Fertile grounds for >>

Fertile grounds for
>> Year after year a new breed of managers emerges from Cranfield,
with a new zeal for business and a thirst to transform their new found
knowledge and experience into action. As the make-up of our alumni
network shifts and adapts over time, so do the career paths chosen
by graduates entering into uncharted business territories. Recent
years have witnessed an unprecedented increase in the number
of MBAs and MScs employing their Cranfield experiences in the
pursuit of the formation of new businesses, but what is behind this
new inherent Cranfield entrepreneurial spirit? Are we witnessing the
results of a shift towards innovation in the Cranfield curriculum? Or is
it a response to the wider business context? We met some of these
new entrepreneurs to find out...
Alumni Focus | Autumn 2013
Alumni Focus | Autumn 2013
>> Fertile grounds for enterprise
+44(0)2031 433 063
Kim Horton
Hannah Marriage (MODMBA 2013)
Rachit Chawla (MBA 2011)
Steve Wood (EMBA 2013)
“The Cranfield
Alumni network
helped identify
three potential
chains who
the need for such
a solution.”
has been
instrumental in
the formation of
Matthew Vigor (EMBA 2013)
EQUUS is a UK-based online equestrian retailer with a vision to be the champion of choice for all who care about horses. Its ‘one stop
shop’ website offers a range of premium products for horse owners and riders at all levels. The company’s passion for everything
equestrian is further underlined by the compelling editorial content provided on its website and its growing, vibrant social media
How was EQUUS formed?
Steve Wood, one of the company’s co-founders, says: “When I arrived at Cranfield in January 2012 to do my MBA, I knew I wanted to start my
own business. I didn’t know in what, though! My background is in IT and specifically software development. At the time I was often helping my
partner, Kim, look after her horse, Secret. The exercise did me good! But the more I looked at the way livery yards were being run, I thought,
there must be a better way of doing things.”
Kim, the company’s other founder, and also an experienced retail consultant, picks up the story: “Yes, we quickly came to the conclusion that
the equestrian industry is one which could benefit from technology. However, shortly after meeting Richard Salvage (BGP 2004) at the Bettany
Centre’s VentureDay, we decided to focus our efforts on our strength, retail e-commerce. EQUUS was formed and we were on our way.”
What part did Cranfield play in the formation of EQUUS?
Cranfield has been instrumental! Steve naturally chose the Entrepreneurship elective as part of his MBA and he and Kim launched EQUUS
alongside his studies. They were fortunate enough to have two fellow students join them, Matthew Vigor and Hannah Marriage. Matthew and
Hannah brought much needed financial and marketing expertise respectively. The final - essential - ingredient was Dr. Stephanie Hussels. She
has and continues to provide support, advice and guidance.
What next for EQUUS?
Our website launches in September, in time for the busy Christmas period. We’ve been hard at work putting the finishing touches to the website
and preparing the content for the website. We’re now beginning to think and plan how to scale the business next year.
How can Cranfield School of Management alumni become involved or support EQUUS?
In our first year, we often wished we’d had access to a wider support network, in particular contact with other aspiring and practicing
entrepreneurs. Because of this, we’re now working with Dr. Hussels to establish an Entrepreneurship Forum. If any alumni have experience and /
or expertise in business planning, IPR, managing growth, financing and exit planning, we’d love to hear from you!
Girish Betadpur (MBA 2011)
eyLog - early years Log - is a comprehensive tablet PC and web-based solution for nurseries and childcare providers to transform the
process of recording observations and managing the learning journey of a child. eyLog eliminates paper-based observation sheets,
post-it notes and manual linking of observations to Early Years Foundation Stage assessments, thereby significantly reducing the effort
of the nursery staff and the involved operational expenses. The smart and secure eyLog tablet devices enable media rich observations
with images, videos and audio clips. This digitalisation of the evidence also brings in business intelligence to nurseries through
meaningful trackers and interactive charts. Finally, eyLog truly facilitates ‘parents as partners in learning’ enabling 360º engagement
by supporting instant sharing of the child’s observations with parents as well as allowing them to contribute to the learning journey
through observations from home.
How was eyLog formed?
During the Cranfield MBA, Girish came up with the idea of recording the learning, development and other characteristics of a child’s growth for
parents. He progressed on the same after the MBA and adapted to a B2B business model when he came across the paper based learning
journey of his daughter at her nursery. He envisioned a solution to cater to the shortcomings of the existing process and immediately started
the due diligence on it. During this time, Girish discussed the idea with Rachit who was convinced about the gap/need of such a solution for
childcare providers. Both joined hands to develop the idea further and eyLog was born in September 2012. eyLog is now in use at various
nurseries and continuously adding new customers.
What part did Cranfield play in the formation of eyLog?
Cranfield played an important part in eyLog. First of all, the initial idea was conceived during the Entrepreneurship elective which helped in
identifying the potential and ironing out the business plan. Along with this, the opportunity to pitch the original idea to real Angel Investors and to
get some excellent feedback/interest through the Cranfield Business Angel Network event provided a significant boost to the venture. Further, the
Cranfield Alumni network helped identify three potential nursery chains who acknowledged the need of such a solution and agreed to pilot eyLog
at their nurseries which was groundbreaking for the venture.
What next for eyLog?
eyLog’s immediate goal is to be the de facto solution for early years’ childcare providers in the UK. We are fully focused on penetrating and
increasing our market share by onboarding more nurseries in England while adding support for other geographies such as Scotland, Wales and
Ireland. We are also looking to expand beyond the ‘Early Years’ stage (0-5 years) to cover the overall age group from 0-14 years. In the longer
term, we plan to extend to other markets in Europe as well as other geographies such as Australia, India and Africa.
