Madison Public Schools Career Readiness and Awareness Grades 6-12 Written by: Brooke Mascia Kathy Siso Reviewed by: Matthew A. Mingle Director of Curriculum and Instruction Brett Levine Director of Guidance Approval date: October 14, 2014 Members of the Board of Education: Lisa Ellis, President Kevin Blair, Vice President Shade Grahling, Curriculum Committee Chairperson David Arthur Johanna Habib Thomas Haralampoudis Leslie Lajewski James Novotny Madison Public Schools 359 Woodland Road Madison, NJ 07940 Course Overview Description The purpose of the 6 - 12 College Career Readiness Program is to provide students with awareness of the different types of careers and vocations that exist and the 6-12 academic preparedness that correlates to each career. Throughout this course students will reflect upon their own choices, preferences and ethics as they relate to career interest and choice. Goals This program aims to: ● Identify students’ personal and academic strengths and interests. ● Explore various careers and vocations that correlate to their interests and strengths. ● Develop a list of secondary courses and strategies that would help them achieve their career goals. ● Provide a correlation between the students’ choices (academically, socially, etc.) and their career goals. Resources Suggested activities and resources page Unit 1 Overview Unit Title: Grade 6, Personal Interest Inventory Unit Summary: Students will use a variety of personal interest inventories to gain a better understanding of their personality traits and how they apply to potential careers. Suggested Pacing: 3 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● What are my strengths and interests and how do they relate to the career world? ● How can I foster my interests and strengths? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● My personal strengths can be connected to my goals. ● A deeper understanding of ourselves helps us to make better decisions for academic and future planning. ● Decisions that I make today can affect my future. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Personality Inventory Rubric for Action Plan Objectives (Students will be able to…) Essential Content/Skills Suggested Assessments Complete and understand the results of a personality inventory. Content: Explanation of different personality types. Personality Inventory Use their results to identify their skills and abilities and apply them to goals and careers. Content: Goal setting strategies Create an action plan narrative to outline the necessary steps to achieve the goal. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 2.1.6.E.1 Examine how personal assets and protective factors support healthy Pacing 1 lesson social and emotional development. 2.2.6.B.1 Use effective decision-making strategies. W.CCR.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. 2 lessons Unit 2 Overview Unit Title: Grade 7, Career Exploration Unit Summary: Students will use a variety of resources, including Naviance and NJ CAN, to explore and familiarize themselves with the 16 career clusters/pathways as outlined by the US Department of Labor. Additionally, students will choose a handful of careers that interest them. Suggested Pacing: 3 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● What are the 16 career clusters and which ones are a match for my personal interests? ● What do I need to do between now and the day of my interview to prepare me for this career? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will have a deeper understanding of the various careers that exist, what the jobs entail and the preparation/school performance required for careers of interest. ● Students will have a practical understanding of what coursework correlates to their fields of interest. ● Decisions that students make today can affect their future. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Career interest inventory Action plan outlining mini-objectives to attain overall goal (desired career readiness) Objectives (Students will be able to…) Complete and understand the results of a career interest inventory. Essential Content/Skills Content: Familiarity with the 16 career clusters/pathways. Suggested Assessments Online career interest inventory. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 9.3.8.B.2 Identify common knowledge, skills, and abilities needed within the federal 16 Career Clusters. Pacing 1 lesson 9.3.4.A.3 Appraise personal likes and dislikes and identify careers that might be suited to personal likes. 9.3.4.A.5 Locate career information using a variety of resources. Use their results to identify careers of interest and required coursework/training. Content: Knowledge of education and training required for job readiness and success. Oral/written presentation of the preparation required to obtain various jobs. (i.e., mock job interviews) 9.3.12.C.4 Use online resources to examine licensing, certification, and credentialing requirements at the local, state, and national levels to maintain compliance with industry requirements in areas of career interest. 9.3.4.A.4 Identify qualifications needed to pursue traditional and nontraditional careers and occupations. 9.3.4.A.6 Explain why knowledge and skills acquired in the elementary grades lay the foundation for the future academic and career success. Use knowledge obtained during career exploration to devise a plan for grades 7-12. Content: Applying knowledge of career preparation to personal action plan. Create an action plan that outlines the steps they must take in grades 7-12 to qualify for careers of interest (i.e., minimum gpa, courses they must take, helpful extracurricular activities to confirm interest). 