2012/10/22 專利地圖分析 陳省三博士 10-31-2012 IPR-BS2C 1 專利地圖 專利地圖-Wiki IPR-BS2C 1 2012/10/22 Patent Map 專利地圖(Patent Map)是指透過專利檢索 p 技巧,檢索出與研究主題相關之專利資料 ,並以統計分析之方法,加以縝密及精細 之剖析整理製成各種可分析、解讀、以圖 表格式呈現之加值化專利資訊。讓使用者 可以如同閱讀地圖般,藉由簡單清晰的圖 表獲取其中豐富的專利資訊內涵。 IPR-BS2C Patent Map 專利地圖製作與運用視使用者之需求而有所不同 ,基本上至少包含兩大部分;其一為「經營圖」 ,基本上至少包含兩大部分;其一為「經營圖 ,偏向於對專利相關資訊以總申請及專利獲准件 數為主之統計,分析各個國家、公司、發明人, 相關技術佔有、競爭之情形,同時亦對各個專利 被引用之情形、技術獨特之情形、專利期限、技 術生命週期等做各個「專利經營面之分析」。這 類資訊繪成專利地圖後,主要提供一般使用者宏 觀趨勢的瞭解,使其能夠瞭解特定技術或是特定 公司發展的概況,以及在各地市場專利布局的強 弱。這種初步的宏觀資訊可以當成相關公司技術 與市場布局的參考。 IPR-BS2C 2 2012/10/22 Patent Map 另一則為所謂之「技術圖」,此乃針對各篇專利 加以詳細解讀,將各個專利申請主要技術內容, 相關專利技術之內涵與專利所保護範圍,加以剖 析成技術研發人員更能了解之技術語言及層次之 各種技術分析;此有別於經營圖時僅對國際專利 分類號(IPC,International Patent Classification)或美 國專利分類(UPC,United States Patent Classification)之技術分類做技術大類之分析。是 以此部分若能做好詳盡之分析,使研發者瞭解該 專利技術的密度,即可作為「迴避設計」 (design around)、技術地雷、技術挖洞或想做新改良發明 等之參考資訊,及研發靈感之重要來源。 IPR-BS2C 專利地圖 何謂專利地圖? 為什麼需要專利地圖? IPR-BS2C 將專利資訊「地圖化 將專利資訊「地圖化」,藉由各種統計分析整理圖表, 藉由各種統計分析整理圖表 如專利獲准件數、各個國家、公司、發明人、各個專利被 引用之情形、技術生命週期 等之統計圖表,可作為經營 管理之重要資訊。 簡言之,就是透過系統化的整理、歸納與分析,將檢索完 成的專利資料轉化為有價值專利知識。 提升產業競爭力 部署戰略專利網 規劃授權策略 擬定訴訟策略 專利地圖提供什麼資訊? 行銷、訴訟、管理、創投、創新 6 3 2012/10/22 Patent Mapping Representing p g complex p p patent “landscapes”; p ; creating actionable intelligence. IPR-BS2C Why Patent Map? Management of risk Management for opportunity IPR-BS2C 4 2012/10/22 Why Patent Map? (cont.) Knowledge g Base Patents are an outstanding but all too often overlooked source of valuable information Technical Commercial/competitive/market Historical/trend Best practices in IP management IPR-BS2C Users of Patent Maps Innovators Conceptualizers Researchers Product developers IPR-BS2C 5 2012/10/22 Users of Patent Maps (cont.) Investors VCs Funders in the non-profit sector IPR-BS2C Rational Patent Mapping IPR-BS2C Interpretive distillation of large amounts of often complex patent data into one or more high-value representations useful in making business decisions. Tell why and how patent data is relevant to a context context. The goal is to generate actionable intelligence from raw patent information, enabling timely, informed decisions. 6 2012/10/22 Divestments, out-licensing Infringement watch IP, tech and entity acquisitions New business opportunities TOOL Infringement defense TOOL TOOL TOOL Market watch Publication watch Patent maps Rational patent maps Freedom to operate Risk assessments Competitive IP intelligence Technology TOOL Trend identification and tracking Sci/tech watch & info Technical knowledge TOOL TOOL Sales and supplier info Patent surveys New product concept differentiation Competitor IP portfolio assessment and tracking Best practices: IP strategy, prosecution, litigation IPR-BS2C Falco-Archer, Inc. 200 American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Information (Spring 2001) ChemGuide and PublisherGuide : A Novel Portal Concept Hunting for free chemical journal articles on the world wide web Identifying undervalued companies via patent analysis as a means of highlighting merger/ acquisition targets (Siemens vs. Acuson) Pharmaceutical Intelligence : Disinformation from press releases? Using IFI’s concordance of IPC to US patent classification to enhance patent analysis IPR-BS2C 7 2012/10/22 未利用的專利 日本 ~ 33% (JPO估計) ( ) 美國 ~ 35% (Rivette, K及 Kline,David ) IPR-BS2C EPO統計(2001) 過去五年只有59,000家歐洲公司利用專利 資訊,另外111,000家並未有利用專利資訊 的行為。 IIB統計 技術資料來源之年代為25年以上者佔20% 20~25年者佔4% 15~20年者佔7% 10~15年者佔10% 5~10年者佔18% 5年以內者佔41% 因此技術資料之利用,並非僅限於最新者。 IPR-BS2C 8 2012/10/22 英國經濟與社會研究委員會 (Economic and Social Research Council) 研究英國中小企業接觸專利資訊的目的可分為 下列六種 : 1.為企業本身的發明申請專利 2.了解是否有侵權可能性 3.了解競爭廠商的動向 4 更廣泛了解現有相關技術 4.更廣泛了解現有相關技術 5.為新技術取得專利授權 6.為現存的問題搜尋解決方案 IPR-BS2C 檢索策略 IPR-BS2C 18 9 2012/10/22 檢索結果 LTCC 封裝部份的檢索條件與檢索結果如下表列: 檢索條件 檢索次數 檢索結果 有用 1. ((LTCC OR CO FIRE* OR COFIRE*) AND (PACKAG* OR FLIP* CHIP* OR ENCAPSULAT*) AND (HERMET* OR SEAL* OR RING* OR WALL*)) 74 33 2. ((LTCC OR CO* FIRE* OR COFIRE*) AND (INTERCONNECT* OR CONNECT* OR DENSITY*)) AND (IP="H01L*" OR IP="H05K*" OR IP="H01P*" OR IP="B32B*" OR IP="H01G*") 185 65 3 3. ((LTCC OR CO* FIRE* OR COFIRE*) AND (GREEN* OR HEAT* OR THERMAL*)) AND (IP="H01L*" (IP H01L OR IP="H05K*" IP H05K OR IP="H01P*" IP H01P OR IP="B32B*") IP B32B ) 140 40 78 34 156 30 4. 5 ((LTCC OR CO* FIRE* OR COFIR*) AND (MMIC OR MONOLITHIC*)) ((LTCC OR CO FIRE* OR COFIRE*) AND (GREEN* OR FLIP* CHIP* OR BGA OR BALL* GRID*)) IPR-BS2C 專利檢索 19 Patent全文 關鍵字檢索 1.上下位用語 2.切截符號 3.各種拼法 專利權人檢索 1 公司名稱 1.公司名稱 2.公司代碼 3.公司讓渡 專利檢索 分類號檢索 引證資料檢索 11.IPC IPC 2.USPC 3.ECLA 1.Cited 2.Citing 發明者檢索 IPR-BS2C 20 10 2012/10/22 專利地圖種類 管理圖 管理圖分析主要是運用專利資料庫中某些專利欄位的基本資 料進行統計分析 技術功效圖 系統化整理專利資料,以地圖方式呈現分析的結果,能快速 清楚的掌握專利分佈趨勢,亦就是將專利資訊『地圖化』, 以提供技術開發之方向,利於技術主題的選定及挖洞技術的 發現。 引證圖 探討專利引證及被引證的相關專利及科學文獻,藉由核心專 利推敲技術發展趨勢 利推敲技術發展趨勢。 權利圖 針對專利權利(claim)範圍進行要件、連結關係及功能之解析。 IPR-BS2C 21 管理圖名稱 管理圖與代表意義 意義 歷年專利數量比較圖 了解整個產業技術領域專利產出數量之發展趨勢, 瞭解專利技術的曲線。 歷年專利成長率分析圖 專利權人數成長率、發明人數成長率 技術生命週期圖 二維分佈圖,目的係了解相關技術變化過程,以專 利權人數分析或以發明人數分析 專利所屬國分析 歷年專利數量(申請量/公告量)比較圖、歷年專利成 長率比較圖、歷年專利權人數比較圖、歷年發明人 數比較圖、技術生命週期圖 競爭公司分析(專利權人) 歷年專利數量比較、歷年專利成長率比較圖、發明 人數比較圖、競爭公司相互引證分析 管理圖IPC分析 由IPC分析圖可確知技術包含的領域範圍 專利引證圖 所專利引證圖,除可找出核心專利外,專利應用技 術領域的分佈,相關專利趨勢的變化。 IPR-BS2C 22 11 2012/10/22 管理圖 歷年各國專利發證數量比較圖 歷年各國專利發證數量比較圖 16 美國專利發證件數 日本專利發證件數 歐洲專利發證件數 其他國家專利發證件數 14 12 12 12 10 8 6 6 5 5 4 3 2 00 00 00 4 4 5 4 3 33 3 2 1 0 5 4 2 1 1 00 11 0 2 1 1 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000 4 4 1999 6 2 0 0 2 1 0 2 2 11 1 0 2004 2003 2002 2001 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 0 IPR-BS2C 23 管理圖 專利被引證數量比較表 60 50 54 44 40 40 38 被引證數 33 30 30 29 29 28 27 20 IPC 5階技術領域分佈圖 10 0 US 52 68 69 2 US 56 19 20 8 US 59 29 80 2 US 55 08 70 6 US 56 33 64 US 56 25 36 2 US 57 31 77 8 US 55 17 19 7 US 42 41 34 7 US 45 93 28 7 專利號碼 IPC 5階技術領域分佈圖 3% 專利被引證數量比較表 3% 3% 3% G01S013/34 G01S013/93 5% 33% G01S013/32 G01S013/08 7% G01S013/58 G01S013/60 7% G01S013/35 G01S013/40 9% IPR-BS2C G01S013/06 27% G01S013/26 24 12 2012/10/22 技術分類 技術分類可採用專利分類IPC, USPC, ECLA,FI/ F-term 或自定 分類。 (一) 國際專利分類碼IPC(International Patent Classification) (二) 日本FI/ F-term技術分類 1971年由Strasburg國際專利協定所制定。便於專利資料的整理、 查詢搜索及管理等運用。 日本針對其重要的產業進行FI/ F-term技術分類,可以自IPC查詢 FI/ F-term 。如想查詢關產業的技術分類,亦可以FI/ F-term之編 碼查詢專利狀況,快速瞭解相關產業的發展狀況。 (三) 美國USPC 美國大約有450 個Class,每個Class 中又可再細分出許多 Subclass,總計Subclass數約有150,000個。可依其分類及次分類 進行技術分類。 IPR-BS2C 25 技術分類 (四) 歐洲專利分類號(ECLA) ECLA(European Cl ECLA(E Classification)分類系統是歐洲專利局 ifi ti )分類系統是歐洲專利局 內部用於檢索的分類系統。該系統是基於IPC分類系統下再細 分的系統。現在的ECLA系統細分共有134,000組。 (五) 自定分類 IPR-BS2C 一般公司通常以商品分類體系作為上位概念;以技術體系作 為下位概念,如以商品、製品、構成零件、 構成部位、材料、 製程步驟、方法、方式、 功能、用途或原理為基準分類;再 以關鍵技術作為分類的依據。 26 13 2012/10/22 Patent Classification Code-USPC IPR-BS2C 27 Patent Classification Code-IPC IPR-BS2C 28 14 2012/10/22 專利技術圖自定技術分類表 自定技術分類表 技術分類 A B C D A1 A2 A3 A4 其他A5 B1 B2 B3 其他B4 C1 C2 C3 其他C4 D1 D2 D3 D4 其他D5 IPR-BS2C 功效分類 產品分類 T U V W X Y Z 材料分類 E F G H I J K L M N -45 - 組件分類 O P Q R S 29 引證圖 In Vivo Video Camera System( US5604531) 數列1 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 7 7 8 0 IPR-BS2C 2 4 6 8 10 30 15 2012/10/22 引證圖 In Vivo Video Camera System(US5604531) Given Imaging IPR-BS2C 31 權利圖 Remote-controllable, micro-scale device for use in in vivo medical diagnosis and/or treatment( US6,240,312) 膠囊內視鏡 1 Micro-scale Device 27 transport capsule Light source Means transport 1 Means iimaging i Means imaging Detecting light Means measures native fluorescence Means examining Means communication 29 System