manually. After each of the subject’s marks and grades are generated, it needed to be checked again by class students to confirm no mistakes. Subsequently, class teacher needed to reorder the class position based on the total marks. The workflow such as teachers generate grade books in SJK(C) CDK will be shown in Appendix D as well. The main duties of school teachers are teaching, meeting and reporting. All academic staffs include principal require to conduct classes. Mostly, the principal will only conduct a few classes because principals are involved in several management works such as attending meeting, planning and works on to upgrade school reputation. 48 Principal must attend meeting held by State Educational Department (Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri (JPN)) to get new information from government. In Penang, JPN had categorized the whole Penang into three zones where island is under Pendidikan Penang Daerah Pulau (PPDP), the north part of Butterworth is under Pendidikan Penang Daerah Utara (PPDU) and the south part is under Pendidikan Penang Daerah Selatan (PPDS). The principal required to send official reports to those departments according the school’s area. Normally, reports that required by JPN will be typed manually using typewriter or computer. Based on the interview had been done, the assistant principal needs to prepare reports such as monthly reports of students and teachers attendance list, the summary of students details and summary of total students and classes. The daily duty of admin staff includes type reports and letters and any other paper works which related to school. Also, the student data in SMM needed to send back to PDDP regularly. Teachers in SJK(C) CDK have to do report on the subjects they taught. They required doing reports according the grade of students and the syllabus they had covered. As a class teacher, they required to generate grade book for their class’s students as well. When end of each day, those reports and comments of each teacher will be passed to principal for reviewed and signed. According to the interviewees, their daily duties are time consuming especially when generating reports because reports are generated in manually. As an example, assistant principal required to print reports on students and teachers details to JPN every month. Those reports needed to be printed in 2 languages where Malay version will be sent to JPN and Chinese version will be kept in school. With a web based computerized system, they can generate reports in short period. 49 Furthermore, SMM is become school teachers’ burden specially class teachers because the student details needed to be insert time by time. Besides, this system had some bugs and errors that are very difficult to solve and undergo for teachers that are almost no IT background. Thus, they need a long period to insert student data into this system and make their workload increased. 4.3 Proposed System Architecture The main idea of this system design is to build a blue print that can fulfill all user requirements. In order to fulfill user requirement, prototype user interfaces are done by using Microsoft InfoPath 2007. The examples of the prototype are shown in APPENDIX E. In system design, the user interface, inputs, outputs and processes of the system are needed to be designed. In order to show the business process of the system, the functional models are designed by using UML. Structural models will be designed to support the business process of the system. Also, the behavioral models will be designed to show the internal dynamic aspects of the system. Also, the IT architecture of the system will be designed to show the conceptual design of the system. Basically, the IT architecture of the system will be a module-based system architecture which had 5 main modules. The conceptual architecture design of the system will be shown in APPENDIX F. 4.3.1 Functional Modeling Functional models illustrate the business processes and the interaction between an information system and its environment. As in Chapter 3, methodology used is RUP which is an object-oriented based methodology. There are two types of models that can 50 be used to illustrate the functionality of the system in an object-oriented system development. The models used are use cases diagram and descriptions and activity diagrams. Use Case Diagram In use case diagram, the actor is a person that has a role to play while interacting with the system while the use case is used to represent the functionality of the system. The use case diagram of the system will be shown in APPENDIX G. Use Case Description Use case description is the overview of the functionality of the system. The use case description show all the information of the use case in a less formal way that is simpler for users to understand. Table 4.1 shows the use cases of the system. The detail use case description of the system will be shown in APPENDIX H. Table 4.1 Use Cases of the System Actor User Teacher Assistant Principal Use Cases • Sign In • Search Student Details • Manage Subject Marks • Generate Subject Report • Manage Teacher Details • Manage Class Details • Manage Subjects Details 51 Class Teacher • Manage Exam Details • Generate Official Reports • Register New Student • Manage Student Details • Take Student Attendance • Manage Academic Details • Generate Class Report • Generate Academic Report • Generate Student Report Activity Diagrams Activity diagrams are used to show the data flow of the system and include some notation that address the modeling of parallel, concurrent activities and complex decision process. The activity diagrams in the system will be shown in APPENDIX I. 4.3.2 Structural Modeling Structural models illustrate the structure of the data that support the business process. To create structural models, Class-Responsibility-Collaboration (CRC) cards and class diagram will be used. 52 Class-Responsibility-Collaboration (CRC) Card CRC card is used to document the responsibilities and the collaboration of a class. The CRC card will include all relevant information associated with a class. The main content of the CRC card is identifying the responsibilities and the collaboration with it. The CRC card of the system will be shown in APPENDIX J. Class Diagram Class diagram is a static model that shows the relationship between the classes of the system. There are total of 16 classes in the class diagram. The classes included User class, Associate Principal class, Class Teacher class, Teacher class, Student Academic Details class, Student Marks class, Class Attendance List class, Log In Form class, Report Form class, Student Search Form class, Class Form class and Student Personal Details class. The class diagram of the system will be shown in APPENDIX K. 4.3.3 Behavioral Modeling Behavioral models illustrate the internal logic of the process of the system. The main function of the behavior model is to show the details of a business process represented by use case. The diagram that will be used in behavioral modeling is sequence diagram. 53 Sequence Diagram Sequence diagram is a dynamic model which used to illustrate the objects that participate in a use case and the message pass between them. With sequence diagram, the internal flow of the system can be shown. The sequence diagram of the system will be shown in APPENDIX L. 4.3.4 Module Design Module design is one of the important roles since it is the actual design of the overall system flow. It can let the user understand the overall flow of the system. There are 3 main module users in the system are Assistant Principal Module, Class Teacher Module and Teacher Module. The hierarchical of the system module is showed in Figure 4.2. 54 DynaSMS Assistant Principal Class Teacher Language Type Selection Language Type Selection Log In Language Type Selection Teacher Language Type Selection Log In Year Academic Module Language Type Selection Manage year academic Log In Language Type Selection Attendance Module Take attendance Setup Module Manage class setup Subject Module Report Selection Report Selection Manage subject setup Generate class report Manage exam setup Generate subject report Teacher Information Report Type Selection Generate official report Generate subject teaches Search Student Module Generate student report Manage teacher information Search Student Module Manage subject details Generate academic Generate attendance Search Student Module Subject Module Manage Subject Details Student Information Manage Student Grade Book Module Manage Grade Book Details Figure 4.2 Hierarchical of the Proposed System - DynaSMS 55 Assistant Principal Module Modules in Assistant Principal Module are divided to few sub modules. The modules included Language Selection Module, Log In Module, Setup Module, Teacher Information Module, Report Selection Module, Search Module and Year Academic Module. The modules were divided so that assistant principal easier to manage his/her tasks. Assistant Principal is required to login before he/she can manage his/her tasks. Assistant principal can change his/her particulars after login. All the sub modules that participate in this module are shown in Table 4.2. Table 4.2 Assistant Principal Module Module Language Selection Explanation • Assistant principal can choose either Chinese, Module Log In Module English or Malay language. • Assistant principal log in to manage his/her tasks in this system. Setup Module • Class Setup • Exam Setup • Subject Setup • Assistant principal can manage the class setup, exam setup and subject setup. • He/she can insert new classes and update the class details in class setup. • It is the same to subject and exam setup. • Assistant principal can add new subjects and assign teacher to teach. Teacher Information • Module • Manage all Assistant principal can register new teachers and update their details. • school teachers He/she can update and make changes to his/her account as well. details Report Selection Module • Assistant principal can choose the report type he/she needs to be printed. 56 • Assistant principal had to choose the report type from the list. • It includes school reports, teachers’ reports and academic details reports. Search Module • Assistant principal can search student by entering student ID. • Advance search is provided to the assistant principal as well. Year Academic Module • Assistant principal can produce the year top students for each subjects and excellent student for each year. Class Teacher Module Modules in Class Teacher Module are divided to few sub modules. The modules included Language Selection Module, Log In Module, Student Information Module, Attendance Module, Grade Book Module, Subject Module, Report Selection Module and Search Module. The modules were divided so that class teacher easier to manage his/her tasks. Class teacher is required to login before he/she can manage his/her tasks. Class teacher can change his/her particulars after login. All the sub modules that participate in this module are shown in Table 4.3. Table 4.3 Class Teacher Module Module Language Selection Explanation • Module Log In Module Class teacher can choose either Chinese, English or Malay language. • Class teacher log in to manage his/her tasks in this system. 57 Subject Module • • subjects his/her taught. Manage all subjects teaches Teacher can insert student marks according to the • He/she can display the grade obtain by the students after score inserted. Student Information • Module • Manage all class Class teacher can manage student information by changing their particulars. • He/she can register new student for his/her class. • Class teacher is required to check the attendance students particulars Attendance Module • Manage class attendance everyday. • He/she cannot take attendance twist for 1day. • But this system provides class teacher a function to change the attendance details. Grade Book Module • Class teacher is required to produce class position for students according to the marks inserted by the subject teachers. • He/she can update and view the details and make comment on his/her student performance. Report Selection • Module Class teacher can choose the report type he/she needs to be printed. • Class teacher had to choose the report type from the list. • It includes class reports, personal details, attendance reports and academic details reports. Search Module • Class teacher can search student by entering student ID. • Advance search is provided to the class teacher as well. 58 Teacher Module Modules in Teacher Module are divided to few sub modules. The modules included Language Selection Module, Log In Module, Subject Module, Report Selection Module and Search Module. The modules were divided so that teacher easier to manage his/her tasks. Teacher is required to login before he/she can manage his/her tasks. Teacher can change his/her particulars after login. All the sub modules that participate in this module are shown in Table 4.4. Table 4.4 Teacher Module Module Language Selection Explanation • Module Log In Module Teacher can choose either Chinese, English or Malay language. • Teacher log in to manage his/her tasks in this system. Subject Module • • Manage all subjects teaches Teacher can insert student marks according to the subjects his/her taught. • He/she can display the grade obtain by the students after score inserted. Report Selection • Module Search Module Teacher can choose the report type he/she needs to be printed. • Teacher had to choose the report type from the list. • It includes personal details and subjects reports. • Teacher can search student by entering student ID. • Advance search is provided to the teacher as well. 59 4.3.5 Database Design In database design, the relational schema and tables in database will be clarified in clearly in this section. Relational Schema Table 4.5 Relational Schema i academicdetails (academicId, stuId, examId, totalMarks, classPosition, yearPosition, aggregate, classId, comment, year, academicYear) PRIMARY KEY (`academicId`), FOREIGN KEY (stuId, examId, classId) ii attendance (attendId, stuId, todayAttend, totalAttend, tdate, ttime, classId, month, yearly) PRIMARY KEY (`attendId`) FOREIGN KEY (classId, stuId ) iii class (classRId, classId, className, year, teacherId, noStu, date) PRIMARY KEY (`classRId`), Foreign KEY (`teacherId) iv classde (classId, className ,classYear) PRIMARY KEY (`classId`) v exam (examIn, examId, examName, examSDate, year) PRIMARY KEY (`examIn`) vi student (stuId, stuName, stuCName, stuBCertID, stuGender, stuDOB, stuRegDate, stuNation, stuReligion, stuRace, guardianName, guardianIC, guardianAdd1, guardianAdd2, classId, tuYear, stuImage, regBy) PRIMARY KEY (`stuId`) guardianHp, guardianWork, guardianRel, 60 FOREIGN KEY (classId, regBy) vii sturecord (stuRecId, stuId, classId, height, weight, yearRec, teacherId) PRIMARY KEY (`stuRecId`), FOREIGN KEY `stuId` (`stuId`) viii sturesult (sturesultId, stuId, subId, classId, examId, subScore, subGrade, year) PRIMARY KEY (`sturesultId`), FOREIGN KEY (subId, stuId, classId, examId ), ix subject (subId, subName ,year) PRIMARY KEY (`subId`) x subjectteach (subteachId, subId, teacherId, classId) PRIMARY KEY (`subteachId`), FOREIGN KEY (subId, teacherId, classId ), xi teacher (teacherId, teacherName, teacherCName, teacherPosition, teacherGred, teacherIC, teacherGen, teacherEm, teacherAdd1, teacherAdd2, teacherPass, teacherHp, schId, schName, teacherImg, teacherSTeach) PRIMARY KEY (`teacherId`) xii topstu (topId, topName, year, topYear, stuId, classId, examId) PRIMARY KEY (`topId`) Database Tables 12 tables are built in this system to support all the data inserted. These tables are table academicdetails, table attendance, table class, table classed, table exam, table student, table sturecord, table sturesult, table subject, table subjectteach, table teacher and table topstu. All the details of these tables will be shown in APPENDIX M. 61 4.4 Input User Interface Input is the term means either an entrance or changes which are inserted into a system and which transform a process. The inputs usually are placed in using keypad, mouse, touch screen and etc. Input design is very crucial in order to produce valuable outputs. Consequently, the design needed to be done before the implementation is started. Input specification of assistant principal module, class teacher module and teacher module are different. Therefore, each of these modules had its own input specification. The data specification will be shown in Table 4.6. Also, the example of the input interface will be shown in Figure 4.3. Table 4.6 Input Data Specification Module Log In Module Student Search Module Input Specification • Teacher Type • ID • Password Normal Search • Student ID Advance Search (either one or all) Subject Module • Name • Gender • Year • Class • Guardian Name • Guardian IC • Score • Exam 62 Setup Module • Subject ID • Student ID • Class ID Class Setup • ID • Name • Year • Class teacher ID Exam Setup • Name • Type • Year • Date Subject Setup • ID • Name • Teacher teach ID • Class ID • Year • Class ID • Student ID • Attendance Student Information • Chinese Name Module • English Name • Gender • Race • Religion • Birth Cert ID • DOB • Registration Date Attendance Module 63 Grade Book Module Year Academic Module • Nationality • Guardian Name • Guardian IC • Guardian Address • Guardian Contacts • Guardian Professional • Guardian Relationship • Class ID • Year • Student ID • Class Position • Total marks • Aggregate • Comment • Exam ID Generate Year Position • Year • Class ID • Total Marks • Student ID Generate Top Student • Subject ID • Subject Score • Class ID • Total Marks Teacher Information • Name Module • IC • Gender • Race • Religion 64 • Grade • Password • Contact Number • Address • Service Date Report Selection • Report Type Module • User Type • Year Figure 4.3 Input User Interface 4.5 Output User Interface Output is the term that allowing the system to indicate the effects of the users’ manipulation based on the user’s input. The outputs of a system are what can be measured. Output specification is varying for different modules. Therefore, the output 65 specification for each module will be shown in details in Table 4.7. Also, the output user interface will be shown in Figure 4.4. Table 4.7 Output Specification Module Input Specification Student Search • Image Module • ID • Chinese Name • Name • Gender • Year • Class • Race • Religion • DOB • Birth Cert. ID • Nationality • Registration Date • Guardian Name • Guardian IC • Guardian Contact No • Guardian Address • Guardian Professional • Guardian Relationship • Score • Exam ID • Subject ID • Student ID • Class ID Subject Module 66 • Setup Module Grade Class Setup • ID • Name • Year • Class teacher ID Exam Setup • Name • Type • Year • Date Subject Setup • ID • Name • Teacher teach ID • Class ID • Year • Class ID • Student ID • Attendance • Total Attendance Student Information • Image Module • Chinese Name • English Name • Gender • Race • Religion • Birth Cert ID • DOB • Registration Date Attendance Module 67 Grade Book Module Year Academic Module • Nationality • Guardian Name • Guardian IC • Guardian Address • Guardian Contacts • Guardian Professional • Guardian Relationship • Class ID • Year • Student ID • Name • Total Attendance • Class Position • Year Position • Total marks • Aggregate • Comment • Exam ID Generate Year Position • Year • Class ID • Total Marks • Student ID Generate Top Student • Title • Subject ID • Subject Score • Class ID • Total Marks • Year 68 Teacher Information • Image Module • Name • IC • Gender • Race • Religion • Grade • Password • Contact Number • Address • Service Date Report Selection • Report Type Module • Year Figure 4.4 Output User Interface 69 4.6 Chapter Summary The analysis done on SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat workflow shows that the problems of the manually business process. The functional models, structural models and behavioral models are designed to show the business process of the new system. Besides, the conceptual IT architecture is illustrated to get the concept in a more concrete matter. The database design and the input and output specification lets the user understand easier. CHAPTER 5 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING 5.1 Introduction In this chapter, the system implementation will be described in details. The methods and language used to implement system will be described in details. Besides, activities done in database implementation and user interface will be discussed in this chapter. . 5.2 System Implementation Basically system implementation had divided into 2 parts which are database development and user interfaces and functions development. In order to develop database, planning and design must be preformed. It trims down data redundancy lots. To develop user interface and functions of the system, the coding part is essential. 71 5.2.1 Database Development Apacer Web Server version 2.0.55 is the DMBS used in this system. Database for this system is developed by using MySQL database version 5.0.16. Data and tables in this database can be built in visual interface without entering any SQL coding with this application. The steps of database development with the available functions will be shown as below: i. Choose phpMyAdmin Database Manager Version 2.6.4-pl4 from the list in Apache Web Server application. ii. Fill in the name of the database in the Create New Database Text Box. iii. After filled in the name of database, press Create button to built a new database. iv. In order to build table in database, fill in the table name and the number of fields in the text box provided. v. User required to fill in the field name, data type, data size, choose to be null and not null, default of the field, auto increment, attributes and set the field to be primary key, unique and index. vi. After all fields in table is completed insert, press Save button to save the table. Figure 5.1 shows the tables built in the system database. The SQL code generated by the application for table sturecord will be shown in Figure5.2. 72 Figure 5.1 Tables in database used CREATE TABLE `sturecord` ( `stuRecId` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `stuId` varchar(8) NOT NULL, `classId` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `height` float NOT NULL, `weight` float NOT NULL, `yearRec` int(4) NOT NULL, `teacherId` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`stuRecId`), KEY `stuId` (`stuId`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ; Figure 5.2 SQL code of Table sturecord 73 5.2.2 User Interface Development User interface of the system explained the actual steps of the system implementation to obtain accurate and correct outcome. User interface of DynaSMS was built by using NetBeans 5.0. This application had visual tools that are facilitate to implement user interface. Also, embedded functions are provided in this application for users to call out easily. Adobe Photoshop 7.0 is used to design and create some icons and images in the system interface. Also, Macromedia Flash MX 2004 is used to design and create flash for banner in the user interface. Coding Approach In this system development, the coding used is basically java based languages. Languages used are JavaScript, JSP and Java Servlet which are supported by NetBeans 5.0. JavaScript is mainly used to perform utilities of the linkage between user interfaces and validation. It also used to perform pie chart and line chart illustration in reporting and visual and effect design in user interface. JavaScript is a client-side coding and it cannot run the program on host unless with browser. JavaScript is a scripted language which is object oriented, event-driven, and platform independent. Figure 5.3 shows the example of JavaScript coding in the system. 74 Figure 5.3 Example of JavaScript in validation JSP is used to send requests to Servlet to perform server-side code and perform SQL query to request database data to the system. It was used to perform SELECT, UPDATE queries in the system. It sends request to servlet by using form action for servlet to perform INSERT query and conditional statements. Once the JSP is built, JSP compiler will generated a servlet based on the JSP page. HTML is used in JSP page to display the contents in user interface. JSP is a server side Java technology that allows user to create dynamically generated web pages, with HTML, XML, or other document types, in response to a Web client request to a Java Web Application container which is server. One of the JSP pages in the system is shown in Figure 5.4. 75 Figure 5.4 Example of JSP code in system Java Servlet is created to receive and response requests from JSP and performed functions in Servlet. In the system, servlet is used to carry out INSERT query and some conditional statements. Also, it used to set session attributes for users in the system. Servlet is a server-side Java language object which is unseen to client. It is created based on object-oriented structure that dynamically process requests and construct responses. Also, it allows user to add dynamic content to a Web server using the Java platform. The example of servlet in the system is shown in Figure 5.5. 76 Figure 5.5 Example of Java Servlet 5.3 System Testing and Evaluation System testing is a collection of tests designed to verify that a program or system is ready for production. Also, it is the testing of the system in artificial conditions to ensure that it should perform as expected and as required. It is performed to ensure that the system works module by module (unit testing), combined module (integration testing) and as a whole (system testing). System Testing should ensure that each function of the system works as expected. Besides, it should ensure that interfaces for input and output and functions as required. System Testing does not concern only with the functionality of the system but also to meet the needs of the users and accept by users. 77 Testing process in this project was done with few stages to make the testing process easier to control. There are four stages of testing needed to be performed which are unit testing, integration testing, system testing and user acceptance testing. 5.3.1 Unit Testing In unit testing, test only performed on modules. A unit is the smallest testable part of a system. Testing will be performed on user interface, data structure and error control of the modules in the system. This testing can helps to identify errors in earlier stage so that the system development can be performed smoothly. Unit testing is done on all small modules such as grading module, insert new subject code module and etc. As an example, testing is carried out on summation of total subjects’ marks for all students. After the grading module is built, the testing is performed on the summation marks to make sure it produce correct outcome. After testing is done on the module, it can be combined to other module such as report module. 5.3.2 Integration Testing System integration testing merely tests that 2 or more separate modules can work together as expected. Unit testing did not substantiate the data passed between modules are correct. Integration testing takes those modules that are tested in unit testing and groups them in larger sets. Tests will be applied to those sets and its output will be delivered as the integrated system ready for system testing. 78 In the integration testing, interaction between modules such as assistant principal module, class teacher module and teacher module interact with login module will be tested. Login module is one independent module that is tested correctly in unit testing but unit testing did not ensure the interaction between login module and user module is correct. Therefore, integration testing will be tested on it. The details of testing will be shown as in Table 5.1. Table 5.1 Integration Testing Example for User Modules First Module Second Module Assistant Login Module Testing Expected Outcome Assistant Login correctly and Principal Principal is access to Assistant Module selected, user Principal homepage. Outcome Successes ID and password is entered. Class Login Module Class Teacher Login correctly and Teacher is selected, user access to Class Module ID and Teacher homepage. Successes password is entered. Teacher Login Module Module Teacher is Login correctly and selected, user access to Teacher ID and homepage. Successes password is entered. Assistant Language Language type If Chinese language is Successes Principal Selection selected selected, Chinese page Module Module will be displayed. If English language is selected, English 79 language page will be displayed. If Malay language is selected, Malay language page will be displayed. Class Language Language type If Chinese language Teacher Selection selected is selected, Chinese Module Module Successes language page will be displayed. If English language is selected, English language page will be displayed. If Malay language is selected, Malay language page will be displayed. Teacher Language Language type If Chinese language Module Selection selected is selected, Chinese Module language page will be displayed. If English language is selected, English language page will be displayed. If Malay language is selected, Malay language page will be displayed. Successes 80 5.3.3 System Testing System testing is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements. All of the integrated system modules that have successfully passed integration testing will be tested in system testing. Errors can be detected with system testing. 5.3.4 User Acceptance Testing User acceptance testing is the last stage of system testing. In this stage, only real data will be used in this testing. User are not involved in this testing stage because the limitation of duration. 5.4 User Manual User manual for this system is created after Dyna Student Management System is built. User manual is created to makes the user easier to use this system. The user manual is shown in APPENDIX N. 5.5 Chapter Summary In the system implementation for DynaSMS, the coding syntax used will be Java based syntax. JSP, JavaScript and Servlet are used to perform the interface interaction and design. Testing performed in the system which consists of unit testing, integration testing, system testing and user acceptance testing. CHAPTER 6 ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY 6.1 Introduction In this chapter, the organizational strategy will be discussed. The approach used for roll out the system will be clarified in this chapter. Expected organizational benefits are discussed in this chapter as well. 6.2 Roll-out Strategy Roll-out strategy is very important step to an organization. After testing DynaSMS system, roll-out needed to be performed before it fully utilized in school. There are few strategies to perform roll-out. Based on the studies on the system, pilot strategy is selected because it required a small group of target user to test it and feedback to the developer. 82 6.2.1 Pilot Roll-out Strategy In order to perform pilot roll-out, pilot deployment plan required to be created. Basically, activities included in the plan will be user involved and schedule of roll-out performed. Teachers who are scheduled for participation in the pilot roll-out will be checked with assistant principal. By checking with assistant principal, it is hoping that their work schedule would not be disrupted by a rollout at this time. Also, evaluation will be done on their understanding of the system and the deployment process. In the pilot roll-out, the teachers involved will be the target users of the system. After discussion with assistant principal in SJK(C) CDK, teachers involved are class teachers of year 1, teachers who in charge of subjects Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Cina and Maths in year 1 and assistant principal. With the group of teachers involved, it is hoping that the system can be work in error free environment. In the pilot strategy, steps to collect feedback on the effectiveness of the system and the user-friendly of system will be carried out. This can include an end-user survey and end-user meetings. The pilot rollout is the chance to test in the real world school system. Therefore, it will be a very crucial step. 6.3 Expected Organizational Benefits There are few expected benefits can be achieved with this system. The details of the benefits will be discussed in details as in Table 6.1. 