Expressing Tasks Robustly via Multiple Discount Factors

Expressing Tasks Robustly via Multiple Discount Factors
Michael L. Littman
Computer Science Department
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Ashley Edwards
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA, 30332
Charles L. Isbell
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA, 30332
Reward engineering is the problem of expressing a target task for an agent in the form of rewards for a Markov decision process.
To be useful for learning, it is important that these encodings be robust to structural changes in the underlying domain; that is, the
specification remain unchanged for any domain in some target class. We identify problems that are difficult to express robustly via the
standard model of discounted rewards. In response, we examine the idea of decomposing a reward function into separate components,
each with its own discount factor. We describe a method for finding robust parameters through the concept of task engineering, which
additionally modifies the discount factors. We present a method for optimizing behavior in this setting and show that it could provide
a more robust language than standard approaches.
Reinforcement Learning, Reward Engineering, Generalization
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No.
Software engineers are tasked with building programs that are robust to inputs. A sorting algorithm, for example, should work
regardless of the size of the array it is operating on. Similarly, the reward engineering principle states that one should design rewards
for reinforcement learning that are: general so the agent can operate in a dynamic environment, and allow the agent to be autonomous,
without the need for interference from the designer [1]. If the size of the state space doubles, for example, one should not need to
modify the rewards in order for the agent to still reach the goal.
Unfortunately, designing reliable reward functions is often difficult [2], particularly when there are multiple reward sources. For
example, unintuitive reward values in the Maze problem generate drastically different policies [3]; an agent learning to ride a bicycle
learned to ride in circles after receiving a positive reward for moving towards a goal [4]; and human generated rewards that were used
for shaping caused “positive circuits” to form [5]. Such sub-optimal loops that distract one from reaching their goal have even been
described in economic models of humans. We tend to over-indulge when there is an immediate reward and procrastinate when the
reward is delayed (I’ll quit smoking tomorrow; my diet can wait until after Thanksgiving, etc). If we were following the traditional
definition of reinforcement learning, where the task is described as maximizing the total expected reward, then chain-smoking would
be considered optimal behavior and so would over-eating. Thus, the reward engineer should have the freedom to determine which
behaviors are truly desired, and rewards should rather be thought of as a bridge for producing these desired behaviors. Additionally,
in order to be general, these reward functions should be designed well enough that they work across many perturbations of the
environment. However, if poorly generated reward functions cause problems in static environments, it is unlikely that they will be
able to generalize.
We have observed that rewards do not alone effect an agent’s behavior, but rather the rewards coupled with the discount factor [5, 6, 7].
We believe that the difficulty is not necessarily that there are multiple rewards, but that the discount factors are entangled. It is
impossible to discriminate the value of short term rewards from long term ones. We postulate then that we should also derive
multiple discount factors when there are multiple rewards. A lower discount factor on short term goals could allow the agent to go to
sub-goals, or to enjoy the benefits of shaping, without crippling its behavior.
We describe the approach of deriving robust rewards and discount factors as task engineering and make the following contributions: 1)
we formally describe the notion of task engineering 2) describe how to derive parameters that allow the learning algorithm to perform
well on a variety of instantiations of a task 3) derive an approach for using multiple discount factors with the learning algorithm Sarsa
and 4) show problems where this approach is more robust than the standard Sarsa model with a single discount factor.
A Markov Decision Process (MDP) is a tuple hS, A, P, Ri. The set S consists of the states in the environment, s ∈ S. The function
A returns the actions a ∈ A(s) that the agent can take in a state s ∈ S. The function R(s, a) is the reward given for taking action
a in state s, and the transition model P (s, a, s0 ) returns the probability of transitioning to state s0 after taking action a in state s [8].
The goal of an MDP planning algorithm is to find a policy π that maps states to actions in such a way that it maximizes the longterm expected reward, that is, the value, of a state. The discount factor 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1 encodes how rewards retain their value over
time. An algorithm might seek to learn an action-value function which can be used for estimating the value of taking an action
in a particular state. One such model-free algorithm is known as Sarsa, which makes the following updates to state-action pairs:
Q(s, a) = Q(s, a) + α[R(s, a) + γQ(s0 , a0 ) − Q(s, a)].
The Problem of Multiple Rewards and Single Discounts
Reward functions in reinforcement learning are traditionally described as defining an agent’s task [8]. This seems appropriate for
monolithic reward functions, where a single reward is often used to motivate the agent to go to some goal [2]. However, when there
are multiple rewards, it becomes less clear whether the reward function translates directly as the task. This distinction has often been
seen in the literature, where metrics other than cumulative reward are used to determine whether a policy was successful or not. In
particular, a learning algorithm might choose a policy that maximizes an intermediate reward rather than the reward at the goal. As
such, rewards should be viewed as an intermediate representation for encouraging correct behavior, rather than the actual task. Thus,
we follow terminology that distinguishes a task from the reward function [5]. We formally define what this concept means, and
include the role of the task engineer.