computer Micro-scale device wire transport capsule (0.1~20mm) Means Trnsport capsule Means imaging Means examining IPR-BS2C 28 1 Means imaging Measures information 32 16 2012/10/22 公司相互引證分析 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 總計 HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY (1) 13 14 1 1 6 3 2 7 2 0 49 MOTOROLA, INC (2) 2 19 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 23 HUGHES ELECTRONICS (3) 1 3 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 10 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP (4) 3 1 1 0 1 1 1 7 0 0 15 TRW INC. (5) 0 0 0 2 3 0 2 1 0 0 8 CTS CORPORATION (6) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY (7) 0 4 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 7 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORPORATION (8) 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 10 SANDIA CORPORATION (9) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STRATEDGE CORPORATION (10) 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 IPR-BS2C 33 專利功效分類基本表 封裝參數 溫度 壓力 介電值 覆晶 (flip chip) MCM/多晶片模 組 (Multi module) 雷射(laser) 電漿(plasma) 電磁性 鐵磁性 環牆 (Ring) 具凹槽 (Cavity) 沖壓(punch) 剪力 封裝種類 無導線架 (Leadless frame) 封裝手段 銲錫(sold) 封裝材料 石英 有機材料 氧化金屬 介電材料 陶瓷材料 封裝製程 厚膜帶積層(Thick film) IPR-BS2C 導孔 MMIC 燒結 34 17 2012/10/22 專利功效分類基本表 元件效能 小型化 散熱性/散熱器 速度/功率 製程效能 高密度(內連線) 尺寸精準 密封效果 內連佈局/簡化 製程 損失 阻抗 改善效能 遮蔽 保護 IPR-BS2C 35 專利功效分類基本表 第一階功效 元件效能 製程效能 改善效能 第二階功效 第二階功效 第二階功效 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 遮蔽/ 保 護 損失 阻抗 5 4 6 小型化 散熱性 / 散 熱 器 速度/ 功 率 高密度 (內 連 線) 尺寸精 準 密封效 果 內連佈 局 / 簡 化 製 程 4 13 1 7 3 10 18 IPR-BS2C 18 38 15 36 18 2012/10/22 LT CC技 術 相 關 比 例 技術性相關 AE SA 10% Pa3c7k% age Pa c k a g e LTCC 37% T/R1M odule 6% 核心技術數量比例 180 150 120 90 相 60 核 30 0 LTCC IPR-BS2C T/R Module Package Active phase 相關技術筆數 Array(AESA) 37 技術功效圖 IPR-BS2C 38 19 2012/10/22 產品分類 IPR-BS2C 39 技術功效圖 Detection Sensitivity Resolution Coverage Range System Noise Angle Leakage Control Range AZ/EL Angle Target Doppler Doppler FMCW Radar Angle Power Range Doppler Accuracy IPR-BS2C Simplify Efficiency Size/Weight Antiinterference 40 20 2012/10/22 FMCW RADAR 技術功效矩陣圖 IPR-BS2C 41 技術功效圖 功效專利數量比較圖 應用領域專利數量比較圖 30 25 0 數列1 10 6 12 13 7 7 9 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 數列1 10 4 3 1 21 18 20 14 15 10 5 25 21 20 4 3 2 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 技術領域專利數量統計表 40 30 23 數列1 20 11 10 IPR-BS2C 0 8 3 8 5 1 2 4 4 6 11 9 4 2 0 8 1 3 4 1 1 2 0 1 3 1 3 3 1 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10T11T12T13T14T15T16T17T18T19T20T21T22T23T24T25T26T27T28T29T30T31T32T33T34T35T36T37T38T39T40 42 21 2012/10/22 GPS-Technology/Function Patent Map p IPR-BS2C 43 技術魚骨圖 IPR-BS2C 44 44 22 2012/10/22 技術分類和主題描述(1/2) IPR-BS2C 45 45 技術分類和主題描述(2/2) IPR-BS2C 46 46 23 2012/10/22 功效魚骨圖 IPR-BS2C 47 47 專利分析技巧 案例 IPR-BS2C 48 24 2012/10/22 聚矽氧烷製備 IPC : C08G 77/06 C08 : 有機高分子化合物;其製備或化學加工;以 其為基料之組合物 〈人造絲、纖維、剛毛或 條帶之製造或處理見D01〉 C08G : 用碳-碳不飽和鍵以外之反應而得的高分子化 合物 IPR-BS2C 49 聚矽氧烷製備 C08G77 :於高分子主鍵中有或無硫、氮、氧 、或碳之鍵合反應而形成含矽之鍵合,而得 的高分子化合物 C08G 77/06 : 聚矽氧烷製備法 IPR-BS2C 50 25 2012/10/22 聚矽氧烷製備 IPC/UPC Concordance : C08G 77/06 IPC 528/12-24 USPC 利用USPC尋求未來商機? IPR-BS2C 51 聚矽氧烷製備 Class 528 : Synthetic resins or natural 未來商機 : 528/502 Physical treatment 包含 filtration, stretching to alter polymer properties by elongation, compression or pressure treatment , centrifuge separation, spray drying or atomization, and shearing to change polymer particle size or to change polymer properties IPR-BS2C 52 26 2012/10/22 Airbag Example Prior to 1985, no discrete IPC for airbag i b ttechnology. h l IPC B60R21/08 is the closest mark “shields between occupants and glass, brought into operative