9.3.12.C.2 Characterize education and skills needed to achieve career goals, and take steps to prepare for postsecondary options, including making course selections, preparing for and taking assessments, and participating in extracurricular activities. 9.3.12.C.3 Develop personal interests and activities that support declared career goals and plans. 2 lessons Unit 3 Overview Unit Title: Grade 8, Exposure to Careers Unit Summary: Students will revisit their 7th grade career action plans and choose 2-3 career clusters to further explore in the 8th grade. Students will select 2 clusters to learn about on Career Day and following that day of presentations, students will update their action plans. Revisions to their action plans will include 9th grade course and activity selections that will enhance their career readiness. Suggested Pacing: 3 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● What information did I receive that either reinforced or changed my career interest? ● What action(s) do I plan to take in the next year as a result of what I heard today (volunteering, school club, online courses, internships, work experience)? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will have a deeper understanding of the various careers that exist, what the jobs entail and the preparation/school performance required for careers of interest. ● Students will have an understanding of non-academic ways to further career interest/readiness and build a network. ● Students will understand that the activities they engage in now will dramatically broaden their awareness of what careers exist and what they can do to prepare for careers that excite them. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Pre and post career day surveys which include Likert scales to assess career understanding and change(s) in preferences Revised action plan that includes 9th grade course and activity planning Objectives (Students will be able to…) Essential Content/Skills Suggested Assessments Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) Pacing Students will be able to prioritize preferred careers for more in-depth exploration. Narrowing the 16 career clusters/pathways to 3 preferred clusters. Students rank top three career clusters/pathways. 9.3.8.B.3 Evaluate personal abilities, interests, and motivations and discuss how they might influence job and career selection. 1 Lesson Students will enhance their understanding of preferred careers by observing presentations by industry professionals. Content: Presentation by professionals in each career cluster through a career day. Pre and post career day surveys. 9.3.8.B.5 Use workplace readiness skills and career information learned from job shadowing, high school visits, speakers, volunteering, or other career exploration activities to assist with career exploration. 1 Lesson 9.3.8.B.7 Explain what is meant by “jobs” and “careers,” and examine how each tends to be distributed regionally, nationally, and globally. 9.3.8.B.12 Explain how personal behavior, dress, attitudes, and other choices can impact the success or failure of a job applicant. Students will re-evaluate and reflect on their career preferences based on information gathered on career day. Students will create next steps to build on knowledge of preferred careers. Content: Students will engage in written reflection to articulate changes to or reinforcement of their career preferences. Additionally, students will be able to identify activities they will pursue in/outside of school to further career knowledge and readiness. Written assignment in the format of a narrative that answers predetermined questions from the instructor. 9.3.12.C.3 Develop personal interests and activities that support declared career goals and plans. 9.3.12.C.7 Pursue a variety of activities related to career preparation (e.g., volunteer, seek employment, and/or apply for training grants, higher education grants, and loans). 1 Lesson Unit 4 Overview Unit Title: Grade 9, Choices and Consequences; Stereotyping and Gender Bias Unit Summary: The students will examine the topics of choices and stereotyping/gender bias as they relate to their own behavior and decision making processes. Suggested Pacing: 2 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● What is stereotyping and gender bias? ● How do I contribute to stereotyping and gender bias and how can I ensure that I am not perpetuating these patterns of behavior in the way I interact with my peers, teachers, etc. ● How can I be more responsible in the area of digital citizenship? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Choices I make have a lasting effect on me and my life circumstances. ● Choices made by those around me can having a long-lasting effect on me. ● The way I view myself is influenced by the way others view me. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Lesson 1: Written reflection Lesson 2: Group discussion Objectives (Students will be able to…) Articulate the risks involved with making poor choices. Essential Content/Skills Content: Students will apply knowledge of widely publicized news stories involving misuse of technology by adolescents including the circumstances that led up to the decisions and the lasting effects caused by those decisions. Suggested Assessments Students will be prompted to find a recent news article on the topic of adolescent misuse of technology and write a reflection. Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) R.CCR.10 Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. Pacing 1 lesson W.CCR.7 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. W.CCR.9 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. W.CCR.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range for tasks, purposes, and audiences. 