83 Table 6.1 Expected Organizational Benefits Modules Attendance Module Expected Benefits • Class teachers are easier to check student attendance by checked only on the students who are absent. • Class teacher are easier to produce everyday attendance list. Student Grade Book • Module Class teachers are easier to grade student because the total of all subjects’ marks will be generated itself and displayed to them directly. • Class teachers required to click on a button to reorder the class position based on the total scores. Language Selection • Module Users have 3 types of languages to be used. • With each of the language choose, user can print report on that language as well. • Users no need to works on the reports as much time as before because the report and analysis is done based on the data input. Subject Grade Book • Module Teachers needed to insert students’ scores to the system and the grade of each of subjects will be produced based on the scores enter. • Teachers no need to set students’ grades manually. • It faster teachers’ grading process 84 because teachers are only required to enter scores. Report Selection Module • Users are only required to choose type of the report and the criteria of reports they needs. • Users no need to write report manually. • Users can produce many types of reports but in a short period. 6.4 Chapter Summary The strategy used to perform roll-out of this system is pilot roll-out approach. With this method, it is hoped that the system can be performed in well manner. The expected benefits from this system are discussed based on modules in the system. CHAPTER 7 DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION 7.1 Achievements Based on the interview done to SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat, daily duties such as taking attendance in SJK(C) CDK are done in manually. To actually work on the problem, the computerized management system is needed to reduce their workload. There are four objectives in this project. In Project 1, objectives that had been achieved are to study on government education system and existing school information systems available in the market, to design IT architecture for a system to be used in SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat and to use Microsoft Office InfoPath as a prototype interface. In Project 2, objectives done in Project1 will be ensured again and modified based on the requirement. The main objective had been achieved is to develop a system. The achievements based on the objectives are shown in Table 7.1. 86 Table 7.1 Achievements done based on objectives done. Objective To study on government education system Achievements • The details of government primary and existing school information systems education system are discussed in available in the market Chapter 2. • The details of government Chinese primary school are explored and clarified in Chapter 2. • SJK(C) CDK introduction are explained in details in Chapter 2 as well. • The details of school information systems are explained in Chapter 2 and the worldwide used existing systems are explored and discussed in Chapter 2. • The features comparisons are done to the existing system in Chapter 2 as well. • The existing systems in Malaysia are also discussed in Chapter 2. • Multilingual system is explained in details and existing system are discussed in different fields. To design IT architecture for a system to • be used in government Chinese primary school The conceptual IT architecture of the system is done at Chapter 4. • The architecture of the system will be module-based architecture. • Beside IT architecture of the system, the data modeling such as 87 functional models, structural models and behavioral models are done and showed in Chapter 4. • There are total of 5 data models done in this project which are Use Case Diagram, Description, Use Activity Case Diagram, CRC Cards, Class Diagram and Sequence Diagram. To develop a web-based school • information system with 3 languages. The coding used in the system development is shown in Chapter 5. • Testing of the system will be done and described in Chapter 5. • The user manual of the system will be shown in APPENDIX M. 7.2 Constraints & Challenges There are a few constraints and difficulties had faced when the project is undergone. The constraints and challenges had been faced are as below. • The information of the government Chinese primary school is limited on the Internet and the details of the school needed to be found by Interview to the school staffs. • The IS implementation in primary education is hard to find from Internet since most of the countries are more concern about higher education. • The processes of the daily works are described by the school staffs and some of the processes are difficult to fully understand. 88 • Most of the school teachers and administrator do not have IT background and difficult communicate with them. • Student data and information are private confidential therefore the database field is difficult to identify. 7.3 Aspirations In this system, the functions are basically for grading students and taking attendance. In order to improve the system, more functions needed to be added which means the scopes of the system needed to become wider. Thus, extra modules such as discipline module, co-curriculum module and school module are needed. Also, this system can be used in many other Chinese primary school and make this system become one of the SaaS system. 7.4 Chapter Summary Based on the achievements done on Project 1 and 2, it is hoping that the system is helpful to SJK(C) Convent Datuk Keramat. The system constraint and aspirations are discussed in this chapter. This documentation can become a guideline for future work as well. REFERENCES A Glance At The Malaysian Education System (assessed 24 February 2009), Antony Ip. (2006). Shak Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School. Education and Manpower Bureau , Government of Hong Kong (assessed 25 January 2009), Chancery School Management System Home Page (assessed 18 January 2009), Convent Datuk Keramat. Retrieved February 18, 2009, from Wikipedia: Microsoft InfoPath. Retrieved February 20, 2009, from Wikipedia: Multilingualism. 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(assessed 19 February 2009), APPENDIX A PROJECT 1 GANTT CHART ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Task Name Duration Project 1 Concept Choose Project Title Understand scopes & objectives Identify scopes & objectives Submit Project Title Inception Phase Literature Review Government Chinese Primary Scools Existing systems Case studies of IS implementation Decide Methodology Methodology selected Justification of methodology Specification of software & hardware Define User Requirement Research & Review Interview Elaboration Phase Design use case diagram Design class diagram Design sequence diagram Design activity diagram Design user interface Documentation Finish draft report Submit draft report Return back draft report Correct draft report Submit corrected draft report Present Project 1 Correct draft report Submit full report Project: Project1 Date: Mon 4/6/09 Start Finish 76 days Mon 1/5/09Mon 4/20/09 5 days Mon 1/5/09 Fri 1/9/09 1 day Mon 1/5/09 Mon 1/5/09 1 day Tue 1/6/09 Tue 1/6/09 3 days Wed 1/7/09 Fri 1/9/09 1 day Fri 1/9/09 Fri 1/9/09 30 daysMon 1/12/09 Fri 2/20/09 21 daysMon 1/12/09 Mon 2/9/09 9 days Mon 1/12/09 Thu 1/22/09 10 days Mon 1/19/09 Fri 1/30/09 9 days Wed 1/28/09 Mon 2/9/09 4 days Tue 2/10/09 Fri 2/13/09 3 days Tue 2/10/09 Thu 2/12/09 1 day Fri 2/13/09 Fri 2/13/09 1 day Fri 2/13/09 Fri 2/13/09 5 daysMon 2/16/09 Fri 2/20/09 5 days Mon 2/16/09 Fri 2/20/09 1 day Fri 2/20/09 Fri 2/20/09 13 days Fri 2/20/09 Tue 3/10/09 2 days Fri 2/20/09 Mon 2/23/09 3 days Mon 2/23/09 Wed 2/25/09 3 days Thu 2/26/09 Mon 3/2/09 4 days Tue 3/3/09 Fri 3/6/09 3 days Fri 3/6/09 Tue 3/10/09 30 days Tue 3/10/09Mon 4/20/09 1 day Tue 3/10/09 Tue 3/10/09 1 day Tue 3/10/09 Tue 3/10/09 1 day Fri 3/13/09 Fri 3/13/09 15 days Mon 3/16/09 Fri 4/3/09 1 day Tue 4/7/09 Tue 4/7/09 1 day Tue 4/14/09 Tue 4/14/09 3 days Wed 4/15/09 Fri 4/17/09 1 day Mon 4/20/09 Mon 4/20/09 E January B M E Task Milestone External Tasks Split Summary External Milestone Progress Project Summary Deadline Page 1 February B M E March B M E April B M E APPENDIX B PROJECT 2 GANTT CHART ID Task Name Duration Start Finish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Project 2 Review Project 1 Review on research found Review on Project 1 design Construction Phase Information System Design Desgin system architecture Design functional user interface Design Database Information System Implementation Implement java in system developmen Link system database Verify & Validate system Test system inputs & outputs Test system functionality Transition Phase Documentation Submit draft report Return back draft report Correct draft report Submit corrected draft report Present Project 2 Return back draft report Submit corrected Full report Submit Hard binding Thesis 46 days 3 days 2 days 2 days 22 days 10 days 5 days 3 days 3 days 7 days 5 days 3 days 5 days 3 days 3 days 22 days 22 days 1 day 1 day 7 days 1 day 3 days 1 day 1 day 1 day Mon 4/27/09 Mon 4/27/09 Mon 4/27/09 Tue 4/28/09 Thu 4/30/09 Thu 4/30/09 Thu 4/30/09 Thu 5/7/09 Mon 5/11/09 Thu 5/14/09 Thu 5/14/09 Wed 5/20/09 Mon 5/25/09 Mon 5/25/09 Wed 5/27/09 Fri 5/29/09 Fri 5/29/09 Fri 5/29/09 Thu 6/4/09 Thu 6/4/09 Fri 6/12/09 Wed 6/17/09 Mon 6/22/09 Wed 6/24/09 Mon 6/29/09 Mon 6/29/09 Wed 4/29/09 Tue 4/28/09 Wed 4/29/09 Fri 5/29/09 Wed 5/13/09 Wed 5/6/09 Mon 5/11/09 Wed 5/13/09 Fri 5/22/09 Wed 5/20/09 Fri 5/22/09 Fri 5/29/09 Wed 5/27/09 Fri 5/29/09 Mon 6/29/09 Mon 6/29/09 Fri 5/29/09 Thu 6/4/09 Fri 6/12/09 Fri 6/12/09 Fri 6/19/09 Mon 6/22/09 Wed 6/24/09 Mon 6/29/09 Project: Project2.mpp Date: Mon 4/6/09 Apr 19, ' May 3, ' May 17, May 31, Jun 14, ' Jun S T M F T S W S T M F T S W S T M F T Task Milestone External Tasks Split Summary External Milestone Progress Project Summary Deadline Page 1 APPENDIX C INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR TEACHERS, CLASS TEACHER AND ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL 98 The interview questions for class teachers, teachers and assistant principal are as below: No. Questions 1. What are your daily duties? 2. Which of these duties are computerized? 3. Which of these duties are done manually? 4. Can you describe the flow of daily duties you have done? 5. Will you rush in time to done all these duties within 1 day? 6. Can you describe which duty is the most time consuming? 