Carbon dioxide reforming of methane in porous and dense membrane reactors: Thermodynamic equilibrium approach Tung Chun Yaw and Nor Aishah Saidina Amin* Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia Abstract Carbon dioxide reforming of methane is one of the most promising processes to convert methane and carbon dioxide, both well known as greenhouse contributors, to syngas. During the last decades, extensive efforts have been conducted to investigate the performance of catalytic reactors to produce high yield and selectivity of the syngas. Despite all the considerable efforts, this process is still not commercially viable due to its high endothermic reversibility nature, which requires high operating temperature (~ 1000K). Besides, the occurrence of reverse water gas shift side reaction further reduces the process efficiency. Nevertheless, removal of the product(s) from the reaction zone with a membrane will shift the reaction equilibrium, and consequently increases the reactant conversion and product yield at lower operating temperatures. A thermodynamic tool based on the method of “Lagrange’s undetermined multipliers” is used to evaluate the equilibrium performance of CORM in porous and dense membrane reactor in the temperature range of 700–1200K. Thermodynamic equilibrium analysis has indicated that application of membrane reactor is able to enhance the performance of high endothermic reversible reaction (CORM) in terms of conversion, products yield and syngas ratio. However, when the temperatures exceed higher than 1000K, the advantages of membrane reactor turn to be less significant. In addition, dense membrane reactor has shown better performance than porous membrane reactor when both membranes operate at the same permeability. Nonetheless, if the hydrogen selectivity is not the key factor for designing membrane reactor, utilization of porous membrane is more applicable for CORM process due to its higher permeability nature. Keywords: carbon dioxide, methane, membrane reactor, syngas, permeability 1. Introduction The carbon dioxide reforming of methane (CORM) to synthesis gas (equation (1)) is an important topic of current catalytic researches. The chemical method of utilization of greenhouse gases, CO2 reforming of CH4 not only eliminates them but also yields lower H2/CO molar ratio syngas (a mixture of H2 and CO) which is a preferable feedstock for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of liquid hydrocarbons [1,2]. During the past decades, the CORM process has received much attention and efforts _____________________________________________________________________ * Corresponding author. Tel: 07-5535588;Fax: 07-5581463E-mail address: have been focused on development of catalysts which show high activity towards synthesis gas formation [3-12]. However, CORM using conventional catalytic methods often has two serious problems [13]: (a) it is an intensively endothermic reaction consuming much energy; (b) the catalysts used are inclined to deactivate due to coke deposition on the catalytic surface. CH4 + CO2 ' 2CO + 2H2 ∆Hº298K = 247 kJ/mol (1) Furthermore, the reversibility nature of CORM imposes a limit, determined by thermodynamic equilibria, on the conversion and yields of CO and H2 that are well below commercially acceptable level, unless the reaction temperature is very high (>1000K). The higher reaction temperature and higher energy consumption are the main disadvantages of this process in industry application. Besides, the occurrence of Reverse Water Gas Shift (RWGS) side reaction (equation (2)) also causes the reduction of H2 selectivity which further lowers the syngas ratio to less than unity. Equilibrium conversions in such thermodynamically limited reactions can be overcome by preferentially removal of one or more of the products from the reaction system [14-16]. According to Le Chatelier’s principle, CH4 and CO2 conversion and products yield in the CORM process will increase if both products of the reaction (or preferentially only one of them: H2) could be selectively removed from the reaction system. Thus, the equilibrium limitations of a conventional reactor can be circumvented. Besides, the H2 selectivity might also increase if H2 is continuously removed from the reaction zone due to the suppression of the RWGS side reaction. H2 + CO2 ' H2O + CO ∆Hº298K = 41 kJ/mol (2) In recent years, membrane reactors have been increasingly studied in this process as a mean to overcome such equilibrium limitations. A membrane reactor in which the permselective characteristic of the membrane is used to remove product from the reaction zone as it is formed, can be beneficial to an equilibrium-limited process by allowing higher one-pass reactor conversions to be achieved and/or by decreasing reaction temperature if it is endothermic. The application of a membrane reactor to high