9.1.8.E.4 Determine the undesired consequences of unethical uses of media. 9.3.8.B.17 Recognize that an individual’s online behavior (e.g., social networking, photo exchanges, video postings) may impact opportunities for employment or advancement. Students will be able to recognize real-life examples of gender bias and stereotyping as it relates to them, their peers, their families and members of their community. Students will be able to identify the ways individuals exercise bias as well as systematic bias in society, as it relates to their career selection. Content: Students will participate in a debate such as whether or not women’s career choices are narrowed by society and traditional gender roles. Likewise, are men shut out of non-traditional careers such as teaching/nursing. SL.CCR.1 Prepare for and participate in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. SL.CCR.4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and organization, development, and style are appropriate to task purpose and audience. 9.1.12.C.5 Assume a leadership position by guiding the thinking of peers in a direction that leads to successful completion of a challenging task or project. 1 lesson Unit 5 Overview Unit Title: Grade 10, Self and Career Exploration Unit Summary: Students will learn the Holland Career Typology (which is a Trait and Factor theory) as a framework for their own career exploration. Students will take a Holland based career interest inventory in Naviance and participate in a group activity to reflect on their knowledge and share their gained knowledge with their peers. Suggested Pacing: 3 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● What do I love to do (what are my interests) and what does this mean for the types of jobs I may want to pursue or avoid? ● What is my type (according to Holland)? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● Students will understand the type of work environment that is a fit for their personality and interests. ● Using the Holland hexagon students will understand what careers are closely related to their code and which careers are the most incongruent. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Career Interest Profiler in Naviance Survey of top 3 careers of interest with 1 related college major Objectives (Students will be able to…) Understand the Holland typology as a framework for their own career exploration. Have an in-depth understanding of careers that match their Holland Code. Identify top 4 careers of interest and at least one related college major for each. Essential Content/Skills Lesson outlining Holland’s Career Theory and the resource available in Naviance to examine their own Holland Code. Students will know their Holland Code. Career Interest Profiler taken at home. Content: Students will work in groups based on closely-related codes to research potential careers using the Naviance Database. Presentation that demonstrates knowledge of the different aspects of the handful of jobs the group researched. Students will develop a list of positive and negative attributes of the job as it relates to preparation, activities and wages. To end the unit following the group presentations students will populate a survey in Naviance in which students provide their top 4 careers of interest and college majors they are considering that relate to the careers of interest. Suggested Assessments Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 9.3.8.B.3 Evaluate personal abilities, interests, and motivations and discuss how they might influence job and career selection Pacing 1 lesson 9.3.8.B.9 Inventory the requirements for entering different career areas of interest using online job information, such as the federal Occupational Information Network (O*NET) or the New Jersey State Career Development Website, and determine why those requirements are needed for success in a chosen career. Survey in Naviance as homework assignment. 9.3.12.C.4 Use online resources to examine licensing, certification, and credentialing requirements at the local, state, and national levels to maintain compliance with industry requirements in areas of career interest. 9.3.12.C.5 Identify transferable skills in career choices and design alternative career plans based on those skills 9.3.12.C.23 Determine job entrance criteria (e.g., education credentials, math/writing/reading comprehension tests, drug tests) used by employers in various industry sectors 2 lessons Unit 6 Overview Unit Title: Grade 11, Career Education Unit Summary: Students will rank their top 4 career choices. They will then see a presentation by a professional in 2 of their choice areas during career day. Suggested Pacing: 2 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● Where do I want to be in 10 years? ● How do I get there? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● What I need to do between now and the day I apply for the job to make it possible (classes, internships, training, college major, graduate school). Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: List of ranked careers Worksheet following Career Day Objectives (Students will be able to…) Essential Content/Skills Suggested Assessments Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) Create a list of top four career choices in rank order. Content: Based on information gathered in 10th grade students will rank their top 4 career choices for the purpose of signing up for Career Day presentations. List of ranked careers 9.3.8.B.9 Inventory the requirements for entering different career areas of interest using online job information, such as the federal Occupational Information Network (O*NET) or the New Jersey State Career Development Website, college web sites and determine why those requirements are needed for success in a chosen career. 