Welcome to Mrs. Moore’s First Grade!

Welcome to Mrs. Moore’s First Grade!
Classroom Phone Number: 847-540-2872
Email: liz.moore@lz95.org
Webpage: http://www.lz95.org/classes/mrsmooresfirstgrade_lmoore/
Dear Parents,
Welcome to first grade! I am looking forward to a great year with you and your child. First
grade is so much fun to teach! Every day, I will work with students on reading, writing and
math. I’ll teach new strategies to help each child become even stronger at the concepts he or she
already knows. First grade is a year of great progress. I hope you are amazed at what your child
learns to do this year! At the beginning of the school year the days will seem very long as many
are not used to attending school all day. Students are also transitioning from a summer activity
schedule, so trying to get a little more rest can be important especially in those early weeks.
On the evening of September 2, you are invited to school to learn more about first grade. There
will also be sign-up sheets for conferences and volunteering. In the meantime, there are just a
few items of importance you should know.
First, our school day begins at 8:25 and ends at 2:50. If your child is not taking a bus home from
school or staying for the YMCA program, please be sure he or she knows if they should exit from
the front or the back(parking lot) exit.
First graders have a “special” each day. Our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays so your child
will need to have gym shoes on those days. You may leave an extra pair of gym shoes at school
in your child’s locker. Please remember to send library books back on Tuesdays. That’s when
our class visits the Library Media Center. Music is on Monday and Friday, and we have art on
On the first day of school your child will bring home his/ her S.P.A.C.E. folder. S.P.A.C.E. stands
for “Student Papers And Communication Everyday”. This folder will go home every night and
should be returned to school each day. It contains a Daily School Report, graded work,
homework (if applicable), and any notes from school. It is very important that an adult goes
through the S.P.A.C.E. folder each night and signs the Daily School Report. The Daily School
Report will keep you informed of homework for that night and your child’s behavior at school for
that day. Please sign the sheet after completing the home reading section and reviewing the
other sections. Your child is responsible for bringing this sheet back and forth to school each day
in his/ her S.P.A.C.E. folder.
Homework will be given in first grade and students are expected to read for at least 15 minutes
every night. These minutes can be minutes read to, by or with your child. In a few weeks, I will
begin sending books home from our classroom library with the students.
In order to get to know each child better, I would appreciate you completing the V.I.P form.
Please find a quiet moment to complete this form, and return it school sometime on or near the
first day of school. If you prefer not to answer a question, just skip it.
Please feel free to contact me at anytime. Email is preferred, however you may also call the
classroom voicemail and leave me a message. I will try my best to call you back before I go home
for the day. If you need to get information to your child before the end of the school day, please
call the school office and they can forward any necessary information.
I hope this note has answered most of your initial questions about first grade. More information
will be shared at Back to School Night on September 2. Please note this evening is for parents
only. If you have any questions or concerns before then, please do not hesitate to contact me. My
door is always is open.
Liz Moore