temperature heterogeneous gas phase reaction requires thermally and chemically stable inorganic membranes. These membranes are classified into two groups according to the separation mechanisms [17,18]: (a) porous membranes (PM) mainly made of ceramic; (b) dense metallic membranes (DM). In designing of an efficient membrane, there are at least two key parameters that determine its effectiveness: permeability and selectivity. Dense membranes offer the highest selectivity for H2 via metal hydride formation and a solution-diffusion transport process but their efficiency is reduced because of their low permeability and the low flux of permeated gas. As long as the selectivity is not the major factor in the membrane design, research on membrane reactors preferably utilize porous membranes which give higher values of permeability at the expense of selectivity [19,20]. Most investigations in this reaction have centered on the use of dense Pd or Pd/Ag membranes [17,21,22]. These membranes, while exhibiting excellent selectivity toward hydrogen, suffer from the relatively low H2 permeability and susceptible to poisoning by sulfur and coke. To avoid these difficulties, other investigators have used porous ceramic membranes [23-25] which exhibit better mechanical and thermal stability but allow gases other than hydrogen to permeate through the membrane [26]. The present study investigates the concept of using a membrane reactor to enhance the conversion of methane and yield of syngas during CORM. Thermodynamic equilibrium conversions of methane and carbon dioxide to syngas have been analyzed in a porous as well as dense membrane reactor. The performance of the membrane reactor was evaluated by comparing the data from these two types of reactors. 2. Calculation of equilibrium composition Carbon dioxide reforming of methane is a multiple reaction network. Besides the methane reforming with carbon dioxide to produce syngas, there are several series-parallel side reactions which involve the reactions between reactants and products. These side reactions include RWGS (equation (2)) and other equations shown in equations (3) and (4). CH4 + H2O ' CO + 3H2 CH4 + 2H2O ' CO2 + 4H2 ∆Hº298K = 225.4 kJ/mol ∆Hº298K = 165 kJ/mol (3) (4) Based on all the reactions involved, five gas species, CH4, CO2, CO, H2, and H2O, which are assumed to be ideal gases are considered in this paper for simplification. The total Gibbs energy of a single-phase system with specified temperature T and pressure P, (Gt)T,P is a function of the composition of all gases in the system, as shown in equation (5). (Gt)T,P = g(n1, n2, n3,…, nN) (5) At equilibrium condition, the total Gibbs energy of the system has its minimum value. To find the set of ni’s which minimizes (Gt)T,P, subject to the constraints of the material balances, the standard of this type of problems was based on the method of Lagrange’s undetermined multipliers. The procedure for gas-phase reactions was described by Smith et al. [27]. In this paper, the equilibrium composition at 700–1200 K at 1 atm of a gas-phase system, which contain species CH4, CO2, CO, H2, and H2O were calculated. In the initial state, CH4 to CO2 was set to a ratio of 1:1. By applying Lagrange’s undetermined multipliers method for total Gibbs free energy minimization, the following equations need to be solved simultaneously: λk ∆G°fi + ln( yiΦiP / IiP°) + ∑ aik = 0 RT k RT Ak ( k = 1,2,…,w) ∑ yiaik = n i (i = 1,2,…,N) (6) (7) and ∑y = 1 (8) i i where N w ∆G° fi R T yi Φi P Ii P° λk aik Ak n = total number of species comprising the system = total number of elements comprising the system = the standard Gibbs-energy change of formation for species i. = universal gas constant. = system temperature = mole fraction of species i at equilibrium condition. = fugacity coefficient of species i in solution. If we assume the assumption of ideal gases is justified in all cases, the Φi are all unity = system pressure = the number of isomers of species i. = pressure in the standard state, in this case, is 1 bar. = Lagrange multiplier of element k. = the number of atoms of the kth element presents in each molecule of chemical species i. = total number of atomic masses of the kth element in the system, as determined by the initial constitution of the system. = total number of mole at equilibrium condition. When this method is applied to membrane reactor, the permeation of H2, CO, CO2 and CH4 is taken into consideration. The amount of elements removed from the reaction system is deducted from the right hand side of equation (7). The H2 permeability (H2 removed from the system divided by total H2 formed) was set from 0 (non-membrane) to 0.5 (very high permeability). Other gas permeabilities for porous membrane are based on the Knudsen selectivities from literatures [23, 28]. Since there were 5 species and 3 elements (C, H, and O) in the system, a