1 lesson Identify what training/courses are necessary for career, wages for the career, and other options if the career was not what he/she expected. Content: Students will listen to and takes notes on 2 presentations (regarding what the job entails, training/education/li censure required) given by professionals in the areas of their top career choices. Graded assignment for 11th grade PE class shortly following career day. 9.3.4.A.4 Identify qualifications needed to pursue traditional and nontraditional careers and occupations. 2 lessons (One for Career Day and one for the post-Care er Day activity). Follow-up during PE: Students will go into the lab and fill out a worksheet answering questions: What grades do you need in your academic classes for the college/training for this career? What are the average wages for this career in the state in which you plan on living? What are related jobs if this one is not what you expected? 9.3.8.B.4 Identify high school and county career and technical school courses and programs that support career or occupational areas of interest. 9.3.8.B.5 Use workplace readiness skills and career information learned from job shadowing, high school visits, speakers, volunteering, or other career exploration activities to assist with career exploration. 9.3.12.C.4 Use online resources to examine licensing, certification, and credentialing requirements at the local, state, and national levels to maintain compliance with industry requirements in areas of career interest. 9.3.12.C.5 Identify transferable skills in career choices and design alternative career plans based on those skills. 9.3.12.C.23 Determine job entrance criteria (e.g., education credentials, math/writing/reading comprehension tests, drug tests) used by employers in various industry sectors. Pacing Unit 7 Overview Unit Title: Grade 12, Workplace Readiness Unit Summary: Integrated into the 12th Grade Health modules, students will examine topics related to workplace readiness. Such topics will include workplace ethics, employment trends, and personal choices and their impact on employability. Suggested Pacing: 4 lessons Learning Targets Unit Essential Questions: ● What do I value most? ● How do I balance achieving my goals with maintaining personal integrity? ● What will the “hot-jobs” be for my generation? ● In what areas are jobs dwindling? ● What are industry substance and alcohol abuse policies? ● How are employee substance abuse policies similar/different than school substance abuse policies? Unit Enduring Understandings: ● The content and quality of my digital citizenship is a reflection of my character and can have a lasting effect on obtaining a job. ● Depending on the sector, my future employers could have the right to drug test me. ● Market trends have a direct effect on how competitive the job market will be for me at various times in my life. ● There are general steps I can follow when faced with ethical dilemmas in my professional setting to ensure I make the best decision possible. Evidence of Learning Unit Benchmark Assessment Information: Health class group discussions and informal presentations Job market analysis worksheet Student produced company substance abuse policy or a recent article on the topic. Objectives (Students will be able to…) Identify examples of personal choices and/or behaviors that could result in job ineligibility. Essential Content/Skills Content: During Health module students will learn what is involved in a personal background check. Suggested Assessments Students will list three behaviors/choices that could prevent them from securing a job in a particular sector (ie. drug arrests, drunk driving, sexual offense, or other non-misdemeanor charges). Standards (NJCCCS CPIs, CCSS, NGSS) 9.3.12.C.18 Determine how an individual’s driving record (e.g., tickets, points, penalties for driving while intoxicated) and/or credit score may impact opportunities for employment, job retention, or job advancement. Pacing 2 lessons 9.3.12.C.19 Compare and contrast employee substance abuse policies (e.g., tobacco, drugs, and alcohol) by industry sector. 9.3.12.C.21 Determine the extent to which an individual’s online behavior (e.g., social networking, photo exchanges, video postings) may impact opportunities for employment, job retention, or job advancement. Use a framework to solve ethical dilemmas students may have to face in the workplace. Identify the industry sectors that are on the rise and those that are declining. Content: Instructor will define ethics and review what “ethics in the workplace” looks like and provides suggested steps for ethical decision making. Students are given an opportunity to practice the steps for decision making. Case scenario and informal presentations. Content: Instructor will provide students with the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Employment Projections website for students to study and interpret. Analysis worksheet (list sector(s) with the largest growth/decline) 9.1.12.F.5 Formulate an opinion regarding a current workplace or societal/ethical issue based on research. 1 lesson 9.1.12.F.6 Relate scientific advances (e.g., advances in medicine) to the creation of new ethical dilemmas. 9.3.12.C.20 Analyze employment trends by industry sector to determine how employment and training requirements change over time. 9.3.8.B.10 Evaluate employment trends (including job outlook and wage trends) in areas of career interest using online resources, such as the federal Occupational Information Network (O*NET) or the New Jersey State Career Development Website. 1 lesson