+66°00' Zone 55, Master Map Zone Master, Normal View, 10 deg FOV Milburn 309 NGC 7129 NGC 7142 STF 2843 OS 457 h1665 h1656 Stein 1054 Smart 157 STF 2844 rej Xi Cepξ Kurhah h1713 h1739 Espin 1921 STF 2842 NGC 7139 +64°00' STF 2798 H I 48 STF 2845 Milburn 178 PK 101-8.1 NGC 7076 Stein 1068 South 800 α Alderamin P Muller 16 Alpha Cep Kruger 56 NGC 7160 Hussey 971 Espin 1857 Espin 137 OS 451 h1654 Bur 695 ν Walker 5 STF 2860 STF 2795 e STF 2764 Bur 472 +60°00' h1607 STF 2780 OS 458 STF 2812 h3072 Mu Cepµ h3063 Bur 371 OS 440 Milburn 1092 Espin 2703 STF 2810 h1677 Holmes 39 h1659 STF 2790 A 760 STF 2766 Argelander 107 +58°00' 15 Cep c STF 2783 Stein 2606 f STF 2815STF 2819 +62°00' STF 2827 h1694 STF 2813 Trumpler 37 IC 1396 STF 2816 A 764 d +56°00' h1630 Doolittle 16 STF 2840 Bur 687 OSS 220 Cygnus NGC 7175 NGC 7127 Hipparcos 3098 Holden 50 Espin 35 h3062 22h 00m 21h 48m Bur 680 NGC 7128 21h 36m 21h 24m 21h 12m 21h 00m Zone 55, Map 1 Normal Image +66°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. h1665 +65°00' h1656 STF 2798 +63°00' +64°00' H I 48 NGC 7076 PK 101-8.1 α +62°00' Alderamin Alpha Cep STF 2764 Bur 472 Espin 137 h1654 h1607 STF 2740 +61°00' STF 3133 +60°00' STF 2795 STF 2780 OS 440 Milburn 1092 Espin 2703 Stein 1011 A 760 h1677 STF 2766 Argelander 107 h1659 21h 36m Holmes 39 21h 28m A 756 STF 2790 21h 20m 21h 12m 21h 04m 20h 56m +59°00' STF 2812 Zone 55, Map 1 Mirror Image +66°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. h1665 +65°00' h1656 STF 2798 +63°00' +64°00' H I 48 NGC 7076 PK 101-8.1 Bpm 219 +62°00' Alderaminα Alpha Cep STF 2764 Bur 472 h1654 h1607 STF 3133 +61°00' STF 2740 Espin 137 +60°00' STF 2795 STF 2780 OS 440 Milburn 1092 Espin 2703 +59°00' Stein 1011 A 760 STF 2766 A 756 Argelander 107 h1659 STF 2790 20h 56m 21h 04m 21h 12m Holm es 39 21h 20m 21h 28m 21h 36m Zone 55, Map 2 Normal Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +61°00' STF 3133 +60°00' STF 2795 STF 2780 OS 440 Milburn 1092 Espin 2703 Stein 1011 A 760 h1677 STF 2766 Argelander 107 h1659 Holmes 39 A 756 +59°00' STF 2812 STF 2790 +58°00' STF 2783 +57°00' A 764 STF 2813 h1630 STF 2751 +55°00' +56°00' Doolittle 16 Espin 2704 +54°00' NGC 7008 h1606 Bur 680 21h 28m Espin 139 21h 20m 21h 12m 21h 04m 20h 56m Zone 55, Map 2 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +61°00' STF 3133 +60°00' STF 2795 STF 2780 OS 440 Milburn 1092 Espin 2703 +59°00' Stein 1011 A 760 STF 2766 A 756 Argelander 107 h1659 STF 2790 Holmes 39 +58°00' STF 2783 A 764 +57°00' Espin 135 h1630 STF 2751 +55°00' +56°00' Doolittle 16 NGC 7008 +54°00' h1606 Espin 2704 Bur 680 20h 56m 21h 04m 21h 12m 21h 20m 21h 28m Zone 55, Map 3 Normal Image NGC 7129 Milburn 309 +66°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. h1665 STF 2843 NGC 7142 Stein 1054 STF 2798 +64°00' STF 2844 rej Smart 157 ξ Kurhah Xi Cep h1713 Espin 1921 h1739 +65°00' h1656 OS 457 STF 2842 NGC 7139 STF 2845 Milburn 178 Hussey 976 Stein 1068 P Muller 16 +62°00' 19 Cep South 800 NGC 7160 NGC 7076 PK 101-8.1 Hussey 971 Stein 1079 Kruger 56 Espin 1857 h1654 Bur 695 +61°00' OS 451 STF 2870 ν +60°00' W alker 5 STF 2860 15 Cep +63°00' STF 2827 OS 458 STF 2812 OS 440 +59°00' h3072 STF 2810 h1677 h1729 22h 00m 21h 52m µ Mu Cep h3063 21h 44m Bur 371 h1659 21h 36m 21h 28m Zone 55, Map 3 Mirror Image h1665 +66°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. NGC 7129 Milburn 309 NGC 7142 STF 2843 h1656 Stein 1054 STF 2844 rej Smart 157 ξ h1713 Espin 1921 Kurhah Xi Cep Espin 213 STF 2842 NGC 7139 +64°00' STF 2798 +65°00' OS 457 STF 2845 Milburn 178 P Muller 16 Kruger 56 Hussey 971 Hussey 976 Stein 1068 South 800 NGC 7160 19 Cep +62°00' NGC 7076 PK 101-8.1 Stein 1079 Espin 1857 h1654 +63°00' STF 2827 STF 2870 W alker 5 STF 2860 OS 440 OS 458 15 Cep +60°00' Bur 695 ν +61°00' OS 451 STF 2812 +59°00' h3072 STF 2810 h1677 h1659 21h 28m 21h 36m Bur 371 µ Mu Cep 21h 44m h3063 21h 52m 22h 00m Zone 55, Map 4 Normal Image STF 2870 Bur 695 +61°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. ν +60°00' W alker 5 STF 2860 15 Cep OS 458 STF 2812 OS 440 +59°00' h3072 STF 2810 h1677 h1659 Bur 371 +58°00' µ Mu Cep h3063 Stein 2606 STF 2819 h1694 STF 2816 STF 2813 Trumpler 37 +57°00' STF 2815 IC 1396 +56°00' Milburn 94 STF 2840 OSS 220 +55°00' Cygnus NGC 7175 NGC 7127 Hipparcos 3098 Espin 35 Holden 50 +54°00' h1718 Bur 687 h3062 NGC 7128 22h 00m 21h 52m 21h 44m 21h 36m 21h 28m Zone 55, Map 4 Mirror Image STF 2870 W alker 5 STF 2860 OS 440 15 Cep OS 458 +60°00' Bur 695 ν +61°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. STF 2812 +59°00' h3072 STF 2810 h1677 h1659 µ Bur 371 Mu Cep +58°00' h3063 Stein 2606 STF 2819 STF 2816 h1694 STF 2815 +56°00' +57°00' STF 2813 Trumpler 37 IC 1396 Bur 687 OSS 220 Cygnus h1718 +55°00' STF 2840 NGC 7175 NGC 7128 21h 28m 21h 36m 21h 44m +54°00' NGC 7127 Hipparcos 3098 Espin 35 Holden 50 h3062 21h 52m 22h 00m Zone 55, Map 4a, Closeup Normal Image +60°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. STF 2812 h3072 µ +59°00' STF 2810 h1677 Mu Cep Bur 371 h1659 +58°00' h3063 h1694 STF 2815 STF 2819 STF 2813 Trumpler 37 +57°00' IC 1396 STF 2816 STF 2840 Bur 687 21h 48m 21h 42m OSS 220 21h 36m 21h 30m Zone 55, Map 4a, Closeup Mirror Image +60°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. OS 440 STF 2812 +59°00' STF 2810 h1677 µ Bur 371 h1659 Mu Cep +58°00' h3063 h1694 STF 2815 +57°00' STF 2819 IC 1396 STF 2813 STF 2816 Trumpler 37 21h 30m 21h 36m Bur 687 OSS 220 21h 42m 21h 48m Zone 55 Index 55 Double Stars; 1 Red Star; 3 Open Clusters; 1 Planetary Nebula A Hussey 971 .............................................. 24 A 760 ........................................................ 13 A 764 ........................................................ 