Define a labeled MDP as a set of states, actions, labels, transitions, and a labeling function. A labeling function maps states to labels.
A reward mapping is a function that maps labels to scalar values. A set of labeled MDPs with the same label set is an MDP family.
Define a task τ as a predicate on a history H of labels l. The task objective τo is completed when the predicate becomes true. The
behavior parameters for a task, Θ(B) , are used to modify the agent’s behavior, and include a reward mapping and discount factor. The
task parameters of an MDP family F , Θ(F ) , represent the physics of the MDP. Each label receives a score representing how desirable
(F )
it is for the task objective. The task performance of an agent for some task instantiation Θf for an optimal policy generated by
(F )
some behavior parameter Θb can then be described as: τp (Θb , Θf ) = l∈H score(l) That is, the task performance is the
total overall score the agent receives during its policy. We can compute the expected task performance E[τp ] of Θb with respect
(F )
(F )
to Θf : E[τp ] = |F1 | θ(F ) τp (Θb , Θf ). Additionally, we define the task efficiency as how quickly the agent is able to solve
(F )
for an optimal policy generated by some behavior parameter Θb :τe (Θ(B) , Θ(F ) ) = |H|
(F )
(F )
We can compute the expected task efficiency E[τe ] of Θb with respect to Θf :E[τe ] = |F | θ(F ) τe (Θb , Θf ). The role of a
a task for some task instantiation Θf
task engineer is to find a Θb that maximizes both the expected task performance and the expected task efficiency. Later, we will
describe an approach for finding these parameters.
On Robustness
Many types of MDP Families can be thought of as members of a broader class of MDPs, which we call Hallway problems. In such
tasks, the agent needs to get to a goal which is some amount of steps from the agent’s location. The further away the goal is, the
longer the hallway will be. The number of steps to the goal is directly effected by the task parameters, which might determine the
number of obstacles in the domain, action dynamics, the initialization of the agent’s location, or the location of the goal. In some
types of hallways, intermediate rewards might be picked up along the way to the goal. In many cases, these rewards are used to
encourage the agent’s behavior. However, depending on how far away the goal is, they can often lead to distractions that hinder the
agent from making progress. We have observed two types of hallways that might cause such distractions, which we will discuss
below. In both of these hallways, the task objective is to go to the goal, which is located at the end of a hallway of length L. The
behavior parameters that the task engineer can modify are the rewards and discount factors.
Positive Reward Hallways (PRHs)
In a Positive Reward Hallway (PRH), there are positive intermediate rewards, such as those used for sub-goals or reward shaping.
Such hallways might introduce positive loop behavior where the agent becomes tempted to repeatedly receive some positive reward [4,
9, 5].
Suppose we have such a hallway where some state A allows the agent to repeatedly receive an intermediate reward of RA and
a terminal state B allows the agent to receive a reward of RB . Suppose that RB is some positive constant C times RA , that is,
RB = CRA . Then if the
agent is currently located in state A, in order for the agent to choose going to B over staying in A, the
following must be true: t=0 RA γ t < CRA γ L−1 . By rearranging and dividing out RA , we get:
< Cγ L−1 .
In order for this equation to be valid, i.e., for the agent to go to the goal in a large percentage of task instantiations we might need
to greatly increase the value of C, especially as L increases. Even then, the scaling factor might not be large enough to motivate the
agent. We cannot simply increase the value of γ to make the long-term value larger, because this will also increase the intermediate
reward’s value.
Negative Reward Hallways (NRHs)
In a Negative Reward Hallway (NRH), there are negative intermediate rewards, such as those used to inhibit undesirable behaviors. If
there is some probability “slipping” and exhibiting such a behavior, then paralyzing loops may be introduced where the agent chooses
to remain safe instead of risking taking a bad action.
Suppose we have such a hallway where some state P allows the agent to receive an intermediate reward of 0 and a terminal state Q
allows the agent to receive a reward of RQ . Suppose the agent receives a negative reward of RU every time it reaches an undesirable
state with label U . Assume that there is some expected value of U , E[U ]. This value is difficult to express because we do not know
how often the agent will visit U . However, we do know that it is dependent on the probability of slipping. Additionally, the value of
the discount factor directly effects E[U ]. If the agent is currently located in state P , in order for the agent to choose going to Q rather
than staying in P , the following must be true:
0 < E[U ] + γ L−1 RG .
In order for this equation to be valid, the right-hand-side of the equation needs to be positive. However, as the probability of taking
undesirable actions increases, E[U ] will become more dominant. This problem can be remedied by making the value of RG very
positive, but as the length of the hallway increases, the value of G decreases, and so the agent will become more likely to want to stay
in state P . We might be tempted to decrease γ in order to decrease the expected value of U , but this approach would also decrease
the goal state’s value.
