State of the World Atlas Activity Directions: Use the atlas and analyze the data to best answer the questions below. Before you begin – note that most of the questions will be focused on our units of study: China, India, Japan, and Africa. One of these, Africa, will be more difficult to compare since it is a continent made up of many countries, while the others are separate nations. So the different African nations will have various statistics and data. You will have to answer in generalizations, such as – -most of northern Africa has …, while southern African countries are mostly … A. Population (pgs 22-23) 1. Why are the countries shaped and sized the way they are on this map? The size of the circles represents how large the population is. 2. What are the three most populated countries in the world? China, India, USA B. Political Systems (pgs 76-77) 1. Which two of the nations we will be studying have established democracies? India and Japan 2. What is China’s government described as? One party rule ( the Communist Party ) C. The States of the World (pgs 20-21) 1. Most of Africa obtained its independence during which time period? 1945-1989 in the color key – more specifically the 1960s 2. Most of the African countries got their independence from _______Britain__________ or ________France_____. 3. What are the names of the three African nations which most recently gained their independence? South Sudan, Eritrea, Namibia 4. Among India, Japan, and China, which nation most recently gained their sovereignty? India D. Religious Rights (pgs 78-79) Make a generalization about the freedom of religion in – 1. China- like many Communist countries, China’s official position is that they are an atheist nation and they interfere with free practice of religion 2. Japan- full freedom of religion and all are accepted 3. India- Hinduism is favored and there are some limitations on others 4. Africa- many northern countries favor Islam, while many in subSaharan Africa tolerate all religions E. Quality of Life (pgs 42-43) 1. What three factors determine the Human Development Index? National income, education level, life expectancy 2. Which is the only one of the countries we will study this year whose score is considered “very high” on the HDI scale? Japan 3. India and China’s HDI rating is ______________. medium F. Income (pg 38-39) 1. Compare the countries of Africa to China, India, and Japan in terms of gross national income? Japan is significantly higher than the rest and is in the top category (over $25,000 per year). China is above India . Most African countries are equal to India, but some are below them in the lowest category ($less than $1000 per year). A few African nations rank above China. G. Literacy (pgs 30-31) 1. Explain gender differences in terms of illiteracy rates. Women worldwide are less likely to receive an education, so there are more illiterate women in the world than men. 2. Thinking about the previous map and this one, explain the relationship between wealth and literacy. Countries with the best literacy rates are the wealthiest ones, as they have money to spend on education. The poorest countries may have to have children work, so they get less education and illiteracy will be higher. 3. Of the countries/continents which we are going to study this year (China, India, Africa, Japan), has the highest enrollment percentages throughout the levels of education? Japan H. Refugees (pgs 68-69) 1. There are eight major refugee populations around the world. Which three of these are African countries? Somalia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan I. Children’s rights (pgs 82-83) 1. What percentage of children ages 5 to 14 in sub-Saharan Africa have to / are forced to work? 28% 2. What is the overall world percent of children not in school? 12% 3. Which two regions of the world are above that percent? Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia J. Malnutrition (pgs 90-91) 1. Of the countries we will study, who has the least amount of malnourished citizens? Japan 2. What do you notice about northern Africa compared to the rest of the continent? Northern Africa is in much better shape in terms of having food for its people. Malnourishment is a larger problem in sub-Saharan Africa. K. HIV/AIDS (pgs 98-99) 1. Which section of Africa has been hardest hit by the AIDS crisis? Southern