16 Alpha Cep .................................................. 5 Argelander 107 ....................................... 13 K Kruger 56 ................................................. 22 M B Milburn 1092........................................... 14 Mu Cep .................................................... 41 Bur 371 .................................................... 32 Bur 472 ...................................................... 8 Bur 687 .................................................... 34 N Doolittle 16 .............................................. 18 NGC 7076................................................ 10 NGC 7139................................................ 29 NGC 7160................................................ 27 E O Espin 137 ................................................... 5 Espin 1857 ............................................... 21 Espin 2703 ............................................... 11 OS 440 ..................................................... 17 OS 451 ..................................................... 25 OS 458 ..................................................... 40 OSS 220 ................................................... 34 D H P H I 48 ......................................................... 8 h1607 .......................................................... 3 h1630 ........................................................ 14 h1654 .......................................................... 7 h1659 ........................................................ 29 h1677 ........................................................ 32 h1694 ........................................................ 37 h1713 ........................................................ 23 h3063 ........................................................ 38 h3072 ........................................................ 39 Holmes 39................................................ 15 P Muller 16 .............................................. 21 S South 800 ................................................. 23 Stein 1011 ................................................ 16 Stein 1054 ................................................ 25 Stein 1068 ................................................ 27 STF 2751 ................................................. 17 STF 2764 ................................................... 4 STF 2766 ................................................. 11 -1- Zone 55 STF 2780 ................................................. 19 STF 2783 ................................................. 19 STF 2790 ................................................. 15 STF 2795 ................................................... 9 STF 2798 ................................................... 7 STF 2810 ................................................. 30 STF 2812 ................................................. 40 STF 2813 ................................................. 31 STF 2815 ................................................. 33 STF 2816 ................................................. 35 STF 2819 ................................................. 36 STF 2827 ................................................. 20 STF 2840 ................................................. 38 STF 2842 ................................................. 24 STF 2844 rej............................................ 22 STF 2845 ................................................. 26 T Trumpler 37 ............................................. 42 -2- Zone 55 Zone 55, Map 1 Double Stars Easy h1607 Other name(s): ADS 14544; HD 200386; SAO 19147 Rating: 4 E Position: 2100+6130 A B C Magnitude 7.68 7.68 11.89 Separation — 14.9 + 84.9 PA — 75 334 Year — 1996 1909 Spectra K0 Colors W ? ? Notes: AB 1873: 8.4 @ 93. 11 measurements. AC 1 measurement. There is a 14m star at 31 @ 325 (1920). Observations: C8 at 104x. This is the E vertex of a right triangle with STF 2740 (NW vertex) and STF 3133 (the right angle). Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 23.8 inches. Separation: AB = 16.7 miles; AC = 95.4 miles. Distance (LY): 720 Total luminosity (Suns): 83 -3- Zone 55 STF 2764 Other name(s): ADS 14634; HD 201267; SAO 19188 Rating: 2 E Position: 2106+6209 A B Magnitude 7.8 8.3 Separation PA — — 7.5 + 295 - Year — 1994 Spectra A0 V Colors W pB Notes: 1831: 6.8 @ 302. 25 measurements. The stars show a similar, but small, proper motion. Hussey divided B in 1904 with a 9.63m star, 0.5 @ 44. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 9.00 inches. Separation: AB = 10.5 miles. Distance (LY): 900 Total luminosity (Suns): 80 STF 2764 Double Star (7.8,. 8.3; 7” @ 301) C11 at 98x Aug. 4, 2003 -4- Zone 55 Espin 137 Rating: 3 E Other name(s): Doolittle (C); ADS 14868; HD 203374; SAO 19309 Position: 2119+6151 A B C BC Magnitude 6.66 10.30 12.80 Separation PA — — 46.0 + 74 2.8 + 72 - Year — 1985 Spectra B0 IVep B8 Colors W B No 1993 Notes: AB 1902: 45.3 @ 75. 5 measurements. BC 1902: 2.7 @ 75. 4 measurements. A has an 8.92m companion at only 0.3 @ 300 (1991). Observations: C8 at 104x. Rich field. Alpha Cep Rating: 4 E Other name(s): Alderamin, "the right arm"; Bur 1502; ADS 14858; HD 203280; SAO 19302 Position: 2119+6235 A B Magnitude 2.45 12.13 Separation PA — — 201.0 19 - Year — 1984 Spectra A5 IV Colors yW W Notes: 1879: 209.2 @ 24. 