One Stop Shop For Educators The following instructional plan is part of a GaDOE collection of Unit Frameworks, Performance Tasks, examples of Student Work, and Teacher Commentary. Many more GaDOE approved instructional plans are available by using the Search Standards feature located on GeorgiaStandards.Org. Science Curriculum: Grade 3 Georgia Performance Standards: Alternative Curriculum Map This document is part of a framework that was designed to support the major concepts addressed in the 3rd grade Science Curriculum of the Georgia Performance Standards through the processes of inquiry and integration of science into reading and ELA. In contrast to the original version of 3rd grade frameworks, these units are longer and cover multiple topics. Reading selections support the science concepts, and hands-on activities allow students to explore and relate concepts to real life. Unit 1: Heat Energy & Magnets 10 weeks Focus: Explain ways heat is produced Use thermometers to measure heat Investigate heat transfer Determine insulators and conductors of heat Investigate solar heat Identify objects attracted to magnets Describe attraction and repulsion of magnetic poles Measure strength of various magnets Explain how magnets are used in everyday life Investigate connections to rocks and fossils with nature magnets and heat transfer rock/fossil formation Unit 2: Rocks & More (Rocks and soils/Fossils) 12 weeks Focus: Observe, measure and describe attributes of rocks and soils Perform simple tests to group rocks Compare and contrast rocks Compare and contrast soils Explain the process of rock and soil formation Investigate fossils as evidence Types of fossils Model fossils Recognize patterns of fossils Relate fossils to organisms Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools Science Grade 3 Curriculum Map June 1, 2008 Page 1 of 1 Copyright 2008 © All Rights Reserved Unit 3: Georgia on My Mind (Habitats of Georgia/Interdependence of Man – Pollution/Conservation) 14 weeks Focus: Differentiate between habitats in different regions in Georgia Identify features of green plants that thrive in different regions Identify features of animals that thrive in different regions Explain what happens if a habitat is changed. Determine the interdependence of man and the environment Recognize kinds of pollution found in land, water, and air Linking units 1 & 2 into aspects of Georgia Habitats and Interdependence