total of 9 equations (5 for equation (6), 3 for equation (7) and 1 for equation (8)) had to be solved simultaneously in order to calculate the 9 unknowns in the formulae (mole fraction of 5 species, Lagrange multiplier of 3 elements and total number of mole). All calculations were done by using Mathcad 2000 Professional software. Values of calculated ∆G° fi that were used in the calculation were given by Gurvich et al. [29]. The thermodynamic equilibrium amount of each species in terms of mole was calculated by multiplying yi with n. Finally, the reactants conversion and products yield were calculated by using the following equations: Methane conversion, X CH 4 : = nCH 4 (in) − nCH 4 (out) nCH 4 (in) × 100% (9) Carbon dioxide conversion, X CO 2 : = nCO2(in) − nCO2(out) nCO2(in) × 100% (10) Carbon monoxide yield, YCO: nCO(out) × 100% = nCH 4 (in) + nCO2 (in) (11) Hydrogen yield, YH 2 : = 2 × n H 2 (out) 4 × nCH 4 (in) × 100% (12) × 100% (13) Hydrogen yield, YH 2O : = 2 × n H 2O(out) 4 × nCH 4 (in) 3. Results and discussion The influences of H2 permeation on CH4 and CO2 conversion for both porous and dense membrane reactors are presented in Fig. 1. The results indicated that CO2 conversion is higher than CH4 conversion at all temperatures. This is due to the occurrence of RWGS side reaction together with CORM process in which CO2 will react with H2 formed to produce water and CO. Besides, the CH4 conversion is found to approach CO2 conversion as the temperature increases because of the high endothermic nature of CORM process and the less favorable RWGS reaction at high temperature. When membrane reactor is applied in this process, the results illustrated that CH4 conversion increases with the increment of H2 permeation while the CO2 conversion only increases slightly. This has proven that preferential removal of H2 using membrane reactor is able to increase the reactants (more noteworthy for CH4) conversion. Furthermore, a relatively small increment of CO2 conversion than CH4 conversion also proves that the introduction of membrane reactor is able to suppress the RWGS side reaction. As both CH4 and CO2 conversions are tend to be equivalent, according to the reaction stoichiometric, the side reactions will be suppressed. Fig. 1 also illustrates that increment in syngas formation is mainly depends on the reaction temperatures. This increment of syngas yield is due to the high endothermic nature of CORM process. On the other hand, H2 yield (formed from CH4) is always less than CO yield (formed from CO2), which has the same agreement with CH4 and CO2 conversions. This difference is also due to the occurrence of RWGS side reaction. In order to improve the H2 yield, utilization of membrane reactors with high H2 permeation rate is needed. Nevertheless, application of membrane reactor did not show significant improvement of CO yield due to the suppression of RWGS. Another interesting finding from Fig. 1 reveals that at temperature 900K, both H2 and CO yield show greater increment (~ 12%) than other temperatures as H2 permeation increase from 0 (non-membrane) to 0.5 (very high membrane permeability). In addition, when the temperature increases over 1000K, the advantage of membrane reactor turn out to be less significant as the products yield already achieved >90%. For comparison between porous and dense membrane reactor, it is interesting to observe that dense membrane reactor shows relatively better performance at same H2 permeation for all temperatures. In other words, dense membrane reactor shows better applicability than porous membrane reactor for CORM process. However, it is important to realize that this conclusion is based on the assumption that both type of membrane reactors operate at the same H2 permeation. Nonetheless, it should be remembered that dense membranes have higher selectivity but lower permeability nature than porous membranes. As depicted in Fig. 1, porous membranes show better performance when its permeability is at least 10% higher than dense membranes. Hence, porous membrane reactors should be more applicable compared to dense membrane reactors. (a)12 (b)35 Pre ce ntage (%) Pre ce ntage (%) 10 8 6 4 30 25 20 2 0 15 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (c)70 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (d)9 0 Pre ce ntage (%) Pre ce ntage (%) 65 60 55 50 85 80 45 75 40 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.5 (e) (f) 100 100 Pre ce ntage (%) 98 Pre ce ntage (%) 0.1 96 94 92 99 98 97 96 90 0 0.1 Precentage (%) 35 30 25 20 15 0 0.2 0.3 H 2 Pe rme ation 0.4 0.5 CH4 Conversion (PM) CO2 Conversion (PM) H2 Yield (PM) Permeation 0.3 0.4 CO0.1YieldH20.2 (PM) 0 0.1 H 2 Pe rme ation CH4 Conversion (DM) CO2 Conversion (DM) H2 Yield (DM) 0.5 CO Yield (DM) Figure 1: Comparisons between porous (PM) and dense (DM) membrane reactors at temperatures (a) 700K, (b) 800K, (c) 