3 measurements. It will be the Pole Star in 7500 AD. It rotates very rapidly (246 kps) and is an infra-red source. It is also possibly a Delta Sct variable. From James Kaler's Stare Notes: The name has a checkered history. Commonly translated from Arabic as meaning the "right forearm," it seems to have been misapplied from an Arabic name for Castor in Gemini and then misspelled to give a wrong translation. Such is the lore of star names. -5- Zone 55 Alderamin's celestial prominence arises not so much from its being the luminary of Cepheus, but from its closeness to the precessional path of the North Celestial Pole, which wobbles in a circle 23.5 degrees across over a period of 25,800 years. As a result our pole stars change. Now near Polaris in Ursa Minor, the north celestial pole pointed to Thuban in Draco in 2700 BC and more or less to Kochab (also in Ursa Minor) about the time of Homer. A wait of 5,500 years will bring Alderamin within three degrees of the pole, not as good as Thuban or Polaris, but not too bad either (it was last there in 18,000 BC). This white class A star (on the cool side of A) has some other curiosities. It is commonly classified as a "dwarf," or hydrogen-fusing star like the Sun, but may be just beginning to evolve into an expanded "subgiant," implying the impending cessation of core hydrogen fusion. From its nearby distance of only 49 light years, we find a modest luminosity 18 times solar, and from that and a temperature of 7,600 Kelvin an even more modest radius just 2.5 times that of the Sun. This 1.9 solar mass star is single and just possibly slightly variable, as are so many stars of this kind. It is rather set apart, however, by its mad spin. It rotates at a minimum equatorial speed of 246 kilometers per second, at least 125 times that of the Sun, giving it a rotational period of less than half a day (compared with the solar rotation period of nearly a month). The rapid spin apparently suppresses the separation of chemical elements common to stars of this class. The spin may also be related to the star's activity. The Sun is magnetically active in broad part because its outer third is churning up and down in huge convective currents, the movement helping to generate a magnetic field. Such outer zones are supposed to disappear in class A stars like Alderamin. Yet Alderamin emits about the same amount of X-ray radiation as does the Sun and has other features that together suggest considerable magnetic activity. Observations: C8 at 104x. Very rich field to the E. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 7.50 inches. Separation: AB = 15.4 miles. Distance (LY): 49 Total luminosity (Suns): 18 -6- Zone 55 STF 2798 Other name(s): ADS 14952; HD 204130; SAO 19376 Rating: 3 E Position: 2124+6455 A B Magnitude 8.18 10.02 Separation PA — — 6.4 = 144 - Year — 1991 Spectra A1 V Colors W R Notes: 1832: 6.4 @ 147. 13 measurements. The stars show a similar, but small, proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. Moderately rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.70 inches. Separation: AB = 7.59 miles. Distance (LY): 760 Total luminosity (Suns): 24 h1654 Other name(s): ADS 15019 Rating: 4 E Position: 2129+6137 A B Magnitude 9.57 10.21 Separation PA — — 4.9 + 35 - Year — 1991 Spectra Colors yW rO Notes: 1901: 3.8 @ 37. 8 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho mission data show different distances for these stars (79 and 520 light years); they may be optical. Observations: C8 at 83x. Rich field. -7- Zone 55 Difficult Bur 472 Other name(s): ADS 14540; HD 200308; SAO 19143 Rating: 3 D Position: 2100+6152 A B Magnitude 8.10 9.00 Separation PA — — 0.8 = 16 + Year — 1980 Spectra A2 Colors W W Notes: 1877: 0.8 @ 5. 15 measurements. Observations: C11 at 634x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 7.10 inches. Separation: AB = 3,643 feet. Distance (LY): 560 Total luminosity (Suns): 20 H I 48 Other name(s): ADS 14783; HD 202582; SAO 19257 Rating: 4 D Position: 2114+6424 A B Magnitude 6.38 6.51 Separation PA — — 0.2 219 - Year — 1992 Spectra G2 IV G2 IV Colors W W Notes: AB 1859: 0.9 @ 246. Over 100 measurements. Period is 84.4 years (Baize, 1950), semi-major axis of 0.66", motion direct in a highly-inclined orbit. -8- Zone 55 Observations: C8 at 516x. Observed in 1987, when it was a tough test of the C8's optics! Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.70 inches; B = 16.1 inches. Separation: AB = 340 feet. Distance (LY): 135 Total luminosity (Suns): 5.8 STF 2795 Other name(s): ADS 14912; SAO 19345 Rating: 4 D Position: 2121+6042 A B Magnitude 8.77 9.25 Separation PA — — 1.6 + 302 = Year — 1998 Spectra A Colors W W Notes: 1833: 1.5 @ 302. 18 measurements. Observations: C11 at 634x and diffraction mask. This star is set in a wonderfully bright field, and is the center of a 3-star chain of 8m stars. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 7.92 inches. Separation: AB = 3.52 miles. Distance (LY): 1,410 Total luminosity (Suns): 79 -9- Zone 55 Deep Sky Objects Difficult NGC 7076 Other Names: Abell 75; PK 1011 8.1 Rating: 4 D Position: 2126+6253 Type : Pn Dimensions: 67'' x 47'' Class: 3b Magnitude : 13.2 Notes: The central star is 17.2m. Observations: C8 at 104x. It showed a slight oval shape with averted vision and tube movement. C11 at 115x with O-III. Very, very faint. Only seen with the O-III and tube movement. No features other than being a large and very faint disc. Distance: 7,100 light years Luminosity: 21 Suns - 10 - Zone 55 Zone 55, Map 2 Double Stars Easy Espin 2703 Rating: 5 E Position: 2101+5931 A B Magnitude 10.34 10.39 Separation PA — — 10.3 + 230 +? Year — 1991 Spectra Colors W? W? Notes: 1897: 10.0 @ 47. 5 measurements. Quadrant reversal? May be optical because Hipparcos gives different distances (459 and 85 light years). Observations: C8 at 104x. It lies 15 min NE of a 6m Y zinger. STF 2766 Other name(s): ADS 14669; HD 201430; SAO 33147 Rating: 2 E Position: 2107+5859 A B Magnitude 8.79 9.11 Separation PA — — 4.5 250 + Year — 1999 Spectra F5 F5 Colors pO pB Notes: 1831: 5.1 @ 249. 