Bottom Line Results: Evidence of HR Contribution Professor Mike Bourne Steve Macaulay In this interview we are going to look at organisational performance; and we are taking an angle which may surprise some of you and that is we are looking at managerial and HR practices and approaches. In the studio today is Professor Mike Bourne. Now, Mike, you focus in on business performance, you have done lots of research in all sorts of areas – how come you are focusing in on HR practices? Mike Bourne We were particularly sponsored in this piece of work by Investors in People which is a UK standard about good practice in managing and developing people, and they were particularly interested in the impact of front line and middle managers in the delivery of business performance. Steve Macaulay Now you got down to some real specifics; you looked at case studies, you did plenty of surveys, you looked at actual practice. What did you find? Mike Bourne We found that when people adopted Investors in People it improved their managerial performance. Managers perform better and as a result the organisation performs better. That came out very strongly from the case studies but what we also had were the questionnaires behind it. So we have got responses from organisations about how good their managers were which we then correlated with results from Companies House, the published financial results for the company. And what we were finding was that when you get good managerial performance you get higher sales margins, basically. Steve Macaulay Let’s get down to specifics. What does good managerial performance mean? Mike Bourne Good managerial performance is all about how the manager actually manages the people; it is about the coordination, it is about the social skills, it is about their motivation, it is about how they plan and interact – how they represent the people who work for them. So it is a whole combination of things and that is developed in the organisation through management development. And one of the things that really came out from the case studies was how much successful organisations were really developing their managers and you could see the difference that that was making to their companies. Knowledge Interchange Online© Cranfield University April 2010 1 Professor Mike Bourne Steve Macaulay Now some people would say you are from a business school, you were sponsored by an organisation that promotes development – you would say that, wouldn’t you? Mike Bourne Yes, except that I think I was quite surprised to find the evidence there. We do preach that management development is something that you should do and drive the organisation forward, but I actually find real evidence that links people’s engagement – the managerial practice and the return on sales reported through Companies House. I was actually quite surprised to find that. Steve Macaulay Now you spelt out that in more detail in your report, but I would like to pick out some of the elements. You pick out four areas; one is about a learning culture. Can you say a bit more about that? Mike Bourne Organisations need to learn and need to respond and there were a number of things that really came to the fore in this. Managerial discretion was another and they kind of come together because what you are trying to do is to get people to react in this kind of environment, to learn from what is going on and to move on. And having those two things together really makes things tick for an organisation. The other element was about people understanding what they are there to do; that is not the day to day nitty gritty, that is what are the goals of the organisation we really need to achieve. That was another element that very strongly drives performance. So if you can develop managers that can both pass down the organisation what the organisation is trying to achieve and take back up again the learnings that come from the front line; that is what you need to truly perform well, especially in these troubled times. Steve Macaulay If you were to say to an aspiring company that says how do we get better and how long will it take us, what would you say to them? Mike Bourne Firstly it takes quite a bit of time. You don’t create good managers overnight. But having said that, just start to invest and just start to work through and it will come over time, and it will develop, and it will build a capability that the organisation has before it. It is about the development of managers; it is about making them self aware about their styles and other people’s styles and how that can work for the benefit of the organisation. © Cranfield University April 2010 2 Professor Mike Bourne Steve Macaulay And the second thing, I guess, is about focusing on objectives and that people are very clear what their goals are in relation to the organisation’s objectives? Mike Bourne It is very true that if people understand how what they do contributes to the success of the organisation – they have clear goals for themselves and clear goals for the organisation –it makes a huge difference. Steve Macaulay Mike, thank you very much. © Cranfield University April 2010 3