Pre-University Summer School in Medicine Application Form 17 – 30 July 2016 Please complete this form and email it to: with the following: confirmation of your most recent grades at high school a reference letter from your school evidence of your English language proficiency Section 1: Personal Details First name: Last name(s): Date of birth (DD/MM/YY): Gender: Nationality (as it appears on your passport): Address: Email address: Telephone number (including international code): Section 2: Parent/Guardian Details First name: Title: Last name(s): Relationship to applicant: Address: Email address: Telephone number (including international code): Section 3: Education Details Please give full details of your current or most recent school/college. Name of School/College: School Address: Dates of study (dd/mm/yyyy): From: __/__/____ To: __/__/____ Subjects and Grades - please list all of the courses you are currently studying and your most recent grades: Have you ever studied in the UK? Yes No If ‘Yes’ please provide details of the institution name and dates of study: Section 4: English Proficiency Details Is your first language English or is the language of instruction at school English? Yes No (please tick relevant box) If you answered ‘No’, please tell us how you meet our English proficiency requirements (refer to link when live) Name of your English qualification and score: (Include the overall and component scores if relevant) Section 5: Reference Please provide the following details about your referee: Name: School Address: Email: Job Title: Date of test: Section 6: Personal Statement Please tell us why you are interested in attending the pre-university summer school in Medicine and what benefits do you hope to gain by attending? Section 6: Welfare If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of the following questions, please provide full details in a separate document: Do you have any conditions, medical or otherwise that may impact your time on the programme? Yes No Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes No Have you been convicted of a relevant criminal offence? (i.e. excluding driving convictions) Yes No Section 7: Declaration The University of Exeter requires the information you provide on this form for educational purposes. Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the University's registration and current data protection legislation in the UK. I confirm that the information I have given is complete and correct: Yes No I have read and understood and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions (add link): Yes No Where did you hear about the Summer School? Signed: ____________________________________ Date: __/__/____