31 measurements. The stars show similar proper motions. Observations: C8 at 104x. - 11 - Zone 55 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 13.7 inches; B = 13.9 inches. Separation: AB = 1.43 miles. Distance (LY): 204 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.5 STF 2766 Double Star (9.0, 9.2; 5” @ 249) C11 at 98x Aug. 4, 2003 - 12 - Zone 55 A 760 Other name(s): ADS 14688 Rating: 4 E Position: 2108+5907 A B Magnitude 9.61 10.69 Separation PA — — 3.5 + 330 = Year — 1991 Spectra F5 Colors W W Notes: 1902: 3.3 @ 330. 10 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. It lies 11 minNE of STF 2766. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 14.3 inches. Separation: AB = 4,858 feet. Distance (LY): 169 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.440 Argelander 107 Other name(s): HD 239605; SAO 33221 Rating: 4 E Position: 2112+5855 A B Magnitude 8.11 9.31 Separation PA — — 36.6 193 + Year — 1991 Spectra B3 Colors W bW Notes: 1897: 37.2 @ 192. 9 measurements. The stars share common proper motion, although Hipparcos (2,350 light years and 3,837 light years). Observations: C8 at 104x. Rich field. - 13 - Zone 55 h1630 Rating: 4 E Position: 2115+5702 A B Magnitude 10.48 11.53 Separation PA — — 17.8 132 + Year — 1991 Spectra Colors W W? Notes: 1899: 20.9 @ 127. 6 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. This pair is one vertex of an 11m right triangle. Milburn 1092 Other name(s): ADS 14860; HD 203300; SAO 33313 Rating: 5 E Position: 2119+5938 A B Magnitude 8.50 10.10 Separation PA — — 10.4 107 + Year — 1990 Notes: 1901: 10.8 @ 106. 3 measurements. Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 7.28 inches. Separation: AB = 8.11 miles. Distance (LY): 500 Total luminosity (Suns): 12 - 14 - Spectra A2 Colors W Y Zone 55 STF 2790 Other name(s): ADS 14864; HD 203338; SAO 33318 Rating: 3 E Position: 2119+5837 A B C Magnitude 5.51 9.08 10.40 Separation — 4.7 + 74.5 = PA — 44 351 = Year — 1991 1920 Spectra B3 Vv M1 Colors Y ? W Notes: AB 1832: 4.5 @ 47. 25 measurements. Star A is a spectroscopic binary (75 day period) and an infra-red source. This star is a member of the Cep OB2 Association. AC 1880: 74.5 @ 351. 7 measurements. Observations: C8 at 206x. Webb saw them as R and B in 1832, then O and B in 1871. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 12.6 inches; B = 58.0 inches. Separation: AB = 26.8 miles; AC = 424 miles. Distance (LY): 3,650 Total luminosity (Suns): 6,980 Holmes 39 Other name(s): Stein 2565; HD 239633; SAO 33335 Rating: 5 E Position: 2120+5841 A B Magnitude 9.75 10.56 Separation PA — — 17.2 + 63 - Year — 1991 Notes: 1898: 12.0 @ 68. 13 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. This pair lies 5 min NE of STF 2790. - 15 - Spectra F8 Colors W W Zone 55 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 16.5 inches. Separation: AB = 1.98 miles. Distance (LY): 74 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.08 A 764 Rating: 4 E Other name(s): Popovic 233 (C); ADS 14926; HD 203802; SAO 33367 Position: 2122+5734 A B C Magnitude 8.10 10.59 8.69 Separation — 1.2 + 83.7 - PA — 10 +!! 192 = Year — 1997 1991 Spectra G5 Colors yW No W Notes: AB 1904: 0.4 @ 254. 68 measurements. Orbit calculated. Period is 150 years, semimajor axis of 0.96", motion direct. BD+57@2562 at 84" shares cpm. AC 1906: 84.3 @ 192. 9 measurements. This system may be optical as Hipparcos shows different distances (311 light years to A, 393 to C). Observations: C11 at 115x. B was not detected at any magnification. Moderate Stein 1011 Other name(s): HD 239549; SAO 33082 Rating: 4 M Position: 2102+5920 A B Magnitude 9.40 10.80 Separation PA — — 14.0 40 - - 16 - Year — 1906 Spectra Colors W W Zone 55 Notes: 1897: 14.2 @ 42. 4 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Moderate field. Distance (LY): 228 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.9 OS 440 Other name(s): ADS 14998; HD 204599 Rating: 4 M Position: 2127+5945 A B Magnitude 6.11 10.35 Separation PA — — 8.9 175 - Year — 1996 Spectra M3 III Colors rO! W? Notes: 1848: 12.4 @ 189. 13 measurements. Hipparcos shows 980 light years for the distance to A but only 48 for B. Observations: C8 at 206x. B was seen with averted vision. Webb saw gold and ??. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 1.05 inches. Separation: AB = 13.6 miles. Distance (LY): 980 Total luminosity (Suns): 275 Difficult STF 2751 Other name(s): ADS 14575; HD 200614; SAO 33078 Rating: 4 D Position: 2102+5640 A B Magnitude 5.80 6.93 Separation PA — — 1.6 355 + - 17 - Year — 1997 Spectra B8 III Colors W W Zone 55 Notes: 1831: 1.9 @ 344. Over 100 measurements. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 18.0 inches. Separation: AB = 1.82 miles. Distance (LY): 730 Total luminosity (Suns): 260 Doolittle 16 Other name(s): ADS 14739; HD 202031 Rating: 4 D Position: 2111+5620 A B Magnitude 8.43 8.79 Separation PA — — 1.1 + 29 - Year — 1995 Spectra B9 Notes: 1900: 1.0 @ 30. 21 measurements. Observations: C11 at 634x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 5.16 inches. Separation: AB = 43.1 miles. Distance (LY): 25,100 Total luminosity (Suns): 36,000 - 18 - Colors W W Zone 55 STF 2780 Other name(s): ADS 14749; HD 202214; SAO 33210 Rating: 4 D Position: 2112+5959 A B C Magnitude 6.16 6.78 8.70 Separation — 1.0 120.3 - PA — 214 211 - Year — 1995 1956 Spectra B0 II Colors W W W Notes: AB 1831: 1.1 @ 229. 90 measurements. It is a member of the Cep OB2 Association. AC 1878: 120.6 @ 212. 9 measurements. McAlister found a companion to A in 1979, at 0.1 @ 228. Observations: C8 at 206x. At least one report gives ruby red for the color of A, but Webb claims this star is actually 7.5 min NE. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 27.0 inches. Separation: AB = 14.2 miles; AC = 1,710 miles. (Probably optical.) Distance (LY): 9,100 Total luminosity (Suns): 51,500 STF 2783 Other name(s): ADS 14784; HD 202519 Rating: 5 D Position: 2114+5818 A B Magnitude 7.11 7.34 Separation PA — — 0.7 7 -! Year — 1996 Notes: 1831: 1.3 @ 43. 85 measurements. Observations: C8 at 697x. In poor seeing, I only obtained an oval, no split. - 19 - Spectra A3 V Colors W W Zone 55 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.10 inches. Separation: AB = 2,429 feet. Distance (LY): 422 Total luminosity (Suns): 36 Zone 55, Map 3 Double Stars Easy STF 2827 Other name(s): ADS 15286; HD 207048 Rating: 4 E Position: 2144+6336 A B Magnitude 8.79 9.46 Separation PA — — 5.7 + 200 - Year — 1991 Spectra A5 Colors W pO Notes: 1832: 4.3 @ 211. 20 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. There is a faint companion to B at 0.8 @ 319. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.52 inches. Separation: AB = 4.53 miles. Distance (LY): 510 Total luminosity (Suns): 13 - 20 - Zone 55 P Muller 16 Other name(s): HD 207198; SAO 19621 Rating: 4 E Position: 2145+6228 A B Magnitude 5.94 11.41 Separation PA — — 18.3 + 33 = Year — 1985 Spectra O9 II Colors W W? Notes: 1969: 17.0 @ 33. 3 measurements. This star is a member of the Cep OB2 Association. Observations: C8 at 104x. Rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 24.0 inches. Separation: AB = 57.1 miles. Distance (LY): 2,000 Total luminosity (Suns): 1450 Espin 1857 Other name(s): ADS 15326; SAO 19636 Rating: 3 E Position: 2147+6152 A B C Magnitude 10.07 10.29 12.35 Separation — 2.8 + 14.4 PA — 211 +? 109 Year — 1991 1920 Notes: AB 1920: 2.8 @ 209. 4 measurements. AC 1 measurement. Observations: C11 at 115x. This system lies 3 min NE of an 8m star. - 21 - Spectra A0+G Colors W W W? Zone 55 Kruger 56 Other name(s): ADS 15411 Rating: 4 E Position: 2152+6206 A B Magnitude 9.65 10.59 Separation PA — — 4.4 301 - Year — 1997 Spectra Colors Y O Notes: 1890: 4.5 @ 302. 17 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. This pair lies 8 min N of a 7m star. Distance (LY): 247 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.94 STF 2844 rej Other name(s): ADS 15408; HD 208141; SAO 19687 Rating: 3 E Position: 2152+6454 A B Magnitude 6.84 10.09 Separation PA — — 11.9 261 + Year — 1991 Spectra K0 Colors Y B! Notes: 1903: 12.2 @ 259. 6 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 22.5 inches. Separation: AB = 10.2 miles. Distance (LY): 550 Total luminosity (Suns): 52 - 22 - Zone 55 South 800 Rating: 3 E Other name(s): EM Cep; Espin 144; ADS 15434; HD 208392; SAO 19718 Position: 2154+6236 A B Magnitude 7.01 7.94 Separation PA — — 62.5 = 145 = Year — 1991 Spectra B1 IV B8 Colors B W Notes: 1824: 62.5 @ 145. 23 measurements. This is a Beta Lyrae system (A star, EMCep, with 0.81 day period). Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. The stars have a small difference in proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. It lies in the N end of the open cluster NGC 7160. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 14.4 inches. Separation: AB = 229 miles. Distance (LY): 2,350 Total luminosity (Suns): 980 h1713 Other name(s): HD 209122; SAO 19771 Rating: 3 E Position: 2159+6434 A B Magnitude 8.69 10.67 Separation PA — — 18.9 128 + Year — 1991 Spectra G5 Colors Y bW Notes: 1893: 20.0 @ 124. 8 measurements. This system may be optical as Hipparcos shows different distances (196 and 63 light years). Observations: C11 at 115x. This pair is the right angle of a right triangle of stars. - 23 - Zone 55 Moderate Hussey 971 Other name(s): ADS 15339; HD 207577 Rating: 5 M Position: 2148+6203 A B Magnitude 8.48 12.20 Separation PA — — 8.9 285 - Year — 1962 Spectra A3 Colors W ? Notes: 1904: 9.1 @ 286. 3 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Use averted vision to pick up B. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 7.61 inches. Separation: AB = 12.8 miles. Distance (LY): 920 Total luminosity (Suns): 31 STF 2842 Other name(s): ADS 15396; HD 208036; SAO 19679 Rating: 5 M Position: 2151+6401 A B Magnitude 8.16 10.85 Separation PA — — 3.4 + 103 + Notes: 1832: 3.2 @ 102. 13 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. - 24 - Year — 1992 Spectra B9 Colors pB W? Zone 55 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 5.08 inches. Separation: AB = 192 miles. Distance (LY): 36,240 Total luminosity (Suns): 61,000 Stein 1054 Other name(s): SAO 19676 Rating: 4 M Position: 2151+6459 A B Magnitude 9.20 12.20 Separation PA — — 11.9 257 Year — 1903 Spectra Colors Y W Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. Note the flat 12m triangle 5 min NNE. OS 451 Other name(s): ADS 15390; HD 207990; SAO 19677 Rating: 3 M Position: 2151+6137 A B Magnitude 7.65 8.51 Separation PA — — 4.2 219 - Year — 1999 Notes: 1847: 4.5 @ 226. 42 measurements. Dembowski found a pair 2' N: 9.4m and 10.3m, 3.2 @ 131. Observations: C8 at 104x. - 25 - Spectra A2 Colors W pO Zone 55 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 6.90 inches. Separation: AB = 8.52 miles. Distance (LY): 1,300 Total luminosity (Suns): 150 STF 2845 Other name(s): ADS 15417; HD 208185; SAO 19694 Rating: 3 M Position: 2152+6306 A B Magnitude 7.40 8.29 Separation PA — — 1.9 173 + Year — 1998 Spectra B2 V Colors W W Notes: 1832: 2.2 @ 169. 31 measurements. Observations: C8 at 206x. It is the middle star of a N-S chain of 9m stars. Webb saw the primary as Y. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 13.2 inches. Separation: AB = 5.12 miles. Distance (LY): 1,730 Total luminosity (Suns): 395 - 26 - Zone 55 Stein 1068 Other name(s): ADS 15430; SAO 19711 Rating: 5 M Position: 2153+6235 A B Magnitude 8.90 11.80 Separation PA — — 10.7 + 57 + Year — 1991 Spectra B8 Colors B W Notes: 1898: 9.5 @ 55. 