How can Cranfield School of Management alumni become involved or support eyLog?
The Cranfield Alumni network can be of great support in our expansion plans. Rapid and widespread growth is essential to our success and we
would appreciate any contacts in the industry that our Alumni can help us with.
Alumni Focus | Autumn 2013
Alumni Focus | Autumn 2013
>> Fertile grounds for enterprise
0207 788 4710
Jason Muller (MBA 2012)
Kim Nilsson (MBA 2012)
continues to be
of great support
to this day.”
Pivigo Recruitment Limited is a niche consultancy solely focused on helping UK business access world-class, PhD-trained analytical
talent. Pivigo candidates are mostly from natural science backgrounds and bring a wealth of critical thinking, problem solving, analytical,
programming, communication skill and more, all perfected in rigorous PhD and scientific training. Pivigo has first-hand experience of this
academia to commercial industry career transition and as such has a unique understanding of each candidate’s transferable skills and the
benefits they offer employers. Pivigo has partnered with the careers departments of many top-tier universities and a 3 million-strong global
scientific network to provide exclusive access to a highly trained talent pool. Pivigo will take the time to learn about your organisation, it’s
culture, ambitions and challenges and help you establish exactly how this analytical talent could add value to your business.
How was pivigo formed?
The Pivigo concept developed from a number of discussions between Kim Nilsson, previously a PhD Astronomer, and Jason Muller, niche
recruitment company co-founder. These conversations centred on the existing mid-level UK recruitment market and its inability to identify the
transferable skills of people with similar backgrounds to Kim’s. Kim and Jason enlisted the support of classmates Ric Campbell and Paulo
Froehner and the Pivigo concept became the team’s project for the Entrepreneurship elective.
What part did Cranfield play in the formation of pivigo?
Cranfield offered Pivigo an opportunity that is truly unique for the UK recruitment industry. Most recruitment firms start shortly after its founders
leave their previous employer, often with client and candidate lists in tow, becoming direct competition for their former colleagues. The Pivigo
business model started from scratch. It was subjected to extensive and varied scrutiny throughout the assessment process, through feedback
from potential candidates we surveyed and exposure to potential clients through the alumni network. Cranfield continues to be of great support to
this day, particularly via faculty insight, media relations and the alumni office.
What next for pivigo?
Pivigo is still a young business so has plenty of work to do to further establish itself as the first port of call for UK industry when recruiting PhDtrained analytical talent. Our new spin-off venture, Pivigo Academy, will help greatly in this regard, quite apart from the positive impact it will
have on the well-publicised global shortage of data scientists. Pivigo Academy is partnering with a number of firms to deliver a project-based
‘finishing school’ that will take PhD scientists and train them in a range of big data methodologies and platforms. The program will conclude with
opportunities for the partner organisations to interview the newly trained data scientists for roles to commence shortly thereafter.
How can Cranfield School of Management alumni become involved or support pivigo?
Evan Schiff (MBA 2013)
“Winning the
Venture Capital
Prize provided a
huge confidence
boost and gave
me the courage
to go ahead with
the idea.”
The Travelling Classroom aims to transform the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) market by combining adventure travel with
rigorous academic study. The company takes students on 7, 10 and 14 day tours around Scotland, England and Ireland and immerses
students in the culture of each country. Students are tasked with three hours of study each day alongside their outdoor activities
which include hiking, kayaking, boat trips and more. While students travel to the UK expecting to sit in a classroom for months to learn
English, there is an untapped market of young adults who are seeking a shorter experience that combines English education with travel.
Students are accompanied on their tour by both a certified English teacher and a qualified guide.
How was the Travelling Classroom formed?
The Travelling Classroom was formed after my decade long experience in the education industry. I have run many tours before (to Ireland,
Scotland, California, New York, Hawaii) and was astounded by the positive feedback that these received.
What part did Cranfield play in the formation of the Travelling Classroom?
Cranfield played a huge role in the formation of the Travelling Classroom. Through the Entrepreneurship elective I was fortunate enough to be on
a team that really believed in the idea and worked incredibly hard in putting together a solid business plan. The five person team was comprised
of people from five different countries and varying employment backgrounds which allowed the business plan to undergo intense scrutiny at
each step. The elective, and Dr. Stephanie Hussels in particular allowed me to structure my thoughts about the business and practice these
elevator pitches that I have now been giving non-stop since the course ended. Winning the Venture Capital Prize also provided a huge boost of
confidence for myself, and gave me the courage to go ahead with the idea.
What next for the Travelling Classroom?
The TC officially launched in August at the largest industry conference and received wonderful feedback. I’m now finalising the operations,
marketing and financial planning and aim to start taking bookings at the beginning of 2014 with the first trips running in April. We’re hoping to
expand to the US and Australia this time next year.
How can Cranfield School of Management alumni become involved or support the Travelling Classroom?
I think with the wide range of countries that Cranfield School of Management alumni live in, it’s important for the business to become known in
these regions. Right now we’re focussing on Western Europe and South America at the minute. As well, it would be wonderful to get in touch with
other Cranfield entrepreneurs to knowledge share about the challenges and opportunities about starting a business.
Alumni can support Pivigo by introducing our services to key people within their organisations and networks, allowing us the opportunity to learn
about the recruitment challenges facing those firms and the chance to establish how our high calibre candidates may be able to help overcome
those challenges, be it through traditional recruitment processes or via the data scientist finishing school. Alumni may also know of science PhDs
that we can help overcome the same challenges Kim faced in her career transition.
Alumni Focus | Autumn 2013
Alumni Focus | Autumn 2013