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Do you believe that using computerized system will make you job easier? What about web-based system? Do you believe that using computerized system will speed up your duties completion? What about web-based system? Do you believe that using computerized system will improve your job quality? What about web-based system? Are there any computerized system can you use in your daily duties? If there is, please describe the system. Are there any web-based system can you use in your daily duties? If there is, please describe the system. How will you keep students information including parent details to student results? How will you generate the student grade? Generate the grade manually by calculating the marks? 14. How is a grading schema of the school? 15. How many reports need to be generated for daily used? 16. What is the flow for you to generate reports? 17. What criteria will you would like to see in a computerized system? How about webbased system? APPENDIX D FLOW CHART DIAGRAM OF CLASS TEACHER GENERATE STUDENT GRADE BOOK 100 Start Write down score of each subject Calculate grade of each subject Calculate total score of each student Calculate aggregate of each student Calculate CPA of each student Compare total score of each student Sort class position according total score Compare total score of every student on that year Sort year position according total score Calculate total present day Write all details in grade book End APPENDIX E PROTOTYPE USER INTEFACE 102 Register New Student Prototype User Interface Chinese Version English Version APPENDIX F CONCEPTUAL IT ARCHITECTURE FOR PROPOSE SYSTEM 104 Conceptual Architecture Design of System User: Assistant Principal User: Teacher User: Class Teacher Internet Explorer User Interface Log In Module Setup Module Language Chosen Module Student Academic Detail Management Module Report Generation Module Database Teacher Detail Management Module Student Attendance Management Module Student Search Module Student Personal Detail Management Module Student Subject Module DBMS APPENDIX G USE CASE DIAGRAMS OF PROPOSE SYSTEM 106 Asistance Principal Manage Teacher Details (f rom Actors) Sign In <User> (f rom Actors) Search Student Details Generate Official Use Reports Teacher Manage Subject Marks (f rom Actors) Manage Class Details Take Attendance Generate Academic Reports Class Teacher (f rom Actors) Manage Student Details Manage Student Academic Details Generate Class Reports APPENDIX H USE CASE DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSE SYSTEM 108 1. Log In Use Case Description Use Case 1: Log In Actor Involved: User: Assistant Principal, Teachers and Administrator Precondition: User is a verified user to the system. Post-condition: System will display user main menu at the main page. Normal Flow of Event: i. The system will display the main page. ii. The users choose the user type. iii. The users enter their user ID and password. iv. The users click on the Log In button. v. The system will display the user type main menu to user. Alternative Flow of Event: i. If the user is not a verified user a. The system will show error message. ii. If users enter wrong user ID, password or user type a. The system will show error message. b. The system will ask user to re-enter user ID, password and user type. iii. If users enter correct details a. The system will show the user main menu at the main page. 2. Search Student Details Use Case Description Use Case 2: Search Student Details Actor Involved: User: Teachers, Assistant Principal and Class Teacher Precondition: The student details are stored inside system database. Post-condition: The system shows the details of the student to the user. Normal Flow of Event: i. The user click on Student List at the left hand side of user main page. ii. The system display student details according by the year. iii. The system shows the search menu at right hand side of the web page. 109 iv. The user enters the student details: Student ID, Name, Year and Class. v. The user clicks the Search button. vi. The system shows the student details to the user. Alternative Flow of Event: i. If the user enters wrong student details a. The system will display no such student to user. ii. If the user enters correct student details a. The system will display the student details to user. 3. Take Attendance Use Case Description Use Case 3: Take Attendance Details Actor Involved: Class Teachers Precondition: The teacher is a class teacher and attendance list is stored in system database. Post-condition: The system displays the details of the class attendance. Normal Flow of Event: i. Teacher click on the Attendance List at left hand side of Class Teacher main page. ii. The system displays the students list with Today Attendance to check. iii. Teacher click on today date. iv. Teacher click on the check box to check the student attendance. v. The system will display the total present and total absent days to teacher. vi. Teacher click Submit button to update the attendance record. Alternative Flow of Event: i. If teacher click on date that is marked a. The system will show a message to class teacher. b. The system will ask teacher to mark again next day. 110 4. Manage Subject Marks Use Case Description Use Case 4: Manage Subject Marks Actor Involved: Teachers Precondition: The subject is taken by the student. Post-condition: The system displays the list of the student who takes the subject with the score and grade. Normal Flow of Event: i. Teacher click on Student Subject Grade Book at the left hand side of Teacher main page. ii. The system displays the subjects list to teacher. iii. Teacher click on the subject he/she needs. iv. The system will display the student list to teacher. v. Teacher enters the student score. vi. The system will calculate the grade based on the score enters. vii. Teacher click on Submit button to store the marks into student academic record. viii. The system will display the student list with the score and grade. Alternative Flow of Event: i. If the score enter is less than 0 a. The system will prompt user the score entered is less than 0. b. The system will ask teacher to confirm the mark. ii. If the score enter is larger than 100 a. The system will prompt user the score entered is more than 100. b. The system will ask teacher to confirm the mark. 5. Manage Student Academic Details Use Case Description Use Case 5: Manage Subject Academic Details Actor Involved: Class Teachers Precondition: The student details are stored in system database. Post-condition: The system displays the academic details of the student. 111 Normal Flow of Event: i. Teacher click on Student Grade Book at the left hand side of Class Teacher main page. ii. The system displays the student list to teacher. iii. Teacher click on the student who needs to update academic details. iv. The system displays the details of the student. v. Teacher enter student details such as Student ID, subject taken, scores, total scores, aggregate and total day present. vi. Teacher click on Submit button to update the student details. vii. The system displays the updated details to teacher. Alternative Flow of Event: i. If teacher enter invalid details a. The system will prompt teacher invalid data. b. The system will ask teacher to re-enter student details. ii. If teacher enter valid details a. The system will store the data into database. b. The system will display updated details to teacher. 6. Generate Academic Report Use Case Description Use Case 6: Generate Academic Report Actor Involved: Teachers Precondition: The teacher is log in to the system and the academic details are stored in system database. Post-condition: The report will be printed based on teacher needs. Normal Flow of Event: i. Teacher click on Report Selection on the left hand side of Teacher main page. ii. The system will show the report menu. iii. Teacher chooses report type wants. iv. Teacher chooses the language of the report. 112 v. The system will display the report. vi. Teacher click on Print button to confirm printing. vii. The system prints the report. Alternative Flow of Event: i. If the report is success generated a. The system will display the report to teacher. b. The system ask teacher to print report. ii. If the report cannot be generated because server down a. The system will display error message. 7. Manage Teacher Details Use Case Description Use Case 7: Manage Teacher Details Actor Involved: Assistant Principal Precondition: The teacher details are stored in system database and assistant principal is log in to the system. Post-condition: The system displays teacher details to assistant principal. Normal Flow of Event: i. Assistant Principal is log in to the system and click on Teacher Details on the left hand side of Assistant Principal main page. ii. The system will display teacher name list. iii. Assistant Principal clicks on the teacher who needs to update details. iv. Assistant Principal enters teacher details such as Teacher ID, Name, Grade, Class In charge if any and subjects teach. v. Assistant Principal clicks on Submit button to update teacher details. vi. The system will display updated details to Assistant Principal. Alternative Flow of Event: i. If the teacher details entered is invalid a. The system will prompt user invalid value massage. b. The system will ask user to re-enter the details. ii. If the teacher details entered is valid 113 a. The system will store the updated details to database. b. The system will display teacher details to uer. 8. Generate Official Report Use Case Description Use Case 8: Generate Official Report Actor Involved: Assistant Principal Precondition: The Assistant Principal is log in to the system and the details are stored in system database. Post-condition: The report will be printed based on assistant principal needs. Normal Flow of Event: i. Assistant Principal click on Report Selection on the left hand side of Assistant Principal main page. ii. The system will show the report menu. iii. Assistant Principal chooses report type wants. iv. Assistant Principal chooses the language of the report. v. The system will display the report. vi. Assistant Principal clicks on Print button to confirm printing. vii. The system prints the report. Alternative Flow of Event: i. If the report is success generated a. The system will display the report to Assistant Principal. b. The system asks Assistant Principal to print report. ii. If the report cannot be generated because server down a. The system will display error message. 114 9. Register New Student Use Case Description Use Case 9: Register New Student Actor Involved: Class Teacher Precondition: The class teacher is log in to the system. Post-condition: The new student details will be stored in the system database. Normal Flow of Event: i. The class teacher log in to the system and click on Student Information at left hand side of Class Teacher main page. ii. The system will display the registration form to class teacher. iii. The class teacher enters personal details, guardian details of the student. iv. The class teacher clicks on Submit button to store the student details. v. The registered student details will be displayed to class teacher. Alternative Flow of Event: i. If the data entered are invalid a. The system will prompt user invalid message. b. The system will ask user to re-enter details. ii. If the data entered are valid a. The system will store the details in database. b. The system will display the student details. 