4 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. It lies in the cluster NGC 7160. Deep Sky Objects Easy NGC 7160 Rating: 2 E Other Names: Collinder 443, H VIII 67 Astronomical League Program: Herschel 400 Club, Urban Deep Sky Club, Binocular Deep Sky Club Position: 2154+6236 Type : Oc Dimensions: 7' Class: I 3p Cluster population: 25 Magnitude : 6.1 Notes: It is 10 million years old. It is part of the Cep OB2 association and its earliest stars are B1 and B2 types. 61 stars belong to it. It lies 28,500 light years from the galactic center and 300 light years above the galactic plane. Observations: C8 at 104x. It is dominated by two W stars 40" apart. Note the triangle (8m, 8m, 9m) at the center. - 27 - Zone 55 C11 at 115x. Oblong group of 21 stars dominated by an acute isosceles triangle in the E end. There is a smaller triangle in the W end. The brightest star is a golden yellow. Sue French writes that in 14x70 binoculars it resembles a caterpillar with glowing eyes. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 1,970 miles, and the stars would be 330 miles apart. Distance (LY): 2,570 Luminosity (suns): 1.880 NGC 7160 Open Cluster (I 3 p; 25 stars) Observed with C11 on 9/15/03 Magnification: 140x - 28 - Zone 55 Difficult NGC 7139 Other Names: PK 104+7.1 Astronomical League Program: Herschel II Club Rating: 5 D Position: 2146+6359 Type : Pn Dimensions: 78" Class: 3b Magnitude : 12.5 Observations: C11 at 115x with O-III filter. Invisible without the filter, it was round and very faint with it. No details could be extracted. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 426 miles . Distance (LY): 3,900 Luminosity (suns): 12 Zone 55, Map 4 Double Stars Easy h1659 Other name(s): ADS 15084; HD 205396 Rating: 3 E Position: 2133+5839 A B Magnitude 7.69 8.14 Separation PA — — 8.3 + 287 - Notes: 1900: 6.7 @ 300. 18 measurements. - 29 - Year — 1994 Spectra A0 Colors W pB Zone 55 The stars have a small difference in proper motion. Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 6.00 inches. Separation: AB = 14.2 miles. Distance (LY): 1,100 Total luminosity (Suns): 180 STF 2810 Other name(s): ADS 15113; HD 239706; SAO 33547 Rating: 2 E Position: 2135+5906 A B Magnitude 8.39 9.13 Separation PA — — 16.9 = 290 = Year — 1991 Spectra F8 F8 Colors W pB Notes: 1831: 16.9 @ 290. 25 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. However, the stars exhibit a small common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 15.3 inches; B = 16.0 inches. Separation: AB = 11.0 miles. Distance (LY): 417 Total luminosity (Suns): 9 - 30 - Zone 55 STF 2810 Double Star (8.4, 9.1; 17” @ 290) C11 at 98x Aug. 4, 2003 STF 2813 Other name(s): ADS 15137; HD 205850; SAO 33570 Rating: 3 E Position: 2136+5728 A B Magnitude 9.21 9.72 Separation PA — — 10.2 + 272 - Year — 1991 Spectra F5 Colors W B Notes: 1832: 10.1 @ 273. 17 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. However, the stars exhibit a small common proper motion. - 31 - Zone 55 Observations: C8 at 83x. Faint, and in the SW quadrant of IC 1396. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 14.0 inches. Separation: AB = 3.62 miles. Distance (LY): 228 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.4 h1677 Other name(s): BDS 11149; HD 239716; SAO 33593 Rating: 4 E Position: 2137+5900 A B Magnitude 9.87 10.59 Separation PA — — 16.1 128 - Year — 1991 Spectra F8 Colors W W Notes: 1890: 16.4 @ 129. 11 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 16.6 inches. Separation: AB = 14.1 miles. Distance (LY): 560 Total luminosity (Suns): 4.19 Bur 371 Other name(s): ADS 15141; HD 205917 Rating: 4 E Position: 2137+5841 A B Magnitude 8.19 10.70 Separation PA — — 8.8 + 3- - 32 - Year — 1990 Spectra K0 Colors W ? Zone 55 Notes: AB 1876: 8.4 @ 4. 7 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 24.6 inches. Separation: AB = 6.49 miles. Distance (LY): 473 Total luminosity (Suns): 10 STF 2815 Other name(s): Dembowski 25 (B); ADS 15160; HD 206081 Rating: 4 E Position: 2138+5734 A B C Magnitude 8.02 10.07 10.63 Separation — 0.9 = 7.5 + PA — 160 + 82 = Year — 1991 1991 Notes: AB 1867: 0.9 @ 151. 14 measurements. AC 1832: 7.3 @ 82. 18 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. B was picked up at 634x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 6.13 inches. Separation: AB = 13.5 miles; AC = 112 miles. Distance (LY): 9,600 Total luminosity (Suns): 8,560 - 33 - Spectra A0 Colors W W W? Zone 55 OSS 220 Rating: 4 E Other name(s): Bur 686 (B); ADS 15154; HD 206054; SAO 33594 Position: 2138+5546 A B C D Magnitude 9.22 11.45 9.23 11.75 Separation — 0.9 + 41.2 = 41.8 + PA — 305 +? 190 +? Year — 1993 1999 283 = Spectra A 1913 Colors W No W ? Notes: AB 1877: 0.4 @ 118. 15 measurements. Quadrant reversal? AC 1875: 41.2 @ 11. 15 measurements. Quadrant reversal? This system may be optical as Hipparcos shows different distances (2,380 light years to A, 1,460 to C). AD 1905: 41.6 @ 283. 4 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Bur 687 Other name(s): ADS 15178; HD 206222; SAO 33622 Rating: 5 E Position: 2139+5548 A B C Magnitude 7.87 9.30 10.64 Separation — 0.6 54 = PA — 2204 = Notes: AB 1878: 0.7 @ 5. 23 measurements. AC 1909: 54 @ 204. 2 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. - 34 - Year — 1995 1913 Spectra A0 Colors W No B Zone 55 STF 2816 Rating: 1 E Other name(s): Pi 1 Cyg; Bur 1143 (B); ADS 15184; HD 206267; SAO 33626 Astronomical League Program: Double Star Club Position: 2139+5729 Magnitude A 5.72 B 13.30 C 8.10 D 8.02 E, etc. 11.00 Separation — 1.8 + 11.7 = 20.4 + 53.3 + PA — 320 120 = Year — 1935 1999 338 1956 0+ Spectra O6 B1 1999 Colors W No R No No Notes: AB 1889: 1.6 @ 324. 