Erick Kervaon Director of Food and Beverage, Waldorf Astoria at Syon Park Attended Accelerated Talent Development Programme Erick Kervaon’s latest high-profile career challenge is to play a key part in ensuring the success of the Waldorf Astoria’s new Syon Park hotel. But, like many people in the catering and hospitality industry, he didn’t have a particularly strong academic record before deciding to come to Cranfield. “I wasn’t very good at school – I got expelled a few times,” he says, “and I didn’t go to university, so at this point in my career I thought I would benefit from something a bit more structured. I did some research and looked at a few schools – Lausanne was very catering-oriented, but as that’s what I’ve been doing all my life I thought it would be nice to join people from a wider mix of professions. Cranfield seemed very good initially – and when I did a bit more research, I realised that it was one of the best.” A Breton by birth, Erick’s earliest memory is of being taken to a hotel in Paris by his mother at the age of four. “It was the best thing that had ever happened to me, and I knew then what I wanted to do,” he says. “When I was five, I told my mother that I would be the managing director of a hotel chain!” His quest towards this objective began early, as an apprentice at the age of 13 – which, he says, totally transformed him from a rebellious child to someone with a passionate interest in the industry. Three years later he took a job as a waiter in a Devon hotel to help improve his English. After a brief sojourn in Paris he returned to the UK, undertaking a three-year catering management programme with Forte in High Wycombe, which he absolutely loved. Then, after several months as acting restaurant and bar manager, he moved on again to do seasonal work in Europe (“five months mountains and six months sea”, as he puts it), which also involved opening some new restaurants. A brief spell in the United States was followed by a further return to the UK, where he became Restaurant Manager and, soon afterwards, Food and Beverage Manager at Exclusive Hotels’ South Lodge (near Horsham), winning three awards for the hotel plus the title of Food and Beverage Manager of the Year for himself. “I found the Cranfield Accelerated Talent Development Programme (ATDP) quite a challenge,” he says. My chief aim in attending was to benefit as an individual. I wanted firstly to grow myself, and then to continue growing my career – both of which I’ve done. The first weekend was tough, but getting personal feedback was very important – and doing something about it. And although it was very challenging, it was also a revelation for me. The programme sessions were very well linked – you could see the consistency across all of them. Finance, in particular, was excellent – the tutor made it all very interesting, and easy! There was also a very good mix of people on the course, and you soon saw that they all faced similar issues, whatever their industry sectors. One thing the course helped me to do was make the most of my existing professional relationships. And just from the Cranfield group I was with, I’ve already recruited an executive chef for Syon Park, placed another colleague, got help with a particular project – and even made a date! One of the group has since got married, and we all went to the wedding. We all stay in contact, and plan to meet up again for drinks. Of course, the key to any programme’s success is the subsequent impact it has on the way people work. “Yes, it has changed the way I work with other people,” says Erick. “I’m very French – for me, things are always black or white; there’s never any grey. That’s still true for me after Cranfield; things are still very much black and white, but at least I now have a better understanding of what other people have on their agenda. And I think that in six months to a year, things won’t be so black and white either... though for someone like me, these things take a little time.” Contact Sara Shakespeare T: +44 (0)1234 754569 And the ultimate endorsement of any programme is whether someone who’s recently attended it would recommend it to others in their industry. “I certainly would,” says Erick. F: +44 (0)1234 751908 E: