Zone 9 Master Map Normal View Zone Master, Norm al View, 10 deg FOV +78°00' +80°00' +82°00' Draco Cassiopeia γ +76°00' ρ2 ρ1 Errai +72°00' +74°00' π Cepheus 00h 24m 23h 52m 23h 20m 22h 48m Zone 9, Map 1 Normal Image +85°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. NGC 188 h2011 h1942 +83°00' +84°00' h1986 STF 3003 OS 482 STF 2873 +82°00' STF 3027 rej OS 492 +81°00' STF 2996 h3204 STF 2927 +80°00' STF 3051 Bur 1522 +79°00' STF 2 STF 2971 γ ρ1 h3107 +78°00' ρ2 OS 481 Errai 23h 40m 23h 20m 23h 00m 22h 40m 22h 20m Zone 9, Map 1 Mirror Image NGC 188 +85°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. h1942 STF 3003 STF 2837 OS 482 STF 3027 rej +82°00' STF 2873 +83°00' +84°00' h1986 OS 492 +81°00' STF 2996 h3204 +80°00' STF 2927 +79°00' Bur 1522 ρ1 ρ2 OS 481 +78°00' h3107 STF 2971 γ 22h 20m 22h 40m 23h 00m 23h 20m Errai 23h 40m Zone 9, Map 2 Normal Image +85°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +84°00' STF 2794 rej +83°00' STF 3003 OS 482 OS 492 +82°00' STF 2873 STF 2837 +81°00' STF 2807 +80°00' Draco STF 2927 +79°00' STF 2801 ρ1 STF 2796 h3107 22h 20m 22h 00m 21h 40m 21h 20m +78°00' ρ2 21h 00m Zone 9, Map 2 Mirror Image +85°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. OS 482 +83°00' +84°00' STF 2794 rej +82°00' STF 2837 STF 2873 STF 2807 +81°00' 75 Dra 74 Dra Draco ρ1 STF 2796 21h 00m 21h 20m ρ2 h3107 21h 40m 22h 00m 22h 20m +78°00' STF 2801 +79°00' +80°00' STF 2927 Zone 9, Map 3 Normal Image +81°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. 75 Dra STF 2927 74 Dra Cepheus +79°00' STF 2801 +80°00' STF 2694 +77°00' +78°00' STF 2796 OS 436 Draco A 879 STF 2784 21h 40m 21h 20m 21h 00m 20h 40m +75°00' +76°00' LDS 1948 Zone 9, Map 3 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +81°00' Hussey 957 75 Dra 74 Dra +80°00' STF 2694 +79°00' STF 2801 +77°00' +78°00' STF 2796 +76°00' LDS 1948 +75°00' OS 436 Draco A 879 STF 2784 20h 40m 21h 00m 21h 20m 21h 40m Zone 9, Map 4 Normal Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. h3204 +80°00' STF 2927 +79°00' Bur 1522 h3107 OS 481 +77°00' STF 2971 ρ1 +78°00' ρ2 +76°00' P Muller 270 +75°00' STF 2963 π Pi Cep h1826 h3162 STF 2874 h1844 h1870 +74°00' h1761 h3119 LDS 1988 STF 2965 OS 484 23h 00m 16 Cep STF 2893 h3133 STF 2940 22h 40m 22h 20m 22h 00m +73°00' h3141 Zone 9, Map 4 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. h3204 +80°00' STF 2927 STF 2801 +79°00' Bur 1522 ρ2 h3107 STF 2971 +77°00' OS 481 +78°00' ρ1 STF 2963 π Pi Cep h1826 +75°00' +76°00' P Muller 270 h3162 h1844 h3141 h3119 16 Cep h3081 22h 00m STF 2893 22h 20m +74°00' h1761 +73°00' STF 2874 LDS 1988 STF 2965 h3133 STF 2940 OS 484 22h 40m 23h 00m Zone 9, Map 5 Normal Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +80°00' STF 2927 h3204 Bur 1522 STF 3051 +79°00' STF 2 STF 2971 ρ1 OS 481 P Muller 369 STF 11 Errai +77°00' γ +78°00' ρ2 STF 13 STF 3011 STF 2963 Bur 996 π h1826 h3162 Bur 1154 h1844 h3226 h1905 +74°00' Bur 1154 Pi Cep STF 3017 h1870 +73°00' LDS 2041 STF 2965 OS 484 h1941 00h 00m +75°00' h3237 OSS 1 +76°00' P Muller 270 23h 40m 23h 20m 23h 00m Zone 9, Map 5 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. STF 2927 Bur 1522 +80°00' h3204 STF 3051 +79°00' STF 2 ρ2 OS 481 STF 2971 P Muller 369 STF 11 Errai +77°00' γ +78°00' ρ1 P Muller 270 h3237 STF 2963 Pi Cep h3162 Bur 1154 Bur 1154 h1844 h3226 STF 3017 h3141 h1905 h1870 +73°00' LDS 2041 OS 484 +74°00' π h1826 +75°00' Bur 996 +76°00' STF 3011 STF 2965 23h 00m 23h 20m 23h 40m 00h 00m Zone 9 Index 24 Double Stars B P Bur 1522 .................................................... 2 Bur 996 .................................................... 18 P Muller 270............................................ 18 Pi Cep ....................................................... 16 H S h1826 ........................................................ 13 h3107 ........................................................ 12 h3204 .......................................................... 5 STF 2796 ................................................. 10 STF 2801 ................................................... 9 STF 2807 ................................................... 8 STF 2837 ................................................... 8 STF 2873 ................................................... 7 STF 2927 ................................................... 2 STF 2963 ................................................. 14 STF 2971 ................................................. 15 STF 2996 ................................................... 3 STF 3003 ................................................... 4 STF 3011 ................................................. 17 STF 3027 rej.............................................. 5 L LDS 1948................................................. 11 O OS 436 ..................................................... 10 OS 481 ..................................................... 12 OS 482 ....................................................... 6 OS 492 ....................................................... 4 -1- Zone 9 Zone 9, Map 1 Double Stars Easy STF 2927 Other name(s): SAO 3755 Rating: 3 E Position: 2229+8050 A B Magnitude 9.33 10.49 Separation PA — — 15.6 + 315 - Year — 1991 Spectra A2 Colors W bW Notes: 1832: 15.5 @ 316. 11 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. Observations: C8 at 104x. A 7m Y star is 9 min SSW. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 7.62 inches. Separation: AB = 17.0 miles. Distance (LY): 700 Total luminosity (Suns): 12 Bur 1522 Other name(s): HD 217691; SAO 3825 Rating: 4 E Position: 2259+8021 A B Magnitude 7.11 11.42 Separation PA — — 49.8 11 Year — 1913 -2- Spectra K2 Colors Y ? Zone 9 Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C11 at 115x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 25.3 inches. Separation: AB = 71.5 miles. Distance (LY): 920 Total luminosity (Suns): 35 STF 2996 Other name(s): ADS 16588; SAO 3856 Rating: 3 E Position: 2311+8149 A B Magnitude 8.29 8.51 Separation PA — — 4.9 = 106 - Year — 1998 Notes: 1832: 4.9 @ 109. 34 measurements. The stars share a small common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. Faint, but nice. Moderate field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 11.9 inches. Separation: AB = 4.89 miles. Distance (LY): 640 Total luminosity (Suns): 26 -3- Spectra F2 Colors W W Zone 9 STF 3003 Other name(s): SAO 3879 Rating: 4 E Position: 2315+8326 A B Magnitude 9.75 9.85 Separation PA — — 22.3 267 - Year — 1992 Spectra G5 A0 Colors Y W Notes: 1832: 23.5 @ 270. 18 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. However, the stars show similar proper motions. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 21.4 inches; B = 6.79 inches. Separation: AB = 15.2 miles. Distance (LY): 438 Total luminosity (Suns): 4 Moderate OS 492 Other name(s): ADS 16564; HD 219014; SAO 3851 Rating: 4 M Position: 2309+8235 A B Magnitude 7.63 11.80 Separation PA — — 8.6 227 - Notes: 1848: 8.9 @ 231. 8 measurements. -4- Year — 1992 Spectra K2 Colors Y O Zone 9 Observations: C8 at 104x. Star B was difficult. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 26.2 inches. Separation: AB = 8.99 miles. Distance (LY): 670 Total luminosity (Suns): 31 h3204 Other name(s): P Muller 275 (C); HD 221723; SAO 3927 Rating: 5 M Position: 2333+8104 Magnitude A 8.47 B 13.51 C 13.40 BC Separation PA — — 20.7 121 Year — 1905 2.5 1971 112 Spectra K5 Colors Y ? ? Notes: 1 measurement each. Observations: C11 at 115x. STF 3027 rej Other name(s): SAO 3929 Rating: 5 M Position: 2334+8303 A B Magnitude 9.08 10.65 Separation PA — — 20.8 10 -? Year — 1909 Notes: 1902: 20.9 @ 191. 3 measurements. Quadrant reversal? -5- Spectra K5 Colors Y ? Zone 9 Observations: C11 at 115x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 36.6 inches. Separation: AB = 7.49 miles. Distance (LY): 231 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.17 Difficult OS 482 Other name(s): Guillaume 37 (C); ADS 16294; HD 216446 Rating: 5 D Position: 2248+8309 A B C Magnitude 5.00 9.70 10.15 Separation — 3.5 = 342.7 PA — 38 + 356 Year — 1992 1923 Spectra K3 III Notes: AB 1850: 3.5 @ 30. 10 measurements. AC 1 measurement. C is optical. Observations: C8 at 280x. I had to use a mask and averted vision to pick up B. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 51.3 inches. Separation: AB = 1.76 miles; AC = 173 miles. Distance (LY): 324 Total luminosity (Suns): 84 -6- Colors Y! W? W Zone 9 Zone 9, Map 2 Double Stars Easy STF 2873 Other name(s): ADS 15571; HD 209942; SAO 3673 Rating: 2 E Position: 2158+8252 A B Magnitude 6.92 7.45 Separation PA — — 13.6 69 - Year — 1996 Notes: 1832: 13.8 @ 77. Over 100 measurements. The primary is a spectroscopic binary (1.1522143 day period). The stars share a large common proper motion. There is a 13.00m companion at 141.5 @ 203 (1960). Observations: C8 at 104x. Franks saw them as Y and B. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.25 inches; B = 12.6 inches. Separation: AB = 2.73 miles; Aa = 6.92 inches! Distance (LY): 129 Total luminosity (Suns): 3.6 -7- Spectra F6 IV F5 Colors W W Zone 9 Moderate STF 2837 Other name(s): ADS 15229; HD 207146 Rating: 4 M Position: 2137+8255 A B Magnitude 8.84 9.36 Separation PA — — 3.1 + 273 -! Year — 1999 Spectra G5 Colors Y W Notes: 1832: 2.2 @ 321. 66 measurements. Observations: C8 at 206x. Difficult STF 2807 Other name(s): ADS 14921; SAO 3550 Rating: 5 D Position: 2118+8231 A B Magnitude 8.69 8.88 Separation PA — — 1.9 311 - Year — 1998 Notes: 1832: 2.4 @ 320. 34 measurements. Observations: C8 at 280x. Peanut-shaped. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 15.6 inches. Separation: AB = 3,960 feet. Distance (LY): 254 Total luminosity (Suns): 5.3 -8- Spectra F8 Colors W Y Zone 9 STF 2801 Other name(s): ADS 14916 Rating: 5 D Position: 2119+8021 A B Magnitude 7.35 8.14 Separation PA — — 1.8 + 273 = Year — 1998 Notes: 1832: 1.4 @ 273. 68 measurements. Observations: C8 at 280x. Webb saw them as Y and yW. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 4.2 inches. Separation: AB = 4,066 feet. Distance (LY): 276 Total luminosity (Suns): 10 -9- Spectra F6 V Colors yW W Zone 9 Zone 9, Map 3 Double Stars Easy OS 436 Other name(s): ADS 14782; HD 202765; SAO 9990 Rating: 4 E Position: 2112+7618 A B Magnitude 7.10 10.50 Separation PA — — 12.1 + 227 - Year — 1964 Spectra B9 IV Colors W ? Notes: 1848: 11.6 @ 230. 5 measurements. Observations: C8 at 83x. It forms the S vertex of a wide E-W triangle of 8m stars. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 12.0 inches. Separation: AB = 10.2 miles. Distance (LY): 540 Total luminosity (Suns): 31 STF 2796 Other name(s): ADS 14845; HD 203516; SAO 10010 Rating: 3 E Position: 2116+7835 A B Magnitude 7.42 9.62 Separation PA — — 26.3 + 42 - - 10 - Year — 1991 Spectra A0 V Colors W W Zone 9 Notes: 1832: 24.6 @ 44. 34 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. However, the stars exhibit a small common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 83x. Note the "wall" of 3 bright stars 20 min W. Webb saw them both as W. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 9.0 inches. Separation: AB = 32.8 miles. Distance (LY): 800 Total luminosity (Suns): 67 LDS 1948 Other name(s): SAO 10017 Rating: 4 E Position: 2118+7658 A B Magnitude 10.12 10.27 Separation PA — — 8.6 305 - Year — 1991 Notes: 1895: 8.8 @ 307. 6 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 19.0 inches. Separation: AB = 3,221 feet. Distance (LY): 46 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.028 - 11 - Spectra G0 Colors W W Zone 9 Zone 9, Map 4 Double Stars Easy h3107 Other name(s): ADS 15808; SAO 10298 Rating: 5 E Position: 2215+7830 A B Magnitude 10.25 12.50 Separation PA — — 8.8 186 Year — 1908 Spectra G0 Colors yW bW Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C11 at 115x. Moderate OS 481 Other name(s): ADS 16243; HD 215730 Rating: 5 M Position: 2244+7831 A B Magnitude 7.32 9.69 Separation PA — — 2.2 275 + Notes: 1845: 2.3 @ 269. 41 measurements. - 12 - Year — 1991 Spectra A0 III Colors W pB Zone 9 Observations: C8 at 280x. There are several 8.5m "clones" in the area; identifying it will take some time! Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 19.2 inches. Separation: AB = 2.98 miles. Distance (LY): 870 Total luminosity (Suns): 80 h1826 Other name(s): HD 216367 Rating: 5 M Position: 2250+7510 A B C Magnitude 7.79 12.20 10.80 Separation — 21.5 29.5 = PA — 356 194 + Year — 1905 Spectra A0 Colors W W? W? Notes: AB 1905: 21.5 @ 356. 1 measurement. AC 1905: 29.5 @ 192. 2 measurements. No evidence of duplicity is seen by Hipparcos. Observations: C11 at 115x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 6.04 inches. Separation: AB = 40.3 miles; AC = 55.2 miles. Distance (LY): 1,200 Total luminosity (Suns): 93.0 - 13 - Zone 9 STF 2963 Other name(s): ADS 16371; HD 216886; SAO 10541 Rating: 5 M Position: 2254+7620 A B Magnitude 7.97 8.62 Separation PA — — 1.8 2+ Year — 1998 Notes: 1832: 2.4 @ 354. 21 measurements. Observations: C8 at 280x. It forms the N vertex of an 8m triangle. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 7.38 inches. Separation: AB = 1.24 miles. Distance (LY): 443 Total luminosity (Suns): 23 - 14 - Spectra A3 Colors W Y Zone 9 Zone 9, Map 5 Double Stars Easy STF 2971 Other name(s): ADS 16407; HD 217294; SAO 10562 Rating: 2 E Position: 2257+7829 A B Magnitude 7.60 8.58 Separation PA — — 5.6 + 4- Year — 1991 Notes: 1832: 5.3 @ 5. 50 measurements. The stars share a large common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 280x. Webb saw them as Y! and V. C11 at 98x. (Okie-Tex Star Party) Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 11.1 inches. Separation: AB = 2.62 miles. Distance (LY): 300 Total luminosity (Suns): 5 See sketch, next page. - 15 - Spectra G8 IV Colors Y!! O!! Zone 9 STF 2971 Pi Cep Rating: 5 E Other name(s): 33 Cep; h1852; OS 489; ADS 16538; HD 218658; SAO 10629 Position: 2308+7523 A B C Magnitude 4.41 6.88 12.24 Separation — 1.0 58.6 - PA — 344 240 - Year — 1997 1911 Spectra G2 III Colors Y No ? Notes: AB 1846: 1.2 @ 350. Over 100 measurements. AC 1906: 58.8 @ 241. 