3 measurements. Star A is a spectroscopic binary with a 3.7098 day period. AC 1832: 11.7 @ 120. 86 measurements. AD 1832: 20.0 @ 340. 79 measurements. Thsee stars show similar proper motions. AE 1874: 50.0 @ 354. 2 measurements. This system is a member of the Cep OB2 Association. Observations: C8 at 65x. Magnificent! (It is embedded in the galactic nebula IC 1396, a very difficult challenge.) Webb saw them as Y, bW. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 0.29 inches; B = 1.06 inches. Separation: AB = 3.28 miles; AC = 21.4 miles; AD = 37.2 miles; AE = 97.0 miles; Aa = 1.26 feet. Σ2816 Double star; W, R; 5.72 / 8.10; 11.7 @ 120 Observed with C8 on 11/4/99 Magnification: 100x - 35 - Zone 55 Distance (LY): 1,170 Total luminosity (Suns): 770 STF 2819 Other name(s): ADS 15214; HD 206482; SAO 33652 Rating: 2 E Position: 2140+5734 A B Magnitude 7.44 8.64 Separation PA — — 12.6 + 59 + Year — 1991 Spectra F5 V Colors W pB Notes: 1822: 11.8 @ 56. 25 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. However, the stars exhibit common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. This pair is in the NE quadrant of the cluster Trumpler 37. Very rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 4.35 inches. Separation: AB = 4.81 miles. Distance (LY): 245 Total luminosity (Suns): 6.8 See sketch, next page. - 36 - Zone 55 STF 2819 Double Star (7.4, 8.7; 12” @ 57) C11 at 98x Aug. 4, 2003 h1694 Other name(s): Espin 36 (C); ADS 15318; SAO 33737 Rating: 4 E Position: 2146+5748 A B C BC Magnitude 9.53 10.23 12.90 Separation PA — — 19.8 14 = 6.9 - 140 + Year — 1991 Spectra B2 Colors W W ? 1987 Notes: AB 1900: 20.1 @ 14. 11 measurements. BC 1900: 7.5 @ 139. 4 measurements. This system may be optical as Hipparcos shows different distances (1,280 and 376 light years). - 37 - Zone 55 There are two more very faint comes. Observations: C11 at 115x. C was very difficult. h3063 Other name(s): HD 239776 Rating: 4 E Position: 2149+5830 A B Magnitude 10.16 10.54 Separation PA — — 11.4 65 + Year — 1991 Spectra A5 Colors W W Notes: 1899: 12.7 @ 64. 14 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 9.16 inches. Separation: AB = 18.7 miles. Distance (LY): 1,050 Total luminosity (Suns): 13 STF 2840 Other name(s): ADS 15405; HD 208095; SAO 33819 Rating: 3 E Position: 2152+5547 A B Magnitude 5.70 6.56 Separation PA — — 18.0 197 + - 38 - Year — 1997 Spectra B6 IV A1p Colors W W Zone 55 Notes: 1832: 20.0 @ 194. 69 measurements. Star A is a spectroscopic binary (17.3263 day period). Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. However, the stars exhibit common proper motion. There is a 13.20m star at 55.2 @ 348. The system is part of the Cep OB2 Association. Observations: C8 at 65x. Some observers report G and B. Webb saw them as gW, bW. "A splendid pair," he wrote. Espin thought A was yW. Franks thought they were W, V. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 13.5 inches; B = 5.95 inches. Separation: AB = 18.0 miles; AC = 3.52 feet. Distance (LY): 640 Total luminosity (Suns): 240 h3072 Other name(s): ADS 15436; HD 239795; SAO 33854 Rating: 5 E Position: 2154+5926 A B Magnitude 8.76 11.77 Separation PA — — 13.0 76 - Year — 1991 Spectra G5 Colors Y W Notes: 1901: 13.8 @ 77. 7 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho mission data show different distances for these stars (1,550 and 260 light years); they may be optical. Observations: C8 at 104x. Moderate field. - 39 - Zone 55 Moderate STF 2812 Other name(s): ADS 15117; HD 239707; SAO 33553 Rating: 4 M Position: 2135+5940 A B Magnitude 9.25 8.90 Separation PA — — 2.3 + 132 + Year — 1991 Spectra G5 Colors Y W Notes: 1832: 2.1 @ 126. 14 measurements. Observations: C8 at 280x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 20.8 inches. Separation: AB = 3,802 feet. Distance (LY): 203 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.8 Difficult OS 458 Other name(s): ADS 15481; HD 208744; SAO 33894 Rating: 5 D Position: 2156+5947 A B C Magnitude 6.89 8.46 13.24 Separation — 1.0 + 22.2 - PA — 349 28 - Notes: AB 1846: 0.7 @ 350. 29 measurements. AC 1878: 22.7 @ 33. 3 measurements. - 40 - Year — 1991 1930 Spectra A0 V Colors W W ? Zone 55 Observations: C8 at 516x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 9.00 inches. Separation: AB = 2.69 miles; AC = 60.0 miles. Distance (LY): 1,730 Total luminosity (Suns): 501 Red Star Mu Cep Rating: 2 E Other name(s): The Garnet Star; ADS 15271; HD 206936; SAO 33693 Position: 2143+5846 A Magnitude 4.23 Separation PA — — Year — Spectra M2 Iae Colors yR!! Notes: Discovered by J. R. Hind in 1848, it is a variable that ranges from 3.7 to 5.0 in 755 days, although a couple of other cycles seem to be involved. It is so cool that lines of steam have been seen in the spectrum. It is a very, very strong emitter of infra-red radiation. The star is part of the Cep OB2 Association. From James Kaler's Star Notes: Mu Cephei -- the Garnet Star -- has a magnificence all out of proportion to its seemingly fainter status. As a red class M low temperature (abut 3,500 Kelvin) supergiant, it must be one of the larger stars visible. Indeed, it is one of the largest and most luminous stars that can be seen not only with the naked eye, but in the entire Galaxy. Its distance, too far for parallax, is uncertain. It is big enough that astronomers have been able to measure its angular diameter at around 0.02 seconds of arc, making it 22 astronomical units across. If it replaced the Sun, it would extend to the orbit of Saturn. Its distance and apparent brightness suggest an extraordinary