900K, (d) 1000K, (e) 1100K, and (f) 1200K. 7 6 6 5 5 H 2 O Yie ld (%) H 2 O Yie ld (%) 7 4 3 2 700K 800K 4 900K 3 1000K 2 1100K 1200K 1 1 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 H 2 Pe rme abilty 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 H 2 Pe rme abilty Figure 2: Equilibrium water yield as a function of temperature and H2 permeation for (a) porous membrane and (b) dense membrane The only side product from CORM process is water, which is formed through RWGS side reaction. From Fig. 2, it is found that water formation is strongly depends on the operating temperatures and H2 permeation. The reduction of water formation as temperature increases is due to unfavorable RWGS reaction nature at high operating temperature. Besides, the decreasing trend of water formation when H2 permeation increases also shows that H2 removal from reaction zone using membrane reactor is able to hinder RWGS side reaction. Another important parameter that determines the performance of CORM process is the ratio of syngas production. According to the reaction stoichiometric, syngas ratio produced should be unity. However, due to the occurrence of undesirable side reactions, the syngas ratio is found to be less than unity. Hence, it is important to utilize membrane reactor with the purpose of increasing the syngas ratio. Table 1 summarizes that total syngas ratio in CORM process is strongly depends on membrane permeability and operating temperatures. The total syngas ratio is found lower than the desirable level when the temperature is less than 1000K for conventional reactors (hydrogen permeation is 0). However, introduction of membrane reactor is able to increase the total syngas ratios. In addition, utilization of membrane reactor with higher hydrogen permeability can further improve the total syngas ratio. Nonetheless, when the temperature increases over 1000K, the advantage of membrane reactor on syngas ratios becomes less significant. TABLE 1 Effect of H2 permeation and temperature on total syngas ratio for porous and dense membrane reactor Permeation 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 700 K PM DM 0.44 0.44 0.47 0.48 0.51 0.51 0.54 0.55 0.57 0.60 0.63 0.66 800 K PM DM 0.61 0.61 0.63 0.64 0.66 0.67 0.70 0.71 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.79 900 K PM DM 0.78 0.78 0.80 0.80 0.82 0.82 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.89 0.90 1000 K PM DM 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.96 1100 K PM DM 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 1200 K PM DM 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 (a) 1 0.9 H2/CO Ratio 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 H2 Perm eability (b) 1 0.9 700K H2/CO Ratio 0.8 800K 0.7 900K 0.6 1000K 0.5 1100K 0.4 1200K 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 H2 Perm eability Figure 3: Retentate syngas ratios at different H2 permeability for (a) dense membrane; and (b) porous membrane The effects of temperature and H2 permeation on the equilibrium retentate syngas ratios for both membrane reactors are shown in Fig. 3. It is found that equilibrium syngas ratio is strongly depends on the operating temperature and H2 permeation. From the results, higher syngas ratio (close to unity) is achieved when the temperature increases. On the contrary, the syngas ratio drops sharply as the membrane H2 permeability increases, especially at temperature over 900K. This is due to more H2 is removed from the retentate stream at higher H2 permeation. From Fig. 3, it is also found that the retentate syngas ratio drops more noteworthy in dense membrane compared to porous membrane. The higher retentate syngas ratio for porous membrane is due to its low selectivity nature, which allows other gases (especially carbon monoxide) being removed continuously from reaction zone together with H2. 4. Conclusions The thermodynamic equilibrium analyses demonstrate that both porous and dense membrane reactors are applicable for high endothermic reversible process such as CORM. The reactants conversion, products yield and syngas ratio are enhanced with the increment of H2 permeability in membrane reactors. However, the advantages of membrane reactors in this process become less significant when the temperature is higher than 1000K. Besides, dense membrane reactors show better performance than porous membrane when both type of membranes operate at same H2 permeation rate. Nevertheless, this does not mean that dense membrane reactor is more applicable than porous membrane reactor since porous membrane shows better permeability than dense membrane in general. If the hydrogen selectivity is not the key factor in designing a membrane reactor, utilization of porous membrane is more applicable for CORM process based on the findings from this study. 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