Guy Rigby Head of Entrepreneurial Services, Smith & Williamson Guy is an experienced chartered accountant and an entrepreneur. A natural and driven enthusiast, he built and sold his own accountancy firm, as well as pursuing other commercial interests. He has been a director and part owner of a number of different companies, including businesses in the IT, property, defence, manufacturing and retail sectors. In an unusually varied career, he has been the senior partner of two accountancy firms, a finance director, sales and marketing director and an adviser and mentor to many entrepreneurial businesses and their owners. Guy joined Smith & Williamson in 2008 and leads their entrepreneurial services group. His day to day activities include advising entrepreneurs and their businesses and coordinating Smith & Williamson’s activities in this increasingly important market. Guy’s book ‘From Vision to Exit - The Entrepreneur's Guide to Buying and Selling a Business’ has received significant critical acclaim. Please visit to find out more. He often writes or provides comment for the press, has been interviewed on Bloomberg TV and on radio and is regularly quoted in, for example, the FT, The Times and The Telegraph, among other publications.