ATMCC Truck•• Meadow• Community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Program/Unit Reviewed: Fire Technology Self-Study Chair: Darryl Cleveland Division: Technical Sciences Year of Last PUR: 2010-2011 Dean: Jim New Year of next PUR: 2015-2016 Program/Unit Mission Statement: Fire Technology program prepares students for entry-level positions and career advancement at regional and national firefighting agencies through training that adheres to national and state certification standards. The Description of the Degree(s)/Emphasis(s)/Certificate(s) for your PUR area are listed below. Please review for accuracy. Description of Degree/Emphasis/Certificates: AAS Fire Science Technology Degree: The fire technology degree is designed for individuals who wish to advance their careers in firefighting or fire prevention. Students completing the Fire and Rescue Academy may also apply their academy credits toward completion of this degree. For those interested in a career in fire prevention or fire suppression systems, we recommend this degree with additional certificate courses in fire suppression systems. SECTION I The Outcomes and Measures listed below were retrieved from Degree/Emphasis or Certificate submissions provided by your area to CAP and approved. Please review the outcomes to ensure accuracy or submit changes to CAP via the Degree, Emphasis, Certificate (DEC) Revisions form located on the CAP Resources web page. Ifyour area is scheduled for a PUR in the nearfuture, please plan on reporting assessment efforts around these learning outcomes when you participate in your PUR. Fire Science Certificate of Achievement Goals/Outcomes: • Learn about the different theaters of firefighting and prevention. • Identify and properly use the different equipment needed in the different theaters of firefighting. AAS Fire Science Degree Goals/Outcomes: • Define the All Hazards approach and inter-disciplinary relationships in the modern emergency service environment. • Describe the elements and governmental levels of the National Response Framework specific to the Incident Command System (ICS), National Incident Management System (NIMS), Emergency Operations Center (EOC) functions, and through practical application, the principles of emergency mitigation, response and recovery. • Identify and define the physical, mental, interpersonal and leadership aspects that have resulted from the multifaceted evolution of the emergency services professions and the ability to function cohesively amongst diverse ethnicities and backgrounds of people within the services and communities. APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truck•• M••dow• Community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW -ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 SECTION II The following recommendations and strategies were identified in your most recent Program/Unit Review. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and if resources are anticipated to fulfill the strategy. Timeline: Unit Strategy #1 Status: choose Complete 12/2013 Streamline the degree/emphases relationship; continue working on the articulation of a 4-year deqree. Action: The Fire Technology AAS degree was revised and approved by the CAP in December of 2013. The revised degree modernizes the curriculum and discipline content. The degree also now articulates into the new BAS degree in Emergency Management/Homeland Security offered at TMCC in Fall of2016. Anticipated Resources Needed: No additional Resource needs at this time. Unit Strategy #2 Status: choose Timeline: Spring2014 Improve recruitment strategies and develop strategies to address Ongoing onward the Jack of completions in the Fire Science Technology Certificate Complete of Achievement. Action: Recruitment and enrollment increases have been realized since the fire academy was changed to a part time offering in the Spring of 2014. This change has more than tripled enrollments in the fire academy. More students are also seeking the new AAS degree over the certificate of achievement and the program will be evaluating the efficacy ofretaining the certificate program. Anticipated Resources Needed: No additional resources needed at this time. Unit Strategy #3 Status: choose Timeline: Ongoing 2015 Develop a clear plan for course and program assessment. onward Generate an assessment calendar and specify the person responsible for completion. Action: This is an ongoing strategy. The program is undergoing a PUR this Fall of 2015 and this component should be identified within the PUR. The person responsible for accomplishing/managing the CAR process will be the Program Director, Darryl Cleveland Anticipated Resources Needed: N/A Time line: Status: choose Unit Strategy #4 Ongoing Ongoing Rekindle the effort to gather and analyze post-completion objectives (transfer, job placement, etc.). Action: This will be an ongoing strategy. Once our students graduate from the program, they either enter the workforce or move to other areas where they may obtain employment in the fire service. This is a somewhat difficult data set to realize with the transient nature of the graduates once their goal is achieved. We will seek methods and mechanisms to improve upon this for data collection in future years through the 2015 PUR. Anticipated Resources Needed: NIA Timeline: Unit Strategy #s Status: choose Ongoing Ongoing Explicitly identify the resource needs, especially those affecting student safety issues. Action: The program is continually reviewing and analyzing any safety issues specific to the fire academy. The APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC TrLH:k•• M••dowa Community Call•ge TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 program over the past couple ofyears has moved away from purchasing and issuing turnout safety gear due to the exorbitant cost of maintain the equipment and complying with newfederal standards. The program now exclusively utilizes a turnout rental program far students to obtain the necessary and serviceable equipment at student cost. The program also continually ensures fixed equipment and apparatus are maintained in a safe, serviceable condition with qualified instructor operators. Anticipated Resources Needed: No additional at this time beyond our current operating budget. Timeline: Unit Strategy #6 Status: choose Ongoing Explore additional revenue streams, including offering Continuing Ongoing Education Units to established professionals. Action: This strategy is ongoing through the efforts of our wild/and workshop program. This is a self-supporting program that has undergone substantial revision and re-building over the past couple of years. The program has improved upon course offerings, qualified instructors of good repute, and quality oversight and management between the program coordinator and the program director. This program is again successful and profitable for the department and a positive enhancement to the professional firefighting community that we serve. Anticipated Resources Needed: N/A Unit Strategy #7 Provide documentation of feedback from advisory board. Status: choose Ongoing Timeline: Ongoing Action: The fire advisory committee has been separated from the EMS committee so that both mayfocus an discipline specific issues. This has proven very effective and more efficient for all involved. Our advisory committee is very active and supportive throughout the region with participation from every major fire service agency in our region. The committee meets twice annually. Anticipated Resources Needed: NIA APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truck- M•a dawa Community Call•p TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 SECTION 111 (OPTIONAL- Fill out only if adding new Unit Strategies) Please include any newlv identified strategies for the Program/Unit. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and if resources are needed to fulfill the strategy. If there are no new strategies, please leave this blank and no signatures are required. Unit Strategies: New Status: choose Ongoing Complete Other Timeline: Date range Action: Recap of accomplishments work to do Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the approximate costs? Unit Strategies: New Status: choose Ongoing Complete Other Action: Recap of accomplishments work to do Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the approximate costs? Unit Strategies: New Status: choose Ongoing Complete Ot her Action: Recap of accomplishments work to do Timeline: Date range Timeline: Date range Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the approximate costs? Approvals (Signatures and dates are required) APR I REV: 5/2014