10. Manage Student Details Use Case Description Use Case 10: Manage Student Details Actor Involved: Class Teacher Precondition: The class teacher is log in to the system and the student details are stored in system database. Post-condition: The updated details will be displayed to class teacher. Normal Flow of Event: i. The class teacher is log in into the system and click on Student Details on left hand side of Class Teacher main page. ii. The system will display the student list according name. 115 iii. The class teacher searches the student who requires updating details. iv. The class teacher enters updated details. v. The class teacher clicks on Submit button to update the student details. vi. The system displays the updated details to class teacher. Alternative Flow of Event: i. If the data entered are invalid a. The system will prompt user invalid message. b. The system will ask user to re-enter details. ii. If the data entered are valid a. The system will store the details in database. b. The system will display the student details. 11. Manage Class Details Use Case Description Use Case 11: Manage Class Details Actor Involved: Assistant Principal Precondition: The assistant principal is log in to the system and the class details are stored in system database. Post-condition: The class details will be displayed to the assistant principal Normal Flow of Event: i. The assistant principal is log in to the system and clicks on Class Setup on left hand side of Assistant Principal main page. ii. The system will display the class list according the year. iii. The assistant principal clicks on the class which need modification. iv. The assistant principal enters the details: Class ID, Name, Class Teacher, Year. v. The assistant principal clicks on Submit button to update the class details. vi. The system will display the updated details to assistant principal. Alternative Flow of Event: i. If the details entered is invalid a. The system will prompt the user invalid message. 116 b. The system will ask user to re-enter the details ii. If the details entered is valid a. The system will store the details to database. b. The system will display the class details to administrator. 12. Generate Class Report Use Case Description Use Case 13: Generate Class Report Actor Involved: Class Teacher Precondition: The class teacher is log in to the system and the class details are stored in system database. Post-condition: The report will be printed based on class teacher needs. Normal Flow of Event: i. Class teacher clicks on Report Selection on the left hand side of Class Teacher main page. ii. The system will show the report menu. iii. Class teacher chooses report type wants. iv. Class teacher chooses the language of the report. v. The system will display the report. vi. Class teacher clicks on Print button to confirm printing. vii. The system prints the report. Alternative Flow of Event: i. If the report is success generated a. The system will display the report to class teacher. b. The system asks class teacher to print report. ii. If the report cannot be generated because server down a. The system will display error message. APPENDIX I ACTIVITY DIAGRAMS OF PROPOSE SYSTEM 118 Log In Activity Diagram Select User Type Enter User ID Enter Password invalid Data Validate User ID and Password valid Data Login to User Menu Generate Reports Activity Diagram New Sw imlane New Sw imlane2 New Sw imlane3 New Sw imlane4 New Sw imlane5 New Sw imlane6 Choose Report Type Choose Language Used Generate Discipline Reports Generate Official Reports Generate Cocurriculum Reports Generate Academic Reports Generate Class Reports Generate Admin Reports Print Reports 119 Search Student Details Activity Diagram View Student List Enter Student ID, Name, Class ID and Year Validate Student Details Invalid Details Valid Details Display Student Details Take Attendance Activity Diagram View Class Attendance List Check Today Attendance Calculate Students Total Absent Days Calculate Students Total Present Days Store Attendance Details Display Class Attendance List 120 Manage Subject Marks Activity Diagram View Subject List Choose Subject View Students List Old Marks New Subject Mark Add New Subject Marks Update Subject Marks Calculate Grade Store Subject Marks and Grade Display Subject Marks 121 Manage Student Academic Details Activity Diagram View Student List in Class Old Student New Student Add New Student Details Update Old Student Details Validate Academic Details Invalid Updated Details Invalid Academic Details Valid Details Calculate CPA, Aggregate, Total Marks Store Academic Details Display Student Academic Details 122 Manage Teacher Details Activity Diagram View Teacher List Old Teacher New Teacher Update Teacher Details Add New Teacher Details Validate Teacher Details Invalid Teacher Details Invalid Updated Details Valid Details Store Teacher Details Display Teacher Details Register New Student Activity Diagram Key In Details in Student Registration Form Validate Student Details Invalid Details Valid Details Store Student Details Display Student Details 123 Manage Student Details Activity Diagram View Student List Update Personal Student Details Validate Student Personal Details Store Student Personal Details Display Student Personal Details Manage Class Details Activity Diagram View Class List According Year Old Class New Class Add New Class Details Update Class Details Validate Class Details Invalid Updated Details Invalid Class Details Valid Details Store Class Details Display Class Details APPENDIX J CRC CARDS OF PROPOSE SYSTEM 125 Class Name : User Super Class: Sub Class: Teacher, Assistant Principal, Class Teacher Description: An individual that use the system to do daily duties. Attributes: • userID • userPost • password Responsibilities: Collaborators: • login to the system • Log In Form • search for student • Student Search Form Class Name : Assistant Principal Super Class: User Sub Class: Description: A user that use the system to manage teacher details and reporting. Attributes: Responsibilities: Collaborators: • Update teacher details • Teacher Details • Register teacher • Teacher Details • Setup for class details • Class Details • Setup for subject details • Subject Details • Setup for exam details • Exam Details • Generate reports • Report Form Class Name : Class Teacher Super Class: Teacher Sub Class: Description: A user that use the system to manage students, class and reporting Attributes: 126 • classIncharge Responsibilities: Collaborators: • Update student personal details • Student Personal Details • Register new student • Student Personal Details • Take attendance • Class Attendance List • Update student academic details • Student Subject Marks • Generate academic reports • Report Form • Generate class reports • Report Form Class Name : Teacher Super Class: User Sub Class: Class Teacher Description: A user that use the system to manage student subject details. Attributes: • teachGrade • subjectTeach • classTeach Responsibilities: Collaborators: • enter student marks • Student Academic Detail • Generate subject reports • Report Form Class Name : Log In Form Super Class: Sub Class: Description: A class that let user to enter ID and password to enter to the system. Attributes: • User Type • userID • password Responsibilities: Collaborators: 127 • login to teacher menu o normal teacher o Class Teacher • login to assistant principal menu Class Name : Student Search Form Super Class: Sub Class: Description: A class that let user enter student details to perform searching. Attributes: • stuID • stuName • classID • year Responsibilities: • Collaborators: search student details Class Name : Class Form Super Class: Sub Class: Description: A class that let administrator to update class details. Attributes: • classID • className • teacherIncharge • year • stuEverageResult Responsibilities: • list the classes details Collaborators: 128 Class Name : Student Personal Details Super Class: Sub Class: Description: A class that let administrator to register and update student details. Attributes: • stuID • stuName • stuAdd • stuPhone • stuIC • stuGender • dateBorn • placeBorn • registrationDate • nationality • race • religion • guardianName • guardianIC • guardianAdd • guardianPhone • guardianWork • guardianRelationship • classID • year Responsibilities: • edit student details • register new student • delete students Class Name : Student Academic Details Collaborators: 129 Super Class: Sub Class: Description: A class that let teacher update academic details. Attributes: • stuID • stuName • subjectTaken • totalMarks • year • classResultPosition • yearResultPosition • cpa • aggregate Responsibilities: • Collaborators: list down the student academic details • update student details Class Name : Subject Marks Super Class: Sub Class: Description: A class that let teacher to update student marks. Attributes: • stuID • subID • subName • grade • marks Responsibilities: • update subject marks Collaborators: 130 Class Name : Class Attendance List Super Class: Sub Class: Description: A class that let teacher to take attendance. Attributes: • stuID • stuName • totalPresent • totalAbsent • classID • todayAttend • totalSchoolDays Responsibilities: • Collaborators: check today attendance Class Name : Report Form Super Class: Sub Class: Description: A class that let all type of users to perform report generation. Attributes: • reportID • reportName • reportType • reportLanguage Responsibilities: • print reports Collaborators: APPENDIX K CLASS DIAGRM OF PROPOSE SYSTEM 132 subID subName mark grade stuID editMarks() 1..* addMarks() deleteMarks() 1..* 1 searchStu() logIn() Class Form +enter Asistance Principal Teacher 1 (f rom Actors) (f rom Actors) +manage +manage 1 1..* manageSubMarks() takeAttendance() generateAcademicReports() 1...* manageTeacher() 1 viewTeacherDetails() generateOfficialReports() manageClassDetails() +choose 1 1 classIncharge checkTodayAttend() takeAttendance() registerNewStu() manageStuDetails() manageAcademicRecords() generateClassReport() 1...* generateStuReport() generateAcademicReport() 1 Student Academic Details stuID stuName subjectsTaken totalMarks year classResultPostion yearResultPosition comment aggregate Report Form (f rom Actors) +check +choose 1 reportID reportName reportType reportLanguage printReport() Student Personal Details 1 +enter 1..