position by high deceleration of vehicle”. C06D5/00 “blasting “bl ti cartridges” t id ” and d F42C 19/08 “sensors” are related IPC classes. IPR-BS2C 53 Airbag Example (continued) After 1985, IPC B60R21/16 to B60R21/32 were created for airbag technology. In 1987, Derwent introduced the manual code X22-J07 which covered the electrical and mechanical aspects of airbags. IPR-BS2C 54 27 2012/10/22 Airbag Example (continued) How to identify the chemical compounds used to inflate the bags? Choose the IPC B60R21/26, “source or generator of inflation fluid” and “”the means to control fluid flow”, as starting point. Combine patent results and Chemical Abstracts information. IPR-BS2C 55 CAS Registry Number Indigo RN: 482-89-3 Nylon 6/12 RN: 24936 24936-74-1 74 1, Nylon 6/66 RN: 24993-04-2, Nylon 6/6 RN: 32131-17-2 Beware of map RN function. IPR-BS2C 56 28 2012/10/22 Airbag Example (continued) Frequently cited chemical compounds sodium azide RN:26628-22-8 nylon 32131-17-2 iron oxide 1309-37-1 silica 7631-86-9 potassium potass u nitrate t ate 7757-79-1 5 9 potassium perchlorate 7778-74-7 nitrocellulose 9004-70-0 GZT ------------ IPR-BS2C 57 相關技術發展與市場規模 IPR-BS2C 58 29 2012/10/22 如何查詢 如何查詢SIRI相關技術之公司 相關技術之公司 IPR-BS2C 59 G10L21/00 Count of Document Number Assignee Total (blank) 95 Microsoft Corporation (Redmond, WA, US) 32 International Business Machines Corporation (Armonk, NY, US) 25 International Business Machines Corporation (Armonk, NY) 19 AT&T Corp. (New York, NY, US) 15 N Nuance C Communications, i ti IInc. (B (Burlington, li t MA MA, US) 14 Motorola, Inc. (Schaumburg, IL) 13 Sony Corporation (Tokyo, JP) 10 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. (Houston, TX, US) 9 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (Osaka, JP) 9 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. (Eindhoven, NL) 9 Intel Corporation (Santa Clara, CA, US) 8 MOTOROLA INC (US) 7 Microsoft Corporation (Redmond, WA) 7 AT&T Intellectual Property II, L.P. (New York, NY, US) 7 BELL TELEPHONE LABOR INC 7 Tellme Networks, Inc. (Mountain View, CA, US) 6 Nokia Corporation (Espoo (Espoo, FI) 6 Texas Instruments Incorporated (Dallas, TX) 6 MICROSOFT CORPORATION (One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington, 98052-6399, US) 6 SANYO ELECTRIC CO LTD 6 The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy (Washington, DC) 5 NEC Corporation (Tokyo, JP) 5 Sprint Spectrum L.P. (Overland Park, KS, US) 5 Sony Corporation (Tokyo, JP); Sony Electronics, Inc. (Park Ridge, NJ) 5 AT&T Corp. (New York, NY) 5 LG Electronics Inc. (Seoul, KR) Canon Kabushiki Kaisha (Tokyo, JP) 2C IPR-BS Conexant Systems, Inc. (Newport Beach, CA) 5 5 605 30 2012/10/22 http://www.marketresearch.com/ IPR-BS2C 61 IPR-BS2C 62 31 2012/10/22 點入Interactive Voice Response Systems IPR-BS2C 63 摘要列出相關技術之公司 IPR-BS2C 64 32 2012/10/22 Yahoo Finance IPR-BS2C 65 Nuance IPR-BS2C 66 33 2012/10/22 Competitors IPR-BS2C 67 Google Finance IPR-BS2C 68 34 2012/10/22 Nuance IPR-BS2C 69 Related companies IPR-BS2C 70 35 2012/10/22 Nuance http://www.nuance.com/ Speech Recognition Nuance Recognizer is the software at the core of ourcontact center automation solutions. With Nuance Recognizer, you can consistently deliver a great customer service experience while improving your self-service system’s containment rate. It delivers the industry’s highest recognition accuracy even as it encourages natural, human-like conversations – the conversations that create more satisfying sa s y g interactions e a o s with your you customers. us o e s Save money by automating calls Encourage natural, human-like conversations Create more satisfying self-service interactions Build on your