(a) Task performance for single discount factor
(b) Task performance for multiple discount factors
Figure 1: Here, the task objective is accomplished when the r.h.s. of the Equation 1 is greater than the l.h.s. We generated an MDP
Family of task parameters whose lengths ranged from 1 − 5000. We evaluated the Expected Task Performance for perturbed values
of the discount factor and scalar C. For multiple discount factors 1b, we set γ1 to 1 and perturbed γ2.
Extending to Multiple Discount Factors
In both of these hallway problems, the discount factor causes conflicts for the desired policy. If γ is large, then the long-term value
for states A and P will increase. If γ is small, then the value of state B will rapidly decrease. This becomes even more true as the
length of the hallway L increases. This problem is clearly shown in Figure 1a. We do not have experiments for the NRH because the
probability of hitting the wall is unknown, and so we cannot show how the discount factor will effect U ’s value. Still, intuitively, if
we decrease U ’s value by too much, then the agent might exhibit more undesirable behaviors, and have poor task performance.
Suppose we use a distinct discount factor for each reward function, say γ1 for the intermediate states and γ2 for the goal states. Notice
that now these state values will no longer be tied together. We can make γ1 < γ2 , which will allow the intermediate state’s value
to be discounted more rapidly than the goal state’s value. We can appropriately treat the intermediate reward as a short term reward
without having any effect on the long-term goal’s value. Additionally, if we make γ2 ’s value very large, then the goal’s expected
value will no longer be as dependent on L. The effect of this is clearly shown in Figure 1b.
These examples suggest that by using multiple discount factors we can more robustly solve task parameter instantiations where the
behavior parameter instantiations might introduce distractions. By using multiple discount factors in such problems, we will be able
to decrease a distracting state’s long-term value without destroying the performance when the task parameters change.
We now show how to optimize behavior for such reward functions. We define a Multiple Reward Component MDP (MRC-MDP) as
a tuple hS, A, P, Ri, where S, A, and P are as before, but R is now defined as a vector of reward components, each with its own
discount factor. This problem was solved in prior work [10, 11], however, both of these solutions require one to have the transition
model, which may be infeasible. Therefore, we provide a method for using multiple discount factors with Sarsa.
We follow an approach where the Q-function is decomposed into N separate Q functions for each reward function [12]. We then
provide a distinct discount factor for each Q-function. That is,
Qi (s, a) = Qi + α[Ri (s, a) + γi Qi (s0 , a0 ) − Qi (s, a)].
We can then take the overall sum of these components for a global Q function, which can be used for action selection. We call this
approach Decomposed Sarsa with Multiple Discount Factors, or DECS-MDF.
Because we are interested in engineering agents whose maximized reward leads to correct task performance, the role of the task
engineer is to find rewards and discount factors that produce this desired output. Even if we find behavior parameters that work for
a particular setting, these parameters might not work for a wide range of variations of the task parameters. Therefore, we follow
an approach that searches for parameters that do well in a sample of the possible members of the MDP family [13]. This work
exhaustively searches for rewards that yield high performance. However, brute force is computationally expensive. We extend upon
that work by using optimization and modifying the search parameters to also include multiple discount factors.
Searching for the parameters requires evaluating the parameters on their fitness, which is a value that is often used in optimization
problems such as Hill-Climbing and Simulated Annealing [3]. Typically, one only needs to plug a fitness function and a method
for choosing neighbors of the current parameters into these types of optimization problems. The steps for evaluating the fitness of
the parameters are as follows: 1) Randomly sample a set of task parameters F from the Hallway MDP family 2) Plug the current
parameters Θb into the learning algorithm 3) Calculate the expected task performance E[τp ] as the current fitness.
Related Work
As we have seen, additional rewards may introduce locally optimal policies that distract the agent from completing the task [4, 5, 9].
Such issues have been addressed by using potential-based shaping functions that maintain the desired behavior for the optimal
policy [9]. The idea of “positive loops” is similar to human’s tendencies to over-indulge or under-indulge. Thus, economists often
weight future and immediate rewards separately in economic models [14, 15]. Many works have shown that the choice of the
discount factor effects the agent’s policy [5, 7]. It has even been shown that poorly chosen discount factors might be the cause of
loops in human generated reward [5]. Other works have addressed solving MDPs with multiple rewards and discount factors [10, 11].
However, these approaches require a transition model.
There are some works that evaluate the robustness of reinforcement learning algorithms. Pareto fronts have been used for evaluating
multi-objective functions [16]. In another approach, reward functions that receive high fitness in a variety of MDPSs are exhaustively
searched for, where each state in a history of trials receives a score for reaching some criteria [13]. Our approach for optimizing
behavior parameters expanded upon this work.
We have shown that multiple discount factors might provide a robust language for solving tasks where multiple rewards might act as
a bridge for guiding the agent to the goal. We provided a method for solving such problems, and showed why it could potentially be
robust to perturbations of the task. We hope to extend these ideas to larger efforts in reward engineering.
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