* listClass() +choose Class Teacher 1..* 0..* classID className teacherIncharge year stuEverageResult 1...* Class Attendance List listResult() editStu() deleteStu() addStu() userID +search userName 1..* userPost password +login teachGrade subjectTeach classTeach stuID stuName totalAbsent totalPresent classID todayAttend totalSchoolDays stuID stuName classID year (f rom Actors) loginTeacherMenu() 1 loginPrincipalMenu() loginClassTeacherMenu() Student Marks Student Search Form <User> Log In Form userID password +manage 0..* stuID stuName stuAdd stuPhone stuIC stuGender dateBorn placeBorn registrationDate nationality religion race guardianName guardianIC guardianAdd guardianPhone guardianWork guardianRelationship classID year stuCName stuImage editRecords() registerStu() deleteStu() APPENDIX L SEQUENCE DIAGRMS OF PROPOSE SYSTEM 134 User Login Sequence Diagram : Class Teacher User : Log In Form Log In Controller User Record Class Teacher Menu 1. loginCTeacherMenu( ) 2. getIDandPassword() 3. validateUser() 4. validClassTeacher() 5. invalidClassTeacher() i. Class Teacher Log In Sequence Diagram : Teacher User : Log In Form Log In Controller User Record Teacher Menu 1. loginTeacherMenu( ) 2. getIDandPassword() 3. validateUser() 4. validTeacher() 5. invalidTeacher() ii. Teacher Log In Sequence Diagram 135 User : Log In Form : As istance Principal 1 Log In Controller Us er Record Asis tance Principal Menu 1. loginAs istancePrincipalMenu( ) 2. getIDandPass word() 3. validateUser() 4. validAsis tancePrincipal() 5. invalidAsis tancePrincipal() iii. Assistant Principal Log In Sequence Diagram Search Student Sequence Diagram : <Us er> Student Lis t Student Search Form Search Cotroller Student Record 1. viewStudent() 2. enterStuInfo() 3. proces s StuData() 4. validate() 5. invalidData() 6. s earchStu() 7. dis playStu() 136 Take Attendance Sequence Diagram : Class Teacher Attendance Lis t Attendance Controller Attendance Record 1. checkTodayAttendance() 2. proces s TodayAttendance() 3. calculateTotalAbs ent() 4. calculateTotalPres ent() 5. s toreAttendanceData() 6. dis playPres entStuLis t() 7. dis playAbs entStuLis t() Manage Subject Marks Sequence Diagram : Teacher Subject Lis t Form Student Lis t Form Marks Controller Student Academ ic Record 1. choos eSubject() 2. addSubjectMark() 3. proces s Marks () 4. calculateGrade() 5. s toreMarks () 6. dis playStudentMarks List() 1. choos eSubject() 2. updateSubjectMark() 3. proces s UpdatedMarks () 4. recalculateGrade() 5. s toreUpdatedMarks () 6. dis playUpdatedMarks () 137 Manage Academic Details Sequence Diagram : Class Teacher Student Academic Details Form Student Academic Update Form Validation Controller Result Controller Student Academic Record 1. addNewAcademicDetails() 2. process AcademicDetails() 3. validateDetails () 4. invalidDetails() 5. proces sResultDetails () 6. calculateResultData() 7. s toreAcademicDetails () 8. displayStudentAcadem icDetailsLis t() 1. updateAcademicDetails() 2. proces sUpdatedAcademicDetails() 3. validateUpdatedDetails() 4. invalidUpdatedDetails() 5. proces sUpdatedResultDetails() 6. recalculateResultData() 7. storeUpdatedAcademicDetails() 8. displayUpdatedAcademicDetails() Register New Student Sequence Diagram : Class Teacher Regis tration Form Regis tration Controller Student Record 1. enterStuDetails () 2. proces s DataEnter() 3. validateStuDetails () 4. invalidStuDetails () 5. s toreStuDetails () 6. regis teredStu() 138 Manage Teacher Details Sequence Diagram : As is tance Principal Teacher Details Form Teacher Details Update Form Validation Controller Teacher Record 1. addNewTeacherDetails () 2. proces s TeacherDetails () 3. validateTeacherDetails () 4. invalidDetails () 5. s toreTeacherDetails() 6. addedTeacherDetails () 1. updateTeacherDetails () 2. proces s UpdatedDetails () 3. validateUpdatedDetails () 4. invalidDetails () 5. s toreUpdatedTeacherDetails () 6. dis playUpdatedTeacherDetails () Manage Student Details Sequence Diagram : Class Teacher Student Update Form Validation Controller Student Record 1. enterUpdateStuDetails() 2. proces sUpdatedStuDetails() 3. validateUpdatedDetails () 4. invalidUpdatedDetails () 5. s toreUpdatedStuDetails() 6. dis playUpdatedStuDetails() 139 Manage Class Details Sequence Diagram Clas s Details Form : As is tance Principal Clas s Update Form Validate Controller Clas s Record 1. enterClass Details () 2. proces s Clas sDetails () 3. validateClas s Details () 4. invalidClas s Details () 5. storeClas s Details () 6. dis playClas s Details() 1. updateClas s Details () 2. proces s UpdatedClas s Details () 3. validateUpdatedClas sDetails() 4. invalidUpdatedDetails() 5. s toreUpdatedClas s Details () 6. dis playUpdatedClas s Details () Generate Report Sequence Diagram : Asistance Principal 1 Report Type Form Language Used Form Report Repository Printer 1. selectReportType 2. selectLanguageUsed 3. generateOfficialReport() 4. displayGeneratedReport() 5. confirmPrint() 6. PrintOut() i. Generate Official Report Sequence Diagram 140 : Class Teacher Report Type Form Language Used Form Report Repository Printer 1. selectReportType 2. selectLanguageUsed 3. generateClassReport() 4. displayGeneratedReport() 5. confirmPrint() 6. PrintOut() ii. : Class Teacher Generate Academic Report Sequence Diagram Report Type Form Language Used Form Report Repository Printer 1. selectReportType 2. selectLanguageUsed 3. generateClassReport() 4. displayGeneratedReport() 5. confirmPrint() 6. PrintOut() iii. Generate Class Report Sequence Diagram 141 Report Type Form : Class Teacher Language Used Form Report Repository Printer 1. selectReportType 2. selectLanguageUsed 3. generateClassReport() 4. displayGeneratedReport() 5. confirmPrint() 6. PrintOut() iv. : Teacher Generate Student Information Report Sequence Diagram Report Type Form Language Used Form Report Repository Printer 1. selectReportType 2. selectLanguageUsed 3. generateAcademicReport() 4. displayGeneratedReport() 5. confirmPrint() 6. PrintOut() v. Generate Subject Report Sequence Diagram APPENDIX M DATABASE TABLE OF SYSTEM 143 Table academicdetails Data Field Data Type Data Size Explanation academicId {PK} Integer 10 Academic ID stuId {FK} Integer 8 Student ID examId {FK} Varchar 11 Exam type totalMarks Float 6 Summation marks of all the subjects classPosition Integer 5 The position in class based on the total marks. yearPosition Integer 5 The position in each year based on the total marks. Aggregate Float 6 The average of the total score classId Varchar 10 Class of the student Comment Varchar 100 Comment of the student based on student performance Year Integer 2 year of student academicYear Integer 4 The year of student receive this academic details Table attendance Data Field Data Type Data Size Explanation attendId {PK} Integer 11 Attendance ID stuId {FK} Integer 8 Student ID todayAttend Integer 2 Attendance of today totalAttend Integer 6 Total attend days of student tdate Varchar 20 Today’s date ttime Varchar 10 Time of teacher check class attendance classId {FK} Varchar 10 Id of the class Month Integer 2 The month of the attendance check Yearly Integer 4 The year of the attendance check Table class Data Field Data Type Data Size Explanation classRId {PK} Integer 11 Class auto increment id classId {FK} Varchar 10 Short form of the class name 144 className Varchar 30 Name of the class Year Integer 2 Year of the class teacherId {FK} Integer 11 Class teacher Id noStu Integer 3 Number of student in the class Date Integer 4 The year of class created Table classde Data Field Data Type Data Size Explanation classId {PK} Integer 11 Attendance ID className Varchar 30 Name of class classYear Integer 2 Year of the class Table exam Data Field Data Type Data Size Explanation examIn {PK} Integer 11 Exam auto increment ID examId Varchar 11 Exam type examName Varchar 50 Full name of exam examYear Integer 4 Year of the exam Year Integer 2 the exam is took by which year student Table student Data Field Data Type Data Size Explanation stuId {PK} Integer 8 Student ID stuName Varchar 50 Student English name stuCName Varchar 50 Student Chinese name stuBCertID Varchar 10 Student birth certificate ID stuGender Varchar 10 Student gender stuDOB Varchar 20 Student date of birth stuRegDate Varchar 20 Student register date stuNation Varchar 20 Nationality of student stuReligion Vaarchar 20 Religion of student stuRace Varchar 20 Race of student 145 guardianName Varchar 50 Name of the guardian of student guardianIC Varchar 15 IC of guardian guardianAdd1 Varchar 50 Address1 of guardian guardianAdd2 Varchar 50 Address 2 of guardian guardianHp Varchar 15 Contact number of guardian guardianWork Varchar 20 Professional of guardian guardianRel Varchar 20 Relationship between guardian and student classId Varchar 10 Class of student stuYear Varchar 2 Year of student stuImage Varchar 50 The student image regBy {FK} Integer 11 The teacher who register student Table sturecord Data Field Data Type Data Size Explanation stuRecId {PK} Integer 11 Student record ID stuId {FK} Integer 8 Student ID classId {FK} Varchar 10 Class of the student Height Float 6 Height of student in cm Weight Float 6 Weight of student in kg yearRec Integer 4 The record year teacherId {FK} Integer 11 Id for class teacher Class sturesult Data Field Data Type Data Size Explanation sturesultId {PK} Integer 11 Student result ID stuId {FK} Integer 8 Student ID subId {FK} Varchar 10 Subject of the result belongs to classId {FK} Varchar 10 Class of the student examId {FK} Varchar 11 Exam type of the result belongs to subScore Float 6 Score of the subject exam subGrade Varchar 3 Grade of the subject based on score Year Integer 2 Year of student 146 Table subject Data Field Data Type Data Size Explanation subautoId {PK} Integer 11 Subject ID subId Varchar 10 Short form name of the subject subName Varchar 50 Full name of the subject year Integer 2 Subject take by which year of student Table subjectteach Data Field Data Type Data Size Explanation subteachId {PK} Integer 11 Subject teach auto increment Id subId {FK} Varchar 10 Short form name of the subject teacherId {FK} Integer 11 Teacher incharge classId {FK} Varchar 10 Id of the class Table teacher Data Field Data Type Data Size Explanation teacherId {PK} Integer 11 Teacher ID teacherName Varchar 50 Name of teacher teacherCName Varchar 20 Chinese name of teacher teacherPost Varchar 20 Post in school which divided to class teacher, teacher, assistant principal, principal teacherGred Varchar 10 Grade of teachers teacherIC Varchar 15 IC of teacher teacherGen Varchar 6 Gender of teacher teacherEm Varchar 50 Email address of teacher teacherAdd1 Varchar 50 Address 1 of teacher teacherAdd2 Varchar 50 Address 2 of teacher teacherHp Varchar 15 Contact number of teacher teacherPass Varchar 10 Password of teacher teacherPosition Varchar 20 Teacher type in system schName Varchar 50 School name teacherImg Varchar 50 Image of teacher teacherSTeach Varchar 20 Date teacher start teach 147 Class topstu Data Field Data Type Data Size Explanation topId {PK} Integer 11 Auto increment top student id topName Varchar 50 Title of award Year Integer 2 Student year topYear Integer 4 Award year stuId {FK} Integer 11 Student ID examId {FK} Varchar 20 The exam of the award classId {FK} Varchar 10 Id of the class APPENDIX N DYNA SMS USER MANUAL 149 DynaSMS User Manual (Chinese and English Version) 1.0 用户进入系统 (Login User) 选择语言处 (Language Selection) 1 2 3 4 1. 