infrastructure IPR-BS2C 71 Competitors IPR-BS2C In our segments, we compete with companies such as Adobe, Medquist, Microsoft and Google. In addition, a number of smaller companies in both speech and imaging offer services, technologies or products that are competitive with our solutions in some markets. In certain markets, some of our partners such as Avaya, Cisco, Intervoice and Genesys develop and market products and services that might be considered substitutes for our solutions. Current and potential competitors have established, or may establish, cooperative relationships l ti hi among th themselves l or with ith third thi d parties ti to increase the ability of their technologies to address the needs of our prospective customers. 72 36 2012/10/22 IP In recent years, we have developed and acquired extensive technology assets, intellectual property and industry expertise in g g and imaging g g that provide p us with a competitive p voice,, language advantage in our markets. Our technologies are based on complex algorithms which require extensive amounts of linguistic and image data, acoustic models and recognition techniques. A significant investment in capital and time would be necessary to replicate our current capabilities. We continue to invest in technologies to maintain our marketleading position and to develop new applications. Our technologies are covered by approximately 2,300 patents and 1,500 patent applications. Our intellectual property, whether purchased or developed internally, is critical to our success and competitive position iti and, d ultimately, lti t l tto our market k t value. l W We rely l on a portfolio of patents, copyrights, trademarks, services marks, trade secrets, confidentiality provisions and licensing arrangements to establish and protect our intellectual property and proprietary rights. We incurred research and development expenses of $179.4 million, $152.1 million, and $116.8 million in fiscal 2011, 2010 and 2009, respectively. IPR-BS2C 73 Tellme Networks,Inc. IPR-BS2C Tellme Networks was acquired q by Microsoft on March 14, 2007 for "close to $800M" 74 37 2012/10/22 Conexant Systems, Inc. http://www.conexant.com/ p // / Conexant Systems, Inc. is an American semiconductor company, formerly the semiconductor division of Rockwell International. Currently it's p privately y owned by y Golden Gate Capital, an equity firm headquartered in San Francisco. IPR-BS2C 75 MedQuist Holdings Inc. http://www.medquist.com/Home/tabid/36/Default.aspx Speech Recognition Voice Capture Platform Whether you’re talking about using speech recognition for high-volume dictation medical specialties or the mission mission-critical critical radiology department, department or streamlining transcription across all departments using enterprise speech recognition, MedQuist can help. MedQuist understands how to deploy speech recognition for clinical documentation better than anyone. DocQvoice, formerly known as DocQment Ovation, is a Web-based, enterprise digital voice capture and transport solution deployed at the customer’s location, which provides centralized administration across a department, facility or enterprise to improve organizational efficiency and productivity. Specifically engineered to be compatible with MedQuist’s previous generation dictation stations, stations DocQvoice is the first digital document management software system to incorporate patient data during the dictation process, making it possible to manage workflow and turnaround times based on critical dates such as the admission date. Voice Input MedQuist offers a complete suite of digital dictation systems, handheld devices and