2 measurements. The visual binary orbit is 147.0 years long (Van Biesbroeck, 1951), semi-major axis of 0.84", direct motion.. Star A is a long-period spectroscopic binary (556.2 day period), and the companion may be a collapsed star. A is also an infra-red source. - 16 - Zone 9 Observations: C8 at 104x. Webb saw them as Y! and V. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 34.5 inches. Separation: AB = 1,795 feet; AC = 21.1 miles. Distance (LY): 220 Total luminosity (Suns): 67.05 STF 3011 Other name(s): ADS 16736; HD 220615 Rating: 4 E Position: 2324+7704 A B Magnitude 9.23 9.44 Separation PA — — 6.9 = 372 - Year — 1994 Notes: 1832: 6.9 @ 335. 21 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. A fairly bright field competes too much with it. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.74 inches. Separation: AB = 4,910 feet. Distance (LY): 87 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.22 - 17 - Spectra A5 Colors W W Zone 9 Difficult P Muller 270 Other name(s): SAO 10649 Rating: 5 D Position: 2313+7645 A B Magnitude 10.67 10.80 Separation PA — — 3.0 + 209 + Year — 1977 Spectra G0 Colors W W? Notes: 1971: 2.2 @ 204. 2 measurements. Observations: C11 at 339x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 19.5 inches. Separation: AB = 792 feet. Distance (LY): 34 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.0091 Bur 996 Other name(s): ADS 17062; HD 223778; SAO 10879 Rating: 5 D Position: 2352+7533 A B C Magnitude 6.36 11.40 9.30 Separation — 3.0 151.1 - PA — 116 + 139 + Year — 1983 1984 Spectra K3 V Colors O ? No Notes: AB 1880: 5.5 @ 65. 15 measurements. The primary is a spectroscopic binary with a 7.7531 day period. AC 1907: 163.1 @ 132. 5 measurements. - 18 - Zone 9 Observations: C8 at 206x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 13.7 inches. Separation: AB = 845 feet; AC = 8.25 miles; Aa = 2.06 feet. Distance (LY): 35 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.242 - 19 - Zone 9 Zone 9 Mini-Catalog Double Stars Star Designation Position Rating Map STF 2807 2118+8231 5D 2 STF 2801 2119+8021 5D 2 OS 482 2248+8309 5D 1 P Muller 270 2313+7645 5D 5 Bur 996 2352+7533 5D 5 STF 2873 2158+8252 2E 2 STF 2971 2257+7829 2E 5 STF 2796 2116+7835 3E 3 STF 2927 2229+8050 3E 1 STF 2996 2311+8149 3E 1 OS 436 2112+7618 4E 3 LDS 1948 2118+7658 4E 3 Bur 1522 2259+8021 4E 1 STF 3003 2315+8326 4E 1 STF 3011 2324+7704 4E 5 h3107 2215+7830 5E 4 Pi Cep 2308+7523 5E 5 STF 2837 2137+8255 4M 2 OS 492 2309+8235 4M 1 OS 481 2244+7831 5M 4 h1826 2250+7510 5M 4 STF 2963 2254+7620 5M 4 - 20 - Component A B A B A B C A B A B C A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B C A B A B A B A B C A B Specifications Mag Sep from A 8.69 — 8.88 1.9 7.35 — 8.14 1.8 + 5.00 — 9.70 3.5 = 10.15 342.7 10.67 — 10.80 3.0 + 6.36 — 11.40 3.0 9.30 151.1 6.92 — 7.45 13.6 7.60 — 8.58 5.6 + 7.42 — 9.62 26.3 + 9.33 — 10.49 15.6 + 8.29 — 8.51 4.9 = 7.10 — 10.50 12.1 + 10.12 — 10.27 8.6 7.11 — 11.42 49.8 9.75 — 9.85 22.3 9.23 — 9.44 6.9 = 10.25 — 12.50 8.8 4.41 — 6.88 1.0 12.24 58.6 8.84 — 9.36 3.1 + 7.63 — 11.80 8.6 7.32 — 9.69 2.2 7.79 — 12.20 21.5 10.80 29.5 = 7.97 — 8.62 1.8 - PA from A — 311 — 273 = — 38 + 342.7 — 209 + — 116 + 151.1 — 69 — 4— 42 — 315 — 106 — 227 — 305 — 11 — 267 — 372 — 186 — 344 58.6 — 273 -! — 227 — 275 + — 356 29.5 = — 2+ Zone 9 Star Designation Position Rating Map Component A B C A B h3204 2333+8104 5M 1 STF 3027 rej 2334+8303 5M 1 - 21 - Specifications Mag Sep from A 8.47 — 13.51 20.7 13.40 BC 2.5 9.08 — 10.65 20.8 - PA from A — 121 BC 112 — 10 -?