选择用户的类别。(Choose user type.) 2. 填写老师的用户号码。(Enter teacher ID) 3. 填写密码。(Enter password) 4. 按‘确定’按钮。(Press ‘GO’ button.) 当用户输入错误资料,不正确的讯息会提示给用户,要用户再次填写资料。 (If user ID or password or user type is key in wrongly, incorrect message will displayed to user. User needed to re-enter those information again.) 150 1.1 用户:副校长主页(User Type: Assistant Principal) 退出该用 户户口 (Logout) 用户菜篮 (User Menu) 察看老师个人资 料 (View teacher Profile) 快速寻找学生‐填 写学生号码 (search student by entering student ID) 1.1.1 学校老师 (School Teacher Menu) 寻找学生‐ 详细资料 (Advance search for student) 返回首页 (return to homepage) 增加老师 (Add teacher) 1 2 3 1. 选择查看老师所有资料。(View full teacher details) 2. 更改老师资料。(Edit teacher details) 3. 删除老师资料。(Delete teacher) 151 当用户按删除 按钮,系统会提示用户是否正的确定删除该老师。(When Delete button clicked, confirm message will be prompted out to user. ) 选择老师照片 (Upload Teacher Image) 返回老师名单 (Return to School Teacher Page) 重来 (Reset) 储存 (Save) 当用户没把资料填妥就按储存 (If Save ,系统会提示用户将资料填妥。 button is clicked while textbox are not yet finish filled, the error message will prompted out.) 152 当用户填写所有正确资料并完成提交,该老师的资料会被展示。用户可选择更 改资料或返回老师名单处。 (After user finish entered all teacher information and saved it, teacher details will be displayed to user. User can edit teacher details or return to school teacher page.) 更改 (Edit) 返回 (Return) 1.1.2 表面配置 (Setup) 表面配置 (班级)(Class Setup) 编排班主任 (Add class teacher to class) 增加 (Add) 增加 (Add) 查看班级依 据年份 (View class details by year) 增加班级 (Add new class) 153 当用户没填写完毕就提交,系统会提示用户写完。(Error message will prompt out if required fields are not entered.) 当用户提交完毕所有班级资料可以选择查看和印刷该年份资料。(After user select the year and view class details, user can print class details.) 印刷 (Print) 表面配置 (科目)(Subject Setup) 编排科目 (Add teacher in charge to subject) 增加 Add) 查看科目编排依据 年份 (View Subject details by Year) 增加科目 (Add New Subject) 增加 (Add) 154 当用户没填写完毕就提交,系统会提示用户写完。(If there are fields not yet entered, error message will prompt out.) 当用户提交完毕所有科目资料可以选择查看和印刷该年份资料。(User can view subjects teach by every teachers based on the year user selected.) 印刷(Print) 表面配置 (考试)(Exam Setup) 考试资料 (Exam Details) 增加(Add) 增加考试 (Add New Exam) 155 当用户提交完毕所有考试资料, 系统会展示考试资料给用户。(After user finished enters all the fields in Add New Exam, it will be displayed in Exam Details.) 当用户没填写完毕就提交,系统会提示用户写完。(If one of the fields not filled, error message will prompt out.) 表面配置 (通知报道)(Announcement Setup) 通知报告资料 (details of announcement) 增加通知报告 (Add News) 返回主页 (Return to homepage) 更改 (Edit) 删除 (Delete) 156 重来 (Reset) 储存(Save) 当用户没填写完毕就提交 while Save ,系统会提示用户写完。(If there is fields not filled button is clicked, error message will prompt out) 当用户完成提交,通知报告会展示给用户。(Details of announcement will be displayed to user after user finish entered all details.) 删除(Delete) 157 当用户按删除 按钮,系统会提示用户确定删除。(If Delete button is clicked, confirm message will prompt out.) 1.1.3 成绩报告 (Student Grade Book) 返回主页 (Return) 察看已经生产的资料 (View Excellent Student) 生产优秀学生 (Generate Excellent Student) 生产新学生 (Excellent Student Generator) 生产全级排名(Year Position Generator) 生产学生(Generate Year Position) 察看已经生产的资料 (View Student’s result based onYear Position) 当没有资料被输入就按查看 或生产 按钮,系统会提示用户输入资料。(If there are fields that not filled while user clicked Generate error message will prompt out.) or View button, 158 填写全部资料后,按生产 按 按钮, 资料会展示给用户。用户检查完毕过后就 储存按钮。(Clicked Generate button after finish filled in all fields. Details will be displayed and user is required to save it by clicked on Save button. ) 储存(Save) 系统会提示用户是否确定储存。(Confirm message will prompt out when user clicked on the Save button.) 系统会提示用户完成储存。(A student details are saved message will prompt out when user is confirmed. ) 159 1.1.4 报告选择处 (Report Selection) 报告选择处 (成绩报告)(Grade Book) 察看 (View) 用户选择了年级和年份以后,按 察看按钮以查看该报告。 (After select the Year of students and year to view, click View 印刷(Print) button.) 160 报告选择处 (老师资料)(Teacher Information) 老师部位 (Teacher Name) 察看(View) 1.报告类别分为老师名单和老师资料。 (There are 2 types of report in this section which are teacher name list and teacher details.) 2.当用户要查看老师资料,老师部位不需要被选择。(If user selects to view teacher name list, teacher name is not required to select.) 用户选择了报告类别以后,按 察看按钮以查看该报告。(Click View button to view the report after select the report type.) 印刷 161 报告选择处 (学校资料) 察看(View) 用户选择了年份以后,按 click on View 察看按钮以查看该报告。(After user selects the year, button. The report will be displayed to user.) 印刷(Print) 162 用户:班主任主页 (User Type: Class Teacher) 1.2 退出该用 户户口 (Logout) 用户菜篮 (Class Teacher Menu) 察看老师个人资料 (View Teacher Profile) 快速寻找学生‐填 写学生号码 (Search student by student ID) 报告通知 (Announcement) 1.2.1 寻找学生‐详细资料 (Advance Search) 报告通知 (Announcement) 增加通知报告(Add new Announcement) 通知报告资料 (Announcement Details) 更改 (Edit) 返回主页 (Return) 删除 (Delete) 163 重来(Reset) 储存(Save) 当用户没填写完毕就提交 ,系统会提示用户写完。(If user click Save button when there are fields not filled, error message will prompt out.) 当用户完成提交,通知报告会展示给用户。(After user save the announcement, the details of the announcement will display to user.) 删除 (Delete) 164 当用户按删除 按钮,系统会提示用户确定删除。(Confirm message will prompt out when user click Delete 1.2.2 button.) 学生资料处 (Student Information) 学生资料处 (点名簿)(Attendance List) 返回主页 (Return) 选择日期查看该天的出 席率(Select a date to view the attendance) 点名(Mark) 更改 (Edit) 今天专栏出现‘‐’表示 今天的出席表还没被 填。(If ‘‐’ displayed in Today Column means today attendance not yet marked.) 165 当用户选择点名 ,用户只需点击 class teacher click Mark 在缺席的学生并提交 。(After button, he/she is required to click on the absent column for absent student and submit it. ) 出席和缺席点击 (Attend & absent column) 提交点名簿 (Submit) 当老师提交了出席名单,系统会展示出席总数量给老师。(After class teacher submit the attendance, the total attends day will display to class teacher.) 返回主页 (Return) 166 学生资料处 (学生各人资料)(Student Information) 返回主页 (Return) 增加学生 (Add Student) 1 2 3 1. 选择查看学生所有资料。(View student details) 2. 更改学生资料。(Edit Student details) 3. 删除学生资料。 (Delete student details) 当用户按删除 按钮,系统会提示用户是否正的确定删除该学生。 (Confirm message will display when user click Delete 选择学生照片 (Browse student image) button.) 返回学生名单 (Return) 储存(Save) 重来(Reset) 167 当老师没把资料填妥就按储存 ,系统会提示用户将资料填妥。(Error message will display if there are fields not filled when user click Save button.) 当老师填写所有正确资料并完成提交,该学生的资料会被展示。老师可选择更 改资料或返回学生名单处。 (After class teacher save the student, class teacher can view the details entered. Class teacher can either edit or return to student page.) 更改 返回 168 1.2.3 成绩簿(Grade Book) 成绩簿(班级成绩簿)(Class Grade Book) 查看 (View) 生产班级排名 (Generate Class Position) 如果老师已经生产班级排名,系统会提示老师已经生产。(If class teacher generated class position more than 1time, the error message will display.) 当老师按生产 按钮,学生成绩会展示给老师,老师检查后只需按计算 钮。(After user click on Generate is required to click Calculate 按 button, student result will display to user. User button to generate the class position.) 计算班级排名(Calculate class position) 169 当排名成功计算,老师可以选择查看或者点评学生。(Once class positions for all students are generated, class teacher can either view the student results or comment student.) 查看资料(View) 点评学生 (Comment) 成绩簿(科目成绩簿)(Subject Grade Book) 选择年级,班级,科目和考 试类别后才按查看或输入分 数.(User required to select all of 4 fields in order to view or insert subject’s marks.) 输入分数 (Insert Score) 查看科目成绩 (View) 170 如果老师已经输入科目分数,系统会提示老师已经输入。(Error message will display if user select on the subject that scores of the subject are inserted.) 当老师按输入 按钮,学生名单会展示给老师,老师只需输入分数后按评分 按钮。(After Insert button is clicked, student list will display to user. Teacher is required to enter the marks and click Grade Student button.) 评分(Grade Student) 当老师按评分 按钮,系统会提示老师是否确定提交。(Once Grade Student button is clicked, confirm message will display.) 当老师提交科目分数,系统会提示老师已经成功储存分数。(If teacher is confirmed, grading process is in progress message will display.) 171 当老师选择查看 科目分数,老师可以更改 View Grade Book 学生分数。(If teacher click button, teacher can edit student’s marks.) 更改分数 (Edit Score) 1.2.4 报告选择处 (Report Selection) 报告选择处(点名处)(Attendance List) 察看报告 (View) 老师选择报告类别。如果老师选择年度报告,月份处不需被选择。(Class teacher is required to select report type. Month column is not required if report type selected is yearly report.) 172 报告选择处(班级成绩簿)(Class Grade Book) 察看报告(View) 老师可选择成 绩报告类别 (Class teacher required to select one of those report type.) 当老师选择报告类别后按查看 按钮,报告会展示给老师。(Report will display to class teacher after class teacher select report type and click View button.) 173 印刷报告(Print) 报告选择处(科目成绩簿)(Subject Grade Book) 该老师所教的科 目会展示给老师 (Subject and class teach by the user will be displayed .) 选择报告类别, 科目和 班级。(User required to select report type, subject and class.) 当老师选择了报告类别并按察看 teacher click on View 按钮,报告会展示给老师印刷。(Once class button, report will display to class teacher.) 174 印刷报告(Print) 报告选择处(学生资料处)(Student Information) 选择报告类别, 并 察看。(Select report type in order to view) 当老师选择了报告类别并按察看 teacher click on View 按钮,报告会展示给老师印刷。(Once class button, report will display to class teacher.) 175 印刷报告(Print) 1.3 用户:老师主页(User Type: Teacher) 退出该用 户户口 (Logout) 用户菜篮 (Teacher Menu) 察看老师个 人资料 快速寻找学生‐ 填写学生号码 (Search student by student ID) 报告通知 (Announcement) 寻找学生‐ 详细资料 (Advance Search) 176 1.3.1 成绩簿(科目成绩簿)(Subject Grade Book) 选择年级,班级,科目和考 试类别后才按查看或输入分 数.(User required to select all of 4 fields in order to view or insert subject’s marks.) 输入分数 (Insert Marks) 查看科目成绩 (View) 如果老师已经输入科目分数,系统会提示老师已经输入。(Error message will display if user select on the subject that scores of the subject are inserted.) 当老师按输入 按钮,学生名单会展示给老师,老师只需输入分数后按评分 按钮。(After Insert button is clicked, student list will display to user. Teacher is required to enter the marks and click Grade Student button.) 177 评分(Grade Student) 当老师按评分 按钮,系统会提示老师是否确定提交。(Once Grade Student button is clicked, confirm message will display.) 当老师提交科目分数,系统会提示老师已经成功储存分数。(If teacher is confirmed, grading process is in progress message will display.) 当老师选择查看 科目分数,老师可以更改 View Grade Book 学生分数。(If teacher click button, teacher can edit student’s marks.) 178 更改分数 (Edit Score) 1.3.2 报告选择处(科目成绩簿) 该老师所教的科 目会展示给老师 (Subject and class teach by the user will be displayed .) 选择报告类别, 科目和 班级。(User required to select report type, subject and class.) 当老师选择了报告类别并按察看 teacher click on View 按钮,报告会展示给老师印刷。(Once button, report will display to teacher.) 179 印刷报告 (Print) 1.4 寻找引擎(Search Engine) 输入学生号码寻 找学生(Search student by student ID) 高级搜索 (Advance Search) 180 当用户按高级搜索 按钮,系统会展示用户重要填写专栏。用户不需填写全 部专栏。(If user click Advance Search button, fields will be displayed. User can either insert all the fields or one of the fields.) 返回主页 高级搜索 (Advance Search) 当用户填写完毕并按高级搜索 clicks on Advance Search 按钮,系统会展示有关学生资料。(Once user button, student information will be displayed.) 印刷(Print)