personal digital assistants (PDAs) designed to meet the needs of hospitals, enterprise-wide environments, departments or small facilities. These systems offer portability, flexibility, and remote capabilities. IPR-BS2C 76 38 2012/10/22 Competitors Because we integrate technologies and services, we compete p with companies p in a number of different sectors. These competitors include: IPR-BS2C in-house service departments of healthcare providers, which we believe produce the majority of clinical documentation today based on the physician narrative; national medical transcription service providers, such as Focus Informatics, Inc. (a subsidiary of Nuance Communications, Inc. (Nuance)), Transcend Services, Inc., and Webmedex, Inc.; local or regional medical transcription service organizations; ASR software vendors, such as Nuance and Multimodal Technologies Inc Technologies, Inc. (Multimodal) (Multimodal), which market ASR as a means to reduce clinical documentation labor; and EHR software vendors which promote their systems as a replacement to narrative-based input by using on-screen templates and dropdown boxes for data entry. 77 IP IPR-BS2C The amounts included in settlements for 2010 represent an additional charge g of $ $0.9 million related to our settlement with Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., and affiliates. The amounts include in settlements for 2009 represent the settlement of a patent litigation matter. We rely on a combination of copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret and other intellectual property laws, nondisclosure agreements, license agreements, contractual provisions and other measures to protect our proprietary rights. We have a number of registered trademarks in the United States and abroad, including MedQuist ® and SpeechQ ® . We have common law rights i h over a number b off unregistered i d trademarks. d k We W also l own a limited number of United States and foreign patents and patent applications that relate to our products, processes and technologies. 78 39 2012/10/22 Wizzard Software Corp. http://www.wizzardsoftware.com/ Wizzard Software is pleased to offer Version 5.1 of AT&T Natural Voices Text to Speech (TTS) for Windows or Linux, Linux an award winning text to speech technology developed by AT&T Laboratories. AT&T Natural Voices is believed by many to be the most natural sounding TTS available, and can automate and add tremendous interactive and humanistic value to a wide variety of applications and projects.Implemented with a software developer kit (SDK) and distributable runtime software Dynamically converts text into voice for a wide variety of applications Applauded by many as the most realistic human-sounding synthetic voices Implemented with a flexible "engine + voice font" architecture Supports customization of pronunciations, acronyms, abbreviations, speaking rate Distributable runtime software is available for (20) voices in (8) languages including US English, UK English, Indian English, Canadian French, German, Italian, and Spanish IPR-BS2French, C 79 Wizzard Software Corp. Wizzard Software is pleased to offer the NEW Wizzard Wavefile Factory for Windows, based on AT&T Natural Voices awardg text to speech p ((TTS)) technology. gy Believed by y many y to be winning the most natural sounding TTS available, this "easy to use " application provides a simple user interface to generate audio files from text provided via keyboard input or from document files. After proper licensing, the resulting audio files may be used in a wide range of projects and environments. designed for content creators, web masters and non technical users audio files may