On Level Unit 3 Quiz 1 Study Guide

On Level Unit 3 Quiz 1 Study Guide
Quiz Date: Friday, November 20
 All Topics from Unit 1 and Unit 2
 Writing & Reading Decimals (pg. 119-123)
 Comparing, Ordering, and Rounding Decimals (pg. 131-141)
 Adding and Subtracting Decimals (pg. 148-55)
 Multiplying Decimals (pg. 181-185)
 Dividing Decimals (pg. 198-202)
 Order of Operations involving decimals (see below)
*To study, you should complete odd numbered problems from the pages above so that you can check if you
got the correct answer or not in the back of the textbook. Selected answers begin on Pg. SA1.
 All vocab from Unit 1
All vocab from Unit 2
Place value
Writing & Reading Decimals
Write each decimal in numeric form:
1) Four hundred seven and eighty two thousandths
2) One million eight hundred sixty nine and seven hundred thirty ten thousandths.
3) Five and six hundredths.
4) Ninety four thousandths.
Write each decimal in verbal form:
5) 480.0128
6) 5.601
Comparing, Ordering, and Rounding Decimals:
Fill in the blank with > < or =
9) 6.54
10) 2.536
Round the number 10.2268 to the…
12) Hundredth
13) Whole number
7) 0.002
8) 21,000,043.09
11) 9.7
14) Tenth
15) Thousandth
16) The batting averages of four players on a baseball team are: 0.298, 0.336, 0.283, 0.332. Write the
batting averages in order from least to greatest.
Adding and Subtracting Decimals:
17) 6.705 + 0.68
18) 9.83 – 5.846
19) 12.753 – 4.1
20) 12.74 + 3.06
21) Joe has a 10-foot piece of electrical tape and cuts off 0.037 feet. How much tape is left?
22) Ellen wants to buy the following items: A DVD player for $49.95, a DVD holder for $19.95 and a
personal stereo for $21.95. How much money will she spend?
Multiplying Decimals:
23) 1.4 x 0.3
25) 0.213 x 0.4
27) 4.57 x 0.799
24) 5.61 x 7.2
26) 21.1 x 0.005
28) 25.27 x 8.02
29) Ten members of the Science Club went to a history museum. It cost $7.25 for each member of the club.
If 90 members went to the museum, how much would the total cost be?
Dividing Decimals: Round to the nearest hundredth when necessary.
30) 620 ÷ 0.58
32) 38 ÷1.6
31) 11.8 ÷0.27
33) 303.2 ÷0.5
34) 1.52 ÷15.6
35) 3.69 ÷12.1
36) Mrs. Phillips bought 1.5 pounds of ground beef from Kroger. She paid a total of $6.75 for the ground
beef. What was the price per pound?
Order of Operations:
37) 0.5 – ((3.9 – (7.3 – 3.4)) x 3.3)
40) (1.3 + 6.2) x 5.6 + 8.4 – 7.6
38) 9.4 x (9.5 ÷ 3.8) + 5.7 – 4.5
41) 5.7 + 2.9 ÷ 0.2 – (9.9 ÷1.1)
39) 1.8 + 6.2 + 3.4 + 0.3 + 8.2
42) 9.3 – (5.6 – ((5 x 0.5) x 0.6))