Martyn Dawes Founder, Coffee Nation


Martyn Dawes

Founder, Coffee Nation

Martyn is an award winning entrepreneur and CEO with a proven track record in delivering high growth and impressive shareholder returns.

He is the Founder of Coffee Nation Ltd (

). Coffee Nation successfully created an entirely new market category of branded self-serve coffee bars selling gourmet coffee-to-go in high footfall retail locations.

Martyn led the business as CEO from start-up in 1999 through to 2007 and remained on the board until the business was sold in 2008 at which point the company operated from some 560 locations across the UK in premium quality retail outlets. Long term contracts include Tesco, Welcome Break, Moto, Esso, Sainsbury and Somerfield.

The company was sold to Milestone Capital Partners for £23m in March 2008 (8x EBITDA of £2.9m at f/y end 3/08 and return to institutional shareholders of 3.7x cost of the original investment).

He is a member of the London Westminster Chapter of Young Presidents Organisation


) serving as Education Chair in 2010/11 and Chairman in 2011/12. Coffee

Nation won the Sunday Times/Virgin Atlantic Fast Track Award for Innovation in 2006 and

Martyn was recognised as Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year, South Region,

Consumer Products & Services in 2005.

Coffee Nation was ranked as one of the UK’s top 100 fastest growing privately owned companies in 2005 & 2006.

Completing this growth story, the company was sold to Whitbread/Costa for £59.5m in

March 2011.

Martyn is now looking to acquire a great small company and build it into one of the UK’s leading mid size companies.