be created from a variety of document formats, either individually or by creating a batch list utilizes flexible "language independent TTS engine + voice font" architecture user can pre-process text and d listen l to selected l d segments on PC speakers before generating voice file allows SSML control tags to be easily added to the text technology supports custom pronunciations-acronyms-abbreviationsplayback rate proven TTS technology from years of research by voice pioneer AT&T available for Windows with a selection of (20) voices in (8) languages requires separate audio distribution or usage license IPR-BS2C 80 40 2012/10/22 Competitors IPR-BS2C The market for computer p software,, and specifically speech recognition technology products and services is highly competitive. Current competitors include Nuance, Loquendo and Fonix. 81 IP(NO STRATEGY, VERY POOR) IPR-BS2C Wizzard licenses the speech recognition engines upon which its products operate from AT&T. We rely on non-disclosure, confidentiality fid ti lit and d non-competition titi agreements t with ith our employees to protect many of our rights in our technology. If our employees breach these agreements, we may incur significant expenses to enforce our contractual restrictions and protect our rights. Management believes that Wizzard has proprietary rights to products, including copyright and trademark protection that will discourage others from replicating these products. However, we have no opinions from independent intellectual property counsel that the copyrights and trademarks are valid or, if valid, that their issuance, together with such other proprietary rights that we own will be sufficient to protect us from those who would try to capitalize on our success through imitation. Many software companies bring lawsuits alleging violation of intellectual property rights. In addition, a large number of patents have been awarded in the voice-recognition area. Although we do not believe that we are infringing any patent rights, patent holders may claim that we are doing so. 82 41 2012/10/22 SoundBite Communications http://www.soundbite.com/ Hosted Contact Center Multi-Channel Communications Hosted Dialer Agent Desktop Drive success with every interaction. Improve efficiencies and customer experience. Via voice or text, agents stay connected with consumers. Contact Center Integration Inbound IVR Integration that delivers business process automation. Automated solutions that reduce costs and drive revenue. Outbound Applications IPR-BS2C Communicate proactively with your customers. 83 Competition IPR-BS2C On-Premise Predictive Dialers-Voice service competes with on-premise on premise predictive dialers from established vendors such as Aspect and Avaya as well as a number of smaller vendors. On-Premise Predictive Dialers-Most vendors of hosted customer communications solutions focus on providing a basic service with limited features and compete principally on the basis of price. These vendors consist principally of a number of relatively small, privately held companies and a small number of larger larger, multi multi-product product line companies such as CSG Systems, Nuance Communications and West Corporation. Also compete directly with a small number of vendors, such as Adeptra and Varolii, that deliver services utilizing one or more channels on a SaaS delivery model similar to ours. 84 42 2012/10/22 IP Adopted a strategy of seeking patent protection with respect to certain technologies used in or relating to our products. not currently a party to any material litigation. The customer communications industry is characterized by frequent claims and litigation, including