luminosity a quarter million or more times that of the Sun(!), from which we derive a similar radius. Given that stars this big have ill-defined edges, it could be even larger. - 41 - Zone 55 Yet it does not actually set the record, which for now belongs to a constellation- mate, dimmer (by almost a magnitude) VV Cephei, which is an eclipsing double whose eclipses tell us of a star that would fill Saturn's orbit. As is the case with most huge supergiants, The Garnet Star cannot quite find a place for itself, and is variable, wobbling in brightness by a over a magnitude in a somewhat irregular manner over periods of 2 to 2.5 years, the average magnitude varying over a period of a decade or so, the star dipping as faint as fifth magnitude. At the same time it is losing mass through a strong wind. Although we know Mu Cephei has ceased internal hydrogen fusion and is dying, we cannot quite be sure of its internal status. Odds are it is now fusing its core helium into carbon. Whatever the conditions, this great star, which began life containing perhaps 20 to 25 solar masses almost certainly is fated to explode as a grand supernova. Which will go first, Mu or VV? Keep your eye on celestial King Cepheus, and maybe we will see. Observations: C8 at 104x. Deeply hued, coppery red! Distance (LY): 5,300 Total luminosity (Suns): 47,000 Deep Sky Objects Easy Trumpler 37 Other Names: IC 1396; Collinder 439 Rating: 3 E Position: 2138+5722 Type : Oc Dimensions: 50' Class: II 3m Cluster population: 30 Magnitude : 5.1 Notes: The brightest star is 7.8m. Observations: C8 at 104x. Large. It is loose and "opened" up, but bright. It overflows the field at 104x. C11 at 68x. Very large and scattered group of moderately bright stars. It is dominated by a triple (STF 2816) on the N side. 40 stars counted. - 42 - Zone 55 Distance: 2,720 light years Luminosity: 5,300 Suns Trumpler 37 Open cluster (II 3 m; 30 stars) Observed with C11 on 9/15/03 Magnification: 98x - 43 - Zone 55 Zone 55 Mini-Catalog Double Stars Star Designation Position Rating Map STF 2816 2139+5729 1E 4 STF 2764 2106+6209 2E 1 STF 2766 2107+5859 2E 2 STF 2810 2135+5906 2E 4 STF 2819 2140+5734 2E 4 STF 2790 2119+5837 3E 2 Espin 137 2119+6151 3E 1 STF 2798 2124+6455 3E 1 h1659 2133+5839 3E 4 STF 2813 2136+5728 3E 4 Espin 1857 2147+6152 3E 3 STF 2840 2152+5547 3E 4 STF 2844 rej 2152+6454 3E 3 South 800 2154+6236 3E 3 h1713 2159+6434 3E 3 h1607 2100+6130 4E 1 A 760 2108+5907 4E 2 Argelander 107 2112+5855 4E 2 h1630 2115+5702 4E 2 Alpha Cep 2119+6235 4E 1 Component A B C D E A B A B A B A B A B C A B C BC A B A B A B A B C A B A B A B A B A B C A B A B A B A B - 44 - Specifications Mag Sep from A 5.72 — 13.30 1.8 + 8.10 11.7 = 8.02 20.4 + 11.00 53.3 + 7.80 — 8.30 7.5 + 8.79 — 9.11 4.5 8.39 — 9.13 16.9 = 7.44 — 8.64 12.6 + 5.51 — 9.08 4.7 + 10.40 74.5 = 6.66 — 10.30 46.0 + 12.80 2.8 + 8.18 — 10.02 6.4 = 7.69 — 8.14 8.3 + 9.21 — 9.72 10.2 + 10.07 — 10.29 2.8 + 12.35 14.4 5.70 — 6.56 18.0 6.84 — 10.09 11.9 7.01 — 7.94 62.5 = 8.69 — 10.67 18.9 7.68 — 7.68 14.9 + 11.89 84.9 9.61 — 10.69 3.5 + 8.11 — 9.31 36.6 10.48 — 11.53 17.8 2.45 — 12.13 201.0 - PA from A — 320 11.7 = 20.4 + 0+ — 295 — 250 + — 290 = — 59 + — 44 74.5 = — 74 72 — 144 — 287 — 272 — 211 +? 14.4 — 197 + — 261 + — 145 = — 128 + — 75 84.9 — 330 = — 193 + — 132 + — 19 - Zone 55 Star Designation Position Rating Map A 764 2122+5734 4E 2 h1654 2129+6137 4E 1 Bur 371 2137+5841 4E 4 h1677 2137+5900 4E 4 STF 2815 2138+5734 4E 4 OSS 220 2138+5546 4E 4 STF 2827 2144+6336 4E 3 P Muller 16 2145+6228 4E 3 h1694 2146+5748 4E 4 h3063 2149+5830 4E 4 Kruger 56 2152+6206 4E 3 Espin 2703 2101+5931 5E 2 Milburn 1092 2119+5938 5E 2 Holmes 39 2120+5841 5E 2 Bur 687 2139+5548 5E 4 h3072 2154+5926 5E 4 OS 451 2151+6137 3M 3 STF 2845 2152+6306 3M 3 Stein 1011 2102+5920 4M 2 OS 440 2127+5945 4M 2 STF 2812 2135+5940 4M 4 Stein 1054 2151+6459 4M 3 Hussey 971 2148+6203 5M 3 Component A B C A B A B A B A B C A B C D A B A B A B C BC A B A B A B A B A B A B C A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B - 45 - Specifications Mag Sep from A 8.10 — 10.59 1.2 + 8.69 83.7 9.57 — 10.21 4.9 + 8.19 — 10.70 8.8 + 9.87 — 10.59 16.1 8.02 — 10.07 0.9 = 10.63 7.5 + 9.22 — 11.45 0.9 + 9.23 41.2 = 11.75 41.8 + 8.79 — 9.46 5.7 + 5.94 — 11.41 18.3 + 9.53 — 10.23 19.8 12.90 6.9 10.16 — 10.54 11.4 9.65 — 10.59 4.4 10.34 — 10.39 10.3 + 8.50 — 10.10 10.4 9.75 — 10.56 17.2 + 7.87 — 9.30 0.6 10.64 54 = 8.76 — 11.77 13.0 7.65 — 8.51 4.2 7.40 — 8.29 1.9 9.40 — 10.80 14.0 6.11 — 10.35 8.9 9.25 — 8.90 2.3 + 9.20 — 12.20 11.9 8.48 — 12.20 8.9 - PA from A — 10 +!! 83.7 — 35 — 3— 128 — 160 + 7.5 + — 305 +? 41.2 = 41.8 + — 200 — 33 = — 14 = 140 + — 65 + — 301 — 230 +? — 107 + — 63 — 254 = — 76 — 219 — 173 + — 40 — 175 — 132 + — 257 — 285 - Zone 55 Star Designation Position Rating Map STF 2842 2151+6401 5M 3 Stein 1068 2153+6235 5M 3 Bur 472 2100+6152 3D 1 STF 2751 2102+5640 4D 2 Doolittle 16 2111+5620 4D 2 STF 2780 2112+5959 4D 2 H I 48 2114+6424 4D 1 STF 2795 2121+6042 4D 1 STF 2783 2114+5818 5D 2 OS 458 2156+5947 5D 4 Component A B A B A B A B A B A B C A B A B A B A B C Specifications Mag Sep from A 8.16 — 10.85 3.4 + 8.90 — 11.80 10.7 + 8.10 — 9.00 0.8 = 5.80 — 6.93 1.6 8.43 — 8.79 1.1 + 6.16 — 6.78 1.0 8.70 120.3 6.38 — 6.51 0.2 8.77 — 9.25 1.6 + 7.11 — 7.34 0.7 6.89 — 8.46 1.0 + 13.24 22.2 - PA from A — 103 + — 57 + — 16 + — 355 + — 29 — 214 120.3 — 219 — 302 = — 7 -! — 349 22.2 - Deep Sky Objects Object Mu Cep NGC 7160 Trumpler 37 NGC 7076 NGC 7139 Position 2143+5846 2154+6236 2138+5722 2126+6253 2146+6359 Rating 2E 2E 3E 4D 5D Map 4 3 4 1 3 Type R Star Oc (I 3p) Oc (II 3m) Pn (3b) Pn (3b) - 46 - Specifications Surface Mag Br 6.1 5.1 13.2 12.5 Population 25 30