claims regarding patent and other intellectual property rights as well as improper hiring practices. As a result, we may be involved in various legal proceedings from time to time. On June 25, 2008, the Company entered into a settlement agreement (the Settlement Agreement) relating to two lawsuits with Universal Recovery Systems (URS). As part of the h agreement, URS S made d a payment to the h Company C off $4.6 million. The Company was also granted a worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive license to the URS’ patents involved in the two lawsuits. The Company has not ascribed any value to this license. IPR-BS2C 85 Omtool, Ltd.(已下市) IPR-BS2C http://www.omtool.com/ p // / Omtool is a leading provider of document and information handling solutions that control the enterprise document lifecycle. AccuRoute, our acclaimed p platform,, streamlines the capture, conversion, communication and archiving of paper and electronic documents for organizations of all sizes. 86 43 2012/10/22 Avistar Communications http://www.avistar.com/ Avistar C3™ allows customers to take full advantage of videoconferencing without experiencing degradation of service. Many industry vendors claim VoIP and desktop videoconferencing capabilities; in reality, they are unable to deliver rich media at scale without significant network upgrades. The Avistar C3™ patent-protected dynamic g enables thousands of bandwidth management users to access desktop videoconferencing, VoIP and streaming media. IPR-BS2C 87 Competitor Principal competitors are companies that provide products and services in specific areas where we offer our integrated system, such as: • Room-based point-to-point and multi-point video communications products; • Desktop video communications products; • Broadcast video products; • Video retrieval and viewing products; • Desktop content creation products; and • Web-based data collaboration products. Compete primarily with Polycom, Inc., Cisco Systems, Inc., Radvision, Ltd., and Emblaze-VCON Ltd. Face increasing competition from alternative communications solutions that employ new technologies or new combinations of technologies from companies such as Cisco Systems, Inc., Avaya, Inc., Nortel Networks Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, and IBM Corporation that enable web-based or network-based video and unified communications with lowcost digital camera systems. IPR-BS2C 88 44 2012/10/22 IP End-to-end rich media collaborative application companies that have licensed Avistar patents include Polycom, Inc., Tandberg ASA, Sony Corporation and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI), Emblaze-VCON Ltd., Radvision, LifeSize Communications, Inc., Logitech, and International Business Machines Corp. (IBM). On November 12, 2004, the Company entered into a settlement and a patent cross-license agreement with Polycom Inc., thus ending litigation against Polycom, Inc. for patent infringement. As part of the settlement and patent cross-license agreement with Polycom, Inc, the Company granted Polycom, Inc. a nonexclusive, fully paid-up license to its entire patent portfolio. Licensing and patent sale revenue, revenue relating to the licensing and sale of our patent portfolio, increased by $14.3 million, to $15.1 million for 2010, from $853,000 for 2009, mainly due to the sale of substantially all of our patents to Intellectual Ventures for $11.0 million and the licensing revenue from SKYPE totaling $3.0 million. Licensing and patent sale revenue in 2011 is expected to be significantly less than 2010 due to reduced sales of patents partially offset by increased licensing revenue. IPR-BS2C 89 45